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Chapter 1: Effect and Application of Laws
Codal Provision Doctrine Cases
ART 1.  Prepared by the Roxas Code Commission
 (Created by the EO 48 by Pres. Manuel Quezon)
This Act shall be known as the  Chairperson: Dr. Jorge C. Bocobo
Civil Code of the Philippines.  Members: Judge Guillermo Guevarra, Dean Pedro Ylagan,
Francisco Capistrano, Dr. Carmelino Alvendia
 January 26, 1949 - the Senate and House of
Representatives passed RA 386 (An Act to Ordain and
Institute the Civil Code of the Philippines)
ART 2. EFFECTIVITY OF THE CIVIL CODE Amendment by E.O 200 by President Corazon
 The Civil Code took effect on August 30, 1950 Aquino
Laws shall take effect fifteen  Completion of publication date: August 30 1949 Periodicals are more easily available, have a wide
days following the completion (Publication shall take effect one year after publication) circulation, and come out regularly
of their publication in Official
Gazette, unless it is otherwise EXECUTIVE NUMBER 200 Tanada v Tuvera 146 SCRA 446
provided. This Code shall take  “… either in Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general Effectivity of a law as soon as it is signed (without its
effect one year after circulation” publication) would cause prejudice with citizens becuase
publication.  LAWS refers to all statues, including local and private laws they would not know that such a law existed

Amendment by E.O 200 by EFFECTIVITY OF LAWS

President Corazon Aquino  It shall have effect only after the expiration of the fifteen-
Section 1. Laws shall take day period following the completion of publication so
effect after fifteen days people can be familiar with the statute
following completion of  Publication must be in full or it is not publication at all
publication in Official Gazette because purpose is to inform (Tanada v Tuvera 146 SCRA
or newspaper of general 446)
circulation, unless it is
 Covered by this rule: presidential decrees and executive
otherwise provided.
orders, administrative rules and regulations if purpose is to
enforce or implement, all presidential decrees (including
those naming a public place after a favored individual or
exempting him from certain prohibitions or requirements),
circulars by Monetary Board (only if they are to "fill in the
details" of a Central Bank act)
 Not covered: Interpretative regulations and those internal in
nature (not public), letters of instructions, instructions of the
Minister of Social Welfare municipal government (Tanada v

Tuvera 146 SCRA 446)


 only refers to the fifteen day period and NOT the
requirement of the publication
 Publication is an indispensable requisite; otherwise, law
would be ineffective
 If the law provides for a different period shorter or longer
than the 15-day period, the period stated by the law will
prevail. If it mentions that it shall take effect immediately,
it means it will take effect right after publication is
ART 3. REASON Tanada v Tuvera
 Founded not only on expediency and policy but also on It would not be just if we punish or burden a citizen for a
Ignorance of the law excuses necessity breaking a law where he had no notice whatsoever.
no one from compliance  Every person knows the law is a conclusive presumption.
therewith.  Applies only to mandatory and prohibitory laws
 This article is a necessary consequence of the mandatory
provision that all laws must be published - "ignorantia
legis non excusat"
 Laws look into the future therefore, unless the legislature
Laws shall have no retroactive may have given that effect to some legal provisions, then
effect, unless the contrary is statues are to be construed as having only prospective
provided. operation.
 Laws shall have no retroactive effect unless purpose is
expressly declared or necessarily implied. If there is doubt,
then article 4 holds.

 Statutes are not to be construed as intended to have a
retroactive effect so as to affect pending proceedings,
unless such intent is expressly declared or clearly and
necessary implied from the language of enactment.
(Espiritu v Cipriano, 55 SCRA 533)

The following may be given retroactive effect:

 curative or remedial
o Curative laws are not within constitutional inhibitions;

necessarily retrospective Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court of

o RULE: if the thing omitted or failed to be done, and Appeals
which constitutes the defect sought to be removed, is Statues are forms of "retrospective legislation which
something the legislature might have dispensed with reach back on past events to correct errors of
by previous statutes, it may do so by subsequent irregularities and to render valid and effective attempted
ones acts which would otherwise be ineffective for the
 expressly provides for retroactivity purpose the parties intended
o The Family Code (August 3, 1988) shall have
retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or
impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with
Civil Code or other laws"
 procedural
o When a statute deals with procedure only (those
which have accrued or pending and future actions)
o changes in substantive law or SC judicial doctrines
may NOT be applied retroactively
 penal in character and favorable to the accused
o Article 22 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) : laws
shall have retroactive effect insofar as they favor the
person guilty of a felony, who is not a habitual
criminal but it if a final sentence has been
pronounced and the convict is serving the same
o habitual delinquent - if within the period of 10 years
from the date of hs release or last conviction of the
crime of serious or less serious physical injuries, he
is found guilty of any said crimes a third time or
o subject to constitutional provisions


 Mandatory Law - when the omission of which renders
Acts executed against the the proceeding or acts to which it relates generally illegal
provisions of mandatory or or void.
prohibitory laws shall be void,  Prescriptive periods are mandatory in character (ex: the
except when the law itself husband, in order to question the legitimacy of the child,
authorizes their validity. must file a case within one year from the knowledge of
the birth if the child or recording in the civil register if in
the same municipality where he lives); if the case is filed
beyond a year, the case will be dismissed
 Prohibitory Laws - those which contain positive
prohibitions are couched in the negative terms importing
that the act required shall not be done otherwise than
designated; Acts committed in violation of prohibitory laws
are void unless the law expressly provides for its validity.

ART 6. WAIVER Consunji v. Court of Appeals

 an intentional relinquishment of a known right; not Ignorance of martial fact negates waiver, and waiver
Rights may be waived, unless presumed but must be clearly and convincingly shown cannot be established by a consent given. A person
the waiver is contrary to law, either by express stipulation or acts admitting no other makes a knowing and intelligent waiver when that
public policy, morals or good reasonable explanation person knows that a right exists and has adequate
customs, or prejudicial to a  A right must be in in existence at the time of waiver and knowledge upon which to make an intelligent decision.
third person with a right must be exercised by a duly capacitated person This waiver must be illustrated on the record or by
recognized by law. possessing the right to make the waiver. evidence.


 Waivers cannot be made if they are contrary to law, Preferential rights of tenants under Commonwealth Act
public order, public policy, morals or good customs, or No. 539 to purchase a public land cannot be validly
prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by waived because it is against public policy
law. (ex. minimum wage)
 Signing by a disabled employee of a satisfaction Juat v. Land Tenure Administration
receipt does not constitute a waiver (to receive less Alleged waiver of his right made by the petitioner shall
compensation than worker is entitled to) be considered null and void.
 Rights, protections, and advantages conferred by
statues may be generally waived however, the object
of a statue is to promote great public interests, liberty
and morals, it cannot be defeated by any private
Art 7. REPEAL Iloilo Palay and Corn Planters Association, Inc. v.

 The repeal of the law is a legislative act of abrogating Feliciano

Laws are repealed only by through a subsequent law the effects of a previous The phrase "All laws and parts thereof inconsistent with
subsequent ones, and their statue or portions thereof. the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
violation or non-observance  Two kinds of repeal: express or implied modified accordingly" is not an express repealing clause
shall not be excused by  Implied repeal: when a new law contains provisons because it fails to identify the act or acts that are
disuse, or custom, or practice inconsistent with those of former without expressly intended to be repealed.
to the contrary. repealing them. Repeals and amendments by
implications are not favored. Victorias Milling Company v. Social Security
When the courts declare a law  Express repeal: literally declared by a new law, either Commission
to be inconsistent with the in specific terms, as where particular laws and The details and the manner of carrying out the law are
Constitution, the former shall provisions are named and identified and declared to oftentimes left to the administrative agency entrusted
govern. be repealed, or generally, where a provision in a new with its enforcement (due delegation of legislative power.
law declares all laws and parts of laws inconsistent A rule is binding on the courts so long as the procedure
Administrative or executive therewith to be repealed. fixed for its promulgation is followed, and its scope is
acts, orders and regulations  In Statutory Construction: a special statue is not within the statutory authority granted by the legislate
shall be valid only when they repealed by a subsequent statue unless the intent to
are not contrary to the laws or repeal is manifest although the terms are broad enough United States V. Tupasi
the Consitution to include the cases embraced in the special law The regulations adopted under legislative authority by a
particular department must be in harmony with the
UNCONSTITUTIONAL STATUES provisions of the law ; with a sole purpose of carrying
 Statutes should be given a meaning that will not bring into effect its general provision
them in conflict with the Constitution
 The constitutionality or unconstitutionality of a stature
depends upon factors other than those existing at the
time of the enactment thereof, unaffected by the act or
omissions of law enforcing agencies

 Where a portion of a statue is rendered
unconstitutional and the remainder valid, the parts will
be separated.
 The valid portion must be so far independent of the
invalid portion must be so far independent of the
invalid portion that it is fair to presume that the
Legislature would have enacted by itself


 Interpreting and construing vague provisions of law When a doctrine of Court is overruled and a different
Judicial decisions applying or relative to a particular dispute view is adopted, the new doctrine should apply

interpreting the laws or the  Construction, verily, is the art or process of discovering prospectively and does not apply to parties who relied
Constitution shall form part of the law with respect to its application to a given case. on old doctrines and acted on faith thereof. This is
the legal system of the especially true in construction and application of
Philippines EFFECT OF JUDICIAL DECISION Criminal laws.
 Judicial decisions, assume the same authority as the
statue itself and, until abandoned, they become the People v Licera
criteria which must control the actuations of those Where a new doctrine abrogates an old rule, the new
called upon and those duty bound to enforce them doctrine should operate prospectively only and should
 legis interpretation legis vim obtinet - the not adversely affect those favored by the old rule.
interpretation places upon the written law by a
competent court has the force of law Apiag v Cantero
 Judicial decisions of the Supreme Corut are Administrative liability for immorality for entering into a
authoritative and precedent-setting subsequent marriage without having first void marriage
Decisions of the lower courts are merely persuasive judicially declared a nullity will depend on the prevailing
jurisprudence at the time of the second marriage.
 Applications and interpretations of the laws are part as
per the date of enactment

ART 9. DUTY OF JUDGES Corpus v. Cabalina

 Judges are tasked with the dispensation of justice in Where the conclusions of a judge in his decisions are
No judge or court shall decline accordance with the constitution not without logic or reason, he cannot be said to have
to render judgment by reason  Judges must not evade performance of this been incompetent
of the silence, obscurity or responsibility just because of a non-existence of law or
insufficiency of the laws. regardless of if the law is vague or inadequate. In Re: Padilla
 Judges must be guided by equity, fairness, and a According to Roman Law, when statues are silent of
sense of justice ambiguous, courts should arrive at a solution that would
respond to the vehement urge of conscience.
 Government is divided into three great departments -
executive, legislative, and judiciary. Each department
cannot encroach into the jurisdiction of the other.
 Article 9 of the New Civil Code debunks the concept
that courts cannot engage in judicial legislation. It
states, "no judge or court shall decline to render
judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity, or
insufficiency of the laws"



 Laws must not be added and subtracted by the

In case of doubt in the judiciary, especially when it is clear and unambiguous.
interpretation and application  If there is ambiguity in the law, it is up to the legislative
of laws, it is presumed that the to interpret the law. The interpretation should not be at
lawmaking body intended right war with the end sought to be attained.
and justice to prevail  A literal interpretation is to be rejected if it would be
unjust or lead to absurd results.


 rules of conduct formed by repetition of acts, uniformly
Customs which are contrary to observed and practices as a social rule, legally binding
law, public order or public and obligatory
policy shall not be  Customs muse be proved as a fact according to the
countenanced. rules of evidence, they are sources of rights and
cannot be considered by a court of justice unless each
ART 12. custom is established by competent evidence.
 Juridical customs must be differentiated from social
A custom must be proved as a customs; the former can supplement statutory law or
fact, according to the rules of applied in absence of such statute; customs prevail
evidence over statutory or legal rules

ART 13. COMPUTATION OF LEGAL PERIOD National Marketing Corporation v. Tecson

Impliedly repealed by EO 292 or the Administrative Code of Year is equivalent to 365 days regardless of whether it is
When the law speaks of 1987 a regular year or a leap year
years, months, days or  Year = twelve calendar months (EO 292)
nights, it shall be understood  Month (not specified) = 30 days CIR v. Primetown Property Group, G.R. No. 162155
that years are of three  Month (specified) = no. of days in that specific or EO 292
hundred sixty-five days each; month Art 13 of the Civil Code of the Philippines was impliedly
months, of thirty days, days,  Day = 24 hours repealed by EO 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987
of twenty-four hours; and  Night = sunset to sunrise by its repealing clause under Section 27. Under EO 292,
nights from sunset to sunrise.  Period = First day shall be excluded and the last the number of days in computing for a year is irrelevant.
day, included.
If months are designated by  Leap year = 366 days BUT THIS CONTRAVENES Garvida v. Sales, 83 SCAD 188, 271 SCRA 767
their name, they shall be Art. 13 definition of the year. One year EXPLICITLY "Not more than than 21 years old" is not equivalent to
computed by the number of ordained in the Civil Code is 365 days "less than 22 years old"
days which they
respectively have.

In computing a period, the


first day shall be excluded,

and the last day included.
ART 14. OBLIGATORY FORCE OF PENAL LAWS 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
 Citizens and foreigners are subject to penal laws and  Provides that a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable
Penal laws are obligatory upon all other laws. Liability for any violation will attach and shall not be liable to any form of arrest of
all who live or sojourn in regardless of whether a person is merely sojourning. detention (Article 29)
Philippine territory  Territoriality rule  Diplomatic Agent – head of the mission or a
member of the diplomatic staff of the mission.
EXCEPTION  All heads of state visiting the Philippines are
 Although foreigners may be liable for committing immune from Philippine criminal jurisdiction
offenses, they cannot be criminally prosecuted in the
Philippines in cases where the Phil. has waived
criminal jurisdiction over them (based on principles of
public international law)
 Regardless where a citizen of the Philippines may be,
Laws about family rights and he/she will be governed by Philippine laws.
duties& status, condition and  Filipino (initiates a petition abroad to obtain absolute
legal capacity of persons are divorce, Filipino or foreign) and is successful =
binding upon citizens of the Philippines will not recognize such absolute divorce
Philippines even though living (Article 26 par 2 Family Code)
abroad.  The only allowable absolute divorce is when the
foreigner files the petition to be divorced to a
Philippine citizen and is successful. (Tenchavez v.
Escaño, 15 SCRA 355)
ART 16. LAWS GOVERNING REAL PROPERTIES Article 16, par.2 & Article 1039 of Civil Code
Real property as well as  Law of the country where real properly is situated shall ● National law of decedent applicable with regard to:
personal property is subject be the governing law over such real property o Order of Succession
to the law of the country  Regardless of location, when it comes to intestate or o Amount of successional rights
were it is situated. testamentary succession, the nationality of the o Intrinsic validity of Provisions of Will
However, intestate and deceased shall be followed o Capacity to succeed
testamentary successions,
both with respect to the Miciano v Brimo
order of succession and to A provision in a foreigner’s will to the effect that his
amount of successional properties shall be distributed in accordance with
rights and to the intrinsic Philippine law and not with his national law, is illegal and
validity of testamentary void.
provisions, shall be
regulated by the national

law of the person whose

succession is under
consideration, whatever
may be the nature of the
property and regardless of
the country wherein said
property may be found.
 Solemnities of public instruments, wills, and contracts
The forms and solemnities of shall be governed by the laws of the country where
contracts, wills, and other they are executed
governed by the laws of the  Acts or contracts made in a foreign country before
country in which they are diplomatic and consular officials must conform to the
executed. solemnities under Philippine Law
When the acts referred to are PROHIBITIVE LAWS
executed before the  Shall not be rendered ineffective by laws or judgments
diplomatic or consular promulgated or agreed upon by other countries.
officials of the Republic of the  laws concerning property, persons, their acts and
Philippines in a foreign those meant for public order, public policy, or good
country, the solemnities customs will continue to be in effect even if the person
established by Philippine is in a different country with different laws
laws shall be observed in
their execution.
Prohibitive laws concerning
persons, their acts or
property, and those which
have for their object public
order, public policy and good
customs shall not be
rendered ineffective by laws
or judgments promulgated, or
by determinations or
conventions agreed upon in a
foreign country.
ART 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NATURE Insular v. Sun Life, 41 Phil. 269
 In matters governed by the Code of Commerce or by Insurance act deals with life insurance, it is silent to the
In matters which are governed special laws, deficiencies shall be supplied by the methods to be followed in order that there may be a
by the Code of Commerce and provisions of the Civil Code contract of Insurance.
special laws, their deficiency  However, one must check the kind of transaction on at

shall be supplied by the hand and whether the civil code provision is applicable
provisions of this Code. In a previous case, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
there is a one year prescription for making a claim for
loss or damage and the plaintiff believed that he could
extend the prescriptive period by giving a written demand
pursuant to Art. 1155 of the civil code, especially since
the civil code is meant to be supplementary according to
Art. 18. However the Supreme Court ruled that it was not
applicable because when it comes to matters of goods in
transport it is desirable that it be resolved at once taking
into consideration the nature of the goods.

Chapter Two: Human Relations

ART 19. Articles 19, 20, and 21 enunciate the “abuse of right” Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court of
doctrine. Appeals
Every person must, in the ● Good faith – the state of the mind which is
exercise of his rights and in ARTICLE 19 manifested by the acts of the individual concerned;
the performance of his duties,  provides rule of conduct consistent with orderly and intention to abstain from taking an unconscionable
act with justice, give everyone harmonious relationship and unscrupulous advantage of another
his due, and observe honesty  known as Principle of Abuse of Rights – sets ● Bad faith – does not simply connote bad judgment or
and good faith. standards for exercising of rights and performance of simple negligence, dishonest purpose or some moral
duties obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong (Malice –
ART 20. o Standards are: to act with justice; to give connotes ill-will or spite and speaks not in response
everyone his due; observe honesty and good to duty)
Every person who, contrary to faith
law, willfully or negligently  Elements of an abuse of right under Article 19:
causes damage to another, o There is a legal right or duty
shall indemnify the latter for o Which is exercised in bad faith Albenson Enterprises Corp v. Court of Appeals
the same. o For the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring The provisions provide sanctions for all other provisions
another of law which do not especially provide their own sanction
ART 21.
Any person who willfully ARTICLE 20 1947 Code Commission
causes loss or injury to  Designed to fill in the “countless gaps in the statues, ● ‘A’ seduces ‘X’ (19 years old) and promise of
another in a manner that is which leave so many victions of moral wrongs marriage was not made (or cannot be proved). X
contrary to morals, good helpless” gets pregnant. Civil action for breach of promise of
customs or public policy shall marriage can be filed.
compensate the latter for the ARTICLE 21 ● Under Article 20, X and her parents will have right of
damage.  Deals with acts contra bonus mores. Has ff elements: action.
● What about the boundary line between morality and

o There is an act which is legal law? Every good law draws its breadth from morals
o But is contrary to morals, good customs,
public order, or public policy Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals
o Done with intent to injure In failing to observe the reasonable degree of care &
vigilance which the surrounding circumstances
reasonably impose, petitioner is consequently liable for
Articles 19, 20, and 21 are related to each other because damages caused on private respondents
under these, acts that cause injury to another may be made
the basis for an award of damages. Articles 19 and 21 (act People's Bank v. Dahican Lumber Company
must be intentional) while Article 20 does not distinguish and Any third person who induces another to violate his
may be done “willfully” or “negligently”. contract shall be liable for damages to the other
contracting party

Driver's group claiming to protect the interest of all

drivers of a particular transportation company
The manner by which constitutional right is to be
exercised should not undermine public peace and order
nor should it violate the legal rights of other person

Gashem Shookat Baksh v. Court of Appeals

A breach of marriage is not actionable

Wassmer V. Velez
To formally set a wedding, and go through and spend for
all the wedding preparations and publicity, only to walk
out of it is a different matter (given that a breach or
promise is usually not actionable but there is proximate
cause for fraud and deceit

ART 22. UNJUST ENRICHMENT Pacific Merchandising Corporation v. Consolacion
● No person can claim what is not validly and legally his Insurance & Surety Co.
Every person who through an or hers In a case where the receiver of certain properties,
act or performance by another, ● This article prevents the concept of unjust enrichment without approval of the Court that appointed him as
or any other means, acquires ● Nemo cum alterious detriment locupletari potest : a receiver, entered in an indemnity agreement and bound
or comes into possession of person shall not be allowed to profit or enrich himself himself liable ; the owner-receiver should reimburse the
something at the expense of at another's expense creditor of the cost of improvements
the latter without just or legal
ground, shall return the same Perez v. Pomar
to him. Where one has rendered services to another, and these
services are accepted by the latter, it is just that he

should pay a reasonable remuneration because “it is

well-known principle of law, that no one should be
permitted to enrich himself to the damage of another”

Republic v. Ballocanog
The prohibition against unjust enrichment like wise
applies to the government
Without A’s knowledge, flood drives cattle to the
Even when an act or event CULTIVATED HIGHLAND of B. A’s cattle are saved,
causing damage to another’s but B’s crops destroyed, A was not at fault, but he was
property was not due to the benefited. He should indemnify B.
fault or negligence of the
defendant, the latter shall be
liable for indemnity if through
the act or event he was
ART 24. COURT VIGILANCE De Lima v. Laguna Tayabas Company
● The courts muse render justice and therefore, they Pleadings as well as remedial laws should be construed
In all contractual, property or must be very vigilant in protecting the right of the liberally in order that the pauper litigants may have
other relations, when one of disadvantaged with the end in view that any decision ample opportunity to pursue their respective claims.
the parties is at a disadvantage will be in consonance with what is right and legal
on account of his moral
dependence, ignorance,
indigence, mental weakness,
tender age or other handicap,
the courts must be vigilant for
his protection.
 prevent inconsiderate and ostentatious activities
Thoughtless extravagance in during times of emergency
expenses for pleasure or  except for: government or private charitable institution
display during a period of
acute public want or
emergency may be stopped by
order of the courts at the
instance of any gov't or private
charitable institution.
 If human personality is not properly exalted, then the The SC awarded damages on the basis of Art. 26 (2) of

