Effects of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Amounts On Low-Temperature Cracking Performance of Asphalt Mixtures Using

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Effects of Recycled Asphalt Pavement

Amounts on Low-Temperature Cracking

Performance of Asphalt Mixtures Using
Acoustic Emissions
Behzad Behnia, Eshan V. Dave, Sarfraz Ahmed, William G. Buttlar,
and Henrique Reis

Significant increases in the cost of asphalt paving and increased aware- The economic benefits from use of RAP materials can provide a great
ness of the need for sustainable infrastructure in recent years have in turn boost to the highway industry by freeing funds for additional high-
increased the use of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in the manufacture way construction, rehabilitation, preservation, and maintenance. In
of hot-mix asphalt (HMA). The use of RAP reduces the overall cost of recent years, the incentive to recycle has grown stronger because of
HMA and provides significant environmental benefits. Experience has concerns about the environment and sustainability. The general pub-
shown, however, that the addition of RAP to HMA can have a negative lic is becoming more aware of the need to conserve natural resources
effect on the low-temperature fracture characteristics of the pavement. through recycling. The use of RAP can result in sustainable develop-
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of RAP amounts on ment and cost savings by reducing the amount of virgin materials
the low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt mixtures. Differ- required in the production of the new asphalt mixture (1).
ent percentages of RAP material, ranging from 0% to 50%, were studied. Benefits notwithstanding, excessive amounts of RAP in a mixture
The embrittlement temperature of mixtures was determined with the use can have detrimental effects on pavement performance. Xiao et al.
of an acoustic emissions technique. The disk-shaped compact tension reported that inclusion of 15% RAP resulted in a significant increase
[DC(T)] test was used to determine the fracture energy of asphalt mix- in stiffness of the mixture (2). In recent years, as asphalt prices have
tures. DC(T) fracture tests were conducted on two control mixtures with continued to escalate, a great deal of interest has been focused on the
no RAP and mixtures that contained 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% use of higher contents of RAP. Currently, RAP use varies consider-
RAP. Both control and RAP mixtures were manufactured with PG 64-22 ably across the United States, but the average RAP content in asphalt
and PG 58-28 as the virgin binders, which brought the total number of mixtures is estimated to be around 15% (3).
mixtures tested to 12. In addition to DC(T) fracture testing, indirect ten- The belief that pavements constructed with RAP materials are
sile testing was conducted on HMA specimens that contained 20% and more prone to cracking than virgin mixtures is generally attributed
40% RAP. Test results clearly indicated the effects of the presence of to stiffening and embrittlement effects induced by attempting to
RAP materials on the low-temperature performance of mixtures. This combine weathered, age-hardened materials with virgin materials.
study demonstrates the benefit of performing fracture tests before RAP A careful RAP mixture design achieves proper binder stiffness by
is added to the asphalt mixture, and it demonstrates the use of an acoustic considering the aged binder stiffness, virgin binder stiffness, and the
emissions-based testing procedure to screen mixtures susceptible to proportions of these two binder components present in the final
cracking at low temperatures. blend. Extensive research has been directed toward characterization
of low-temperature properties of pavements that contain RAP (1).
The current study explores the effect of RAP amounts on the low-
Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is the most frequently used by- temperature fracture properties of asphalt mixtures. Study of the low-
product in hot mix asphalt (HMA), and the most recycled material in temperature fracture properties of HMA with RAP was conducted in
the United States. The recycling of pavement materials has proven to the context of five RAP levels and two virgin binder sources. RAP lev-
be an economical and feasible process to rehabilitate old pavements. els of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% were studied with PG 64-22 and
PG 58-28 virgin binders. Disk-shaped compact tension [DC(T)] frac-
ture testing was conducted to determine the fracture energy of the mix-
B. Behnia, S. Ahmed, and W. G. Buttlar, Department of Civil and Environmental tures. In addition to the DC(T) test, the Superpave® indirect tensile
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 205 North Mathews (IDT) test, which is widely used in the prediction of low-temperature
Avenue, MC-250, Urbana, IL 61801. E. V. Dave, Department of Civil Engineering,
performance of asphalt mixtures, was conducted on HMA specimens
University of Minnesota, 1405 University Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. H. Reis,
Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of that contained 20% and 40% RAP.
Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 104 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL, 61801. A new testing method that was developed on the basis of the
Corresponding author: B. Behnia, bbehnia2@illinois.edu. acoustic emissions (AE) phenomenon was employed to evaluate the
low-temperature behavior of mixtures. The AE phenomenon refers
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2208, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
to the generation of a transient, elastic mechanical wave caused by
D.C., 2011, pp. 64–71. the sudden release of local stresses (strain energy) in a solid medium.
DOI: 10.3141/2208-09 When a material is mechanically or thermally stressed to the point

