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Cover | OPT EIMIU em OlM CONE EUIHCm NO Ie (IN) | Inside cover front Profile eee ee ar a ee ae io roe een eet ti Teer ee ee a) Tee eee ee as Te Se er Se ee Oe Cr ee eae abil. These products have found acceptance not enly inthe dome Contents Tata Stee! — Tubes Division. : Manufacturing Process. 2 Manufacturing Process ata glance a Finishing and Packaging ‘ Tata Quality - The ‘0? Factor... 7 : 5 Product Range 6 Why use Tata Pipes? : - a 7 Segments - Plumbing & Irrigation. 8 Segments - Process Industries - Cold Storage. , = 9 Segments - Process Industries - HVAC. 10 Segments - Process Industries -Fite-Fighting " Spocitiction of Pipes: IS 1299 & 1S 3589. 12 Contact Details 13 Page 1) Tata Steel - Tubes Division ‘Anew dimension in tel ube technology opened up in ni in the early 50'—with he establishment ofthe nan Tube Company Lied (0), cn he 17th of December 1954. was the outcome of a joint venture teen Tata Stel and Stewarts and Lloyds of UK. 1985, the nan Tube Company merge wit Tata Stel to form the Tata Stel - Tubes Division. The Tubes Staegic Business Unt (SBL), today, i leading manufacturer of welded pipes and tubes in the county with an anal production capacity of round, 400,000 tonnes, with expansion plans onthe ai. The Tubes Division manufactures commercial, structural and precision tubes at its Jarnshedpur - Tubes Division Pant. The SBU has a network of sales offices across the country with the marketing headquarters in Kolkata to provide beter customer sevice. ti he-art nologi ‘The Tubes SBU has embraced the culture of business excellence elected trough leading presence acoss several ines of business. A high degree of customisation has been achieved through a comprehensive plant ‘modenisation programme, iwoving upgraation othe pan, ecnology and process conto The modenised Tubes SBU Partin Jamshedpur e ne! ‘The tree main ines of business are * Commercial Tubes forthe Conveyance segments, sold under the brand name of "Tata Pipes + Stuctural Tubes - or the Construction segment, sald unde the rand name of “Tata Stuctura’ + Prcision Tubes forthe Auto and Boller segments TUbes boing manufactured in stte-of-he-art HEN Ml ig Process Induction welding in progess Contal aor for a-sine Non-Destructive tesing ‘The Tues Plt at amsedpur boast osteo he-art ctisintube makin, wit tetnolgy rom OTO Mls (ta), Kasaabe (apa and MAIR Research ty) “ela Pes ae manufactured by te High Frequency Induction Welding (HFN) Process. Te pocas, also known a he Cold Press, usos Hsp, which are ‘manactured at aa Sets maser Ho Sti Milf HEIN proces. he Hcl gos tough he MIG weld, while asteady wi assur fom fhe hazel oll accumulator. Cold Sting is dane at this lage wt the TATA seal of quality. The tues then prmesively formas the ship passes hough successive rls avd is followed byte high equeny induction welding ate eges fo complete the weld. eral beads de lo weld deposition on he ove surface of he tubes isthn amaved to ensue a smoth suface fish Following he welting process. an ody caret non-destructive esting machine screen out the knperety welded ‘ube, Tues tha as the ts cut into equi eats by cod saw, whch gs moo bur-ess sql cuting ede, Tubes are hen pack in ecagoral tures ‘by MAIR Auo- pacing machine. a — = => ‘col AccUMULATOR | 0000 H-R-COIL STAP COILUNREELER STRIPLEVELLER SHEAR MIG WELDER PINCH ROLLE our oF NN Ccooune Tous i ° LUMP as QUID yN.ouT conveyor” — PACKING & BUNDUNG (LLsena | '———Forwine mi LC ameenecsanes ae il — — _ “= Aline gram depicting the low of materal in he HEINE State-of-the-art technology from... @) oromius MAA RESEARCH eo ing