Robinson Etal 2007

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Agriculture and Human Values (2007) 24:323–332 Ó Springer 2007

DOI 10.1007/s10460-007-9071-3

Motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide use in Bangladesh rice farming

Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson,1 Sumona Rani Das2 and Tim B. C. Chancellor3

Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2PROSHIKA, Dhaka, Bangladesh;
Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich at Medway, Kent, United Kingdom

Accepted in revised form February 20, 2006

Abstract. This paper addresses the motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide use in two regions of Bangladesh. The
paper considers farmersÕ knowledge of arthropods and their perceptions about pests and pest damage, and
identifies why many farmers do not use recommended pest management practices. We propose that using the
novel approach of classifying farmers according to their motivations and constraints rather than observed
pesticide use can improve training approaches and increase farmersÕ uptake and retention of more appropriate
integrated pest management technologies.

Key words: Bangladesh, Pest management, Pesticide use, Rice farming, Sustainable agriculture

Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson divides her time between Tanzania and the UK and is a research associate with the Centre
for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford in the UK. She is an economist specializing in
agriculture, natural resources, and the environment. She has over ten years of experience undertaking applied
research in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa as a fellow and lecturer in the Economics Department at the
University of Oxford; at the Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich in the UK; and with the World
Bank and Rockefeller Foundation in the US.

Sumona Rani Das is an agriculture economist who has been working for eight years with a non-government
organization in Bangladesh named PROSHIKA. She is involved with monitoring and evaluation of PROSHIKAÕs
ongoing activities in agriculture, and is working as a team leader with an agriculture network to promote sustainable
agriculture. She has special responsibility for motivation, training, project management, and documentation of
different programs.

Tim B. C. Chancellor is a crop protection specialist and currently is the leader of the Natural Resources InstituteÕs
Plant, Animal and Human Health Group at the University of Greenwich in the UK. He has 17 years research and
consultancy experience in vector ecology and in pest and disease management. Other skills include project mana-
gement, monitoring and evaluation, and public-private partnerships. He is also Adviser to the UK governmentÕs
Department for International Development (DFID) Crop Protection Programme. His commodity experience includes
rice, banana, groundnut and vegetables.

Introduction excessive (Haq et al., 2002; Hossain et al., 2000).

Because many farmers are constrained from using as
Compared with many countries in Southeast Asia, much pesticide as they would like (due to a lack of
where farmers have been found to use more pesticide cash), it is not unreasonable to assume that if
than is recommended by scientists and extension ser- Bangladeshi farmers become less poor or have better
vices, pesticide use in rice farming systems in Ban- access to credit, their pesticide use will increase further.
gladesh is, on average, low. Indeed, in many areas of This paper was motivated by the findings, communi-
the country little or no pesticide is used on rice. Yet cated by scientists working in the region, that farmers
pesticide use is increasing; and, in most locations are using too much pesticide both from a private
where it is used, application appears already to be perspective (that is, the farmers themselves would be
324 Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson et al.

