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Submitted to:

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Course

Educ15 (Curriculum Development)

Submitted by:

October, 2017

Grade 7 - 8

I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the class, the students are expected to:
a. describe the main character of the story;
b. appreciate how God easily forgive Samson as well as Samson’s obedience to our
God, the Lord through obeying His will;
c. participate in every group activity by cooperating to one another.

II. LEARNING CONTENT: The Story of Samson

a. Textbook: Asian & African Literature II – Dumaural pg. 14
b. References
c. Materials: Ppt slides, video, crossword puzzle, manila paper, marker
d. Value Integration: Cooperating in every group activity and works.
e. Biblical Passage: James 4:8 (ESV)
f. Subject Across Discipline: Mathematics
g. Social Orientation: Government Laws and Regulation


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
1. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

Everybody are requested to please stand for Dear God,

our prayer” Please_____, kindly lead the Please give us strength and wisdom
prayer. as we go along with our class this
morning. Thank you for all the
blessings that we received and we
are asking your forgiveness for the
sins that we committed. Guide us
always and this we ask in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

b. Checking of Attendance

May I know who is absent?

Wow perfect!
There’s no absent Ma’am

c. Collecting of Assignments

How about assignments? Class.

No, Ma’am!
2. Review
a. Drill
What was our lesson yesterday class?
Very good class! We tackle about the Elements of the
Short Story Ma’am.

How many elements of the short story we
We have 7 Elements Ma’am!

And What are they?

Plot, Ma’am
Setting, Ma’am
Characters, Ma’am
Point of View, Ma’am
Conflict, Ma’am
Theme, Ma’am
Climax, Ma’am
Very good class!

This time I will flash some slides containing

sentences or a question, and you’ll going to
answer it as fast as you can okay? Clear?
Are you ready?

Yes Ma’am

Setting, Ma’am

Conflict, Ma’am

Plot, Ma’am

Climax, Ma’am

Man vs. Society, Ma’am

Man vs. Himself, Ma’am

Point of View, Ma’am

Thank you for your participation class, now [clap, clap – yes] [clap, clap – yes,
Give yourself a Yes, Yes Clap, class. yes]

[clap, clap – yes] [clap, clap – yes, yes]

3. Motivation
Class, I have here pictures, what can say
about this:
Picture 1:

He carries the world Ma’am

He is Hercules, the strong man.

Picture 2:

She is a strong mother Ma’am

She carries her daughter and the

Picture 3:

The ants carried their foods.

Picture 4:

Manny Pacquiao is a strong Man.

He punches his opponent strongly.

Today class we will know the story of a brave

and strong Man, He’s name is Samson.

You want to know more Samson? Yes, Ma’am we want to know
Are you ready to Listen? Are you ready?
Yes, Ma’am. We are ready!
4. Lesson Proper
a. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Activity
This morning we are going to tackle the Story of

Now we are going to watch a video first, but

before that I have rules:
(1) Observe very carefully the video using only
your eyes,
(2) You jot down notes and
(3) Keep silent.
Social Orientation: Government Law and
I have only three rules, and I’m hoping you obey
it, clear? It’s very important to obey the rules,
you know why? Because it’s one way of
respecting other people, the government, so
were you following the rules and regulations of Yes, Ma’am we are abiding the rules
our country? Like No Jay walking, keeping the and regulation of our country Ma’am,
animals safe, throwing garbage in the proper as well as the Ten Commandments of
trash bins? As well as our God, he’s 10 holly God.
Across Discipline: Mathematics
Also to your other subjects’ class, like in
Mathematics there were tons of rules there
right? Like if both numbers has the same sign
therefore you add them, all you have to do is
remember the rules so that you can solve the Yes Ma’am, we will follow rules.
given problem by your teacher in math.
That good class!
Now, Let’s watch the clip.
(Let them watch a video clip (the story of
Samson) -

2. Analysis
Based on the clip presented class,
(1) Who were the characters mentions in Delilah, Ma’am
the story?
Manoah, Ma’am
Samson, Ma’am
The Philistines, Ma’am.

