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Anton Cethon Mapiste Mexicuvran, Ob! Obl... Holy sans I fel zy! Oh [ls fainting in SuaPurcus arms {A bok a the dor and a vice Bekind the scenes “The deput can. Depation ..epuation occupation! Hin (taps Get ut, dan fy aol! [Tues up his eres] Lal ime gett he foul do fore! [Berth Depa, consisting of ive erons lain del outs One has in his hand te ode vee nin, ae ‘ter the uber tankard, Ces Tok at the dor TAT SRuexerevns on the sofa, MADAME” MERTCHITAI i Staci are, oth tring low moat Ont oF re Devons [ad ald), Dear and highly respecte Ast Radovic Casing a ctopetive lane over he ast of carina tin od tanga tl ew ait gl de pment we obama highly grating pression Tes tue hatin the ly. yeam of ts cusence the Tinted amount of our ogial api fhe abeeee of any important tasactons and abo the idenitenes ‘our plc. forced no prominence Hamlets question Te be or nt tobe? And fone ame vrcs were even ase i nour of closing tel ToaL Bot ten you bok the management Your knowledge, your em fay, and your characteristic tact have been the ease of ou etraord fay sce and econ rps The putin oe bk feeghn| the rcptaion of the bank Afni Mere moans). Oh Ob {Taras Aviv oma” Wate! Wate ‘Toe Deca contner. ‘The epitation coup] the ep tan ofthe Bank hasbeen tased by you to sch a pinnade hat on Tank nay now al the focnotinsbtions ofthe Kind in foreign counts SirTIuN. Depusion... epuation occupation! Tw Guendgone sone evening walled ad saely of dep mates talked "alle nol hy youth mune, poison by my elo oe ‘Te Driscare ones in conf Then, ting a obj tive eye pon the present we, dear, highly respected, And AAndcejevieh dping hr vie) Pehaps ters = we'd bet nme apt ater (Phy wal ou onus] ‘THE PROPOSAL AJESPIN ONE ACT Senex Srenavovrren Teausuxov (a landowner) NNarausa Sremsovss (his daughter, Than Visas Lon (a nig well nourished, but 23) ur of ToHUBLKON, a fal al andowne) Drawingroom in TestusoKoVs house, TeamusuKov and LOMOW; the Tater enters wearing evening des and white glove ‘eaumunov gong meet im). My ding, whom do see? an Vonijesht Decay hands Wal this supe, date Hom ae you? Loven thankyou An py how are you? Tecnanon We re geting onal ight, thankso your prayers hy einai sel er ‘RHEL jour nebo, daring, Buty day why dis exeon ‘cocks Rwalowtai gloves and al the est oft Are you ging v= ‘ngs my pecs? Touche Nor | have only come to see you, honowed Stepan sepa matty, Then why the swallowtail my charmer? As though you were paying call on New Yeas Day Lowont "Yo see ths how iti (as his am). have come, ho auc Sepan Stpanovich, to trouble you wih 2 request. have ‘ottSfhan doce had the honour of ng fr your ssi, and yO RRC dap so to speak—but pardon me am agate wil have 2 TENS oat honared Stepan lepanovitch (rns water "Pemonn fail, Come toa for money! Tam nt going 1 age tt ham, [Foi] Whats my beau? Towex. "Vou seer Honour Stepaoviteh—1 beg yout pardon, sept ouch... am deal agate you see In sor, ee et got can ait me, Hough, of couse, Vhave done nthe hg to dewrve and. and. have no right 10 reckon upon your “Teanuminov. Oh, don't spin it out, deaie. Come to the point thn momen Tet i at ave me daughter Nata Sepanorn, ee reall io pecs tasg? han Vassveich, say again Fen elev my es B Aston Lowov. Thave the honour to ak ‘Tenn [interpting| My ding’ Lam delighted anal th ret oft Yes inded, and al that sort of thing fombrace eds Fim, Thave been hoping fort fo age thas slay Been wy, Wl {eke ator, And I Eave away loved you, my ange, though you tere my own son. God give yo bth love and good counsel and al ther of ane gay aed Wy an tang Ike pos? am supe wi sok stoped Oh, bom th tence tears cTlge nd cal Nata and thats ing ‘Lown [vce Honoured Stepan Stepenovich, what do yo think? May Tope that she wl sept me? TeMUBUREN. A beauty ike your and she not accep you! lb ound seas ovesich sa et ad al We et of ev ima leper ot Tost. Lam cold—1am trembling ll vera though Ivete i foran examination The great thing fo make up one's mid thinks about it fo long estates, dese waits for one es farvel love, one wil ever get aried Br am cold, Nay Stepanov is en excelent manager, not bad looking edad shim | want But tm bopmringw have noes ny head Taso upel [sie water And get mare lst. To begin hte acral a 0 espa: And cn, Led acl Wellordred ie sve vltlr dieu o the heart contin pl isn Lamha and ven cay pet Nor fay lip are quivering and my night eyes witchig Wbataasble sad cp, Ro foot hve {gt nt lsd Tegan to drop ace, than [aves shooing pain sm lee Astdbingatnyshouer and my ead "I exp wp ike a edna alk aut a litle and ie down again, but no Sooner do dopo than there's the shooting pain n'y side again. And the sare ti twenties over [Ener Nscusa SremNovNd sre ih out