better off if they used less pesticide) and from a social Study sites and methodological approach
perspective (that is, society would be better off if the
farmers used less pesticide, in part because the negative The study was conducted in two selected flood plain
environmental impacts including the increased likeli- areas of Koitta (population 1500) in Manikganj district,
hood of pesticide resistance would be reduced). In and in Gabtali (population 1700) in Bogra district
particular, the application of ‘‘precautionary pesticide’’ (see Figure 1). In these two thanas (administrative
– pesticide that is applied before an attack occurs – is units) farmers had been heavily influenced by the non-
(according to biological scientists) unnecessary and government organization (NGO) PROSHIKA and other
possibly harmful in certain systems. Although not NGOs that promoted sustainable and ecological agri-
recommended by the extension department, precau- culture and IPM. As a consequence, even farmers who
tionary application of pesticide is a common practice, had not attended specific training may have been exposed
often encouraged by fertilizer and pesticide dealers. to such practices and so may not have been be repre-
Particular concerns over pesticide use include the sentative of the flood plain farming community at large in
possibility of pesticide resistance (which is common in areas where training has not been undertaken. In this
Southeast Asia), the destruction of natural enemies of paper, ‘‘trained’’ farmers are those that received ecolog-
pest species, and environmental and health concerns. In ical training from PROSHIKA or CARE, both NGOs
the 1997 boro (dry) season, scientists found that (though not all were necessarily following all the prac-
applications of granular insecticide by farmers tices suggested in the training at the time of interview).
depressed leaf and plant-hopper numbers, but in the ‘‘Untrained’’ farmers had not received such training.2
following season numbers of pests were higher in Over the three years of the project, the methodological
conventional than ecological treatments. This effect approaches taken by the socio-economics team, com-
may have been due to insecticide-induced natural prised of both agricultural and resource economists and a
enemy mortality and/or increased pest fecundity due to sociologist, were diverse. Individual semi-structured
inorganic fertilizer application (Haq et al., 2002). interviews with key informants such as pesticide dealers
Chronic health effects associated with prolonged and government extension officers, combined with
exposure to pesticides have been well documented for farmer focus group discussions, were used during the
applicators in rice (Antle and Pingali, 1994; Loevin- early part of the project to get a general understanding of
sohn, 1987; Rola and Pingali, 1993). Moreover, pesticide use and pest management decisions. Next, a
applying toxic granules in standing water – the typical structured 54-item farmer questionnaire was undertaken
practice for applying pesticides to rice crops in Ban- to obtain quantitative data on farmersÕ perceptions of the
gladesh – is not recommended. Moreover, when using effectiveness of pesticide and anticipated yield gaps from
sprays, farmers tend to walk back through areas that
have already received insecticide. Both practices are
harmful to farmersÕ health.
However, it is particularly difficult to encourage
farmers to reduce their pesticide use if their motivations
are not understood. Based on extensive fieldwork, this
paper sheds light on farmersÕ pest management deci-
sions, and suggests changes in training that could help
to reduce pesticide use.1 After discussing the study
sites and methodological approach, the paper considers
farmersÕ knowledge of pests and pest management
approaches, comparing farmers who have received
ecological or integrated pest management (IPM) train-
ing with those that have not had any pest management
training. It also addresses farmersÕ perceptions of
damage done by pests and the benefits from using
pesticide. Research has been undertaken in other
countries to explore the perceived benefits of pesticide
use, such as that by Heong and Escalada (1999).
However, in Bangladesh, previous to this study, the
perceived benefits of pesticide had not been deter-
mined. Finally, the paper analyses farmersÕ pest
management decision making and the implications for Figure 1. Map of Bangladesh showing Manikganj and Bogra
future farmer training. districts.
Motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide 325