Process at a glanc 7. Cuttolength by cold vam 8. Galvanizing fer peng and cleaning 12 Tubes aepatehed across Inia 11, Tubes packed in Hexagonal Bundles 10. Automatic Bunding & Packing e— Page 4 Finishing and Packaging en batho zine ‘The high-tech hot-ip galvanizing process is used, which the tubes ate pickled (2, washed in acid baths to clean out impurities) just before galvanizing, Once galvanizaton is complete, the tubes are picked up by magnetic rolls and superheated steam is blown through them to ensure clean bores and uniform coating on both suraces. Post galvanizing, the pines ae imprinted withthe nominal bare, cass, length and the zine coating as per specifications using a dot matix printer, The dot matrix printing is dane only on galvanized pipes. The tubes are screwed with taper pipe threads and sockets with parallel teas 2s per IS:554. The parametes elated to threading are checked during operations, with caretully calibrated gauges. MAIR Research Ato The finished tubes, igh, mecium and heavy are packed an the packing {bles and bundled separately onthe bundling machine, The loading ‘operations are then carried out by fully mechanized cranes on to trucks, for transportation across the county eo Tata Quality - The ‘Q’ Factor TATA Steel lays a great emphasis on (quality and all the tubes manufactured undergo various quality assurance tests, to ensure customer delight. ‘The manufacturing process is governed by a comprehensive quality plan. Each every plant inthe Tubes SBU today ~~ 0180 : 9001:2000. Siig Biel & weld qual and race | Indo ite Cy Sens Page 5 Indio pier Cai See eit Of pro | Page G Product Range 15 mm NB to 150 mm NB 168.3 mm OD to 323.9 mm OD Colour coded Teta Pj 1 Class A (Light) mt Class B (Medium) mi Class C (Heawy) Lager ciamee pipes being bundled fo stipment Surface Finish Galvanised and black Thickness Range 168.30 450mm End finish 168.3 OD : 4 0mm to 450m 219,1mm OD: 4.0mm to 63mm 273.4mm OD: 4.0mm to 63mm Plain at ends/Sorewed and Socketed Specifications IS 1239 Part-1, IS 1161, BS 1387, IS 4923, IS 9295, Baio Des an aoe 1S 3601 & 1S 3589 ‘Surface Finish: Black denttication End Finish: Pina ends Tita ark cold stamped Specificaions: 3509 === Dot Matrix Printing for galvanised pipes ‘Toadd othe cold-stamping during the manulzturing proces, “Tata Pipes isnow aso printed on the pipes using automatic high-ad dat matrix pits. Teta mark cold stamped Dot mai pring Why use Tata Pipes? 1. The trusted Tata name ~ Tata pipes come with the same quality assurance, which you would associate with the Tata name, 2, Guaranteed 360 GSM Zinc Coating — Consistot and uniform Zine coating both on outside and inside of tubes, oles grater resistance to corrosion, prevents water contamination and results in increased longevity ‘3. Exact Length of 6 metres ~ No chance of being cheated and no wastage o pipes. Beet 9 Coe otineny, Available at “Str pried | aunitorm price - / Te only pipes brand with [_ aRecommended Consumer , Price Page 7 5. Thickness as ecification 1S: 1239 & IS: 3589 ~ Sivict adherence to Scheme of Testing and Inspection laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards (81S) a pet licensing norm — ‘Always reliable 6. Boron* Steel - Superior threadabilly, hence strong joints. (For spectc applications). 