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Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps

July 2008 - July 2009

Cleaning up
its act
More tourist-friendly
than ever

What to buy
Our pick of the best


Arriving in Minsk 6
Are we there yet?

The Basics 8
Essential information, from tipping to toilets

History 10
What made Minsk? Here’s the recipe

Where to stay 12
Overpriced accommodation options

Dining & Nightlife

Where to eat 15
Stick your fork somewhere nice

Cafés 21
Coffee, cakes and jellied mutants Minsk has a pleasantly romantic feel to it in summer with
hordes of young people strolling around the city hand in
Nightlife 22 hand with their lover (or a beer bottle). In particular, they
Are you ready for this? gather by the Svisloch river in vast numbers. True, it’s
not exacly Paris, but the combination of Minsk’s laidback
atmosphere and elegantly anachronistic architecture gives
the city an endearing charm. Perhaps it’s simply a lack of a
highly developed Western-style entertainment industry, but
there is certainly a lot of love in the air in Minsk.

What to see 24
Unmissable Minsk

Getting around 28
Read this, or get lost

Mail & phones 33

Keeping in touch with reality

Shopping 34
If you must ...

Directory 36
Hand-picked and handy

Street index 38
City centre map 39
City map 40
Country map 42
Honestly, Belarusian schoolchildren really do look like this.

July 2008 - July 2009

Quite simply, there is nowhere like Belarus. For
many Westerners it’s a pariah state presided over Europe In Your Pocket
by the much-vilified You-Know-Who, while Minsk
is little more than a quirky reminder of the Soviet
Union in its pompous prime. But for those who
actually bother to go and see it for themselves,
Minsk is a surpsingly charming, calm, clean and
safe city. Locals talk freely and frankly about
You-Know-Who with either contempt or affection,
largely depending on their situation and income.
But most take a genuine pride in their city which,
it must be remembered, was built out of the
total devastation of WWII. Minsk now serves as
an almost unparalleled monument to the more
grandiose aspirations of Soviet architecture
and urban planning. The city centre’s spacious,
pedestrian-friendly streets and ornate facades are
truly impressive at times. There is not a great deal
to do in terms of sightseeing compared with most
European capitals. A few days, or a week at most,
should suffice to get the best out of the city. Minsk is
more a place to stroll around and soak up the unique
atmosphere. In keeping with the rest of Europe,
prices continue to rise sharply, notably with fuel and
food, meaning the prices listed here will probably be
Like dominoes the capitals of the Balkans are
out of date before long. That said, you’ll still feel like
falling in the wake of In Your Pocket’s onward
a tycoon with so many roubles in your pocket. march. After Athens - launched in April - Belgra-
de and Ljubljana have been quick to surrender,
Cover story and new guides to Sarajevo and Mostar are in
the works. Add in new editions of the Tirana,
As our cover shows, Minsk is a Skopje, Pristina and Podgorica guides, and
seriously clean city. But beyond the you have a full set.
carefully controlled veneer of calm Elsewhere arround the Pocket Empire there are
and respectability, we are happy to new annual guides in Parnu and Tartu (Estonia),
say Minsk has become much more
tourist-friendly. Menus are increas-
Kaunas and Klaipėda (Lithuania), while Poland’s
ingly in English (and occasionally top mountain resort Zakopane now has its own
German), bureaucratic procedures mini-guide. Look out for lots more new In Your
are less stringent and a real tourism Pocket mini-guides in a number of European cities
infrastructure is emerging. Uraaa! this summer.

Editorial Copyright notice

Editor Tim Ochser Text and photos copyright UAB VIYP
Layout & Design Vaida Gudynaitė 1992-2008; maps, cartographer.
E S S E N T I A L C I TY G U I D E S Research Belarus Tour Service All rights reserved. No part of this
Cover Photo Tim Ochser publication may be reproduced in any
form, except brief extracts for the
Publisher Vilnius In Your Pocket Sales & Distribution purpose of review, without written
Vokiečių 10-15 Publisher Vilnius In Your Pocket permission from the publisher and
Vilnius, Lithuania General Manager Gabija Thomson copyright owner. The brand name In Your
tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76 Accounting CO Finansai Pocket is used under license from UAB
fax (+370-5) 212 29 82 Distribution +370 610 468 40 In Your Pocket (Vokiečių 10-15, Vilnius, Lithuania tel. +370-5 212 29 76).
Editor’s note
Go on, let us have it
ISSN 1822-1785 Comments, complaints, suggestions, The editorial content of In Your Pocket
©UAB “VIYP” guides is independent from paid-for
propoganda and laughable bribes to: advertising. Sponsored listings are clearly marked as such. We welcome all
Printed by A.Jakšto spaustuvė.
readers‘ comments and suggestions.
Published once a year (probably). We have made every effort to ensure
An as-yet undetermined number the accuracy of the information at the
of copies will reach the brave and time of going to press and assume no
curious. And the Editor’s mum. responsibility for changes and errors.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Get In Your Pocket before you go
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Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps


2006 - 2007 April - May 2006 August - September 2006 April 2006 August - September 2006

A New Look
We‘ve never looked
better: In Your Pocket
gets a makeover

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politically incorrect
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Going to the
Karlštejn’s renovated
Easter Greetings jewel
Egg breaking & church
Shopping fever Wilanów walking…
Tirana’s first malls Explore the Polish
Let’s rock
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Facade art The best ways to discover
the language
Painting the city pink Out of town
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NEW Cosmonaut’s Day


Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps


August - September 2006 April - May 2006 August - September 2006 June - July 2006

Football events
Win or lose, this is
where to party

River tours
Wine and dine on the

The Great
Cycling, skydiving and
country pursuits

Gastro Tourism
Seafood, whiskey and
St. George’s Market

Tarnów Touring Narva

Explore the Pearl of the Cool sights at the EU‘s
Renaissance eastern border

Leisure IYP gets a new

Getting active in Kraków
N°41 - 5zł (w tym 7% VAT)
N°47 - 35kr
ISSN 1508-2334 The inside scoop on the
new look inside
N°7 - Free copy Complimentary copy

Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps


August - September 2006 August - November 2006 April - May 2006 June - July 2006 September - December 2006

Exploring the Polish Alps

Hot spots Hockey Fever Harbour tours Hollyłódź

The Baltic’s Beaches Down in the docks Poland‘s cinema city
Everything you need to
Museum night know about IIHF World
100 museums in one Championship in Riga Football events Stars in your
night Win or lose, this is eyes
Explore Latvia where to party From Polanski to Max
N°23 - €1.75 Floating the N°20 - 5zł (w tym 7% VAT) N°60 - 1.20Ls Take a day trip to N°2 - 5zł (w tym 7% VAT) Factor, read about the the seaside towns of famous natives.
boat ISSN 1640-3592
Jūrmala and Liepāja
ISSN 1896-1169
Spree river tours N°1
Complimentary copy

Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps


2006 - 2007 August - September 2006 2006 - 2007 2006 - 2007 June - July 2006

Football events
Win or lose, this is
where to party

Feature 2 - max
Skopje Shkodra 2 lines
snapshots snapshots Short description of the
The Marubi photo The Marubi photo feature. Should be max.
collection collection 3 lines.

Around town Around town

Daytrips to the lake, Daytrips to the lake,
beach and mountains beach and mountains
Football events
Beach bars Win or lose, this is
Cocktail in hand, toes where to party
in sand
Going Palatine
Dram tram Strolling in the forest
N°1 - Complimentary copy N°23 - €1.75 Sipping ebbelwei on the N°1 - Complimentary copy N°1 - €3
cider express
Complimentary copy
 Arriving in minsk

Traffic simply isn’t a problem when roads have eight lanes.

So, you’ve paid your money, got your shiny new Belarus By bus
visa in your passport (complete with dinky hologram) and The conveniently located Central Bus Station is temporarily
should be able to enter Belarus without too much fuss just closed for major renovation work, leaving the far less conve-
as long as everything is in order. nient Eastern (Vostochniy) bus station and Moscovsky bus
station to deal with international buses. Both stations have
Getting into Belarus used to be a process that was lockers for luggage, and other basic facilties.
legendary for its length, complexity and, in some cases, Getting to town Taking a bus to the city centre is complicated
downright cruelty. Long queues, dark looks from mean-spi- and involves multiple stops so a taxi is the best bet. The Eastern
rited officials with big guns, incomprehensible forms, and Bus Station is 15km from Independence Square with a taxi
rigorous (occasionally rubber-gloved ) customs searches costing around US$10-13. Moskovsky bus station is 11km from
were the nightmarish norm. Independence Square with a taxi costing about US$10. It’s also
served by the metro which is a cheap and efficient alternative.
We’re happy to say, however, that things have vastly
improved over the last couple of years. It’s far easier to get
into Belarus than, say, the USA these days. We certainly By car
had no problems at the border at all. We think one of the Driving in Belarus is generally much better than it used to
border guards even smiled, although it could have been an be, and certainly less fraught with danger than in some of
involuntary tic. its EU neighbours. There is a risk of receiving on-the-spot
‘fines’ from traffic police so stay within the speed limits.
While crossing the border you will have to fill out an entry Another hindrance to foreigners is the fact that signs and
card (although it’s really just a flimsy photocopied sheet). street markers are in Belarusian except on the Brest-MInsk
The form is in English, and requires you to pen-in your highway. In general speeding is not a problem although there
details including passport and visa numbers, and your is the occasional maniac in a blacked-out BMW to look out
host (the hotel where you will stay or person you will stay for. At the border you will have to fill out a declaration on your
with). All the questions are clear. To make things smooth car and buy Belarusian auto insurance which is cheap, but be
and easy, be sure you have a pen with you and something sure you have the money in cash (US dollars, Euros, Russian
to write on (the back of a paperback book, the back of a roubles). There may not be controls at the border coming in
friend’s head, etc) when you cross the border. from Russia, but there could be sporadic checks. You’ll have
You have to fill out the form twice. One copy will be kept to pay a small toll for using the Brest-Minsk highway (M1),
at the border as you enter. Tuck the other one in your which ranges from US$1 for private cars to US$15 for lorries.
passport and keep it with you. In the event of motor trouble, call 116.
Petrol stations Belarus has a state monopoly on petrol,
When you arrive at your hotel, leave your passport with which means the price and quality are roughly halfway between
reception, and they will ‘register’ you. You will probably those in Russia and Western Europe. On the bright side, the
have to leave your passport for 24 hours or so, and when highways are lined with shiny, state-of-the art stations where
you get it back that second-half of the form you filled in at unleaded petrol is freely available and Euros and Dollars are
the border will have been stamped ready to ensure your accepted with smiles ... okay, maybe not smiles, but they
smooth exit from Belarus. accept them.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Arriving in minsk 

Tourist information Travel talk

Tourist Information B-1, Prospekt Pobediteley English Belarusian Russian Russian
19 (Проспект Победителей 19), tel. 226 99 00. pronunciation
The only thing Minsk has that’s remotely like a tourist To у / да в/к v/k
information office is a counter run by the state tourist From з / ад из / от iz / ot
agency, Belintourist, attached to the Yubileynaya Hotel. Train цягнiк поезд poiezd
Naturally it’s closed on weekends, when tourists might Train чыгуначны железно- zheleznodo´
come. QOpen 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sun. Open 09:00 Station вакзал дорожный rozhnyi
- 13:00, 13:45 - 18:00. Fri 09:00 - 13:00, 13:45 - 16:45. вокзал vok´zal
Closed Sat, Sun. Bus Аутобус Автобус av´tobus
Station аутавакзал автовокзал avtovok´zal
Ticket бiлет билет bi´let
Cop a lot Taxi
Tomorrow заутра завтра ´zaftra
One thing you will notice immediately upon arrival in Minsk Monday Панядзелак Понедельник pone´del’nik
is that there are rather a lot of people wearing uniforms Tuesday Ауторак Вторник f´tornik
and carrying guns and sticks. Police and military personnel Wednesday Серада Среда sre´da
seem to be everywhere always. This can be a bit discon- Thursday Чацвер Четверг chet´verg
certing at first, but don’t worry – they’re probably not going Friday Пятнiца Пятница ´piatnitsa
to shoot you. The most exciting authority action that you Saturday Суббота Суббота su´bota
are likely to experience is that you will be approached and Sunday Нядзеля Воскресенье voskre´sen’ie
asked to show your documents. Passport, drivers licence, Morning ранiца утро ´utro
Mickey Mouse Club membership card – pretty much Evening вечар вечер ´vecher
anything slightly official looking with a name and photo
will do. Police will understand that you may have left your
passport with the hotel for registration purposes. Minsk 2
Unless you’ve been doing something very naughty, such The city’s main international airport, Minsk 2, is located 42km
as taking photos of the President’s Palace, the police are from the city limits. It was completely remodelled in 2005 to give
only likely to approach you out of utter boredom. They will it all the warmth of an abandoned hockey arena. Once you go
look at your ID, inwardly chuckle at how dorky you look in through the usual customs torture, you end up on the ground-floor
the photo, and twaddle off to find someone else to annoy. arrivals hall. The currency exchange, directly opposite, usually
Let them have their fun. They’ve already sorted out all the operates when flights arrive. Otherwise, head to the larger one
crime and, well… there’s just not much left to do. on the second floor (open 09:00 - 13:00, 13:30 - 20:00). Those
machines that look like ATMs in the arrivals hall aren’t ATMs. A real
ATM is inconveniently located on the third floor, next to departure
By plane gate 1. For public telephones, long distance phone service, inter-
net and post, head to the post office on the third floor.
Minsk has two airports: The tiny, city centre Minsk 1, which Getting to Town The taxi racket that used to fix prices here
only handles a few flights, and the larger, farther Minsk 2, has thankfully been broken, but you’ll still have to pay US$
where everyone else lands. 35-40 for the hour-long ride to the city. If you speak Russian,
your chances of bargaining the price downward are better.
Minsk 1 Otherwise you can resort to haggling with a pen and paper,
Looking very much like a Stalin-era bath house, this box-shaped but it won’t be easy - if you don’t want to pay that price, the
structure 3km south of the centre hardly qualifies as an airport. next chump will. Don’t go by the meter or you’ll end up paying
A currency exchange and café are the only services. more. Your only alternative is to catch the airport bus, which
Getting to Town Bus N°100 will take you to the centre (it costs around 650BYR , but runs infrequently.
heads down Prospekt Nezavisimosti). Buy a ticket on board
for 6500BYR. Taxis outside may or may not be reliable. See
‘taxis’ in the Getting around section for details on how to By train
spot which is which. The gleaming new Minsk train station is a tribute to the modernity
of Belarus, and proof that no matter how much money you spend,
you can still come up with something just as chaotic as the old
Numbers train station. It does have the welcoming look of a shopping mall
though, and if you follow the pictographic signs, you shouldn’t get
English Russian pronunciation lost. A currency exchange booth can be found at the top of the
1 od´in escalator. Find public telephones accepting chip cards on the
2 dva ground floor and in the basement. The basement also contains
3 tri public toilets and a large, 24hr left luggage room.
4 che ´tyre Getting to Town The station is in the centre of town, so walking
5 p’iat’ could be an option. Otherwise, head to the basement level and
6 shest’ follow the underground passage, which eventualy leads to the
7 sem’ entrance of the Ploschad Nezavismosti metro station. (See Public
8 ´vosem’ transport for instructions on how to use it). Otherwise you can
9 ´deviat’ take one of the taxis parked in the immediate area. Naturally,
10 ´desiat’ many of these are waiting to bilk you (though it probably won’t be
More ´bol’she by a horrible amount). To be safe, go for one of the yellow, state-
Less ´men’she run taxis or a private one with 107, 152, 157 or 184 displayed
on the car. Be sure they turn on the meter.

July 2008 - July 2009


 The Minsk Customs

The rules for what you can bring into and out of Belarus get
telephone code is +375 17 more complicated the more officials you ask, so our advice
is to keep your personal cargo straightforward and minimal
to avoid surprises. According to the Belarusian embassy in
Vilnius, non-residents can bring in, tax free: US$3,000 in
A jolly big involuntary hooray for glorious little Minsk, the cash, 2 litres of strong alcohol, 200 cigarettes or 200g of
thrumming capital of the tractor-factory republic of Belarus. tobacco (if you’re over 18), 5 pieces of jewellery, 1 watch,
May she continue polishing and brandishing her hammers, 3 pieces of leather clothing and 4 tyres (which you’ve
sickles, red stars and Olympic rings for many years to come. presumably crammed into the pockets of your leather
Belarus has been proudly Soviet since the day indepen- trousers). Pay attention to your booze – each extra litre
dence was won in 1945. That was May 9, by the way, and of alcohol you try to bring in will be taxed €20, though why
don’t you forget it, okay? Just to remind you, Soviet razzle- anyone would take alcohol into this paradise of cheap vodka
dazzle still sparkles all over the city on that day every year. As is a mystery. When leaving, you can take out up to 500g of
for the Olympics, well, Belarus has never hosted the Olympics gold and 5kg of silver, so your bling-bling should be okay.
but did host some preliminary and quarter-final football games Anecdotal evidence also suggests that you should avoid
for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Not bad for a landlocked little trying to take out icons, antiques or any works of art without
nation that many people have never heard of. the proper paperwork.

Minsk may lack sparkly beaches or big-mountain back-

drops, but there are big murals of cosmonauts on the Demonstrations
sides of buildings, a library like a big Dungeons & Dragons Demonstrations have become a fairly regular feature in
dice, some statues of Lenin, a flag that looks like some- downtown Minsk – not surprising since the government
thing from Fifi The Clown’s knickers draw and some of the clamps down on every other means the opposition has of
cleanest crime-free streets you could ever hope to strut reaching the public. Most of these gatherings are peaceful
around. It’s all a bit 1984, except for its appearance, which affairs where young people hold up signs while the police look
is more like 1964. on threateningly. That said, demonstrations have at times
been met with swinging truncheons or worse, so be aware
As such, a visit to Minsk is a bit of a time-warp and, even of the mood if you happen to be near one.
more interestingly, a glimpse of a totally different ideology
in operation. Unmissable? Maybe not. Unforgetable?
Certainly. Driving
Driving in Belarus is generally a smooth experience, at least on
Bargains the major roads, which are in good condition and wonderfully
free of cars. Having said that, beware of icy roads in the winter,
If you were hoping for a dirt-cheap tourist destination, potholes on rural roads, and the occasional reckless driver.
sorry, you’re about a decade late and a rouble short. The The roads in Minsk are excellent and mercifully free of traffic
days of partying all night for US$10 are long gone. That jams thanks to some large-scale urban planning. In Belarus
said, compared to most European countries, restaurants in you drive on the right, and pass on the left. Kids under 12 have
Belarus are still fairly cheap, and you can certainly get around to stay in the back seats, seatbelts are mandatory and there’s
in taxis without breaking the bank. Other bargains to watch for a zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving. Your licence
are pirate CDs, vodka and caviar. Western imports, many of from the US or EU is valid in Belarus for six months, after which
which arrive by way of Moscow, are fairly expensive here. you have to apply for a Belarusian licence, a process that’s
said to be fairly uncomplicated.
Borders Filling up
Belarus sees itself as surrounded (Latvia - 141km, Lithuania The state-owned petrol monopoly has done a lot in recent
- 502km, Poland - 605km, Russia - 959km, Ukraine - 891km), years to install shiny, new stations, ready and willing to take
or at least threatened on the west side, by evil capitalist your dollars and Euros. It comes in 92, 95 and diesel. The
states looking for any chance to do it harm. At most borders, quality of the fuel, while better than the stuff in Russia, isn’t
this paranoia can translate into long queues, thorough quite up to Western standards, so you may want to think
luggage searches, painstaking document checks and twice before poisoning your S-class.
officials who welcome you to their country with all the charm
of a prison guard. The border with Russia, with whom Belarus Speed Limits
has much closer relations, is comparatively lax. Speed Limits Cars 60-90-110km/h, buses 60-70-90km/h,
motorcycles 60-90-90km/h in towns, country roads and
Communism highways respectively. All vehicles must drive no faster than
20km/h in small villages. Drivers who have passed their test
When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, nobody bothered to in Belarus within the previous two years are restricted to a
tell the Belarusians. Or at least that’s what you’d think given maximum speed of 70km/h on highways and country roads.
the abundance of Lenin statues and other Soviet-style flash
that still decorates public squares throughout the country.
For many visitors, this back-in-the-USSR panache is a big Electricity
part of Belarus’s charm, particularly the Stalin-era city The electricity is 220V AC, 50Hz, and barring lightning strikes,
centre of Minsk. Not all the holdovers from that period are it’s fairly stable. Nearly all sockets are now the standard,
as fun though – much enterprise is state-owned, the KGB European two-pin variety, though some of the smaller, Soviet-
still harasses the population and bureaucracy is rampant. style sockets can still be found. For these, an adaptor works
Expect to spend lots of time shouting at people through very far better than brute force, as you may find out when you try
small holes in very large windows. to take the plug back out again.