not using pesticide. Farmers were asked how badly they as masrapukka and may include Scirpophaga incertulas,
perceived pest attacks to have been in the most recent Chilo polychrysa, C. suppressalis, and Sesamia inferens)
boro season compared with other years. They were also as the most harmful pest in the boro season, and stated
asked to provide general perceptions of the number of that stem borer attacked at the tillering stage.6
severe pest attacks that they would expect in a ten-year However, trained farmers are more likely to recognize
period. They were then asked to provide their perceptions that some arthropods were natural enemies to pests and
of extent to which they felt that the use of precautionary so beneficial for the farmers, whereas untrained farmers
pesticide (applied before an attack) and pesticide applied typically assumed that all arthropods were pests.
after an attack would improve their yields compared with Figure 2a shows the percentage of farmers, trained and
not using any pesticide; this was asked for years when untrained, who correctly identified different arthropods.
there were severe, moderate, and mild pest attacks. The Three arthropods (the nymph stages of the brown
sample comprised 17 trained farmers and 14 untrained planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) and the green leafhop-
farmers in Gabtoli, and 9 trained and 14 untrained per (Nephotettix spp.), and the Tetragnathidae spider)
farmers in Koitta.3 Trained farmers were selected ran- were not identified by any of the 54 farmers interviewed.
domly from one village in each of the two thanas where Indeed, farmers often mistook the hopper nymphs for
ecological training had been undertaken, either by stem borers. Figure 2b shows the percentage of farmers
PROSHIKA or CARE. Non-trained farmers were who correctly identified a particular arthropod and who
selected randomly from villages nearby to the villages also were able to determine whether the arthropod was
where training had been undertaken.4 Although the harmful or beneficial. The findings demonstrate that
sample size was relatively small, the overall objective of although farmers may not understand that many of the
the research was to determine different farmer motiva- arthropods they see in their fields play a beneficial role in
tions, and norms rather than variation; consequently, this managing pests, a large proportion of untrained farmers
sample size, combined with information from participa- do recognize (i.e., can identify) species that serve as
tory and qualitative approaches, was considered appro- natural enemies of rice pests, such as damsel flies
priate. The socio-economics team worked closely with (Agriocnemsis spp.), spiders (Lycosidae), ladybirds
the biological scientists on the project in both formulat- (Coccinelidae), and ground beetles (Ophionae spp.), thus
ing questions and questionnaires and data collection. providing a useful starting point for training.
In the cropping systems that we studied, rice is grown
in two seasons: boro (dry season) and aman (monsoon or Farmers, information, and stakeholder groups
rainy season).5 In the boro season, rice is irrigated and
generally transplanted. In the aman season, irrigation is Focus group interviews revealed the large number of
not used, and again the rice is transplanted. At Gabtoli, information sources, both formal and informal, from
which is situated on medium-high land, vegetables are which farmers can obtain advice on pests and pest
often grown after the aman rice crop. In other lower-lying management. Trained farmers used multiple sources to
fields, only rice is planted. Farmers tend not to use pes- inform themselves about pest management, whereas
ticide during the aman season, principally because untrained farmers relied almost exclusively on pesticide
flooding which harms the crop is common; farmers dealers and their own experience (Table 1). This sug-
reported that they do not want to ‘‘waste’’ money spent gested that farmers who chose to attend training on
on pesticide. Hence this paper focuses on pesticide use in ecological pest management practices were in general the
the boro season. type of farmer who also chose to consult a wide variety
of organizations and individuals about pest management
and other farming techniques. That is, there was a set of
FarmersÕ knowledge and pesticide use ‘‘information-seeking’’ farmers who were more proactive
(perhaps because of better education or wealth) at seek-
FarmersÕ detailed knowledge of insect pests and natural ing advice than farmers who relied on the pesticide dealer
enemies of rice pests in particular was found to vary or their own experience.
considerably. Farmers were shown actual specimens of Focus group interviews and key informant interviews
arthropods that the researchers were able to collect by also confirmed the key role played by pesticide dealers.
suction machine and pictures of those that could not be Pesticide dealers have a direct connection with farmers;
collected. Whether or not they were trained, farmers were they are typically the same individuals who sell fertilizer
typically able to identify most of the different arthropods to the farmers at the start of each season. They play a
that would be found in their fields. For example, all vital role in providing information and often credit (the
farmers interviewed in the quantitative survey, whether latter making pesticide more accessible to the rural poor).
trained or untrained, recognized stem borer (stem borers Further, as pesticide is often sold ‘‘packaged’’ (i.e.,
in Bangladesh rice systems are collectively known locally combined) with fertilizer, even farmers who may not
326 Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson et al.

100% Pests Natural enemies

Percentage Trained





fl y








































tr a







100% Pests Natural enemies






fl y















































Figure 2. (a) Percentage of rice farmers who correctly identified selected arthropods. (b) Percentage of rice farmers who
recognized arthropod species who correctly identified whether the arthropod was harmful or beneficial.

initially intend to use pesticide are likely to meet with the management explicitly. Extension agents and NGOs also
pesticide dealer to purchase fertilizer at the start of the provide information on pest management. Yet farmers
season and may be encouraged to use precautionary typically must explicitly seek advice from these sources,
pesticide. Farmers also have the opportunity to discuss whose staff are not always available and, where they are,
pest management informally with their neighbors, and may not have access to up-to-date pest management
may also be influenced by whether or not their neighbor information.
is spraying a crop, even if they do not discuss pest
Pesticide use among farmers
Table 1. Sources of pest management advice and information.
Question: Who have you talked to about pest management? In the questionnaire, we asked farmers about their pes-
ticide use during the past boro season. The responses
Trained (8) Non-trained (18) were based on recall rather than written records and
PROSHIKA 4 1 might be subject to recall error, but this method was
CARE 5 0 considered reasonable given that many of the interviewed
Extension 5 2 farmers were illiterate. There are three pesticides that
Pesticide dealers 4 14 were used most by farmers: carbofuran (most popular),
Neighbors 0 2 basudin, and carbosulfan. Focus group discussions and
Own experience 0 4 interviews with pesticide dealers suggested that farmers
Note that farmers could name more than one source. typically accepted which ever pesticide was recom-
Source: Project questionnaire in Koitta and Gabtoli, 1999. mended by the dealer. Again, although the sample size
Motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide 327

