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INSTRUMENT#: 2019078129 OR BK 5309 PG 174 PAGES: 26 7/12/2019 12:14:12 PM

REC FEES: $222.50

A f fi d a v i t
I Christopher Gary Hopkins with domicile at 16443 Magnolia Bluff Drive, Montverde, Florida 34756; as one People of
"We The People" in Sui Juris, with all due respect, and within the best way to proceed, with the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing hut the truth, not misleading, declares as follows:

1. Christopher Gary Hopkins, discerned, recognized, that the most valuable thing on life is to do the will of God, for the
Honor of God, for the honor of our Predecessors, for the honor of our Generation, for the honor of our Posterity, and for the
Glory of God; all to secure the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and for our Posterity.

2. Christopher Gary Hopkins, decided, that the best way to serve God, is to lay down his life by serving others in need,
consequently Christopher Gary Hopkins took action, and currently serve, gratuitously, with no monetary compensation,
doing business as "Comparative Bible Study" in the morning, followed hy "Divine Liturgy or Communion Service" in the
afternoon, at the State Prison, named "Lake County Correctional Institution", with address 19225 US Highway 27, Clermont,
Florida 34715-9025.

3. Christopher Gary Hopkins, discovered highly valuable, "The Rules Of The Common Law", wherein Clause 40 ordered
as follows: "To none we will sell, to none deny nor delay, right or justice" as a result, Christopher Gary Hopkins took action,
and currently serve, gratuitously, with no monetary compensation from victims, doing business as Statewide Common Law
Grand Jury Witness and Investigator, according to clause 61 for the Rules Of Common Law, also name as "Great Charter" or
"Magna Carta". See Exhibit 1.

4. On 01 -31 -2019 at 3:3 8 PM Rodger Birtweil Dowdell, dba Common Law Grand Jury Administrative Investigator,
proceeded according to the rules of the common law, Florida Statutes Title XLVll [47] Criminal Procedure And Corrections.
Statute 905 Title: Grand Jury. Section 905.20 Title: Duty of grand juror having knowledge of offense. "A grand juror who
knows or has reason to believe that an indictable offense triable within the county has been committed shall report the
information to the grand jury and may be sworn as a witness in the investigation." See Exhibit 2.

5. On 01-31-2019 at 3:38 PM Rodger Birtweil Dowdell, dba Common Law Grand Jury Administrative Investigator,
proceeded according to the rules of the common law, and consequently under penalty of perjury filed document title:
"Affidavit" for "We The People" Public Trial, Public Record, to preserve for Posterity, authentic evidences for multiple
Felony Crimes committed by named violators.

6. On 01-31-2019 at 3:38 PM Rodger Birtweil Dowdell's document title: "Affidavit", was recorded hy Angelina "Angel"
Colonneso Clerk of Courts, Manatee County, Florida; with instrument Number: 2019411009772 Book: 2766 Page: 4438
containing 54 Pages. See Manatee County, Florida Public Record Instrument Number: 2019411009772.

7. On 01-31-2019 at 3:38 PM Rodger Birtweil Dowdell's document title: "Affidavit", instrument Number: 2019411009772
Book: 2766 Page: 4438 paragraphs 13 and 14 reports fraud, by Henry H. Fishkind and John R. Whyte, who took money for
the amount of $25,000 with no consent from the Treasury Residents-Owners, and Tax-Payers for Manatee County, Florida;
these Tax-Payers victims, are from the lawfiilly registered Community Incorporated named as follows: "University Park
Community Association Incorporated, also known as UPCAl. See Exhibit 3.

