Design Brief - Design A Creature

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Design Brief – Design a Creature

Overview: Great news! There has been a huge discovery! Scientist

from NASA have discovered a new planet just outside our solar system.
It is approximately 3 times the size of earth and has a very similar
climate to earth. Scientist are hoping to send a team of astronauts to
scout out the potential for life.

Your Task: To help these astronauts prepare for what they might face
your task will be to design an animal/creature that might be found on
our new planet. You will be provided an environment from the planets
surface and required to design an animal that can survive in the
climate. Your animal will need to have at least 5 adaptations that allow
them to survive on the planet. The environment you will be provided
with is very similar to earth so you are to use animals from earth as
reference for your design.

Presentation: So the astronauts can be better prepared for their big

trip you will be required to design the animal/creature using materials
that will be provided to you. In addition, you will also be required to
create a diorama that will represent the environment that these animals
might be found in. Again use earth’s climate as a reference but
remember that there could be all sort of different types of flora so be
creative with your diorama.

Requirements: Before you begin construction you will be provided class

time to begin designing your animal. Once you have finalised your
animal it will be time to create your animal and environment out of
materials. You will be required to plan out how you will design the
animal and diorama listing materials that you will need to complete the
task. Your teacher will provide you with necessary equipment but you
will be encouraged to recycle household materials to construct your

Due date: Plan – week 6 Friday

Final – week 9 (Parent, teacher night)

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