Every person shall respect the laws are indeed defective the Civil Code considering that the act or omission of the
dignity, personality, privacy  Privacy of one's home is an inviolable right telegraph company disturbed the peace of mind of the
and peace of mind of his  Acts referred to in No. 2 are multifarious, and yet many family
neighbors and other person. of them are not within the purview of the laws in force
The following and similar acts o alienation of the affection of another's wife Hing v. Choachuy
though they may not constitute o meddling of so-called friends who poison the Businesses offices are included in Art. 26 where the
a criminal offense, shall mind of one or more members owner "has the right to exclude the public or deny
produce a cause of action for  Penal laws against defamation and unjust vexation are access"
damages, prevention and other glaringly inadequate.
relief: o religious freedom does not authorize anyone
to heap disrepute upon another by reason of
1) Prying into the privacy of the latter's religion
another's residence o many rich people treat the poor with contempt
2) Meddling with or disturbing because of the latter's lowly station in life
the private life or family o place of birth, birth defects and other personal
relations of another conditions are too often the pretext of
3) Intriguing to cause another humiliation cast upon persons
to be alienated from his friends
4) Vexing of humiliating
another on account of his
religious beliefs, lowly station
in life, place of birth, physical
defect, or other personal
 a public official is supposed to be an agent or at least Defendant (Ledesma) being a public officer should have
Any person suffering material a representation of the government acted with circumspection and due regard to the rights of
or moral loss because a public  the law exacts on him or her, an obligation to be very Ms Delmo
servant or employee refuses or vigilant and just so that the public can be assured that
neglects, without just cause, to the government is truly effective in servicing their Correa v. CFI of Bulacan
perform his official duty may needs A public officer who commits a tort or other wrongful act
file an action for damages and  any person suffering is entitled to damages done in excess or beyond the scope of his duty is not
other relief against the latter, protected by his office & is personally liable therefore
without prejudice to any unlike any private individual
disciplinary administrative
action that may be taken.
 Necessary in a system of free enterprise
Unfair competition in
agricultural, commercial or

industrial enterprises, or in
labor through the use of force,
intimidation, deceit
machination or any other
unjust, oppressive or
highhanded method shall give
rise to a right of action by the
person who thereby suffers
ART 29. CIVIL ACTION Philippine National Bank v. Catipon
 If the guilt of the accused is not proven beyond Judgment of acquittal does not constitute a bar to a
When the accused in criminal reasonable doubt, a civil action to prove the civil subsequent civil action involving the same subject
prosecution is acquitted on the liability can still be files where only preponderance of matter, civil action brought against the defendant by the
ground that his guilt has not evidence is needed. State
been proved beyond  Proof beyond reasonable doubt - amount of proof
reasonable doubt, a civil action which forms an abiding moral certainty that accused Mendoza v. Alcala
for damages for the same act committed the crime charged The accused was acquitted of estafa after a civil case
or omission may be instituted.  Preponderance of evidence - as a whole, the evidence was filed against the accused was acquitted of estafa
Such action requires only a adduced by one side outweighs the adverse party. after a civil case was filed against the accused arising
preponderance of evidence. from the same transaction for purposes of the civil
Upon motion of the defendant, liability, the SC overruled the decision of the trial court
the court may require the dismissing the civil complaint
plaintiff to file a bond to
answer for damages in case
the complaint should be found
to be malicious.
If in a criminal case the
judgment of acquittal is based
upon reasonable doubt, the
court shall so declare. In the
absence of any declaration to
that effect, it may be inferred
from the text of the decision
whether or not the acquittal is
due to that ground.
When a separate civil action is  The required quantum of evidence in a civil suit to
brought to demand civil claim such civil obligation is not proof beyond
liability arising from a criminal reasonable doubt but merely preponderance of

offense and no criminal evidence

proceedings are instituted
during the pendency of the
civil case, a preponderance of
evidence shall likewise be
ART 31. CIVIL OBLIGATION NOT ARISING FROM FELONY Due to the reckless imprudence of the drive of a bus
 certain injuries which do not arise from a crime company, the bus being driven fell off resulting in the
When the civil action is based  seeks to give an aggrieved party a remedy and a death of and injuries to certain passengers
on an obligation not arising cause of action in this kind of situation - driver was acquitted in the consequent criminal case
from the act or omission  Quasi-delict : such fault or negligence, if there is no for double homicide thru reckless imprudence because
complained of as felony, such pre-existing contractual relation between the parties his guilt was not proven beyond reasonable doubt
civil action may proceed  When the civil action is based on an obligation not - the aggrieved parties later on filed a civil case against
independently of the criminal arising from the act or omission complained of as a the bus company for failure of the company to carry the
proceedings and regardless of felony, such civil action may proceed independently of passengers safely to their destination
the results of the latter. the criminal proceedings and regardless of the result - a civil action based on contractual liability of a common
of the latter. carries is distinct from the criminal action instituted
 quasi-delict is cupla aquilana and is separate and against the carrier or its employee based on the latter's
distinct from criminal negligence (which is a delict) criminal negligence
 an accusation of criminal negligence, whether on
reasonable roubt or not, shall not be a bar to
subsequent civil action, not for civil liability arising from
criminal negligence, but fro damages due to a quasi-
 plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the same
act or ommission of the defendant
 civil action is based upon an obligation not arising from
the act or omission complained of a felony, such civil


 Two Kinds of Duties exercised by public officers
Any public officer or employee, o Of Duties to the Public
or any private individual, who  duty is owing primarily to the public
directly or indirectly obstructs, collectively
defeats, violates or in any  who act for the public at large
manner impedes or impairs  who are ordinarily paid out of the
any of the following rights and public treasury
liberties of another personal  an individual cannot have a cause of
shall be liable to the latter for action for damages against the public

officer (political remedy)

(Read the list of constitutional  exception:
freedom and rights in the codal complaining individual suffers a
:) ) particular or special injury on account
of the public officer's improper
In any of the cases referred to performance or non-performance of
in this article, whether or not his public duty
the defendant's act or o Of Duties to Individuals
omission constitute a criminal  by reason of their employmnet by a
offense, the aggrieved party particular individual to do some acts
has a right to commence an for him in an official capacity
entirely separate and distinct  In determining whether a public officer is liable for an
civil action for damages, and improper performance or non-performance of a duty, it
for other relief. Such civil must first be determined which of the two classes of
action shall proceed duties is involved.
independently of any criminal  An individual can hold a public officer personally liable
prosecution (if the latter be for damages on account of an act or omission that
instituted) and may be proved violates a constitutional right only if it results in a
by a preponderance of particular wrong or injury to the former
evidence.  There must be a cause of action - act or omission by
which a party violates a right of another; ff. elements
The indemnity shall include must be present:
moral damages. Exemplary o right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means
damages may also be and under whatever law it arises or is created
adjudicated. o an obligation on the part of the named
defendant to respect or not to violate such
The responsibility herein set right
forth is not demandable from a o an act or omission on the part of such Aberca V. Ver
judge unless his or omission defendant violative of the right of the plaintiff Certain basic rights and liberties are immutable & cannot
constitutes a violation of the or constituting a breach of the obligation of be sacrificed; in carrying out this task, constitutional and
Penal Code or other penal defendant to plaintiff legal safeguards must be observed

VIOLATION OF CIVIL LIBERTIES It is enough there was a violation of the constitutional
 essential to the effective maintenance of democracy rights of the plaintiff, and it is not required that
for the ff. reasons: defendants should have acted with malice or bad faith
o threat to freedom originates from abuses of
power of government officials and peace

o the requirement of proof beyond reasonable

doubt often prevented the appropriate
o the frequency of subtle, clever and indirect
ways which do not come within the pale of
penal law
 It is not the actor alone who must answer for damages,
the person indirectly responsible has also to answer
for the damages or injury caused to the aggrieved

 Judges cannot be subjected to liability so long as they

act in good faith - to hold otherwise would render the
judicial office untenable (Ang v. Quilala)

ART 33. RATIONALE Corpus V. Paje

 allow the citizen to enforce his rights in a private Homicide through reckless imprudence or criminal
In cases of defamation, fraud action brought by him negligence comes under the general rule that the
and physical injuries, a civil  while the State is the complainant in the criminal case, acquittal of the defendant in the criminal action is a bar
action for damages, entirely the injured individual is the one most concerned to his civil liability based upon the same criminal act; it is
separate and distinct from the because it is he who has suffered directly not one of the three crimes so there is no independent
criminal action, may be civil action for damages that may be instituted in
brought by the injured party. DEFAMATION, FRAUD AND PHYSICAL VIOLENCE connection with the same offences
Such civil action shall proceed  defamation, fraud and physical injuries must be
independently of the criminal understood in their ordinary sense
prosecution, and shall require  criminal negligence : the law penalizes thus the
only a preponderance of negligent act or careless act, not the result thereof
 should a citizen go to them to seek assistance, their
When a member of a city or failure or refusal to render the needed assistance to
municipal police force refuses maintain lawful order can be basis for claiming
or fails to render aid or damages against them.
protection to any person in
case of danger to life or
property, such peace officer
shall be primarily liable for
damages, and the city of
municipality shall be

subsidiary responsible
therefor. The civil action herein
recognized shall be
independent of any criminal
proceedings, and a
preponderance of evidence
shall suffice to support such
Rule 111 of the Rules of Court
When a person, claiming to be Sec. 1
injured by a criminal offense,  criminal action is instituted, the civil action for the
charges another with the same, recovery of civil liability unless the offended party
for which no independent civil waives the civil action, reserves his right to institute it
action is granted in this Code separately or institutes the civil action prior to the
or any special law, but the criminal action
justice of the peace finds no  shall be made before the prosecution starts presenting
reasonable ground to believe evidence & under circumstances affording the
that a crime has been offended party a reasonable opportunity to make such
committed, or the prosecuting reservation
attorney refuses or fails to  filing fees shall constitute a first lien on the judgment
institute criminal proceedings, awarding such damage
the complainant may bring a  the corresponding filing fees shall be paid by the
civil action for damages offended party upon the filing thereof in court (except
against the alleged offender. as otherwise provided in these Rules, no filing fees
Such civil action shall be shall be required for actual damages)
supported by preponderance  no counterclaim, cross-claim, or third party complaint
of evidence. Upon the may be filed by the accused in the criminal case, but
defendant's motion, the court any cause of action which should have been the
may require the plaintiff to file subject thereof, may be litigated in a separate civil
a bond to indemnify the action
defendant in case of the Sec. 2
complaint should be found to  the separate civil action arising therefrom cannot be
be malicious. instituted until final judgment has been entered in the
criminal action
If during the pendency of the  in cases of consolidation:
civil action, an information o the evidence already adduced in the civil
should be presented by the action shall be deemed automatically
prosecuting attorney, the civil reproduced in the criminal action w/o prejudice
action shall be suspended until o shall be tried and decided jointly

termination of the criminal o the running of the period of prescription of the

proceedings. civil action has been suspended shall be toiled
 the civil action based on delict may be extinguished if
there is finding in a final judgment in the criminal action
that the act or omission from which the civil liability
may arise did not exist

Sec. 3
 In no case, however, may the offended party recover
damages twice for the same act or omission charged
in the criminal action

Sec. 4
 The death of the accused after arraignment and during
the pendency of the criminal action shall extinguish the
civil liability arising from the delict
 the independent civil action instituted to enforce
liability arising from other sources of obligation may be
continued against the estate or legal representative of
the accused after proper substitution or against said
 if the accused dies before arraignment, the case shall
be dismissed without prejudice to any civil action to
any civil action the offended party may file against the
estate of the deceased

Sec. 5
 final judgment rendered in a civil action is not a bar to
a criminal action against the defendant for the same
act or omission subject of the civil action

ART 36. PRECEDENCE Fortich - Celdran V. Celdran

 criminal case takes precedence SC held that the resolution in the civil case of whether
Prejudicial questions, which  Exceptions: the motion is authentic or not "will in a sense be
must be decided before any o if there exist prejudicial questions which determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused in
criminal prosecution may be should be resolved first the criminal suit pending in another tribunal.
instituted or may proceed, o the law provides that both civil and criminal
shall be governed by the rules case can be instituted simultaneously Jimenez V. Averia
of court which the Supreme No prejudicial question because it is not determinative of
Court shall promulgate and PREJUDICIAL QUESTION the guilt or innocence of the parties charged with estafa

which shall not be in conflict  arises in a case and the resolution of which is logical
with the provisions of this antecedent of the issue involved therein BIGAMY:
Code.  cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal SC ruled that the existence of the civil suit does not
 criminal case is always suspended constitute a prejudicial question to warrant the
 civil action involves an issue similar or intimately suspension of the criminal case for bigamy because
related to the issue raised in the criminal action, prior to the annulment of the first marriage, the same
resolution of such issue determines whether or not the cannot be considered to as without effect, and therefore
criminal action may proceed shall presumed to be validly exisitng



State- criminal liability

("People v. ")

General Rule: If damages arise from the criminal case,

PARTIES WHO MAY FILE a civil case should be filed separately.
Private offended party - civil  The right to claim damages is waived
case for damages deemed  Reserves the right to file the civil case separately
instituted with criminal action
 Art 29 - There is already a judgment (the accused is
acquitted because guilt has not been proved beyond
INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTION - may be simultaneously with criminal case reasonable doubt) so the offended party files a
separate civil case for damages for the act
 Art. 32 - violation of constitutional freedoms  Art 30- a preponderance of evidence is sufficient to
 Art. 33 - defamation, fraud physical injuries prove the act complained of
 Art. 34 - public officers who refuses to give aid or protection o BEFORE THE CRIMINAL CASE
 Art 31 - Torts/ quasi-delicts (obligation not arising from the act or  General Rule: the separate civil case is suspended,
omission complained of as felony) once the proceedings for the criminal case already
starts or
 The evidence and proceedings for the criminal case
and civil case are consolidated, without division
**Art. 36 - "prejudicial questions"  Art 35 - The justice of peace or the prosecuting
- must be decided before any criminal prosecutions may be
attorney finds no reasonable grounds nor institute
instituted or may proceed
criminal proceedings, the offended party may bring a
civil action for damages.
 But, if during the pendency of the civil action,
prosecutor finds probable cause and files the
criminal case: the civil action shall be
suspended until the termination of the
criminal proceedings.


 Juridical capacity - acquired upon birth
Juridical capacity, which is o inherent right to be recognized as a person
the fitness to be the subject o Even if a child is still unborn and merely
of legal relations, is inherent inside the womb of the mother, such child is
in every natural person and is already given a provisional personality
lost only through death. o Terminated only upon death
Capacity to act, which is the  Capacity to act – not intrinsic in a person. It is
power to do acts with legal attained or conferred and it can be lost not only by
effect, is acquired and may death of the person but by any valid cause provided
be lost. by law.
o acts with legal effect
o maybe modified or limited
ART 38. (MIIDPC)  Minority – when one is under the age of majority
Minority, insanity or  Insanity – any mental disorder severe enough that it
imbecility, the state of being prevents a person from having legal capacity
a deaf-mute, prodigality and  Prodigality – (Prodigal) A person whose affairs are
civil interdiction are mere managed by a curator because of the person’s
restrictions on the capacity to wasteful spending or other bad conduct.
act, and do not exempt the  Interdiction – The act of depriving a person of the
incapacitated person from right to handle his or her own affairs
certain obligations, as when  Easement – An interest in land owned by another
the latter arise from his acts person consisting in the right to use control the land
or from property relations, or an area above or below it.
such as easements.
SIGNIFICANCE of 38 and 39
ART 39. (AII DPP FAAIT)  The former restricts the capacity to act, while 39 is
broader in scope but it enumerates situations which
The following merely modify the capacity to act.
circumstances, among  give people not adept in the technicalities of law an
others, modify or limit immediate sense that there are certain situations
capacity to act: age, which may effectively, juridically, and legally affect
insanity, imbecility, the state such relationships.
of being a deaf-mute,
penalty, prodigality, family
relations, alienage, absence,
insolvency and trusteeship.

The consequences of these

circumstances are governed
in this Code, other codes,
the Rules of Court, and in
special laws. Capacity to act
is not limited on account of
religious belief or political

A married woman,
twenty-one years of age
or over, is qualified for
all acts of civil life,
except in cases
specified by law.

Birth determines personality;  Child and Youth Welfare Code amended article A conceived child, although as yet unborn, is given by
but the conceived child shall 40. It thus provided that the civil personality of law a provisional personality of its own for all purposes
be considered born for all the child shall commence from the time of his favorable to it. The unborn child has a right to support
purposes that are favorable to conception for all purposes favorable to him, from its progenitors, even if the said child is only "en
it, provided it be born later subject to the requirements of article 41. ventre de sa mere" (just as conceived)
with the conditions specified
in the following article. BIRTH CERTIFICATE Geluz v. Court of Appeals
 provides prima facie evidence of the facts contained A parent cannot invoke the concept of "provisional
Art. 41 therein. These facts may however be rebutted by personality" of a conceived child to obtain damages for
For civil purposes, the fetus competent evidences such as testimonies of the and on behalf of an aborted child considering that the
is considered born if it is conditions set in Art. 40 and 41 were not met.
attending physician or the midwife
alive at the time it is
 the declaration of the physician or midwife, in
completely delivered from
attendance at the birth, the declaration of either
the mother’s womb. However,
parent of the newborn child, shall be sufficient for
if the fetus had an intra-
the registration of a birth in the civil register not later
uterine life of less than seven
than 30 days after the birth.
months, it is not deemed born
 In cases of an exposed child, the person who found
if it dies within twenty-four
the child shall report to the local civil registrar the
hours after its complete
place, date and time of finding and other attendant
delivery from the maternal
 In cases of illegitimate children, the birth certificate

shall be signed and sworn jointly by the parents of

the infant or only by the mother if the father refuses.
In this case it is not permissible to state or reveal in
the document the name of the father who refuses to
acknowledge paternity.


 strictly confidential and the contents therein cannot
be revealed except in the cases provided by law
 maintain their nature as public documents because
the following the proper legal procedure, they can
be obtained by those interested therein
Art 42. DEATH Butte v. Manuel Uy & Sons, Inc.
 puts an end to civil personality Heir-co-owners of the testator's 1/6 share became, in
Civil personality is turn, co-owners of the other persons relative to the
extinguished by death. DEATH CERTIFICATE whole property which such other persons or co-owned
The effect of death upon the  The office of the local civil registrar of a municipality with the testator such that, when such other persons
rights and obligations of the or city must also have in its custody of the death sold their share in the co-ownership to a corporation the
deceased is determined by certificates of persons who dies in its locality heir co-owners shall have the right of redemption, as to
law, by contract and by will.  no human body shall be buried unless the proper the portion sold not by virtue of their being heirs of the
death certificate has been presented and recorded testator but by virtue of their personal rights as co-
in the local civil registry owners of the whole property
 mandatory function of the physician or the health
officer to issue the death certificate and shall order
the same to be recorded
 During epidemic, bodies may buried, provided that
the proper death certificates have been secured,
which shall be registered not later than five days
after the burial of the body


 rights and obligations of a dead person can still be
regulated by contract, will or the law
 creditors are given the right to claim from the estate of
the deceased any obligation due them before the
estate can finally be partitioned in favor of the heirs
 testators though an express provision in a will may
disinherit any of his or her heirs under any of the valid
grounds provided by law, thereby in effect, controlling
the disposition of his properties even after death

 any person who shows disrespect to the dead, or

wrongfully interferes with a funeral, shall be liable to
the family of the deceased for damages, material and
ART 43. PROOF OF DEATH Joaquin v. Navarro
 applies only to persons who are called to succeed The opposite theory is deduced from established facts
If there is doubt, as between each other which, weighed by common experience, engender the
two or more persons who are  must be established by positive evidence. inference as a very strong probability. Gauged by the
called to succeed each other,  it can likewise be established by circumstantial doctrine of preponderance of evidence by which civil
as to which of them died first, evidence derived from facts. If ever an inference is case are decided, this inference is ought to prevail.
whoever alleges the death of to be made it must be derived from an existing fact.
one prior to the other, shall  can never be established from mere interference
prove the same; in the arising from another inference or from presumptions
absence of proof, it is and assumptions.
presumed that they died at
the same time and there shall
be o transmission of rights
from one to the other.
The following are juridical  legal existence susceptible of rights and obligations,
persons: being subject of juridical relations
 The State and its STATE Philrock v. Board of Liquidators
political subdivisions;  sovereign persons with people composing it Government funds and properties may not be seized
 Other viewed as an organized corporate society under a under writ of execution or garnishment to satisfy such
corporations, government with the legal competence to exact judgments; public funds must be covered by a
institutions and obedience of its commands corresponding appropriation passed by the legislature
entities for public  political organization of a society legally supreme
interest or purpose within and independent of legal contract from
created by law; their without
personality begins as  The state cannot be sued without its consent.
soon as they have Express consent may be embodied in a genera
been constituted law or special law. Consent is implied when the
according to law; government enters into business contracts and
Corporations, partnerships when a State files a complaint, thereby opening
and associations for private itself to a counterclaim.
interest or purpose to which  Suability V. Liability
the law grants a juridical o Suability depends on the consent of the
personality, separate and state to be sued.

distinct from that of each o Liability depends on the applicable law and
shareholder, partner or the established facts. When a state is
member. suable it does not necessarily mean that it
is also liable. On the other hand if it cannot
ART 45. be sued it can never be held liable.


mentioned in Nos. 1  Municipal corporations, provinces, cities and Municipality of San Fernando v. Judge Firme
and 2 of the preceding municipalities Municipal corporation are agencies of the State when
article are governed  Dual capacity they are engaged in governmental functions and
by the laws creating or o exercise the right springing from therefore should enjoy the sovereign immunity from suit
recognizing them. sovereignty; acts are political and
Private corporations are governmental, public service Torio v. Fontanilla
regulated by laws of general o private, proprietary, corporate right - arising The distinction of power becomes important for
application on the subject. from their existence as legal persons; act in purposes of determining the liability of municipality for
Partnerships and behalf of the municipalities in their the acts of its agents which result in injury to third
associations for private corporate or individual capacity, and not for persons
interest or purpose are the state of sovereign power
governed by the provisions  Suable because their charters grant tem
of this Code concerning  generally not liable for torts committed by them in
partnerships. the discharge of governmental functions and can
be held answerable only if it can be shown that they
ART. 46 were acting in a proprietary capacity
 State merely gives the claimant the right to show
Juridical persons may that the defendant was not acting in its
acquire and possess governmental capacity when the injury was
property of all kinds, as committed or that the case comes under the
well as incur obligations exceptions provided by law
and bring civil or criminal
actions, in conformity CORPORATION
with the laws and  governed by BP 68 or the Corporation Code
regulations of their  Gov't corporation are created by their special
organizations. Juridical charters passed by the legislature
person – a being of legal  having the right of succession and the powers,
existence susceptible of attributes and properties expressly authorized
rights and obligations, or by law or incident to its existence
of being the subject of  These are creatures of the law and can only
juridical relations come into existence in the manner prescribed
by law.

Cease, et al v. Court of Appeals

PARTNERSHIP Doctrine of disregarding or piercing the veil of corporate
 Two or more people bind themselves to fiction - separation and distinct personality is merely a
contribute money, property, or industry to a fiction created by law for convenience and to promote
common fund with the intention of dividing the the ends of justice and it may not be used or invoke for
profits among themselves. ends subversive of the policy and purpose behind its
 Two or more people may also form a creation (defeat public purpose, justify wrong, protect
partnership in the exercise of a profession fraud, defend crime, deception)

 The obligation of the corporation is not the
obligation of stockholders and vice versa.
 The dissolution of private corporation is governed
Upon the dissolution of by Title IV of the Corporation Code.
corporations, institutions and  Corporation for pub interest: dissolution shall be
other entities for public governed in accordance with the provisions of their
interest or purpose respective charters and in the absence of any such
mentioned in No. 2 of Article provision, by the provision of the Corporation Code
44, their property and other
assets shall be disposed of in
pursuance of law or the
charter creating them. If
nothing has been specified
on this point, the property
and other assets shall be
applied to similar purposes
for the benefit of the region,
province, city or
municipality which during the
existence of the institution
derived the principal benefits
from the same.
Chapter 4: Citizenship and Domicile


 denotes a fixed permanent residence to which,
The following are citizens of when absent, one has the intention of returning.
the Philippines:  Residence is used to indicate a place of abode,
 Those who were citizens whether permanent or temporary.
of the Philippines at the  Domicile is residence coupled with the intention to
time of the adoption of remain for an unlimited time. No length of residence
the Constitution without intention of remaining will constitute
 Those born in the domicile. A person may have multiple residences
Philippines of foreign but he may only have one domicile.
parents who, before the
 Domicile of minors - Minors follow the domicile of
adoption of said
their parents
constitution, had been
elected to public office  Change in Domicile
in the Philippines; o 1) an actual removal or an actual change of
 Those whose fathers are domicile
citizens of the o 2) a bona fide intention of abandoning the
Philippines; former place of residence establishing a
 Those whose mothers are new one
citizens of the o 3) acts which correspond with the purpose
Philippines and, upon o Fixing Domicile - The husband and the wife
reaching the age of shall fix the family domicile. In case of
majority, elect Philippine conflict the court shall decide (Art. 69 of
Citizenship; Family Code)
 Those who are naturalized
in accordance with law. CITIZENSHIP - Art. IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

ART 49. JUS SANGUINIS - citizenship by blood

Naturalization and the loss
and reacquisition of
citizenship of the Philippines
are governed by special laws.

