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Penguatan Etika Publik

(Innovating Ethics in Public Administration)

Dr. Tri Widodo W. Utomo, SH.,MA

Deputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN-RI

Disampaikan pada Diskusi Publik Etika Pejabat Publik

Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI
Jakarta, 16 Desember 2015
Prologue …

“A ruler should be first a master of himself” (Tao)

“[A prince is] often forced, in order to maintain the state, to act
contrary to faith, friendship, humanity, and religion” (Niccolo
Machiavelli, The Prince)
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
(Lord Acton)
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public
office” (Aesop, 6th century BCE)
4 Kuadran Etika Publik

(+)  Moralism: projects ideal ethical values

as goals for any politics and considers
them as normative, or at least inspiring.
 Pragmatism: considers ethics as a
SCEPTICISM MORALISM possible added value for politics and
checks case by case whether or not this

is true.
 Scepticism: strong hesitancy to apply
ethics to politics, although it would be
 Cynicism: declares as a principle that
ethics is not only irrelevant but
damaging in politics.
Modified from: Benoit Girardin,
Ethics in Politics: Why it matters more than
(–) ever and How it can make a difference,
Significance (+)
Ethics: Values vs Interests

“Values without interests are as dangerous as interests

without values. Both are necessary” (Benoit Girardin, ibid)

Interest Value

Self / Vested interests  Common Interest (Values)

“Dirty Hand” dalam Politik/Governance

• “A particular act of government (in a political party or a state)

may be exactly the right thing to do in utilitarian terms and
yet leave the man who does it guilty of a moral wrong.”
(Michael Walzer dalam Andrew Alexandra, 2005, “Professional ethics for
politicians?”, Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics 12th
Annual Conference)
• Politisi/pejabat publik menjadi “bumper” (pasang badan)
untuk kepentingan rakyat dengan risiko apapun  Ethical
• Bagaimana dalam praktek? Mengotori tangan untuk
kepentingan sendiri?
ALIR Model of Ethical Reasoning in Public Administration

• The principle of democratic legitimacy and

ACCOUNTABILITY of public bureaucracy Account
and administration; ability
• The principle of rule of law and LEGALITY,
whereby law and only law should govern
the administration;
• The principle of meritocracy, professional
INTEGRITY, autonomy and capacity of the Responsi
administrative apparatus of the state; veness
• The principle of RESPONSIVENESS and
responsibility of administration to civil
Adopted from: Anthony Makrydemetres, 2012, Integrity
“Dealing with ethical dilemmas in public administration:
the ALIR imperatives of ethical reasoning”
Agenda Penguatan Etika (Inovasi Etika Publik)

The whole and reciprocal

supervision among employees
Waskat 3600
Budaya MALU untuk PERBUATAN; budaya
JIJIK untuk HASIL perbuatan yg melanggar
Etika Ciptakan PORK Effect Budaya Malu +
Self update & self
assessment on one’s wealth
& financial transaction

Broadening reporting Whistle Blower
system for any Conflict of
inappropriate behavior (Internal
Ombudsman) Cutting conflict of interest,
promoting common interest
The fairness that obtains when a person
is adequately punished for wrongdoing

Terima Kasih

Disampaikan pada Diskusi Publik Etika Pejabat Publik

Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI
Jakarta, 16 Desember 2015

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