Behnia, Dave, Ahmed, Buttlar, and Reis 65

where inelastic deformation from microfracturing occurs, it emits from a portion of Interstate 72 in western Illinois was selected (1).
transient elastic mechanical waves. The energy of AE during crack Incomplete records were available to assess the original design and
growth is drawn from the stress field around the crack, which relaxes materials associated with this RAP material. Thus forensic testing
momentarily as the crack propagates. Emission of acoustic energy was conducted. Extraction and recovery of asphalt binder was per-
results from a momentary instability and a sudden movement of the formed on RAP samples in accordance with the AASHTO T319 test
crack tip to restore equilibrium. Emitted AE elastic waves propagate procedure to determine the RAP binder content and to evaluate the
outward from the source and can be detected by using sensitive piezo- rheological properties of the extracted RAP binder. Recovered
electric sensors mounted on the surface of the sample. The use of AE binders were tested to determine the complex modulus by using
to evaluate asphalt materials dates back several decades. Khosla and the dynamic shear rheometer as recommended by the Superpave-
Goetz used AE techniques to detect crack initiation and propagation specified procedure (AASHTO T315-03) to test short-term-aged
in indirect tensile specimens at low temperature (4). Hesp et al. used (rolling thin fill oven-aged) asphalt binder. According to test results
AE measurements to detect crack initiation and propagation in at 64°C for the provided RAP samples, the complex modulus (G*),
restrained specimens at low temperatures (−20°C to −32°C) (5). They phase angle (δ), and rutting parameter of the RAP binder [G*/sin (δ)]
concluded that the mixes modified with styrene–butadiene–styrene were 94.03 kPa, 66.60°, and 102.49 kPa, respectively. From extrac-
generated lower AE activity than unmodified mixes. Apeagyei et al. tion testing results, RAP binder content was determined to be 3.91%.
(6) and Behnia et al. (7) used the embrittlement temperature (TEMB) RAP binder extraction produced a clean aggregate sample that was
from AE measurements to evaluate the suitability of the AE technique used to determine the RAP aggregate gradation by using the AASHTO
in low-temperature characterization of asphalt binders. T27-88 procedure. Figure 1(a) and (b) show RAP materials before
In the present study, the AE approach was used to determine the binder extraction and the clean aggregate by-product or residue from
TEMB of asphalt mixtures. In this testing method, thermal stresses are the binder extraction, respectively. Sieve analysis was also conducted
induced in asphalt mixture specimens by subjecting them to cooling to determine RAP aggregate gradations.
at temperatures that range from ambient temperature to −50°C. As Asphalt mixtures with 19-mm nominal maximum aggregate size
the specimens cool down, fracture behavior of the material gradu- mixtures with a target asphalt content of 5.9% and RAP amounts
ally transforms from ductile to brittle, which allows cracks to that ranged from 0% to 50% by weight of total mixture, formed the
propagate readily. Progressively higher thermal stress in the speci- basis of the experimental design for this study. Mixing was per-
men results in thermal crack formation, which is accompanied by a formed at 155°C by using a standard bucket mixing procedure.
release of elastic energy in the form of transient elastic mechanical Details on the amount of RAP and virgin constituents are presented
waves. The so-called TEMB of the mixture is defined as the tempera- in Table 1. Various mixtures in this study were indicated by the
ture at which most AE activity begins. It is hypothesized that this
naming system that shows the virgin asphalt binder grade as well as
temperature is a fundamental material property that indicates phase
the amount of RAP (e.g., 64% to 20% represents asphalt mixture
transformation from a ductile and quasi-brittle fracture behavioral
manufactured with PG 64-22 virgin binder and consists of 20% RAP
regime to a highly brittle regime in which macro cracks can readily
by total weight of the mix).
propagate under thermal and traffic loads.
To evaluate the low-temperature fracture characteristics of RAP
mixtures, DC(T) tests were performed in accordance with ASTM
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE D7313-07 for all mixtures at −12°C. The loading rate for the DC(T)
test was controlled through opening displacement at the crack
The main goal of this study was to investigate the effects of RAP mouth. A constant crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) rate
amounts on low-temperature performance of asphalt pavements. To of 1 mm/min was used. A DC(T) specimen is schematically shown
accomplish this goal, RAP material obtained in a previous study in Figure 2a. Fracture energy of the specimens was determined by