8. On 06-13-2019 at 11:02 AM Christopher Gary Hopkins doing business as Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury
Witness-Investigator, and Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch who also gratuitously, with no monetary compensation from
victims, doipg busin^ss as Administrator for Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury; consequently "Florida Statewide
C-omiTwh Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency" according to the Rules Of The Common Law, Clause 61, established that
^audijlenL dishonest ^vemtnent violators, shall be confronted by Common Law Grand Jury Administrators, showing to the
GovoThnent their error, showmg to the Government their crimes committed.
= : '.2'.Z
3-J.On 06-13-2019 aril:0_2.4M Common Law Clause 61 ordered: "In such wise, namely, that if we, our justice, or our
bailtfEsj or any one of oyr seryants shall have transgressed against any one in any respect, or shall have broken some one of
the SiYicle^ of secovityT and our transgression shall have been shown to four barons [barons = Grand Jurors] of the
aforesaid "twenty five;*those four barons [barons = Grand Jurors] shall come to us, [us = Government] or, if we are abroad, to
our justice, showing-to us [us = Government] our error; and they shall ask us [us = Government] to cause that error to be
amended [by RICO LIEN NOTICE] without delay. See Exhibit 4.
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INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 175 PAGE 2 of 26

10. On 06-13-2019 at 11:02 AM Christopher Gary Hopkins, doing business as Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury
Witness-Investigator, and Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, dba Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury Administrator
within faculty, within right, and within Common Law Due Process for "Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury
Investigative Agency" came to the Florida Manatee County Clerk Recording office located at 1115 Manatee Avenue West,
Bradenton, Florida 34205 to show cause that error for fraud, by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, Angelina Mary
Colonneso, Mitchell Palmer, Et Al, and others, to be amended [by RICO LIEN NOTICE] without delay; consequently, shall
fi l e d o c u m e n t s t i t l e : 0 6 - 1 3 - 2 0 1 9 P r e s e n t m e n t R I C O L I E N N O T I C E F O R C F N 4 11 3 9 0 0 0 0 7 a n d 0 6 - 1 3 - 2 0 1 9 P r e s e n t m e n t

11. On 06-13-2019 at 11:04:08 AM Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, within faculty, within right, and within Due Process
For Common Law as "Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency for Legal Affairs" and according to
the Rules Of The Common Law Clause 61, meet unknown name officer, dba Deputy Clerk, who at the Clerk Recorder
Reception Desk, who is oblige, for explicit duty, with no questions ask, shall file all documents presented, for production of
records, or other object, in an official proceeding, and shall not prevent the production of a record, document, or other object,
under severe Penalty For Felony, which is established by Federal Law USC18 §1512. See Exhibit 5.

12. On 06-13-2019 at 11:04:08 PdA Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, within faculty, within right, and within Due Process
For Common Law as "Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency for Legal Affairs" and according to
the Rules Of The Common Law Clause 61, is oblige to show cause error for fraud, by Henry H Fishkind, John R. Whyte,
Angelina Mary Colonneso, Mitchell Palmer, Et Al, and others, to be amended; as a result demanded, to unknown name
officer, dba Deputy Clerk, at the Clerk Recorder Reception Desk, to file [by RICO LIEN NOTICE] without delay; the
presented documents title: 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 4113900007 and 06-13-2019
Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 583836689. See Exhibit 5.

13. On 06-13-2019 at 11:04:08 AM unknown name officer, dba Deputy Clerk, at the Clerk Recorder Reception Desk, failed
file documents, as a result helped violators, prevented file documents title: 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE
FOR CFN 4113900007 and 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 583836689; Defacto Deputy Clerk,
prevented the production of a record, records which show cause error for fraud, by Henry H Fishkind, John R. Whyte,
Angelina Mary Colonneso, Mitchell Palmer, Et Al, and others, consequently breached Rules of the Common Law,
Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America, Bill of Rights, Bill of Prohibitions, and
united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 73 Title: Obstruction Of Justice. Section 1512 Title:
Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. "Whoever (B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other
object, in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do
so, shall be fined not more than $250,000 under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both." See Exhibit 5.