ART 50.

For the exercise of civil rights

and the fulfillment of civil
obligations, the domicile of
natural persons is the place

of their habitual residence.

ART 51.
When the law creating or
recognizing them, or any
other provision does not
fix the domicile of
juridical persons, the
same shall be
understood to be the
place where their legal
representation is
established or where they
exercise their principal


 Executive Order No. 209 of Pres. Cory Aquino
 Justice Reyes, Justice Caguioa, Justice Puno
 August 3, 1988
 December 18, 1989
Chapter 1: Requisites of Marriage
ART 1. Nature & Importance of Marriage Zulueta v. CA
● One of the “basic civil rights of man,” fundamental to our existence & The SC ruled that the wife cannot use
Marriage is a special contract of survival the said documents & letters as
permanent union between man and ● One of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of evidence because they were obtained
woman entered into accordance with happiness by free men in violation of the husband’s
the law for the establishment of ● It is more than a mere contract; it is a social relation vested w/ public constitutional right to privacy. While a
conjugal and family life. It is the interest lawful marriage seeks to create a
foundation of family and an inviolable Marriage as a Status permanent union between man &
social institution whose nature, ● Marriage creates a social status or relation between the contracting woman, it does not shed the spouses’
consequences and incidents are parties in w/c not only they but the State as well are interested integrity or their privacy as individuals.
governed by law and not subject to ● Marriage is one of the cases of double status, in that the status therein
stipulation, except that marriage involves & affects 2 persons. One is married, never in abstract or a Phil. Telegraph & Telephone
settlements may fix the property vacuum, but always to somebody else. Company v. NLRC
relations during the marriage within ● No privately imposed conditions could alter the marital status. A company’s policy disqualified from
the limits provided by this Code. Marriage in International Law (UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR) work any woman worker who
● Men & women of full age, w/o any limitation due to race, nationality or contracts marriage. The SC
religion, have the right to marry and to found a family invalidated such policy as it not only
● The family is the natural & fundamental group unit of society & is runs afoul of the constitutional
entitled to protection by society & the State provision on equal protection, but also
Constitutional Protection on the fundamental policy of the State
● Art. 2, Sec. 2 – The State recognizes the sanctity of family life & shall toward marriage. Marriage as a
protect & strengthen the family as a basic social institution. special contract cannot be restricted
● Art. 15, Sec. 1 – The State recognizes the Filipino family as the by discriminatory policies of private
foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity & individuals or corps.
actively promote its total development.
● Art. 15, Sec. 2 – Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the Duncan v. Glaxo
foundation of the family & shall be protected by the State. An employment contract requiring an
● The right to enter into a marriage has been regarded as w/in the ambit employee to disclose to management
of the constitutional right of association. And once married, a couple has any existing/future relationship by
a right to privacy w/c is protected against all undue & unwarranted consanguinity/affinity w/ co-employees
government intrusion. or employees of competing drug
Note: The constitutional provisions on marriage do not imply that the companies & requiring such employee
legislature cannot enact a law allowing absolute divorce. to resign should management find that
such relationship poses a possible

conflict of interest was not held to be

in violation of the equal protection
Mail Order Bride (RA 6955) – It shall be unlawful: clause considering that the stipulation
A. For any person, natural or juridical, association, club or entity to commit, is reasonable under the
directly/indirectly, any of the ff. acts: circumstances because such
1. To establish or carry on a business w/c has for its purpose the relationship might compromise the
matching of Filipino women for marriage to foreign nationals either interest of the company & the
on a mail-order basis or through personal introduction; requirement was shown to be aimed
2. To advertise, publish, print or distribute or cause the advertisement, against the possibility that a
publication, printing or distribution of any brochure, flier, or any competitor company will gain access
propaganda material calculated to promote the prohibited acts in the to its secrets & procedures. The SC
preceding subparagraph; said that the provision does not
3. To solicit, enlist or in any manner attract or induce any Filipino impose an absolute ban against
woman to become a member in any club or association whose relations between the company’s
objective is to match women for marriage to foreign nationals either employees & those of competitor
on a mail-order basis or through personal introduction for a fee; company.
4. To use the postal service to promote the prohibited acts in
subparagraph 1 Star Paper Corporation v. Simbol
B. For the manager or officer-in-charge or advertising manager of any A company policy provided that, in
newspaper, magazine, television or radio station, or other media, or of case 2 of their employees decide to
an advertising agency, printing company or other similar entities, to get married to each other, 1 of them
knowingly allow, or consent to, the acts prohibited in the preceding should resign from the company. The
paragraph. SC held that the act of the company in
Anti-Trafficking in Persons (RA 9208) – It shall be unlawful for any person, enforcing such policy is illegal as it
natural or juridical, to commit any of the ff. acts: failed to prove a legitimate business
(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or material, economic or concern in imposing the questioned
other consideration, any person or, as provided for under Republic Act policy esp. so when the asserted
No. 6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign national, for marriage for the policy is premised in the mere fear
purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading him/her to that the employees married to each
engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, other will be less efficient.
slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for the purpose of
acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading them to engage in
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery,
involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
Revised Penal Code – penalizes bigamy & contracting a marriage knowing
that one of the requirements of law have not been complied with or that the
marriage is in disregard of a legal impediment
Marriage Between Rapist & Rape Victim
● A subsequent valid marriage of the offender & the offended party in the

crime of rape extinguishes the criminal action or the penalty imposed for
● In case the victim is already married & it is the legal husband who is the
offender, the subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the offended party
shall extinguish the criminal action or penalty, provided that the crime
shall not be extinguished or the penalty shall not be abated if the
marriage is void ab initio
Legislative Control of Marriage
● The legislature, through the Family Code, defines marriage & the family,
spells out the corresponding legal effects, imposes the limitations that
affect married & family life, as well as prescribes the grounds for
declaration of nullity & those for legal separation.
● In a real sense, there are 3 parties to every civil marriage: 2 willing
spouses & an approving State.
● By legislation, marriage can be made a statutory basis for limiting one’s
capacity to act or for affecting one’s right to acquire property:
1. Art. 823, NCC – The fact of marriage of the witness in a will to the
devisee or legatee shall render void the gratuitous disposition,
unless there are 3 other witnesses.
2. Art. 874, NCC – An absolute condition not to contract a 1st or
subsequent marriage made in a last will & testament on an instituted
voluntary heir, legatee or devisee shall be considered as not written,
unless such condition has been imposed on the widow/er by the
deceased spouse, or the latter’s ascendants or descendants.
Law Governing Validity of Marriage
● In determining the validity of marriage, it is to be tested by the law in
force at the time the marriage was contracted.

GENERAL RULE: The nature, consequence & incidents of marriage as a

social institution are governed by law & not subject to stipulations.

Exception: Property relations w/c may be fixed in a marriage settlement

executed prior to the marriage ceremony. However, such marriage
settlements must not contravene the mandatory provisions of the Family

GENERAL RULE: The nature of the marriage already celebrated cannot be

changed by a subsequent amendment to the law. Examples:
1. Under the OCC, a marriage bet. stepbrother & stepsister was void.
Such a marriage it not anymore prohibited under the FC. However,

the effectivity of the FC does not affect the void nature of the
marriage bet. the stepbrother & stepsister solemnized during the
effectivity of the OCC. It remains void.
2. Under the OCC, mistake in identity was a ground to make a
marriage annullable. Under the FC, such is a ground to declare the
marriage void ab initio. The effectivity of the FC does not affect the
annullable nature of those marriages contracted prior to the FC

Exception: Under the OCC, a marriage could not be declared void on the
ground of psychological incapacity. Such a ground came into existence w/
the effectivity of the FC. Here, a spouse who, prior to the effectivity of the
FC, got married to an individual who is psychologically incapacitated under
Art. 36, may file a case to declare the marriage void despite the fact that
such ground did not exist as a legal basis for nullity of marriage at the time
his/her marriage was celebrated. (At first, the prescriptive period was 10
years from the effectivity of the FC. This was amended and it is now
ART 2. Legal Capacity Silverio v. Republic
1. Both parties must be at least 18 years of age Petitioner had a biological sex change
No marriage shall be void, unless 2. The parties must be male & female from male to female through sex-
these essential requisites are 3. The marriage must not be incestuous under Art. 37 reassignment surgery & where he
present: 4. The marriage must not be void for reasons of public policy under sought the amendment of his birth
1. Legal Capacity of Art. 38 certificate to reflect the change in sex
contracting parties who 5. The marriage must not be bigamous, except if it is a “valid as a preliminary step to get married to
must be male and female bigamous marriage” under Art. 41 his partner. The SC rejected the
2. Consent freely given in the Effect of Sex Change – A man or woman should be considered as such at petition & ruled that the sex
presence of the solemnizing the time of the marriage when the parties themselves assert their own determined by visually looking at the
officer gender identities. genitals of the baby at the time of the
birth is immutable & that there is no
ART 3. Consent law legally recognizing sex
The formal requisites of a marriage ● Connotes that the contracting parties willingly & deliberately entered into reassignment.
are: the marriage
1. Authority of solemnizing ● Signifies that at the time of the marriage ceremony, they were capable Republic v. Cagandahan
officer of intelligently understanding the nature & consequences of the act Respondent was found to have
2. A valid marriage license ● Need not be expressed in any special manner or particular form, so long Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
except in the cases as there is a manifestation that the contracting parties take each other as (CAH) w/c is a condition where the
provided for in Chapter 2 of H&W person afflicted has both male &
this Title; and Requirements of Consent: female characteristics & organs.
3. A marriage ceremony which 1. Freely given Through expert evidence, it was
takes place with the 2. Must be made in the presence of the solemnizing officer shown that respondent, though

appearance of the Effect of Defect in Consent: genetically a female, secreted male

contracting parties before a 1. Total absence of consent – void ab initio hormones & not female hormones,
solemnizing officer and 2. Consent obtained thru fraud, force, intimidation, undue influence – had no breast, & did not have any
their personal declaration annullable monthly menstrual period, & the
that they take each other as Authority of Solemnizing Officer respondent, in his mind & emotion, felt
husband and wife in the ● It is NOT the presence/absence of the solemnizing officer w/c constitutes like a male person & did not want to
presence of not less than the formal requirement, but it is the presence/absence of the have surgery. The SC considered the
two witnesses of legal age. AUTHORITY of such solemnizing officer person as an “intersex individual” &
● The authority of the officer/clergyman will be presumed in the absence of granted the preference of the person
ART 4. any showing to the contrary to be considered as a male person,
The absence of any of the essential thereby allowing the amendment of
or formal requisites shall render the GENERAL RULE: The solemnizing officer is NOT duty bound to investigate the birth certificate of the person from
marriage void ab initio, except as w/n a marriage license (ML) has been duly & regularly issued by the local female to male.
stated in Article 35(2). civil registrar (LCR).
A defect in any of the essential or
formal requisites shall render the Exceptions:
marriage voidable as provided in 1. Under Art. 29 where the contracting parties are legally excused
Article 45. from obtaining a ML because 1 of them is in the point of death or
An irregularity in the formal there is no means of transportation to the LCR as their places of
requisites shall not affect the residences are far, the solemnizing officer must undertake the
validity of the marriage but the necessary steps to ascertain the ages & relationship of the
party or parties responsible for the contracting parties & the absence of legal impediment to marry
irregularity shall be civilly, 2. Under Art. 34, persons living together as H&W for at least 5 ears
criminally and administratively w/o the benefit of marriage may contract a valid marriage even in the
liable. absence of a ML. The solemnizing officer here is duty bound to
Article 5. Any male or female of the ascertain the qualifications of the contracting parties.
age of eighteen years or upwards
not under any of the impediments
mentioned in Articles 37 and 38,
may contract marriage.

ART 6.

No prescribed form or religious rite

for the solemnization of marriage is
required. It shall be necessary,
however, for the contracting parties
to appear personally before the
solemnizing officer and declare in
the presence of not less than two

witnesses of legal age that they

take each other as husband and
wife. This declaration shall be
contained in the marriage certificate
which shall be signed by the
contracting parties and their
witnesses and attested by the
solemnizing officer.
In case of marriage in articulo
mortis, when the party at the point
of death is unable to sign the
marriage certificate, it shall be
sufficient for one of the witnesses
to the marriage to write the name of
said party, which fact shall be
attested by the solemnizing officer.
ART 7. AUTHORITY REQUISITES Navarro v Domagtoy: a judge
solemnizing a marriage outside
Marriage may be solemnized by: Judge Within their court’s jurisdiction jurisdiction merely an irregularity
(1) Any incumbent member of the Must be incumbent and not retired (BUT, book says this is erroneous
judiciary within the court's because there is an absence of
jurisdiction; note: National Scope - SC, CA, CTA, SB authority and law clearly states
(2) Any priest, rabbi, imam, or authority is only within court’s
Priest, Rabbi, Imam, or Duly authorized by his/her church or religious
minister of any church or religious jurisdiction
Minister sect;
sect duly authorized by his church
Must act within the limits of the written
or religious sect and registered with
authority granted to him/her;
the civil registrar general, acting
Must be registered with the civil registrar
within the limits of the written
authority granted by his church or
At least one of the contracting parties belongs
religious sect and provided that at
to his/her church or religious sect
least one of the contracting parties
belongs to the solemnizing officer's Ship Captain or Airplane Marriage in articulo mortis;
church or religious sect; Chief Between passengers or crew members;
(3) Any ship captain or airplane Ship must be at sea or plane in flight, or during
chief only in the case mentioned in stopovers or at ports of call
Article 31;
(4) Any military commander of a * Assistant pilot has no authority to solemnize
unit to which a chaplain is
assigned, in the absence of the
latter, during a military operation,

likewise only in the cases Military Commander Military commander of a unit;

mentioned in Article 32; Commissioned officer;
(5) Any consul-general, consul or Chaplain assigned to such unit;
vice-consul in the case provided in Marriage in articulo mortis;
Article 10.(56a) Within the zone of military operation
Consul-General, Consul, Contracting parties must both be Filipino
or Vice-Consul citizens;
Solemnities established by Philippine laws
shall be observed in their execution;
Must be abroad in their office, and NOT within
Philippine territory;
If the contracting parties desire to have their
marriage solemnized in a place other than the
office of the consul- general, consul, or vice-
consul, they shall request the said official in
writing in which case the marriage may be
solemnized a place designated by them in a
sworn statement
Mayor When the mayor is temporarily incapacitated to
perform his duties for physical or legal
reasons, the vice mayor or the highest ranking
sangguniang bayan member shall
automatically exercise the powers & perform
the duties of the mayor, & thus the latter has
authority to solemnize marriages

Good Faith of Parties:

If the marriage was solemnized by a person not legally authorized to
solemnize a marriage & either of the contracting parties believed in GF that
such solemnizing officer (under Art. 35(2)) had such authority, then the
marriage shall be considered valid


The marriage shall be solemnized Judge Chambers of the Judge or in Open
publicly in the chambers of the Court
judge or in open court, in the
Priest, Rabbi, Imam, Minister Church, Chapel, Temple
church, chapel or temple, or in the

office the consul-general, consul or Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul Office

vice-consul, as the case may be,
and not elsewhere, except in cases Marriage in articulo mortis, remote In such place
of marriages contracted on the place, special request of both parties
point of death or in remote places
in accordance with Article 29 of this Venue
Code, or where both of the parties  Non-observance will not invalidate a marriage, but can subject the
request the solemnizing officer in person(s) who cause the violation to civil, criminal, or administrative
writing in which case the marriage liability
may be solemnized at a house or
place designated by them in a Exceptions
sworn statement to that effect. (57a)  Marriage in Articulo Mortis
 Remote place (ART 29)
Both of the parties request a solemnizing officer in writing, in which case the
marriage may be solemnized at a house or place designated by the parties
in a sworn statement to that effect
ART 9. GENERAL RULE: Place of Issue – the contracting parties should get a ML
from the LCR of the city/municipality where either of them resides
A marriage license shall be issued Effect of Non-Compliance – mere irregularity & will NOT render the marriage
by the local civil registrar of the city void
or municipality where either Exception: When ML not required
contracting party habitually resides,
except in marriages where no
license is required in accordance
with Chapter 2 of this Title. (58a)
ART. 10 Consular Officials
Marriages between Filipino citizens The duties of the LCR and solemnizing officer are performed by the consular
abroad may be solemnized by a officials abroad
consul-general, consul or vice-
consul of the Republic of the
Philippines. The issuance of the
marriage license and the duties of
the local civil registrar and of the
solemnizing officer with regard to
the celebration of marriage shall be
performed by said consular
official. (75a)
ART 11. Purpose of Documentary Requirements
● Proper documents must be maintained to serve as proof for the
Where a marriage license is existence of the marriage

required, each of the contracting ● To discourage deception and seduction

parties shall file separately a sworn ● To prevent illicit intercourse under the guise of matrimony
application for such license with ● To relieve from doubt the status of parties who live together as man &
the proper local civil registrar which wife, by providing competent evidence of the marriage
shall specify the following: ● Evidence of the status & legitimacy of the offspring of the marriage
(1) Full name of the contracting ● The task of seeing to it that these documentary proofs are accomplished
party; is addressed to the LCR to secure publicity and to require a record to be
(2) Place of birth; made of marriages contracted
(3) Age and date of birth;
(4) Civil status; Marriage Application & Ministerial Duty of LCR
(5) If previously married, how, when ● When a marriage application signed & sworn to by parties & thereafter
and where the previous marriage filed, the LCR has not choice but to accept the application & process the
was dissolved or annulled; same up to the time of the issuance of the ML
(6) Present residence and GENERAL RULE: If the LCR has knowledge of some legal impediment, s/he
citizenship; cannot discontinue processing the application, but must only NOTE DOWN
(7) Degree of relationship of the the legal impediments in the application & thereafter issue the ML
contracting parties;
(8) Full name, residence and Exception: the LCR is stopped by the courts
citizenship of the father;
(9) Full name, residence and
citizenship of the mother; and
(10) Full name, residence and
citizenship of the guardian or
person having charge, in case the
contracting party has neither father
nor mother and is under the age of
twenty-one years.
The applicants, their parents or
guardians shall not be required to
exhibit their residence certificates
in any formality in connection with
the securing of the marriage
license. (59a)
ART 12. The local civil registrar, upon receiving such application, shall require the
presentation of the original birth certificates or, in default thereof, the
baptismal certificates of the contracting parties or copies of such
documents duly attested by the persons having custody of the originals.
These certificates or certified copies of the documents by this Article need
not be sworn to and shall be exempt from the documentary stamp tax. The
signature and official title of the person issuing the certificate shall be

sufficient proof of its authenticity.

If either of the contracting parties is unable to produce his birth or baptismal

certificate or a certified copy of either because of the destruction or loss of
the original or if it is shown by an affidavit of such party or of any other
person that such birth or baptismal certificate has not yet been received
though the same has been required of the person having custody thereof at
least fifteen days prior to the date of the application, such party may furnish
in lieu thereof his current residence certificate or an instrument drawn up and
sworn to before the local civil registrar concerned or any public official
authorized to administer oaths. Such instrument shall contain the sworn
declaration of two witnesses of lawful age, setting forth the full name,
residence and citizenship of such contracting party and of his or her parents,
if known, and the place and date of birth of such party. The nearest of kin of
the contracting parties shall be preferred as witnesses, or, in their default,
persons of good reputation in the province or the locality.
The presentation of birth or baptismal certificate shall not be required if the
parents of the contracting parties appear personally before the local civil
registrar concerned and swear to the correctness of the lawful age of said
parties, as stated in the application, or when the local civil registrar shall, by
merely looking at the applicants upon their personally appearing before him,
be convinced that either or both of them have the required age. (60a)

Parental consent
● If any of the contracting parties are at least 18 but below 21, the consent
of the:
1. Father
If no consent of the father, no consent anymore (no "forum-shopping")
● Non-compliance does NOT make the marriage void, but merely
● If any of the contracting parties are below 18, the marriage is void
regardless of the existence or non-existence of the consent of the

ART 13

In case either of the contracting

parties has been previously
married, the applicant shall be
required to furnish, instead of the

birth or baptismal certificate

required in the last preceding
article, the death certificate of the
deceased spouse or the judicial
decree of the absolute divorce, or
the judicial decree of annulment or
declaration of nullity of his or her
previous marriage.
In case the death certificate cannot
be secured, the party shall make an
affidavit setting forth this
circumstance and his or her actual
civil status and the name and date
of death of the deceased
spouse. (61a)
ART. 14 In case either or both of the contracting parties, not having been
emancipated by a previous marriage, are between the ages of eighteen
and twenty-one, they shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding
articles, exhibit to the local civil registrar, the consent to their marriage of
their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or persons having legal
charge of them, in the order mentioned. Such consent shall be manifested in
writing by the interested party, who personally appears before the proper
local civil registrar, or in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of two
witnesses and attested before any official authorized by law to administer
oaths. The personal manifestation shall be recorded in both applications for
marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is executed instead, shall be
attached to said applications. (61a)
ART. 15 . Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five
shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the
intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable,
the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the
completion of the publication of the application therefor. A sworn statement
by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought,
together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the
application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to
give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement. (62a)
ART. 16 In the cases where parental consent or parental advice is needed, the party
or parties concerned shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding
articles, attach a certificate issued by a priest, imam or minister authorized to
solemnize marriage under Article 7 of this Code or a marriage counselor duly

accredited by the proper government agency to the effect that the

contracting parties have undergone marriage counseling. Failure to attach
said certificates of marriage counseling shall suspend the issuance of the
marriage license for a period of three months from the completion of the
publication of the application. Issuance of the marriage license within the
prohibited period shall subject the issuing officer to administrative sanctions
but shall not affect the validity of the marriage.
Should only one of the contracting parties need parental consent or parental
advice, the other party must be present at the counseling referred to in the
preceding paragraph. (n)
ART 17. Duty of the Local Civil Registrar
● To post a notice to inform everybody of the impending marriage
The local civil registrar shall ● The notice shall be posted for 10 consecutive days on a bulletin board
prepare a notice which shall outside the office of the LCR located in a conspicuous place w/in the
contain the full names and building & accessible to the general public
residences of the applicants for a ● The notice shall request all persons having knowledge of any
marriage license and other data impediment to the marriage to advice the LCR thereof
given in the applications. The GENERAL RULE: the ML shall be issued after the completion of the period
notice shall be posted for ten of publication
consecutive days on a bulletin
board outside the office of the local Exceptions:
civil registrar located in a 1. if the contracting parties between the ages of 21 & 25, do not obtain
conspicuous place within the the advice of the parents or if such advice is unfavorable, the LCR
building and accessible to the shall not issue the ML till after 3 months following the completion of
general public. This notice shall the publication of the application thereof
request all persons having 2. if the contracting parties who are at least 18 but below 21 failed to
knowledge of any impediment to attach to the marriage application a certification that they have
the marriage to advise the local civil undergone marriage counseling, the issuance of the ML shall be
registrar thereof. The marriage suspended for 3 months from the completion of the publication of the
license shall be issued after the application
completion of the period of
publication. (63a) Note: Issuance of the ML w/in the prohibited period shall subject the issuing
officer to administrative sanctions, but shall not affect the validity of the