(a) (b)

FIGURE 1 RAP materials: (a) before binder extraction and (b) clean aggregate by-product from extraction.
66 Transportation Research Record 2208

TABLE 1 Mix Design for RAP Mixtures

Binder Mass of Constituents in Mixture (g) (total batch weight = 5,000 g)

Content of
Mix Type RAP (%) RAP Binder RAP Aggregate Virgin Binder Virgin Aggregate

64-0% and 58-0% 3.91 0.0 0.0 295.0 4,705.0

64-10% and 58-10% 3.91 19.6 480.5 275.5 4,224.6
64-20% and 58-20% 3.91 39.1 960.9 255.9 3,744.1
64-30% and 58-30% 3.91 58.7 1,441.4 236.4 3,263.7
64-40% and 58-40% 3.91 78.2 1,921.8 216.8 2,783.2
64-50% and 58-50% 3.91 97.8 2,402.3 197.3 2,302.8

NOTE: 64 = PG 64-22; 58 = PG 58-28.

calculating the normalized area under the load–CMOD curve. was selected to use the specimens that were manufactured for IDT
Normalization was done to obtain the fracture energy required to and DC(T) testing. Figure 2c shows the geometry and recommended
produce a unit fracture area. dimensions for the AE specimen. Prepared samples were posi-
Low-temperature performance of these mixtures was further inves- tioned inside the cooling chamber on a metal plate. In this setup,
tigated with IDT creep tests. Creep tests were performed on mixtures the metal plate acted as a heat sink, which was surrounded by dry
that contained 20% and 40% RAP. Testing and data analysis were ice that acted as the coolant (Figure 2d). AE activity of asphalt
conducted in accordance with the AASHTO T322 test procedure and mixture samples was monitored while samples were subjected to
the use of three test replicates. Creep testing was conducted at 0°C, cooling from ambient temperature to −50°C. Different thermal
−10°C, and −20°C. Creep compliance master curves were generated expansion coefficients between asphalt mastic and aggregates
through time–temperature superposition. The power-law model was inside the mixture produce progressively higher thermal stresses
fitted to the master curves where D(t) equals D0 + D1tm. within the mastic, which eventually results in thermal microcrack
The parameters D0, D1, and m were determined with a least- formation. During microcracking of the material, transient elastic
square fitting procedure. The m value of the power law is associated stress waves (AE) are generated, which travel outward from the AE
with the rate of creep deformation and stress relaxation in visco- source and can be detected with sensitive piezoelectric sensors
elastic materials. Figure 2b schematically illustrates the specimen mounted on the surface of the sample. In the present study, wide-
for the IDT test. band AE sensors (digital wave, Model B1025) with a nominal fre-
The AE testing was conducted on 50-mm-thick, semicircular, quency range of 50 kHz to 1.5 MHz were used and coupled to the
150-mm-diameter, compacted specimens. Semicircular geometry specimen surface by using high-vacuum grease. The signals from



50 mm AE Sensor
Dry Ice

AE Sample
150 mm
Metal Plate


FIGURE 2 AE test specimens: (a) DC(T) specimen, (b) IDT specimen, (c) geometry and
recommended dimensions, and (d) test setup.
Behnia, Dave, Ahmed, Buttlar, and Reis 67

AE Sensor Pre-Amplifier Amplifier
Parametric Event
Stressed Material Inputs Detector

Data Storage & Post-Processor Computer

FIGURE 3 Schematic representation of AE system setup.

