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ISSN 20700504, Catalysis in Industry, 2010, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 320–328. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010.

Original Russian Text © E.V. Danilevich, G.Ya. Popova, I.A. Zolotarskii, A. Ermakova, T.V. Andrushkevich, 2010, published in Kataliz v Promyshlennosti.


Kinetics of formaldehyde Oxidation on a Vanadia–Titania catalyst

E. V. Danilevich, G. Ya. Popova, I. A. Zolotarskii, A. Ermakova, and T. V. Andrushkevich
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Received June 15, 2010

Abstract—The heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde in the gas phase may be considered as an
alternative to the multistep liquidphase synthesis of formic acid. Monolayer vanadia–titania catalysts are
active and selective in the oxidation of formaldehyde to formic acid. Detailed investigation of kinetics of
formaldehyde oxidation over a monolayer vanadia–titania catalyst was carried out. It was established that by
product form via a consecutive–parallel reaction network. CO2 results from formaldehyde oxidation via par
allel pathway and from formic acid overoxidation via consecutive pathway; CO forms from formic acid via
consecutive pathway. It was shown that oxygen and water accelerate formic acid formation and that water
retards CO formation. Based on experimental data, a kinetic model of formaldehyde oxidation was devel
oped. The kinetic model was used in the mathematical simulation of the formaldehyde oxidation process and
in the determination of dynamic and design parameters of the reactor. Formic acid production by the gas
phase oxidation of formaldehyde is unique and does not have any analogue. As opposed to conventional tech
nologies, it is energysaving, environmentally friendly, and technologically simple. An enlargedscale pilot
plant using this technology is under construction.

Keywords: formaldehyde, formic acid, vanadia–titania catalyst, kinetics, kinetic model.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070050410040057

INTRODUCTION distributed on the TiO2 (anatase) surface [6].

Formic acid in an important organic product With these catalysts, the formic acid yield at 110–
widely used in the pharmaceutical, leather, and cellu 140°C and atmospheric pressure is above 85%.
lose industries; in the production of pentaerythritol, The kinetics of formaldehyde oxidation into formic
latexes, etc.; and as a feedstuff preservative in agricul acid has not been reported in the literature. Sparse
ture. Formic acid is industrially obtained by the liquid information has been provided by kinetic studies of the
phase oxidation of butane and light naphtha (as a by oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol and formalde
product), by the direct hydrolysis of methyl formate, hyde burning on oxide catalysts—processes in which
by the acidolysis of formic acid salts, and by CO formic acid is an intermediate product of formalde
hydration [1]. Russia does not produce formic acid on hyde oxidation to carbon oxides [7–10]. There has
the industrial scale and satisfies its demand in part
been a study on partial formaldehyde oxidation to CO
through import.
over a Fe–Mo catalyst in a flow circulation reactor [7].
The heterogeneous catalytic gasphase oxidation of The CO formation rate at 200–300°C was found to
formaldehyde [2–4] is an alternative to multistep liq obey a firstorder law with respect to the formaldehyde
uidphase formic acid synthesis [1]. This new catalytic concentration (1–6 mol % CH2O). The reaction rate
formic acid synthesis technology has the following as a function of the oxygen concentration at a constant
advantages over the liquidphase methods: it is tech formaldehyde concentration is described by a Lang
nologically simpler, consisting of a small number of muir–Hinshelwood type equation. The apparent acti
steps; it is environmentally friendlier; it yields no vation energy of CO formation is 72 kJ/mol [7]. The
wastewater, solid waste, or hazardous gas emissions; kinetics of formaldehyde oxidation to CO2 was studied
the final product has a low cost; and the process needs with an Au/CeO2 catalyst in excess hydrogen at low
only small capital investments. A further advantage of formaldehyde concentrations (0.083–0.88 mmol/m3)
the new technology is that it can be implemented at between 303 and 413°C [8]. Under these conditions,
existing facilities producing formaldehyde by metha the reaction obeys a firstorder rate equation with
nol oxidation over a Fe–Mo catalyst. respect to formaldehyde and the calculated activation
Among the supported vanadium catalysts for form energy is 14.61 kJ/mol at 303–363°C and
aldehyde oxidation to formic acid, the V–Ti catalysts 34.18 kJ/mol at 363–413°C [8]. The authors of that
are the most efficient [3, 5]. The active species in these study hypothesize that the low and hightemperature
catalysts are nanosized VOx particles homogeneously CH2O oxidation mechanisms can be different.