 In case of impediment, LCR shall merely note down the particulars
In case of any impediment known to thereof and his findings thereon in the application for a marriage
the local civil registrar or brought to license
his attention, he shall note down  He is still duty bound to issue said marriage license after the
the particulars thereof and his payment of necessary fees, unless exempted due to indigence, after
findings thereon in the application the completion of the period of publication
for marriage license, but shall  Purpose: “To eliminate any opportunity for extortion” – Giving much
nonetheless issue said license after leeway to the LCR “could by a source of graft” (CC Committee)
the completion of the period of  Exemptions for LCR not to issue ML:
publication, unless ordered - Injunction order from the court directing the non-issuance of the
otherwise by a competent court at marriage license. Court action may be brought by the LCR
his own instance or that of any himself or by any interested party (contracting parties, parents,
interest party. No filing fee shall be siblings, existing spouse, or those which may be prejudiced by
charged for the petition nor a the marriage)
corresponding bond required for
the issuances of the order. (64a)

ART 19.
The local civil registrar shall require  Marriage Law of 1929
the payment of the fees prescribed  [SEC 37] Direct or indirect attempt to influence any contracting party
by law or regulations before the to marry or refrain from marrying in a church, sect, or religion or
issuance of the marriage license. before any civil authority
No other sum shall be collected in  [SEC 38] Unlawful issuance or malicious refusal to issue a license to
the nature of a fee or tax of any kind a person entitled thereto, or fails to issue the same within 24 hours
for the issuance of said license. It after the time when, according to law, it was proper to issue the
shall, however, be issued free of same
charge to indigent parties, that is
those who have no visible means of
income or whose income is
insufficient for their subsistence a
fact established by their affidavit, or
by their oath before the local civil
registrar. (65a)
Art. 20. The license shall be valid in Marriage License
any part of the Philippines for a ● Valid ONLY in the Philippines & NOT abroad
period of one hundred twenty days ● Valid for 20 days from the date of issue
from the date of issue, and shall be ● Date of issue = date of singing of the LCR of the ML
deemed automatically canceled at the ● From the date of issue, it should be claimed by the parties

expiration of the said period if the ● If it is not claimed & therefore not used w/in 120 days, it shall
contracting parties have not made use automatically become ineffective
of it. The expiry date shall be stamped
in bold characters on the face of every
license issued. (65a)
Art. 21. When either or both of the Certificate or Affidavit of Legal Capacity
contracting parties are citizens of a ● Foreigners may contract marriage in the Philippines, but they need to
foreign country, it shall be necessary secure a ML in the Philippines. Before such ML is issued, they have to
for them before a marriage license can submit a certificate of legal capacity.
be obtained, to submit a certificate of ● A certificate of legal capacity is necessary because the Philippines,
legal capacity to contract marriage, insofar as marriage is concerned, adheres to the national law of the
issued by their respective diplomatic contracting parties w/ respect to their legal capacity to contract marriage.
or consular officials. (e.g. if a 16 year old US citizen is legally capacitated to marry in the US
Stateless persons or refugees from & wants to marry here, he can do so by obtaining a certificate of legal
other countries shall, in lieu of the capacity stating that in the US, persons 16 years of age can be validly
certificate of legal capacity herein married)
required, submit an affidavit stating
the circumstances showing such GENERAL RULE: If the foreigner fails to obtain the certification of legal
capacity to contract marriage. (66a) capacity, the LCR will not issue the ML. The law clearly provides that as to
the foreigner, this is a necessary requisite before he/she can obtain a ML.
(Note: If w/o the certificate of legal capacity, the ML was nevertheless
issued, the marriage will still be considered valid as this is merely an
irregularity in complying w/ a formal requirement of the law in procuring a

Exception: if the contracting parties are BOTH foreigners who desire to

have their marriage solemnized by their country’s consul-general officially
assigned here in the Phil., they can get married before such consul-general
w/o procuring a ML here if their country’s laws allow the same. Such
marriage shall be recognized here in the Phil.

Stateless persons or Refugees – required to file an affidavit stating the

circumstances showing such capacity to contract marriage in lieu of the
certificate of legal capacity
Art. 22. The marriage certificate, in Presumption of Marriage Delgado Vda. Dela Rosa v. Heirs of
which the parties shall declare that ● That a man & a woman deporting themselves as H&W have entered into Mariciana Rustia Vda. De Damian
they take each other as husband and a lawful contract of marriage is a presumption w/c is considered The absence of a record of the
wife, shall also state: satisfactory if contradicted, but may be contradicted & overcome by contested marriage was asserted to
(1) The full name, sex and age of each evidence. assail the existence of the marriage.
contracting party; ● Public policy should aid acts intended to validate marriages & should The SC, after reviewing the evidence,

(2) Their citizenship, religion and retard acts intended to invalidate marriages. rejected such assertion. The absence
habitual residence; Proof of Marriage of a marriage contract is not always
(3) The date and precise time of the ● When the question as to w/n a marriage has been contracted arises in proof that no marriage in fact took
celebration of the marriage; litigation, said marriage may proved by evidence of any kind. place. Other evidence may be
(4) That the proper marriage license ● Best/primary evidence of a marriage - the MARRIAGE CONTRACT. presented to support such fact. The
has been issued according to law, ● Good evidences of marriage – baptismal certificate, judicial decisions, evidence need not necessarily or
except in marriage provided for in family bible in w/c the names of the spouses have been entered as directly establish the marriage but
Chapter 2 of this Title; married must at least be enough to strengthen
(5) That either or both of the ● A marriage may be proved by parol evidence. Testimony by 1 of the the presumption of marriage.
contracting parties have secured the parties or witnesses to the marriage, or by the person who solemnized
parental consent in appropriate cases; the same, is admissible & competent to prove marriage. The testimonies Perido v. Perido
(6) That either or both of the themselves must be credible & must proceed from a witness who is The statement of the civil status of a
contracting parties have complied with likewise credible. person in a CERTIFICATE OF TITLE
the legal requirement regarding ● A solemn statement in the will of the deceased as to the fact of his issued to him is not conclusive to
parental advice in appropriate cases; marriage is also admissible proof of such marriage. show that he is not actually married to
and ● Public & open cohabitation as H&W after the alleged marriage, birth & another. It is weak & insufficient to
(7) That the parties have entered into baptismal certificates of children borne by the alleged spouses, & a rebut the presumption that persons
marriage settlement, if any, attaching statement of such marriage in subsequent documents are competent living together as H&W are married to
a copy thereof. (67a) evidence to prove the fact of marriage. each other.
● A certificate of marriage made many years after the marriage is
Art. 23. It shall be the duty of the inadmissible, especially where there was no register of the marriage in Republic v. CA
person solemnizing the marriage to official records. An official certification of the Office of
furnish either of the contracting ● Failure to present a marriage certificate is not fatal in a case where a the LCR of a municipality, where a
parties the original of the marriage marriage is in dispute, as the parties can still rely on the presumption of particular ML has been issued as
certificate referred to in Article 6 and marriage. indicated in the marriage contract,
to send the duplicate and triplicate stating that, after EARNEST EFFORT
copies of the certificate not later than GENERAL RULE: A mere photostat copy of marriage certificate is a to locate & verify the existence of the
fifteen days after the marriage, to the worthless piece of paper. particular ML, the said office has no
local civil registrar of the place where record of the ML, or is issued to
the marriage was solemnized. Proper another couple, or is spurious &
receipts shall be issued by the local Exceptions: fabricated, is a convincing evidence to
civil registrar to the solemnizing officer 1. If such photostat copy emanated from the Office of the Local Civil destroy the validity of marriage on the
transmitting copies of the marriage Registrar & duly certified by the LCR as an authentic copy of the ground of absence of a valid ML.
certificate. The solemnizing officer records in his office, such certified Photostat copy is admissible as
shall retain in his file the quadruplicate evidence. Nicdao Carino v. Carino
copy of the marriage certificate, the 2. If the photostat copies, though not certified by the office of the LCR, It was shown that the marriage
copy of the marriage certificate, the are presented in court w/o objection from the opposing parties & contract did not indicate the ML, &
original of the marriage license and, in consequently admitted by the court, the said Photostat copies are there was a certification from the
proper cases, the affidavit of the deemed sufficient proof of the facts contained therein & can be proof pertinent LCR stating that, after
contracting party regarding the of marriage. EARNEST EFFORTS to look for the

solemnization of the marriage in place ML, the said office had no record of
other than those mentioned in Article Note: Mere cohabitation is not direct proof of marriage. The conduct of the the ML of the parties & therefore, it
8. (68a) parties, in order to constitute evidence of marital consent, must be something cannot issue a true copy of the same.
more than more living together; it must be an association, consciously & The SC said that such certification
openly, as H&W. was adequate to prove the non-
issuance of a ML, and absent any
Proof to Attack Validity of Marriage suspicion, it enjoyed probative value
● Anyone assailing the validity of a marriage is required to make plain, considering that the LCR was the
against the constant pressure of presumption of legality, the truth of law officer charged under the law to keep
& fact that the marriage was not legal. a record of all data relative to the
● The evidence to repel that presumption must be strong, distinct & issuance of a ML.
Sevilla v. Cardenas
The LCR certified that there was no
ML despite the exertion of all efforts
but w/ admission that, due to the work
load of the said office, it cannot give
full force in locating the ML
compounded by the fact that the
custodian already retired. The SC did
not allow the nullity of the marriage on
the ground of absence of a ML
considering that the circumstances &
the certification do not categorically &
w/ absolute certainty show & state that
the ML cannot be found & that there
were earnest efforts to look for the

Fernandez v. Puatu
Any presumption of marriage from the
fact that there was cohabitation
between a man & a woman many
years ago may be considered offset
by the fact that, for the last 35 years of
their lives, they lived separately &
several thousands of miles away from
each other.

Republic v. Obrecido

The legal status of a person to marry,

his/her rights & duties are governed
by law or contract & thus can be a
subject of a petition for declaratory

ART 24. Marriage Register

● The LCR keeps a marriage register of all persons married in its locality
It shall be the duty of the local civil ● In the marriage register, there shall be entered:
registrar to prepare the documents 1. Full names, address & age of contracting parties
required by this Title, and to 2. Date & place of solemnization of the marriage
administer oaths to all interested 3. Full names & address of the witnesses & their relation w/ the
parties without any charge in both contracting parties
cases. The documents and 4. Full name, title & address of the person who solemnized the
affidavits filed in connection with marriage
applications for marriage licenses
shall be exempt from documentary
stamp tax. (n)

ART. 25

The local civil registrar concerned

shall enter all applications for
marriage licenses filed with him in a
registry book strictly in the order in
which the same are received. He
shall record in said book the names
of the applicants, the date on which
the marriage license was issued,
and such other data as may be
necessary. (n)
ART. 26 Lex Loci Celebrationis rule COMMON LAW MARRIAGES
Valid marriages solemnized abroad are recognized in the PH In Re: Veta’s Case: Persons of UTAH
All marriages solemnized outside the may not go into another state to
Philippines, in accordance with the A Matter of International Comity contract a common law marriage to
laws in force in the country where Legal effect given to a marriage solemnized abroad is because of comity OR have such marriage recognized as
they are solemnized, and valid there public policy and justice demand the recognition of such laws valid, when the statutes applicable in
as such, shall also be valid in this - Marriages without license, proxy marriages are valid in PH if in the said state clearly uses the word
country, except those prohibited accordance with laws of place of solemnization solemnization.
under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6),

36, 37 and 38. Exceptions Enriquez v Enriquez: Philippines

Marriage below 18 years old is OK in other countries, and either or both never recognized common law
Where a marriage between a parties are Filipino -> NOT VALID in the PH marriages, even in Spanish rule.
Filipino citizen and a foreigner - No legal capacity in the Philippines
obtained abroad by the alien - Article 35 of Civil Code binds Filipinos abroad on legal capacity PROOF OF FOREIGN MARRIAGE
spouse capacitating him or her to - Not applicable for Filipino-foreigner marriage where foreigner is Wong Woo Yin v Vivo: a Chinese
remarry, the Filipino spouse shall below 18, due to Art 35(1) nationality law woman alleged that she was married
likewise have capacity to remarry Bigamous and Polygamous marriage not VALID, even if VALID abroad to a Filipino and that their marriage in
under Philippine Law. (n) (As - bigamy: person contracts another marriage before former was China was solemnized by a village
amended by Executive Order legally dissolved or before spouse was declared presumptively dead leader BUT failed to show proof of
Number 227, July 17, 1987) - polygamy: act or state of a person who knowing that he/she has 2 or China marriage laws; HELD: SC
more wives/husbands, marries another presumed marriage laws in china to
- Exception to the exception under Art 41: bigamous marriage MAY be same as that of PH, and thus
BE recognized when before celebration of marriage, one of the marriage cannot be recognized
spouses was absent for 4 consecutive years or 2 consecutive years
in cases where there is danger of death. There must be a well- Yao Kee v Sy Gonzales: burden of
founded belief and a judicial declaration of presumptive death. proof is upon the one who asserts the
Subsequent marriage valid without prejudice to reappearance of validity
absentee spouse
- Subsequent marriages contracted abroad makes person CIVILLY Board of Commissioners (CID) v
bigamous only Dela Rosa(1991): shifted burden of
Mistake of identity of other contracting party is not recognized proof to the assailing it; dissent by
- even if foreigner spouse were the one mistaken Felciano states that foreign marriage
When a marriage was annulled or declared null and void but failed to record must first be shown as factual matters
judicial decree with local civil registrar, to partition and distribute properties before declaring them valid in the PH
and to deliver presumptive legitime, any subsequent marriage is void.
- Article 52 and 53 of Family Code ABSOLUTE DIVORCE
A marriage of a Filipino to a person psychologically incapacitated to perform Tenchavez v Escano: If a Filipina
essential marital obligations, even if valid abroad, shall not be valid here married to a foreigner initiated a
Incestuous marriages divorce elsewhere, and such was
- Descendants and ascendants of any degree granted and she subsequently married
- Brothers and sisters (full or half blood) another person, she is technically
Marriages against public policy (exclusively enumerated in Art 38 of Family committing adultery
Code) Van Dorn v Romillo: establishes
doctrine that Filipino can marry again
Common Law Marriages are not valid in the PH if foreigner divorces Filipino spouse
- Article 26 clearly uses the world solemnizes, a process which Republic v Orbecido III: both parties
common low marriages do not undergo were Filipinos at time of marriage ->
- 2nd paragraph uses celebrated, connoting a ceremonial marriage one of the spouses obtains citizenship
where solemnization is inherent of another country and files for divorce

-> Filipino spouse can marry again

Same Sex Marriage of Filipinos abroad invalid Recio v Garcia: 2 Filipinos marry ->
- Public policy of PH mandates only a man and woman can marry one becomes naturalized and obtains
each other absolute divorce decree abroad ->
foreigner allowed to remarry when he
Proof of Foreign Marriage goes back to PH under national law of
To establish the validity of marriage pursuant to comity, it is necessary to alien spouse
prove the celebration of marriage through convicting evidence (question of Republic v Iyoy: Filipino obtains
fact) (Wong Woo Yin v Vivo) foreign absolute divorce -> Not
Prior to 1991, burden of proof is to the one assailing validity, but shifted to recognized here
the one assailing the validity (Yao Kee Sy v Gonzales; Board of
Commissioners v Dela Rosa) PROVING FOREIGN DIVORCE
Bayot v CA: SC affirmed dismissal of
Absolute Divorce a case for declaration of nullity on
Generally not recognized in the PH, 2 Filipinos who are married in the PH or ground that petitioner already
anywhere in the world, their status as married will follow them anywhere in obtained a divorce in another country
the world and can be recognized in the PH
- Against public policy Recio v Garcia: foreign divorce can
State recognizes divorces of aliens obtained abroad, provided that they are be recognized here provided divorce
valid according to their national law (Nationality Law) decree proven as fact and as valid
PH recognizes absolute divorce obtained in another country allowing the RP v Orbecido: twin elements of
divorced Filipino to remarry applicability
- Determinative point is time of divorce not marriage due to nationality
- Filipino spouse must be Filipino at time of issuance of divorce Corpus v Sto Tomas:
degree for Art 26 to be applicable If the Court finds that the decree
- HOWEVER, still recognized here if recognized in place of capacitated the alien spouse to
citizenship, due to Nationality Principle, and will not be changed if he remarry, the courts can declare that
or she reacquires PH citizenship the Filipino spouse is likewise
Must be filed by foreigner spouse, otherwise if filed by Filipino spouse, capacitated to marry. However, no
divorce will not be recognized here court in this jurisdiction can make a
- However, insofar as the foreigner, divorce will be recognized here in similar declaration for the alien
adherence to Nationality Principle spouse. However, this unavailability to
- He cannot claim interest on property acquired by the Filipino on the aliens does not necessarily strip him
ground that under PH law his marriage to Filipino is not terminated of legal interest to petition the RTC for
- Foreigner cannot file for adultery because he is not considered recognition of his decree.
married to her/him
Before Family Code, second paragraph of Art 26 did not apply: In case of
divorce, Filipino NOT allowed to marry but the foreigner spouse can

Proving Foreign Divorce (Bayot v CA)

VALIDITY: Foreign decree must be duly authenticated by foreign court
issuing said decree, and the law must also be authenticated by the legislator
or the source of divorce law
LEGAL EFFECTS: marital bond is severed, both are free to remarry after
completing legal requirements -> no more obligations
celebrated by a Filipino and foreign spouse and a valid divorced obtained by
alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry
cause of action is an act or omission of one party in violation of the legal right
of another
- exists when: right in favor of petitioner, obligation on defendant to
not violate such right; act/omission on part of such defendant;
violative of right of plaintiff/breach of obligation
- Rebecca (Bayot v CA) lacks cause of action
ART 27. Exemption from Marriage License
Situations where contracting parties don’t need to obtain ML before getting
In case either or both of the married:
contracting parties are at the point of - Articulo Mortis (27)
death, the marriage may be - No means of transportation (28)
solemnized without necessity of a - Performed by ship captain or Articulo Mortis while in flight or
marriage license and shall remain stopover (31)
valid even if the ailing party - By military commander of a unit within a military zone (32)
subsequently survives. - Muslims or members of ethnic communities (33)
- Man and woman who cohabited for 5 years (34)
ART 28. Reasons for exceptions mainly anchored on necessity and practicality
(articulo mortis, respect for customs, policy of legitimizing illicit cohabitation)
If the residence of either party is so
located that there is no means of Far Areas
transportation to enable such party There must be no means of transportation to enable such party to appear
to appear personally before the local personally before the local civil registrar
civil registrar, the marriage may be
solemnized without necessity of a
marriage license.

ART 29. Solemnizing Officers Under Article 7 and the Mayor

 Can act as solemnizer if either or both of contracting parties are at
In the cases provided for in the two point of death
preceding articles, the solemnizing  Judges are limited to their jurisdiction

officer shall state in an affidavit Rabbi, Imam and Minister must comply with Article 7 (2)
executed before the local civil  Consul and Consul General abroad can only solemnize marriages if
registrar or any other person legally parties are both Filipinos as provided in Article 7(5)
authorized to administer oaths that
the marriage was performed in
articulo mortis or that the residence
of either party, specifying the barrio
or barangay, is so located that there
is no means of transportation to
enable such party to appear
personally before the local civil
registrar and that the officer took the
necessary steps to ascertain the
ages and relationship of the
contracting parties and the absence
of a legal impediment to the

ART 30.

The original of the affidavit required

in the last preceding article, together
with a legible copy of the marriage
contract, shall be sent by the person
solemnizing the marriage to the local
civil registrar of the municipality
where it was performed within the
period of thirty days after the
performance of the marriage.
ART 31. Chief Pilot and Ship Captains
 Only chief pilot/captain, articulo mortis, while in flight, at sea, or in
A marriage in articulo mortis stopover; and among passengers and crew members
between passengers or crew
members may also be solemnized by Military Commander
a ship captain or by an airplane pilot  Must be: a commissioned officer (rank should be above second
not only while the ship is at sea or lieutenant), commander of a unit (at least a battalion)
the plane is in flight, but also during  Only in articulo mortis and in the absence of a chaplain assigned
stopovers or at ports of call. and within the zone of military operation
 Parties can be members of armed forces and/or civilians
ART 32.