the AE sensors were preamplified by 20 dB with broadband pre- temperature, as shown in Figure 4, which is typical of this study.
amplifiers. The signal was further amplified by 21 dB (for a total Figure 4 shows that at the beginning of each AE test there was a
of 41 dB) and filtered with a 20-kHz, high-pass, double-pole filter region in which no AE was recorded. In what is termed the pre-
with a fracture wave detector signal conditioning unit. A 16-bit ana- cracking region, thermally induced stresses gradually built up
logue-to-digital converter (ICS 645B-8) with a sampling frequency of inside the specimen until the onset of material fracture. As soon
2 MHz was employed to digitize the AE signals. The digital data as the thermally induced stresses exceeded the material strength,
were stored for later processing by using digital wave software microcracking occurred in the specimen. Such microcracking can
(WaveExplorer V7.2.6). A schematic representation of the AE sys- be detected by the corresponding AE activity (i.e., a cluster of
tem setup is provided in Figure 3. The test temperature was monitored high-energy mechanical stress waves). As illustrated in Figure 4,
and recorded with a K-type thermocouple, which was positioned on the temperature corresponding to the event with the first peak
top of the specimen (6). energy level was the TEMB.
AE measurements usually contain a significant amount of
unwanted noise, such as extraneous data, which include electronic
noise. To minimize noise after the energy of the AE events was com- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
puted, AE event activities with energy lower than 100 V 2-µs were
filtered out. The performance of temperature conditioning of the The fracture energies of mixtures that contained RAP, along with
AE piezoelectric sensors before the AE test started also signifi- control (virgin) mixtures, were determined with the DC(T) fracture
cantly reduced noise (8). To study the AE response to micro- test. Results obtained for mixtures that contained PG 58-28 and PG
fracture in asphalt concrete as a result of thermal loading, the AE 64-22 as the virgin binder are summarized in Figure 5a and b,
event counts and the corresponding AE energy were plotted against respectively. For mixtures that used PG 58-28 as the virgin binder,

Embrittlement Temperature

Pre-Cracking Region

FIGURE 4 Typical plot of AE event count and AE event energy versus temperature.
68 Transportation Research Record 2208



FIGURE 5 Fracture energy of RAP mixtures determined by DC(T) test: (a) PG 58-28
mixtures and (b) PG 64-22 mixtures.

the addition of RAP reduced the fracture energy of the material; asphalt mixtures provided high fracture energies when compared
the fracture energy was drastically reduced when the RAP amount with unaged mixtures. In the present study, if RAP was consid-
exceeded 10%. From 10% to 20% RAP, a drop of 59% in fracture ered to represent long-term aged material, the combination of RAP
energy was observed, for example. Among RAP amounts greater and virgin material would yield improvement in fracture energies
than 20%, there was a minor reduction in the fracture energies. Note up to a certain amount of RAP, after which the energy would drop
that the change in average fracture energies for RAP amounts that with an increasing amount of RAP. The fracture energy of virgin
were greater than 20% was within the range of experimental error. mixture manufactured with PG 64-22 was comparable to the
In the case of PG 64-22 mixtures, the fracture energy initially energy for the combination of this mixture and 50% RAP, which
increased with an increased amount of RAP. The increase was suggested that the baseline properties of the mixture were not much
noticed up to 30% RAP; thereafter, it decreased with an increased different from those of the RAP. In the case of PG 58-28 binder, how-
amount of RAP. Braham et al. observed this type of trend in a ever, the control mixture with 0% RAP had high fracture energy. Thus
study of aging effects on fracture energy (9). The study showed a large difference in fracture properties existed between the RAP and
that the fracture energies of asphalt mixtures increased with an virgin mixture. This difference in the baseline fracture energy
increase in aging levels until they reached a peak and then dropped of the two control mixtures seemed to underlie the drastic differ-
with further aging. The study used different aging procedures. ences in the trends of fracture energy versus RAP amount (Figure
When the AASHTO R30 procedure was used, the results for all 5a and b).
Behnia, Dave, Ahmed, Buttlar, and Reis 69