H C O2
n+ n+ n+
O V O V V O Vm+ 䊐 Vn+ O Vn+ O

Fig. 1. Mechanism of formaldehyde oxidation into formic acid over the vanadia–titania oxide catalyst.

There has been a kinetic and mechanistic study of EXPERIMENTAL

formaldehyde oxidation with air over a hydrophobic Catalyst. A (11% V2O5)/(89% TiO2) catalyst was
catalyst (0.1% Pt on Raschig rings covered with fluor prepared as described in an earlier study [6]. The cat
inated carbon) [9]. A kinetic model was suggested, and alyst contained vanadium as polymeric VOx species
it provided a good fit to selectivity and reaction rate uniformly covering the support surface [6]. The VOx
data obtained at 60–150°C. According to this model, coverage density was 5.2 (at V)/nm2, which is close to
the reaction between adsorbed oxygen and CH2O pro the monolayer coverage by polymeric vanadium spe
ceeds via two pathways: one is partial oxidation, yield cies [16, 17]. The specific surface area of the catalyst
ing formic acid, and the other leads to the total oxida was 140 m2/g.
tion product—CO2. It was demonstrated that CO2
forms via parallel pathways, resulting both from CH2O Experiments. Kinetic experiments were carried out
oxidation and from the oxidation of adsorbed formic using a flow circulation setup [18, 19] with a differen
acid. tial reactor at atmospheric pressure in the temperature
range of 120–140°C. The particle size of the catalyst
The mechanism of CH2O oxidation over a Pt/TiO2 was 0.25–0.50 mm, and the catalyst weight charged
catalyst at room temperature was investigated by IR into the reactor was 0.5–3.0 g.
spectroscopy [10]. It was shown that the major reactive The formaldehyde concentration in the feed was
intermediates in CH2O oxidation are surface formates varied between 7 × 10–4 and 3.3 × 10–4 mol/l (1.5–
and CO. Formaldehyde oxidizes to form surface for 7.5 mol %); the oxygen concentration, between 10 ×
mates at room temperature. The formates decompose, 10–4 and 111 × 10–4 mol/l (2.5–25 mol %); the water
yielding adsorbed CO species in the absence of O2 in vapor concentration, between 4.5 × 10–4 and 89 ×
the gas phase, and CO is then oxidized to CO2 by O2 of 10 ⎯4 mol/l (1–20 mol %).
the gas phase. The experimental setup is schematized in Fig. 2.
In situ spectroscopic kinetic studies [11–13] eluci Water was dosed by saturating the air or oxygen +
dated the mechanism of selective formaldehyde oxida nitrogen stream from cylinders (1) with H2O vapor in
tion into formic acid over the V–Ti–O catalyst an evaporator (3) at a preset temperature.
(Fig. 1). In this reaction, the surface intermediates are Gaseous formaldehyde for catalytic experiments
vanadium ions–stabilized formates. The conversion of was obtained by the thermal decomposition of
adsorbed formaldehyde to the surface formates paraformaldehyde (Methyl Co., Russia) [20]. The
involves oxygen of the catalyst. Formic acid results water concentration in the initial paraformaldehyde
from the recombination of the formates with surface was 4.9 wt %. Before feeding formaldehyde into the
protons as the catalyst is oxidized by oxygen of the gas reactor, water was distilled from paraformaldehyde at
phase at 100–140°C. Raising the temperature to 150– 100°C. During distillation, the water vapor concentra
180°C leads to the thermal decomposition and oxida tion in the formaldehyde–air mixture gradually
tion of the formates to carbon oxides. decreased to 0.5 vol % and then remained practically
invariable. Formaldehyde was dosed from an evapora
Structurally similar surface formates result from tor (4) by passing dry air or the vapor–air mixture over
formic acid adsorption on the V–Ti–O catalyst. The a paraformaldehyde layer at a preset temperature. The
mechanism of the decomposition of these formates is reaction mixture stream, which contained formalde
similar to the mechanism observed for the decomposi hyde, oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor, was intro
tion of the formates resulting from formaldehyde duced into the circulation circuit. The circulation cir
adsorption [14, 15]. cuit consisted of a circulation pump (7), a valve unit
(8), a rotameter (9), and a molybdenum glass reactor
The advantages and practical value of the above (6) (inner diameter of 12 mm, length of 50 mm) with
formic acid synthesis method and good prospects for a coaxial thermocouple well for measuring the catalyst
putting it into practice prompted us to study the kinet bed temperature. The reactor was airheated in a resis
ics of formaldehyde oxidation into formic acid over tance furnace (5). The circulation ratio of the reaction
the vanadia–titania catalyst. mixture was VC/V = 50–100. In order to prevent the