14. On 06-13-2019 at 11:04:08 AM unknown name officer, dba Deputy Clerk, at the Clerk Recorder Reception Desk, failed
file documents, as a result helped violators, prevented file documents title: 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE
FOR CFN 4113900007 and 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 583836689; Defacto Deputy Cler,
prevented the production of a record, records which show cause error for fraud, by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, helped
her Felon boss Angelina Mary Colonneso, helped her Felon boss appointed officer Mitchell Palmer, Et Al, and others,
consequently breached Rules of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States
of America, Bill of Rights, Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 11
Title: Bribery, Graft, And Conflict Of Interest. Section 201 Title: Bribery Of Public Officials And Witnesses. "Whoever (1)
directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been
selected to be a publi&official, with intent (B) to influence such public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in,
or allow, any fimid, dr_m^e opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; Shall be fined under this title
$20^)90 or not 'more thatfftiiee. times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for
not more than fifteen ye^rSi"^ both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the
Un^ti Sa
ISr On 06-13-2019 at 11:22t44 AM Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, within faculty, within right, and within Due Process
as "Florida Statewide CoraniiS Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency for Legal Affairs" and according to the Rules Of The
Common.Law^TaciRg 20'jBlflutes from Obstruction Of Justice by Elisha, dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk and Matthew White,
dba Defacto Geiifcral Coufrsel Attorney; Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, affirmed as follows: "Let's agree that we
disagree, now^hererfri the RICO LIEN NOTICE, when I present this document here, the law says that she, the clerk, shall
need to filed that immediately, that is why we are here today." See Exhibit 7.

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INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 176 PAGE 3 of 26

16. On 06-13-2019 at 11:22:48 AM Elisha, dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk and Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel
Attorney failed file documents, as a result helped violators, prevented file documents title: 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO
LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 4113900007 and 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 583836689; Elisha,
dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk and Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, prevented the production of a
record, records which show cause error for fraud, by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, Angelina Maty Colonneso, Mitchell
Palmer, Et Al, and others, consequently breached Rules of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America,
Laws for the united States of America, Bill of Rights, Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and
Criminal Procedure. Chapter 73 Title: Obstruction Of Justice. Section 1512 Title: Tampering with a witness, victim, or an
informant. "Whoever (B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or (2)
otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined not more than
$250,000 under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both." See Exhibit 8.

17. On 06-13-2019 at 11:22:48 AM Elisha, dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk and Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel
Attomey failed file documents, as a result helped violators, prevented file documents title: 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO
LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 4113900007 and 06-13-2019 Presentment RICO LIEN NOTICE FOR CFN 583836689; Elisha,
dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk and Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, prevented the production of a
record, records which show cause error for fraud, by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, helped theirs Felon boss Angelina
Mary Colonneso, helped theirs Felon boss appointed officer Mitchell Palmer, Et Al, and others, consequently breached Rules
of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America, Bill of Rights,
Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 11 Title: Bribery, Graft, And
Conflict Of Interest. Section 201 Title: Bribery Of Public Officials And Witnesses. "Whoever (1) directly or indirectly,
cormptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public
official, with intent (B) to influence such public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or
make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; Shall be fined under this title $20,000 or not more
than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen
years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, tmst, or profit under the United States."
See Exhibit 9.

18. On 06-13-2019 at 11:23:08 AM Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, affirmed as follows: "Because 1
don't agree that you are investigative agency under this statute..." Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, replied: "now let's do
this: We are not going to file this according to you..." Matthew White, affirmed: "We are not going to accept this under the
statute that you have presented here"... Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, replied: "very good, do it in writing, and put the
reason why not, write it down, and 1 will go." See Exhibit 10.

19. On 06-13-2019 at 11:23:47 AM Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, requested as follows: " Can 1
make copy, can 1 make copies and keep the copies?" Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, denied as follows: "Well no,
because you are not going to file, I will give you the documents if you are going to filed, if you don't; why I am going to give
you these? Matthew White affirmed: "1 can tell you right now, 1 disagree with your belief that you are"... Joaquin Mariano
DeMoreta Folch affirmed: "Put it in writing I disagree with these, and signed your name, and 1 am gone, that is all what 1
n e e d . " S e e E x h i b i t 11 .