Minsk In Your Pocket


of 100,000, 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500,

not to mention the nearly worthless 100, 50, 20 and 10
rouble varieties. Coins aren’t used at all. Hotel prices listed
in this guide (and those published by most hotels) are given
in US dollars, but cash payments are always made in the
local currency. Exchange offices dealing in major currencies
can easily be found in the downtown area, and rates differ
very little. ATMs are also common on the main downtown
streets, though hard to find elsewhere. Nearly all will work
with MasterCard; but you may have to hunt a bit to find one
that will work with Visa. Most hotels and the more modern
restaurants accept credit cards. Finally, you may hear of
plans to bring Belarus into the Russian rouble zone. These
have been postponed again and again, and at this point,
nobody can say whether it will actually ever happen.

What’s the main ingredient of any police state? Police, of
course. Without them, dictatorship just wouldn’t be as fun.
Belarus supposedly has one of the highest ratios of police to
citizens in the world. We found Belarus’ boys in blue surprisingly
helpful when it came to giving directions, although don’t expect
them to speak English. And you most certainly do not want to
get on the wrong side of them.

Though it is less rampant than it was just a few years ago,
prostitution is a very visible part of life in Belarus, particularly
Stars are a recurring motif in Minsk, to put it mildly. in Minsk. It’s not uncommon to see these denizens of the
night hanging around certain parts of downtown, and thanks
Floors to clever coordination with most hotel receptions, they
sometimes phone foreign guests late at night to offer their
Belarusians consider the ground floor to be the first floor, services. Keep in mind that AIDS is widespread in this part of
and so on. Europe. Take precautions or you might end up bringing home
a very unpleasant souvenir.
Unless you packed your lead underwear, you may want to limit Toilets
the time you spend in the southeast corner of the country. Public toilets and those in restaurants, etc, are still
This is where radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster generally not as clean as those in Western Europe, but
still covers much of the landscape. Short visits (a few days) they’ve come a long way from the nightmarish chambers
won’t harm you though, so long as you avoid locally produced of foulness they were a few years ago. Don’t automatically
vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products and the like. For expect them to have toilet paper though. Just so there’s
those everywhere else, the biggest health concern is the no confusion, M marks the Gents’ room, Ж marks the
tap water. Though many visitors drink it without problems, Ladies’.
it’s very capable of causing stomach problems. Sticking to
the bottled stuff is the wisest course of action.
Language Pretty much everyone needs a visa to enter Belarus.
The exceptions are nationals of Armenia, Cuba, Georgia,
Russian and Belarusian both enjoy official status here, but Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia,
in reality, Russian is by far the dominant language of daily North Korea, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro,
life, particularly in Minsk. Just to keep things interesting Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The visas are
though, street signs and metro stations are all posted in supplied by your nearest Belarusian embassy or consulate.
Belarusian, a language that few people here speak. So The recommended practice, however, is not to deal with the
who actually knows this mysterious other language? Some embassy directly, but instead to go through a travel agency
people in the countryside, members of the intelligentsia that specialises in Belarusian visas (in fact, some consulates
and, very pointedly, those involved in opposition politics. only give you this option). The procedure usually costs around
In rural areas, Trasyanka, a mix of Russian and Belarusian, US$40 - 80 for a single entry tourist visa, and saves you a
can also be heard. major headache into the bargain. In theory, it’s also possible
to get a visa on arrival at the Minsk 2 airport if you have an
Money invitation with you, but in practice, it’s an expensive and risky
option. We recommend getting your visa before you arrive.
After years of hyper-inflation, the Belarusian rouble Once in the country, you have three working days to get your
(abbreviated BYR) is now fairly stable, mainly thanks to strict visa registered. Hotels will do this for you, but if you’re not
government controls. In early 2008, the exchange rates were staying in a hotel, you’ll have to register at your local OVIR
US$1 = 2,136BYR, €1 = 3,300BYR with very little fluctuation (Office of Visas and Registration). If you don’t register, you
from previous months. Banknotes come in denominations could have problems when you’re trying to leave the country.

July 2008 - July 2009

10 History
National holidays
January 1 New Year’s Day
January 7 Orthodox Christmas
March 8 International Women’s Day
March 15 Constitution Day
March 12-13 Catholic & Protestant Easter (2009)
April 19 Orthodox Easter (2008)
May 1 Labour Day
May 9 Victory Day
July 3 Independence Day
October 14 Mothers’s Day (2008)
Yet another fine hammer and sickle.
November 1-2 Dzyady (Remembrance Day)
November 7 Revolution Day
10th century 980AD Prince Rogvold begins a reign of the December 25 Catholic & Protestant Christmas
Polotsk region in what is now northern Belarus. The first
written record of the Belarusian state.
are shot at Kurapaty before 1941. 1939, Sep 17 Under
11th century 1067 First mention of Menesk (Minsk). the Hitler-Stalin pact Western Belarus is reunited with the
The name allegedly derives from the Slavic verb “meniat” rest of Belarus. 1941, Jun 22 German troops enter Belarus
(to change) as Minsk quickly developes into one of the and soon overrun Minsk. During the “Great Patriotic War”
commercial centres of Eastern Europe. one out of every three Belarusian inhabitants is killed and
90% of Minsk destroyed.
12th century Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1944, July 3 Minsk is liberated by the Red Army. 1946
which grew to include present-day Belarus and become the Belarus becomes a founding member of the UN. 1961
largest state in Europe by the 15th century. Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of US President John
F. Kennedy, lives in Minsk, where he meets his wife Marina.
16th century 1569 Foundation of the Polish-Lithuanian 1974, June 16 Minsk is awarded the Soviet title of
Commonwealth. Belarus ceases to exist as a national entity. “Hero City” for its sufferings in World War II and speedy
1588 Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. reconstruction.
1986, Apr 26 The fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear
17th century 1772-1793-1795 After the third partition power plant explodes in neighbouring Ukraine, polluting 23%
of Poland, the whole of Belarus is incorporated into the of Belarusian territory.
Russian tsarist administrative system. Minsk becomes the
regional capital.
Independence & Beyond
20th century 1918, March 9 In the chaos of the Bolshevik
revolution, an ephemeral Belarusian Popular Republic is 1990 July 27 A Declaration of Sovereignty adopted by the
declared while the country is still under German-Austrian newly-elected Supreme Soviet creates a “neutral, nuclear-
occupation. 1918, March 25 The independence of Belarus free state”.
is proclaimed for the first time. 1919, Jan 1 Foundation of
the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR). 1922, Dec 1991 Aug 25 Declaration of Independence adopted hastily
31 Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia form the after the collapse of the hardline putsch in Moscow. Dec 8
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). 1937 Stalin’s Leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus sign an agreement
purges decapitate the intelligentsia. About 250,000 people to form the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Minsk becomes the administrative centre.

The friendly city 1992 May 20 Belarus introduces its own coupons to
replace the Soviet rouble. On June 1 Belarus leaves the
The people in Minsk are some of the friendliest you are rouble zone.
likely to come across in your travels. All you have to do
is stand on a street corner and look a bit confused and 1994 March 15 The Supreme Soviet adopts a new
some friendly local will probably offer to assist you. Try constitution. June 23 In the first free presidential elections
to enter a shop through its window, and someone will former collective farm boss Alexander Lukashenko is elected
promptly be on hand to suggest that you ought to use the president on an anti-corruption, pro-Russia platform, winning
door. Not that we speak from experience, of course. 80% of the votes. Dec The first major crackdown on the
Many younger people speak English and will be happy to press occurs as two newspapers critical of the president
give directions, read signs, take photos, use the Metro are closed.
and so on. While few waitstaff speak English, they are
generally very obliging. If there is a place with grumpy 1995 May 14 First free parliamentary elections coupled with
people and bad service, we just couldn’t find it. And we a national referendum: Over 75% of the electorate say ‘yes’
really tried. Even the once-infamous border crossing is to Russian becoming an official state language alongside
less hostile. Belarusian; the return of old Belarusian Soviet insignia
As for socialising, it’s very easy in Minsk. Many locals including the Soviet Republic flag (without the hammer and
are still delighted and interested to talk to foreigners. sickle); and the president being granted more power over
So, don’t be shy. All you have to say is ‘hello’ and away the parliament. Sep 12 Two American balloonists are killed
you go. Enjoy! by the Belarusian Air Force when their hot air balloon is shot
down during an international race.

Minsk In Your Pocket

History 11

1996 Apr 2 Lukashenko and his Russian counterpart, would penalize anyone who makes statements that would
Boris Yeltsin formally sign a controversial treaty calling for discredit Belarus in the international arena, making such
a political union between Russia and Belarus. The idea has statements punishable with jail terms of up to two years.
already generated large demonstrations in Minsk, which The move is seen as an attempt to thwart opposition in the
increase after the signing. June The national flag and 2006 elections.
emblem adopted in 1991 is officially scrapped in favour of
the old Soviet-style flag and emblem without the hammer 2006 March Lukashenko scores a third presidential term
and sickle. with 83% of the vote in an election that the OSCE, Europe’s
July 5 Belarus loses its right to vote in the Council of Europe main election monitoring body, labelled as “severely flawed”.
after failing to pay its dues. Nov 28 The president signs his Protests over the elections are met with police resistance.
new constitution that extends his term of office from five Opposition leaders, including presidential candidate
years to seven. Aleksander Kozulin, are arrested and jailed. The EU imposes
a travel ban on Lukashenko and many of his aides, and
1997 Apr 29 The Soros Foundation is accused of violating freezes their assets in the EU.
its charitable organisation status. Having provided US$13 Dec Russia raises the price of gas exported to Belarus,
million to Belarusian hospitals, schools and libraries, it is triggering a tiff between the two allies that would run until
now ordered to pay US$ 3 million in fines. In Sep it closes mid-Jan 2007. Russia shuts off an export pipeline that
its operations in Belarus. May 24 Russia and Belarus passes through Belrarus and carries energy to Europe.
sign a new unification deal. Basic principles include The reliance on Russian energy is seriously questioned
ensuring press freedoms, guaranteeing free activities by Europe.
for political parties and opposition organizations and
inviolability of private property. The treaty goes into effect 2007 May Belarus loses a bid to join the UN’s Human Rights
on June 11, 1997. Council. Human rights groups praise the UN’s deciscion to
omit Belarus. March Police clash with protesters in Minsk as
1998 March An economic crisis begins after the Russian thousands of opposition supporters hold a rally calling for an
Central Bank suspends trading in the Belarusian rouble, end to Lukashenko’s rule. May Belarus fails in its bid to win a
causing the currency to collapse. Lukashenko steps in and seat on the UN Human Rights Council. Oct Lukashenko says
takes control of commercial banks, worsening the situation. Dec 27 Belarus will have to build a nuclear power station in order to
The president shuts down the only opposition newspaper. meet its energy needs.

1999 Sep Opposition figures Viktor Gonchar and Anatoly 2008

Krasovsky are shot to death. Two years later KGB agents May Eleven US diplomats expelled from the country. June A
speak on videotape, admitting the murder. new law cracks down hard on Internet news reporting.

2000 Oct Parliamentary elections held, most opposition

candidates are barred from running. Voter turnout is so low
in 13 constituencies that re-run elections have to be held Basic data
the following March. November Lukashenko and Russian
President Vladimir Putin sign an agreement to introduce a Population
single currency by 2008, later than previous agreements. Belarus 9,800,100, Minsk 1,729,000, Gomel
492,000, Vitebsk 351,000, Grodno 312,000, Mogi-
2001 Sep 9 Lukashenko is elected for a second term, lev 362,000, Brest 296,000
reportedly having garnered 75.6% of the votes. The elections
are widely condemned by Western observers and opposition Ethnic composition (Belarus)
as neither free nor fair. Belarusian - 81.2%, Russian - 11.4%, Polish - 3.9%,
Ukrainian - 2.4%, Others - 1.1%.
2002 Aug Russia makes proposals for a union treaty that Territory
would essentially annex Belarus into Russia. Lukashenko 207,600km2. Fertile lowland, with about 11,000
rejects it. Oct 30 A mass grave from the World War II era, lakes.
containing 12,000 bodies, is discovered at Slutsk. Nov
Belarus’ poor human rights record and its banning of the Longest river
OSCE prompt the US and 14 EU states to impose travel ban Dnieper (aka Dnipro, or Dnyapro). One of the longest
on Lukashenko and several government ministers. The ban rivers in Europe, the Dnieper rises in the Valdai Hills
stays in effect until the following April. of Russia, and flows south 2,285km through Russia,
Belarus, and Ukraine, before finally emptying into the
2004 Oct 17 In another highly suspect referendum, Black Sea.
Lukashenko gets presidential term limits scrapped, paving
the way for him to run again in 2006 elections. Dec Largest lake
Opposition politician Mikhail Marinich is sentenced to five Narach 79.6km2
years in jail for alleged theft of office equipment.
Highest point
2005 August Diplomatic row with Poland after members of Lysaya Gara (bald mountain) 365m
Belarus’ ethnic Polish community organisations are arrested
and prevented from meeting, amidst accusations they were Local time
plotting to overthrow the Belarusian government. Belarus is in the Eastern European Time Zone (GMT+2hrs),
Oct President Lukashenko visits China, building relations putting it in line with Finland, the Baltic States, Turkey
between the two countries. A congress of opposition and South Africa. Daylight Saving Time (GMT+3hrs) is
parties selects Physics professor Aleksander Milinkevish in effect from the last Sunday of March until the last
to run against Lukashenko in 2006 elections. Dec 20 Sunday of October.
Lukashenko signs an amendment to the criminal code that

July 2008 - July 2009

12 Where to stay
Accommodation is usually the biggest budget-buster
in this otherwise reasonably cheap city. Prices can be Symbol key
truly out-of-whack: people often end up paying an arm
and a leg for a room that hasn’t been renovated since P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted
Brezhnev’s time. Part of the problem is the state’s near O Casino H Conference facilities
monopoly on the industry. Another problem is the dis-
criminatory pricing system which sees foreigners charged T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled
twice as much as Belarusians and CIS residents for the F Fitness centre L Guarded parking
same shabby, cigarette-burned hovel. Luckily things are
changing, and if you shop around a bit, you can usually R LAN connection G Non-smoking rooms
find a reasonable deal on a decent room, sometimes K Restaurant J Central location
even one with up-to-date furnishings. The cheaper places
tend to be out of the centre. Thankfully taxis in Minsk are D Sauna C Swimming pool
also quite cheap. I Fireplace W Wireless Internet access
We’ve listed prices here in US dollars, but in almost all
cases hotels only accept payment in Belarusian roubles X Smoking section
or by credit card. Another local nuance you should be
aware of is the prevalence of prostitutes, especially in
the larger hotels. Don’t be surprised if you get a phone Juravinka (Журавинка) B-2, Yanki Kupaly 25
call late at night offering you some ‘company’. (Янки Купалы 25), tel. 328 69 00, fax 227 55 42,, Spoiled,
Upmarket decadent Westerners welcome! For luxury and comfort, this
small but smart downtown hotel attached to the Juravinka
Crown Plaza Minsk (Краун Плаза Минск) D-2, business and recreation complex is a tough one to beat.
Kirova 13 (Кирова 13), MPloschad Nezavisimosti Its single and double rooms are comfy affairs, and even
(Площадь Независимости), tel. 200 53 54, fax 200 come with an unheard-of bonus: adjustable climate control.
80 60, Minsk’s first international hotel If you have money to burn, you can dip into the realm of
chain sets new standards which will have some of its rivals the surreal by booking the presidential suite, which has
seething with envy. The two-floor Presidential Suite, with its own glass-covered swimming pool. Q 18 rooms (13
its private lift and sauna, is the last word in luxury and will singles US$190, 4 doubles US$270, 1 suite US$1200).
no doubt put up many a visiting head of state and megalo- PJAFLK
maniacal pop star. Standard rooms are also well furnished
and equipped and come quite reasonably priced by Western Minsk(Минск) D-1, Nezavisimosti 11 (Независимости
standards. The Crowne Plaza’s convenient downtown location 11), M Ploschad Nezavisimosti (Площадь
and outstanding facilities, which include a swimming pool, fit- Независимости), tel. 209 90 78, fax 209 99 111,
ness centre, spa, business centre and glitzy nightclub, should, Are we
ensure it is regularly booked out. Q Standard singles €225, still in Minsk? This grand hotel with stylish subdued marble in
standard doubles €260, club room €289, deluxe rooms €300 the foyer and classy coffee-and-cream decor in all the rooms
-340. POJHAFLKCW could have you believing that you are in any western city. Until
you step out the door. Some rooms have views of the adja-
Hotel D’Europe (Европа) С-2, Internatsionalnaya, cent Independence Square, but all have satellite television,
28 (Интернациональная, 28), MOktyabraskaya minibar, air conditioning and nice firm beds. The ‘superior’
(Октябрьская), tel. 229 83 39, fax 229 83 34, info@ rooms are worth considering for having even larger beds., The newly opened Other facilities include a fitness and sauna centre (weights,
and superbly located five-star Hotel D’Europe is one of cardio, green bubbling vat and both Turkish and Finnish style
Minsk’s finest hotels. The lovely atrium-like lobby includes saunas), business centre and a helpful English-speaking guest
a towering painting of Minsk in a quasi-historic style. The relations person who will help you with just about anything.
level of service is excellent, while the impressive facilities Breakfast included, and it’s edible. Q258 rooms (singles $165
include a well-equipped fitness centre and swimming - 185, doubles $215, triples $390-450, suites 270 - 1075).
pool, business centre, underground parking and five bars HJARFLGKD
in which to unwind and sample some of the local tipples.
Hotel D’Europe also boasts some of the best views to be Victoria (Виктория) G-2, Prospekt Pobediteley 59
had in Minsk. Q 67 rooms: 13 singles €265, 11 doubles (Победителей 59), tel. 204 88 44, fax 204 88 33,
€310, 7 twins €353, 25 deluxe rooms €465, 9 suites, If the
€526, 1 apartment €588, 1presedential suite €1,150. Graduate wanted to book a naughty weekend in Minsk with
PJHAFLKCW Mrs. Robinson (or her daughter, or maybe both at once)
this would be the place. It would also be the place for his
IBB (Internationale Bildungs-und Begeg- father and her husband to do business. It might be one of
nungsstätte) not on the map-close to J-1, Gazety Minsk’s newest hotels (opened in July 2007), but it proudly
Pravda 11 (Газеты Правда 11), tel. 270 39 94, fax glistens with exciting late-60’s décor. Very time-trippy,
270 39 95,, As if to demonstrate but also very opulent. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near
that Germany has more to offer than BMWs with blacked-out the centre of town. But if you want to hide in your room,
windows, the German Association for International Education you’ll be happy with flat-screen televisions, minibar, brand-
and Exchange set up this spiffing hotel and conference centre. spanking new furniture and swish bathrooms. Q 169
The rooms are clean, bright and somehow both stylish and rooms (115 singles US$145-165, 45 doubles US$185, 8
austere, with some having a very modern-art-minimalist suites US$225-570).PHAFLGKDCW
theme to them. It can feel a bit 1980s, but that’s futuristic in
Minsk. The attached Westfalia restaurant is a big plus, but
the sleeping-district location isn’t. 35 rooms (singles US$79,
doubles US $109). HAUKD

Minsk In Your Pocket

Where to stay 13

40 Let Pobedy (40 лет Победы) H-4, Azgura 3
(Азгура 3), MPloshyad Pobedy (Площадь Победы), tel.
294 79 63. They could just as well call it 40 Years of Tackiness,
but this place isn’t quite that old and the way things are going, it
might just get tackier as the years march on. In a building that
could easily be mistaken for another apartment block, it offers
rooms of various quality (hence the strange price structure).
Cheaper rooms are shabby with no TV. Apartments have spa
baths, bidets and a strange common area with sofas and UV
lights, which looks exactly like a mafia hangout from an 80s
action film. Breakfast isn’t served, but you can buy something
in the cheap lobby café. Q50 rooms (20 singles US$75, 30
doubles US$120). K

