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Scientists Create First-Ever AI Made from DNA in A Test Tube

Variables: Manmade organic Matter-Built DNA single strands

Research question: How can AI be created with artificial DNA single strands?

Alternative Hypothesis: Using the four nucleotides (A,C,T and G) sequences can be created
to make reactions easy to predict, because of this AI can be "programmed" into synthetic
biomolecular circuits.

Null Hypothesis: AI cannot be created with artificial DNA single strands.

Highlights: In this project researchers created biochemical circuits that function like a small
network of neurons to classify molecular information substantially more complex than any
other mechanism. For testing it they assign the AI 36 numbers only between 6 and 7, the AI
classified them successfully, then they assign them many hand-written numbers between 1
and 9 and the AI was capable to classify all the numbers, this demonstrate that the program
function and AI can be made with DNA single strands. Though scientists have only just
begun to explore creating artificial intelligence in molecular machines, its potential is already

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