20. On 06-13-2019 at 11:24:43 AM Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, requested as follows: "So, Can
I keep copies." Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, denied as follows: "No. You keep copies if you filed, if you don't..."
Matthew White requested, "Can 1 write down the Statute number?" Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, granted as follows:
"absolutely". See Exhibit 12.

21. On 06-13-2019 at ,1T;25:13 AM Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, within faculty, within right, and within Due Process
as "Florida Statewifte^^ptutnon Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency for Legal Affairs" and according to the Rules Of The
Common tlaw,^fter 25 nriantes trying to record the fraud consequences, for taking property from another with no consent,
fraud by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, Angelina Mary Colonneso, Mitchell Palmer, and others, which clearly are
protected by unknown nam'^ dlffl^r, dba Deputy Clerk, at the Clerk Recorder Reception Desk, protected by Elisha, dba
SupervisdrD^^ CleTk, aild'protected by Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attomey, consequently these three
Defacto dfficer^reached Rules"of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united
States'of Ame^^^ Rights Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure.
Chapter 4 Titlei Geoeral firovisions. Section 2 Title: Principals. Subsection (a) "Whoever commits an offense against the
United States ■oF.aids.-abete, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal."
Subsection (b) "^ftioever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an
offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal." See Exhibit 13.
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INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 177 PAGE 4 of 26

22. On 06-13-2019 at 11:25:23 PM Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attorney, not wanting sign the refusal for
filing the documents, requested four [4] more hours for his research, concerning Florida Statutes Title: XLVI [46] CRIMES.
Chapter 895 Title: Offenses Concerning Racketeering And Illegal Debts. Section 895.07 Title: RICO Lien Notice.
Christopher Gary Hopkins, and Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch, granted the four [4] more hours requested by Matthew
White, setting to return and file the documents at 3:30 PM. See Exhibit 14.

23. On 06-13-2019 at 3:38:30 PM Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attorney, declared as follows: "I don't
think that these documents should be filed, I don't think fit with the Statute" looking behind Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta
Folch, signal to undercover Manatee Sheriffs Officer to unlawfully Obstruct Of Justice. See Exhibit 15.

24. On 06-13-2019 at 3:40:02 PM Bill Freel, dba Defacto Officer for Manatee County Sheriffs Office, demanded Common
Law Documents from Elisha as follows: "Can you hold those for me, I am going to take those" consequently breached Rules
of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America, Bill of Rights,
Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 73 Title: Obstruction Of
Justice. Section 1512 Title: Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. "Whoever (B) prevent the production of a
record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official
proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined not more than $250,000 under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years,
or both." See Exhibit 16.

25. On 06-13-2019 at 3:40:02 PM Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta Folch within faculty, within right, and within Due Process as
"Florida Statewide Common Law Grand Jury Investigative Agency for Legal Affairs" and according to the Rules Of The
Common Law, after four [4] hours and forty [40] minutes trying to record the fraud consequences, for taking property from
another with no consent, fraud by Henry H. Fishkind, John R. Whyte, Angelina Mary Colonneso, Mitchell Palmer, and
others, which clearly are protected by unknown name officer, dba Deputy Clerk, at the Clerk Recorder Reception Desk,
protected by Elisha, dba Supervisor Deputy Clerk, protected by Matthew White, dba Defacto General Counsel Attorney,
protected by Bill Freel dba Defacto Officer for Manatee County Sheriffs Office, protected by Frizio Defacto Officer for
Manatee County Sheriffs Office, and protected by Diaz Defacto Officer for Manatee County Sheriffs Office, consequently
these six Defacto Officers:

Breached Rules of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America,
Bill of Rights, Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure Chapter 73 Title:
Obstruction Of Justice. Section 1512 Title: Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. "Whoever (B) prevent the
production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes
any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined not more than $250,000 under this title or imprisoned not more
than 20 years, or both.