Belarus(Беларусь) A-1, Stor ozhevskaya 15

(Сторожевская 15), tel. 209 76 93/ 209 76 50, info@, Looming over
the Svisloch like an enormous concrete bat, the city’s trade-
mark hotel is a defining part of the Minsk skyline and offers
such classy amenities as a mini water park, dodgy nightclub
and sky-high restaurant offering amazing panoramic views of
the city. Economy class rooms are done up in Soviet Ghastly,
with tiling installed by drunken trolls. Sadly, the hotel will be Lounging around town, Minsk-style.
demolished at some point in the near future to make way
for an ambitious new four-tower hotel and business centre Planeta (Планета) G-2, Prospekt Pobediteley 31
complex which some people claim may be up to 60 storeys (Победителей 31), tel. 203 85 87/ 226 78 53, fax 226
tall. See this wonderful and somewhat delapidated landmark 77 80,, www.hotelplaneta.
while you can. Q520 rooms: 258 singles US$70-125, 131 by. They seem to have Minsk confused with the Mediter-
doubles US$140-230, 38 suitesUS$170-300, 5 apartments ranean. Maybe it’s the view of the river? The entrance is
US$ 565. HAUFGKDC very grand Greek style, while the recently renovated rooms
seem to have been attacked by a flock of flouncy Italians
Oktyabrskaya (Октябрьская) C-2, Engelsа 13 with a bottomless account at Mama’s Furniture Emporium.
(Энгельса 13), MKupalovskaya (Купаловская), Renovation is on-going, leading to a baffling array of quality
tel. 222 32 89, fax 227 33 14. A perfect example of levels. A few rooms remain that ensure that this hotel can’t
Soviet practicality, the amenity-packed October offers a quite manage four-star status, but most are easily above
billiard bar, gift shop, tourist agency and even a hairdresser the advertised three-star standard. Other features include
in case you ladies want to go for that classic 1980s rocker a Swedish business centre, Hertz rental office and a 1994
look that seems to be all the rage here. The interior also letter from the then President Bill Clinton saying ‘gosh it was
dates from that era, with dark corridors and a mysterious nice, and thanks for having me’. Q311 rooms (101 singles
smoke odour that couldn’t be identified. One the other hand, US$65-90, 84 doubles US$82-96, 39 suitesUS$120-150, 6
there’s plenty of closet space, in-room fridge, satellite TV apartments US$180-620). OHALKD
and wallpaper with weird swirly flower patterns. Paranoids
will appreciate the well-guarded downtown location right U Fontana (У фонтана) H-2, Amuratorskaya 4
next to the president’s office. Q103 rooms (45 singles (Амураторская 4), tel. 203 09 58/ 203 58 18, fax 203
US$ 55-69, 56 doubles US$67-122, 2 triples US$175). 14 74,, At last, a
HJALK healthy refuge in this vodka and potato pancake culture. Opened
in 2005, this tiny hotel attached to a fitness centre is perfect for
Orbita (Орбита) H-1, Pushkina 39 (Пушкина 39), aerobics bunnies and muscle-heads. It even has its own ‘sports
MPushkinskaya (Пушкинская), tel. 252 39 33/ 257 restaurant’. That said, even a slob with a beer gut or an In Your
14 20,, www.orbita-hotel. Pocket editor is welcome here, and will definitely appreciate the
com. Come here to meet George Jetson, rub shoulder pads sparkling, high-quality rooms, relatively central location and spa
with jet-setting rock stars and crime lords, or bump into bath. Q18 rooms (7 singles US$60, 9 doubles US$82-102, 2
miscellaneous space cadet types who can’t get over what suites US$150-262). FKDC
the future was supposed to look like in 1962. It’s a bit trippy
and will require a trip on the efficient metro to get to, but it Yubileynaya (Юбилейная) B-1, Pobediteley 19
offers a range of rooms from fair-value, clean and tidy basic (Победителей 19), tel. 226 90 24, fax 226 91 71, info@
business rooms to the most expensive hotel room in the, The décor in the
country with its own gym and sauna. There’s also a sauna and rooms of this hotel seems to have been designed to encourage
conference facilities for up to 50 persons, humanoids, droids, sleep. Basic rooms have lots of brown, beige and … oh, excuse
cosmic princesses or whatever. Q200 rooms (41 singles me, I just yawned … grey. The ‘posh’ rooms have a splash
US$76-91, 140 doublesUS$85-137, 24 suitesUS$190-200, of mint green here and there to stop guests dying of visual
2 apartmentsUS$500). OHALKC boredom. But while it’s a bit dreary, everything is comfortable
and the hotel comes with a good range of services. It’s a good
compromise between not-very-central location and not-very- expensive price, and the ideal place for accountants. Tattoos
and other ‘professional’ services available in the lobby. Q
clickandbuy 230 rooms (119 singles US$59-92, 83 doubles US$79-118,
19 suites US$153-243). OJHALK

July 2008 - July 2009

14 Where to stay
Low budget said, the ladies who work at reception are friendly enough,
and the scent of cooking noodles (the cleaning ladies’ lunch)
Sputnik (Спутник) J-2, Brilevskaya 2 (Брилевская wafts through the corridors, covering the otherwise musty
2), tel. 220 36 19. Once again our plot to see the rooms at smell. Rooms are basic and worn, with each two sharing
Sputnik was foiled - this time by a receptionist who became shower/WC. The more expensive ‘pol-lux’ rooms are defined
completely flustered when a guest needed, of all things, to by having a TV, phone and some kind of fridge-like apparatus.
pay by credit card. Judging by the lobby though, some re- Q 44 rooms (singles US$80, doubles US$130, lux US$160).
modelling may have been done in the last five years, and the No breakfast. K
place seems to be popular with budget tourists from Russia.
Q162 rooms (singles US$ 66 - 128, doublesUS$ 94- 125, Zvezda (Звезда) not on the map-close to J-1, Gazety
suite rooms US$160). AD Pravda 47 (Газеты Правда 47), tel. 272 85 42/ 270
74 85. Zvezda is a bit far from things, on the southwestern
Turist (Турист) J-6, Par tizansky Prospekt 81 edge of the city, and the building looks like it was plucked right out
(Партизанский проспект 81), MPar tizanskaya of downtown Mogadishu. But the rooms here are clean and well
(Партизанская), tel. 295 40 31/ 295 40 05, office@ maintained, and guests can use a spa bath, sauna, solarium and, Tourist is your massage. Apparently there’s some kind of privatisation going on
typical, large-scale Minsk hotel where Al Bundy look-alikes too - small dental clinics now crowd the lower floors. Management
in cheap suits follow you around and bark at you when you claim to have 146 beds available, which we’re guessing means
turn down the wrong corridor. Still, the ladies at reception there are around 70 rooms. Q100 rooms (43 singles US$20,
are friendly enough, and the quick metro ride (4 stops) to the 64 doubles US$40, 1 triple US$78). Singles, doubles US$20 - 70,
centre makes this one of the best deals in town. The lobby 3 lux rooms US$70-100. No breakfast. HAD
has currency exchange and a buffet. If you get thirsty, try the
bar in the second floor casino rather than the over-priced
restaurant, which is usually booked by a drunken wedding Apartment rental
party anyway. Q306 rooms (157 singles US$32 - 53, 106 Short term apartment rental can be a hell of a lot cheaper
doubles US$43 - 85, triples US$51 - 68, 43 suites US$, 1 than springing for a hotel, especially for longer stays. This
apartment US$). OAK option comes with its own risks though - a lot of the agents
out there will happily take your money just to put you in
Dirt cheap touch with an apartment owner, who charges his own fee.
Also, make sure the agency can get you that all-important
Zhelon (Желонь) (Желонь) H-1, Odoyevskovo 52 visa registation stamp - usually provided by hotels.
(Одоевского 52), MPushkinskaya (Пушкинская),
tel. 252 94 27, fax 252 04 59. The Agriculture Ministry’s Private Apartments
dormitory is in an out-of-the-way area that’s next to the Several apartments of different standards in Minsk and other
Bavaria restaurant, some dogs and not much else. That major Belarus cities.

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Minsk In Your Pocket

Restaurants 15

Eating out in Minsk is no longer the outright horror

that it once was. There now seems to be two kinds of Symbol key
restaurants: those that get it, and those that don’t.
Generally the newer restaurants are the ones to go for, P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted
as they understand that a combination of a fun atmo- E Live music S Take away
sphere, good food and friendly service is the ticket to
success in the tucker industry. Shabby old dumps, how- T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled
ever, still persist in offering mediocre food and surly G Non-smoking W Wireless Internet access
service among what are rapidly becoming novelty So-
viet surroundings. Such places are almost worth it for X Smoking place B Outside seating
a laugh.Be aware that pretty much all restaurants list I Fireplace J Old town location
garnishes (such as chips, vegetables, rice, little blobs
of butter to go on your bread and so on) as separate
items, and the cost of these can quickly add up. Also
be aware of entertainment. It’s generally excruciatingly Saigon (Сайгон) H-4, Voiskovoy 12 (Войсковой 12), tel.
awful and can turn dinner into torture. Eat early, say 286 00 39. A brick cellar that, with the exception of a few sticks
before 20:00, to avoid the acts. Oh - and whatever you of bamboo and some goldfish, isn’t Vietnamese at all. There are
do, don’t drink locally produced soft drinks. They will some noodly things in the menu but they’re mixed up with local
make you explode from both ends. Belarusian cuisine and Jewish dishes. Say hello to the wooden
elephant with broken tusks. The menu isn’t in English, and the
American staff struggle with translations, so it’s best kept as an option for
a night out with local friends. QOpen 09:00 - 22:00.
Rock House Café (Рок Хаус Кафе) C-1, Nemiga
12 (Немига 12), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 200 45 68/ Uzbekiston(Узбекистон) C-3, Yanki Kupaly 17 (Я.
686 42 10, An American diner style Купалы 17), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), tel. 227
place with a little sushi bat tucked away to one side. The 73 14. One of the accidental benefits of slapping together the
menu will be pleasing to many foreigners with burgers, grilled USSR was that fantastic cuisine from places like Uzbekistan
meats, and some Mexican dishes. Rock, jazz and other ‘old got imported to places like Belarus. Expect touches of exotic,
but good’ music fires up around 21:00, at which time you’ll Central Asian ambience along with some pretty tasty food.
have to pay an entry fee. Bright furniture, friendly staff, and The belly dancing might not be authentically Uzbek, but it’s
good times. You might even meet a Russki Fonzie. QOpen still cheaper than watching go-go dancers at a club. QOpen
08:00 - 06:00. JA 12:00 - 24:00. JAE

Saloon (Салун) В-1, Pobediteley 21 (Победителей Vrata Drakona (Врата Дракона) G-4, Kuibysheva
21), tel. 203 89 68, Incongruously 35 (Куйбьшева), tel. 288 25 74/284 91 52. The
situated on the ground floor of the imposing Trade Union ‘Dragon’s Gate’ is the best Chinese restaurant in town. That’s
Headquarters with its giant hammer and sickle symbol, not saying much, but really, it’s quite good. A real Chinese chef
Saloon is actually a good place for a bite should you hap- whips up all manner of tasty treats and they are served in a
pen to be passing. It overdoes the American theme a gorgeous dining room. Lots of red and gold, tasselled lamps
bit with dishes like ‘Veal in Cowboy Style’ and ‘Montana and, if you suddenly feel the desire to have a Japanese tea
Salad’, but the food is good value for money, and there are ceremony in a Chinese restaurant, a separate little tea room.
live blues and rock bands at weekends. QOpen , Mon, QOpen 13:00 - 24:00. AK
Tue, Wed, Sun 12:00 - 24:00, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 - 03:00.
A taste of the past
T GI F ( Ф р а й д и с ) C - 2 , N e z a v i s i m o s t i 2 2 Bomond (Бомонд ) C-2, Engelsa 12 (Энгельса 12),
(Независимости 22), MKupalovskaya (Купаловская), MKupalovskaya (Купаловская), tel. 227 58 94. Just a
tel. 227 23 31. Silly hats, klaxons, loud shirts and all the short march from the president’s palace and a real trip back
other nonsense that those who know this American chain will into Soviet times. Push past the big carved wooden doors to
have come to expect. The formula is unchanged here with enter the gloomy babushka-decorated box with stained glass
decent food such as burgers, chicken wings, steaks and ribs, windows, carefully laid tablecloths and no menus or service in
although not served in left-pondian proportions. Worth it for English. The girl who didn’t serve us was, however, very friendly
the New York cheesecake alone. A good choice if you want to about being so useless. Worth popping in only for a glimpse
play it safe and go somewhere where you know exactly what of the past. QOpen 11:00 - 24:00. JPK
you’re going to get. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. JABX
Asian Graffin (Графин) G-4, Kulman 11 (Кульман 11), tel.
Jomolungma (Джомолунгма) G-4, Gikalo 7 289 55 55. Something akin to being inside Willy Wonka’s brain.
(Гикало 17), MYakuba Kolasa (Якуба Коласа), tel. But a little less sweet. The furniture has been fashioned from
280 53 88, Just the kind of Asian oversized fruit loops and the scraps from the bargain basement
restaurant Minsk has been waiting for, Jomolungma is a of a Bedouin blanket stall, and it’s all nuttier than a Cadbury
well-orchestrated affair set in a cheerful room of explosive Picnic bar. We wouldn’t be surprised if the waitstaff turned out to
colours. The outstanding food is mainly Tibetan, with a few be Oompah-Loompahs riding on midget camels, but didn’t stick
Nepalese, Indian and Thai choices thrown in. Hot towels around long enough to find out. They allegedly offer food that is
precede your meal, and tea comes in a tiny pot set on European and Belarusian. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PGKX
a wooden platform. Then management ruin the experi-
ence by playing a synthesised rendition of ‘Jesus Christ
Superstar’, just to remind you that you’re still in Minsk.
QOpen 12:00 - 05:00. PAEBK

July 2008 - July 2009

16 Restaurants
Minsk (Минск) D-1, Nezavisimosti 11 (Hotel Minsk, Traktir na Parkovoy(Трактир на Парковой) B-1,
ground floor), MPloshchad Nezavisimosti (Площадь Prospekt Pobediteley 11(Победителей 11), MNemiga
Независимости), tel. 209 90 42. Worth visiting if (Немига), tel. 203 69 91/ 203 82 51. It’s supposed to
only for a peek at the Soviet grandeur of cubical columns look like ‘grandmother’s place in the country’, which might
and spaceship-shaped chandeliers. Or for the view of the explain the live rooster running around the yard or, at a stretch,
wonderful Central Post and Telegraph Office. Or for the the aquarium full of carp. But it doesn’t really account for the
breakfast buffet (33,000BYR). Or for the crockery. Or for, um, screaming Gypsy band on stage, or the group of German
the atmosphere. Or, oh dear, we’re out of space. QOpen tourists smiling politely and pretending to have a good time.
07:30 - 23:00. JAK If you want to sample the pelmeni, shashlyk and Belarusian
national food served here, we suggest avoiding the 20:00
Pan Khmeliu (Пан Хмелю) C-2, Internatsionalnaya - 23:00 time slot when either the Gypsies or a Belarusian
11(Интернациональная 11), tel. 226 78 74. A trip duet are inflicting brain damage on the customers. QOpen
to Pan Khmeliu is like a time warp back to the 80s, the last 12:00 - 24:00. JABK
time the place was remodelled and the last time the waiter
changed his shirt. Still, this is a popular place to come for U Franciska (У Франциска) C-2, Nezavisimosti 19
huge portions of excellent pan-Slavic food and all the live (Независимости 19), tel. 222 48 02. If you’ve been
entertainment you can stand. Crowds keep it roaring until looking for the biggest tourist trap in Minsk, you’ve found it!
late into the night, though it may close before the stated It’s not that there’s anything wrong with this place - it’s a
04:00 if the last customer passes out earlier. QOpen 12:00 cosy cellar restaurant with folksy décor and, it has to be said,
- 02:00. PJAK good food. Just be prepared to pay high prices and expect
to be changed extra for everything (sauce, rice, etc). A tacky,
Rakovsky Brovar (Раковский бровар) В-2, Viteb- plastic-encased menu holds colour photocopies of each
skaya 10 (Витебская 10), tel. 328 64 04. This charm- dish. The deruny (thick, potato pancakes) were excellent. If
ing if unremarkable-looking restaurant is also Minsk’s best you’re an alcoholic, you can order a ‘metre of vodka’, though
microbrewery. It produces four brews on the premises, such it’s presumably for more than one drinker. QOpen 10:00
as Grashovoe (11%), Pilzenskoe (13%), and the highly-recom- - 23:00. JAIEK
mended dark Staravilenskoe (13%). The food is standard
Belarusian grub, but it somehow tastes great on a warm
summer evening. A lovely place for a relaxed meal. QOpen Buffet express
12:00 - 24:00. PALEBX Krinitsa Ekspress (Криница Экспресс) C-2, Ne-
zavisimosti 18 (Независимости 18), MOktyabrskaya
Talaka Straunya (Талака Страуня) С-1, Rakovs- (Октябрьская), tel. 227 16 08. Perfect for anyone with
kaya 18 (Раковская 18)/ 203 27 94. An eclectic cellar an iron stomach and a nearly empty wallet, this downtown
restaurant with a hunting theme (stuffed bunny rabbits are cafeteria serves all the grizzly local favourites. Try the fish in
among its décor victims), Straunya Talaka is one to seek out jelly. Go on, we dare you. Cheap beer served upstairs. QOpen
for its scrumptious food and unusual atmosphere. Tables 11:00 - 23:00. JA
are made from old beds, carriages and the like, and what’s
served on them is mostly potato snacks and skewered Lido (Лидо) G-4, Nezavisimosti 49, kor 1 (Независимости
meats. A bit pricier than elsewhere. Reservations are a good 49, к. 1), MYakuba Kolasa (Якуба Коласа), tel. 284 82
idea since this small place tends to get booked up. QOpen 08/ 284 82 64,, Minsk truly
10:00 - 02:00. PA needed a place like Lido. For those of you who aren’t familiar
with this successful Latvian chain, Lido’s philosophy is to serve
an absolutely enormous selection of foods - pizza, pork chops,
Expat avenue ice-cream, you name it - all in a fun, folksy cafeteria set-up, and
all for a bargain price. A staff equalling the population of Riga
buzz around the dining room ready to whisk away your plate the
Il Patio (IL Патио) C-2, Nezavisimosti 22 (Незави- instant the last morsel of food goes into your mouth. QOpen
симости 22), MKupalovskaya (Купаловская), tel. 11:00 - 23:00. B
227 17 91. You really can’t go wrong here - central loca-
tion, friendly prices, efficient service, cosy brick décor Maxi Bis (Макси Бис ) C-2, Prospekt Pobediteley1
... what more could you ask? Formerly ‘Patio Pizza’, this (пр. Победителей 1), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 206
popular restaurant and meeting place still serves some 45 53. ‘Bis’ as in ‘bistro’ but they were too busy to finish the
of the best pizza in town, though as the new name sug- word. That says a lot about this small, popular, fast-paced
gests they have plenty of other Italian dishes too. It also eatery where sandwiches, draniki (potato pancakes) and
has some of the freshest, best-tasting salads in Minsk. meatballs are hastily scoffed down by loud groups of students
QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. JA and other rouble-strapped types while swigging cheap beer
out of plastic glasses.QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. JBS
Pechki Lavochki (Печки-лавочки) C -2,
Nezavisimosti 22 (Независимости 22), MKup
alovskaya(Купаловская), tel. 227 78 79, www. Bulgarian A bit barnyard and cottage, but Gabr ovo (Габрово) F-5, Nezavisimosti 81
really rather nice, especially if you get a seat by the (Независимости), tel. 287 30 53/ 287 30 54. Although
window where you can enjoy the view as much as the Gabrovo claims to be Bulgarian, the menu is really just a
tasty food. Expect plenty of tasty soups, juicy grilled generic East European mishmash of mayonnaise-drenched
meats and other hearty Czech and Slavic style meals. salads and fatty cutlets. Still, the portions are generous, the
They also have what they call ‘beer rooms’, where you prices reasonable, and the atmosphere has a tacky sort of
are welcome to quaff Czech beer and be noisy without charm about it, with lots of starchy table clothes and plastic
upsetting anyone. Recommended. QOpen 08:00 vines wrapped around the rafters. A few years ago this would
- 24:00. JAEK have been considered classy. QOpen 10:00 - 24:00, Sat,
Sun 11:00 - 24:00.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Restaurants 17