was small, four broad types of pesticide use were iden- addition to their actual pesticide use. For example, if
tified from the questionnaire: (1) Some farmers did not farmers used little pesticide because they were con-
use any pesticide either before or after an attack (20% of strained by lack of cash and credit, then as they become
the sample); (2) some used pesticide only as a precau- better off, we would expect pesticide use to increase
tionary method, mixed with fertilizer, or at maximum rather than decrease.
tillering (28%); (3) some used pesticide only after they The total amount of funds that farmers recalled
perceived a pest attack (30%); and (4) other farmers used spending on pesticide in the previous boro season (both
pesticide both as a precautionary measure and after an precautionary and after an attack) varied considerably,
attack (22%). These results were complemented by data from nothing to more than 200 taka per bigha on the
from the focus group discussions that revealed that most popular brand Furadan 5G (which contains 5%
farmersÕ motivations for these different behaviors dif- carbofuran).7 There was some clustering for the precau-
fered depending on the farmersÕ perceptions of pesticide; tionary pesticide approach, around 75–100 taka per
the severity of the pest attack in a particular farmerÕs bigha, which corresponded to pesticide dealersÕ recom-
field; and their financial situation, the latter including the mendations that farmers use 1 kg of Furadan per bigha
extent to which a farmer was constrained by lack of cash (equivalent to 7.69 kg of Furadan per ha containing
or access to credit. For example, farmers who did not use 0.38 kg carbofuran) at a typical cost to farmers of around
pesticide in a particular season may have undertaken 80–90 taka per kilogram (panel a of Figure 3). Still, a
ecological training, may not have been able to afford considerable number of farmers use the precautionary
pesticide, or may only use pesticide after a serious attack. pesticide application approach, but not according to
Similarly, different explanations accounted for other scientistsÕ recommendations. Further, there was no
communicated pesticide use strategies. Hence it was discernable pattern for the application of pesticide after
critical to understand farmersÕ desired pesticide use in an attack occurred (panel b of Figure 3). Such a finding

a) Spending "PS" on precautionary pesticide in the last boro season (taka per bigha)
Number of farmers

































30 b) Spending "AS" on pesticide after a pest attack (taka per bigha)

Number of farmers

0 25 =5
5 00 25 50 75 00 00
<= S< S< =1 =1 =1 =1 =2 >2
AS <A <A S< S< S< S< S< AS
0< 25 50 5 <A 0<A 5<A 0<A 5<A
7 10 12 15 17

12 c) Total spending "TS" on pesticide in the last boro season (taka per bigha)
N o . o f f ar m e r s

0 25 =5
5 00 25 50 75 00 00
<= S< S< =1 =1 =1 =1 =2 >2
TS <T <T S< S< S< S< S< TS
0< 25 50 <T 0 <T 5 <T 0 <T 5 <T
75 10 12 15 17
Spend on pesticide (taka per bigha)

Figure 3. Pesticide spending among rice farmers in Bogra and Manikganj districts.
328 Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson et al.