A military commander of a unit, who

is a commissioned officer, shall
likewise have authority to solemnize
marriages in articulo mortis between
persons within the zone of military
operation, whether members of the
armed forces or civilians.
ART. 33 Muslim and Ethnic Groups
 In Civil Code, marriage of ethnic groups, pagans, Muslims performed
Marriages among Muslims or among in accordance with customs, rites practices valid without ML
members of the ethnic cultural  only for 20 years after Civil Code took effect, after 20 years they
communities may be performed must comply with mandates if no separate law was made
validly without the necessity of a  Code of Muslim Law: effective Feb 4, 1977
marriage license, provided they are  separate laws on persons and family relations of Muslims
solemnized in accordance with their  Exempted by Family Code from procuring ML provided that marriage
customs, rites or practices. is done according to customs
 RA 6766 or Organic Act of CAR
ART 34. Cohabitation for Five Years Office of the Court Administration v
Aim: to avoid exposing parties to humiliation, shame and embarassment due Necessario: administrative ruling
No license shall be necessary for the to publication of applicants names for marriage license (De Castro v Assidao against judges who irregularly
marriage of a man and woman who De Castro) solemnized marriages from 2003 to
have lived together as husband and Must meet two distinct conditions 2007 made an erroneous statement
wife for at least five years and - Must live as husband and wife for at least five years with that no legal impediment exists during
without any legal impediment to EXCLUSIVITY and CONTINUITY that is unbroken (RP v Dayot) 5 year cohabitation
marry each other. The contracting - Must be without any legal impediment to marry each other (Ninal v Ninal v Bayandog: basis used by
parties shall state the foregoing facts Bayandog) during actual marriage celebration (Manzano v Sanchez) Supreme Court in Office of Court
in an affidavit before any person - Thus, may have legal impediments during cohabitation Administration v Necessario, who
authorized by law to administer The following shall happen: erroneously used old Article 76 of Civil
oaths. The solemnizing officer shall - Contracting parties shall state the fact of their cohabitation for at Code as reference
also state under oath that he least five years and absence of legal impediments to marry IN AN
ascertained the qualifications of the AFFIDAVIT Cosca v Palaypayon: a judge
contracting parties and found no - Solemnizing officer shall state under oath that he ascertained the solemnized a marriage involving a
legal impediment to the marriage. qualifications of parties and found no legal impediment party only 18 years of age on basis of
- Failure of investigation will not invalidate marriage affidavit that they have lived together
for six years; marriage not void - judge
Directory Requirements just failed to investigate qualification of
- Articles 29 to 30 discuss directory requirement relative to duties of parties
S.O. with respect to the affidavit he/she has to execute
- Non observance will render marriage void or annullable De Castro v Assidao-De Castro:

Marriage Law of 129 punishes SO who fails to comply with said Falsity of an affidavit to procure a
requirements if marriage in articulo mortis or other exceptional character marriage given that there was never
cohabitation between the parties
cannot be considered a mere
irregularity because five year period is
a substantial requirement of the law to
be exempted from obtaining a
marriage license


Article 35. Void Marriages: that w/c is not valid from its inception (Chi Ming Tsoi v. Court of Appeals)

The following marriages shall be void  Absence of any of the essential or formal requisites makes a That the party who is accused of being
from the beginning: marriage void psychologically incapacitated is the
1. Those contracted by any party o Art 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53 in relation to 52 one who files the case is immaterial;
below eighteen years of age  
 Exceptions: good faith or bad faith does not serve
even with the consent of o Marriages exempt from license requirements for a void to change the status of a void marriage
parents or guardian marriage 
 Facts: Chi Ming Tsoi has a 3-inch
2. Those solemnized by any o Solemnizing officer was not legally authorized to perform penis & his wife believes he is
person not legally authorized marriage, but either or both of the parties believed in good incapable of sex or that he might be
to perform marriages unless faith that the solemnizing officer had legal authority to do so gay, as he has refused to sleep with
such marriages were  Note: Only marriages declared void by the legislature should be her for a number of months already.
contracted with either or both treated as such. There can be no other void marriages outside of Chi Ming Tsoi, on the other hand, says
parties believing in good faith those specifically provided by law. it is his wife that is psychologically
that the solemnizing officer o MAY MARRY: Guardian and ward; Stepbrother and incapacitated, & that he is willing to
had the legal authority to do so stepsister make the marriage work.
3. Those solemnized without a  Grounds for a void marriage may co-exist in one case 

license, except those covered o A petition for declaration of nullity, without any other Held: Marriage is VOID. The refusal to
by preceding Chapter; incidental prayers like support, deals with only 1 cause of have sex points towards a
4. Those bigamous or action, which is the invalidity of the marriage from the psychological issue, & at this point, it is
polygamous marriages not beginning immaterial whether or not the wife or
falling under Article 41; o There can be multiple grounds, but only 1 cause of action
 . the husband is the reason why this is
5. Those contracted through (Mallion v Alcantara) the case; the bottom line is, this
mistake of one contracting marriage ain’t working.
party as to identity of the other; Void & Voidable Marriages
Those subsequent marriages that are (De Castro v. Assidao-De Castro)
void under Article 53 VOID MARRAIGES VOIDABLE
MARRIAGES In cases of child support, the validity or
voidness of a marriage can be

STATUS OF Considered as having Valid until otherwise collaterally attacked.
 Facts: Petitioner
MARRIAGE never taken place & cannot declared by court filed a complaint for support against
be the source of rights her husband to compel the latter to
support their child. The husband
RATIFICATION No ratification Generally ratifiable by interposed an affirmative degree
free cohabitation or claiming he & petitioner were not
prescription married. Did the husband need to file a
separate case to declare his marriage
 Held: NO. In a case of child
TYPE OF Can be assailed Cannot be assailed support, there is no need to file a
ATTACK THAT collaterally, but not directly collaterally, but only in a separate case for the JDNOM.
IS ALLOWED by any other person other direct proceeding
than the spouses  3 cases when a direct attack
(not a collateral attack) on the
PRESCRIPTIVE For direct proceeding - only Only during the lifetime nullity of a marriage must be
PERIOD during the lifetime of the of the parties first undertaken
1) The absolute nullity of a
For collateral attack – no previous marriage may be
prescription invoked for purposes of
remarriage on the basis solely
WHO CAN Any interested parties Only parties of marriage of a final judgment declaring
ASSSAIL can assail such marriage void (Art. 40) 

LEGITIMACY Generally, children Children are legiti ate 2) For other purposes, such
OF CHILDREN conceived & born inside a as but not limited to heirship,
void marriage are legitimacy or illegitimacy of a
illegitimate child, settlement, etc., the
court may pass upon the
 Art. 54 – in validity of a marriage even in a
relation to psychological suit not directly related to it;
incapacity, Art. 53 (failure but this is without prejudice to
to record judicial any issue that may arise in the
declaration, partition & case, making the JDNOM
distribute) necessary (Niñal v. Bayadog)

*NOTE: If a person in a
void marriage fails to get a 3) Revocation of a donation
JDNOM & remarries, the propter nuptias given to one or
child is illegitimate (Art. 40) both of the parties on the

1 ground that the marriage is

void; a JDNOM must first be
PROPERTY Co-ownership(Art. 147/148) Conjugal partnership of obtained by the parties. (Art.
REGIME gains (or absolute 50 in relation to Art. 43(3) &
 Art. 40 – community) Art. 86(1)) 
 *The existence of
marriages that are void due a valid JDNOM will give the
to failure to obtain a donor the cause of action to
JDNOM for the 1st revoke the donation (Art.
marriage of one of the 86(1)) or to consider the
spouses donation revoked by operation
of law (Art. 50 in relation to Art.
*BUT NOTE: If only Art. 40 43(#)), as the case may be. 

is complied with, without
Art. 52, regime is co-
ownership 2

 If a contracting party states under oath in his application that he is 21

years of age when he is actually 16, & the marriage was solemnized
when he was a minor, the marriage is still void & can still be judicially
declared void.
 If the parties state that they have been cohabiting for 5 years already
when they have only cohabited for 2, the marriage is void.

Bad Faith or Good Faith in Void Marriages

 Generally, good faith or bad faith is immaterial in void marriages
 o A

person who marries her long-lost brother without knowing he was her

1 If a man marries a 2nd woman after failing to obtain a JDNOM for his 1st marriage, his children with the woman will be illegitimate. But if he obtained a JDNOM, & merely
failed to record the JDNOM & distribute & partition his properties, his children with the 2nd woman are legitimate.

2If a spouse fails to get a JDNOM for his 1st marriage & remarries another woman, his property regime will still be ACP/CPG when he dissolves his marriage with 2nd woman.
But if the same spouse obtains a JDNOM, but fails to record it, distribute & partition, the regime of his marriage with the 2 nd woman will be co-ownership.

long-lost brother still entered a void marriage
 o Same applies if

person marries without a marriage license
 Exceptions, when the party:
o Has well founded belief that his or her spouse is dead
o Procures a juridical declaration of presumptive death
o Good faith at the time of the subsequent marriage ceremony

*In the last 2 cases, the good faith of even one of the contracting parties shall
make the marriage valid.

There is no injured party in a void marriage, unlike in an annullable marriage

or those with legal separation.

Bad Faith Affecting Property Distribution

 In the disposition of properties in a void marriage, good faith & bad

faith of one of the parties at the time of marriage is material (Art. 147,
148 of CC) 

 GENERAL RULE in void marriages: property regime is co-ownership

o When one of the parties is in bad faith, the share of said
party in the co-ownership shall be forfeited in favor of their
common children
 In case of default or of waiver by any or all of the
 children or their descendants, share shall
belong to the 
 innocent party 

 Shall take place upon the termination of cohabitation

 Applies to all marriages except to a subsequent void marriage due to
the failure of a party to get a prior JDNOM of the previous void
marriage pursuant to Art. 40 of the Family Code.
 ACP or CPG

 The party that contracted under bad faith will also be forfeit his share
pursuant to Art. 43 (2).

Collateral & Direct Attack

 Collateral attack: nullity of marriage can be asserted even if it is not

the main or principal issue of a case


o No previous JDNOM is required by law with respect to any

other matter where the issue of the voidness of a marriage is
pertinent or material, either directly or indirectly
 Direct attack: the JDNOM is the principal issue

 Inheritance case: any proof can be showing that makes a child
illegitimate due to the void marriage of decedent with their mother 

o It does not need to be shown that either one of the spouses
filed a civil case precisely & mainly for the purpose of
judicially declaring the marriage void), other evidence

Below 18 Years of Age

 Subsequent parental consent cannot ratify such a void marriage

Non-Authority of Solemnizer

 The Philippines exclusively recognizes ceremonial marriages

Mistake of Fact Mistake in Identity Mistake in Law

 If a person is not enumerated in Art. 7 of FC or by LGC, he has no

authority to 
 solemnize a marriage 

Good Faith Marriage

 Good faith belief of either or both of the contracting parties in the

authority of the solemnizing officer can still make the marriage valid
 “Putative marriage” – applied to a matrimonial union which has been
solemnized in due form & good faith on the part of one or both of the
parties but which by reason of some legal infirmity, is either void or
voidable. The essential requisite is the belief that it is valid.

Notary public was

SO misrepresented Wrong physical identity;
believed to be a
himself as judge wrong family name, etc.
legitimate SO; not good
not included.
faith (good faith means
Art. 35(2) can be
due diligence);
invoked Ground for nullity.
Art 35 (2) cannot be

 NO OTHER essential or formal requisite can be “cured” by good faith

 Good faith is a question of fact which must be determined by the
trial court, but good faith is always presumed until the contrary is
o Requires the exercise of due diligence, & this means a
certain awareness of the questions of law
o Person in good faith cannot close his ears to information or
his eyes to suspicious circumstances; must not act blindly or
without reasonable precautions
 When a woman’s belief in the validity of the authority of the
solemnizing officer stems from a question of fact (he acts more like
the judge than the judge himself) rather than a question of law (not
knowing which solemnizing officer has authority), her belief is
considered in good faith.
o From Family Code Senate Committee Discussions – many
people these days are good at pretending they have the
authority to solemnize marriages

No Marriage License

 Marriage license is a formal requisite, with exceptions provided in Art.

27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 & 34 of the FC.

Bigamous & Polygamous Marriages

 Exceptions:

o Code of Muslim Personal Laws
o Art. 41 (Presumptive Death)
 A validly married man or a woman are prohibited from contracting
another bond of union as long as the consort is alive


o Example: A subsequent marriage contracted by a wife during

the life of a former husband is illegal & void from the

o Example: A subsequent marriage contracted in HK by a
husband who had secured a void Nevada divorce is
bigamous & void

 st
If the 1 marriage is void, there is no bigamy when the man or
woman contracts a 2nd marriage
o SC ruled in Nicdao Cariño v. Cariño, however, that a
marriage under Art. 40 would in fact be bigamous (to be
clear: the first marriage is void, and without getting a
JDNOM, one of the spouses enters into a second VALID
 BUT when the 1st marriage is void, & one of the parties contracts a
2nd marriage, the 2nd marriage is likewise void if the parties did not
obtain a JDNOM & recorded with the LCR before any subsequent
marriage (Art. 40, 52, 53)

Mistake in Identity

 One of the parties marries the twin of the other, believing that such
twin is his or her lover
o The contracting party ABSOLUTELY did not intend to marry
the other, as the same is not the person he actually knew
before the marriage
 Does not include mistake in the name, character of the person, his or
her attributes, his or her age, religion, social standing, pedigree,
pecuniary means, temperaments, acquirements, condition of live or
previous habits
o DOES NOT APPLY when a man is led to believe that he is
marrying a virtuous woman, when in fact she had previously
led an immoral life

Void Under Art. 53

 For persons whose marriages have been annulled or declared null &
void to be able to validly marry again, they must:
o Register JDNOM or JDAOM in the local civil registry where
marriage was solemnized

o Undertake the liquidation, partition & distribution of their

properties, IF ANY
o ONLY in the proper cases, the delivery of the children’s
presumptive legitimes
o Non-compliance with these requirements will make the
subsequent marriage void

Article 36. Psychological Incapacity (Santos v. Court of Appeals)

A marriage contracted by any party,  Determination is on a case-to-case basis, according to the facts of Absence for a long period of time does
who, at the time of the celebration, was the case not necessarily prove psychological
psychologically incapacitated to  Not to be equated with insanity or total mental inability to function in incapacity.
comply with the essential marital all aspects of human life

obligations of marriage, shall likewise  Restricted to psychological incapacity “to comply with all the marital Facts: Wife goes abroad to work in the
be void even if such incapacity obligations.”
 U.S. & does not contact her husband
becomes manifest only after its  Malady or mental disposition must seriously & effectively prevent at all; only calls him up 7 months later
solemnization. (As amended by EO them from having a functional & normal marital life clearly conducive to say she is coming home, but she
227 dated July 17, 1987) to bringing up a healthy personal inter-marital relationship within the never does. She only begins to reply
family which is necessary for its growth when he files for JDNOM due to
 Afflicting party even BEFORE celebration of marriage
 psychological incapacity, for her failure
 Senseless, protracted, constant refusal to comply with all the to communicate with him for over 5
essential marital obligations by one or both of the parties although years.
he, she or they are physically capable of performing such obligations
 Some examples from jurisprudence:
 Held: NO psychological incapacity;
o While a person may be truly efficient & mentally capable in there is no showing that the wife fails
his professional life, he can still be considered completely to understand the obligations &
irresponsible vis-à-vis his married life if he spends the whole consequences of marriage.
day working & not minding his or her family
o Despite him saying that he truly loves his wife & kids, he is
so absolutely indifferent with respect to his or her duties as a
father & husband
 Capacity is limited to his failure or disregard to comply with essential
marital obligations, although physically capable of doing so
o Not mere stubborn refusal; attributable to psychological
 NOT related to insanity or lack of consent, but with obligations
attendant to the 
 CANNOT be cured by cohabitation, considering that ratification does
not apply 
 to void marriages; even the bearing of children does not

necessarily cure 
 psychological incapacity

 There is such a thing as SELECTIVE IMPOTENCY—when a person
may be 
 psychologically impotent with one person, but not with
another; this can be 
 considered psychological incapacity
 Psychological incapacity must be incurable as a disorder, but a
psychologically incapacitated person is not barred from marrying
again (relative)
 Decisions of church tribunals are not binding on civil courts but have

 persuasive effect, since the provision is taken from Canon Law
 Children born in marriages under psychological incapacity are

Proving Psychological Incapacity 

 Can only be proven by indicators & external manifestations of the

person claimed to be psychologically incapacitated 

 It is important to see if the spouse observes their duties as required
in Art. 68 of the Family Code 

 Procreation is considered an essential obligation – constant non-
fulfillment of this obligation will finally destroy the integrity or
wholeness of the marriage 

 Art. 220, 221 & 225 of FC – duties of parents in relation to their
children; failure to do this is a good indicator of psychological

o Art 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53 in relation to 52
o Example: fear of a wife, who is afraid of children, to engage
in sexual relations is an indicator of psychological incapacity
(senseless & protracted refusal) 

o Example: unreasonable attachment of spouse to his friends,
so much so that his devotion to his family is subordinated to
said attachment 

 Total breakdown of family life is a good indicator, but separation &
abandonment alone are not conclusive proof of psychological
 Mere isolated idiosyncracies are not enough; so mere refusal or
neglect to comply is not enough too—it must be downright incapacity
to perform
o There must be gross irresponsibility & utter disregard
o Should NOT be attributed to pure physical illness


 Psychological evidence (expert testimony) is not necessarily

conclusive, but can be considered decisive evidence if it is thorough
& specific to the case of the incapacitated spouse
o Personality disorders suffered by both parties is included

o BUT a person need not be declared psychologically
incapacitated by a physician, as courts can consider totality
of evidence

o Expert testimony must be thorough & in-depth assessment
 Some accepted disorders of psychological incapacity:

o Dependent personality disorder
o Anti-social & narcissistic personality disorder – with lack of
loyalty to persons or sense of moral values

o Hyperesthesia – no real freedom of sexual choice
o Schizophrenia

o Nymphomaniacs

o Inadequate personality disorder

Expert Testimony

 Extremely helpful
 Personal medical or psychological examination is not a requirement
for the declaration of psychological incapacity, & the presence of
expert testimony does not also immediately mean the decree will be
 Decision must be based on totality of evidence
o Thus, sometimes, when the report from the psychiatrist
seems faulty or too general, it is not considered by the courts
o But sometimes, when the psychiatrist does not personally
examine the incapacitated person but is able to get the
pertinent data, the testimony is admitted as evidence
 In one case, the husband was going to introduce the confidential
psychiatric evaluation report made by a psychiatrist with respect to
his wife
o Court admitted this as evidence even if it was supposed to
be confidential, as it was the husband, not the psychiatrist,
who would be making the testimony

Lifted from Canon Law


 Decisions of church tribunals are also considered persuasive, but not

necessarily conclusive 

o Art 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53 in relation to 52
o Example: Woman who submits herself to sex because she is
obliged to do so; this is indicative of a psychological problem

 Fr. Dacanay – psychological incapacity as the inability to posit the
object of consent, rather than the inability to posit consent
o They understand marriage, however they find it difficult to
deliver the object of their consent

Jurisprudential Guidelines (Republic v. CA & Molina) Guidelines for

invoking & proving psychological incapacity:

1. The burden of proof to show nullity of marriage belongs to the one

who claims the psychological incapacity; any doubt should be
resolved in favor of marriage 

2. Root cause must be: clinically or medically identified 
 , alleged in the
 , sufficiently proven by experts 
 , clearly explained in the
decision. Moreover, it must be psychological, but manifestation may
be physical
3. Incapacity proven to be existing at the time of the celebration of the

4. Must be shown to be medically or clinically incurable – may be
 only in regard to the other spouse 

5. Such illness must be grave enough to bring about inability to assume
 essential obligations of marriage 

6. The essential obligations must be those embraced by Art. 68-71 of
 Family Code 

7. Interpretations given by National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of
 Catholic Church of the Philippines should be given great
respect by our 

Despite Molina, each case of psychological incapacity must be treated



No damages allowed at all in psychological incapacity; non-cognizance of
one’s essential marital obligation at the time of the marriage ceremony
negates bad faith, which is an essential element in awarding moral damages

in contracting the marriage

Article 37. Reasons for Prohibition (Carungcong v. People, Sato)

Marriages between the following are  Immoral 
 Upon the death of one spouse,
incestuous and void from the  Recessive abnormality (biological) 
 relations by affinity do not terminate
beginning, whether the relationship  Social & psychological issues regardless of the existence of issues
between the parties be legitimate or for all intents & purposes favorable to
illegitimate: them
1. Between ascendants and
descendants of any degree;
2. Between brothers and sisters,
whether of full or half blood
Article 38. Reasons for the Prohibition of Void Marriages
1. Policy of the state to foster a normal, peaceful, and
The following marriages shall be void wholesome integral nuclear family unit which would
from the beginning for reasons of constitute the very foundation of society
public policy: 2. Enumeration in Art. 38 is exclusive -> guardian/ward &
principal/agent can marry each other; provided they do not
1. Between collateral blood suffer from any other impediment in the Family Code
relatives, whether legitimate or
illegitimate, up to the fourth Collateral Blood Relatives by Consanguinity
civil degree  May likely result, though not of the same gravity, in the dangers and
2. Between step-parents and confusion attendant in incestuous marriages under Art. 37
  The coefficient of inbreeding (0.125 for uncle-niece, 0.0625 for first
3. Between parents-in-law and cousins, 0.0156 among second cousins) is a risk to much allow
 citizens, law must be enacted accordingly
4. Between the adopting parent  Relationship by consanguinity is in itself not capable of dissolution ->
and the adopted child; a death of a common ascendant does not sever the blood
5. Between the surviving spouse relationship of first cousins MARRIAGES BETWEEN HALF-
of the adopting spouse
6. Between the surviving spouse In determining whether two persons are relatives of each other up to the 4th Audley v. Audley : prohibition
of the adopted child and the civil degree: consider their nearest and immediate common ascendant -> extended to relatives of the half-blood;
 count the number of relatives from one of them to the common ascendant -> it is the not the percentage of blood
7. Between an adopted child and from the common ascendant to the other one relationship, but rather how the
a legitimate child of the relationship is generally known and
adopter Collateral Half-Blood Relatives by Consanguinity understood
8. Between the adopted children  law does not provide that marriages between collateral blood
of the same adopter relatives by the half-blood are prohibited In Re: Simms Estate: marriage

 Between parties where one, between uncle and niece by the half-
with the intention to marry the Relationship by Affinity blood is not incestuous and void; the
other, killed that other  marriage makes husband and wife one : the husband has the legislature could have explicitly said so
person'’s spouse or his or her relation, by affinity, to his wife's blood relatives and vice versa
own spouse.  prohibited : step-parents & step-children; parents-in-law & children-in-
law Marriage Termination's Effect to
 destroys the peacefulness of family relations and also cause Relationship by Affinity
disturbances within the family circle Back v. Back : marriage between a
 keeping in tradition of extended families deceased husband and the daughter
 step-brothers and step-sister can marry each other (not stated in law) of his former wife by another man of a
previous marriage is valid
Effect of Termination of Marriage on the "Affinity Prohibition"
 when the marriage is annulled or nullified accordance with law, there
can be no question that the relationship by affinity is terminated ->
allowed now to legally marry each other
 Civil law : conflicting views on whether they can marry each other;
Criminal law: affinity relation subsists even after death

Adoptive Relationship
Who they cannot marry

Adopter Adopted
The adopted The adopter
The surviving spouse of the adopted The surviving spouse of adopter
(Envisions that the marriage was (Envisions that the marriage was
terminated due to death. But if the terminated due to death. But if the
marriage was terminated after the marriage was terminated after the
finality of a nullity or annulment finality of a nullity or annulment
decree then they can get married) decree then they can get married)
Legitimate children of adopter
Other adopted children of the

Who they can marry


 marriage between the surviving spouse has been terminated by

Adopter Adopted
Children of adopted Parents of adopter
Natural parent Illegitimate child of the adopter
Other relatives Other relatives
Spouse of adopted if alive and not Spouse of adopter if alive and not
married to adopted married to adopter

 if the marriage of the adopter has been judicially nullified/annulled &
barring any other ground to make the marriage void, the adopted can
validly marry the previous spouse of the adopter -> not a separate
spouse but a former spouse

Intentional Killing of Spouse

 grave moral turpitude
 must be animated by the intention to marry another person
 no prior criminal conviction needed, mere preponderance of evidence
is required
 applies to a person who kills the spouse of another to marry the latter
Article 39. Prescriptive Period Prescriptive Period
 Time within which to file an action for the declaration of nullity of Ninal v. Bayadog : children of the
The action or defense for the marriage or to invoke such nullity as a defense deceased contracting party can file for
declaration of absolute nullity of a  Judicial decree merely declares or confirms the voidness, non- the declaration of nullity
marriage shall not prescribe. existence or incipient invalidity of a marriage - in a SC En Banc resolution : only the
wife/husband can file the case
 Any of the parties in a void marriage can file a nullity case even Fujiki v. Marinay : only the spouses
though such party is the wrongdoer in the subsisting first marriage can file
 What is also sought to be protected is the interest and public policy of a case for declaration of nullity of a
the State subsequent bigamous marriage
 Wrongdoer may be held liable for damages by way of counter claim
of the contracting party Perez v. Court of Appeals : SC
 A void marriage can still be collaterally attacked by any interested denied the petition of the second wife
party in any proceeding where the determination of the validity of for intervention in the declaration of
marriage is necessary to give rise to certain rights or to negate nullity of marriage filed by her husband
certain rights in his previous marriage ; no legal

