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Damien Dhont  Formation de Recherche
3-D modeling of geologic en Evolution 2639 –Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique: Imagerie Géophysique,
CURS-IPRA, Université de Pau et des Pays de
maps from surface data l’Adour, Avenue de l’Université, Pau Cedex,
Damien Dhont, Pascal Luxey, and Jean Chorowicz Damien Dhont is an assistant professor of
structural geology and remote sensing at
the University of Pau. He received his Ph.D.
in 1999 from Paris 6 University. His research
ABSTRACT interests include the structure of thrust and
Recent discoveries in earth sciences are mostly related to tech- fold belts, the extensional collapse of orogens,
and the study of the relationships between
nologies allowing graphical representations of volumes. We pres-
tectonics and volcanism. His main studied
ent a way to produce mathematically and geometrically correct
areas correspond to recent orogenic belts
three-dimensional (3-D) geologic maps consisting of the volume and plateaus of the Middle East and South
and shape of all geologic features of a given area. The method is America.
innovative in that it only uses surface information based on the
combination of a standard geologic map, a satellite image, and a Pascal Luxey  Dynamic Graphics Inc.,
digital elevation model. It is based on a modeling algorithm that 1015 Atlantic Avenue, Alameda, California,
only uses surfaces calculated from scattered data points and that 94501-1154
intersects them following a series of geologically sound rules. The Pascal Luxey received his Ph.D. in 1995 from
major advantage of using such technology is that it provides the Paris 6 University (France). He was then granted
user with a way to quantify geology. To illustrate how a 3-D funds to study at the Southampton Oceanog-
geologic map can be computed, we explain the steps taken to build raphy Center (United Kingdom) the interactions
between the Icelandic hot spot and the Mid-
a dummy model with simple faulting and depositional sequencing.
Atlantic Ridge between 1995 and 1998. For the
The case study chosen to illustrate the method is the Beirut
last 7 years, he has been a geological appli-
watershed (Lebanon), an area with relatively simple geology. The
cation specialist for Dynamic Graphics Inc.
3-D visualization and cross sections help in the understanding of
the geometrical relationship between the different geologic fea- Jean Chorowicz  Unité Mixte de Recherche
tures, allowing a reexamination of the tectonic history of the area 7072–Centre National de la Recherche Scienti-
during the late Mesozoic. fique: Laboratoire de Tectonique, case 129,
Université Paris 6, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris
Cedex 05, France
INTRODUCTION Jean Chorowicz is a professor of tectonics,
remote sensing sciences, and their applications
Modern geology requires accurate representation of layer volumes. at Paris 6 University. Formerly a field geolo-
Three-dimensional (3-D) geologic models are increasingly the best gist in Yugoslavia, he has concentrated on the
development of remote sensing in geology
method to constrain geology at depth. Until now, geologic volume
since 1972. He keeps a constant research
modeling has been based on the interpretation of expensive two-
activity on orogenic belts, especially in the
dimensional (2-D) and 3-D seismic surveys and/or well-log data. peri-Mediterranean region. He has studied rifts
Hence, it has been typically used by the oil industry for explo- and basins, transform faults, and relationships
ration and production. between tectonics and volcanism.

Copyright #2005. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received October 12, 2004; provisional acceptance January 12, 2005; revised manuscript
received June 6, 2005; final acceptance June 27, 2005.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, no. 11 (November 2005), pp. 1465 –1474 1465
Search Index Search Results November Contents