is consistent with analysis of focus group discussions pesticide (though despite this, some farmers do in fact
from which we found that farmers typically adapted the use pesticide both before and after an attack). These same
dealerÕs recommendation, for example, applying more farmers perceived a loss of 38% of their yield even if
pesticide if the pests were perceived to be particularly they use pesticide after an attack. Hence the perceived
bad; and less if the farmer was short of cash. Further, marginal (or additional) benefits from using pesticide
pesticide is a ‘‘lumpy’’ input, typically purchased in after a severe pest attack are equivalent to 20% of yield,
kilogram packets (for granular formulations of pesticide) compared with 38% from using precautionary pesticide
or bottles and half bottles (for liquid formulations of before a severe attack. In contrast, farmers only per-
pesticide). Farmers used whatever they purchased; hence ceived a net yield gain of 5% from using pesticide after a
applications were not exactly as recommended. Not mild pest attack, and 12% before a mild attack. Farmers
surprisingly, when total spending on pesticide was con- typically reported that they expected no more than one
sidered (equal to the sum of spending on pesticide severe pest attack per ten years in the boro season. The
applied before and after an attack), there is no discernable data we are reporting are farmersÕ perceptions, rather than
pattern (panel c of Figure 3). the reality of the impact or frequency of a pest attack. But
farmersÕ perceptions are critical in influencing their
FarmersÕ perceptions of the benefits of pesticide use pesticide use, particularly in determining whether they
use pesticide before any pests are seen or after pests have
We undertook a yield-gap survey to determine farmersÕ attacked the crop.
perceptions over losses due to not using pesticide. For Compared with their expected losses from not using
our survey we defined the yield gap as the difference pesticide, farmersÕ spending on pesticide is relatively
between perceived potential yields (in our case, the low: an average of 2% of the average value of their crop
yields farmers believed they would get if there were no for precautionary pesticide use, and 3% for all pesticide
pest attack) and perceived actual yields (the yields the applications. Hence, farmers would only have to perceive
farmers had observed or expected in years when the pest a benefit, on average, of 3% of their yield to make
attack was high, medium, or low), depending on whether pesticide use worthwhile from a simple year-on-year
the farmers used no pesticide, precautionary pesticide, or financial perspective. Given farmersÕ perceptions of yield
pesticide only after an attack. The findings are summa- losses, particularly if they do not use precautionary
rized in Figure 4. Farmers perceived the greatest benefit pesticide, it is not surprising that they choose to use
from using precautionary pesticide but also perceived pesticide when not constrained by lack of cash. If farmers
significant benefits from using pesticide after a pest at- are risk averse – a reasonable assumption for poor
tack. Indeed, almost without exception, the farmers stated farmers in Bangladesh – then even if they perceive the
that by using precautionary pesticide, they would expe- average benefits from using pesticide to be less than 3%,
rience no yield loss. it might still make sense from their perspective to use
From the data presented in Figure 4, the net perceived precautionary pesticide. The need for farmers to reduce
benefits of using pesticide can be determined. On aver- uncertainty over returns to rice farming is particularly
age, the farmers expected to lose 58% of their yield if high in a poor country such as Bangladesh where farmers
there was a severe pest attack and they did not use any typically have neither savings nor mechanisms such as
pesticide either before or after the attack; but would credit or crop insurance to even out their consumption
experience no yield loss if they used precautionary over time. Indeed, precautionary pesticide can be thought
of as an insurance policy. Even if farmers do not expect,
on average, a large saving from using pesticide in terms
If no pesticide used If precautionary pesticide used of yield, they do believe that by using precautionary
If pesticide used after an attack pesticide the impact of pests will be lowered or elimi-
Perceived yield loss relative to

nated – one less source of uncertainty for farmers oper-
50% ating in a highly variable and risky environment.
no pest attack

38% 38% We do recognize that farmersÕ perceptions of pest


29% attacks are tricky to interpret. For example, seven of the
interviewed farmers said explicitly that they used
12% precautionary pesticide and so could not determine how
0% 0% 0%
bad a pest attack might have been. For example, during
0% the focus groups farmers reported that they tended to
High Medium Low
look for symptoms of pest attacks rather than the pests
Level of pest attack
themselves when determining severity. It is likely
Figure 4. Graph of farmersÕ perceptions of the benefits of that other farmers also have such difficulties. We com-
pesticide use. pared the farmersÕ perceptions with scientific studies
Motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide 329