Article 40. Judicial Declaration of Nullity Jarillo v. People : Art. 40 can be

 a subsequent marriage without such judicial declaration of nullity of applied retroactively
The absolute nullity of a previous the previous marriage is in itself void ab initio in accordance w/ Art. Atienza v. Brilliantes: even if the first
marriage may be invoked for the 40, 52 and 53 marriage was celebrated before the
purposes of remarriage on the basis effectivity of the Family Code, but the
solely of a final judgment declaring Art. 52: The judgment of annulment or of absolute nullity of the marriage, subsequent marriage occurred after
such previous marriage void. the partition and distribution of the properties of the spouses and the the said effectivity, Art. 40 will apply
delivery of the children's presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in the retroactively in so far as making the
appropriate civil registry and registries of property; otherwise, the same first marriage the reckoning point
shall not affect third persons.
Art. 53: Either of the former spouses may marry again after compliance with Domingo v. Court of Appeals : sole
the requirements of the immediately preceding Article; otherwise, the basis acceptable in law for said
subsequent marriage shall be null and void. protected marriage to be from legal
infirmity is a final judgement declaring
 The sake of good order of society and for the peace of mind for all the previous marriage void
persons concerned
 An opportunity should be given, when the evidence is obtainable and De Castro v. Assidao - De Castro : a
the parties living, to have the proof of invalidity of such marriage lower court can declare a marriage
presented in the form of a judicial record void even without prior judicial
 As a consequence of changing rules, the status of a subsequent declaration of nullity of a void marriage
marriage depends upon the time of the solemnization of the said filed in a separate action; validity of a
subsequent marriage marriage can be collaterally attacked

Minutes of the 152nd Joint Meeting of the Civil Code and Family Code
 Justice Caguioa: one cannot determine for himself w/n his marriage
is valid and that a court action is needed
 Prof. Bautista: there are actions which are brought on the assumption
that the marriage is valid; it will not be a unilateral declaration that it is
a void marriage
 Justice Caguioa: limit the provision to remarriage
 For the protection of the spouse so that when he remarries again, he
Valdes v. RTC : if the first marriage is
will not be charged with bigamy
void and a party to that first marriage
 Final judgment declaring the previous marriage void need not be
subsequently remarries w/o obtaining
obtained only for the purposes of remarriage, there are other
a judicial declaration of nullity for the
instances where a party might well invoke the absolute nullity
first marriage, the subsequent
 In the essence of marriage as inviolable social institution, marriage is void - failed to comply with
subsequent marriages cannot be purely based on perception - a the requirements under Art. 40
court declaration is the only way to satisfy the exacting norm of

society Mercado v. Mercado : criminal

offense of bigamy is committed for as
Historical Background for Need of JDNOM long as a subsequent marriage was
Prevailing Jurisprudence: if the subsequent marriage was made before the contracted by a person without him or
declaration of nullity is contracted -> VOID her obtaining a judicial declaration of
nullity of his/her first marriage pursuant
to Art. 40 of this Family Code
Valid w/out Void w/out - Vitug, dissenting opinion : must
JDNOM JDNOM contemplate a marriage that was at
least annullable but not void; void
Sept. 28, 1954 Mendoza X marriage is a defense in a criminal
bigamy case regardless of w/n a
Feb. 28, 1957 Aragon X judicial declaration of nullity has been
June 30, 1970 Gomez X
People v. Cobar : elements of a
Jan. 30, 1971 Conseguera X criminal bigamy - 1) offender has been
legally married 2) marriage has not
June 21, 1977 Odayat X been legally dissolved or in case his or
her spouse is absent (could not yet be
May 30, 1983 Tolentino X presumed dead) 3) offender contracts
a second or subsequent marriage 4)
Aug. 19, 1986 Wiegel X the second or subsequent marriage
has all the essential requisites for
Oct. 28, 1986 Yap X validity
Aug. 3, 1988 Family Code X

Art. 40 & Bigamy

 If 1st marriage is VOID and 2nd marriage is contracted without getting
the JDNOM, liquidating, distributing properties, etc., the 2 nd marrage
is VOID because of failure to comply with requirements under Art 40
and NOT because of Bigamy. (Valdez v RTC)
 SC decided in Nicdao-Carino v Carino that 2nd marriage is bigamous
because though 1st marriage is void, no JDNOM was taken so still
valid. (Wrong decision according to Sta Maria)

Art. 40 and Criminal Bigamy

 Crime of bigamy by a person who contracts a subsequent marriage
before the former marriage has been legally dissolved or before the

absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead

 Good faith in contracting the second marriage is a defense in the
crime of bigamy
 Elements of bigamy:
1. Offender has been legally married (may be valid or voidable)
2. Marriage has not been legally dissolved or spouse is not presumed
3. Offender contracts a second or subsequent marriage
4. Second or subsequent marriage has all the essential and formal
requisites for validity

Article 41. Bigamous marriage Fujiki v. Marinay : first Japanese

 A marriage contracted during the lifetime of the first spouse is null husband had personality to file the said
A marriage contracted by any person and void petition in the Phil -> bigamy is also
during the subsistence of a previous  If the first marriage is annullable or voidable, any subsequent against the public policy in the
marriage shall be null and void, unless marriage is bigamous and void ab initio Philippines
before the celebration of the Recognition of the foreign judgment
subsequent marriage, the prior spouse EXCEPTION: VALID BIGAMOUS MARRIAGE nullifying a bigamous marriage is a
has been absent for four consecutive  The present spouse obtains a judicial declaration of presumptive subsequent event that establishes a
years and the spouse present had a death via a summary proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction new status, right and fact that needs to
well-founded belief that the absent  Declared presumption is only prima facie be reflected in the civil registry
spouse was already dead. In case of o Four year absence or 2 year absence if there is a well-
disappearance, where there is danger founded belief that the spouse is dead
of death under the circumstances set o Danger of death: missing airplane/vessel, armed forces
forth in the provisions of Art. 391 of the
Civil Code, an absence of only two Termination of the subsequent marriage
years shall be sufficient.  Obtained by the recording of the affidavit of reappearance of the
absent spouse in the civil registry of the residence of the parties to
For the purpose of contracting the the subsequent marriage pursuant to Article 42 (only instance that
subsequent marriage under the marriage is terminated extra-judicially)
preceding paragraph, the spouse  No affidavit or sworn statement with the civil register: valid bigamous
present must institute a summary marriage
proceeding as provided for in this
Code for the declaration of Liquidation of the Properties of the First Marriage
presumptive death of the absentee,  After the issuance of a judicial declaration of presumptive death, the
without prejudice to the effect of the properties of the first marriage should be liquidated
reappearance of the absent spouse.
 If there is no liquidation and the present spouse immediately
remarries, the property regime that will apply in the subsequent
marriage will be the complete separation of property

 If there were a liquidation: the parties may agree in settlement as to

what type of property regime will govern the marital relationship
 Absent marriage settlement or latter is void: governed by the
absolute community of property regime
 Void marriage: co-ownership and the properties will be liquidated in
accordance with the said rules
Article 42. Well - Founded Belief of Death RP v Nolasco: a Filipino seaman
 Depends on the circumstances of the case wanted to get a judicial declaration of
The subsequent marriage referred to in  Result of proper and honest to goodness inquiries and efforts to presumptive death from the court to his
the preceding Article shall be ascertain the whereabouts of the absent spouse and whether the missing English spouse: failed to
automatically terminated by the absent spouse is still alive conduct a search for the missing wife
recording of the affidavit of with such diligence
reappearance of the absent spouse, Art. 390 & 391
unless there is a judgment annulling  After an absence of 7 years, it being unknown whether the absentee Republic v. Court of Appeals: did not
the previous marriage declaring it void still lives, he shall be presumed dead for all purposes present the alleged persons from
ab initio.  Except for those of successions, absence of 10 years whom he allegedly made inquiries
 Shortened for five years if he disappears after the age of 75
A sworn statement of the fact and
circumstances of reappearance shall Sworn Statement of Reappearance
be recorded in the civil registry of the  Terminates the subsequent marriage Social Security System v. Jarque
residence of the parties to the  Sworn statement or affidavit of the fact and circumstance of such Vda. De Bailon : no step is taken to
subsequent marriage at the instance of reappearance and recording the same with due notice to the spouse terminate the subsequent marriage ->
an interested person, with due notice of the subsequent marriage will not terminate such marriage
to the spouses of the subsequent  Any interested party may file this sworn statement: parents, children,
marriage and without prejudice to the present spouse, subsequent spouse
fact of reappearance being judicially
 The mere fact of reappearances does not invalidate the subsequent
determined in case such fact is
 Must undergo questioning: if impostor, the termination will be
rendered ineffectual

If no sworn statement was filed:

 Protects the second marriage
 Reappearing spouse cannot enter into a contract of marriage w/
another person
 Must file a nullity or annulment case if there are valid grounds; if
there are no ground, will live forever as a married person
Article 43. STATUS OF CHILDREN: Children conceived during the subsequent marriage
contemplated in Art. 41 are legitimate even if one of the contracting parties is
The termination of the subsequent in bad faith.

marriage referred to in the preceding

Article shall produce the following EFFECT OF TERMINATION ON THE PROPERTY REGIME: The property
effects: regime shall be dissolved and liquidated. After the payment of all debts, the
spouses shall divide the net profits of the property equally or in accordance
1. The children of the subsequent with the stipulated sharing. If a spouse acted in bad faith, the guilty spouse
marriage conceived prior to its shall not get his share in the net profits (his/her share will be forfeited in favor
termination shall be considered of the common children, if none the children of the guilty spouse by a previous
legitimate and their custody and marriage, if none to the innocent spouse.
support in case of dispute shall be
decided by the court in a proper DONATIONS BY REASON OF MARRIAGE: If both parties are in good faith,
proceeding; the donation shall be valid. If the donee acted in bad faith in contracting the
marriage, the donation by reason of marriage is terminated byoperation of
2. the absolute community of property law. If both are in bad faith neither can recover what they have given.
or the conjugal partnership, as the
case may be, shall be dissolved and DESIGNATION AS BENEFICIARY IN INSURANCE POLICY: The innocent
liquidated, but if either spouse spouse has the choice of revoking the beneficiary in an insurance policy even
contracted said marriage in bad faith, if the policy is irrevocable. (Should inform the insurance company)
his or her share of the net profits of the
community property or conjugal DISQUALIFICATION AS TO INHERITANCE: The spouse who acted in bad
partnership property shall be forfeited faith shall be disqualified to inherit from the innocent spouse. If both spouses
in favor of the common children or if are in bad faith according to Article 44 the marriage is void and the parties
there are none, the children of the cannot inherit.
guilty spouse by a previous marriage
or in default of children, the innocent

3. Donations by reason of marriage

shall remain valid, except that if the
donee contracted the marriage in bad
faith, such donations made to said
donee are revoked by operation of law;

4. The innocent spouse may revoke

the designation of the other spouse
who acted in bad faith shall be
disqualified to inherit from the innocent
spouse by testate and intestate

Article 44. Marriage contracted in bad faith

 If the subsequent marriages in cases under Art. 41 were contracted
If both spouses of the subsequent where only one of the parties, whether the present spouse/new
marriage acted in bad faith, said spouse - VALID
marriage shall be void ab initio and all  If both spouses are in bad faith - VOUD
donations by reason of marriage and  Good faith of the present spouse must be present up to the time of
testamentary disposition made by one celebration of the subsequent marriage
in favor of the other are revoked by
operation of law.

Article 45. General Rules

 Dissolution is only allowed under such restrictions or limitations as
A marriage may be annulled for any of the legislature may deem best for the public welfare
the following causes, existing at the  Clear and undeniable proofs are necessary
time of the marriage:  Exclusivity of the ground of annulment - only those prescribed by law
 Once ratified the marriage will be valid and no longer annullable even if
1. That the party in whose behalf it is the insanity comes back.
sought to have the marriage annulled
was eighteen years of age or over but No parental consent
below twenty-one, and the marriage  The parents of the child can annul the marriage at any time prior to
was solemnized without the consent of the time the child reaches the age of 21
the parents, guardian or person having  Opportunity to annul the marriage so that the probability of a
substitute parental authority over the troublesome, Illl-advised or stormy marriage relationship due to
party, in that order, unless after unpreparedness of the contracting parties financially, emotionally
attaining the age of twenty-one, such and psychologically to enter into such relationship can be
party freely cohabited with the other terminated or prevented Larson v. Larson : plaintiff has not
and both lived together as husband satisfied the burden of proving, clearly
and wife; Unsound mind and definitely, that the defendant was
 Must be clear that illness is serious that cannot understand an "insane person" at the particular
2. That either party was of unsound marriage contract at the time of the marriage. time of this marriage
mind, unless such party after coming  Burden of proof rest upon him who alleges insanity - preponderance
to reason, freely cohabited with the of evidence
other and both lived together as
 Lucid interval is in its nature temporary and uncertain in its duration,
husband and wife;
and there is no legal presumption of continuance
 If the spouse knew that the spouse was insane prior to the
3. That the consent of either party was celebration of the marriage she cannot annul the marriage.
obtained by fraud, unless such party
afterwards, with full knowledge of the Fraud
facts constituting the fraud, freely  Refers to the non-disclosure or concealment of certain circumstances
cohabited with the other has husband

and wife; which materially affect the essence of marriage

 No other misrepresentations will be acceptable to constitute fraud to
4. That the consent of either party was annul a marriage (any act of fraud not included in Art. 46 cannot be
obtained by force, intimidation, and invoked to annual a marriage)
undue influence, unless the same  Accidental matters are not going into the essence of the marriage
having disappeared or ceased, such and not affecting the free consent of the injured party thereto since it
party thereafter freely cohabited with is the duty of the parties to inform themselves of such matters before
the other as husband and wife; entering into a contract of such importance to themselves and to
5. That either party was physically
incapable of consummating the PREVIOUS CONVICTION: No need for investigation on the part of the party
marriage with the other, and such but there must be a final judgment.
incapacity continues and appears to be
Concealment must be done in bad faith. Thus, if the woman truly believed
6. That either party was afflicted with a she was not pregnant when she was the marriage cannot be annulled.
sexually transmissible disease found to - Misrepresentation that she was pregnant to induce the man to
be serious and appears to be marryher when she was in fact not pregnant is not considered for
incurable. annulment.
- Exceptions : If the woman was unchaste and the man knew of Aquino v. Delizo : the mere fact that
her unchaste character & If woman did not inform the man but the woman at the time of the marriage
pregnancy was apparent. is four months pregnant cannot be
conclusive as to the app
Article 46. “”””””arency of such pregnancy so as to
CONCEALMENT OF STD: Nature or gravity is irrelevant; the fact that it
was concealed was enough. bar the man from invoking this
Any of the following circumstances particular ground
shall constitute fraud referred to in
CONCEALMENT OF ADDICTIONS: No exact meaning but has been defined
Number 3 of the preceding Article: Foss v. Foss : a man who knew the
as persistenthabit of becoming intoxicated, irresistible habit.
*Does not need to get drunk all the time, the habit of becoming periodically unchaste character of a woman and
1. Non-disclosure of a previous drunk and beingunable to resist when the opportunity arises. who subsequently married such
conviction of final judgment of the woman who at the time of the marriage
other party of a crime involving moral CONCEALMENT OF GENDER PREFERENCE: considers the effect on the was pregnant and who assured him
turpitude; injured spouse in performing his/her marital duties. Mental fitness, health, etc. that it was his child, when in fact it
Does not nurture a natural and wholesome family could not have been his child ->
2. Concealment by the wife of the fact cannot be annulled
that at the time of the marriage, she Vitiated Consent
was pregnant by a man other than her  Consent of both parties, must be freely given
husband;  Intimidation: when one of the contracting parties is compelled by a
reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent and grave evil
3. Concealment of sexually upon his person or property, or upon the person or property of his

transmissible disease, regardless of its spouse, descendants or ascendants to give his consent
nature, existing at the time of the  Must be proven by preponderance of evidence
marriage; or  Criminal liability attaches on anyone who uses violence,
intimidation and fraud in contracting a marriage
4. Concealment of drug addiction,
habitual alcoholism, or homosexuality Ratification: Cohabitation after the cause of the vitiated consent ceases.
or lesbianism existing at the time of the Party to file the suit: Injured party within 5 years from the time the force,
 No other misrepresentation intimidation or undue influence disappeared or ceased.
or deceit as to character, health, rank,
fortune or chastity shall constitute such Incapacity to Consummate:
fraud as will give grounds for action for  Permanent inability on the part of one of the spouses to perform the Villanueva v. Court of Appeals :
the annulment of marriage. complete act of sexual intercourse (must be incurable). appellant's apprehension of danger to
 Can originate from a psychological problem, which affects the his person is so overwhelming as to
physical. deprive him of the will to enter
 Must exist at the time of the marriage. voluntarily
 May be caused both by husband and wife.
 Burden of proof : whoever alleges; preponderance of evidence
 Family Code adheres to the relative/selective nature of the incapacity
to consummate
 Exception: Sterility is not considered impotency because he can still
engage in sexual coition. Organs for conception not necessary
becausethere is still passion.
 If venereal disease were obtained after the marriage ceremony, it
cannot be ground for annulment; but can be grounds for sexual
 Rule of triennial cohabitation: presumption of impotence arises when
wife remains a virgin after 3 years from the time of marriage.

Article 47. GROUND PARTY TO FILE PRESCRIPTION RATIFICATION Siman v Leus: Plaintiff-parent must
SUIT PERIOD show that cause of action exists in
The action for annulment of marriage 1. No a. a. Anytime before After non-consent favor of himself; After 21 years of age,
must be filed by the following persons parental Parent/Guardian "non-consent" party cohabits child does not need a guardian in order
and within the periods indicated herein: consent having Legal party reaches age with the spouse to bring order a suit
(1) For causes mentioned in number 1 Charge of "No- of 21 after reaching 21
of Article 45 by the party whose parent Consent Party" years of age
or guardian did not give his or her b. W/in 5 years
consent, within five years after b. "No-Consent" after attaining 21
attaining the age of twenty-one, or by Party years
the parent or guardian or person

having legal charge of the minor, at *extended to 18

any time before such party has years of age by
reached the age of twenty-one; RA 6109.
(2) For causes mentioned in number 2
of Article 45, by the same spouse, who
had no knowledge of the other's 2. Insanity a. Sane spouse a. at any time Through
insanity; or by any relative or guardian w/o knowledge of before death of cohabitation by
or person having legal charge of the insanity either party the person with
insane, at any time before the death of the unsound mind
either party, or by the insane spouse b. Relative, b. at any time after he has come
during a lucid interval or after regaining guardian or before death of to reason
sanity; person or having either party
(3) For causes mentioned in number 3 legal charge of
of Articles 45, by the injured party, insane
within five years after the discovery of c. during lucid
the fraud; c. Insane spouse interval or after
(4) For causes mentioned in number 4 regaining sanity
of Article 45, by the injured party, 3. Fraud Injured Party W/in 5 years after Cohabitation after
within five years from the time the discovery of fraud the innocent
force, intimidation or undue influence spouse has full
disappeared or ceased; - starts from the knowledge of the
(5) For causes mentioned in number 5 discovery of the facts constituting
and 6 of Article 45, by the injured fraud the fraud
party, within five years after the 4. Vitiated Injured Party W/in 5 years from Cohabitation after
marriage. (87a) Consent time force, disappearance of
intimidation or force, intimidation
undue influence or undue
disappeared or influence

- counted from the

time of the
disappearance of
the force,
intimidation or
undue influence
5. Injured Party W/in 5 years after No ratification
Incapability the marriage because ground
to ceremony is not based on
Consummat defective consent

e/STD - from the time of


Nature of Annulment Case

 “actions in rem,” they concern the status of the parties, and status
affects or bind the whole world.
 Jurisdiction over the same by the proper RTC depends upon the
nationality or domicile of the parties, not the place of the celebration
of the marriage, or the locus celebrationis.

The law clearly provides the person or persons who can file a case for
annulment depending on the grounds involved
 Parents, guardians or persons having legal charge of the child can
never file an annulment case on a ground other than those provided
in Art 45(1) and (2) even if he/she alleges a cause of action for and
on behalf of the child
 Must show that the cause of action exists in favor of himself/herself
 No other person can file the case for the injured party: aggrieved
spouse, not the parents

Incapacity to consummate and STD: cannot be ratified because these

grounds are not based on defective consent, but are based on the fact that
both are incurable

Action to annul marriage filed with the said 5 years will not succeed if it is
shown that at anytime during the said 5-year period, he or she freely
cohabited with the other as husband and wife.
Article 48. Procedure in Annulment and in Declaration of Nullity Cases Tolentino v. Villanueva
1. After a complaint has been filed, defendant has 15 days from receipt Not wanting to reveal evidence
In all cases of annulment or declaration of the summons and a copy of the complaint within which to file an prematurely may lead to dismissal of
of absolute nullity of marriage, the answer. In the event that the defendant fails to file an answer, he annulment case.
Court shall order the prosecuting cannot be declared in default.
attorney or fiscal assigned to it to 2. If, erroneously, the court renders a default judgment in an annulment Brown v. Yambao
appear on behalf of the State to take case, this would not prevent the decree from having legal effect. (De The inquiry of the fiscal can focus on
steps to prevent collusion between the La Cruz v. Ejercito any relevant matter whether the
parties and to take care that evidence 3. In all cases: proceedings for annulment are fully
is not fabricated or suppressed.  A full-blown hearing must be undertaken justified or not

 Summary proceedings are not allowed - prove of grounds through

In the cases referred to in the preceding  preponderance of evidence Mendoza v. CA
paragraph, no judgment shall be based  material facts alleged in the complaint shall always be proved Annulment suit cannot be terminated
upon a stipulation of facts or confession  expressly prohibit an annulment of marriages without actual trial by way of a compromise agreement
of judgment
Role of Fiscal and Solicitor General Roque v. Encarnacion
 Must be present Counter-claim seeking to annul
 Appear on behalf of the State to make sure that there is no defendant's marriage to petitioner,
collusion o the evidence is not fabricated although not denied or resisted by the
 Can also be required to submit a memorandum latter, cannot be decided by summary
judgement proceeding
 Duty is not only to defend a valid marriage but to expose an invalid
Mendoza v.CA
 OSG, thought not specifically mentioned, can intervene -> issue of
Office of Solicitor General may
the validity of marriage is vested with public interest
intervene in annulment proceedings
and may appear “as counsel for the
State in the capacity of defensor
 Parties come up with an agreement making it appear that the vincula or defender of the marital bond.
marriage is defective; but in reality ground DOES NOT exist
 Collusion does not exist if the ground for annulment or nullity Sin v. Sin
ACTUALLY exists Even if the judge of lower court already
 Proof that defendant desires divorce and makes no defense, is not by denied the petition for nullity, SC
itself collusion remanded the case for further
 A judge who does not order an investigation for collusion when proceeding because the fiscal merely
needed, can be subject to 
 administrative sanction filed a manifestation that there was no
collusion and he merely entered his
Stipulation of Facts or Confession of Judgment appearance at certain hearings but
An annulment cannot be issued on the SOLE basis of a stipulation of facts or was not heard of anymore.
confession of judgment.
 Stipulation of Facts: admission by both parties made in court Maquilan v. Maquilan
agreeing to the existence of the act constituting the ground for A partial voluntary separation of
annulment property agreed upon by the parties
 Confession of Judgment: admission made in court by the respondent via a compromise agreement duly
or defendant admitting fault approved by the Court prior to the
 Stresses the fact the marriage is more than a mere contract between judicial declaration of nullity of
parties marriage is valid. No need for
 Law enjoins the Court officer to intervene for the State in order to participation of prosecuting attorney.
preserve the integrity and sanctity of the marital bonds (Tolentino v.
Villanueva) Tuason v. CA
 However, if sufficiently supported or corroborated by other If the declaration for nullity was

independent substantial evidence to support the main ground relied strongly opposed by the defendant,
upon, may warrant an annulment of a marriage non-intervention of the fiscal or
prosecuting attorney to assure lack of
collusion is not fatal to the validity of
the proceeding in court.