Quantitative structural analysis related to surface geologic map-

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ping has been obtained using stereoscopic remote sensing imagery
This study has been made in the frame of the (Berger et al., 1992; Bilotti et al., 2000). It allows the calculation
collaboration between the Saint-Joseph Uni- of the strike and dip of bedding, which can be used to supple-
versity in Lebanon and the University of Pau ment field mapping (Banerjee and Mitra, 2004). In a recent ar-
in France. This project has been funded by the ticle, Fernandez et al. (2004) presented a methodology to generate
Research Council of Saint-Joseph University. 3-D reconstructions of geologic surfaces by integrating geologic
The article benefited from constructive and mapping and field data. Here, we go further in that we present a
thorough reviews by Jim Granath, Sandro Serra, way to generate efficient and accurate representations of geologic
and an anonymous referee. The English has
structure volumes at depth using existing and inexpensive data
been improved thanks to careful corrections
sets. This approach is innovative in that it is based only on surface
of Carol Man.
information from published geologic maps, remote sensing data,
and a digital elevation model (DEM).
The method is applied to the Beirut watershed (Lebanon),
which is characterized by well-exposed and well-mapped structures
(Figure 1). The area is located on the western side of the Lebanon
ridge and is underlain by Late Jurassic to early Cenozoic interbedded
sandstone and fissure-karstic limestone that are cut by volcanic
intrusions. All layers are offset by subvertical faults, with small
amounts of throw, striking mainly northeast and east-southeast
(Freund et al., 1970). East of the watershed, the strata are almost
flat. Near the coast, they abruptly dip west. This peculiar shape,
called the western Lebanon flexure, is dated to at least early Mio-
cene ( Walley, 1998).
Our aim is to present a 3-D geologic map that gives quan-
titative data not only at the surface (i.e., bed strikes and dips) but
also at depth. The map then provides the opportunity to describe
the geometry of the geologic structures through different graphical


The concept of a volumetric or 3-D geologic map needs to be

clarified because it is commonly misused. Fernandez et al. (2004)
present a good review of the different methods developed for the
generation of 3-D reconstructions. On a standard paper geologic
map, geologic features such as lithologic boundaries or faults rep-
resent four variables: the spatial coordinates (x,y,z), expressed on
the topographic map, and another variable that represents what-
ever criteria are used by the geologist to differentiate geologic units
(time, facies, depositional event, etc). Hence, the geologic map
corresponds to a planar view (2-D) representing four-dimensional
variables. Digitizing geologic boundaries on a map creates a 2-D
matrix (x,y) containing elements corresponding to an isochron (t),
but the elevation (z) is not considered. Draping the scanned geo-
logic map onto a DEM is a way to account for the missing variable
(z). Such technology allows a better representation of the geology.
Because a 2-D topographic map represents the variation of (z)
along the x- and y-axes, a flying-carpetlike view of a DEM remains
a 2-D object despite the fact that it is seen in 3-D. Displays of

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Figure 1. Simplified geologic

map of Lebanon and location
of the studied area (dark frame)
(modified from Dubertret,
1955, 1975, in Walley, 1998).

scanned geologic maps draped onto DEMs in rotating zation of maps by providing the ability to include
perspective views have therefore been misleadingly and superimpose several data types. This tool, how-
called 3-D geologic maps. Such representations have ever, only allows the manipulation of 2-D maps, which,
allowed more information to be gathered on maps, but when superimposed, do not produce a clear image
this still cannot provide any volumetric underground of the subsurface, as would be the case for a 3-D
information as a true 3-D geologic map should. map.
The advent of geographic information systems A 3-D map is the representation of geologic units
(GIS) represented a major step forward in the reali- and structures seen as actual volumes following a 3-D