322 DANILEVICH et al.


Porapak T
Na X

10 10

10 10 9

2 2 2

1 N 1 O 1 Air 6
2 2 3 4

Fig. 2. Experimental setup: (1) gas cylinders, (2) mass flow controllers, (3) water evaporator, (4) paraformaldehyde evaporator,
(5) resistance furnace, (6) reactor, (7) circulation pump, (8) valve unit, (9) rotameter, (10) sixway valves, (11) calibrated chro
matographic sampler, and (12) Tsvet500 chromatograph.

condensation of the reaction products and reactants, mal conditions (l/h), g is the catalyst weight (g), and
all reaction lines and the circulation circuit were Ssp is the specific surface area of the catalyst (m2/g).
maintained at 120°C. The gases (air, oxygen, and
nitrogen) were dosed using mass flow controllers (2). The carbon balance was 98 ± 2% in all runs.
The components of the reaction mixture were The component concentration measurement error
quantified chromatographically. The chromato due to the changes in the volume of the reaction mix
graphic procedure is described elsewhere [21]. ture did not exceed the error of the chromatographic
The following quantities were determined:
formaldehyde conversion, %, Figure 3 plots the HCOOH, CO, and CO2 forma
tion rates and product selectivities versus the CH2O
X = 100 ( C °CH2 O – C CH2 O )/C °CH2 O ; (1) conversion at different temperatures and a constant
mixture composition: 5% CH2O, 10% H2O, and air as
ith product selectivity, %, the balance gas.
S i = 100Ci/ ( C °CH2 O – C CH2 O ); (2) The major reaction product throughout the con
version range examined is formic acid. The byprod
formaldehyde oxidation rate, mol/(m2 s), ucts are carbon monoxide and dioxide and traces of
C °CH2 O XV methyl formate.
r = 

, (3)
22.4 × 3600 × 10 gS sp
4 At 120°C, the formic acid selectivity in the 30–
70% conversion range is 95%. Raising X to 90%
r i = rS i /100. (4) reduces S to 90%. The decrease in the formic acid
selectivity caused by the increase in the formaldehyde
Here, C °CH2 O and C CH2 O are the inlet and outlet conversion is due to the decomposition of the acid,
formaldehyde concentrations (vol %), Ci is the steady which mainly yields CO. Accordingly, the CO selec
state concentration of the ith product in the mixture tivity increases from 0.5 to 5.5% as X increases from 35
(vol %), V is the reaction mixture flow rate under nor to 90%.



80 (a)
20 2
0 1

W, 10−9 mol/m2 s
4 3
2 2
6 CO2
2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Conversion (X), %
100 HCOOH 1
90 2
80 3
15 3
Selectivity, %

5 1
6 CO2
4 2
3 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Conversion (X), %

Fig. 3. HCOOH, CO, and CO2 (a) formation rates and (b) selectivities as a function of the CH2O conversion at (1) 120, (2) 130,
and (3) 140°C.

An opposite trend is observed for CO2 formation: grew and the CO2 selectivity decreased. The contribu
the CO2 selectivity decreases from 5 to 3% as X tion from the consecutive COx formation pathway
increases from 35 to 90%. Similar dependences of the increases with an increasing reaction temperature.
selectivities on X are observed at 130 and 140°C.
Thus, the observed dependences of the selectivities
The extrapolation of the selectivities to the zero on the formaldehyde conversion suggest that formal
conversion indicates that HCOOH and CO2 form dehyde oxidizes via a consecutive–parallel reaction
from CH2O via parallel pathways. At nearzero CH2O network (Fig. 4). Formic acid and CO2 form via paral
conversions and temperatures of 120, 130, and 140°C, lel pathways, and CO and CO2 form via consecutive
the HCOOH selectivity is 97, 95, and 93% and the reactions through HCOOH decomposition.
CO2 selectivity is 3, 5, and 7%, respectively. The initial
CO selectivities are close to zero, which indicates that
CO forms via a consecutive pathway through the CH2O HCOOH
decomposition of formic acid. Direct experiments on w3 w4 w2
formic acid decomposition over the vanadia–titania
catalyst demonstrated that CO2 can also result from
formic acid decomposition. In these experiments, as Fig. 4. Scheme of formaldehyde oxidation over the vana
the HCOOH conversion increased, the CO selectivity dia–titania catalyst.


