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Name : Ignatius De-loyola Saputra

Absent: 18
Class : 11 science 3


What is explanation text?

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and
cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say 'why' and 'how' of the forming of the phenomena.
It is often found in science, geography and history text books.
What is the purpose of the text?
To explain/ know the process something happens.
What is generic structure of the text?
1. A general statement
Which describes or indentifies the phenomenon
2. A series of the statement
That tell how or why the features of process changes. Words should show cause and effect.
3. A conclusion / application
Sums up the explanation and talks about its applicatioons ; may also give examples.
What are the language features?
In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :
– Using simple present tense
– Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
– Using Passive voice
– Using Action verbs
– Containing explanation of the process
Give the example of the explanation text
How Film is Made?
A General statement
Film is a branch of modern form of art. Films combine various kinds of artworks – dominantly
visual art and audio. There are so many kinds of art that can be showed in a film, such as
paintings, sculptures, acting, dances, music, and many other forms of art. Each person has their
own perceptions about definitions of film. Aesthetically, film is a way to express ideas, stories,
and messages towards the audience. This perspective shows that films have the same goals as the
other artworks like fine arts, theaters, even literatures.
A series of the statement
How are actually films made? Technically, films are made by cameras. Is that it? Absolutely no.
Motion pictures taken that will be done by cameras and crews are occurs only in production step
– we will discuss about this later. A person or a group of filmmakers usually work in three steps
of film-making, they are Pre-Production, Production, and Post Production.
The first step of filmmaking is called Pre production step. This first step of film making requires
the filmmakers to plan the production in every detail. They will plan the scenario, the main
character, the story, shooting schedule, budgeting, location permitting, shooting location surveys,
acting rehearsals, and other production planning elements.
The second step is Production step. The field work of film making happens here. The filmmakers
will take and record the motion pictures. This step will be done according to the planning that
has been managed. This step is essential for the film because the main resource of the film made
up here.
The third step of filmmaking is Post Production. This step is the last step of filmmaking. In this
final step, all the data has taken in the previous step is arranged. The motion pictures
arrangement is called editing. Not only editing, music composing and dubbing are also made in
this point. This point determines the fate of a film-project. After everything is done, the film
editor will render and save the movie into file format. After that, film posters also created in
purpose of film promotion and reviews.
Finally, the film is ready for distribution so people will enjoy the film.
A conclusion/ application
All film contain some process to made a perfect film. Start from Pre production step, Production
step, Post Production. However, if in that film process you don’t have a professional in film
industy and good equipment , I guarantee the film that you produce will had low quality.

What it the text about?

The text about how the film being made.
Find out 10 word- synonym-meaning
1. Branch
Antonym: Whole, Company
Synonym: Arm, bureau, chapter, division
Meaning :cabang, ranting

2. Form
Antonym: Disorder, disorganization
Synonym: Design, Fashion, Mode
Meaning : Bentuk, Wujud

3. Combine
Antonym: Disconnect, Disjoin
Synonym: Blend, Fuse
Meaning : menggabungkan, bergabung

4. Perceptions
Antonym: Concrete, Ignorance
Synonym: Approach, Attention
Meaning : Persepsi, Wawasan

5. Discuss
Antonym: Agree, Ignore
Synonym: Argue, Confer
Meaning : Membahas, Membicarakan

6. Requires
Antonym: Dislike, Hate
Synonym: Lack, Crave
Meaning : Membutuhkan

7. Motion
Antonym: Idleness, Stagnation
Synonym: Act, Gesture, Passage
Meaning : Gerakan, mosi

8. Composing
Antonym: Break, Demolish
Synonym: Belong to, Build
Meaning : Menyusun
9. Point
Antonym: Lot, Bluntness
Synonym: Mark, Stop
Meaning : Titik, Tempat

10. Resource
Antonym: Impotence, Inability
Synonym: Ability, Capability
Meaning : Sumber

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