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Consumer Behavior is the study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, use (consume), and
dispose of products and services. A more in depth definition will also include how that process impacts
the world. Consumer behavior incorporates ideas from several sciences including psychology, biology,
chemistry and economics. (Retrieved from


a. Cultural - influences are the vales that we have acquired as a result of the beliefs, preferences, and
tastes that have been handed down from various generations. It is the broadest environmental
determinant of consumer behavior.
b. Social - As a consumer, you belong to a number of social groups. Your earliest group experience came
from membership in a family. The Asch Phenomena, It has been called Asch Phenomena because
Groups influence people's purchase decisions more than they realize. Reference groups.
c. Family influences - The family group is perhaps the most important determinant of consumer behavior
because of the close, continuing interactions among family members.


a. Motivation - Motivation is the ‘why’ of behavior. It is an intervening variable between stimulus and
response and a governing force of consumer behavior. It is one that leads the individual to act in a
particular way. It is the complex net-work of psychological and physiological mechanisms.
b. Perception - Marketing management is concerned with the understanding of the process of
perception because, perception leads to thought and thought leads to action. Perception is the
process whereby stimuli are received and interpreted by the individual and translated into a response.
c. Attitude - The concept of attitude occupies a central position in the consumer behavior studies in
particular and social psychology in general because; attitude measurements help in understanding
and prediction of consumer behavior. ‘Attitude’ refers to a predisposition to behave in a particular
way when presented with a given stimulus and the attitudes towards people, places, products and
things can be positive or negative or favorable or unfavorable.
d. Learning - means any change in behavior which comes about as a result of experience. Learning is the
process of acquiring knowledge. Consumer behavior is a process of learning because; it is modified
according to the customer’s past experience and the objectives he or she has set. This process of
learning is made up of four stages namely, Drive- cue-response and Reinforcement. ‘Drive’ refers to
an internal state of tension which warrants action.
e. Personality - refer to the capacity of a person for popularity, friendliness or charisma. However, in
strict sense, it refers to the essential differences between one individual and another. Personality
consists of the mannerisms, habits and actions that make a person an individual and thereby serve to
make him distinct from everyone else. It is the function of innate drives, learned motives and

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