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3/15/2018 Easy Learning Home

Name: ______________________

03 Motion and Force Roll No.: __________________

Time 30 minutes; FIRST YEAR
Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / Overwriting is not allowed (6 marks)
1 The horizontal range of projectile at 30∘ with horizontal is the same as that at an angle of ____ degrees
A) 45 B) 60 C) 90 D) 120
2 A projectile is thrown upward with initial velocity V making an angle ? with the horizontal. The maximum horizontal range is

given by ____
A) B) C) D)
2 2 2 2
i i i i
sin2θ sin2θ
g 2g g 2g

3 Change in momentum is also called as ____

A) Force B) impulse C) Torque D) Acceleration
4 A bullet shot straight up returns to its starting point in 10 seconds. Its initial speed was ____
A) 9.8ms −1
B) 24.5ms −1
C) 49ms −1
D) 98ms −1

5 Water flows out from a pipe at 3kg / sec and its velocity changes from 5m/s to zero on striking the wall. The force due to water
flow is ____
A) 3N B) 5N C) 10N D) 15N
6 S.I. unit of impulse is:
A) Kg ms −1
B) N.m C) N.S D) Nm 2

Give short answers of ANY FIVE of the following in the space provided. (5x2=10 marks)
1 Show that the range of projectile is maximum when projectile is thrown at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal plane.

2 How would you find, the momentum of an explosive force? Explain with one example.

3 State Newton's first and second laws of motion. 1/2
3/15/2018 Easy Learning Home

4 Find the relation for force due to water flow.

5 Differentiate between distance and displacement.

6 Define elastic and inelastic collisions.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following on a separate sheet. (1x4=4 marks)
1 Define elastic and inelastic collisions. Explain elastic collision in one dimension to show the relative velocities before and after
collision are same.
2 A 100g golf ball is moving toward right with a velocity of 20m/sec. It makes a head on collision with an 8kg steel ball, initially at
rest. Compare velocities of the balls after collision.

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