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Tri 2 1820, UCL 3622/UCO3622, Company Law II

Topic 2 Meetings
Tutorial 2
1. Sufi holds 5% shares in Dudu Sdn Bhd (Dudu). Recently he was made to understand
that the company intend to change its nature of business. However, until today, the
company do not call for any meeting to pass a resolution regarding the matter. Sufi is
of the opinion that the change of the company’s nature of business is not suitable to be
done due to the economic factor as well as lack of expertise from their company. Thus,
he would like to call for a company’s meeting so that a resolution could be passed
according to the majority vote of the members.

Advice Sufi.

2. Explain the followings:

- Resolutions
- Proxy
- Voting
- Quorum
- Notice of meeting

Question provided by Madam Putri FOL, MMU, MELAKA

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