Caucasian Upmarket
Verba (Верба) F-3, Kropotkina 51 (Кропоткина 51),
tel. 234 34 67, fax 234 69 95. A favourite place to come Europa restaurant (ресторан г-цы “Европа”)
for shashlyk, that tasty, shish-kebab-like dish that originated С2, Internatsionalnaya 28 (Интернациональная
in the mountains of the Caucasus (think Georgia, Armenia, 28), MOktyabraskaya (Октябрьская), tel. 229 84
Azerbaijan) and became a culinary hit all over the USSR. Tiny, 31. Classy in a stilted, stifling sort of way. Europa tries
cosy and well worth a visit. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00. A just a little too hard to be elegant and sophisticated (we
grimaced while watching a waitress struggle with one
hand to open a plastic bottle of water balanced on a silver
Fast Food tray). Concentrate on the excellent food instead, such as
Byblos (Библос) C-2, Internatsionalnaya 21 the fried camembert with sesame and raspberry sauce,
(Интернациональная 21), MOktyabrskaya(Октярь or the kebab with tiger prawns. The a la carte menu is
ская), tel. 289 12 18,, www.byblos. pricey, but there is a much cheaper, if very limited, set
by. A bright, busy, noisy Lebanese kebab house where you lunch option. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PJA
can fill your belly without emptying your wallet. Along with the
kebab and salad plates you can get a decently priced chicken Falcone (Фальконе) С1, Korolya 9 (Короля 9),
shawarma plate with chips and chichtawook (chicken legs), tel. 377 77 76, fax 200 29 99,
among many other goodies. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. JA When we asked why there were two formidable-looking
security guards patrolling the entrance, we were cryptically
McDonald’s (Мак Дональдс) C-2, Nezavisi- informed: “To protect our guests.” Falcone is a seriously
mosti 23 (Независимости 23), MOktyabraskaya lavish Italian restaurant for people with serious amounts
(Октябрьская), tel. 217 65 28. The local McMecca for of roubles to burn. But although the food is impressive, it’s
spotty youth on weekend evenings. The outisde tables are hard not to be bothered by the sheer ostentatiousness of
a good spot to watch the world go by. Also at Surganova the place, surrounded as it is by crumbling old Krushosvski
63 (Сурганова 63), tel. 217 55 50, open 08:00 - 24:00. on a drab residential street. A taste of the Minsk to come.
Dzerzhinskogo 96 (Дзержинского 96), tel. 217 63 50, open QOpen 12:00 - 02:00. PTALBW
07:00 - 24:00. Nemiga 12 (Немига 12), tel. 217 84 71, open
08:00 - 24:00. Pritickogo 28 (Притыцкого 28), tel. 210 20 Juravinka (Журавинка) B-2, Yanki Kupaly 25 (Я.
05, open 07:00 - 24:00. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat Купалы 25), tel. 328 68 86, For
07:00 - 24:00. JB overblown formality, Belarusian style, the grand restaurant
in the Juravinka business complex takes the prize. That’s
Rostok (Росток) D-1, Leningradskaya 7 (Ленинградская not to say you won’t have a quality experience here - top-
7), M Ploshchad Nezavisimosti(Площадь notch chefs, silly dance numbers and all. They probably
Независимости), tel. 206 62 63. It’s the one on the even have doctors standing by when they give you the bill.
corner with the portly moon-faced cartoon man holding a knife (If they don’t, they should.) But you don’t have to spend
and fork. You won’t get a knife or fork inside, however, as it’s through the nose to have a good time here. You can throw
a fast-food, eat-with-your-hands kind of joint. For those who a few gutter balls in the bowling club downstairs, or try the
have just arrived at the train station weary and hungry it’s a more affordable dining in the Lasunak café (also a decent
great place to top-up without having to worry about language drinking place), which has picture-perfect riverside seating
difficulties, weird foods or waiting. There’s a point-to-order when the weather is warm. QOpen 19:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat
menu, the young staff generally speak English, and everything 19:00 - 05:00. Closed Mon. JAEBK
is clean, efficient, cheap and as-expected of this kind of place.
QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. J Renaissance (Ренессанс) C-2, Pl. Svobody 23
(пл. свободы 23), MOktyabrskaya(Октябрьская),
tel. 227 09 91. If Bill Gates and Al Capone wanted to
French do lunch in Minsk, this is where it would happen. Built in a
La Crête d’or (Золотой гребешок) C-2, Lenin former monastery print shop, Renaissance is a haven of
3 (Ленина 3), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), tel. beautiful columns, soft lighting and carpets, all working to
227 32 04. The name suggests it is the highest cock, but create a level of opulence that will drive many of you into
somehow that sounds a bit too coarse for this fine and refined fits of nervous laughter. Specialities like filet mignon in
restaurant. Expect softly spoken men in black roll-neck skiv- cherry sauce and lamb with cognac sauce are served to the
vies perusing a menu that is too good to be translated into sound of tinkling piano music. Guests can also escape to the
English (you’ll have to read it in Russian or French, darling). billiards room or sink into a leather sofa in the cigar room.
Both kitchen and waitstaff are internationally trained, the For the same experience without such a heavy financial im-
environment is exquisite and the prices are not as strato- pact, come for the business lunch, served weekdays 12:00
spherically high as one might expect. A perfect choice for a - 17:00. QOpen 12:00 - 02:00. JAEGB
quality evening. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PJAX
Seventh Heaven (Седьмое небо) D-1, Nezavisi-
mosti 11 (Hotel Minsk, top floor) (Независимости
Fun & Funky 11), tel. 209 90 38/ 209 90 87. It is believed by many
Beatles Café (Битлз кафе) G-1, Timiryazova 65(ул. cultures that seventh heaven is a place where you can
Тимирязева 65), tel. 209 01 48, meet God. We came along and looked around but didn’t
All you need is love and maybe a taxi as the Beatles Café see him. Or her. Or it. Or whatever. But you can see the
isn’t quite in the centre. It’s a typical café-bar and probably pretty red church if you look out the window. It’s really a
not worth a visit unless you’re a true fan. Still, it does have a dinner and dance kind of place that’s not the most hap-
respectable number of oversized Beatles photos and framed pening venue but it’s a bit romantic. If the couple we saw
album covers. The menu claims to offer the favourite dish snog-dancing were anything to go by, they must serve
of each of the Fab Four. It could do for a surreal night out. aphrodisiacs. QOpen 18:00 - 04:00. JPEK
QOpen 11:00 - 23:00. AK

July 2008 - July 2009

18 Restaurants
James (Джеймс) F-4, Surganova 58 (Сурганова 58), Grunwald Café (Грунвальд кафе) C-2, Karla
tel. 290 28 88,, Marksa 19 (Карла Маркса 19), MOktyabrskaya/Ku-
That’s James as in James Bond, and luckily you won’t need palovskaya, tel. 210 42 55. A half-hearted attempt to
top-secret clearance to get in. This slick restaurant-bar is cash in on the greatest battle of Europe (aka Tannenberg,
decorated with neon light bars and oversized photos of the Žalgiris and “Mel Gibson’s gonna make a film about it one
various Bonds. It’s probably best to come in the evening day”). The food is a bit pricey and the atmosphere is nothing
to mingle with the cool, night-time crowd at the bar. Here special, so other than the suit of armour by the door and some
you can whisper playful innuendos while sipping (as if you photos of modern-day nutters pretending to be medieval, it
coudn’t guess) a vodka martini, shaken, not stirred. Meals actually lacks any outstanding appeal. Outdoor seating on a
for budget Bonds available till 16:00. QOpen 09:00 - 01:00. relatively quiet street is a bonus in summer. QOpen 10:00
PAKS - 23:00. PJK

London (Лондон) C-2, Nezavisimosti 18 (Незави- Gurman (Гурман) B-3, Kommunisticheskaya 7

симости 18), MKupalovskaya (Купаловская), tel. (Коммунистическая 7), tel. 290 67 74. The ‘Gourmet’
289 15 29. Once you see past the mountains of London name is a perhaps a bit of an overstatement but we can
souvenirs at this cheerful little café, you’ll notice it has two happily overlook such hyperbole. Gurman is one of the nicest
narrow levels, it’s decorated with red paint, and it has a spiral places in Minsk and would snugly fit into any Western capital.
staircase at the back - just like those famous double-decker The food is good, if not exacly haute cuisine, and includes In-
buses in Hong Kong! (er, and London). Drop in for a quick cup of dian, Italian, local, and some tickety-boo breakfasts (although
coffee from Guatemala or head upstairs to louge out. QOpen they ran out of ‘toasts’ when we visited at 11:00 one morn-
10:00 - 23:00. JBW ing). It’s casual, friendly and delightfully easy-going, and just
the sort of place you’d regularly hang out at if it were in your
German neighbourhood. Menus and staff babblings are available in a
sort-of-English. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. JAEB
Bavaria (Бавария) H-1, Odoevskovo 50 (Одоевского
50), tel. 251 21 00/ 205 03 77. It might be easier to fly Golden Age (Золотой век) D-2, Kirova 8/3 (Кирова
to Germany than to trek out to this weird part of town. Still, 8/3), tel. 227 03 33. The décor here is a bit kitsch but
the food at Bavaria comes recommended, and the barman never mind. The food is the highlight along with a pleasant
only wears his lederhosen for the promotional photos. Mains location. It’s as if the chef has taken some cues from French
like Schweine Fleisch fall into the US$20 - 25 range, and are cooking, thought ‘well, that’s not going to fill anyone up’, and
prepared by a German-trained chef. An over-40 crowd shuffles so resorted to the typical Slavic habit of making everything
in Thurs-Sat to hear the electronic keyboard ensemble. big and hearty. There’s also a decent wine list. QOpen 12:00
QOpen 12:00 - 23:30. AE - 23:00, Fri, Sat 12:00 - 03:00. J

Westfalia (Вестфалия) not on the map, Gazety Panorama (Панорама) A-1, Starozhevskaya 15 (top
Pravda 11(Газеты Правда 11), tel. 270 57 27/ 270 of hotel Belarus) (Сторожевская 15), tel. 209 76 99.
39 94, A perfect escape from the over- The iconic Hotel Belarus is a record setter in so many ways - it
bearing atmosphere - and fatty dishes - found elsewhere in has the city’s ugliest bathroom tiles, sleaziest nightclub and
the city, the restaurant attached to the IBB hotel/conference best panoramic view. To take full advantage of this last gift,
centre offers excellent, fresh food, a soft, modern interior and visit the hotel’s top floor restaurant, where European cuisine
an overall unpretentious dining experience. The German chef is served up by the friendly staff. Surprisingly, the prices here
cooks up a variety of both German and European fare. Try aren’t much different than the city average, with meals costing
the Zurich veal or the speciality, pike perch Papillote style. about US$15. Still, you’ll probably want to reserve a table and
Live jazz is performed here on Friday evenings; instrumental plan to visit before the ‘ensemble’ cranks up. QOpen 12:00
music is featured Saturdays and Sundays. Also note that - 02:00, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 - 04:00. PAEK
the breakfast buffet here may be the best in town. QOpen
07:30 - 23:00. TA Upteka (Аптека) С-2, Internatsionalnaya 9 (Интер-
национальная 9), tel. 203 11 27. Upteka claims to be
International only the second restaurant in the world on a medical theme.
With a model skeleton, oxygen tank and various other medical
Gostiny Dvor (Гостиный Двор) D-1, Sovetskaya 17 paraphernalia scattered about the place, they’ve certainly
(Советская 17), MPloshchad Nezavisimosti (Площадь gone out on a limb. But Upteka is also one of Minsk’s trendi-
Независимости), tel. 206 64 17/ 206 64 27. A swish est new bars, with a young, laidback crowd, and a perpetual
swashbuckler of a cellar restaurant that offers a sense of play-list of groovy downloads. It has a roomy, airy feel in which
ancient regalia, a medieval mural and a beautifully decorated to enjoy a drink or decent meal. We were impressed by the
dining room. Food is top-notch and oft-scoffed by diplomats rabbit in chocolate sauce and Cyrillic eye-test in the lavatory.
and those celebrating weddings, anniversaries, the acquisi- QOpen 09:00 - 23:00. JAX
tion of a new mistress and so on. There’s a knight in armour
near the door who stands very still but we suspect might U Ratushi (У Ратуши) C-2, Gertsena 1 (Герцена
spring to life if any ruffians or people wearing sports shoes try 1), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 226 06 43, www.tifani.
to get in. Live performers keep everyone amused on weekend by/pub/. Set over three levels, this spacious and pleasant
evenings, and if you stand by the window around the corner bar/restaurant is an excellent place for a meal after an ex-
outside, you can see the performers changing into their hausting day walking around Minsk’s blister-inducingly long
costumes. QOpen 12:00 - 23:00. PJAK streets. The diverse menu is a definite notch above average,
and throws everything from chicken masala to Thai stir fry to
steak au poivre into the mix. There’s also a good selection of beers, while local bands churn out bland pop tunes and jazz
most evenings. It can get very crowded thanks to its broad
clickandbuy appeal and location slap bang in the middle of Minsk’s most
touristy area. 12:00 - 24:00. PJAEX

Minsk In Your Pocket

Restaurants 19

Vynarnia (Admiral’s vinnii bar (Винный бар у

адмирала) B-2, Svobodi 8 (Свободы 8), MOktyabr Pizza
askaya(Октябрьская), tel. 328 53 32. Tumble down the
rabbit-hole stairs for an adventure in blunderland. There’s a Freski (Фрески) C-2, Pl. Svobody 23 (entrance
rubble floor, a forest-like, fairy-tale atmosphere, little wine from Internatsionalnaya)(пл.Свободы 23), tel.
barrels that have been turned into mushroom style stools 227 81 72. There don’t seem to be any frescos in here
and a freaky toy rabbit on one of the walls. Despite the wine- but there is a bit of a nice arched brick ceiling and cellar
suggestive name, the place has a bog-standard menu with feeling, even though Freski is not actually in a cellar. There
everything from simple sandwiches to proper meaty meals. are also plenty of pizzas, salads and main courses along
Prices go up after midnight. And the coat-check man turns with a good range of cakes and desserts. If you can find
into a pumpkin. Probably. QOpen 24hrs. J a staff member who speaks English you will be treated
to excellent service. The prices are pretty good value
too. A safe bet for the unadventurous. QOpen 10:00
Italian - 01:00. JJAS
El Pomidoro (Эль Помидоро Кафе) D-1, Kirova
6 (Кирова 6), MPloshchad Nezavisimosti (Площадь O l i v o (О л и в о ) G 4 , N e z a v i s i m o s t i 4 6
Независимости), tel. 226 10 20. The Tomato is a busy (Независимости 46), tel. 284 88 41/ 688 29
restaurant near the train station that’s one step up from fast 41. The vast selection of pizzas alone makes Olivo worth
food. Ask for ‘El menu’ and then order ‘El Pizza’ or ‘El Salad’. It’s a visit. A nice, easygoing restaurant which is one of the
hardly spectacular but decent enough to fill an undiscerning best places to eat in this slightly out-the-way location.
hole. Kebabs and breakfast are also served. Expect a 15-20 The food is a fairly standard Belarusian interpretation
minute wait during the lunchtime rush. Also at Krasnaya 23, of Italian food, but the lively atmosphere and fun young
tel. 284 51 86 QOpen 09:00 - 23:00. JAB crowd make such quibbles seem almost pretentious.
QOpen 10:00 - 24:00, Sat, Sun 12:00 - 24:00.
Parmigiano (Пармиджано) B-1, Masherova 17/1 PX
(Машерова 17/1), tel. 288 10 61. The chefs come
from that bastion of fine Italian cooking, Moscow. The wine O Sole Mio (О Соле Мио) C2, Svobodi 17
list, probably one of the best in Minsk, has careful selections (Свободы 17), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 203
from all over the world and the staff know their way around 75 05/ 148 33 03. This cosy and (for Minsk) taste-
it. The menu is vast and offers the full variety of Italian cook- fully decorated little restaurant is a popular place for
ing, not just pasta. If your menu is a bit wrinkly, it might be a romantic night out. The voluminous menu offers few
the one that we dribbled on. This is where the local Mafia surprises, but the cream of (frozen) spinach soup is pretty
would dine. It’s a bit pricey, but a very nice restaurant and good, and the pizzas are passable. Be warned about the
conveniently located beneath Bronx, the best nightclub fajitas, though: they’re just a pile of sizzling meat served
and schmoozing venue in town. QOpen 12:00 - 02:00. alongside fries. With its plump sofas and quaint fresco
AEK of a pipe-playing faun, O Sole Mio is nevertheless a
good place to enjoy a relaxing meal over a glass of wine.
Perfetto (Перфетто) С-1, Romanovskaya Sloboda 1 QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PJXS
(Романовская Слобода 1), tel. 200 28 99/ 607 99
99. A slick-suited doorman ushers customers into this sort- Rainbow Cafe (Радуга кафе) D-1, Kirova 1
of-stylish, sort-of-tacky restaurant. The pizzas are excellent, (Кирова 1), MPloschad Nezavisimosty (Площадь
although the pasta and salads are poor imitations of what Независимости), tel. 328 61 44. Directly opposite
they purport to be, despite being served up on sleek crockery. the train station, but not a great option for hungry arrivals
The service is also extremely good but probably the best because there is no menu in English and the service is
reason to come to Perfetto is to see the local posers hard appalling. If you must risk it you can point to a picture
at it. They’re far more entertaining to watch than the two of a pizza on the wall to place your order. We did notice
large TV screens beside the bar which show music videos a strange smell, so be aware that there might be a pot
on a non-stop loop. The barman also helps the atmosphere of mould at the far end of the Rainbow. There are better
along with his well-rehearsed Cocktail bottle-flipping routine. options nearby. QOpen 10.00 - 23.00. J
QOpen 12:00 - 23:00. PJAX
Te m p o ( Те м п о) F - 5 , N e z a v i s i m o s t i 7 8
Voglia Matta (Воглия Матта) C-2, Pl. Svobody 17 (Независимости 78), tel. 284 04 92/255 84
(Свободы 17), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 203 87 86, 83. The name says it all – this is a fast-paced pizza café The striking futuristic/industrial look that’s popular with students from the nearby academy.
of the place makes this one of the bolder interiors in Minsk, Small, packed and highly recommended. Also at Pobe-
although there’s a more refined dining area as well for those of diteley 89 (Победителей, 89), Lobanka 94 (Лобанка,
a more conservative disposition. A better-than-average range 94), Marksa 9 (К Маркса, 9), Gromova 20 (Громова,
of pizzas and pastas, together with a location on a bustling 20), Nezavisimosti 78 (Независимости, 78) QOpen
downtown street, make this a regular favourite with locals. 08:00 - 23:00. BS
Great outdoor seating in summer, too, if you don’t mind the
traffic fumes. QOpen 12:30 - 04:00. JEBK Zio Pepe G-5, Zolotaya Gorka 14 (Золотая Горка
14,), tel. 293 72 01/ 276 45 25. Zio Pepe is a popular
chain with a cheery atmosphere and reasonable piz-
Mexican zas. Some pasta dishes and tasteless salads are also
Kanyon (Каньон) F-5, Tolbukhina 3 (Толбухина 3), served. Also at Timiryazeva 46 (Тимирязева,46), tel.
tel. 281 62 71. What, you were really expecting decent 250 38 72, Pobediteley 31 (Победителей, 31), tel.
Mexican food this far into Eastern Europe? Ha, ha, ha, haaa (29) 662 74 83, Nezavisimosti 25 (Независимости
(...cough, choke). The best they do here is some piped in Paula 2 5), te l . 2 27 02 9 5 QO p e n 1 2: 0 0 - 24: 0 0.
Abdul and a disco ball. Burritos are pricey considering they are ABS
about as Mexican as Borsch. QOpen 12:00 - 02:00.

July 2008 - July 2009

20 Restaurants

Rounding things up
A new custom has recently emerged in cafés, bars and
restaurants in which the bill is rounded up to the nearest
1,000 rouble note. Given the multiple digits involved in
even the smallest transaction, this is no bad thing. Don’t
consider it a tip but rather a minuscule service charge.
No one seems to know how or why this new custom
came about but it helps keep the wad of notes in your
wallet in trim.