undertaken during the project that suggested that the relative to other farmers; (b) their pesticide use is higher
incidence of stem borer damage. This was measured by than scientific recommendations, particularly as scientists
the percentage of empty panicles or ‘‘whiteheads’’ do not recommend prophylactic use for stem borer con-
caused by larvae feeding in the plant tillers and is actu- trol; and (c) because they use precautionary pesticide,
ally low in most seasons. The recommended thresholds farmers in this category find it difficult to judge how
for control of stem borer (5% white heads) are rarely often moderate and severe pest attacks occur.
exceeded (Islam et al., 2003). Indeed, during the previous
three seasons at Koitta and four at Gabtoli, the incidence Risk averse but cash constrained and untrained
of white heads was generally less than 1% and never
reached the threshold of 5%. Hence farmersÕ perceptions These farmers would like to use precautionary pesticide
of how often a severe attack would occur appear rela- but cannot afford to. The dosage they use after an attack
tively realistic, but farmers also appear to place signifi- is influenced by their cash availability: they use more
cant weight on high-incidence years, even though they pesticide when they can afford to and less when they are
do not occur very frequently. short of cash, thereby adapting rather than following
scientific recommendations. They are potentially high
users of pesticide. They apply amounts of pesticide that
Categorizing farmers vary considerably from year to year. However, their
experience of not using precautionary pesticide could be
The quantitative analysis of farmersÕ pest management incorporated into training designed to reduce pesticide
applications, combined with focus group interviews, use.
suggests that farmers can be categorized into four groups
according to how and why they use pesticide. Such a Less risk averse and untrained
classification can be a useful way to tailor training
according to different types of farmers, and may be used These farmers typically take a ‘‘wait and see’’ approach,
to predict how pesticide use might change as farmers and may be hard to distinguish from ‘‘risk averse but
become less poor or less credit-constrained. The cate- cash constrained’’ farmers. They are sufficiently confi-
gorization includes the motivation behind pesticide dent not to use precautionary pesticide and perceive
application, which is more useful than simply charac- relatively small benefits from using pesticide after an
terizing pesticide use (such as no pesticide used; pesti- attack. These farmers should be more amenable to trying
cide used only after an attack; pesticide only used as a ecological approaches to pest management, having
precautionary measure; pesticide used both as a precau- chosen in the past not to use precautionary pesticide.
tionary measure and after an attack). This is because Therefore, farmers in this category should be particularly
farmers would fall into each of these simple categories receptive to training initiatives.
for different reasons, depending on their attitudes to risk,
how cash-constrained they are, and whether they had Trained in pest management
training. For example, 20% of farmers had not used
pesticide in the past boro season; some of these farmers These farmers are more proactive in their pest manage-
chose not to, others said that they would have used ment. They inspect their fields more rigorously, practice
precautionary pesticide but did not have sufficient cash relatively simple rules of thumb regarding whether to use
available at the right time. Combining these data with pesticide, and apply pesticide only if an attack is severe.
findings from the focus groups, we therefore composed a These farmers, who have already chosen to reduce their
classification system along three dimensions: (1) attitude pesticide use, may need ‘‘top-up’’ training to keep up
to risk, (2) access to cash, and (c) training. The proposed their knowledge and confidence. We found that trained
typology is not exhaustive, but encompasses the key farmers over time tend to forget whether an arthropod is
farmer types encountered during the field research. harmful or beneficial. These farmers could also be
‘‘ambassadors’’ for promoting ecological pest manage-
ment approaches.
Typology of farmers with respect to pesticide use Training appears to give farmers more confidence to
avoid using precautionary pesticide and not to spray
Highly risk averse with access to cash and untrained pesticide after a small or moderate pest attack. For
example, during focus group discussions, trained farmers
These farmers always use precautionary pesticide; use in Manikganj reported that they checked for damage in
additional pesticide if they see an attack; and, not their fields only once a fortnight before they received
surprisingly, perceive the largest benefits from using training. After training they were more likely to check for
pesticide. They are (a) currently high users of pesticide pests and natural enemies on a weekly basis and to use a
330 Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson et al.