Aquino v. Delizo
Failure to answer, deliberately or not,
cannot be taken as conclusive
evidence of collusion

Ocampo v. Florenciano
Willingness to separate of both parties
does not automatically imply collusion

Republic v. CA
Acceptance of wife of P500 as her
share in the conjugal property in a
nullity case does not prove collusion

Cardenas v. Cardenas and Rinen

Stipulation of facts by the parties on an
annulment case of a subsequent
bigamous marriage and the attached
marriage certificates were sufficient to
declare as null and void the second

Article 49. SC Rule on Provisional Orders Yu v. Reyes- Carpio

 May be ordered by the court at any time during the proceeding of an In annulment and nullity cases,
During the pendency of the action and absolute nullity, annulment or legal separation decree reception of evidence on custody,
in the absence of adequate provisions  May be issued with or without a hearing and are enforced support and property relations after the
in a written agreement between the immediately trial courts render a decision granting
spouses, the Court shall provide for the  Motu proprio or upon application under oath of any of the properties, the petition, or upon entry of judgment
support of the spouses and the custody guardian or designated custodian granting the petition, and even before
and support of their common children.  Under terms and conditions the court deems necessary the decree is issued, is allowed.
The Court shall give paramount
consideration to the moral and material 1. Spousal support Silva v. CA
welfare of said children and their choice  From absolute community or conjugal properties in the absence of Parents have the natural right, as well
of the parent with whom they wish to adequate provisions in a written agreement as the moral and legal duty to care for

remain as provided to in Title IX. It shall  May award support to either spouse in such amount for a period of their children. Authority and
also provide for appropriate visitation time as the court may deem just and reasonable based on standard responsibility may not be unduly
rights of the other parent. of living during marriage denied to the parents; neither it may be
 Court may consider the following factors: custody of child, time renounced by them. The case merely
necessary to enable spouse to find employment, duration of concerns the visitation rights of a
marriage, comparative financial resources, needs and obligations of parent over his children. There was
each spouse, contribution to marriage, age and health, physical and nothing conclusive to indicate that
emotional conditions, ability to give support, any other factor the these provisions are meant to solely
court may deem equitable address themselves to legitimate
 May be deducted from salary of the spouse relationships. The allegations against
the character of petitioner cannot be
2. Child support taken as sufficient basis to render
 Supported from ACP or CPG petitioner an unfit father.
 Either parent may be ordered to give amount necessary for support,
maintenance and education of the child
 Factors to be considered: financial resources of both parents,
physical and emotional health of child, standard of living child is
accustomed to, non-monetary contributions
 May direct deduction from salary of parent

3. Child custody
 Considers best interests of child and paramount consideration to
material and moral welfare of the child
 Factors to be considered: agreement of parties, desire and ability to
foster a loving relationship with child, child’s health, safety and
welfare, history of child or spousal abuse or who has had a filial
relationship, nature and frequency of contact, habitual use of
alcohol or drugs, marital misconduct, most suitable environment,
and preference of the child
 May award provisional custody in the following order:
o Both parents jointly
o To either parent taking into account all relevant
o Surviving grandparent or grandparent of child’s choice
o Eldest brother or sister above 21 years of age
o Child’s actual custodian over 21 years of age
o Any other person deemed by the court suitable to provide
proper care and guidance for child
 Custodian shall give court 5 days notice of any plan to change

residence or take him out of residence for more than 3 days

*Article 213 of Family Code: No child under seven years of age shall be
separated from the mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to order

4. Visitation rights
 Appropriate visitation rights shall be provided to the parent who is
not awarded provisional custody unless disqualified by court
5. Hold Departure Order
 No child of the parties shall be brought out of the country without
prior order from the court, pending resolution of the petition.
6. Order of Protection
 To stay away from places where the child frequents or any other
place designated by court
 To refrain from harassing, intimidating, or threatening such child or
person to whom custody is awarded
 To refrain from acts of commission or omission that creates
unreasonable risk to the health, safety or welfare of the child
 To permit a parent or a person entitled to visitation to visit child
 To permit a designated party to enter the residence during a
specified period of time to take personal belongings not contested in
a proceeding
 To comply with such other orders as are necessary for the
protection of the child
7. Administration of Common Property
 If the spouse abandons without just cause the other or fails to
comply with his or her obligations, court may appoint the applicant
or a third person as sole administrator of common property subject
to such precautionary conditions

Effect of Nullity or Annulment on Provisional Orders

 Void ab initio: spouse entitled to support should return it with legal
interest since such person was not entitled to support
 Annulment: support need not be reimbursed unless there are other
reasons later proven to show non-entitlement
Article 50. Article 43: effects of termination of subsequent marriage Lam v. Chua
 ACP or CGP shall be dissolved or liquidated. If either spouse Even if the judgment is void but was
The effects provided for by contracted marriage in bad faith, his share shall be forfeited in favor not assailed ina motion for

paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of of common children. If none, children of guilty spouse in previous reconsideration and therefore not
Article 43 and by Article 44 shall marriage or in default, innocent spouse. made an issue on appeal; judgment
also apply in the proper cases to  Donations by reason of marriage shall remain valid, except if done continues to be effective
marriages which are declared ab contracted marriage in bad faith -> donations revoked by law
initio or annulled by final judgment  Innocent spouse may revoke designation of other spouse as a Tuason v. Court of Appeals
under Articles 40 and 45. beneficiary in any insurance policy Finding of the trial court is binding on
 Guilty spouse shall be disqualified to inherit from testae and the SC unless it can be sufficiency
The final judgment in such cases intestate succession shown that the factual findings are
shall provide for the liquidation, Article 44: Both spouses of the subsequent marriage are in bad faith the clearly and manifestly erroneous.
partition and distribution of the marriage shall be void and all donations by reason of marriage and
properties of the spouses, the testamentary dispositions made by one in favor of the other revoked Domingo v. Court of Appeals
custody and support of the common Article 40: Final judgment declaring a marriage was void for a subsequent Separation of property is one of the
children, and the delivery of third marriage effects of a declaration of nullity of
presumptive legitimes, unless such Article 45: Grounds for annulment marriage, and no separate civil action
matters had been adjudicated in need to be executed
previous judicial proceedings. Judgment of Annulment or Nullity of Marriage
 Shall state the factual and legal basis for its dispositive conclusion Valdes v. RTC
All creditors of the spouses as well as  A court cannot grant any relief which is not based on the allegation of the In all other cases of a void marriage
of the absolute community or the petition unless issues related to the main case were presented without other than the void subsequent
conjugal partnershipshall be notified objection from any party marriage that occurs as a result of the
of the proceedings for liquidation.  Coram-non-judic: court renders a judgment which is not in conformity non-observance of Article 40, the
with the allegations in a pleading or which grants a relief which is not property regime shall be governed by
In the partition, the conjugal dwelling based on the pleadings, the judgment is void the rule on co-ownership.
and the lot on which it is situated shall  The liquidation, partition and distribution shall be provided for in the said
be adjudicated in accordance with the judgment unless such matters had been adjudicated in previous judicial
provisions of Articles 102 and 129. proceedings or the parties had agreed in their marriage settlement that
the regime of separation of property governed their marriage
 Applied exclusively to void marriages under Article 40 (subsequent
void marriage). For other reasons for nullity of marriage, property
regime shall be governed by rule on co-ownership in the absence of
evidence that it is exclusive property of only one property

Partition of the conjugal dwelling and the lot on which it is situation:

 Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, it shall be adjudicated
to the spouse with whom the majority of the common children choose
to remain. In case there is no majority, court shall decide 
 taking into
consideration the best interest of the children (Art. 102(6) ACP and
129(9) CPG).
 ACP and CPG shall apply in case the marriage is annulled under Art.

45 or void subsequent 
 marriage as a result of non-observance of

 In other cases of a void marriage (not Art. 40 in relation to 52 and
53), co-ownership will apply 
 and in case of liquidation, the dwelling
can be sold and the proceeds be divided equally or if shown that
such is legally owned only by one party. Not necessary to liquidate in
the same proceeding as declaration of nullity of marriage. Partition
may be made in agreement.

All creditors of the spouses shall be notified of the liquidation proceeding
If in the dissolution and partition, one of the parties decides to waive his or
her rights, share or 
 interest in the community or conjugal property in favor of
the other party or any other person, the creditors of the one who makes the
waiver can seek the rescission of the waiver to the extent of the amount
sufficient to cover the amount of credit (Art. 89 & 107)

Entry for Judgment and Decree of Nullity for Annulment

Unless there is a: Motion for Reconsideration or Appeal made after decision
Decision becomes FINAL upon expiration of 15 days from receipt, which
upon finality:
 Issuance of ENTRY OF JUDGMENT (registered in proper local civil
 Approved PARTITION and DISTRIBUTION of properties in the
property registry of deeds)
 Delivery of presumptive legitime
After compliance of above requirements, shall render issuance of DECREE,
the best evidence of nullity or annulment of marriage.
Article 51. Presumptive Legitime Nicdao Carino v Carino VS Valdez v
 Part of the testator’s property, which he cannot dispose because the RTC
In said partition, the value of the law has reserve it for the 
 compulsory heirs (Art. 886), regardless of Valdez: Liquidation of a void
presumptive legitimes of all common the will. This is to protect the legitime of the children 
 against the subsequent marriage under Article 40
children, computed as of the date of result of subsequent marriages contracted after annulment or void will follow rules on ACP and CGP, and
the final judgment of the trial court, marriage. is therefore required to deliver
shall be delivered in cash, property or  The presumptive legitime of the common children shall be delivered presumptive legitimes
sound securities, unless the parties, in cash, property, or sound 
 securities, unless parties by mutual Carino: a subsequent marriage
by mutual agreement judicially agreement judicially approved, had already provided for such matter. celebrated in violation of Article 40 is
approved, had already provided for It is not the actual legitime, which is present at the time of death. It void for being bigamouse and thus
such matters. shall be computed as of the date of the final judgment of the trial must follow rules on co-ownership
court. (which does not require delivery)

The children or their guardian or the  The law also provides that the delivery of presumptive legitime will no
trustee of their property may ask for way prejudice the ultimate successional rights of the children; value Republic v. Olaybar
the enforcement ofthe judgment. of properties already received under the decree of annulment or Entries in a marriage certificate that
absolute nullity shall be considered as advances on their legitime are false (forged signature, woman
The delivery of the presumptive  Value of the properties already received shall be considered as had no idea she was married to this
legitimes herein prescribed shall in no advances on the legitime. certain man) shall be corrected by
way prejudice the ultimate successional  ANNULLED: presumptive legitime of common children delivered to Petition for Correction of Entries not a
rights of the children accruing upon the them Petition for the Declaration of Nullity of
death of either of both of the parents;  VOID: delivery of presumptive legitime, generally, not required except Marriage
but the value of the properties already void subsequent marriage in 
 relation to Art. 40
received under the decree of annulment  Delivery can be done by filing a summary court proceeding praying
or absolute nullity shall be considered as for such delivery (Art. 253)
advances on their legitime.
Hearing on the Family Code in the Senate Committee on Women and
Family Relations
 Justice Reyes : protect the legitime of the children against the result
of subsequent marriages that might be contracted after an annulment
or its declaration as void
 Mr Puno : actual legitime is present at the time of death since parties
are still alive -> presumptive : properties of the persons involved at
the time of his particular situation arises would be the same as when
he dies is not a fact; properties may increase/decrease or they may
 The law looks forward : possible that there have been children from a
former marriage & if you do not exclude the presumptive legitime
then the children of the first marriage will be at a disadvantage since
they would have to share
Article 52. Liquidation and Partition of Properties
 In case of nullity of marriage, properties shall be liquidated by co-
The judgment of annulment or of ownership.

absolute nullity of the marriage, the  In voidable marriage, properties liquidated in accordance with ACP
partition and distribution of the and CPG.

properties of the spouses, and the  If in a pre-nuptial agreement, provides for separation of property
delivery of the children’s presumptive regime, there is no need for liquidation and partition.
legitimes shall be recorded in the
appropriate civil registry and registries RECORDING IN CIVIL REGISTRY AND REGISTRY OF PROPERTY:
of property; otherwise, the same shall  Necessary for the parties to be able to validly contract a subsequent
not affect third persons. marriage
 Non-compliance with the liquidation and partition requirements as

well as delivery of 
 presumptive legitime = non issuance of DECREE

 If a surviving spouse (other spouse dies) subsequently remarries
without liquidating the community or conjugal properties of the first
marriage, the mandatory regime of complete separation of property
shall govern the subsequent marriage.


 Local Civil Registry of city or municipality: Where the court issued the
decision or Where the marriage was solemnized 

 Duty of the successful petitioner to send the copy of the final decree
of the court to the proper local civil registrars.

 Duty of the clerk of court which issued the decree, to ascertain that
the decree has been registered, and if not, to send a copy to the civil
registry (Art. 409)
 Registries of Property: Where the properties are located
 or if there
are many, registration must be made in each of the registries of the

Article 53.

Either of the former spouses may

marry again after complying with the
requirements of the immediately
preceding Article; otherwise, the
subsequent marriage shall be null and
Article 54. Status of Children
Generally, children born inside a void marriage: illegitimate
Children conceived or born before the  Exceptions: those born INSIDE a void marriage because of
judgment of annulment or absolute psychological incapacity or a subsequent marriage for lack of
nullity of the marriage under Article 36 JDNOM
has become final and executory, shall  Children born PRIOR to void marriage under Art 36 or 53 is
be considered legitimate. Children illegitimate.
conceived or born of the subsequent Generally, children born outside a valid marriage: illegitimate
marriage under Article 53 shall likewise  Includes those born inside an annullable marriage, because the
be legitimate. marriage existed until it was annulled
 Subsequent marriage of parents will legitimate the child (Art 178)




 Does not affect the marital status and involves nothing more than a
A petition for legal separation may be bed and board separation of the spouses
filed on any of the following grounds:  A relative divorce
(1) Repeated physical violence or o Divorce: a dissolution of bond of matrimony based on theory
grossly abusive conduct of a valid marriage for some cause arising after the marriage;
directed against the petitioner, Annulment: maintained upon the theory that for some cause
a common child, or a child of existing at the time of the marriage ceremony, the marriage
the petitioner; is terminable
pressure to compel the  No other grounds aside from those mentioned in Article 55 can be
petitioner to change religious invoked by any party in furtherance of the policy of the State to foster
or political affiliation; unity and to preserve the marital relation (as is essential to public
(3) Attempt of the respondent to welfare)
corrupt or induce the  Usually occur after the celebration of the marriage
petitioner, a common child, or
engage in prostitution or  Repeated Physical Violence towards the petitioner, a common child,
connivance in such corruption or a child of the petitioner
or inducement;  does not include child of respondent/guilty spouse for lack of cause
(4) Final judgment sentencing the of action
respondent to imprisonment of  Determinative factor: frequency of the act and not the severity of the
more than six years, even if act
 Must be inflicted with bad faith and malice
(5) Drug addiction or habitual
 GROSSLY ABUSIVE CONDUCT has no exact definition and
alcoholism of the respondent;
determined on a case to case basis, e.g.:
(6) Lesbianism or homosexuality
• a singular but serious act of “squeezing neck, pulling of hair,
of the respondent;
without intent to kill
(7) Contracting by the respondent
• continued manifestation of indifference or aversion to the other
of a subsequent bigamous
coupled with persistent neglect of duties incident to marital
marriage, whether in the
relations (HOWEVER if existing during time of marriage
Philippines or abroad;
ceremony, grave and incurable -> nullity)
(8) Sexual infidelity or perversion;
• use of offensive language towards spouse, calling of vile and
(9) Attempt by the respondent
opprobrious names
against the life of the
petitioner; or
(10) Abandonment of petitioner by
respondent without justifiable
cause for more than one year.  One attempt or incident of physical violence or moral pressure to
For purposes of this Article, the term compel the change in religious or political affiliation is ground for LS

“child” shall include a child by nature  Justice Puno on suggestion to remove political ideas;
or adoption. 1. They equated political ideas with religious conviction so that one
attempt can be a ground
2. Political ideas are probably quite as important as religious ideas for
the importance of unity within family
3. Nuance is not important because if repeated -> ground for LS
4. No cutting of marital ties involved and thus reconciliation still possible


 If a spouse induces the petitioner, common child, or child of petitioner
to engage in prostitution OR if such spouse connives in such
corruption or inducement, a valid legal separation may decree
 To prevent the guilty spouse from exercising such morally depraved
acts detrimental to the growth of the children and family as a whole
 Children may or may not be emancipated
 Prostitution ONLY to prevent undue stretching of article
 A mere “attempt” is enough to be a ground for legal separation


 Offense need not be against other spouse, common children, or
petitioner’s children
 Can be invoked even if convicted party is pardoned
• idea is on stigma created for being sentenced
• Judgment must be final, hence no legal separation case can be filed
if decisions has not yet been final
Tenchavez v Escano
A Filipina who obtains an absolute
divorce abroad and subsequently
marries a foreigner and cohabits with
• Same extent and nature as those in annulment cases, but grounds
the same has technically committed
can exist after marriage ceremony, as apposed to annulment
“intercourse with a person other than her
• In cases where spouses who engaged in homosexual activities
despite repeated demands from other spouse to desist from them,
American courts usually granted a divorce decree within the statutory
Prather v Prather:
ground of “cruelty” -> creating serious mental anguish on part of
Court ruled that for wife to continue
innocent spouse
living with erring spouse can seriously
• Law should not have lumped drug addiction, habitual alcoholism with
impair wife’s life and health thus divorce
lesbianism and homosexuality for the latter are NOT afflictions, they
don’t affect mental state of a person

• act of illegally contracting a marriage despite full knowledge that first
marriage is still validly existing OR without obtaining the needed Flagrante delicto: “In blazing offense”
judicial declaration of presumptive death of first spouse who was
absent for four years or two years with danger of death (Art 41)
• Place of solemnization of subsequent marriage irrelevant except for
criminal liability
Ong v Ong
SEXUAL INFIDELITY OR PERVERSION Wife left conjugal abode because she
• Adultery, concubinage, and other acts committed by one spouse that was being battered -> cannot be a
would constitute a clear betrayal of the trust of his or her spouse by ground because act was for a justifiable
having intimate love affairs with other persons cause
• a single act of sexual intercourse is enough
• A drastic departure from requirements under Civil Code where he Dela Cruz v Dela Cruz: defendant
must have committed concubinage (done through maintaining a never ceased to give support and thus
mistress in conjugal dwelling OR sexual intercourse under scandalous negates intent to not return to conjugal
circumstances OR cohabiting with her in any other place) abode and resume duties
• Sexual perversion include engaging in such behavior with third
persons OR the spouse
• except when one condones it, for one is estopped from raising it
because condonation -> consent Nunn v Nunn: a husband used
reasonable remonstrance and has
ATTEMPT ON LIFE endeavored without avail to persuade
• A criminal attempt to kill a spouse is clearly an act of moral depravity his wife not to leave him, but submitted
which warrants a decree of legal separation to inevitable and rendered her some
• Must proceed from evil design and not any justifiable cause (self assistance in going -> NOT construed to
defense or caught in flagrante delicto having carnal knowledge with imply consent to separation
another man or woman)
• Proven by a preponderance of evidence in civil case
• Criminal conviction can disinherit guilty spouse even w/o legal
- children can disinherit guilty spouse UNLESS there is reconciliation
- innocent spouse’s previous provisions in a will in favor of guilty spouse are
revoked after a legal separation decree

• Must be willful (there is design to forsake the other spouse
intentionally or without cause therefore breaking the marital union;
deliberate intent to cease living with spouse; abnegation of all duties of

relations not to return)

• Must exist a wrongful intent to desert for the whole statutory period
• Insane person cannot be said to have maintained such, thus time of
insanity cannot be included in computing for time
• Must be without justifiable cause -> no reasonable excuse for the one
who separated
• Physical cessation alone is not sufficient, there must be absolute
cessation of marital relations, duties, and rights, and a total
renunciation of duties
• Must be for more than one year to warrant a decree
• A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when he or she has
left the conjugal dwelling WITHOUT intention of returning.
A spouse who left the dwelling for a period of three months or has failed
within the same period to give any information as to his or her whereabouts
shall be prima facie presumed to have no intention of returning
Article 56. CONDONATION Ocampo v Florenciano
The petition for legal separation shall • The act of forgiving the offense after the commission. failure of husband to look actively for his
be denied on any of the following • Implies a condition of future good behavior; where subsequent offense adulterous wife after she left the
grounds: revokes or nullifies the condonation and revives the original offense conjugal home does not constitute
(1) Where the aggrieved party • Does not require sexual intercourse and may be express or condonation or consent of wife’s
has condoned the offense or implied (Almacen v Baltazar) adulterous acts; it was wife’s obligation
act complained of; to return
(2) Where the aggrieved party CONSENT
has consented to the • Either of spouses agreed to or did not object despite full Almacen v Baltazar
commission of the offense or knowledge to the act giving rise to a ground, before such act was act of giving money to an erring wife and
act complained of; committed fact that no action was taken against her
(3) Where there is connivance • May be deduced from acts of spouse before courts of justice are sufficient to
between the parties in the establish forgiveness amounting to
commission of the offense or CONNIVANCE (A CORRUPT CONSENTING) condonation
act constituting the ground for • Denotes direction, influence, personal exertion, or other action
legal separation with knowledge and belief that such action would produce certain People v Schneckenburger
(4) Where both parties have given results which are produced An agreement to live separately and not
ground for legal separation; (Greene v Greene) to object to other’s sexual infidelity is an
(5) Where there is collusion expression of clear consent to
between the parties to obtain RECRIMINATION OR EQUAL GUILT commission, but still marriage was
the decree of legal separation; • Lies in equitable maxim that he who comes in equity comes with declared void
(6) Where the action is barred by clean hands
prescription. • Two persons acting in bad faith -> good faith (in pari delicta) People v Sensano
Husband aware of his wife living with his
Article 57. COLLUSION (A CORRUPT AGREEMENT) paramour did nothing to interfere with