Breached Rules of the Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America,
Bill of Rights, Bill of Prohibitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 11 Title:
Bribery, Graft, And Conflict Of Interest. Section 201 Title: Bribery Of Public Officials And Witnesses. "Whoever (1)
directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been
selected to be a public official, with intent (B) to influence such public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in,
or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; Shall be fined under this title
$20,000 or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for
not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the
United States."

Breached Rules of the-Common Law, Constitution for the united States of America, Laws for the united States of America,
Billof Right§, Bill bf-Pfc®bitions, and united States Code Title: 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Chapter 1 Title: General
ProvJsidhsv Sectiorr2 Tifle^Principals. Subsection (a) "Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets,
-counsel^ commands, inau6esi)fprocures its commission, is punishable as a principal." Subsection (b) "Whoever willfully
-pauses aa aet to^e done whfclS'if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is
~pufi!Shable-as a principal." See Exhibit 17

'a- ■

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INSTRUhffiNT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 178 PAGE 5 of 26

S I AT I - O l - F L O R I D A

B[-;F0RE MIv personally appeared, Christopher Gary Hopkins who being by me tlrsl duly sworn and idcntitled in
accordance with COMMON LAW, deposes and says:

1. My name is Christopher Gary Hopkins, One People of We the People In Sui Juris.

2. I have carefully read the foregoing AfTidavit and each of the facts alleged therein are true and correct as of my own
personal knowledge.

3. \. Christopher Gary Hopkins, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Hxecuted on the 12"" day of July 2019.

F U R T H L R T I I K A F F I A N T S AV l v T H N A U C i H T.

Christopher Gai^ HopHtns

1644.3 Magnolia Bluff Drive,
Montverde, Florida .34756
Cell Phone:407-721-2668
s I atf; of fi . o r i d a
C O U N T Y O F M A N A T F. F.

On this \'Z day of July, 2019 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally
appeared known or identified to me to be the people whose name is subscribed the
within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.

IN WTTNF;SS WUFRliOF, I have hereunto set my hand and alTixed my official seal the day and year ttrst above written.

Notary Public tfSr the State of Florida

Residing in Lake County, Florida

. o
My Commission Lxnires: H
\ - /7T' jV •



Commission » CG 234A74
Of ny"' My Comm. Expires Apr 30, 2020
Bonded through Nationol Notary Assn.

I'aCf .Sor22
I N S T R U M E N T # 2 0 1 9 0 7 8 1 2 9 O R B O O K 5 3 0 9 / PA G E 1 7 9 PA G E 6 o f 2 6
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IN S TR U M E N T# 2 0 1 9 0 7 8 1 2 9 OR B OOK 5 3 0 9 /PA GE 1 8 1 PA GE 8 o f 2 6

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TO: Mr. John Whyte, President

University Park Community ^sociation Inc.
7671 The Park Boulevard
University Park, FL 34201
ngltally signed by Hcny K FbNdniL

FROM: Hank Fishkind, Ph.D.. President Fishkind, Ph.D, ^2017X)6J317:17«2-04W

SUBJECT: Economic and Financial Consulting

Formation of a Recreation District and Assistance with Turnover

D AT E : U p d a t e d J u n e 2 3 , 2 0 1 7

VIA: Email only to: whytejo@comcastnet

1 . 0 S c o p e o f Wo r k

1.1 Background

The University Park Community Association, Inc. ("Client^ is interested in

forming a Recreation District ("RD") pursuant to Chapter 418, F.S. If
formed, the RD would purchase the assets of University Park Country Club
Associates, LLP and University Park Restaurant Associates, Inc.
(collectively "Owner^ that own the country club, golf course, and
recreational facilities in University Park ("Club"). In conjunction with the
purchase of the Club, the Client also wants to consummate the turnover of
the Community Association to the residents along with the community's
drainage system, ponds, and irrigation system.
Fishkind & Associates, Inc. ("FA") proposes to provide economic, financial,
and managements services to the Client to assist it in all aspects of the RD
formation process and to provide consultation concerning turnover ^ues
during the RD formation process. Our proposal for these services is
provided below for your consideration.