7. Available only at authorized retail outlets ~ 4 tension-tee buying experience with no hassles. Page 8 Segments - Plumbing & Irrigation Aploneer in plumbing pipes, Tata Pipes hasbeen bringing water ito our homes, and joy in our lives, for over 80 years Sizes normally used: 15 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm NB Galvanized Plain Ended or Socketed Stee Pipes IS: 1239, Tata Pipes fo plumbing are made of Baron* steel, iving them superior ttreadability and strong joints, making them rust-fre and leak-proo. i og 4 an Ses normally used: 32mm to 150 mm NB Gahvanized Plain Ended or Socketed Steel Pipes IS: 1230 “Ta pipes ensure thal he naan farmer fs no longer at the mercy o the a, * Tata Pipes for boring are heavy and sink easily into the ground + They ate resistant to corrosion and rust-pool, hence can be used fective fora lng period of time without any maintenance hassles * Tata pipes have deop threads and stong sockets ora better grip + Tia ppes can be sunk ime an agin andar woth ot even a srap Cold Storage Cid Storage Plans are meant o preserve the perishable commodities, of fod items fra longer period, with retention ofthe original colour, flavour and tase Unik cold storage plans in developed counties, cold storages in our ‘counity have perorce adapted technology to local resource avalabilly and needs. But with new opportunities emerging and with increasing compan, there is now 2 need to ensure technological & operational ‘excellence if optimum benefis ae lobe obiined Design & application of Pipes in Cold Storages Cold storage plants are large warehouses equipped with a vapour ‘compression system fr reigeration, rationally using ammonia asthe ‘efrgerant. The system functions through a network consisting ofa ‘compressor, condenser, expansion valve and an evaporator. Throtis (Expansion vaive) A simpli low cram oa vapour compression eigeaion syslem Ifthe performance of the refrigeration system isto be optimize, tis ‘necessary to ensure that pipes of right dimensions and qual are used ‘across the system. Apart ftom the invicate pipe networkin condensers and evaoraors, designated as heat exchanger’, th vapour compression ‘efrigration systom has o include interconnecting pipes for these neat, exchanges. Pipe Sizes normelly used : 15 mm NB to 200 mm ‘Black Heavy Pain Ended (BHPE) Stee Pipes IS:1239/S:3569 cess Industries Ht you are inthe business of cold storage, and resetting for ordinary Pipes you ae running the isk of leakage. Because, nothing rally matches. up othe superior qualty of Tata Pipes. tis backed by over 50 years of rmenufaciuring expertise in steel tubes & pipes and bears the usted Tala name. Tata Pipes : Ideal for Cold Storage + Made of high quality in-house sie! - bringing down the posites of unforeseen leakages especialy in the condenser which is exposed to he atmosphere + Smooth inner surfaces reduce tition losses thereby improving the performance of the system and lowering running costs “Tata Pipes offer value for money because leakage of ammonia ‘can have disastrous consequences. It has been found that this tisk exists in cheaper quality pipes, whereas with Tata Pipes: ‘consumers have rarely faced these problems" Mr Ashoke Ghosh Fetigeraton Consultant, Member American Society of Heating, Fetrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHEAW) “Tata Pipes have always been found to be of superior quality 8 compared tall other brands of pipes in terms of dimensional ‘accuracy, reliability and other parameters” ‘Mr Dipak Guna Fetigration & Ai-condtioning Consultant, Refcon Projects, Kolkata Page 10 Segments - Process Industries HVAC ‘+ ips usod in Fn Coll nit 25 NBto 32 NB + Fes used rom chil headr to AHL (Ar Handling Uni) ~60 NB to 150 HVAC stands Heng, Venton, and AiConioning—tre closely led. ges used in chile branch nes —150NB to 250 NB ‘unéamentlfureions wih both commercial and residential appliatons. The oncet vas cone by Voat Brothers, being the pioneers in tis