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Experiment No.

Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid

Name: Andaya, Jolo Mari B. CM011L B9

GSE – 1 DOP:

Group No.3 DOS:

Prof. Elizabeth Espiritu Grades:

Professor Cover: /10

Obj: /10

RP: /20

Conc: /10

PDS: /50

Experiment No.2

Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid


1. To measure the physical properties of pressure, volume, and temperature for a gaseous
2. To determine the molar mass (molecular weight) of a volatile liquid.
Report Form

A. Preparing the Sample

Trial 1

1. Mass of dry flask, foil and rubber band (g) 99.5g

B. Vaporize the Sample

1. Instructor’s Approval of the apparatus

2. Temperature of boiling water (°C, K) 373 K

3. Mass of dry flask, foil, rubber band, and vapor (g) 99.7g

C. Determine the volume and Pressure of the Vapor

1. Volume of 125-mL flask (L)

100 + 50 + 7 = total volume 157 L

2. Atmospheric pressure (torr, atm) 0.99 atm

D. Calculations

1. Moles of vapor, nvapor (mol) 5.0755 x 10-3 mol

2. Mass of vapor, mvapor (g) 0.2g

3. Molar mass of compund (g/mol) 39.40 g/mol

Laboratory Questions:

1. Part A.1. The mass of the flask (before the sample in placed into the flask) is measured
when the outside of the flask is wet. However, in Part B.3. the outside of the flask is dried
before its mass is measured.
a. Will the mass of the vapor in the flask be reported as too high or too low, or will it be
unaffected? Explain.
b. Will the molar mass of the vapor in the flask be reported as too high or too low, or
will it be unaffected? Explain.
2. Part A.1. From the time the mass of the flask is first measured in Part A.1 until the time it
is finally measured in Part B.3. it is handled a number of times with oily finger. Does this
lack of proper technique result in the molar mass of the vapor in the flask being reported
as too high or too low or as unaffected? Explain.
3. Part A.2. The aluminum foil is pierced several times with large pencil-sized holes instead
of pin-size.
a. How will this oversight in the procedure affect the mass of the vapor measured in Part
B.3, too low, too high, or unaffected? Explain.
4. Part B.2. The flask is completely filled with vapor only when it is removed from the hot
water bath in Part B.3. However, when the flask cools, some of the vapor condenses in
the flask. As a result of this observation, will the reported molar mass of the liquid be too
high, too low, or unaffected? Explain.
5. Part B.2. Suppose the thermometer is miscalibrated to read 0.3°C higher than actual. Does
this error in calibration result in the molar mass of the vapor in the flask being reported as
too high, too low, or as unaffected? Explain.
6. Part C.1. If the volume of the flask is assumed to be 125mL instead of the measured
volume, would the calculated molar mass of the unknown liquid be too high, too low, or
unaffected by this experimental error? Explain.
7. Part C.2. The pressure reading from the barometer is recorded higher than it actually is.
How does this affect the reported molar mass of the liquid: too high, too low, or unaffected?
Conclusion & Recommendation

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