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matrix (x,y,z) at a given time (t). A geologic unit vol- purpose of such studies. Moreover, the surface ren-
ume is defined within two surfaces corresponding to dering of other packages does not allow the clear un-
the layer’s top and bottom. The volume can be further derstanding that our volumetric map provides.
limited either by fault surfaces (if the geologic unit has
been faulted) or by erosion surfaces. Although such
maps can be constructed from 2-D and/or 3-D seismic MODELING TECHNIQUE
surveys, they are difficult to acquire in areas of rough
topography. The originality of this approach to digital To illustrate the modeling technique, we built a
mapping is that a true 3-D map is built only from simplistic dummy model based on a geologic map
surface data extrapolated to depth. A true 3-D map (Figure 2a). The geology of the model corresponds to
represents the only way to precisely quantify geology the superimposition of three layers (yellow, red, and
by providing, for example, volumetrics and enveloping green) all cut by a single, nearly vertical fault. To gen-
surfaces. erate a DEM, we first digitized the topographic con-
Our new technique takes full advantage of a tours from the geologic map. They are represented
flexible package (EarthVision1) combined with a data by the black and green lines (Figure 2a) and small
set that includes the definition of strike and dip of green dots (Figure 2b). We then calculated the DEM
horizons and faults. This work is unique in that it al- from these points. The elevation value of each digi-
lows the accurate modeling and volumetric represen- tized geologic feature contour is calculated by its pro-
tation of any structural features in any geologic setting. jection onto the DEM in what is called a ‘‘back-
The slightest geologic detail, namely, fault offsets or interpolation’’ process, i.e., the interpolation of the
changes in dip directions, captured from the input data DEM elevation at the (x,y) locations of the points
set can be rendered with accuracy in the 3-D map. The forming the digitized contours. The fault surface
faithfulness of the final display demonstrates that no (i.e., 2-D grid) is defined first and used to split the
simplification needs to be applied to the input data. The 3-D model space into fault blocks (Figure 2c). Using
fact that all intersections between horizons and faults a cluster of points in each fault block, a numerically
are automatically calculated renders the study feasible defined surface is then passed through these points to
in a bearable time frame and with a possibility to up- predict the position of each geologic feature through-
date the model very easily. Before using this package out the fault block volume (Figure 2d). The red ho-
and this technique, intersections between faults and rizon is represented in solid color in one fault block
horizons had to be designed grid node by grid node, and transparent in the other. Its volume is limited by
making the study of complex faulting impossible; the three different surface groups: the model limits, the
fault hierarchy was simply too complex to define in 3-D. horizon limits (top, bottom, and DEM), and the fault
Other packages simply cannot render reverse faults or surface. We used the 3-D modeler to intersect the
Y-shape faults. In these cases, fault verticalization is the 2-D grids following geologic rules and to generate
only option. The rendering of such models as volumet- layer volumes. The whole volume is assembled from
ric geologic maps, however, leads to errors and mis- the bottom up. The oldest layer is modeled first, its
interpretations. Areas with very simple geologic set- volume defined by its top, eventually by the fault
tings could only be modeled, or drastic simplifications surfaces when present and by the base of the model.
of complex areas had to be applied, which defeats the The overlying layer is defined in the same way, and

Figure 2. Steps used to extrapolate a 2-D geologic map into a 3-D map. The input data (a) are the geologic map alone. It depicts
three layers cut by a single, nearly vertical fault. The black crosses show the points digitized for each geologic feature: the layer tops
and the fault trace. The black and green elevation contours have been digitized to generate the DEM. All data used on the model are
shown in (b). A back-interpolation onto the DEM is applied to define an elevation to each digitized contour represented by yellow,
red, and green dots. Digitized fault points are represented in pink, and the corresponding 2-D grid is shown in (c). The fault splits the
model into two fault blocks. The red horizon is represented in solid color in one fault block and transparent in the other (d). Its
volume is limited by different surfaces: the model limits, the top of the red layer, the top of the yellow layer, the fault surface, and the
DEM. The horizon volumes are defined by their top surfaces; the top of the underlying horizon is therefore the base of the horizon
above (e). The resulting model (f ) shows the relationships between the layers and the DEM because this latter surface has been used
as an erosion to truncate all underlying volumes.