(2) Who were Samson’s parents? His Father Ma’am is Manoah.

(3) Who is Samson, what kind of Person is Samson Ma’am is a Nazareth.

He was a strong person, Ma’am.
He’s a good person, Ma’am.

(4) Who is Delilah, what kind of person is Delilah Ma’am is a lady from the
she? valley of Sorek.
She’s a bad person, Ma’am

(5) What did Delilah did to Samson? She betrayed Samson by cutting his
hair and tells his weakness to the

(6) What will happen if his hair will be cut? Samson will be weak as man.

He was blinded by the Philistines,

(7) What happen to Samson when He was Ma’am
holding the pillars? Who is the person
He called God, to help him, Ma’am
he called?

The point of the Story Ma’am is to

always seek for God and always kept
(8) So over all class, what is the point of
promise just like what you had said
the story?
earlier Ma’am that we should always
follow the rules for us to be free from
harm or possible accidents.

Wow! Amazing answers, class.

Thank you for your answers.

3. Abstraction
This time class we will have an activity, it is
called “Read and Portray”.
First, I’ll group you into two groups, first group
will be Blue the second will be Red.
Second, I’ll give you this passage then you read
it with your group mates.
Third, then you organize your role-play. Blue Team will present
Fourth, you present your role play in the class. Red Team will present
4. Application
Since you knew the story of Samson, let’s have
an activity, called “Strength List”
In our lesson today, we talked about Samson.
What was special about Samson?

Right, Samson was very strong.

Samson is very strong Ma’am!

First, I will group you into four groups. This will

be the Mother Ignacia Group, this will be the
Mama Mary Group, then this will be the Saint
John the Baptist and lastly and this group will
be Saint Michael the Archangel Group. Each
group will need to choose a leader who will
share to the class their output.
Second, in your groups, you make a list of
things that the people of your group are good at.
Third, share to your group mates how those
strengths can be used for God. Fourth, when
time is up, you’re going to share your lists with
the rest of the class.

Is it clear class?

Very good class, thank you for sharing your

strengths, and I am hoping that you’ll use it for a
good cause, okay? Also we should Thank God
for what He have done to us! Yes Ma’am it is clear!
[The Students will share what they
have done]
5. Generalization:
Who is Samson again, class? He is a Son of God, Ma’am
What did Samson ask to God? Did God grant Forgiveness, Ma’am
Yes, God grant Samson last wish by
giving him again his strength.

What did God do to Samson when Samson Yes, God grant Samson last wish by

asks for him? giving him again his strength.

That’s the point of the passage on the slide

class, that no matter what happen God is
Emmanuel, God is with me, God is with you,
God is within us.
You know what class, I was really a rebel
daughter, I hate being controlled that’s why I
always contradict my parents’ decisions. But
realization hit mi when I had my retreat during
my last year in high school.
Anyways, how about you ____, what can you
say about the paste passage on the slides? [The student will read the passage]
Kindly read it first?
No matter what happen Ma’am God
is always there for us. Let us not just
ask for him but also thank him for
everything He has done to us.
How about you_____, any other ideas? [The student will read the passage]
We may be don’t have forever but in
James 4:8 (ESV) “Draw near to God, and he will God’s arms, there is!
draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-
Thank you for your touching insights class,
always remember class that God is always there
for you. You know what class, God is only Seek and accept Him, Ma’am,
waiting for you to come home to Him, so what wholeheartedly.
are you going to do?
It looks like you really understand the discussion [The students will answer]
today, this time class you answer this following
question in a one whole yellow paper. (5 points
1. If you were Samson, would you tell your
secret to the one you love?
2. If you are Delilah, what will you choose,
3. What will you feel if you knew that you
were being betrayed by your lover?
4. What will you do to avoid being betrayed?

Now class, copy your assignment.
Draw or make a timeline of the Story of Samson
(1 long bond paper) Okay Ma’am

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