324 DANILEVICH et al.

(a) (b)
60 HCOOH 3 100 HCOOH 1
2 2
1 90 3
W, 10−9 mol/m2 s0 80
4 CO 8

Selectivity, %
3 CO
3 4 3
0 1 0 1 2
4 CO2
3 CO2 3
2 4 3
1 2
0 1 2 1
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
CH2O concentration, (10−4) mol/l CH2O concentration, (10−4) mol/l

Fig. 5. HCOOH, CO, and CO2 (a) formation rates and (b) selectivities as a function of the CH2O concentration at (1) 120,
(2) 130, and (3) 140°C. The CH2O conversion is 67 ± 2% at 120°C, 51 ± 2% at 130°C, and 57 ± 5% at 140°C.

(a) (b)
20 2 1
1 90 2
10 3
W, 10−9 mol/m2 s

5 CO 20 CO
4 3
Selectivity, %

3 3
2 2 10
2 1
1 1
0 0
2 CO2 3 6 CO2
1 2 4 2
1 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
O2 concentration, (10−4) mol/l O2 concentration, (10−4) mol/l

Fig. 6. HCOOH, CO, and CO2 (a) formation rates and (b) selectivities as a function of the oxygen concentration in the reaction
mixture at (1) 120, (2) 130, and (3) 140°C. The formaldehyde conversion is 60 ± 5% at 120°C, 70 ± 5% at 130°C, and 80 ± 5%
at 140°C.

Effects of the component (CH2O, O2, H2O) con The effect of oxygen was studied at constant inlet
centrations in the reaction mixture on the product for concentrations of formaldehyde (22.3 × 10–4 mol/l,
mation rates were studied at 120, 130, and 140°C by 5 mol %) and water vapor (45 × 10–4 mol/l, 10 mol %)
oneparameter experiments. and a fixed formaldehyde conversion. The steadystate
oxygen concentration varied between 10 × 10–4 and
Effect of the formaldehyde concentration. The 103 × 10–4 mol/l (2.5–23 mol %).
steadystate CH2O concentration varied between 2 ×
In the absence of oxygen, the major formaldehyde
10–4 and 1.6 mol/l (0.5–4.0 mol %) at fixed concen
conversion product is methyl formate. Only traces of
trations of oxygen (89 × 10–4 mol/l, 20 mol %) and formic acid are present in the reaction products. The
water (45 × 10–4 mol/l, 10 mol %) and a fixed CH2O introduction of oxygen into the reaction mixture
conversion at each particular temperature. Figure 5 causes the formation of formic acid and carbon oxides.
shows the dependences of the product formation rates
and selectivities on the steadystate CH2O concentra Figure 6 plots the product formation rates and
tion at 120, 130, and 140°C. In the steadystate CH2O product selectivities as a function of the steadystate
concentration range, these dependences appear as oxygen concentration. The steadystate oxygen con
flattening curves (Fig. 5a). An increase in the formal centration varied between 10 × 10–4 and 103 ×
dehyde concentration leads to an increase in the for 10 ⎯4 mol/l (2.5–23 mol %).
mic acid selectivity and to a decrease in the CO and The formation rates of formic acid and carbon
CO2 selectivities (Fig. 5b). oxides increase with an increasing steadystate oxygen



(a) HCOOH (b) 1

70 HCOOH 100 2
60 3 90 3
50 2 80
40 70
30 1 60
W, 10−9 mol/m2 s 20 50
5 CO 15 CO
4 10

Selectivity, %
2 3 5 3
1 2
0 1 0 1 2
5 CO2 8 CO2
4 3 6 3
3 2 2
2 4
1 1
1 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
H2O concentration, (10−4) mol/l H2O concentration, (10−4) mol/l

Fig. 7. HCOOH, CO, and CO2 (a) formation rates and (b) selectivities as a function of the water vapor concentration in the reac
tion mixture at (1) 120, (2) 130, and (3) 140°C. The formaldehyde conversion is 60 ± 5% at 120°C, 70 ± 5% at 130°C, and 80 ±
5% at 140°C.