Exhibit 3
12051 Corpcxofe Boulevard, Ortarxlo, Florida 32817 {407) 382-3256 FAX (407) 382-3254 Page 1 of 5
I N S T R U l ^ N T # 2 0 1 9 0 7 8 1 2 9 O R B O O K 5 3 0 9 / PA G E 1 8 2 PA G E 9 o f 2 6

Furthermore, FA is interested in serving as District Manager of the RD and

to assisting the Client, through the RD. in purchasir^ the Club and other
assets associated with the turnover including the stormwater management
system, ponds, and irrigation system. However, until the RD is formed, it is
premature to provide a proposal for these future services.

FA understands that the Client is considering setting up a management

company to operate the Club, and our proposal to manage the RD would in
no way conflict with the Clients desire to set up and control the
management com|:»ny for the Club. Essentially, what FA proposes
concerning the RD is similar to the arrangement for the Lakewood Ranch
Stewardship District where FA is District Manager and Financial Advisor
and SMR (the owner of Lakewood Ranch) manages and operates the dubs
and all field operations.

1.2 Ta s k Plan

Ta s k 1 P l a n f o r t h e U n i v e r s i t y P a r k R e c r e a t i o n D i s t r i c t

The foundation for the RD and the related turnover program is a detailed
plan induding: (a) an acquisition plan; (b) an operations plan; and (c) a
governance and formation plan.

The capital plan indudes the following elements;

(1) Cost to acquire the Club as determined by the Client

(2) Cost for any initial refurbishment of the Club fodHties as determined by
the Client
(3) Cost to acquire the stormwater management system, ponds, and
irrigation system along with appurtenances and associated property as
determined by the Client
(4) Cost for any initial refurbishment of these facilities and systems as
detennined by the Client
(5) Finandng plan for the acquisition
(6) Assessment plan to pay the debt service for the acquisition
(7) Identification of the finandng team
(8) Timetable to complete the finandng and purchase of the Club and any
other systems and fadl'ities assodated with the turnover once the RD is

Please note that vrith respect to the cost estimates that the Client is to
provide for items 1^, FA will assist the Client in making these preliminary
estimates. However, ultimately the Client must be comfortable with the
price points to enable FA to develop the capital plan.

^ -

Exhibit 3
12051 Cotporate Boulevard, Orlando, Floilda 32817 (407) 382-3255 FAX (407) 382-3254 Page 2 of 5
INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 183 PAGE 10 of 26

The operational plan Is composed of the following elements:

(1) Operations plan for the RD indudir^ the typical district mans^ement
functions such as: (a) maintainir^ the lien book, (b) conducting the
district meetings, and (c) maintaining the books and public records.
(2) Operations of foe Club will be provided by the Client-formed
management company that the RD would contract with for these
services. The plan will include a financial pro forma for the Club along
with estimates for the dues and fees expected under RD ownership. FA
anticipates that current Ownership and its managers will provide the
data and guidance in developing the pro forma while the Client will
provide guidance concerning future dues and fee levels.
(3) Operating cost and pro forma budget covering all of the non-Club
operating and maintenance costs of the RD fadiities.
(4) Coordinatton of budgets and services with the Client to identify and
exploit potential economies of scale and potential benefits of moving
services, costs, and revenue sources between the Client and foe RD.
For example, it may make economic sense to have foe Client contract
with the RD to provide landscape maintenance services and to have the
RD assess landowners for the prwision of these services.

The governance and formation plan consists of the following:

(1) Drafting of foe RD charter

(2) Draft of foe RD Ordinance
(3) Time table and task plan to form the RD

Please note that the drafting of the RD charter and foe RD ordinance must
be done by a law firm separately engaged by the Client. FA will review and
coordinate this work on behalf ^ foe Client.