1468 Geohorizons
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the base of its volume consists of the top of the un- below it, giving the model its 3-D volumetric map
derlying one (Figure 2e). This process is applied for shape (Figure 2f ).
the entire geologic sequence. The DEM truncates Once the preliminary settings are defined in the
each underlying volume and fills all remaining spaces package (mainly geologic rules, fault surfaces shape,

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and fault hierarchy), the computing of the model takes lution image. The power and uniqueness of this real
only minutes. The validation of the model is done in case study lie in the fact that the 3-D model is fast
a trial-and-error process until each geologic layer top to build and easy to update. The first-pass model took
fits its contour on the geologic map, and the global less than 20 hr to set up and compute. Its fine tuning
geometry makes geologic sense. Modifications consist took about the same time. Updating it takes only a few
of moving, adding, or removing input scattered data minutes because the whole model structure is already
points. The back-interpolation of the digitized geo- defined. In this process, the geologic surfaces are de-
logic contours onto the DEM is noisy (abrupt changes fined solely from their intersection with the topo-
in dip and dip direction) when the contours are defined graphic surface. The layer geometries at depth,
by too many points. We experienced that a few well- therefore, are obviously extrapolated and may not
picked points giving both a clear dip and location (for correspond to the actual geology. Hence, a model built
example, the valley-shaped contour in Figure 2a) lead this way is only valid close to the surface. Further im-
to a better defined surface. provements can be made if field measurements, well
surveys, cross section interpretations, etc. are brought
into the modeling process. These measurements pro-
vide valuable information that can be easily added to
CASE STUDY the model.
The finalized model was validated once there was
Workflow a close to perfect match between the geologic map of
Dubertret (1951), the satellite image, and the inter-
The available data used to model the Beirut watershed sections of the calculated geologic surfaces with the
are inexpensive or even freely downloaded via the In- DEM. The technique used to build the Beirut water-
ternet (Figure 3). They consist of (1) a 30-m (100-ft) shed model follows exactly the steps described in the
ground pixel DEM, derived from the Terra spacecraft section on Modeling Technique. The main difference
Aster instruments (EOS Web site, http://edcimswww resides in the combined use of the satellite image and ); (2) a color composite the digitized geologic map. The contours were first digi-
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper image at 28.5-m (93.5-ft) tized from the geologic map and then corrected follow-
pixel size (NASA Web site, ing the geomorphic interpretation from the image
/mrsid); and (3) the scanned 1:50,000 Beirut geologic draped onto the DEM. The rock contrasts are well
map (Dubertret, 1951). The georeferencing of both highlighted on the image, thus allowing a more precise
the geologic maps has been done using ground control drawing of the geologic contours than from the map
points referenced from the already georeferenced alone. One difficulty resided in the modeling of fault
DEM. We picked three ground control points evenly surfaces. The fault traces on the map are mostly rep-
spread on the study area leading to an error less than resented by straight lines leading to the modeling of
100 m (330 ft) in the (x,y) direction. The error in vertical surfaces. We corrected some of the fault bed-
elevation is directly linked to the quality of the DEM dings according to the geologic setting by adding points
and lies within a few tens of meters. Considering the to shape their surface. Once the fault geometry and
size of the studied area, these values are acceptable. A hierarchy is set, the layer contours have to be adjusted
more detailed study would have required better input (1) at depth, because away from the digitized con-
data, such as a more accurate DEM and a higher reso- tours, the layer tops are extrapolated by the package;

Figure 3. Data used for the construction of the 3-D geologic model. The topographic surface is derived from the 30-m (100-ft) DEM
obtained from Terra Aster Product, freely available on the Internet. 3 vertical exaggeration. The digitized geologic contours of the
1:50,000 scale sheet of Beirut (Dubertret, 1951) are corrected and georeferenced using the DEM in an interactive process. The
corresponding 2-D grids are calculated and intersected following geologic rules using an earth-modeling package. Each different
geologic unit is then represented as a volume. A layer is made of an assemblage of several fault block volumes. The perspective view
represented here corresponds to the digital geologic contours and faults. Two cross sections are shown and display the relationship
between horizons and faults. Faults are nearly vertical, mostly with a normal component as is depicted on the top of the horizon J5
corresponding to the basement of our geologic sequence for this model. The depth color contouring highlights the deformation of
the J5 horizon along faults.