concentration (Fig. 6a). At all temperatures exam dence of the CO2 formation rate of the H2O concen
ined, the HCOOH selectivity decreases slightly and tration.
then CO and CO2 selectivity increase as the oxygen
concentration is increased (Fig. 6b). (3) The experimentally observed increase in the
formic acid formation rate upon the introduction of
The effect of the water vapor concentration was water vapor into the reaction mixture suggests that
investigated at fixed inlet concentrations of formalde HCOOH formation involves protonated ZO sites,
hyde (22.3 × 10–4 mol/l, 5 mol %) and oxygen (89 × which will be designated ZOw.
10–4 mol/l, 20 mol %).
(4) CH2O adsorption involves oxygen of the cata
Figure 7 plots the dependences of the formation lyst, yielding surface formates (HCOO–Zw–H and
rates of formic acid and carbon oxides and their selec HCOO–Z'–H), which are characterized by
tivities as a function of the steadystate water vapor νas(COO–) and νs(COO–) IR absorption bands at 1567
concentration. and 1370 cm–1 for HCOO–Zw–H and at 1555 and
1370 cm–1 for HCOO–Z'–H. These formates differ in
The introduction of water into the reaction mixture
reactivity. In the temperature range dominated by for
raises the formic acid formation rate. As is demon
mic acid formation (100–140°C), the decomposition
strated in Fig. 7a, the HCOOH formation rate curves
rate constant of the HCOO–Zw–H formates is almost
flatten out at an H2O concentration of about 45 ×
one order of magnitude larger that of the HCOO–Z'–
10 ⎯4 mol/l (10 mol %).
H formates.
As the water vapor concentration is increased, the
(5) The recombination of HCOO–Zw–H with
CO formation rate falls sharply, while the CO2 forma
protons in the presence of gasphase oxygen leads to
tion rate is independent of the water concentration
the release of formic acid into the gas phase. The pro
(Fig. 7a). The changes in the product selectivities are
tons form on the surface via the dissociative adsorption
consistent with the changes in the formation rates
of formaldehyde and water.
(Fig. 7b).
(6) Part of the formic acid is readsorbed on ZO sites
The kinetic model of the process was derived from
to yield strongly bound formates (HCOO–ZO–H).
the above experimental data and the mechanism of the
The decomposition of these formates releases CO and
reaction [11–15] and includes the following proposi
H2O into the gas phase. The decelerating effect of
water on CO formation from HCOOH is evidence that
(1) Formaldehyde oxidizes via consecutive and formic acid is adsorbed as the strongly bound species
parallel reactions. CO2 forms from CH2O and HCOO–ZO–H on the same ZO sites on which H2O
HCOOH; CO, from HCOOH only. is adsorbed.
(2) HCOOH and CO form on the same sites, ZO, (7) CO2 also forms via the decomposition of the
and CO2 forms on other sites, Z'O, as is indicated by HCOO–Zw–H and HCOO–Z'–H formates, the sur
the significant effect of the H2O concentration on the face compounds resulting from the adsorption of
HCOOH and CO formation rates and by the indepen formaldehyde and formic acid, respectively. The


326 DANILEVICH et al.

decomposition of these formates involves oxygen from HCOOH and CO formation (steps 1–5)
the gas phase.
1. ZO + H2O ZOw
r–1 ZO
r2 1 4 5
2. ZOw + CH2O HCOO–Zw– H –1
3. HCOO–Zw–H + 1/2O2 HCOOH + ZOw
r4 2 3
r5 HCOO–Zw–H
5. HCOO–ZO–H CO + ZO + H2O
Here, ZO is a dehydrated active site, ZOw is a protonated active site, HCOO–Zw–H and HCOO–ZO–H are
bidentate formates, and r1–r5 are the rates of the reaction steps.
CO2 formation (steps 6–9)
6. Z'O + CH2O HCOO–Z'–H
r7 Z'O
7. HCOO–Z'–H + O2 Z'O + CO2 + H2O 6
7 8 9
9. HCOO–Z'O–H + 1/2O2 Z'O + CO2 + H2O