Task 2 Analvsis of the Costs and Benefits of the RD Plan

FA will analyze the capital and operating costs of tfie RD plan to property
owners in the RD. FA will also identify, and to the extent necessary and
possible, quantify foe benefits to property owners from the RD plan.

Task 3 Analvsis of Alternatives to the RD Plan

There are some altematives to tfie RD. The primary arxf practical
altematives include: (a) HOA, (b) private company or LLC, or (c) MSBU
formed by the County. FA will evaluate these altematives and compare
them to the RD option.

•Vw' Ta s k 4 R e o o r t o f F i n d i n o s

- . 2 1 0 . We will raider our finding to you'in a formal narrative report suitable for
sharing with the community. The report will include an executive summary
and the "elevator pitch".

Exhibit 3
12051 Corporate Boulevard, OrtarKlo, Florida 32817 J#07] 382-3256 FAX (#07) 382-3254 Page 3 of 5
INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 184 PAGE 11 of 26

Tasks Consultation on Turnover Matters

FA will provide consultation and expert advice on turnover matters as the

Client may request during this engagement.

Ta?k6 Meednos and Presentations

FA will make presentations and attend meetings in support of the RO and

turnover matters.

2.0 Fee Proposal, Professional Team, Timetable, Billing Arrangements,

and Additional Provlaions

2.1 Fee Proposal

Our fee orooosal for Tasks 1-5 is a fixed fee of $25,000 inclusive of all costs.
Citi and UMB will provide their professional services at no charge.

Our fee proposal does not include an allowance for the legal work
associated with drafting the charter or the ordinance necessary to rile tor an
R D a s o u t l i n e d u n d e r Ta s k 1 .

FA will provide services under Task 5 only at your request. We will bill for
services under Task 5 on a time and expense basis at our standard hourly
rates as follows: (a) Or. Fishkind at $450/hour. Expenses are billed as
incurred without mark up.

2 . 2 P r o f e s s i o n a l Te a m

FA will be the principal on the project and responsible for all of the scope of
work outlined above. Citi and UMB will preside input on ail financial matters.

The Client will need to engage a law firm to provide all legal support and to
draft the RD Charter and the RD Ordinance.

2.3 Time Ta b l e

FA is prepared to begin work as soon as the Client so auttiorizes. No

retainer is needed for this assignment We can complete Tasks 1-5 and
render a draft report of our findings to you within 90-days of your
authorization to proceed. Thereafter, we will work dil^iently with you to form
the RD.

2 . 4 P a y m e n t Te r m s

. >' £ We r^er our bills monthly. Payment is expected within 20-days unless
other arrangements are agreed to in writing.

Exhibit 3
12051 Corporale Boulevard, Oricmdo, Hoildo 32817 (^7) 382-3255 FAX (407) 382^4 Page 4 of 5
INSTRUMENT# 2019078129 OR BOOK 5309/PAGE 185 PAGE 12 of 26

3.0 Authorization to Proceed

3.1 To authorize us to proceed as outlined above, please sign below and return
an executed copy of this agreement.

3.2 Should you have any questions conceming this proposal, please feel free
to give me a call.

3.3 Disputes and questions conceming our work are rare, but they do
sometimes occur. It is our firm's policy to keep our clients satisfied if
possible. If you have a question about our work, please bring it to our
attention as soon as possible. Should we be unable to resolve a problem,
you may cancel this engagement by informing us in writing. We will cease
work, and bill only for the viiork we have successfully completed. Litigation
conceming our work is very rare. However, if there slwuld be such an
unhappy circumstance, the matter shall be subject to Florida law with the
prevailing side to be compensated for reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

3.4 To authorize us to proceed, please sign below and return a copy.

Nan.e: ^


<Imt U, ^ 1-7

Exhibit 3
12051 Corporate Boulevard, Orlartdo, Hoilda 32817 (407] 382-3256 FAX (407] 3823254 Page 5 of 5
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