segment and vs nroduced way bac in 1950. + ips used in chil main ines ~ 300 NB 500 NB ‘The steady gow of he el estate att nina has created opportunities or ajo developers opomate aye lomat fice spaces and associated structs Tike mals, esos, itech hospi, 8 Ths ron es recessed in easing ‘he imprtance ofthe HVAC and Fite figtng systems in both ese and commercial struclues as a prime essential for safety and healt HVAC can further be distinguished as two separate segments * Commercial Cooling — tage spans of hotels, T parks, mals, ports et. * Process Cooling — fo sterile rooms of prarmaceuical and manuactring Ingustes Specification 15 1289 1973 Pat MS"C"Class | 181230: 1973 Part “The primary use of VAC is toegue a empeaue ui, andi fow. | 2999p 2508 | welded pipe win minimum | 1635801966 ‘ensuing tha such elements remain within tei accepable ranges. Eoctve Genes onto such tacos minimize health ated is, | 3008 | Welded pie win minimum | 1$3589:1966, 6mm hicness 300 NB & or | Welded pipe win minimum | 1S 3589-1966 Bm hidess /Air Conditioners - Standard Procedures . For application of MS Pes in tis Segment, deta regarding the common — _____, Practices followed, Sis lle pipes used, and specications requed ae as or alvon blow cms [fame | are =)8 Cis MS Fs obese in AC nd il Ses epee a ‘on environmental conditions like proximity to sea, coriosiveness, coolingflow, celal pg pm Setenate dam pia tat ina citer Systen o— Fire-Fighting Itas eve sa prime sly parameter fray ral este developmen Foran corstucioa shove 3 fons nespecte eng siento canner and manag unis, He-ighing is row a randayreqrament Tata Pipes have forged marke leadership in he Fie-gting segments by provsing a leary super perfomance over competion, Usage in jets ‘roughout naa is testimony to Tata Pipes attention to qually and sey. ‘Sis nol used ange om 25 mo 300 mm NBG" Clas MS Pps with Piainend or socketed confirming fo IS: 1239 & IS: 3589 specications. Guidelines For Water Supply Arrangements For Fire-Fighting (IS: 3844 & IS: 9668) Basic equtements as per trad nonms of ire-Fghing (1S 3844 & 15 9668) inigh-se buieings are as gen beion — “+ For lng of Regt of 18 miso 30 mts, the risrs should net be ass than 10m interal ameter “+ Fr tilings excoding height o 0 mis, hiss should ate es than 180/mm diameter ‘Theta coping vale in each or shout bec minimum 6§ mn MS Pot ‘Hose reel bore of 25 mm diameter wih & mm hose should be used + For etecive waterjet force, a 125 mm bore nozle should be used + Overhead tank should not be of capacity less than 20,000 lies + The underground tank should nt be of capacity less than 100,000 lites + Depenng ont height ofthe building, 2m to 100 mm pipes should te use or ine om pur to main yerant “+ For incval oor lines, ies ol ameter 26m to 32mm should be used + For spike system, 25mm pipes shuld be used ee o- ee ‘Schema diagram of coneriona Fre Fighting heart system ess Industries Internal hydrants nan natant salt emp lloing lent «Ribera canes tra ais ted om he sue tote eed pot nde esse < Fett pumps whalers nd compet and pu to pa se ina pre + Anessa ongoing es) oe hylan, ost rel, hoses and brane pies, sabi housed ‘Hydrant valves 1o be mounted orzo to prevent imputty deposition - External Hydrants ‘+ Feretena hyacinth tela peeably undergone oan iteting| arage by roving ves, + To avo sting, undeigound pipes sald be tert cas on cnfrning oS 1536 o MSI cooing oS 1239, in whi as shouldbe prope ted wih acoso riraxy paint wih no cas cf itsmen pat + Tepes sult papery sippreion pots mo ten Sap = Undrgund ipes shoul be aim below tao ara ding ad rep tod crossings whee nay etc are expected tps, shuld ass tcugh