Ispanski Kutok (Испанский куток) C-1, Nemiga

36 (Немига 36), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 328 48 36.
A good menu, a pleasant environment and a good location
in a complex that also offers a café and sushi restaurant.
Un-Spanish classical performers occasionally turn up to
remind you that you’re not actually in Spain. Some of the food
serves as a reminder too. You can also order Japanese from
the Planet Sushi restaurant in the same venue, or get them
to bring up (so to speak) a cake from the café downstairs.
QOpen 12:00 - 02:00. JAK

Fusion (Фьюжн) В2, Bogdanivicha 6 (Богдановича
6), tel. 334 13 52. Yet another new sushi restaurant in
sushi-obsessed Minsk. It’s the usual deal but in much nicer-
Minsk seen from a great height. than-usual surroundings. A good range of stir fry dishes at
unfashionably reasonable prices is another incentive to eat
here. You can delude yourself that you’re eating at a real sushi
bar by knocking back the plumb wine or sake. QOpen 10:00
Middle-Eastern - 23:00. PJAXS
Kasbar (Касбар) E-2, Vokzalnaya 23 (Вокзальная
23), tel. 200 81 55, fax 200 25 91. Kudos to this ‘Syrian’ Mon Café (Мон Кафе) H-2, Melnikaite 2-4
restaurant for its bubbly atmosphere and colourful, Arabian- (Мельникайте 2-4), MFrundzenskaya (Фрунзенская),
inspired décor. The menu is heavy on the shashlyk - a staple tel. 203 99 57. It’s hard to decide whether this is really a
fallback for any Minsk restaurant with a ‘southern’ or ‘Oriental’ café, a sushi bar, a nightclub or none of the above. In any
theme. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with it. The case the open two-floor plan certainly makes it loud and
main attraction, though, is the loud bellydancing show that echoey when the DJ starts cranking up the volume. Mainly
happens in the dining room. You might as well sit back and it’s a hangout for young hipsters and anyone in need of the
enjoy it - a small charge has already been added to your bill for advertised ‘most affordabel (sic) sushi’. Indeed this is cheaper
‘entrance’ to the show. QOpen 12:00 - 02:00. A than elsewhere and a peculiarly pleasant place in an Eastern
European sort of way. QOpen 12:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 12:00
Serbian - 02:00, Sun 12:00 - 24:00. PABK

Porto Maltese (Порто Мальтезе) H-4, Kozlova 3 P i n t a ( П и н т а ) С-2, Komsomolskaya 34

(Козлова 3), tel. 288 11 53/ 197 0000, www.porto- (Комсомольская 34), tel. 210 58 25. Don’t be fooled Although the management insisted this is a by the sign for Spanish beer outside, or the fact that inside
Serbian restaurant, there wasn’t much evidence for it on the Pinta looks more like a tavern and is covered from wall to
menu. No matter, for Porto Maltese is an extremely stylish wall with Soviet posters and paraphernalia. We have it on
place with arguably the best fish dishes in town, including a good authority that this is, in fact, a sushi restaurant. No one
wide selection of fresh fish on ice. It also has an amazing speaks a word of English but the staff are nonetheless very
coral reef-style fish tank to complement the marine-themed friendly and will try their best to help. Quirky fun. QOpen
interior. But there is nothing at all fishy about Porto Maltese. 12:00 - 02:00. PJ
It’s behind a modern art museum so expect a cosmopolitan
sort of crowd. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PAGX Planeta Sushi (Планета Суши) C-2, Nezavisimosti 18
(Независимости 18), tel. 210 56 45, www.planetasushi.
by. Clean, bright, modern, stylish and foreigner-friendly. These
Spanish / Latin American novel new restaurants can get a bit rowdy when locals swarm
Casa Agustin Lopez H-4, Zakharova 31(Захарова in to laugh at each other trying to use chopsticks, but generally
31), tel. 233 95 84/ 177 77 55. They’ve packed in all a slick and sophisticated atmosphere prevails. Waitresses are
manner of Spanish clichés but fortunately have stopped short dressed up in space-kimonos. The menu is pictographic, so you
of wearing silly costumes or charging like wounded bulls. Food can choose and point – and there’s more than just sushi. They
is mildly authentic, reasonably priced and quite pleasing for were setting up outdoor seating on the Independence location
us gringo types. The menu is in English and has pictures for during our last visit. One of the most foreigner-friendly outfits
the linguistically or culinarily challenged. Flamenco and Salsa in town. Also at Nemiga 36 (Немига 36), tel. 206 48 36, open
parties fire up on weekend evenings. QOpen 12:00 - 03:00. 12:00 - 24:00. Lenina 3 (Ленина 3), tel. 220 27 37, open 12:00
PALBX - 24:00.QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. PJAB

Minsk In Your Pocket


Banana Café (Банана кафе) B-2, Storozhevskaya Moka Lokka (Мока Локка) C-1, Nemiga 36 (Немига
7(Сторожевская 7), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 289 50 36), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 328 48 36. A bright and
79. It’s certainly bent, but more bruised-banana brown than fizzy café with pretty young things swilling about the modern
happy-smiley yellow. We don’t know what goes on behind the interior. There’s tea, coffee and cakes in abundance, and you
mirrored VIP door downstairs, but upstairs is a dark café with can also order from the Planet Sushi or Spanish Restaurant
a litter of wooden cottage-style tables and chairs. Twigs on in the same building. With Yukos’s Minsk headquarters next
the ceiling add a rustic fire-hazard charm. It looks like there’s door, it’s also a good place to catch up on the very latest
a nice outdoor seating area, but it wasn’t being used when gossip from the Russian energy sector. Q Open 08:00
we visited in May. No menus in English, and we don’t know if - 02:00. JA
the staff speak English because they didn’t bother to actually
serve us. It’s also one of the few places in Minsk that does My English Granny (Моя английская бабушка)
water pipes.QOpen 10:00 - 05:00. PABK С-2, Mar ska 36 (Маркса 36), MKupalovskaya
(Купаловская), tel. 227 22 24/ 227 55 37. Granny’s
Café Beze (Безе Кафе) C-2, Nezavisimosti 18 still got a bit of spunk left in her yet. Just look at this place.
(Независимости 18), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), Sure, it’s a bit frilly and they serve your food on paper doilies,
tel. 328 64 09. Beze bills itself as ‘a gallery of sweet mas- but somehow the place is kinda cool and groovy. It attracts
terpieces’ and that’s a fairly accurate summary of what this young hipsters who drink juice and have pillowfights and just
nice old-fashioned café is all about. It specialises in all kinds of seem to feel very comfortable here. Probably because it’s just
Austrian desserts including strudels and the like. Inexpensive like Granny’s place. Flick through the packed-with-classics
Belarusian meals are also served in case you feel guilty about photo-album menu (worth a visit in its own right), pick and
not finishing all your vegetables first. QOpen 10:00 - 01:00, partake. A good option for breakfast or just couching around
Sun 11:00 - 01:00. JAB with friends at any time. Good on ya, Grandma! QOpen
09:00 - 23:00. J
Coffee Inn C-2, Internatsionalnaya 23 (Интернациона-
льная 23), tel. 227 40 41. The somewhat striking interior News Cafe (Ньюс Кафе) C-2, Karla Marksa 34 (К.
can be charming or hallucinogenic depending on your mood. Маркса 34), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), tel. 227
But Coffee Inn does what any half-decent café is supposed 78 67. A haven for lazy or homesick foreigners. They’ve got
to - it serves a good cup of coffee. There’s also a decent English reading matter, English menus, an English breakfast
selection of cakes on offer and a curiously Russian-like tent and free WiFi. All an absolute godsend after a few days in
extension where you can sit and observe the locals leisurely Minsk. Unfortunately the menu isn’t extensive and the food
go about their business. QOpen 10:00 - 01:00, Sat, Sun isn’t great. The lunch menu, for example, has Italian style
12:00 - 01:00. JA snacks and a few burgers, all more edible than enjoyable.
There’s decent coffee, so it’s the ideal place to drop in
Dom (Дом) C-2, Central House of the Army Officers, with your laptop and WiFi-away an hour or two. The mod-
Krasnoarmeyskaya 3(Красноармейская 3), MOk- estly trendy interior and reasonable prices attract a young
tyabrskaya (Октябрьская), tel. 768 90 73. A cinema crowd. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00, Sat, Sun 08:00 - 24:00.
café where they show flicks on a wrinkled projection screen PJAXW
while groovy types scoff sushi, quaff coffee and just giggle
and gabble. Might be a cool spot to arrange a meeting with Stary Gorod (Старый город) B-2, Bogdanovicha
local friends, or find some local friends if you haven’t yet 19 (Богдановича 19), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 286
got any. Enter under the gold soviet star. A nice spot of 05 08. It’s safe to assume that any restaurant set in the
Minsk madness. Q Open 12.00 - 23.00. J town’s recreated ‘Old City’ (as this place is named) has a
certain tourist orientation, but Stary Gorod isn’t one to write
Ferz Cafe (Ферзь Кафе) B-2, Muzikalnii 1/2 off. The ‘classics’ of national cuisine arrive at your table on
(Музыкальный 1/2), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 226 a hot griddle, and most are quite sanely priced considering
50 45. The name refers to the Queen in a game of chess the location. Dine on the relaxing back terrace in summer,
and the place is about the size of a chessboard. It’s very otherwise check out seating in the funky cellar. QOpen
much an old-fashioned tea room, but really rather lovely. 11:00 - 24:00. JAB
There are 49 different coffees and about 24 different teas and
they’ll happily let you sniff them all before you order. Salads, Stary Melnitsa (Старая Мельница ) B-3, Neza-
snacks, booze and milkshakes are also available. Service is visimosti 78 (Независимости 78), tel. 284 44 40. A
pleasant even if they shyly struggle with English. QOpen long-time favourite, Old Mill is probably smaller than a real
10.00 - 23.00. J windmill, so inhale before you try to squeeze in here. Then
head up the creaky staircase at the back and grab one of
Grip (Грип) C-2, Komsomolskaya 19 (Комсомольская the little tables under the stuffed pig. Belarusian bar food is
19), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 328 37 93, air_grip@ on offer, meaning salads and shashlyk. It’s not worth going There’s a definite Italian-ness to Air Grip - after out of your way for, but if you happen to be in the area it’s a
all, it has the same owners as the Voglia Matta restaurant. charming place for a bite.QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. P
The emphasis here, though, is on ice-cream and cakes. A
strangely attractive place that attracts a diverse crowd. Stary Mensk (Старый Менск) C-2, Nezavisimosti
QOpen 09:00 - 03:00. JAX 14 (Независимости 14), MPloshchad Nezavisimosti
(Площадь Независимости), tel. 289 14 00. The
La Crete d’Or Café (Кофейня Золотой гребешок) size of a tea chest and intricately decorated with all sorts
С2, Lenina 3 (Ленина 3), tel. 105 05 03. This newly- of old coffee tins, mysterious bottles and labels stuck to
opened café is right next door to the superb French restau- the tables so you think you’re eating off a well travelled
rant of the same name. Don’t expect anything even vaguely person’s suitcase. It’s all very nice with a groovy elbows-in
resembling a French café, though. La Crête d’Or is a pleasant feeling. There are French press coffees, plenty of teas
but rather nondescript little place which does a good cup of (including authentic mate) and a few snacks. In summer
coffee and nice selection of gunk-filled pastries and cakes. . there’s a quaint bubble-like tent outside. QOpen 09:30
QOpen 11:00 - 24:00. JX - 23:00. JBX

July 2008 - July 2009

22 Nightlife
There are two defining characteristics of a night out in
Minsk: friendliness and strangeness. You’ll encounter Warm up venues
both at the same time, in the same place and in ample
portions. You’ll also notice an over-abundance of tables
and alleged entertainment. Nightclubs and bars seem to
want to be cabaret-style restaurants, and vice versa. It’s
as if the people of Minsk can’t have a good time if you’re
not sitting down. Entrance to nightclubs is often pricier
for a ticket that grants you the privilege of sitting down.
Mingling, however, is better done at the bar or on the
dance floor. Another thing to keep in mind is that Minsk is
a sprawling city. You can’t really bounce from one venue to
another in the same area - so plan your night before you
head out and aim for a specific region. Streets are safe
at night.

Zhuravinka Bowling Club (Журавинка) B-2,
Kupaly 25 (Купалы 25), tel. 328 69 09. Eight lanes
that go all ultraviolet in the evening, making for some Drozhzhi Irish pub (Дрожжи Ирландский
interesting and illuminating night-time VPL spectacles. If паб) D-1, Sverdlova 2 (Свердлова 2), MPloshchad
you don’t want to take the skinheads, go on a Friday night Lenina (Площадь Ленина), tel. 200 54 56. Every
and meet an interesting collection of mildly tanked-up Eastern European capital has its ‘genuine’ Irish pub,
expat bowling aficionados and their friends. Zhuravinka and in Minsk it’s Drozhzhi. With dark wood booths and a
bowling is also notable as having the best swivel-chairs menu offering pigs ears with peas, it may have gone a bit
in the Former Soviet Union. Q Open 13:00 - 03:00. overboard on the Irish pub ambience. But it’s a welcome
PJALKX escape for anyone willing to shell out the extra cost for
a Guiness. Live Irish folk music supposedly happens at
weekends. QOpen 09:00 - 02:00. JAE
Galereya Vin (Галерея вин) B-1, Prospekt Pobe- Kopi Gabana (Копи Габана) G-4, Nezavisi-
diteley 23 (Победителей, 23), tel. 226 63 90/ 226 mosti 71(Независимости 71), MAkademia Nauk
94 35, Wine Gallery is actually a wine (Академия наук), tel. 292 02 08. It’s supposed to
shop, but it has a small bar in the back and a handful of be ‘Copacobana’, but the theme is Spanish-village, not
wooden tables where you can enjoy a nice vintage by the Rio-beach. If you squint really hard, or look at the interior
glass. A very civilised alternative to the flashy casinos and through the bottom of a beer glass, it can actually appear
beer gardens that surround it. QOpen 10:00 - 22:00, Mon a bit like Spanish mountain cottage, or at least like what
10.00 - 20.00. J a Belarusian imagines a Spanish cottage can look like.
But it’s certainly nothing like a beach. Basically it’s a bar
Korchma (Старовиленская корчма) B-2, Staro- with a range of pizzas, various meat dishes and sushi.
vilenskaya 2 (Старовиленская 2), tel. 289 37 54. It’s cheap, often buzzing, and a good, safe and reliable
The barman evidently learned customer relations from a option. No menus in English. QOpen 11:00 - 01:00, Thu,
Siberian camp guard, but if you manage to look past this Fri, Sat 11:00 - 03:00. NX
small contribution to the overall feel-good spirit of Minsk
nightlife, Korchma can be a pleasant place to sip a brew or Skif Café (Скиф Кафе) B-3, Nezavisimosti
two. The restored house on the edge of the Old Town is a cosy 34 (Независимости 34), M Ploschad Pobedi
enough venue. Korchma really comes into its own though in (Площадь Победы), tel. 284 75 41. Opposite the
spring and summer when visitors flock here to sit out by the apartment where Lee Harvey Oswald used to live, and ad-
riverbank and enjoy the magnificent view. QOpen 10:00 jacent to a children’s park. This delightfully wicked, wacky
- 24:00. JAEB and ropey little restaurant and bar is a very cool hang-out
with a mad medieval theme. There’s rope, wrought iron,
X-ray (Икс-рей) C-2, Internatsionalnaya 27 sackcloth and wood everywhere, and a jaunty knight in
(Интернациональная 27), tel. 203 93 55. A fun and jangly armour watches over it all. The crowd is young and
funky sixties-style place with retro furniture, smooth and hip and the place is so groovy that no one cares that the
groovy music, half decent food, and a big outdoor deck food is a bit basic. It’s a great venue for a pre-club snack
where people can chill out in summer. We saw a DJ turning and chat. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00. JA
up with mixing kit including a reel-to-reel tape player. Like,
wow, y’now! Despite trying a bit hard with the retro theme T34 Cocktail Bar (Бар Т34) С-2, Krasnoarmeys-
this can be a happening and effervescent kind of place. The kaya 3 (Красноармейская 3), MOktyabrskaya
bright coloured furniture means you can get away with wearing (Октябрьская), tel. 289 13 81/. Downstairs from
your I-wanna-look-cool sunglasses at night. QOpen 11:00 Dom, T34 is one of the liveliest bars in the city. A young,
- 01:00. JEK savvy crowd packs the place out at weekends so get
there early if you want a table. The cellar-like interior is
themed around tanks (hence the Russian tank model
name): the walls are strewn with photos and little plastic models of them. Fortunately, the atmosphere here is one
of peace, goodwill and cocktails. A perfect place to start
clickandbuy off the evening. QOpen 17:00 - 23:00. JX

Minsk In Your Pocket

Nightlife 23

Max Show (Макс Шоу) G-5, Nezavisimosti 73

Clubs (Независимости 73), MAkademia Nauk (Академия
Alcatra z(Алькатраз) C-2, Nezavisimosti 25 наук), tel. 232 00 38/ 237 38 05. This round, blue and
(Независимости 25), MOctyabrskaya (Октябрьская), popular club in the Oktyabr Cinema puts particular emphasis
tel. 226 06 45. It’s hidden under the trade union palace - go in on its erotic show programmes - meaning go-go dancers in
the front, turn right and begin your descent into Minsk weirdness. various states of nakedness take to the stage just about
While it has lost some of its popularity as newer clubs have begun every night. In a surprising display of egalitarianism, it also has
to seduce the party prisoners away, this place is still respectable a male striptease some nights. Check the schedule ahead of
with a good sized dance floor, plenty of seating, and a bunch of time to see whether it’ll be a Boris or a Natasha flapping their
little cell-like nooks for… erm, naughty people. Avoid sitting in the privates in your face. QOpen 22:00 - 06:00. AK
electric chair if the girls are making you drool or you’re incontinent.
QOpen 12:00 - 06:00. PJALEK Night Star (Найт Стар) D-1, Sverdlova 2 (Свердлова
2), tel. 200 11 90. A predictable yet solid nightclub with a
Belaya Vezha (Белая Вежа) B-1, prospect Masherova big square dance floor flanked by various seating and mingling
17(пр.машерова 17), tel. 284 69 22. All aboard with Captain areas and three bars. It probably has the best dance floor-
Sparkle and his gang of cavorting space cadets for a completely to-seating ratio in town. The upstairs balcony bit is reserved
kooky adventure in nightclub nonsense and unrefined fun. It’s for those who paid extra for VIP treatment. There’s a bit of a
called the ‘white tower’, it’s a bit space-ship, a bit surreal and one dark backstage theme to the place with what looks like set
to tell your mates about when you get back to planet normality. As builders’ scaffolding all over the place but, thankfully, no road-
is the case with most places in Minsk, the quality of your night will ies or blokes saying ‘check, one choo’ all the time. Attracts a
depend on who turns up, but it’s highly likely that your eyes will go mixed crowd, up to early 30s it seems, for all-in fun. QOpen
into orbit after a few moments here. QOpen 23.00 - 05.00. The 22:00 - 06:00. Closed Mon, Tue. AK
casino is open round the clock (24 hours a day). The restaurant
is open from 18:00 - 12:00. PJOLKX O v e r t i m e ( О в е р т а й м ) B - 1 , Po b e d i t e l e y 4
(Победителей 4) (Palace of Spor ts), MNemiga
Bronx (Бронкс) G-3, prospect Maherova17/1 (en- (Немига), tel. 203 02 24. A big sports-themed hall with
trance from Chicherina) (Машерова 17/1), tel. 288 mediocre facilities has somehow managed to become a hip
10 61/288 29 58, This is the swankiest, and happening nightspots. Really, there’s no accounting for
classiest, shiniest, fanciest place in town. Dress nice if you taste. Most of the floor space is given over to restaurant-style
want to be let in and fit in. Oh - and press the zero button a seating, with blue plastic swivelling egg-cups accommodating
few extra times when making the withdrawal from the ATM some of the prettiest bottoms in town. There’s a small tile
before this night out - once you see what’s on offer you’ll want dance floor with not much in the way of lighting that quickly
to make the most of it. A glorious period atmosphere, excel- gets packed. Bar staff keep the crowd amused by juggling
lent entertainment and, according to all reports including our and dropping bottles. Wannabe thugs - being a real thug is
own, the most gorgeous gold diggers in town. QOpen 12:00 not allowed in Belarus—keep their ape ambitions alive with
- 05:00, Mon, Tue, Wed, Sun 12:00 - 02:00. PAK an arcade style punching bag in the foyer. Shabby, popular
and fun. QOpen 18.00 - 06.00. JAK
Dankoff Club (Даньков клуб) C-1, Myasnikova 25
(Мясникова 25), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 200 24 09. R-club (Р-клуб) G-5, Surganova 26 (Сурганова 26),
We used to have to rely on musty old dumps to provide the tel. 292 80 71. Formerly the rather sleazy Yula, the renamed
quintessential Minsk wacky factor. Now this shiny and glitzy R-club is a rather more clubby affair with trance parties, live
new venue provides unimaginable silliness in a big tarted-up music and the occasional freak show. God knows what the ‘R’
house. We think it involves a casino, some kind of restaurant stands for. Raunchy, raucous, ridiculous - it all depends what
and some naughty diversions, but to be honest we’re not night you happen to go there on. It’s certainly lively. QOpen
sure whether they’re trying to sell outrageous gilded mirrors, 20:00 - 05:00. Closed Mon. AK
children in animal suits, food or girls with no clothes on. If you
work it out, let us know. QOpen , Fri, Sat 09:00 - 05:00. Reaktor (Реактор) G-4, Very Khoruzhey 29 (Веры
Round the clock PJOBKXS Хоружей 29), tel. 288 61 60/ 286 72 32, www.reaktor- On with the tinfoil undies and fallout-proof shades!
Goodwin (Гудвин) C-2, prospect Nezavisimosti 19 It’s the best nuke-themed disco this side of the exclusion
(Независимости 19), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), zone. Legend holds that there’s actually a reactor in here
tel. 226 13 06. A bit of a daggy restaurant by day and early somewhere (we don’t recommend looking for it), which gave
evening, but it slumps into a kind of gritty-groovy nightclub rise to all the cool, radiation-inspired décor. Don’t worry too
mode after midnight. There’s a small dance floor and stage much about the dosage though, the pulsing music here will
which quickly becomes packed with mildly inebreiated happy make you sterile first. Reactor is mainly filled with teenagers
locals with few pretentions and few inhibitions. Get in among wearing sunglasses bumping into staff who are far from
them and, provided you don’t have any snobbish tendencies, cuddly. You might even find your very own miss nuclear waist
you’re bound to enjoy the evening. Friendly English-speaking here. QOpen 23:30 - 06:00. LK
staff are a bonus. QOpen 12:00 - 05.00. JAEK
We s t w o r l d C l u b A - 1 , S t o r o z h e v s k a y a 1 5 a
Madison (Медисон) G-2, Timiryazeva 9 (Тимирязева (Сторожовская, 15), tel. 293 17 98/ 222 17 17. Huge,
9), tel. 206 19 10, Say hello to the sleazy and good for a laugh, Westworld is the place where
catfish (and other bottom feeders) on your way in and enter apathy and recklessness meet for tequila shots. Locals have
a nightclub with mirrored poles, a glowing dance floor, fancy dubbed it ‘Shayba’ (‘hockey puck’), a fitting description of
lighting and occasional sweaty, cheesy shows. They crank out this riverside building attached to the hotel Belarus. There’s
pop in one of the most up-to-date nightclub environments in something for everyone here: girls in miniskirts wiggle around
town, even though the dance floor is too small. Reasonable the dance floor while being shot with lasers, foreign men with
drink prices, slick young things and one of the better nightclub moustaches stare intently at the prostitutes lingering at the bar
options in town. QOpen 13:00 - 06:00, Sat, Sun 09.00 while everyone else gets lost in the sheer absurdity of the whole
- 06.00. Closed Mon. AK scene. QOpen 13:00 - 05:00. Closed Mon.OAEK

July 2008 - July 2009

24 What to see

Be prepared to be blown away by some of Minsk’s extravagant buildings.

