Emma Davis Character Analysis

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Emma Davis Character Analysis

1. Gender: female
2. Age: 17
3.Upright posture, leads with feet
4.stregnth in my feet because I can walk 20 miles without them hurting
5.freckles and eyes because they make her look 15
6.feet and elbows because they get red easily
7. on a 1-10 scale 10 being highest 4-9 range, pitch-7, pace is fast or slow
depending on what she is saying, diction-very above average words
8.high energy, Bunny because I have high energy but I’m scared to speak up. March
rhythm, talks with head held high
9. a little unhealthy
10.pale skin, emerald green eyes, Dutch braided shoulder length light brown hair
11.freckles on the cheeks, pink lips, light grey pants and light grey shirt, vest and
black socks
12.a little on the chubby side
13. smile
1.I address people in the castle and carries messages
2.College dropout
4.Grand Fenwickian
5.lower class
6.work is at the castle because I deliver messages to the royal community. Home is
different then everyone because I’m an orphan. The Royal family lets me live in the
7. I live in one of the storage closets in the castle with a cot as my bed!
8. 69
9.royal clothing, royal people, upper class conversations, castles, croissants, tiny
10.thinks Gloriana is the best ruler Grand Fenwick has ever had
11.None, I don’t want to get in a religious debate
1.money, nicer house, to have a better job
2.listen to Gloriana, don’t slack off,
3.live life to the fullest of your abilities
4.play a fanfare, run the length of my country
5.can make a situation positive, happy soul, an active Abigail
6.poor, feels like no one cares about me, outside of castle is a talkative Tanya
7.Can’t handle negative situations (will scream if added in one)
8.My pronunciation
A. Super Objective: I want to tell people where and when they are needed, in
order to not surprise and scare people, in spite of people being annoyed by me.
B. Scene Objective: PAGE 11 I want to announce who is approaching the throne
room, in order to get their attention, in spite of what they’re talking about. PAGE
58 I want to express my thoughts, in order to make the army feel happy, in spite of
what others believe. PAGE 73 I want to deliver Countess Mountjoy’s request, in
order to make her happy, in spite of other requests people give me. PAGE 87 I want
to tell Gloriana that Mr.Beston is here, in order to let him in, in spite of telling him
to get lost.
A. What Do Other Characters Say About You? Nothing
B. What Do You Say About Yourself? Nothing
C. Character’s Choice Of Words
1. uses a couple of big words
2.great language structure
D. What Do You Do? I announce when people come in to the throne room and tell
them if someone needs them.
E. What Does The Playwright Say About You? I’m Court Page and petite.
F. What Actions Are Implied But Not Seen? Tully tells me that he was invited to
the cstle
A. Where Am I Coming From? PAGE 11 AND 13 the throne room doors PAGE 58 the
castle PAGE 73 an international Count Page convention on the left border of Grand
Fenwick PAGE 87 the front of the castle
B. What Was I Doing There? PAGE 11 waiting to announce Gloriana PAGE 13
investigating Tully PAGE 58 tidying up my room PAGE 73 learning how to become a
better Court Page PAGE 87 I was giving Mr.Beston a tour of the castle up to the
throne room doors
C. Why Have I Come Here? PAGE 11 to announce Gloriana PAGE 13 to ask about
Tully and announce him PAGE 58 to see the army PAGE 73 to get back to the castle
PAGE 87 to announce Mr.Beston
D. What Will I Do Here? PAGE 11 announce Gloriana PAGE 13 announce Tully PAGE
58 cheer on the army PAGE 73 talk to Countess Mountjoy PAGE 87 tell Gloriana
about the arrival of Beston
E. What Is My Relationship To The People Here? PAGE 11 Acquaintances PAGE 13
acquaintances with everyone PAGE 58 strangers to all the regular civilians PAGE 73
acquaintances PAGE 87 stranger to Beston