Here, Z'O is an active site, HCOO–Z'–H W CO2 = W 3 + W 4

HCOO–Z'O–H are surface formates, and r6–r9 are
the rates of the reaction steps. K 8 P CH2 O + K 9 P HCOOH (7)
Step 1 is reversible water adsorption/desorption on 1 + K 6 P CH2 O /P O2 + K 7 P HCOOH /P O2
active sites, which is accompanied by the formation of where K1 = k2, K2 = k–1/k1, K3 = k4/k5, K4 = k2/k3.
ZOw protonated sites. Step 2 is dissociative formalde K5 = k4(k–1/k1), K6 = k6/k7, K7 = k8/k9, K8 = k6, and
hyde adsorption yielding surface formates and pro K9 = k8. ki are the rate constants of steps.
tons. The recombination of the surface formates with
Equation (5) refers to HCOOH formation; Eq. (6),
protons in the presence of gaseous oxygen causes the
to CO formation from HCOOH; Eq. (7), to CO2 for
release of formic acid into the gas phase and catalyst
mation from CH2O and HCOOH.
reoxidation (step 3). Formic acid readsorption on
active sites yielding formates and their subsequent The rate constants in Eqs. (5)–(7) and the corre
decomposition to CO and H2O are steps 4 and 5. The sponding activation energies were determined by min
formation of CO2 from formaldehyde is accounted for imizing the function of relative deviations between the
by steps 6 and 7, and CO2 formation from formic acid calculated and experimental concentrations:
is due to steps 8 and 9. N exp 7

∑ ∑ ((y
exp calc exp 2
The above reaction network and graph theory were S = ij – y ij )/y ij ) min, (8)
used to set up rate equations for product formation j = 1i = 1
[22]. where j = 1, N exp are run numbers; i = 1, 7 are num
The product formation rate equations based on the bers assigned to components of the reaction system
above mechanism (Fig. 1) and the consecutive–paral exp
(CH2O, O2, HCOOH, CO, CO2, N2, H2O); y ij are
lel reaction scheme (Fig. 4) appear as follows: calc
the observed mole fractions of components; and y ij
W HCOOH = W 1 are the mole fractions of components calculated from
K 1 P CH2 O (5) the material balance equations for a perfectly mixed
, reactor,
1 + K 2 ( 1 + K 3 P HCOOH )/P H2 O + K 4 P CH2 O /P O2 0
y i – γy i + q i τ = 0. (9)
W CO = W 2 Here, γ is the ratio of the outlet molar flow rate to
K 5 P HCOOH /P H2 O (6) the inlet molar flow rate; τ ((g s)/mol) is the apparent
, residence time determined as the ratio of the catalyst
1 + K 2 ( 1 + K 3 P HCOOH )/P H2 O + K 4 P CH2 O /P O2 weight to the inlet molar flow rate; and qi (mol/(h/s))



W, 10−9 mol/m2 s(calculated) 6

80 (a) CO (b) 6 CO2 (c)
70 HCOOH 5
60 4
50 4
40 3 3
30 2 2
10 1 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 60 1 2 3 4 5 6
W, 10−9 mol/m2 s(observed)

Fig. 8. Fit between the calculated and observed formation rates of (a) HCOOH, (b) CO, and (c) CO2.

is the formation/disappearance rate of the ith compo of formic acid (desired product) and that water retards
nent, the decomposition of HCOOH to CO. Based on the
4 entire experimental data array and on the mechanism
qi = of the reaction, a kinetic model was constructed for
ki W i , (10)
formaldehyde oxidation, and this model provided a
k=1 satisfactory fit to the experimental data.
where zki are stoichiometric coefficients and Wi are
Using the kinetic model constructed in this study,
reaction rates in Eqs. (5)–(7).
the basic operation and design parameters of the reac
The minimum point of the objective function S tor equipment at the pilot and commercial scales were
(formula (8)) was approached by the Gauss–Mar optimized by mathematical modeling. The catalyst
quardt gradient method. In the iterative procedure, pellet size, the diameter and length of the reactor
the set of nonlinear equations (9) was solved by the sta tubes, the linear gas velocity, and the heat carrier tem
tionarization method; that is, the set of differential perature were determined. The Institute of Catalysis is
equations was integrated with the righthand side cor creating an enlargedscale pilot plant in order to
responding to Eq. (9) until the steady state was obtain initial data for commercialscale technology.
Figure 8 compares the observed formation rates of
HCOOH (Fig. 8a), CO (Fig. 8b), and CO2 (Fig. 8c) to
those calculated via Eqs. (5)–(7) using the rate con This work was supported by the Russian Federal
stants derived from the entire experimental data array Agency for Science and Innovation through the fed
(data obtained at varied residence times, tempera eral targeted program “Research and Pedagogical
tures, and concentrations). The standard deviation Cadre of Innovative Russia.”
between the observed and calculated reaction rates,
determined as
N exp calc 2
1 ⎛ w exp
– w i, j ⎞ 1. Aguilo, A. and Khorlenko, T., Neft. Gaz Neftekhim.
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N exp ⎝ w calc
i, j
 ⎜ ⎟ ,
i, j ⎠
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