Grandiose Soviet-era architecture, some magnificent Old Town А-2, west bank of river, between Bogdanovi-
cathedrals, and an awe-inspiring sense of space are the cha and Starovilenskaya (между ул. Богдановича и ул.
essence of the Minsk tableau. Truly historic sights are Старовиленская).
hard to find - the city was almost flattened during World The more official name
War II. Visit museums to get a glimpse of the Minsk of old. of this quaint, ri ver-
side area is Troitskoe
Essential Minsk Predmesti ye (Trini t y
suburb), but mostly it’s
Stalinist city centre If there’s one defining feature of referred to as the ‘so-
Minsk, it’s the funky, imposing, Stalin-era architectural en- called Old Town’ be-
semble that stretches through the downtown area. To see cause it’s not really old
the best bits, start from the mostly pre-war Independence and it’s not much of a
Square (Ploschad Nezavisimosti) with its Government House town. Though the area
(1934), statue of Lenin, and Belarusian State University itself is indeed historic
building. A swanky new multi-level shopping centre is also (the site of settlements
located beneath the square. Then head down Prospekt that go back to the 12th Century) this small collection of
Nezavisimosti (formerly Prospekt Fransiska Skoriny) to see cobblestoned streets and buildings you see now is actually
some 1940s gems including the Main Post Office (1953) and a 1980s recreation of the area’s 19th-century look that was
GUM Department Store (1951). Continue to October Square unceremoniously obliterated during the war. Still, it’s worth a
(Oktyabrskaya Ploschad), where you’ll be dazzled by the Trade visit and makes a nice break from the imposing architecture
Unions Palace of Culture (1954), now home to a nightclub, and on the opposite side of the river. If you want to see some
the more modern Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Buildings more authentic, pre-20th-Century houses, duck behind
near the train station are equally impressive, particularly the the concrete towers on Nemiga and make your way down
twin ‘City Gates’ (pictured above). Rakovskaya street. J

Svisloch river It’s 327km long, it’s polluted, and it flows Island of Tears B-2, On the Svisloch, near Storozhevs-
through Minsk. Beyond those basics though, the Svisloch is kaya, MNemiga (Немига ). A small footbridge leads
the romantic heart of the city and the setting for many a pic- from the Old Town to the Island of Tears, a memorial set
ture postcard. In summer, a stroll along its banks, particulaly up in 1988 to commemorate Belarusian soldiers who died
near the Old Town or opposite, is almost a legal requirement in the USSR’s disastrous, 9-year war in Afghanistan (1979-
for starry-eyed couples. In winter, after the dubious ducks 1988). The centrepiece of the memorial is the chapel, with
flee and the surface freezes, locals poke holes through the haunting figures of grieving mothers, sisters and widows
ice and pull out God knows what. at its base. A nearby fountain features the boy-like figure

Minsk In Your Pocket

What to see 25

of an angel, rigged up to cry teardrops. You may notice October Square C-2, Oktyabrskaya Square, next
(if you happen to be looking) that a certain part of his to Museum of Great Patriotic War, MOktyabrskaya
anatomy is shinier than the rest. This is explained by the (Октябрьская). This square was a bit of a marketplace
Belarusian tradition of newlyweds visiting war memorials and fairground until the first half of the 19th century, when
on their wedding day, and a modern folk belief that if the all the traders, jugglers and people with performing bears
bride gropes this poor young lad’s privates, she’ll be guar- got shoved aside to make way for this yawning expanse.
anteed children. J The square is the most central in Minsk. A little pyramid
of Portuguese granite marks the zero-point from which all
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit С-2, Kirila i Mefodiya 3 measurements are based. Of course, October Square is
(Кирилла и Мефодия most well-known for being the scene of celebrations, public
3). On e of th e m os t events, demonstrations and protests. In the 1950s it was
instantl y recognisable home to a 10m statue of Stalin. In winter, the square can
symbols of Minsk is this become very pretty when a giant ice-skating rink is set
magnificent, gleaming, up here. Those with an archaeological disposition may be
two-towered Or thodox interested to know that well preserved mammoth skeletons
cathedral in the hear t were discovered beneath the square when the Metro system
of the downtown area. was being excavated. J
Built in 1642 to ser ve
B er na din e nun s, t h e Victory Square (Ploshad Pobedy) B-3, Crossroads
convent`s consecration of Nezavisimosti and
was delayed for 40 years Zakharava(перекресток
because of the Musco- ул. Независимости и
vite invasions. In 1741 Захарова), M Plos-
the original structure was chad Pobedi (Площадь
damaged by fire but later Победы). A huge, round
reconstructed. The con- ‘square’ right in the middle
vent was liquidated in 1852 and the building given to the of d own town’s busi es t
Russian church for use as a monastery - but half a century street, Victory Square is
later it was closed altogether by the Bolsheviks. Today after proof that when it came to
renovations, the church is an essential stop. J World War II monuments,
nobody ever matched the
Gorky Park (Парк Горького) along Nezavisimosti, USSR. The monument, with
between Yanki Kupali and Frunze (ул.Независимости). its star-topped spire and
The city’s oldest park is still its most popular green area (ex- eternal flame, was originally
cept when it’s covered with snow). Visitors stroll around the installed in 1954. An under-
pathways eating sticky candy and spending their money on ground passage circling its foundation, and an underground
carnival rides. The biggest attraction is the enormous Ferris ‘Victory Hall’ were added in 1985. Don’t miss the bas-relief on
Wheel, with its wisely closed cabins (think of winter) and views the base of the spire, or the one in the Victory Hall that lists
of the city. It was installed in 2003, replacing the frighteningly the names of 566 soldiers who were posthumously awarded
decrepit one that used to stand here. the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. J

Church of St. Simon and Helena D-1, Sovetskaya 15

(Советская 15), MPloschad Nezavisimosti (Площадь Churches
Независимости), tel. Minsk’s two most famous churches are listed under
220 44 15. Bet ter ‘Essential Minsk’. Readers interested in more churches
k n o wn simpl y as t h e should check out the ones below:
‘Red Church’, the city’s
b e s t-k n o wn Ca t h oli c Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul H-1, Rakovskaya
church was buil t by a 4 (Раковская 4), MNemiga (Немига). Built in 1613,
n obl e Polish famil y in the ‘yellow church’ is the oldest surviving church in Minsk.
1908-1910 up on t h e Though Orthodox, it was looted in 1707 by Peter the Great`s
premature death of their Cossacks. The building was closed by the Bolsheviks at the
two children, Simeon and beginning after the October revolution, reopened by the
Elena. The two smaller Nazis, closed again by the Soviets in 1944 and reopened
towers are named after once more in 1992.
the children, while the
larger one represen ts Maryinsky Cathedral С-2, Svobody 9 (Свободы9).
the grief of the parents. This Roman Catholic cathedral survived all the century’s
Wh en th e B ol sh eviks wars, but in the 1950s its two towers were knocked down
c a m e t o p o w e r, t h e and a Stalinist facade thrown over the front. The twin towers
church became a cinema have since been restored, with copper domes sparkling more
then a film studio, and later became a popular meeting impressively than the Holy Ghost across the road. J
place for the opposition in the 1980s. Now once again used
for its original purpose, the building with its distinctive red St. Aleksander Nevsky’s Church H-4, Kozlova 11
tower is a nice, historic touch near the rapidly developing (Козлова 11). A splendid little red brick affair with two
Independence Square. The bronze statue in front of the golden onion domes. It was built in 1898 to commemorate
church represents Archangel Mikhail giving a nasty dragon the victory of the tsar’s armies over the Turks, closed by
a right, good poke with a pointed stick. Mikhail is the saintly the Bolsheviks, reopened by the Nazis, then closed by the
protector of Belarus - so behave yourself, lest the pointed Soviets. During the war, a bomb crashed through the roof and
stick be pointed at you. J landed in front of the altar, but did not explode.

July 2008 - July 2009

26 What to see
Ancient Belarusian Culture Museum G-5, Surganova
1/2 (Сурганова 1/2), tel. 284 27 32/ 284 24 97.
Archaeology and ethnology fans will wet themselves at
the prospect of seeing the collection of folk garments here,
not to mention the remains of an ancient boat dug up a
few years ago by a forester from the silt of the river Sozh.
Unfortunately for couples and loners, they only accept of
groups of 20 or more. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat,
Sun. Admission: free.

Fire Museum C-5, Gorodskoy Val, 12(Городской

Вал,12), tel. 294 61 22. The fascinating history of Minsk’s
fire brigade, with tours conducted by grinning firemen. Visits
must be booked in advance, and keep in mind that tours are
in Russian language only. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00. Maksim Bogdanovich Literature Museum.

First Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Maksim Bogdanovich Literature Museum B-2,
Workers’ Party Museum B-3, Nezavisimosti 31a Bogdanovicha 7a (Богдановича 7а), tel. 234 13 57.
(Независимости, 31а), tel. 290 68 47. QOpen 10:00 You won’t exactly have to fight your way through mobs of
- 18:00. Closed Wed. J Maksim Bogdanovich fans trying to get into to this apart-
ment/museum. But then again, you never know. QOpen
Great Patriotic War Museum С-2, Nezavisimosti 25a 10:00 - 17:00. Closed Mon and Sundays in summer. J
(Независимости 25а), tel. 227 56 11. To truly under-
stand the profound effect World War II had on this nation’s National Art Museum of the Republic of Be-
history - and continues to have on the national psyche - a visit larus С-2, Lenina 20 (Ленина, 20), MOktyabrskaya
to this sombre museum is a must. Elaborate displays on its (Октябрьская), tel. 328 68 44/ 227 71 63, www.
three floors are captioned only in Russian (no English excur- This splendid museum may be lacking in
sion currently available), but you don’t need a translator to some of Belarus’ most famous artists, such as Marc Chagall
understand the large dioramas of Nazi concentration camps and Kazimir Malevich, but there is still plenty to see, including
or the disturbing photos of people being hanged in Minsk some wonderful pieces by Chagall’s teacher, Yehuda Pen.
parks. To round out your visit, be sure to check out the vintage The gallery is divided into a Russian and Belarusian section,
tanks and planes parked behind the building. QOpen 10:00 although the latter is easy to miss as it’s tucked away behind
- 17:00. Closed Mon. Admission: 5,000BYR. J a very inconspicuous door. QOpen 11:00 - 18:00. Closed
Tue. Admission: 15,840BYR. Every last Wednesday of the
Literary History Museum B-2, Bogdanovicha 15 month entrance is free. J
(Богдановича 15), tel. 233 99 32. Belarusian prose,
including repressed works from the 1920s and 30s, is the National Museum of History and Culture D-2, Karla
focus of this museum, where school children are herded in by Marksa 12 (Карла Маркса 12), tel. 227 43 22. Artefacts
their teachers. If you don’t speak the lingo, you might as well from the history of Belarus, from cave-men to Communism,
skip this one. QOpen 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon. J are sprinkled throughout this creaky, stuffy museum. Axe-
heads, swords, portraits and even a printing press like the
one Skoriny used. Naturally, there are no explanatory texts
Jewish Minsk in English. QOpen 11:00 - 19:00. Closed Wed. Admission:
7,000BYR. J
At the beginning of the 20th Century over 50% of the
populations of Minsk, Grodno, Mogilev and Vitebsk Palace of the Republic С-2, Octob er Square
were Jewish (at the time 98% of Belarusians lived in (Октябрьская), tel. 216 22 44, A bit
the countryside). Today, Jews make up just 1% of the stark and strident in appearance but somehow geometrically
national population. grand. The ‘palace’ is really a theatre, concert hall and fuction
centre, and hosts a variety of performances, symposiums,
Israeli Cultural Centre H - 5, Uralskaya 3 conferences and so on. It has some pretty whizz-bang techno
(Уральская 3), tel. 230 18 74, wizardry inside, including a stage made up of a network of
QOpen 11.00 - 17.00. Closed Fri. platforms that can be independantly raised or lowered and
can change the whole configuration of the place in a couple of
Jewish Memorial G-2, Zaslavskaya (Заславская). minutes. So - even if they can’t book any good acts, they can
This sculpture representing a group of people descend- get the stage to do a little dance all by itself. JLK
ing a slope commemorates some 5,000 Jews from the
surrounding ghettos who were led into this pit, shot, and
buried - some still alive - in 1942.

Synagogue A-3, Kropotkina 22 (Кропоткина 22),

tel. 334 22 73. J

Minsk In Your Pocket

What to see 27

Oddities Animals & Vegetables

National Library not on the map-close to F-6, Nezavisi-
mosti 116, just past Filimonova (Независимости 116), Central Botanical Gardens F-5, Surganova 2a
tel. 229 24 94, Some (Сурганова 2а), tel. 284 14 84. Set up in 1932, this
say it looks like a diamond. We say it looks like the Death Star. 80-hectare garden belonging to the National Academy of
In either case there’s no denying that the collosal, new home Sciences has thousands more plants than you could ever
for the National Library on the city outskirts is an example of sneeze at. The gardens are only open to the public from
the Soviet ‘bigger-is-better’ school of architecture. Worse yet, May - Sep. QOpen 10.00 - 19.00. Closed Mon.
this pet project of Lukashenko’s is partly paid for by money
donated ‘voluntarily’ (meaning not voluntarily) by students
and school children. When completed, it’ll be big enough to
house a whopping 15 million books. The National Library
only has 8 million books in its collection, so there should
be plenty of space left over for magazines, newspapers,
pamphlets, brochures, catalogues - anything that’s made
of paper and has writing on it. QOpen 10.00 - 21.00, Sat,
Sun 10.00 - 18.00.

Minsk State Circus С-3, Nezavisimosti 32

(Независимости 32), tel. 226 10 08/ 227 22 45.
Check your political correctness at the door and revel
in the spectacle of midget acrobats, dubiously trained
bears and other leftovers from the 19th Century. The
impressive building itself, dating to 1958, shows how
much this was a staple of Soviet-era distraction. The
Arguably the oddest-looking national library in the world. circus was being renovated at the time of writing, but
will temporarily give performances out of a tent near
the National Library every Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun. Tickets
Out of Town can purchased as normal at the Minsk State Circus
Kurgan Slavy Memorial Complex (Mount of box office. Q Box office open 09:00 - 13:00, 14:00
Glory) 30km north of - 18:00, Summer 10:00 - 20:00. Admission: 10,000
Minsk, at junction of - 20,000BYR. J
Moscow and Minsk
II highways. This 70m
high conical hill topped by
a spiky monument was
constructed in 1969 to
commemorate the spot
where four Soviet armies
joined up before going
on to drive out the Nazis
near the end of World
War II. Now it’s a popular
place to bring kids, who love to climb on the row of old tanks
parked at the bottom.

Museum of Folk Architecture B-2, Main office:

Chicherina 1, village: Pashkevich 3, Ozertso, 15km
southwest of the Brest highway (Чичерина 1), tel. 209 Minsk Zoo not on the map-close to J-6, Tashkents-
41 63. A charming, tiny village situated on the picturesque kaya 40, Chizhovka district (Ташкенская 40), tel.
banks of the river Ptich. QOpen 10:00 - 15:00. J 240 23 97. Like a Soviet gulag, but for animals. QOpen
10:00 - 17:00, Fri 10:00 - 18:00.
Stalin’s line (Линия Сталина) 31km west of Minsk
along the Molodechno road, 6km from Zaslavl, tel. 503 Museum of Nature D-2, Karla Marksa 12 (Карла
20 22, Stalin’s Line is a historical Маркса 12), tel. 206 69 56. Located in the bowels
museum complex located in a field some 30km from Minsk of the Museum of History and Culture (see Museums),
where enthusiastic historians dressed in military uniforms this small museum is the most exciting place in town to
explain the Great Patriotic War. At present tours are in Rus- see dusty mammoth bones and stuffed bears. Don’t
sian but you can bring your own English translator. Call ahead miss the institution’s pride and joy - a nice pile of pota-
to arrange an excursion. A fascinating insight into Minsk’s toes. QOpen 11:00 - 18:00. Closed Wed. Admission:
history. QOpen 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon. Admission: 7,000BYR.
24, 000BYR. Tour: 30,000BYR