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and (2) at surface level, because inaccurate point lo- from one fault block to another, recording the synsed-
cation leads to erroneous local bedding. imentary fault motion and the filling of the small
In the western part of the model, the distribution grabens during this middle Cretaceous extensional
of points was sufficient to prevent the need for any event. Syntectonic deposition during this time interval
adjustments; therefore, the thickness changes and cur- has also been described elsewhere in Lebanon and Syria
vatures of the surfaces are strictly caused by the local (Guiraud and Bosworth, 1997; Fleury et al., 1999;
dip angle and dip direction calculated from the contour Sawaf et al., 2001; Homberg et al., 2003). For illus-
themselves. Some layers with limited outcrops were trative purposes, we have grouped all layers younger
modeled as intermediate surfaces taking their shape than C2b together floating above the syntectonic units.
from another layer defined by a better set of points. Note that the C3 (Albian) and C4 (Cenomanian) ho-
This is the case for the J7 (Tithonian) layer that out- rizons, although discontinuous on the model caused by
crops only in the northeast of the model, whose shape erosion, show a much more constant thickness, sug-
is derived from the J6 (Oxfordian – Kimmeridgian). gesting the end of this middle Cretaceous extensional
In the eastern part of the model, the shapes of the event.
surface below the sea have been modeled in the sim-
plest way possible. The extrapolated part of the ho-
rizon surfaces has been adjusted by adding a few points CONCLUSIONS
at depth below the sea to constrain the dip of all sur-
faces to remain constant and to give the horizons a From a DEM, a satellite image, and a geologic map
constant thickness. alone, we are able to generate an accurate 3-D geologic
map of the Beirut watershed area (Lebanon) that high-
lights with extreme clarity the structure of the studied
Analysis area. Using these data, it is possible to quantify, with as
much accuracy as the input data permit, the geomet-
The 3-D map makes the geometry of the area under- rical relationships between faults and horizons. The 3-D
standable at first glance, even by nonspecialists, the geologic map reveals features that standard 2-D geo-
relationships between layers and faults being self- logic maps or satellite images by themselves could not
explanatory (Figure 4). Such a 3-D map displays in- show. For instance, in the studied area, we display ex-
formation on the regional tectonic history, and it is tensional deformations during the middle Cretaceous
provided in a way that a simple standard geologic map that are expressed by fault throw variations, layer thick-
cannot display. Graphical representations allow the ness changes, and stratigraphic relationships.
user to examine it from various directions, slice it to This methodology can be applied to other parts of
generate cross sections, or disassemble it to examine the world and to other geologic tasks, using the same
individual geologic units. We have cut the 3-D model kind of input geologic map, complemented with field
into four pieces along two cross sections. On the east- and remotely sensed data where needed and available.
west cross section, the C1 ( Valanginian– Hauterivian) Three-dimensional maps will also prove to be power-
layer progressively thickens from west to east because ful tools in other disciplines such as agricultural ir-
of the subsidence of the eastern part of the area. The rigation, well management, natural risks management,
3-D geologic model shows numerous, nearly vertical and mining. The individual units can be augmented
faults with a couple of hundred meters throw, bound- with other attributes, such as rock properties, making
ing grabens a few kilometers in size. The thicknesses it advantageous to integrate the 3-D map with, for
of the C2a (Barremian) and C2b (Aptian) units vary example, petrophysical modeling.

Figure 4. The 3-D map has been cut along two cross sections (displayed in red in the inset). Each side of the cross section is pushed
away from the other to display the cross section in the lowest layers of the model and its relationship with the neighboring areas. The
geologic sequence has been disassembled into two units. The top unit is shown floating and contains the layers younger than the C2b
horizon. The unit below contains the remaining sequence corresponding to layers older than C3. The advantage of such a 3-D map
is that the geometric relationships between the geologic features are self-explanatory and easy to interpret. The west-east cross
section shows (1) variations in the sediment thickness along the entire cross section for C1, (2) synsedimentary variations in the
thickness of C2a and C2b from one fault block to another, followed by (3) the uniform thickness of C3 and C4.

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