Another important observation from the fracture energy results was ing procedure measures material properties at local scale. This can
that the use of asphalt binders with lower PG grades to compensate for be explained through an example: if a composite material system
the presence of RAP gave favorable results from the perspective of that consists of two types of material is tested with the AE technique,
fracture energy and therefore cracking resistance. For instance, the the TEMB will be the temperature at which the weaker of the two
mixture with 50% RAP and PG 58-28 virgin binder had a fracture materials starts to undergo damage and fracture. In the case of RAP
energy of 595 J/m2, which was in excess of the virgin PG 64-22 mix- mixtures, it is hypothesized that there is only partial blending of
ture that had a fracture energy of 411 J/m2. This trend will vary from binder and mastic from RAP and virgin materials. During the course
mixture to mixture and from RAP source to RAP source, which of AE testing, as mixtures undergo cooling, the mastic portion rich
emphasizes the usefulness of the fracture energy test in the design and in aged material from RAP begins to accumulate damage earlier and
control of mixtures with RAP. generates earlier AE activities. This would explain the lack of sig-
The creep compliance results from IDT creep tests for 20% nificant distinction between the TEMB of mixtures with different
and 40% RAP mixtures for both binder types are illustrated in RAP amounts.
Figure 6. The corresponding fitted power-law curves are also pre- The overall trends of TEMB for control, as well as for RAP mix-
sented in the figure, along with the exponential term from the tures, were consistent with the results observed for fracture energy
power-law model (m-value). For both binder types, as the amount and creep compliance. This finding permits more confidence in
of RAP in the mixture increased from 20% to 40%, the m-value the use of the TEMB quantity as a screening tool to quickly assess
decreased. A decrease in the m-value of the mixture indicates a cracking resistance.
lower rate of stress relaxation in the mixture, as well as a higher
potential for thermal cracking in the pavement. This result indi-
cated that 20% RAP mixtures performed better than 40% RAP SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
mixtures in terms of handling and relaxing thermally induced
stresses in the pavement. This paper describes evaluation of cracking resistance of asphalt mix-
TEMB results of various mixtures are presented in Figure 7a and b. tures with varying amounts of RAP. A series of laboratory tests was
The results are shown as an average of at least four test replicates conducted of asphalt mixtures with six RAP amounts (0%–50%) and
for each material. For a PG 64-22 mixture with 10% RAP, speci- two virgin binder types. A newly developed AE-based procedure was
mens were not available for AE testing and thus results are not pre- used to identify the TEMB of the mixtures. Viscoelastic and fracture
sented. The TEMB of control mixtures were found to be closer to their evaluation were performed with the DC(T) and the IDT tests. Labo-
virgin binder, low-temperature PG grades. The TEMB of mixtures that ratory results indicated that it is important to thoroughly characterize
contained RAP were significantly higher than the TEMB of the corre- the mixtures with RAP to determine their cracking resistance. In this
sponding control mixtures, however. This can be attributed to the study, mixtures produced with PG 58-28 binder showed greater sen-
age-hardened binder from the RAP, which contributed to a brittle sitivity to the presence and amount of RAP as compared with mix-
behavior. The change in the TEMB was quite significant between mix- tures with PG 64-22 binder and the same RAP source. The viscoelastic
tures with and without RAP. It was not as significant, however, for properties of RAP mixtures showed consistent trends with fracture
mixtures with different amounts of RAP (10%–50%). The AE test- energy results. The AE test results showed that the TEMB for mixtures

Mixture m-value

PG 58-20% 0.506

PG 58-40% 0.422

PG 64-20% 0.426

PG 64-40% 0.301

FIGURE 6 Creep compliance of RAP mixtures determined with the IDT test.
70 Transportation Research Record 2208


AE-based Embrittlement Temperature (°°C)

-30 -28.6


-19.84 -19.31 -19.87





58-0% 58-10% 58-30% 58-40% 58-50%


FIGURE 7 T EMB of asphalt mixtures determined with the AE technique: (a) PG 58-28
mixtures and (b) PG 64-22 mixtures.

that contained RAP were much higher (warmer) than the mixtures damage accumulation (cracking and crack propagation) in the mate-
without RAP. rial. Mechanical tests (bulk and fracture) can provide information
One major distinction between the AE technique and mechanical about the overall response to loading, as well as the propagation of
bulk and fracture testing was the response scale within the material. damage and cracking once it has begun.
In the case of mechanical tests, the mechanical test results were a
measure of the response of the whole specimen (as a structure). Thus
it was difficult to extract local properties, whereas the AE procedure ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
yielded results that were at the local scale of the material response.
Both mechanical tests and AE techniques are recommended for com- This paper is based on work supported by the NCHRP Innovations
plete evaluation of cracking resistance of pavement mixtures. The Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) program under Project 144,
AE technique can provide information about the onset of damage and An Acoustic Emission-Based Test to Determine Asphalt Binder
Behnia, Dave, Ahmed, Buttlar, and Reis 71

and Mixture Embrittlement Temperature. The authors thank both the 5. Hesp, S. T., T. Terlouw, and W. Vonk. Low Temperature Performance
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review panel chair, Michael Sprinkle, of the Virginia Transporta-
6. Apeagyei, A. K., W. G. Buttlar, and H. Reis. Estimation of Low-
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Monitoring, The Journal of the British Institute for Non-Destructive
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Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2126, Trans- Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
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