July 2008 - July 2009

28 Getting around
Train schedule
From Minsk To Minsk
Dep. Arr. City Dep. Arr.
08:25 11:49 ADLER 15:551 06:44
19:19 11:49
ADLER 15:55 19:17
19:191 11:12 ANAPA 17:10 06:44
05:10 07:33 BARANOVICHI 06:58 08:37
08:32 10:18 BARANOVICHI 18:55 10:37
13:33 15:18 BARANOVICHI 14:38 16:40
17:29 19:14 BARANOVICHI 17:05 19:28
23:32 01:35 BARANOVICHI 20:00 22:38
15:29 09:01 BERLIN 15:22 10:46
06:25 10:35 BREST 06:21 10:37
Follow the yellow brick. 08:32 12:39 BREST 11:57 16:40
13:33 17:56 BREST 14:10 18:31
17:29 21:50 BREST 17:40 22:03
Public transport 20:40 00:29
22:48 09:48
19:42 23:42
21:52 03:28
Metro: Two lines cover central Minsk. Purple plastic 23:501 04:09 EUPATORIA
tokens costing 600BYR are sold from booths inside metro 20:121 01:58 FEODOSIA 10:291 18:40
stations. Drop those toy tokens into the slot machine- 15:47 11:10 FRANKOVSK 13:09 09:00
like turnstyles. Other tickets, including a 10-day pass for 07:43 12:35 GOMEL 04:38 11:30
10,000BYR, come in the form of plastic, magnetic cards. 14:55 19:32 GOMEL 06:38 11:04
These you either swipe at the turnstyle, or shove in side- 16:29 23:29 GOMEL 13:25 18:40
ways until they pop back out, toaster-like, a second later. 17:15 21:31 GOMEL 15:38 20:46
Trains run every three minutes during rush hour and every 19:191 00:15 GOMEL 18:38 23:10
five off-peak. After 21:00 metros run every seven to ten 20:50 01:56 GOMEL 22:00 05:46
minutes until 01:00. 23:50 05:16 GOMEL 23:581 05:29
02:54 09:18 GRODNO 06:30 12:02
Trams & Buses: Minsk has 12 tram lines, 56 trol- 16:22 22:03 GRODNO 17:20 23:12
leybus routes and over 100 bus routes. All three run from 23:32 06:59 GRODNO 23:41 07:21
05:35 to 00:55 seven days a week. Avoid peak hours 16:02 17:37 IRKUTSK 11:30 12:01
if you value your limbs (08:00 - 10:00, 16:00 - 19:00). 23:43 12:06 KALININGRAD 11:47 22:16
16:29 21:16 KALINKOVITCHI 06:50 11:30
Public transport tickets costing 3600BYR are sold at most 17:15 00:13 KALINKOVITCHI 17:45 23:10
kiosks. Punch them inside the vehicle or risk a fine. 23:00 06:36 KALINKOVITCHI 21:35 05:21
19:19 12:42 KHARKOV 03:08 20:46
22:52 16:43 KHARKOV 13:32 06:44
Trains 11:31 00:01
20:50 08:50
Central station (Центральная станция) E-2, Priv- 19:19 11:10 KISLOVODSK 16:53 06:44
okzalnaya 4 (Привокзальная 4). At the brand new Minsk 02:24 15:19 LVOV 23:12 12:40
train station, tickets to domestic destinations are sold in the 22:522 07:10 MARIUPOL 12:112 20:46
two narrow halls that flank the main entrance. International 15:30 19:23 MOGUILEV 07:25 10:51
tickets, for some reason, are still sold in the old train station 00:02 10:59 MOSCOW 10:23 20:06
building (open 09:00 - 20:00), to the right as you face the new 03:01 12:49 MOSCOW 14:06 23:21
building. Call 213 17 19 for information about international 03:43 16:23 MOSCOW 15:42 00:53
trains, or 105 for any train-related enquiries. When looking 08:51 19:54 MOSCOW 16:54 02:32
for your train, keep in mind that there are platform numbers 18:28 06:00 MOSCOW 18:20 02:58
and track numbers, so there could be two trains on the same 21:18 08:05 MOSCOW 19:20 03:13
platform. Check the signs carefully if you don’t want to end 21:55 08:46 MOSCOW 19:37 06:35
up in Izhevsk. 22:03 09:05 MOSCOW 21:09 05:49
International ticket office J-2, Voronyanskogo 6 22:18 09:20 MOSCOW 22:25 07:29
(Воронянского 6), tel. 213 17 19. Q Open 09:00 22:37 09:27 MOSCOW 22:55 08:17
- 20:00. 23:32 10:26 MOSCOW 23:44 08:08
07:54 06:18 MURMANSK 20:04 15:20
16:02 10:40 NOVOSIBIRSK 19:16 12:01
11:31 10:39 ODESSA 14:30 12:56
Taxi 07:059 09:57 ORSHA
08:51 11:36 ORSHA 06:20 09:10
Taxis are a fairly cheap, reliable way to get around Minsk, 17:40 20:13 ORSHA 17:07 20:06
as can be expected though, there are a lot of less-than- 18:28 21:31 ORSHA 20:44 23:21
honest operators out there, epsecially those which lurk 21:18 23:44 ORSHA 22:21 00:53
outside hotels and train stations. To avoid hassle, look 21:55 00:18 ORSHA 23:59 02:32
for either the banana-yellow state-run taxis, or those run 22:18 00:50 ORSHA
by one of the reliable, new private competitors - 107, 152, 23:32 02:06 ORSHA
157 or 184. These numbers not only show the company 17:06 23:03 POLOTSK 00:55 08:05
affiliation, they’re also the short phone numbers of the 08:24 05:03 PRAGUE 22:56 21:02
dispatchers, so use them if you want to order by phone. 01:20 10:55 SARATOV 11:29 14:42
The going rate per kilometre is around 1,100BYR. 01:36 15:19 SARATOV 20:31 04:33

Minsk In Your Pocket

Getting around 29

Train schedule continued International bus schedule

From Minsk To Minsk From Minsk To Minsk
Dep. Arr. City Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. City Dep. Arr.
09:101 15:46 SIMFEROPOL 21:541 05:29 07:00 16:30 M
(4)AAHEN(6,7) 13:00 23:00
22:08 05:46
SIMFEROPOL 09:25 17:23
07:00 19:30 (3,4)ANTWERPEN(6,7) 10:00 23:00

12:57 05:34 ST.PETERSBURG 12:45 01:58 12:00 20:00 V

(3)BELOSTOK 02:40 10:30
17:40 08:52 ST.PETERSBURG 15:00 03:55 13:00 20:00 V
18:48 09:40 ST.PETERSBURG 19:08 09:10 22:00 05:45 (1,2,5,6)BELOSTOK(4,5) 15:20 00:45

19:45 00:45 VILNIUS 20:00 00:30 12:00 08:00 E(3)BERLIN(3,6) 11:00 09:00
12:57 17:44 VITEBSK 04:28 09:10 07:00 06:30 M(3,4)BERLIN(6,7) 23:55 23:00
17:40 21:59 VITEBSK 22:25 04:39 12:00 09:30 M(3,4)BERLIN(5,6) 21:00 19:00
18:48 22:58 VITEBSK 23:44 03:55 18:00 20:00 M(2,3,5,6)BRANDERBURG
01:20 18:34 VOLGOGRAD 12:38 04:33 M
BRANDERBURG(3,4,6,7) 10:00 09:00
03:23 11:33 WARSAW 12:08 23:42 07:00 18:30 M(3,4)BRUSSELS(6,7) 11:00 23:00
06:25 06:11 WARSAW 16:35 12:51 07:00 15:10 (3,4)COLOGNE(6,7) 14:30 23:00

20:40 06:12 WARSAW 20:37 08:01 11:30 23:00 E(5,6)COLOGNE(1,7) 20:00 23:00
06:00 21:40 M(2)DORTMUND(6,7,3,4) 03:00 09:00
Even days, 2 Odd days. 16:00 21:40 M(2)DORTMUND(3,6) 05:00 09:00
08:00 21:40 M
07:00 07:00 M(3,4)DRESDEN(6,7) 23:55 23:00
Buses 06:00 22:40 M(2)DUISBURG(3,4) 02:00 09:00
08:00 22:40 M(5)DUISBURG(6,7) 02:00 09:00
Moscovsky bus station (Московский 11:30 22:30 E(5,6)DUSSELDORF(1,7) 21:00 23:00
автовокзал) F-6, Filimonova 63 (Филимонова 63), 06:00 23:20 E(2)DUSSELDORF(3,4) 06:45 13:00
MVostok (Восток), tel. 8 902 101 41 14. This rather 08:00 23:20 M(5)DUSSELDORF(6,7) 01:30 09:00
subdued Soviet-era station has all the basic amenities, as 11:30 15:00 E(5,6)HANNOVER(1) 02:00 23:00
well as a hairdresser’s juyst in case you want to make a good 07:00 10:00 M(3,4)HANNOVER(6,7) 20:00 23:00
impression on someone at the other end of your bus journey. 18:00 13:10 E(1,7)IVANOVO(5,6) 17:30 10:30
QOpen 05.00 - 23.00. 07:20 14:10 E
KAUNAS 16:00 22:25
Vostok bus station (Восточный вокзал) J-5, 16:00 21:55 E
KAUNAS 07:00 12:50
Vaneyeva 34 (Ванеева 34), tel. 8 902 101 41 14. 18:00 00:35 E
KAUNAS 03:35 10:00
Tickets for destinations within Belarus are sold at the first 21:00 00:35 E
KAUNAS 19:45 05:50
floor ticket booths. For tickets to cities in Western Europe, 12:00 06:30 (6,7)KRAKOW(5,6) 16:45 10:30

12:00 01:40 E(3,4,6,7)LODZ(5,6) 21:20 10:30

look for the ‘Mizhnarodnaya Kasa’, window N°11. There’s a 07:00 08:30 M(3,4)MAGDEBURG(6,7) 22:15 23:00
small café on the top floor to keep you caffinated while you 09:00 21:00 M(4,7)MOSCOW(2,5) 08:00 17:00
wait. QOpen 05:30 - 23:00. 18:15 08:00 M(1,7)MOSCOW(5,6) 23:20 10:15
12:00 18:30 E(3,4)MUNICH(5,6) 13:00 19:00
07:00 23:30 M(3,4)PARIS(6,7) 07:30 23:00
Local bus schedule 12:00 11:00 E(3,4)PRAGUE(5,6) 12:00 10:30
13:00 11:00 E(6,7)PRAGUE(1,2) 12:00 10:30
Brest 11:30 11:30 E(5,6)POTSDAM(1) 07:00 23:00
E: 08:50, 09:50, 11:40, 14:05, 14:501-5, 16:30, 17:401,4-7, 08:20 18:00 E
(4-7)RIGA(4-7) 18:00 08:20
17:413,7. 17:00 09:40 MST.PETERSBURG 18:00 08:40
07:00 17:30 (3,4)STRASBOURG(6,7) 14:30 23:00
Gomel 07:00 14:45 M(4,6)STUTTGART(6,7) 17:30 23:00
E: 07:20, 08:00, 09:306, 10:00, 11:30, 12:302-6, 14:10, 01:30 05:30 E(2-6)VILNIUS(1-5) 17:00 21:00
16:001,4-7, 18:00, 19:001,4-7, 19:401-3. 07:20 11:50 E
VILNIUS 16:00 20:11
M: 09:00 08:20 12:12 E(4-7)VILNIUS(1-5) 14:00 18:20
11:00 15:12 E
VILNIUS 15:50 20:05
Grodno 18:10 20:20 E
VILNIUS 05:50 10:00
E:05:55, 06:20, 06:55, 07:20, 08:05, 08:20, 08:40, 21:00 01:40 E
VILNIUS 01:20 05:50
08:50 6,7, 09:051-5, 10:00, 12:15 6,7, 12:55 5-7, 15:00, 12:00 05:00 E(3,4)VROTSLAV(1,2) 18:10 10:30
15:301,3, 22:351,5. 13:00 05:00 E(6,7)VROTSLAV(5,6) 18:10 10:30
M:06:20, 06:50, 07:20, 07:50, 08:30, 08:405-7, 09:10, 12:00 23:20 V(3,6) WARSAW(1,2) 13:00 00:40
09:30, 09:50, 10:106,7, 10:40, 11:10, 11:50, 12:001,2,4-6, 17:40 05:00 C(1,7)WARSAW(5,6) 23:20 10:30
12:406,7, 12:501-5, 13:205-7, 13:40, 14:20, 14:30, 14:50, WARSAW(1,2) 23:20 10:30
15:10, 15:307, 16:001-5, 16:20, 16:30, 16:405,7, 17:00,
17:201,4-7, 17:501-5,7, 18:20, 18:40, 19:001-5,7, 19:401,3-7, Timetable key: Departs Minsk. Arrives destination. Days of
20:302,4, 20:301,3,5-7. the week (1=Monday). Departs destination. Arrives Minsk.

Vitebsk V – Eastern (Восточный вокзал)

E: 06:305-7, 07:20, 09:20 M – Moscovsky bus station
M: 07:00, 07:50, 08:30, 09:50, 11:00, 12:004-7, 13:00
14:00, 14:40, 15:40, 16:00, 17:001-5, 18:30.
Departs Minsk. Arrives destination. Days of the week (1=Monday).
Bus station:
E – Eastern (Восточный вокзал)
M – Moscovsky bus station clickandbuy

July 2008 - July 2009

30 Getting around

Minsk motorcycles Car rental

Europcar Stuokos-Gucevičiaus 9, Vilnius, Lithuania, tel.
Minsk isn’t just a city. It’s also a brand of motorcycle. And +370 5 212 02 07, The Europcar office
not just any bike brand, but one that carries with it a veri- in Lithuania can help you with your transfer to and from the
table aura of history, airport in Minsk. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
legend, kudos, cringe, Europcar (Minsk) Hotel Minsk, Nezavisimosti
rumour and a kind of ,11(проспект Независимости,11), tel. 209 90 09,
blue oily smoke. fax 209 95 98,
If the stories are to Her t z G-2, Hotel Minsk, Nezavisimosti 11 (
be believed, Minsk Независимости, 11), MPloschad Nezavisimosti
motorcycles—noisy (Площадь Независимости), tel. 209 90 91. QOpen
125cc two-stroke, 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
single-cylinder Lada Avtoprokat not on the map-close to J-2, Serova
bangers made right 1 (Серова 1), tel. mob. + 375 29 694 59 16. QOpen
here in Minsk—are 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sat, Sun.
the vehicle of choice
of al-Queda; back-
packers, wacky tour-
ists and farmers in
Vietnam; and anyone wanting a bullet-proof vehicle that
can be maintained using only chewing gum, beer cans
and bits of fuzzy string.
The bikes have a simple, unpretentious honesty that is
refreshing in a time of butterfly-flange carburettor flux-
timing two-step-shuffle horizontally-imposed distribu-
tor-dictator-power Quintrex-complex computer regulator
gaskets and self-lubricating heated airbags. (We may
have some of the technical details there a bit wrong but
the point remains: Minsk motorcycles are appealing for
their simplicity in a world of complexity. On a Minsk, a
key is a luxury.)
The Motovelo company, which churns out the Minsk
motorcycles as well as various pushbikes and exercise
bikes, was established in November 1945. The origins
of the Minsk bike, however, extend back a little further.
The basic design stemmed from an old German pre-war
bike, the RT 125. The design also inspired bikes such
as the BSA Bantam, the Harley-Davidson ‘Hummer’
and the Yamaha YA-1. While the Soviets certainly didn’t
like the Nazis, they did take a liking to their motorbikes Airlines & Airports
– so much so that a factory was established to produce Air Baltic B-1, Prospect Pobediteley 19 (Проспект
them in Minsk. Победителей, 19), tel. 226 90 43/ 203 50 51, www.
Of course various updates and tweaks have brought Also in the airport Minsk-2 tel. (+375 17) 279
the old design along a bit, but it’s hardly what you’d 25 68. Daily from 14.00 till 16.20 QOpen 09:00 - 18:00.
call up-to-date. The fundamental simplicity and easy- Closed Sat, Sun. J
to-maintain nature of the Minsk bikes remains intact. Austrian Airlines/Swissair (Австрийские
Most of the production of the bikes—around 90 per авиалинии) B-3, Pr ospekt Nezavisimosti 38
cent—are exported, with Asian countries taking the (Проспект Независимости 38), MPloschad Pobedi
bulk. Apparently they are well suited to rough conditions, (Площадь Победы), tel. 288 25 35/288 25 55, www.
rickety bridges, river crossings and dodging goats on Also in Minsk-2 airport, tel. 279 15 39, 279 15 29.
dirt roads. That’s why you’ll find a Minsk Motorcycle Open daily from 04:00 till 06:00, 11:00 till 18:00 QOpen
Club in Vietnam. There’s even an adventure expedition 09:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
company, Explore Indochina, that runs tours exclusively Aviakassa (Авиакасса) ((+375 17) 227 62 54)
on Minsk motorcycles. According to their website, Minsk C-3, Karla Marksa 28 (К. Маркса 28). All airline tickets.
bikes have been seen “hauling buffaloes, horses, up to QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat, Sun 08:00 - 18:00.
seven people, refrigerators, fully operational fish tanks Belavia (Белавия) C-1, Nemiga 14 (Немига 14), tel.
and even a three-piece lounge suite”. 210 41 00,, Also in the
For a little bike manufacturer in an odd little location airport Minsk-2 tel. 279 10 32 QOpen 09:00 - 18:00, Sat,
like Minsk, Motovelo have created quite a legend with Sun 09:00 - 17:00. J
the Minsk motorcyle. El Al Israeli Airlines C-3, Partisansky Prospect, 6a
(Партизанский проспект, 6а), tel. 211 26 06, www.
Explore more: QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
The Minsk Motorcycle Club of Vietnam: LOT B-1, Pr ospect Pob editeley, 7 (Проспект Победителей, 7), tel. 226 66 28, QOpen
Motovelo – Manufacturers of Minsk motorcycles: 10:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J Lufthansa G-4, Prospect Nezavisimosti 56 (Проспект
Explore Indochina - tours on Minsk motorcycles: Независимости 56), tel. 284 71 30, www.lufthansa. by. Also at Minsk-2, tel. 279 17 45. Daily from 10:00 - 16:30
QOpen 09:00 - 17:30, Sat 09:00 - 13:00. Closed Sun.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Getting around 31

Flight schedule
From Minsk To Minsk
Days Dep. Arr. Destination Days Dep. Arr.
1––4––– 20:30 03:10 ASTANA (B2) until Sep 1
1–––––– 09:30 10:30
––34––– 21:35 03:00 BAKU (B2) –––4––– 04:00 05:45
–––4––– 12:20 17:30 BAKU (B2) until June 26 and from Sep 25 –––4––– 09:00 10:20
––––––7 12:20 17:30 BAKU (B2) July 6 - Sep 14 ––––––7 09:00 10:20
–2–4––– 13:20 14:10 BERLIN (B2) –2–4––– 15:00 17:45
––––––7 18:10 19:00 BERLIN (B2) ––––––7 19:50 22:30
1–––––7 23:30 04:15 EREVAN (B2) 1–––––– 05:15 06:30
––34––– 22:30 03:15 EREVAN (B2) –––4––– 04:15 05:30
––3–––7 12:35 14:00 FRANKFURT(B2) ––3–––7 14:55 18:05
––––5–– 12:35 14:00 FRANKFURT (LH) until Aug 30 ––––5–– 14:55 18:05
1–––––– 12:35 14:00 FRANKFURT (LH) until Sep 1 1–––––– 15:00 18:15
–––4–6– 12:30 13:30 HANNOVER (B2) until Sep 19 –––4–6– 15:05 18:05
–2––5–7 08:30 10:50 ISTANBUL (B2) –2––5–7 11:50 14:10
––––5–– 15:35 17:05 KALININGRAD (B2) ––––5–– 17:50 19:20
–2–––6– 12:20 13:50 KALININGRAD (B2) –2–––6– 14:30 16:00
1–345–7 16:05 17:35 KALININGRAD (B2) 1–345–7 18:25 19:55
1–3–5–7 09:35 10:40 KIEV (B2) 1–3–5–– 13:00 14:05
–2–4–6– 18:45 19:50 KIEV (B2) –2–4–6– 20:40 21:45
––––––7 09:10 10:40 KIEV (B2) ––––––7 11:35 12:40
–––––6– 07:40 11:00 LARNAKA (B2) –––––6– 12:00 15:20
–2––––– 15:25 18:45 LARNAKA (B2) until Sep 30 –2––––– 19:45 23:05
––3–––– 09:55 10:55 LONDON (B2) ––3–––– 11:55 16:50
––––––7 12:10 13:10 LONDON (B2) ––––––7 14:10 19:05
––––5–– 15:30 16:30 LONDON (B2) until Sep 5 ––––5–– 17:30 22:25
1–––––– 10:45 12:05 MANCHESTER (B2) 1–––––– 13:05 18:05
–––4––– 16:10 18:00 MILAN (B2) –––4––– 19:00 22:50
––––––7 07:10 09:00 MILAN (B2) ––––––7 10:00 13:50
–2––––– 16:25 18:15 MILAN (B2) –2––––– 19:15 23:05
1234567 07:00 09:20 MOSCOW (B2) 1234567 10:15 10:35
1234567 09:00 11:20 MOSCOW (B2) 1234567 12:20 12:40
1234567 12:05 14:25 MOSCOW (B2) 1234567 15:20 15:40
1234567 16:35 18:55 MOSCOW (B2) 1234567 22:20 22:40
1234567 19:00 21:20 MOSCOW (B2) 1234567 22:20 22:40
–2––––– 08:20 10:20 PARIS (B2) –2––––– 11:20 15:05
––––5–– 16:20 18:20 PARIS (B2) ––––5–– 19:25 23:10
––––––7 15:30 17:30 PARIS (B2) ––––––7 18:30 22:15
–2–4–6– 08:00 08:45 PRAGUE (OK) –2–4–6– 09:35 12:20
1–3–5–– 15:15 16:05 PRAGUE (OK) 1–3–5–– 11:45 14:30
––––––7 14:50 15:35 PRAGUE (OK) ––––––7 17:25 20:10
1234567 16:20 17:40 RIGA (BT) 1234567 14:30 15:45
1–––5–– 08:40 10:35 ROME (B2) until Sep 8 1–––5–– 11:35 15:20
1–––5–– 08:05 10:00 ROME (B2) until Sep 5 1–––5–– 11:00 14:45
––3–––– 13:55 15:50 ROME (B2) until Sep 10 ––3–––– 16:50 20:35
––––––7 21:30 23:25 SHANNON (B2) 1–––––– 00:25 06:05
SHANNON (B2) until Aug 28 ––––5–– 00:25 06:05
1–––5–– 07:30 09:55 ST. PETERSBOURGH (B2) 1–––5–– 09:45 11:15
––3–––– 07:30 09:55 ST. PETERSBOURGH (B2) ––3–––– 10:45 11:15
1–––5–– 15:10 18:35 SOCHI (B2) 1–––5–– 19:35 21:05
––3–––– 15:10 18:35 SOCHI (B2) until Sep 24 ––3–––– 19:35 21:05
–––––6– 15:10 18:35 SOCHI (B2) until Sep 6 –––––6– 19:35 21:05
1–3–5–– 15:10 17:00 TALLINN (B2) 1–3–5–– 13:00 14:00
––34–6– 23:40 03:35 TBILISI (B2) –––4––7 04:35 06:30
––34–6– 23:40 03:35 TBILISI (B2) ––––5–– 04:35 06:30
––––––7 07:35 11:15 TEL-AVIV (B2) ––––––7 12:15 16:00
–––––67 01:25 05:15 TEL-AVIV (LY) –––––67 19:25 23:15
–23–––– 00:00 03:50 TEL-AVIV (LY) –––––67 19:00 22:55
1234567 05:35 06:30 VIENN (OS) 1234567 20:05 23:00
1234567 17:25 18:30 VIENN (OS) 1234567 13:30 16:25
1–––––– 15:45 15:55 WARSAW (B2) 1–––––– 16:45 18:55
–2–45–7 14:40 14:55 WARSAW (LO) –2–45–7 11:15 13:30
––3–––– 09:05 09:15 WARSAW (B2) ––3–––– 10:45 12:55
–––––6– 13:40 13:50 WARSAW (LO) –––––6– 14:50 16:30

Airline codes: B2 - Belavia, J2 - Azal Azerbaijan Airlines, OK -Czech Airlines, BT - AirBaltic, OS - Austrian Airlines,
LO - LOT Polish Airlines. For details check at Valid until Oct 27, 2008, unless indicated.

