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Aroma Atsiri

September - December 2019

Intelligence Report

September - December 2019

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

100 % Pure, Natural Essential Oil & their derivatives

A warm welcome
to our first edi on
of Market
Intelligence Report.

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia (AAI) is a fast growing company in


the field of Essen al Oils. We believe that every company

September - December 2019

will grow only if they maintain the transparency with their

customers. In order to maintain this, we have launched
our first market intelligence report to guide our customers
on current market condi ons so they can make a
strategic procurement plan for their
Indonesian raw materials.

AAI's con nued heavy investment in

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

innova ve technology keeps us at the

forefront of modern advancements
allowing us to create new products and keep produc on costs to a
minimum – savings we can pass on to our customers. We have a
well-planned research team to discover new and improved dis lla on

techniques as well as assis ng growers with good farming prac ces.

With this, we will soon introduce many new essen al oils
and natural deriva ves.

AAI's aim is to deliver value added products with

best quality at a compe ve price by scru nizing all
raw material quality and every step of the produc on
process to guarantee the customers receive a
sustainable and fully traceable product.

2. Market Trend some major Essen al Oils
CAJEPUT OIL Melaleuca cajepu oil
In recent mes, the main source of Cajeput Oil was Maluku Island
(Buru & Amon) and people were using the tradi onal method for
dis lla on with a copper condenser to get the green color but due
to unsustainable produc on and the contamina on of glycols,
most of the market moved to the Java variety.

AAI take an ini a ve to educate our farmers so that they can use
modern techniques of dis lla on to get a good quality material.
Due to this, oil from Java is very rich in its aroma, it's sustainable
and is 100% free from contamina on. AAI provides a very good
quality oil and fulfilling the expecta ons of our customers.
At the moment, supply and prices are stable. The prices only
varying due to the currency fluctua ons.
September - December 2019

Current price at the time of report is USD 24/Kg

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia


Cananga Oil has a good presence in the

a ro m at h e ra py i n d u st r y s i n c e i t s o o t h e s st re s s ,
a n x i e t y, s a d n e s s , t e n s i o n , a n d s l e e p l e s s n e s s .
Aging trees and a long dry season con nue
to yield small amounts of oil and with no

new planta ons on the horizon supply will

rem a in lim ite d . T h at s a i d a q u i et m a r ket o f
late has kept prices stable.

Cananga odorata Oil

"Opportunities don't happen.

We create them."

-- Chris Grosser

Current price at the me of report is USD 130/Kg II
Cymbopogon winterianus Jowi . Oil
Last year the price of Citronella Oil peaked due to the lack
of supply for synthe c citral and demand for the same was
very high because everyone was looking at citronella oil
as a replacement.

When the price was high, almost all of the farmers start
plan ng Citronella, meaning this year the price has
dropped significantly because of high produc on and
the improved availability of synthe c citral.

Indonesia has always been a large producer for Citronella.

The produc on was only from Java but there have been
many programs arranged by the government to improve
the produc on for citronella oil and now a lot of new areas
have been developed for the same. We can now obtain Citronella Oil from Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. The quality
has also been improved but due to oversupply, the price has been fallen and is now lower than produc on costs, hence
we're likely to have seen the bo om price for citronella.
September - December 2019

Current price at the me of report is USD 18/Kg

CLOVE OIL & DERIVATIVES Eugenia Caryophyllata Oil

Indonesia is the biggest producer for Clove Oil

accoun ng for over 70% of the global produc on.
It is also AAI's largest product as it represents
between 60-70% of our total output of essen al oils.


Usually there is Clove Bud Season from May to

July. People start focusing on Clove Leaf and
Clove Stem by mid of August. As compared to
last year, this year's dry season is much longer.

Normally by the end of August, we could expect the

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

rainy season to have started but this year, the rain

is forecasted to start by the end of September or
mid of October. The supply of Clove Leaf oil has
been much be er this year and as a result prices
have been lower, but once the rains start, there will
be a disturbance inthe produc on and it will for sure
impact the supply so prices can start to rise again.

Current price at the me of report is :

Clove Leaf Oil Crude 73 % USD 11/Kg

Clove Leaf Oil Crude 80 % USD 12.1/Kg
Clove Leaf Rec fied 80 % USD 12.5/Kg
Clove Leaf Rec fied 85 % USD 13.3/Kg
Clove Bud Oil USD 23.5/Kg
Choose Well, Buy Best Clove Stem Oil MD USD 14/Kg
Eugenol Redis led 99 % USD 15.7/Kg
and Make it last Eugenol USP 99.5 % USD 16.5/Kg
with AAI Clove Terpene USD 2/Kg
beta-Caryophyllene 85% USD 2.7/Kg
beta-Caryophyllene 90% USD 3/Kg
beta-Caryophyllene 95% USD 3.2/Kg II

In Indonesia, Ginger juice used in the tradi onal drink called “Jamu”
which is used by almost all age groups as it has lots of health benefits,
Zingiber officinale oil therefore local demand is very high. Almost all the processors dis ll
the waste generated a er the juicing process to get the oil which is
one of the reasons why the quality is lower than the market expecta ons
with low citral content.
AAI has began to work very closely with farmers and processors to get the
best quality. From the last 4 months, the price has been stable and outlook
is for the same over the next 1-2 months, however we are likely to see a
price rise once rainy season starts.