3.great posture, leads with chin
4.strength in my legs because I can stand and do wall sits for as long as 1 hour and
have them not hurt
5.ankles and hair because my ankles are in great shape and my hair is flawless
6.ears and nose because my ears stick up like an elf and I have a stubby nose
7. scale 1-10 range 4-8, pitch 4, fast, normal diction
8.Calm, sloth because I don’t like rush, no pattern just says what needs to be said,
talks with hands
9.very healthy
10.pale skin, blue eyes, brown curly hair one section out of a ponytail
11.white blouse tucked into a short purple pencil skirt with black 2 inch
13.curly hair
1.President’s secretary
2.bacholor degree at Harvard University
3. British but lost her accent
5.lower upper class
6. I go to church, lives alone, help president, am friends with president and
no one else
7. million dollar home. I order Chinese take out almost every night
9.Chinese take-out, people with friends, parades, amusement parks, phones
10.cares deeply about who the president is
11.christian goes to church every Sunday prays at family meals
1.To have more friends, to be the president (the job was just a reason to see
how to become a president and what it’s like)
2.treat others the way you want to be treated don’t smoke don’t do drugs
3.rudeness doesn’t kill another rudeness be kind
4.work a printer, work a coffee machine
5.nice, smart
6.I basically have no friends, no one likes it when the president is angry
7.the president makes me run everywhere and I can barely run
8.My smile can light up a room

First Student-Ajawajay
3.I slouch a little leads with chin
4.I have strength in my feet because I can have as much as 120 pounds on
them and have them not hurt. Don’t ask how I know.
5.nails because I cut them perfectly and shoulders because I like the way
they help my posture
6.wrist because they can make a popping sound and neck because it’s a little
longer than normal
7.Scale 1-10 range 7-10, pitch-3, slow pace, doesn’t like to have an above
average diction
8.If you give me a snow cone I will be very energetic, I’m like a lone wolf
because I stick out from the crowd and I’m very lonely, has a 1 second pause
when a comma is in use, I do a head bob before I start talking
9.I go to my checkups for the doctor I get the flu shot every now and then
I’ll skip my dentist appointment because I don’t like things going inside my
10.pale skin, jet black straight hair to mid-stomach, hazel eyes
11. A white collared shirt with a black blazer and black pants with black and
white Nikes
12.slight curves
13.fore head because it’s not to big nor is it to small
1.I was an intern at apple but got fired because I thought that you could a
free phone if you worked there.

And IPad and MacBook pro and apple watch.

And apple TV
2. getting my PhD at Columbia but Pr.Kokintz isn’t letting anyone use the lab
so I can’t finish up my studies 
3. my family is mainly American
4.American if you really want me to be specific then I was born in the Bronx
I’m a New Yorkian. If you want me to get even MORE specific I’m also a 9th
generation Pirate, my great grandma is Salt she lives in wonderland and
cooks for the duchess.
5. Middle class
6.I attend church, I live in a dorm room with my friend named Angelica,
have three friends named Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy
7. I live in a dorm room I get McDonalds every Thursday and Friday, every
Saturday I win the lottery ticket to Hamilton.
9.snow cones, Hamilton, getting and plotting revenge, and Columbia (the
10. I don’t care about politics
11.Christian I go to church when I can I have a lot of tests on Mondays so I
spend the whole day before studying
1.To be noticed more
2.Don’t rob don’t smoke don’t do drugs don’t fall asleep while you have
razor that’s on in your hand and someone who doesn’t want to be bald in
front of you, be nice, try your personal best, it’s okay to not be good at
3.Don’t stop believing
4.take awesome notes, can act so bad that people pay me to get off the
stage, I can ride a bike, drive a car, Recite the full play of Hamilton
5.fun, great at giving advice, popular
6.no one likes some of my plots, my parents want me to focus on my school
work and not protest
7.parents want me to switch colleges so I don’t get off task for my school
work from protesting against Pr.Kokintz but I love protesting
8.the way I don’t give up in something I believe in

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