• There must be an agreement between husband and wife looking relations and left for Hawaii for seven
An action for legal separation shall be to the procuring of a divorce years -> acts constituted consent and
filed within five years from the time of • Collusion in divorce or legal separation means the agreement cannot file such a case
the occurrence of the cause. between husband and wife to commit or appear to commit a
matrimonial offense, or to suppress the evidence of a valid Witherspoon v Witherspoon
defense for purpose of enabling the other to obtain a divorce A husband employed agents to induce,
• May be implied from acts, grounds for denying divorce persuade and coerce his wife in
participating in illicit sexual activities ->
• An action for legal separation must be filed within five years from
occurrence of the cause Ong v Ong
• Time of discovery of ground for legal separation is not material A husband subjected his wife to
physical beatings sought dismissal of
case for legal separation on ground that
wife abandoned him -> no equal guilt

Ocampo v Florenciano:
offense of adultery had really taken
place, and collusion may not be inferred
from the mere fact that the guilty party
confesses to the offense
Article 58. PROCEDURE (SC Resolution En Banc AM 00-11-01-SC) GARCIA v. DRILON
1. Plaintiff files complaint of legal separation Women are more likely than men to be
An action for legal separation shall 2. Defendant shall be required to answer within 15 days from receipt of victims of violence due to widespread
in no case be tried before six summons and a copy of petition gender bias -> real differences that
months shall have elapsed since  If petitioner fails to answer, cannot be defaulted and Court shall order justify classification under the law
the filing of petition. prosecuting attorney to investigate collusion or if not, then evidence VAWC includes, but is not limited to
submitted is not fabricated physical violence, sexual violence,
Article 59.  If petitioner answers, fiscal is still mandated to be present during the psychological violence, economic abuse
trial to make sure there is no collusion or evidence fabrication (check pp. 386-387)
No legal separation may be decreed  If case were vehemently opposed -> no holds barred -> not collusion
unless the court has taken steps -> non intervention of prosecuting-attorney to assure lack of collusion
toward the re-conciliation of the is not fatal to validity of proceedings PACETE v. CARIAGA
spouses and is fully satisfied, 3. No hearing on the merits (WITH RESPECT TO VALIDITY OR Cooling off period was a mandatory
despite such efforts, that INVALIDITY OF GROUNDS ON LEGAL SEPARATION) shall be set requirement -> decision by RTC infirm
reconciliation is highly improbable. by courts for six months (cooling off period)
 Designed to give parties enough time to further contemplate their GANDIOCO v. PENARADA
Article 60. positions with the end in view of attaining reconciliation Civil action may proceed ahead or
 CAN BE DISPENSED IF: ground involves violence against woman or simultaneously with a criminal action

No decree of legal separation shall child due to Anti Violence Against Women and Children Law -> all
be based upon a stipulation of facts grounds under Art 55 except 4, 5, 6 Ocampo v Florenciano
or a confession of judgment.  Failure to observe six month cooling off period is a ground to set - Upon discovery of adultery, husband
aside decision granting legal separation (Pacete v Carriaga) expresses wish of legal separation
In any case, the court shall order  What may be heard during cooling off period: determination of and wife agrees – IS IT A
the prosecuting attorney or fiscal custody of children, alimony, support pendent lite, motion to dismiss CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT?
assigned to it take steps to prevent (with grounds to do so) - Confession of judgment: defendant
collusion between the parties and 4. Court must take steps toward reconciliation during six month period. appears in court and confesses right
to take care that the evidence is not of plaintiff to judgment or files a
fabricated or suppressed. QUANTUM OF EVIDENCE pleading expressly agreeing to
 Proof by preponderance of evidence is required to substantiate the demand
Article 61. ground. - What the law prohibits is a judgment
based exclusively or mainly on
After the filing of the petition for NO PREJUDICIAL QUESTION AND NO SUSPENSION OF CRIMINAL defendants confession
legal separation, the spouses shall CASE - In said case, there was evidence of
be entitled to live separately from  Civil action for legal separation may proceed ahead or actual adultery
each other. simultaneously with a criminal action for same ground (e.g.
concubinage) Sabalones v CA
The court, in the absence of a  Said civil action not one to enforce the liability arising from the offense Provisional remedy of injunction:
written agreement between the even under same offense purpose is to preserve status quo of
spouses, shall designate either of  Civil action intention: right to live separately with legal things subject to action or relations
them or a third person to administer consequences thereof (such as dissolution of absolute community between parties and thus protect rights
the absolute community or conjugal or conjugal partnership of gains, child custody, support and of plaintiff respecting these matters
partnership party. The disqualification from inheriting) during pendency of suit
administrator appointed by the
court shall have the same powers JUDGMENT
and duties as those of a guardian  After case had been submitted for decision, judgment shall be issued Lapuz v Eufemio
under the Rules of Court. by the judge, either granting or denying legal separation - Carmen Lapuz Sy, Eufemio Eufemio
- Wife filed LS against husband for
 Cannot be based on confession of judgment or stipulation of facts
Article 62. abandonment -> depriving husband of
 IF PETITION DENIED -> cannot compel parties to live together
During the pendency of the action share in conjugal partnership profits
because it is a purely personal act
for legal separation, the provisions - No child, acquired properties during
of Article 49 shall likewise apply to  IF ISSUED -> Article 63 and 64 marriage
the support of the souses and the - Wife found husband cohabiting with
custody and support of the MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES DURING SUIT another woman in Manila
common children.  The court shall designate either of them or a third person to - Husband answered with a petition for
administer the absolute community or conjugal partnership property declarion of nullity ab initio on ground
(in the absence of a written agreement) of prior marriage to another woman
 Administrator appointed -> same powers and duties as those of a under Chinese law
guardian under Rules of Court (Sabalones v CA) - Issues were joined, trial proceeded,

but before it could be completed ->

 Does death of plaintiff before final decree of LS abate the action? - Eufemio moved to dismiss LS for
o An action for legal separation is purely PERSONAL -> death being filed beyond one year period
of one party causes the death of the action itself AND for death abating the motion
 Death has settled the question of separation beyond all controversy - Legal counsel of Carmen moved to
and deprived court of jurisdiction substitute deceased by her father
 Heirs cannot even continue the suit - Court dismissed the case because
 If it does, will abatement also apply if the action involves property Carmen’s cause of action DID NOT
rights? SURVIVE
o PROPERTY RELATIONS: Resulting changes are solely the
effect of legal separation -> Cannot survive death of plaintiff if
it occurs prior to decree
 All rights and disabilities that are vested EXCLUSIVELY in the person
of the spouses (Civil Code’s effects on LS, Right to dissolution of
CPG, loss of right by offending spouse to any share of profits earned
by partnership or community, disqualification to inherit by intestacy
from innocent spouse, revocation of testamentary provisions in favor
of offending spouse made by innocent ones) -> the claim to these are
not assignable or transmissible -> therefore claim EXTINGUISHED
upon death
o Party’s death -> no extinguishment of claim -> therefore
Section 17, Rule 3 Rules of Court: warrant continuation of
action through a substitute of deceased
o Further reason: without LS, rights sourced from LS decree,
without decree no rights -> merely in expectation; if death
supervenes -> no decree -> no expected consequential
rights and claims
 Clearly set out by law - Filomena Gaviana Macadangdang,
The decree of a legal separation  Finality of separation is complete after the lapse of the period to Antonio Macadangdang
shall have the following effects: appeal the decision to a higher court even if the effects, such as - Got married after living together for 2
liquidation of property, have not yet been commenced nor terminated years
(1) The spouses shall be entitled - Business grew from sari sari store to
to live separately from each MARRIAGE BOND MAINTAINED trucking, transportation, real estate,
other, but the marriage bond
shall not be severed;
 Entitled only to live separate, but marriage bond not severed etc
(2) The absolute community or  Living apart does not exempt from criminal liability for bigamy, - Six children (3 minors 3 of majority
conjugal partnership shall be concubinage or adultery age at time of initiation)
dissolved and liquidated but - Economic aspect of married life OK
the offending spouse shall but physical and spiritual aspects

have no right to any share of LIQUIDATION OF PROPERTY became shaky -> Accused each other
the net profits earned by the  Absolute community of property or conjugal partnership shall be of extramarital relations -> married life
absolute community or the liquidated intolerable -> separated -> wife
conjugal partnership, which
shall be forfeited in accordance  Offending spouse shall have no right to any share of net profits discovered illicit affairs -> took initial
with the provisions of Article earned by ACP or CPG -> in favor of common child -> children of action for LS
43(2) guilty spouse -> innocent spouse - Wife also filed for petition of
(3) The custody of the minor  Net profits: increase in value between market value of community appointment of administrator to
children shall be awarded to property at time of celebration of marriage and market value at time administer the estate of conjugal
the innocent spouse, subject to of dissolution partnership
the provisions of Article 213 of - Jan 4, 1973: trial court acted on
this Code; CUSTODY OF MINOR CHILDREN appointment of administration to
(4) The offending spouse shall be
 Innocent spouse awarded custody Filomena
disqualified from inheriting - Dec 1973: Antonio filed for motions to
from the innocent spouse by  Standard: paramount interest of child
 May be awarded to third party if Court believes spouses not fit dismiss, but CA rules that trial courts
intestate succession.
Moreover, provisions in favor decision has become final
of the offending spouse in the INTESTATE AND TESTATE DISQUALIFICATION - 1979: Andrei Macadangdang dies
will of the innocent spouse  Fending spouse disqualified from inheriting - Filomena: lower court resolved only
shall be revoked by operation issue of LS and reserved for
 Provisions in favor of offending spouse shall be revoked, but will be
of law. supplemental decision of division of
ineffectual upon manifestation of reconciliation
conjugal properties -> incomplete?
 Art 921(4) of Civil Code: a person can disinherit his or her spouse in
- COURT: no, decision is final and
awill if latter has given cause for legal separation even if he or she
executor since law is clear for
has not yet beet found guilty, but still ineffectual upon mutual
dissolution and liquidation


• acts of liberality : the law gives the option to the innocent party whether he
After the finality of the decree of or she will revoke the donation or the designation as beneficiary of the
legal separation, the innocent guilty party in an insurance
spouse may revoke the donations • The action for revocation must be filed within 5 years from the time the
made by him or by her in favor of decree of legal separation has become final.
the offending spouse, as well as the • Art. 87: if the donation is void, the right to bring an action to declare the
designation of the latter as nullity of the donation does not prescribe
beneficiary in any insurance policy, • There is a discrepancy between the final version of the provision
even if such designation be deliberated and the one signed by the President
stipulated as irrevocable. The o final version : notification to the insurer
revocation of the donations shall be o signed by President : notification to the insured
recorded in the registries of • Notification to the insurer:
property in the places where the - more practical because the insurer is liable for the insurance
properties are located. Alienations, - when the insurer has no knowledge of the revocation, they might pay the

liens and encumbrances registered proceeds of the insurance to the former beneficiary (offending spouse)
in good faith before the recording - an inconvenience in seeking the return of the proceeds unduly given
of the complaint for revocation in  However, the law must be applied as written up to such time the
the registries of property shall be provision is effectively amended according to the intent of the framers

The revocation of or change in the

designation of the insurance
beneficiary shall take effect upon
written notification thereof to the

The action to revoke the donation

under this Article must be brought
within five years from the time the
decree of legal separation become
Reconciling spouses can revive their original property regime
If the spouses should reconcile, a
corresponding joint manifestation SC En Banc Resolution: allows parties to adopt another regime of property
under oath duly signed by them different from that which they had prior to the filing of the petition for legal
shall be filed with the court in the separation (Sec. 23(e) and 24)
same proceeding for legal
separation. *Art 88 and Art 107
- any stipulation express or implied, for the commencement of either the
ART 66. absolute community of property regime of the conjugal partnership property
The reconciliation referred to in the at any other time other than at the precise moment that the marriage is
preceding Articles shall have the celebrated shall be void
following consequences:
Conflicting views:
1. The legal separation proceedings, 1. ADOPTION OF A NEW REGIME IS PROHIBITED
if still pending, shall thereby be Art. 66 & 67 - restrictive
terminated at whatever stage; and - provisions refer only to the revival of the former property regime
2. The final decree of legal - adoption of new property regime is not a revival
separation shall be set aside, but the - omission of adoption of new regime -> intent of framers to not include
separation of property and any - no provision that provides for the procedure for the adoption of new regime
forfeiture of the share of the guilty - in case of conflict, the substantive law, the Family Code, shall prevail
spouse already effected shall
subsist, unless the spouses agree to 2. SWITCHING FROM ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY TO CONJUGAL

revive their former property regime. PARTNERSHIP & VICE VERSA IS PROHIBITED
- Art 66(2) refers to revival only; it does not expressly provide that a different
The court's order containing the property regime cannot be applied for by the parties (they can allow what
foregoing shall be recorded in the they do not disallow)
proper civil registries. - the new rule can allow only a change to a different property regime other
than the absolute community or the conjugal partnership (marriage bond is
ART 67. still intact and never cut)
The agreement to revive the former - they can adopt a different kind of property regime that parties devise
property regime referred to in the themselves
preceding Article shall be executed - SC is allowed to fill in the procedural gaps since there is nothing in the
under oath and shall specify: Family Code providing for the procedure on how the adoption regime can be
1. The properties to be contributed
anew to the restored regime 3. ADOPTION OF A NEW REGIME IS ALLOWED
2. Those to be retained as separated - as long as there is court approval
properties of each spouse; and - does not take into consideration of Art 87 and Art 107
3. The names of all their known
creditors, their addresses and INHERITANCE
the amounts owing to each. Disinherited guilty spouse = subsequent reconciliation renders ineffectual any
disinheritance made
The agreement of revival and the BUT innocent spouse has the option of again reinstituting the provisions in a
motion for its approval shall be filed will that was revoked to the guilty spouse
with the court in the same - there is nothing in the Family Code which provides for the
proceeding for legal separation, with revival of the revoked provisions in a will originally made in
copies of both furnished to the favor of the offending spouse as a result of the legal separation
creditors named therein. After due decree
hearing, the court shall, in its order, - in harmony with the provision that parties are given by the law
take measure to protect the interest the power to decide which properties they want to main as their
of creditors and such order shall be own separate property
recorded in the proper registries of
 Effect on the creditor’s claim:
The recording of the ordering in the o Recording of the order
registries of property shall not prejudice o Listing or non-listing of creditors in order
any creditor not listed or not notified, o Notification of creditors
unless the debtor-spouse has sufficient
separate propertiesto satisfy the *Recording of order of revival – prejudice the creditors listed
creditor's claim. *Not listed – not prejudiced
*Creditors not listed or not notified – prejudiced IF debtor-spouse has
sufficient separate properties

*No claims filed though listed or notified – prejudiced

The Court can set aside certain separate properties of each spouse -> paying
off or protecting the interests of each of the spouses' respective creditors

A & B - obtained the order of reconciliation and revival of conjugal partnership
X - creditor of A

Court ordered A to pay X before the revival

X could only execute on A's house for the satisfaction of the judgment debt
Another court issued the legal separation decree and revived the spouse's
conjugal partnership -> included the house of A

*In case he was notified of the motion of revival/revival - order or listed in the
revival-order as creditor -> X WILL BE LEGALLY PREJUDICED
-X cannot, upon default of A to pay, execute on the house anymore since A &
B became co-owners
-X should have filed opposition or claim in the Court -> can make provisions
to protect his interest

*In case he was not notified of the proceedings nor listed as creditor -> X
- the house, even if included in the revived conjugal property, is still separate
property of A

* A has separate properties, not included in the revived conjugal partnership,

and are enough to pay X -> X WILL BE PREJUDICED even if he was not
notified nor listed
- X will not be able to execute on the house or any other assets which have
become part of the conjugal partnership properties of A & B

Chapter 3 : Rights and Obligations Between Husband and Wife


ART 68. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS Lacson v. San Jose- Lacson

• Husband and Wife are obliged to : People understand that they must live
The husband and wife are obliged to 1. Live together, together -> learn to soften by mutual
live together, observe mutual love, 2. Observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity, accommodation that yoke which they
respect and fidelity, and render mutual 3. Render mutual help and support, know they cannot shake off
help and support.
Chi Ming Tsoi v. CA
NO COMPULSION Procreation is also an essential marital
• Except for support, a court cannot validly issue a decision compelling obligation springing from the universal
the spouses to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity. principle that procreation of children
• Only the moral obligation of the spouses constitutes the motivating through sexual cooperation is the basic
factor for making them observe the said duties and obligations which end of marriage
are highly personal
Arroyo V. Arroyo
Wife's domestic assistance and
DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH OBLIGATIONS conjugal companionship are purely
There can be no action for damages merely because of a breach of marital personal and voluntary acts which
obligation neither the spouses may be compelled
to render; she is not entitled for support
• Other Remedies (Abuse of Right Doctrine - ART 19, 20, 21):
• If a spouse in bad faith refuses to comply with the above
Ty v. CA
obligations, and if the property regime is separation of property
Our laws do not comprehend an action
• Any person who deprives a spouse of the consortium or services
for damages between husband and wife
of the other spouse can be liable for damages. But this merely because of breach of a marital
deprivation must be fully proven. obligation

Tenchavez v. Escano
CAN A HUSBAND COMMIT RAPE AGAINST HIS WIFE? YES The desertion and securing of an invalid
divorce decree of one consort entitles
• Under Philippine law, a husband can be held criminally liable for raping the other to recover damages and
his wife (RA 8353) attorney’s fees
• However, in case it is the legal husband who is the offender, the
subsequent forgiveness of the wife as the offended party shall Lilius v. Manila Railroad Company
extinguish the criminal action or the penalty Any person who likewise deprives a
• If the marriage is void ab initio, the crime shall not be spouse of the consortium or services of
extinguished nor shall the penalty be abated. the other spouse can be held liable for
damages -> deprivation must be fully

State of New Jersey v. Albert Smith

If repeated refusals are a breach of the
marriage contract, his remedy is in a
matrimonial court, not in violent and
forceful self-help
ART 69.
The husband and wife shall fix the DOMICILE
family domicile. In case of • Domicile of natural persons is the place of their habitual residence
disagreement, the court shall decide. • Spouses can only have one domicile but many residences
The court may exempt one spouse • Place where the parties intend to have their permanent residence with
from living with the other if the latter the intention of always returning even if they have left it for some time
should live abroad or there are other • A minor follows the domicile of his/her parents
valid and compelling reasons for the • Fixing of the Family Domicile - Agreement between husband and wife
exemption. However, such • Departure from the repealed ART 100 of the Civil Code where
exemption shall not apply if the same the husband has the sole power to decide where the family
is not compatible with the solidarity of domicile will be
the family. • New provision in the Family Code “Recognizes revolutionary
changes in concept of women’s rights in the intervening years
by making the choice of domicile a product of mutual
agreement between the spouses” (Romualdez-Marcos v.
• Disagreement between the husband and wife? The courts shall
decide (ART 253 FC)
• A spouse can validly live away or separately from the other only if the
latter should live abroad or there are other valid and compelling
reasons for the exception
• “Other valid and compelling reasons” - Spouse has to work in
the mines in the Mountain Province and the like
ART 70. Ayala Investment v. Court of Appeals
An isolated transaction of spouse such as being a
The spouses are jointly responsible EXPENSES FOR SUPPORT AND HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT guarantor for a third person’s debt is not per se
for the support of the family. The • [ART 70] Spouses shall be jointly liable for the support of the considered as redounding to the benefit of the
expenses for such support and other family family
conjugal obligations shall be paid • [70 & 71] In the absence of the community property, the to hold the absolute community or the conjugal
from the community property and, in expenses for support and other conjugal obligations shall be partnership property liable for any loss resulting
the absence thereof, from the income taken from the income or fruits of their separate properties. from such isolated activity, proofs showing a direct
or fruits of their separate properties. • Insufficiency/absence of said income/fruits? Satisfied benefit to the family must be presented

In case of insufficiency or absence of from their separate properties

said income or fruits, such Go v. CA
obligations shall be satisfied from the SC ruled that the husband cannot be held
separate properties. MANAGEMENT AND RELIEF solidarily liable with the wife for the damages
• [ART 71] Management of the household shall be the right resulting from the breach, because under the
ART 71. and duty of both spouses, regardless of the property regime law, any of the spouses may exercise any
involved in the marriage legitimate activity without the consent of the
The management of the household • Ex. If the family house is separately owned by one of other spouse. However, if the wife is really
shall be the right and the duty of both the spouses, the other spouse still has the right and engaged in the business of video filiming or it is
spouses. The expenses for such duty relative to the management of the household her profession or occupation, such undertaking
management shall be paid in • [ART 72] Relief may take on many forms: shall be considered as redounding to the benefit
accordance with the provisions of • Filing a case for legal separation, of the family, any loss shall be shouldered by the
Article 70. • Nullifying the marriage, absolute community of property of the conjugal
• Petitioning the court for receivership, judicial partnership of gains
ART 72. separation of property, authority to be the sole
administrator of the community property or the
When one of the spouses neglects conjugal partnership subject to such precautionary
his or her duties to the conjugal conditions as the court may impose.
union or commits acts which tend to
bring danger, dishonor or injury to
the other or to the family, the
aggrieved party may apply to the
court for relief.
• The husband and wife can engage in any lawful enterprise
Either spouse may exercise any
or profession
legitimate profession, occupation,
• The law does not require that a spouse has to get the prior
business or activity without the
consent of the other before entering into any legitimate
consent of the other. The latter may
profession, occupation, business or activity
object only on valid, serious, and
• In case of disagreement, the objection must be
moral grounds.
anchored only on valid, serious, and moral grounds
In case of disagreement, the court
• If the court finds that it is objectionable, the exercise
shall decide whether or not:
of the business can be judicially stopped
1. The objection is proper; and
• RA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children
2. Benefit has occurred to the
Law) - The following are considered acts of violence against
family prior to the objection or
women, which is punishable:
thereafter. If the benefit accrued
• If the husband compels the wife to desist from
prior to the objection, the
resulting obligation shall be pursuing a profession or any other conduct which

enforced against the separate the wife as a right to engage in,

property of the spouse who has • If the husband prevents the wife from engaging in
not obtained consent. any legitimate profession, occupation, business or
The foregoing provisions shall not activity with the purpose or effect of controlling or
prejudice the rights of creditors who restricting her movement or conduct
acted in good faith.


• General Rule: The following are chargeable to Conjugal
Partnership of Gains or Absolute Community Property:
a. Exercise by a spouse of a legitimate profession,
occupation, business or activity is always considered
to redound to the benefit of the family
• Exception: Isolated transaction of a spouse,
proof showing a direct benefit to the family
must be present
b. Debts and Obligations, whatever the nature,
regardless of when it was incurred, whether before or
after the marriage ceremony, and redounding to the
benefit of the family
c. Obligations incurred as a result of a spouse’s exercise
of his/her legitimate profession/occupation or as a
result of the spouse’s undertaking of his/her legitimate
• Exception to GR: Professions which are seriously invalid and
immoral, the separate property of the erring spouse shall be
liable, even if benefits actually accrued in favor of the family.
• For the exception to apply, innocent spouse must
have no knowledge of the other spouse’s
engagement in an immoral activity such that he could
not have interposed any objection.

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