Current price at the me of report is USD 155/Kg

September - December 2019


Gurjun Oil is used as a fixa ve which has a woody, balsamic aroma.

This is used for cheaper perfumes as a replacement of Patchouli
and Ve ver Oil. Gurjun has approximately 70 varie es from all
across south-east Asia and each has different quali es of oil as
per their individual species. Some species have the main

component of alpha-Gurjunene, some have it as alpha-Copaene


and some have a combina on of both along with the beta-

caryophyllene. Last year the price was slightly high due to the
long rainy season but this year there is a relief and currently

the price is stable.

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

Current price at the me of report is :

Gurjun Oil Dark ( Copaene type) USD 4.5/Kg
Gurjun Oil Light ( Copaene type) USD 6.25/Kg
Gurjun Oil Dark ( Gurjunene Type 55-60%) USD 8.5/Kg
Gurjun Oil Dark Gurjunene Type >65 % USD 12/Kg
Dipterocarpus turbinatus Oil

Gurjun Oil Light ( Gurjunene Type 55-60%) USD 11.75/Kg

Gurjun Oil Light ( Gurjunene Type >65%) USD 17.5/Kg


Kaffir lime leaves are the main ingredient in south-east Asian
cuisine due to its aroma c, astringent flavor. Kaffir lime oil is
interes ng for many applica ons across various sectors due
to its refreshing, exo c lime and sweet aroma. The oil also
has some medicinal proper es such as an bacterial,
an depressant, an sep c, an viral, insect repellent making
it very a rac ve to the aromatherapy market. The price has
been stable from last six months and is forecasted to remain
so for the foreseeable future.
Current price at the me of report is USD 60/Kg
Citrus hystrix Oil II
September - December 2019

MASSOIA BARK OIL Cryptocarya massoia Oil

Like Clove & Patchouli, Massoia Bark Oil (MBO) is the soul of AAI and we can provide many grades of MBO
to fulfil customer requirements and specifica ons. For some me the price and demands are fairly stable
and Indonesia is producing the enough material to cover the demand. AAI has invested in the machinery
to make our MASSOIA C-10 from 50% to 95% and successfully launched our in-house below men oned grades.

Current price at the me of report is :

Myristica fragrans Oil
Massoia Bark Oil C10 50% USD 240 /Kg
Massoia Bark Oil C10 60% USD 335 /Kg

Massoia Bark Oil C10 70% USD 421/Kg

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

Massoia Bark Oil C10 90% USD 567/Kg

Massoia Bark Oil C10 95% USD 625/Kg

Massoia Bark Oil C12 70% USD 205/Kg

Massoia Bark Oil C12 80% USD 245/Kg

Prices have been generally stable and well-priced
for buyers although a recent increase in spice prices
have impacted some producers. That said it is expected
that prices will con nue to remain at these levels with a
good new crop expected in the coming months. At AAI,
we like to average out our cost prices over a longer period
VETIVER OIL (Vetiveria zizanoides Oil) to ensure we offer our customers a stable and fair
Prices had been in free fall since 2018 as addi onal supplies price all year round.
came online. Some efforts have been made to improve the Current price at the me of report is :
quality and in recent months the prices have stabilized.
We should expect to see prices remain at these levels Nutmeg Oil USD 51 /Kg
for the foreseeable future. AAI offer three grades of Nutmeg Oil Low Safrole < 0.2 % USD 70
Ve ver so whether you're looking for the tradi onal Mace Oil USD 75 /Kg
crude oil or the more refined grades which are closer
to other origins we are in a string posi on to support
all enquiries.
Current price at the me of report is :
Ve ver Oil Regular USD 185/Kg
Ve ver Oil Premium USD 195/Kg
Ve ver Oil MD USD 260/Kg II
PATCHOULI OIL ( Pogestemon Calbin Oil)
Along with Clove & Massoia, Patchouli Oil is the life for AAI.

The markets are s ll feeling the effects of the unseasonal

heavy rains, which impacted Sulawesi in May were 90% of
all patchouli grows. Crops were damaged and prices
increased. They did relaxed a li le prior to Ramadan
as farmers needed cash to celebrate the fes val and
again during August as global demand fell due to summer
holidays but prices keep firming during other mes as the
availability of raw materials remain low for this me of year.
A strong uptake from the market in September, especially
around IFEAT could push prices higher so it is prudent to

take cover. New plan ngs will start once the rainy season
begins late September with new supplies online from
September - December 2019

February 2020. Un l then we may see prices rise.

Current price at the me of report is :
Patchouli Oil Dark USD 43 - 51/Kg*
Patchouli Oil Light USD 44-52/Kg*
Patchouli Oil MD USD 47-56/Kg*

*All grades PA 30-34 AV 5-8

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

“Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve

the quality of what you have to offer.
AAI is working Toward to Achieve that Excellence” II
Aroma Atsiri
September - December 2019
Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.


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