AC pipe foradconal ptt Suction and Delivery Pipe Sizes ‘he suction and delivery sipes shoud te otaveniate [assoumewasrmm | soa | Sonn stetomecttehnciow! — |9inwrepem | 75m | 0m — 014Dininemepe | 180m | 10m teqirements ote pume, — | sn epunp | 1301 | 1504 axe shouldbe ess than | )26shimeimare | 210mm | 1S)nm ‘loving 4s mnintewune | 2300 | 0m Risers & Pumps ‘The rising mains/down-comer mains shoud be of galvanize iron pipes conforming o mad lass ofS 1239 ‘The pump should hare an aerate source o pone supp incase of amagenay ‘Tho main fe pump atte uderyourd vr tank, wih he capac to dschage 200 Ite pr minute al 8 bar press s meas a he terace level, shuld be irsaleo ‘+ Good qualily pumps ike Lu or Kista should be used ir bet re Eghing cficency o— f Pipes: IS 1239 Dimensions and nominal mass of Stel Tubes - Light, Medium & Heavy Conforming tS : 1289 (part-t) 2008 *) 4) lhe bales | |e] ts |) || EH) | |e) 8 >|al| a) at|)a|@) ¢ lal] 8 | BH) HE) 2) BR) 2 |g) & =)a | 4] a2] 8] # | 3 i | #) 82) 8) 8 | 3 a) 8) | 8) § 5 b|@/# lel s 3| 3 i | 8) 8) ) 8) 8 3) 8 elilaelazl| ale a| a *)e] @] a] 8] 8 a| '| B) Hb) 8) 8 #| 4% o/s) m@ |e lel a 2| 3 t | a) |) 8) 8 #| 3 |e (mt | me | al s| 8 S| en | wou | on | “il my 200 2191 435 7304 340 200 212.1 035 3332 2001 250 271 500 33.065 2075 250 23.4 635 a7 23.98 300 323.9 500 3932 25.43 300 3239 635 wn 201 * hopin igs. ‘Noe Te apart gan be aed ug eon: Kr = (04) xtx0024601S D = Ose camera mT = Ties fmm aeons: MPa = Weyeascal = NSqmn, N = Newton = hym/sy second, s = second, = theless, D = dame, UN = Up to and ict, P= ssofet minimum yd sent (s),P Tele Serth, TS = Ten Steg, 00 ~ Oss Dat, NB B.S pessueorli-end pe, = ~ nears‘ eters or equa = oi 2, L = Ligh saris, M = Wosum snes, res ies hanes Hea ses o— Inside Cover back | WORKS Burma Mines, Jamshedpur-831 007, Telephone: 0657 2270561, Fax: 0657 2270304 MARKETING H ‘aStelTesvson Ob. Firae tonsa it (tte. heuer -751010 ons Fac ora er Kota ‘aie een aan Roy Sab co 52. Lita, 2nd, oes Twos ae exaessnannarza24 Fact 5 ‘Suwa ‘aie Tos Dison Ch. Pge Agee Westone Kh, ds, int 78107 ‘ako az Fox 25682 Jamsbedpur ‘anion Po.aematrs, erode 0107 "i 7 51 aaa 5722 Patna ‘Waele ison (Ob. Ja Baska TadesP Lit Heo an er Nar Sasi Fetal Ama, ng Para 001 Takase Stiga Tan See-Tos cen SS Brg Fl Soke es Sig 79441 ‘cas m8 DFO css 87 Aredabed Taubes Don FentantnisAree ec 12, samo, poo 39008 Teh eroeeramnovanns aos Fa: 791204 edore ‘Wa Se Tabu Dion 3164317 Cy 70,6 Po e201 Twos ss omnes oc 78 251 Mamba Twa Ties Don ferns, Fu: Azo Pa, Bae Morb o08 cons 2 Fes a0 | gout “aS Dvn Museo Onis Magee -H0001 ‘ekora us rere 00 Foxes Pane “au ibes On Te Dion Oi Ne 2008 2d aig pp 8. Ms Cte, Poe art Teeceoe' om Fas woe ec EADQUARTI Tata Centre, 43, J. L. Nehru Road, Kolkata-700 071, Telephone: 2288-7051/9251/3061/1851, Fax: 2288-6996 Now Debs “aa Sb-WoDeen oes oul IF, 5 Sanaa, New Ci 10001 aor zaaeat09 Fao 20963108 Farabad “ete Tibesiveen sant Fata 121 0 aya Ta ones Facorpanaz ship “wa Sbil-NeenDen (hatha Pei Pot Uk (00, Fito "Cee, Japs 302001 a oz Fao st 208 onput "was —Neeadson Nore burg NG Karou 26001 ‘a siz romeo Facosi201 81 Ludhiana ‘aan 0,1 Fa Pa, Uusira 11010 182s Fax 0165091258 hangar “Sees ian 5016 tele Soir Neatly ‘Senda 160018 ‘a orezoterazionR ERS ‘aS Messin bie ug ne, 15, Msn ane 025, ‘a omess0or7 Fac 025025527 ‘hema “nS YoenDten ao Bl. ‘12Ngarttar Hp os, romani ‘ioe Facouzce 01 ‘Secunderabad ‘ui ResaDien Says Te Fe, 105 Sac Fk od, Seinen 00068, a a5 MANN Faccuo7Ta 208 Back Cover Rae eee ‘Care has been taken to ensure that this information is accurate EM eh [eo tele steseed Mor Se eee

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