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9/13/2019 Test: IELTS Champions - Week 1 | Quizlet


5 Essay questions

1. a means of advertising something

công cụ quảng bá

2. a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life
(người nổi tiếng) một biểu tượng

3. to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech by clapping the hands repeatedly
to make a noise
vỗ tay tán thưởng

4. to broadcast something or be broadcast on radio or television

phát sóng truyền hình

5. to stop something
ngưng làm việc gì đó

5 Questions to tag together

A. if someone is on/off air, he or she is/ is not broadcast

1. to make a decision (phrase)
on television
trên (không trên) sóng truyền hình
2. celebrity endorsement

B. likely to achieve success soon or in the near future

3. context
đầy triển vọng

4. be on/off air (phrase)

C. the act of paying a celebrity to promote a product or a
service to the public
5. up-and-coming sự ủng hộ của người nổi tiếng

D. to decide to do something
đưa ra quyết định

E. a specific situation that something happens

ngữ cảnh

5 multiple choice questions 1/3
9/13/2019 Test: IELTS Champions - Week 1 | Quizlet

1. morally wrong and bad

kì quặc, trái đạo đức

A. raw (adj)

B. wicked (adj)

C. cease (verb)

D. time-consuming (adj)

2. 1/ raw information has been collected but has not yet been studied in detail
2/ used to refer to a person who is not trained or is without experience

A. raw (adj)

B. time-consuming (adj)

C. wicked (adj)

D. to applaud (verb)

3. to include something within something else

kết hợp

A. to assure (verb)

B. to applaud (verb)

C. to incorporate (verb)

D. to air (verb)

4. the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this
(gây ảnh hưởng)

A. to make a decision (phrase)

B. celebrity endorsement

C. to have an influence on (phrase)

D. be on/off air (phrase)

5. a person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible
người theo chủ nghĩa hoàn hảo

A. promotional tool (noun)

B. a global icon (phrase)

C. a perfectionist (noun)

D. fame (stardom) (noun)

5 questions True / False

1. to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger

củng cố / làm mạnh (chắc chắn) hơn → cease (verb)

It's correct

False 2/3
9/13/2019 Test: IELTS Champions - Week 1 | Quizlet

2. wasting a lot of time

tốn thời gian → wicked (adj)

It's correct


3. khán giả đại trà → fame (stardom) (noun)

It's correct


4. the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc
sự nổi tiếng → a perfectionist (noun)

It's correct


5. to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force

đẩy đi / bắn bay xa hơn → propel (verb)

It's correct

False 3/3

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