rule of thumb based on their IPM training that if less than complex pest management processes over relatively
30% of the field was attacked they should not apply cheap and easily accessible pesticide-based strategies.
pesticide. Training also improves farmersÕ knowledge of Not surprisingly then, encouraging farmers to adopt non-
natural enemies, and covers a large number of alternative chemical pest management techniques is particularly
pest management techniques such as perching (using tree difficult.
branches to encourage birds to come to the fields and eat Based on our findings, we used the novel approach of
the pests); light traps and sweep nets (to monitor the classifying farmers according to their motivations rather
presence of pests); and living fences to control pests. If than by their observed pesticide use, to identify a number
these measures do not work, farmers were taught to of new and innovative ways that training might be
prepare a botanical pesticide (such as oil extracted from adapted to increase the likelihood of farmers adopting
seeds of the neem tree which is used to deter insects from and maintaining alternative approaches to pest manage-
feeding on rice plants). However, in practice, trained ment. These approaches include changing both how
farmers tended either to forget how to undertake these training is undertaken and adapting some of the pest
practices or chose, for a variety of reasons, not to use management techniques themselves. First, our findings
them. Many continue to use chemical pesticides, partic- suggest that low-labor input alternatives need to be
ularly after a severe attack.8 Reasons for not putting into developed and prioritized to compete with pesticides.
practice much of the training included the fear of theft of Farmers also need simple pest management decision
light traps, concern that all pests will come to the farmer rules that are easy to remember and to apply with ‘‘top
who is practicing ecological management, and the up’’ (refresher) training to help with knowledge reten-
perception that netting, leaf cutting, and pest collection tion. The feasibility of ‘‘reference cards’’ could be
were time consuming. Hence, even though trained investigated, though the implications for illiterate farmers
farmers have considerable knowledge concerning eco- would have to be carefully considered. Such approaches
management techniques, adoption was highly selective might also help farmer-to-farmer knowledge transmis-
and most trained farmers continued to use some pesti- sion.
cide. That is, farmersÕ knowledge of alternative pest Second, our findings suggest that education concern-
management approaches is not a sufficient proxy for ing health and wider environmental problems associated
determining their actual pest management practices. with pesticide use is unlikely to have a large impact in
the regions where we did our fieldwork. Our research
found that both trained and non-trained farmers knew
Implications for future pest management training that pesticide was harmful for human health, yet they still
used these chemicals. This suggested that for economi-
Our research provides a number of key findings con- cally-poor farmers, the short-term perceived financial
cerning farmersÕ knowledge of, attitudes towards, and use benefits of using pesticide far outweigh the possible
of pesticide in two regions in Bangladesh. First, eco- long-term health effects. Further, although trained farm-
logical training has been successful in providing farmers ers understood a connection between pesticide use and
with better knowledge about arthropods in their fields, in environmental damage, surprisingly few made a con-
particular which are beneficial and which are harmful. nection between pesticide use and the impact on their
However, even though during their training farmers were own livestock and fish production. This suggests that
given a large amount of information on different non- training should emphasize the direct and relatively
chemical pest management techniques, few if any prac- immediate cost inflicted on farmersÕ other activities.
ticed new techniques that they were taught, in part Studies in China and the Philippines have found that
because the technologies are perceived as being highly stem borer damage is lower in rice-fish fields compared
labor intensive or risky. The use of techniques such as the to rice-only fields, due likely to predation by fish on the
light trap also requires coordination among neighbors. neonate stem borer larvae, making a reduction in pesti-
Moreover, over time farmers tended to forget much of cide use on rice all the more important (Halwart, 1994;
what they were taught. In comparison, pesticide is rela- Magulama, 1990; Yu et al., 1995). Such findings from
tively cheap compared with the perceived benefits, easy other countries could be incorporated into training to
to get hold of, easy to use, and farmers may perceive its motivate farmers to reduce pesticide use.
precautionary use as an insurance policy against future Third, farmers tend to base their insecticide use on their
pest attacks.9 Conventional pesticide application also has perceived prospects of incurring a loss rather than actual
low labor requirements and is sold by most fertilizer need (Escalada and Heong, 2004; Gutierrez et al., 1999).
dealers, who also offer advice. That is, from the farmersÕ Consequently, they tend to overestimate the benefits of
perspective, pesticide is easy to use, easy to access, and pesticide use (see also Norton and Mumford, 1983; Tait,
economically rational. Hence, trained farmers are being 1977). This appears to be the situation in Bangladesh,
asked to choose highly labor intensive and relatively where scientific studies suggest that, for stem borer, the
Motivations behind farmersÕ pesticide 331

