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1. Basic Consept

What is marine geology?

Geology is the study of the Earth. This includes how the Earth was formed, how the
Earth has changed since it was formed, the materials that make up the earth, and the
processes that act on it. Marine Geology focuses on areas affected by our oceans
including the deep ocean floor; the shallower slopes and shelves that surround the
continents; and coastal areas like beaches and estuaries. USGS marine geologists
also study some coastal river areas and some large lakes.
More than half of our Nation's population lives within 50 miles of the coast. Healthy
coastal and offshore resources are vital to our nation's economy. The USGS studies
coastal change, hazards that impact coastal areas, ocean resources, and coastal and
marine ecosystems.

2. Research Beneath the Sea

Imagine the ocean basins drained of all their water. What would the bottom
topography look like? Were mountain ranges and carved canyons hidden beneath the
dark waters? How old are the rocks and sediments on the ocean floors? Geologists in
the early nineteenth century speculated that the ocean floors were dull expanses of
mud-- featureless and flat. For centuries, naturalists also thought that the oldest rocks
on Earth were on the ocean floors.
They believed that the present-day ocean basins formed at the very beginning of
the Earth's history and throughout time they had slowly been filling by a constant rain of
sediment from the lands. Data gathered since the 1930's have enabled scientists to
view the seafloor as relatively youthful and geologically dynamic, with mountains,
canyons, and other topographic forms similar to those found on land. The seafloor is no
more than 200 million years old--a "young" part of the globe's crust compared to the
continents which may contain rocks nearly 20 times that age.
3. Scope of Marine Geology

The Marine Geology program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) strives to
increase our understanding of the geology of the lands covered by water, just as the
Survey's program on land has, since 1879, worked to understand the geology of U.S.
lands ashore. Marine geologists compile data about the topography or shape of the
ocean floors, the distribution and type of bottom sediments, the composition and
structure of the underlying rocks, and the geologic processes that have been at work
throughout the seafloor's history.
Using this information, marine geologists assess the mineral resources of the
seafloor, predict the location of certain hazards, investigate marine geologic processes,
and, in a more aesthetic sense, add to our overall scientific understanding of the Earth.


1. Basic Concept

Your Concept Map

You can draw your concept map by hand, or use (Links to an l
externasite.) Links to an external site., Excel, or other diagramming
software. Remember: your concept map should include nodes for each of
the terms,appropriate connectors, and labels for each connectors.
In this activity you will create a concept map (Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site. that diagrams the relationships among the
following ideas:

2. Mapping the Ocean Floor

Exploring the ocean starts with getting some idea of what the bottom
topography is like. Thanks to satellites and a variety of measuring
stations—both fixed and drifting, we have a pretty good idea of the surface
of the sea, but have seen only bits of the bottom. Ship and submersible
time for ocean exploration are expensive.
Expeditions need to be carefully planned in order to produce the
maximum amount of information in the least amount of time. For that to
happen, scientists need to have a general idea of where interesting
features might be located and then develop site information for those
areas. Detailed maps are rare for areas other than shallow, near shore
areas. Towing a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) or diving in a manned
submersible without a clear understanding of the bottom topography risks
losing the equipment or even losing human life. Consequently, mapping the
sea floor—bathymetry—is an important part of many OE expeditions. With
good maps, the researchers can focus their time and energy.
Global Positioning System (GPS) data are combined with the input
from latest bottom-topography technology available, including ship-based
swath mapping systems, side-scan sonar, and seismic reflection, as well as
submersible and ROV dives to reveal exciting new details about the
geology and the flora and fauna of the ocean. Computers with digital
acquisition systems process masses of data and create three-dimensional
views of the ocean bottom. The OE web site includes many of these maps,
enabling students to visualize the structure of interesting underwater
features such as seamounts, canyons and mid-ocean ridges.

A. Mapping of the Ocean Floor By SONAR

Focus : Technologi Expioration

Focus Questions :
 How to know Ocean Exploration by Satelit, Satelit Altymetry, Echo-
Soundjng, Sonar, Echo-Sonar multibeam.
 How to know map results with different technology. example Echosouding
sonar technology

Focus Objectives :

 To introduces students about mapping system to Ocean Eskploration

 Student will know the result map with different technology.

Activity Students :

1. Learning activity for what students know about Sonar Video..

2. Show this video: SONAR |
Class 9th Science Video Lecture
3. Show this video How Sonar
Mapping the sea floor with the multibeam echosounder and the Moving Vessel
5. This is a very short, silent and voice video that shows sonar mapping of the
6. Explain the simple ocean floor profile below and label. Have students draw and
label along with you.
6. Shows video Hydrographic Survey with Multi Beam Sonar
in and Explain the simple ocean
floor profile below and label. Have students draw and label along with you.

Step 1.

The boat survey to spilling the excel of topographical ocean floor

Step 2.

Survey the ocean floor by single wave beam echo bottom coverage

Step 3.

The object can be scanning bridge pillings for footbridge, in Royal Victoria


Step 4.

The wave sonar can that read by sonar radio that to inteprated the floor.
Step 5.

We can see the brige pilling can be read by wave sonar for the different colour

Step 6,

The next on the survey with sonar bathymetri read anything object in
floor. And the video can caught a car, boat, ext.

B. Mappinng of the Ocean Floor

Outline laporan

Judul : ” MAPPING IN THE OCEAN FLOOR”………………………………...

...................................................................................... ……
..........................................................................................” .
Cover (Standar)
Daftar Isi, daftar gambar, daftar tabel, daftar lampiran dsb.

1. Pendahuluan (Latar Belakang dan Tujuan)

2. Tinpus (berasal dari literatur dan situs Internet yang relevan) dengan susunan sbb :

2.1. What is in Marine Geology

2.2. Definisi Ocean floor topography

2.3. Ocean Exploration {

2.4. Major ocean floor topography

3. Metodologi (disertai diagram alir dan penjelasan) terdiri dari :

3.1. Technologies Exploratin {

3.2. Metode perolehan data dari internet

3.3. Metode Identifikasi data dengan perangkat lunak Google Earth 2017 or

Google Earth Pro

4. Hasil dan Pembahasan meliputi :

4.1. Tampilkan satellite map , penampang masing-masing ocean floor. Dan

uraikan hasil interpretasinya

4.2. Tampilkan satellite map of ocean floor topography dan teknologi yang


4.3 Tampilkan beberapa Map Result yang berbeda agar dapat

4.4 Bahas hasil bagi kepentingan scientist dan commersial

5. Kesimpulan dan Saran meliputi :

Kesimpulan, yang terkait Saran meliputi kelebihan maupun kelemahan metode

yang dilakukan, dan bagaimana sebaiknya.

Daftar Pustaka terdiri dari situs Internet yang relevan (Semua pustaka yang terdapat

pada bagian Tinjauan Pustaka harus dicantumkan dalam Daftar Pustaka dan



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