Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Soccer Lesson Plan

Course: EDSS 473P

Semester/Year: Spring 2019
Teacher: Jenna White
Date: 3/8/19
Day of unit Friday

Grade Level 6th Number of 40 Lesson 45

Students Length

Major Dynamic Stretching for warm-up, trapping and passing a soccer

Activities ball

CA Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 1 Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement
patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
1.3 Strike an object consistently, using a body part, so that the
object travels in the intended direction at the desired height.
Standard 2 Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts,
principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
2.4 Provide feedback to a partner to assist in developing and
improving movement skills.
2.5 Identify practices and procedures necessary for safe
participation in physical activities.
Standard 3 Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to
improve health and performance.
3.4 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a
minimum of four days each week.
Standard 4 Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts,
principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
4.1 Distinguish between effective and ineffective warm-up and
cool-down techniques.
Standard 5 Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological
and biological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply
to the learning and performance of physical activity
5.1 Participate productively in group physical activities.

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Common Core Standards Addressed:

RST Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical
-4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific
scientific context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.

English Language Development Standards Addressed:

Emerging 1. Exchanging information/ideas
Engage in conversational exchanges and express ideas on
1. SL.6.1,6;
familiar topics by asking and answering yes-no and wh-
L.6.3, 6
questions and responding using simple phrases.

Expanding 1. Exchanging information/ideas

Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn-
1. SL.6.1,6;
taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding
L.6.3, 6
relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas.
Bridging 1. Exchanging information/ideas
Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by
1. SL.6.1,6;
following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions,
L.6.3, 6
affirming others, adding relevant information and evidence,
paraphrasing key ideas, building on responses, and providing
useful feedback.

Behavioral Objectives
Motor 1. Student will demonstrate how to pass the soccer ball by using
the inside of their foot and contacting the middle of the ball.
Cognitive 1. Students will describe the 5 dynamic stretches including high
knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, karaoke, and skipping.
2. Students will describe 5 cues to pass a soccer ball including
using the inside of your foot, facing the target, planting the
non-dominant foot, following through, and pacing the ball
Affective 1. Students will positively encourage each other to lead their
partner with a pass.

Type and Quantity of Equipment:

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Whistle (1)
Soccer Goals (6)
Soccer Balls (20)
iPad (1)

Safety Precautions:
-Make sure all the student’s shoes are tied.
-check the field to make sure there are no holes or dangerous equipment that could
cause potential harm.
-be aware of students with asthma, health conditions, or any previous/current
injuries that could affect their participation and performance.
-Be aware of your spatial surroundings.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Skills, Activities, Methods and Organization Instructional Cues,

Topics & Time (Skill Progressions & Diagrams) Skill Modifications
Activity #1
Warm Up Cues:
(5 minutes)
“Knees up high.”
Objective “Raise your hand if
Addressed you can describe one
of the 5 dynamic
CA Content
Standard “Can someone
4.1 describe what
dynamic stretches
Common Core 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 are and why they are
RST 5 11 17 23 29 35 41
4 10 16 22 28 34 40
3 9 15 21 27 33 39
2 8 14 20 26 32 38
1 7 13 19 25 31 37 Modifications:
“Lower intensity if
Dynamic warm-up: you can’t do the
warm-up at your
-Students will face the basketball courts and maximum intensity.”
participate in a dynamic warm-up across the
- The class will stay in their numbers order
lines and the X-axis group closest to the
basketball court will start first.
-Students will perform a series of dynamic
workouts to get their blood flowing and
muscles warmed up including:
-High knees- lift your knees up high
-side shuffle- extend one leg away from your
body shuffle the other leg towards it while
you bend your knees
-Butt kickers- with a slight lean forward, bring
your heels up to your butt

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
-Karaoke-cross one foot over your other foot
with your arms out on your side
-Skipping- take long strides alternating
between your left and right foot while having
a slight hop to your steps
Purpose/Rationale: Warm-up is an important
component of any physical activity and helps
prepare the students with coordination and
movements. Dynamic stretching is important
to do before physical activity to warm-up
your muscles and prevent injury. It can help
increase range of motion and flexibility. When
students increase their range of motion it can
increase their movement during physical
activity. The dynamic stretching is a great
warm-up when transitioning into a sprinting
Transition Time Students will walk to the field and we will go “Please sit down in
(2 minute) over trapping and passing on the soccer field. front of the goal on
the grass.”
Activity #2
Instruction on Cues
soccer activity “One of the most
(5 minutes) important parts of
soccer is ball
Objective control.”
CO2 “If you want to pass
the ball a short
CA Content distance, use the
Standard Instruction for Passing a Soccer Ball: inside of your foot.”
How to Pass: “If you want to pass
Common Core 1. Use the inside of the foot and contact the ball a long
RST the middle of the soccer ball. distance, use the
2. Face towards your target. laces of your shoes.”
3. Plant the non-dominant foot.
4. Follow through with you kicking foot. “To shoot a goal, use
5. Pace the ball properly (not too hard, the laces of your
not too soft). shoe.”

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Trapping: “Ball will be coming

1. Face your partner to receive the pass. at you from different
2. Trap the ball with the inside of your speeds so trapping is
foot. very important for
3. Cushion the ball “Cradle it”. good ball control.”

“Has anyone ever

done a water balloon
*Be aware of your spatial awareness. toss?”

Passing and trapping is one of the most
important elements of the game. Passing and
trapping the ball will help with ball control as
well as with the offensive part of the game.

Transition Time Instruct students to get into two lines behind

(2 minutes) the soccer goal.

Activity #3
Passing with a Cues:
Partner...25 X X X X X X “When the students
minutes) X X X X X X reach half way across
X X X X X X the field, go.”
AO1 “Encourage your
partner to lead you
when passing the
CA Content soccer ball down the
Standard field.”
2.4 X X X X X X
2.5 X X X X X X “How many times did
3.4 X X X X X X you and your partner
5.1 X X X X pass the ball before
shooting it in the
Common Core Passing and Dribbling Activity Rules: goal?”
RST 1. Partners alternate who shoots the ball
at every goal. Modifications:
2. 3-5 touches before you pass to your -Use a bigger ball.

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
3. Lead your partner into the pass so -Have a bigger goal
your partner can run towards the ball. for students to shoot
4. Start when the student’s ahead of you in.
reaches half way across the field.
5. Make a snake with your partner (going
up and down the first 3 soccer fields),
then walk back with the ball and give it
to the next classmate in line.

Transition Time Students will put the soccer balls in the cart “Please walk over
(2 minute) and sit down on the grass. and place the soccer
ball in the cart.”

Closure and What are 5 cues for passing the ball? “Did leading your
Homework partner the ball help
(4 minutes) What are 3cues for trapping the ball? get the ball down the
field quicker?”
Objective What did someone say that encouraged you?
AO1 Review students comprehension on passing “What did your
CO2 and trapping cues. I will then give the class a partner do well?”
preview of the next skills we will be going
CA Content over the following week including dribbling
Standard and throw-ins. Giving the class a preview of “What can your
2.4 what to expect for the duration of the rest of partner improve on?”
the week is vital to get the students informed
and engaged. The closure phase is important
Common Core for teachers to review what students learned
RST and give them a preview of what to expect for
the upcoming lessons.

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

PETE Lesson Plan Revised 8/18/15

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