recommended thresholds for control using pesticides are Acknowledgements

rarely exceeded, despite farmersÕ perceptions (Cork et al.,
2005). Our fieldwork demonstrated that this problem was The authors thank the farmers in particular for their
made worse because farmers who used precautionary participation in the surveys and questionnaires; the
pesticide lost their ability to determine how often, and how cooperation and input of colleagues at PROSHIKA and
severe, pest attacks were. Training could therefore take the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) in
explicit account of different types of farmers within a Bangladesh, particularly Mr. Qazi Khaze Alam, Mr.
group; farmers who do not use precautionary pesticide, Anisur Rahman, Mr. Mubarak Hossain Khan Chow-
either out of choice or because they cannot afford it, could dhury, and Mr. Santosh Chandra Sarker; and col-
share their experiences with farmers who use precau- leagues at the Natural Resources Institute in the UK.
tionary pesticide and are less able to determine when a This paper is based on output from a research project
pest attack would have been severe. Farmers could then be funded by the United Kingdom Department for Inter-
encouraged to experiment without precautionary pesticide national Development (DFID) for the benefit of
in an area of their field more confident that pesticide can be developing countries. The views expressed are not
used effectively after a severe attack. However, our re- necessarily those of DFID R7296 Crop Protection
search also found that farmers who got their pesticide Research Programme.
advice from pesticide dealers were less likely to seek ad-
vice from the extension services and neighbors. Extra
effort is needed to reach these farmers and to encourage
them to enroll on training courses, particularly given Notes
Feder et al.Õs (2004) finding that there is no significant
diffusion of knowledge from trained farmers to other 1. The specific findings of this paper are based on the socio-
farmers who reside in the same villages. More generally, economic component of a three-year DFID funded project
pest management training needs to be tailored to different investigating pesticide use in Bangladesh and identifying
farmer types, taking into account farmersÕ motivations, approaches to reducing pesticide use.
2. The Bangladesh government, through the extension
current pest management techniques, experiences of pest
department, is also increasingly involved in providing inte-
management and pests, access to cash and information,
grated pest management (IPM) training to farmers.
and their ability to cope with a more variable harvest. This 3. In these study sites, in common with much of Bangladesh,
does not mean running different training courses for dif- male farmers dominate rice farming; hence there were very
ferent farmer types (which would in any case be tricky to few women farmers in the sample.
determine before the training), but rather taking account of 4. However, otherwise trained and non-trained farmers were
farmersÕ different motivations and constraints when not matched and it is possible that trained farmers were on
implementing training. average better educated than non-trained farmers.
Finally, farmers reinterpret training and information 5. In the boro, or dry season, transplanted rice is grown with
given to them about pest management to suit their par- irrigation. In the aman, monsoon season, rice is transplanted
ticular circumstances and their own understanding of a in the case of farmers that we interviewed, but may also be
problem. For example, we found that a large number of
6. Indeed, when farmers were asked why they used pesticide,
farmers, despite knowing the recommended dose, did not
they typically said that it was to protect their rice specifically
follow the recommendation. Hence, it is not sufficient to from stem borer rather than from pests in general.
assume that farmers will adopt pest management 7. One bigha is equal to 0.13 hectares. At the time of the
techniques without adapting them. Pesticide recommen- research, the exchange rate was approximately 50 taka per
dations and pest management techniques therefore need to US$1.
be resilient to adaptation by farmers, and farmers need to 8. Trained farmers do use perching, but perching is a tradi-
be confident as to why the recommendations are appro- tional pest management technique that is also used by a third
priate. Our recommendation is consistent with CAREÕs of non-trained farmers.
Bangladesh INTERFISH project in which the extension 9. The role of both precautionary pesticide use and excessive
agentÕs role is to facilitate, accompany, and support fertilizer use as insurance is recognized (e.g., Oka, 1994).
In the US, insurance is being introduced through a
farmersÕ processes of learning and problem solving,
federally subsidized program to protect farmers from los-
teaching concepts that farmers can adapt to different
ses incurred by following Best Management Practices for
realities (Perez, n.d.). Involving farmers more in the nutrient management. The hope is that such a scheme can
development of research activities, both during hypothesis be introduced for IPM (Georgia Pest Management News-
generation and design of fieldwork, should make the re- letter, 2003, Volume 26(1)). However, the introduction of
search findings and recommendations more relevant to the such a scheme in economically poor countries would be
farmers, and the technologies more likely to be adopted. trickier.
332 Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson et al.

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