Why and ape a porch ‘come forthe godt How do you do, ban Vasyl low do you do, honoured Natalya Stepanonal Narn. “Excuse ny apron and néghig, We are shel peas dying How i ity have not Beet efor so lng? SH {They it dwn Wil you have some leh? TYowon. "No, than you, Thue areal anche arnt Won't you smoke? Here re the matches Wea nifgent day, bt eseray rind ao ard that the men id no tall How iany ay-ochs have yon got ot? Only any, have b The Popo ve cagerapd iad th whole meadow mown, and now Lam sor—Ia vad yl st tnd have Boe ter wat Bet whats iHS2 To beeve yo hate got on your eect Thats something Se Ary gn aller what And the way, 30 ar ooking ces Whar yous wel aly ‘osty I aplaton) ou, honered Nat Sepsnoma rhe beste made up my mind oa you iene ean yon ile apd nd en ba Hh iran. Whats apne] Wall tin” Lwin tbe bel You ae svae, honoured Ntaya stepanor, that font yet chdnod hah honor inayour lay. My lt aot a her hand, om whom, 2708 i1EV nhc the ete avoy eternned profound eet ‘arpa our ate manna, The myo fe Lomors td he [tl the Tehubutos hve avae been on the most ena a She maya inimate te: Mee, yo te ware ya {ise pty pou yon semerber my Moat mead ae ‘Sande by your birch ops TNurna Enase my erupting yu, You wy “my Vloy mend conn Bt arty yun? Tove Yes mine Narn “Well at next ‘The Voli meadows are ou, mot ru son. No, they ae mine, honoured Nt Stepanov nats hey ome. How do thy come to be ous? ec hn "hye ie a ing of he ‘ida meadon that mies wedge etcen our ch cope ad the Charred Swamp. fe Naruse Outs. Those a ors Tin” Nor you ae mataten, honoured Natale Stepanora, they are mie Sata Think what yon re syng, lan Vane! Have they been Toxic What do you mean by “og? As long can remember they have ln enon ar "Wel here yon mat excise me Tin There documentary evidence frit honoured Natalya Stcpangna. The Velo meadow ere once mater of dept, at fu but ao evans knows that hey ae mine And here on be to ite bot tiny come. ats gander re re tne meadows he pesuntsofyour thers ender Bes the tent fee fran inte peso, ea or thei ring et % Auton Chebhov wicks: The peasant of our ther’ grandfather enjoyed the se oft arnt ee, forse fry years and lew ised ooking Pensa crown, alerrards, when the velement came about a the emancipation Seas io at all as you syt Both my grander and pentpunitther considered their lund reached to the Charred Haaren the Voloyt meadows were ous Ica ndrsand wha there bo ange about Kt ely anon “ouch. ill ow you dacaments, Nata Stepan Nara. No, ou are simply oking, tying ease me. i, abe hve one tel eal te die serail ofc adden we are told atthe land nt out Foi Yam an Vasventch, but | ponte cannot belie my can. - Ep ete shout the meadows They ate not more than een acre dor tye oly wort ome tre handed robles, bot Lam eolted rershes So may sy what you ke, but | eannot ene injustice en Lslen tome, implore you. The peasants of yur fer gael, so had aesdy the hou to infor you, made bik Fane antmothe. My ants grandmother, washing do some th for them Reta Gandaher, grandmother, aunt. 1 dnt andeotand anont of t‘The meadows ar ous, and tht al about Youov. ‘They te mine Natu, ‘They re ous. yon puto fifcen diese oat hey ate stl ons ou ou i Bite ys bet ot want lowe what ine. Youca ake tha Se you plese! Tuba do not care about the meadows, Natalya Sepanovn ‘tities mater of principle Ifyou ike, 1 will make you present then ‘Nera ana ean Vashi he yous gpd nighbou you aur treshing Tight make yo pent of thom he a ie To uy the leat of Hitherto aegis Lata a Ingmachine, ad Hough that we couldn fish Jireshing til November, and you teat us asf we were gsies! M thea preent of my ov land! Excuse me, bu that snot neighbour ‘Tonk thinking it posively impertinent, if you care © bnow: LoMON. Aecording to. you fam a super, then? I've snatched oer people land, adam, and Lwilallow no cnc to ac atch tng Lows rapidly to the decanter and ainks wa ‘The Vlony meadows are mine! INaratsa te ot tue they are our Laston. "They ae mine! The Prop » Naruse That atte, prove send our mowes tout ‘hela thee tay! ‘ust. Wha evan. My bourer wil be there today. Lowov Ti bik them out Narain. Don'you dare! oso [ce at his eat you undestand? Mine! ‘NerainDont shout, plese You ean shout and choke with rage ogo om on eb om ewan von Tntov. If were not for these tril, agonising palpitations a ent te lenges, bel peak {Dyers rent [Shows] The Volo meadows ae mine! Nina Ount Lown” Mine! Nata Oul Tow Mine! “The Volo! meadows ae mine! Do [Brier TowunuKo%.} ewininv, What isi? What ae you shouting abou? Fane Fae cpa oth gendeman pleat whom do the ‘diane brett a ‘hon fet]. Ny chee mnt eu cee bel pen ny word, Span Spano, how dd co ie jut Be yoo at be rena My au

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