July 2008 - July 2009

32 Getting around
Minsk-1 J-2, Chkalova 38/2 (Чкалова 38/2), tel. 222
Metro tidbits 54 76, Technically it’s an international airport,
but Minsk I only handles a scant few of the flights from CIS
Minsk’s metro may not be as grandiose as Moscow’s countries and some domestic flights. Find it just 3km from
but it is still an attractive example of a major Soviet-era the central Prospekt Nezavisimosti.
public transport project. Construction work began on Minsk-2 not on the map-close to F-6, 42km from city
it in the late 1970s owing to a massive influx of work- limits, tel. 279 17 30/279 13 00, A
ers which saw the the city’s population soar to over a complete remodelling job in 2005 has failed to erase the
million people. The gleaming new metro finally opened factory look of the city’s main airport, but if you’ve dragged
to relieved commuters as an eight-station line on June yourself out here, at least that means you’re leaving the
30, 1984. It slowly but surely expanded throughout the country. The departure area is on the third floor, where you’ll
1990s with the most recent extension only being com- also find some dubious souvenir shops, the VIP lounge, and
pleted in 2007. The metro now has two lines covering 25 the CIP (commercially important person) lounge, where for
stations and there are projects afoot to extend the Mos- some unspecified whopping fee, somebody else will take
kovskaya line further into the ever-expanding suburbs, care of all your paperwork while you wait. The post office on
along with a plan to build an entirely new line after 2010. the same floor sells phone cards and lets you pay to surf
The stations themselves are rather attractive in their the internet. airBaltic, Lufthansa and Belavia all have offices
Soviet way. Some (notably Nyamiha/Nemiga) are deco- here. Registration closes one hour before the flight. If you
rated with Belarusian national motifs, while others have don’t want to spring for the expensive taxi ride out here, you
some impressive murals on the standard epic socialist can buy tickets for the airport bus at the Moskovsky Bus
themes. The later stations were a bit more space-age in Station, main hall, for under 5,000BYR.
appearance. All in all, Minsk’s metro is cheap, efficient
and safe and manages to shunt some 800,000 people
a around a day without so much as a vodka-induced Travel agencies
hiccup. However, the metro was also the scene of a Alatan Tour (Алатан тур) C-3, Kupaly 21(Купалы
terrible tragedy in June 1999. A huge crowd of young 21), tel. 289 14 36, Visas, accomo-
people had gathered for a rock concert when a sudden dation, trips. QOpen 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sat, Sun.
spring thunderstorm caused more than 1,000 people, Belarustourist (Беларустурист) B-1, Tanka 30
many of whom had been heavily drinking, to run for the (Танка 30), tel. 226 94 85. Actually helpful and friendly.
nearby Nyamiha/Nemiga metro station. The stampede QOpen 08:30 - 17:30, Fri 08:30 - 16:15. Closed Sat, Sun.
down the marble steps into the metro underpass turned Belarus Tour Service I-2, Rozy Luxemburg 89, Of-
into a crush which led to the deaths of 53 people, most fice No 20a (Р.Люксембург 89/20a), tel. 200 56
of whom were aged between 14 and 18. A moving monu- 75, ser, w w
ment beside the metro entrance lists the names of all Friendl y, reliable people helping to meet all needs wi th
those who lost their lives in the tragedy. hotel booking, car rental, guides and other ser vices
during your stay in Belarus. Q Open 09.00 - 18.00.
Closed Sat, Sun.
Belorusski Sputnik (Белорусский Спутник) C-3,
Karka Marksa 36 (Карла Маркса 36), tel. 222 30 22/
220 37 47, QOpen 09.00 - 18.00.
Closed Sat, Sun.
Blue bird (Голубая птица) B-2, Leningradskaya 5-32
(Ленинградская 5-32), tel. 211 03 54, www.bluebird.
by. QOpen 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Merlintour B-1, Prospect Pobediteley 5 (Проспект
Победителей 5), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 226 97 79/
223 59 06, QOpen 09.00 - 19.00,
Sat 10.00 - 17.00, Sun 10.00 - 14.00.
Smok G-4, Masherova 19 (Машерова 19), tel. 284
69 69, QOpen 09.00 - 19.00,
Sat, Sun 10.00 - 17.00.
VLP (ВЛП) A-2, Storojovskaia 8 (Сторожевская 8),
tel. 283 23 94, QOpen 10.00 - 19.00.
Closed Sat, Sun.
Vneshintourist SP(Внешинтурист СП) B-1, Melni-
kaite 8 (Мельникайте 8), tel. 206 46 56/226 68 91.
Voyajtour (Вояжтур) B-2, Per vomaiskaya 12
(Первомайская 12), tel. 328 54 03,
QOpen 10.00 - 19.00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Travel agencies abroad

Baltics and Beyond 1 Amy Street, Bingley, West
Yorkshire, BD16 4NE, UK, tel. +44 845 094 2125, info@, As
the name suggests, they specialise not just in the Baltics,
but the ‘beyond’ bits - and that means Minsk and other bits
of Belarus, such as Grodno and Brest. They offer a range of
tour options and can provide you with a guide so that you
really get the best out of your stay.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Mail & Phones 33

 The Minsk
telephone code is +375 17

One look at the rather ‘retro’ look of the city will give you
a clue that Minsk is not exactly at the cutting edge of the
information revolution. Few hotels have LAN or WiFi inter-
net access, or even websites for that matter. On the other
hand, the postal system and phones, including mobile
networks, work fine. Be warned that mobile phone roaming
tarifs can be very pricey: check with your provider before
you go drunkenly calling your friends back home.

Central Post & Telegraph Office D-1, Nezavisimosti
10 (Независимости 10), tel. 226 06 82, www.belpost.
by. Head straight through to the main hall in the back to send
letters, buy postcards and make photocopies. For telephone
and telegraph services, head to the ‘peregovorni punkt’ in hall
1, on the left (open 07:00 - 23:00). On the left is the internet
centre where people queue for cheap online access. QOpen
08:30 - 17:30, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 17:00.

Express mail
DHL G-4, Brestskaya 18 (Head Office) (Брестская
18), tel. 278 11 08, Also they have express
centres at Pobediteley 5, tel. 289 30 68, and XXI Vek Busi-
ness Centre, Nezavisimosti 169, tel. 228 73 60, both open
09:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun; and at Central
Post Office, Nezavisimosti 10, tel. 227 25 33. QOpen 08:00
- 19:00. Closed Sun. “Hey – I’m just calling to say I’m in an egg”.
EMS D-1, Nezavisimosti 10 (Независимости 10), tel.
222 65 11/227 85 12, QOpen 08:30 Also at Zolotaya Gorka 16, Surganova 476. QOpen 09:00
- 17:30, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 17:00. - 21:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 18:00.
FedEx (M&M Militzer & Münch) B-1, Pobediteley MTS GSM F-5, Nezavisimosti 95 (Независимости
19 (Pobediteley 19), tel. 226 99 09, callcenter@mum. 95), tel. 290 79 74,, Rus-
by, Q Open 08:00 - 20:00, Sat 08:00 sian-Belorusian GSM company, operating in Belarus and
- 16.00. Closed Sun. covering a rather nice part of it. Also at Revoliutsionnaya 24b,
TNT G-5, Platonova 10 (Платонова 10), tel. 294 80 Kalvariyskaya 60. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00.
00/284 90 44,, TNT at Minsk-2 Ve l c o m G S M B - 1 , M e l n i k a y t e 1 4 ( H e a d
airport tel. 279 11 86. QOpen 09:00 - 19:00. Closed Sun. office)(Мельникайте 14), tel. 222 49 01, www.velcom.
UPS B-2, Muzykalnyj 3 (Музыкальный 3), tel. 328 55 by. The first GSM provider in Belarus with a very informative
80,, QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. website. The information number is 229 49 01 for all offices,
Closed Sat, Sun. or just 411 from mobiles. Also at Kalvariyskaya 4, Nezavisi-
mosty 60, Nezavisimosty 105, Partizansky 12, Varvasheni
73. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00.
Belarus Yellow Pages , Very useful place
for those not speaking Russian at all. Public internet access
Beltelecom (Белтелеком) С-2, Engelsa 6 (Энгельса Ploshchadka (Площадка) C-1, Nemiga 8 (Немига
6), tel. 217 10 05,, www. 8), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 226 42 43. The smaller of Main internet provider in Belarus. QOpen the Ploshchadka venues has 26 terminals. QOpen 09:00
08:30 - 17:30. - 23:00. A
Network Systems С-2, Lеnina 9 (Ленина 9), tel. 283 Ploshchadka (Площадка) G-4, Nezavisimosti 58/4
17 11,, ADSL internet con- (Независимости 58/4), tel. 290 79 74,
nection, web hosting, web design. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00. A busy place with 39 machines (1,500-2,600BYR per hour).
Closed Sat, Sun. QOpen 09:00 - 23:00. Open 24hrs. A
Open Kontact H-2, Kalvariyskaya 17a (Кальварийская Soyuz Online С-2, Krasnoarmeiskaya 3, in the Central
17а), tel. 211 01 21,, House of Officers(Красноармейская 3), tel. 226 02 79,
Internet providers and online magazine in Russian, Wow! It’s open
by. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. 24 hours, they speak English, serve pizza and even let you pay
by credit card! What more do you need? The granddaddy of
Mobile phones Minsk internet cafés has around 60 terminals, including a VIP
hall. Rates depend on the time of day, but are still cheap. A
BelCel G-4, Zolotaya Gorka 5 (Золотая Горка 5), tel. sure place to bump into people from every corner of Europe.
282 00 18, “Diallog” service providers. QOpen 08:00 - 07:00. JA

July 2008 - July 2009

34 Shopping
Minsk - a shopper’s paradise? Hardly. The consumer Podpisniya Izdanie (Подписные издания) C-2,
market is mostly confined to cheap imports and domesti- Nezavisimosti 14 (Независимости 14), tel. 227 63
cally produced goods, as well as a few overpriced, luxury 61. Travel books. QOpen 10.00 - 19.00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00.
foreign items that arrive by way of Moscow. Still, the aver- Closed Sun. JA
age souvenir hunter or grocery shopper won’t come away
empty handed. Here’s some guidance.
A Million Red Roses (Миллион алых роз) C-4,
Books Nemiga 2 (Немига 2), MNemiga (Немига ), tel. 209
None of the shops we found had a particularly good 46 46. An excellent little flower shop. Note the price tags,
selection of books in English. Here are a few you can poke delicately stapled to the leaves. QOpen 24 hours. J
around if you’re desparate for reading material. House of Flowers (Дом Цветов) F-4, Surganova
76 (Сурганова 76), tel. 331 09 72. A grand place with
Akademkniga (Академкнига) G-5, Nezavisi- plenty of delightful smelling flora. The nice ladies who work
mosti 72 (Независимости 72), MAkademia Nauk here are proud to announce (in Russian) that they are of-
(Академия Наук), tel. 292 50 43/292 46 52. As part ficial agents of Interflora which means you can have flowers
of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, this distinguished delivered just about anywhere. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat,
store has many interesting books on history, science and art Sun 9:00 - 19:00.
among other subjects. Unfortunately, there’s little in English, Sandra’s House of Flowers (Сандра Магазин
so it’s mainly of interest to Russian speakers. QOpen 10:00 цветов) G-4, Kolasa 48 (Коласа 48), tel. 262 32 59.
- 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun. After visiting the Botanical Gardens across the street, pop
Central Book Shop (Knigarnya) (Центральный next door to this place. It has a good selection of fresh flow-
книжный магазин) (Книгарня) C-2, Nezavisimos- ers along with compost, seeds and pots. Being Belarus, it
ti 19 (Независимости 19), tel. 227 49 18. Centralny also sells champagne. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 09:00
bookshop is the largest bookshop in Minsk and is situated - 20:00.
opposite Podpisniya Izdaniya bookshop. Along with a rather
interesting, if random, selection of English-language novels, it
also has Belarus guidebooks in English, Italian and German. It Food
also some good postcards of Minsk and stationary.QOpen Centralny (Центральный) С-2, Nezavisimosti 23
10:00 - 20:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00, Sun 10:00 - 17:00. J (Независмости 23), MOktyabraskaya (Октябрьская),
Dom Knigi Svetoch (Светоч Книжный магазин) tel. 227 88 76. One of the best, most Western-style food
B-1, Prospekt Pobediteley 11 (Победителей, 11), tel. halls in Minsk despite its gloriously Soviet appearance. There
203 34 96. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00, Sun 11:00 - 18:00.J are cafes, bakeries and a liquor store on the ground floor and a
well-stocked supermarket upstairs. Worth a visit even if you’re
not going to buy anything. QOpen 09:00 - 22:00. J
What to buy Jubileyny-92 (Юбилейный -92) G-2, Zaslavskaya
23/1(Заславская 23/1), tel. 223 04 93. Everything and
Unfortunately, Belarus doesn’t have much in the way more to fill up your basket. QOpen 09:00 - 23:00.
of exciting or original souvenirs. There are the usual Kristall (Кристалл) D-3, Oktiabrskaya 15 (Октябрьская
suspects, such as Russian dolls, linen and lots of tacky 15), tel. 227 14 05. Every second establishment in Minsk
wicker dolls with mad-looking eyes and flimsy folk cos- seems to be a blast to the past. This one specializes in Be-
tumes. Belarusian chocolate is another option although larusian-made vodka, liqeur and cognac among other tipples.
it’s hardly subtle-tasting, even by Slavic standards. Vodka The décor is unchanged in decades, and there’s something
is certainly one of the best souvenir choices because of quite magical about the place. Maybe it’s just nostalgia for the
its excellent quality. Minskaya Kristall, Berezovoya (made simpler things from childhood, or maybe it’s just secret commie
from birch sap), Belarus Sineokaya and Klenovaya are sympathy. Who knows? These places won’t be around forever.
all highly recommended. Belavezhskaja is a popular, bit- QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sun 10:00 - 19:00. J
ter-tasting herbal liquor that provides a gift alternative to Lakomka (Лакомка) C-2, Nezavisimosti 19
vodka. There’s a very good English-language book called (Независимости 19), tel. 227 63 14. Sweets. QOpen
Minsk in One Day, available from most book stores, 09:00 - 21:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 20:00. J
which outlines in considerable detail a 15-km route that Okean (Океан) B-3, Kozlova 2 (Козлова 2), MPlos-
takes in most of the major sights (although only the chad Pobedy (Площадь Победы), tel. 284 85 70. If you
super-fit or pressed-for-time should attempt it). Other dig the pong of fish and like your surroundings 100% stain-
gift ideas include the popular women’s undewear brand less steel, drop by. Quite extraordinary décor. Well worth the
Milavitsa, whose wares were once widely worn all around stench. Cheap fish too. Oh, and if you do get all fish obsessed,
the USSR. Some of the better souvenir shops do a good you could do worse than contact Belegus 232 89 97), who
range of locally-made ceramics and glassware. can sell you or rent you a fancy aquarium. J
Panorama (Панорама) A-1, Starazhevskaya 8
(Сторожевская 8), tel. 226 56 12. Mostly gross grocer-
ies. QOpen 10:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00. J
Preston Market (Престон) G-4, Very Khoruzhey 29
(В.Хоружей 29), tel. 234 41 72. A popular haunt of hungry
expats, selling the best selection of processed food in all Belarus.
Considered one of the best by many, it`s western in style, stock
and, most importantly, attitude. Also at: Varvasheni 77, tel. 234
52 27. Open 09:00 - 21:00, and Skoriny 83, tel. 284 07 08. Open
10:00 - 24:00. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00.
Torti (Торты) H-4, Kozlova 4 (Козлова 4), tel. 284
37 11. Design a cake and have a babushka bake it for you.
QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 18:00.

Minsk In Your Pocket

Shopping 35

Gifts & Souvenirs

Galereya Mastatstva (Мастацтва Галерея) C-2,
Nezavisimosti 12 (Независимости 12), MPloschad
Nezavisimosti (Площадь Независимости), tel. 227
83 63. Art and artsy souvenirs brought to you by the art
union. QOpen 10:00 - 23:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00. Closed
Sun. JA
Luvr (Лувр) C-1, Komsomolskaya 13 (Комсомольская
13), tel. 289 11 63. Jewellery, pens and other shiny things
by Cartier, Mont Blanc, Damiani and the like. QOpen 10.00
- 20.00, Sun 11.00 - 18.00. J
Ly a n o k ( Л я н о к ) G - 4 , N e z a v i s i m o s t y 4 8
(Независимости 46), MYakuba Kolasa (Якуба
Коласа), tel. 284 81 44. Gorgeous local flax and linen.
QOpen 10:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun.
Slavutya Maistry Gallery (Галерея “Славутыя
майстры” Kommunalnaja 6 (Коммунальная 6), tel. Roll up for the grand new Stolitsa Shopping Centre.
+375 17 283 28 25. A good collection of both grotesquely
ugly and staggeringly beautiful folk art, paintings, amber, large Minsky Vernisazh (Минский Вернисаж) C-2,
ceramic candleholders, dried flowers and chiffon scarves. Oktyabrskaya Square, next to Museum of Great Patriotic
What’s more, the staff are only too eager to please, whilst War, MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская). Mainly dolls, folk
refraining from shoving stuff you really don`t want down art, hats and the like, with a few Soviet military trinkets thrown
the back of your throat. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00, Sat, Sun in. Not coincidentally situated next to where tour buses stop.
10.00 - 17.00. QOpen 10:00 - 17:00. Closed Mon. J
Soyuzpechat (Союз печати) G-4, Nezavisimosti 44 Na Nemige (На Немиге Торговый дом) C-1,
(Независимости 44), MPloschad Pobedi (Площадь Nemiga 8 (Немига 8), MNemiga (Немига), tel. 220 97
Победы). Buy someone you love a bag of stamps. Philately 47. An uninspiring department store in vintage Soviet style
will get you everywhere. QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 surrounded by more interesting new ventures, such as a good
- 19:00. CD shop. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 20:00. J
Panorama (Панорама) A-2, Storozhevskaya 8
(Сторожевская 8), tel. 226 15 71. Small, slightly upscale
Markets & Department stores department store in a magnificent building near hotel Belarus.
Car market (магазин автомобилей) Malinovka Find luxury gifts, a hunting clothing store (selling fleece ar-
district, southwest of the ring road(микрорайон ticles and hiking shoes) and an Adidas outlet. QOpen 10:00
Малиновка), tel. 223 05 09. Motor vehicles and the as- - 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 18:00. J
sociated bits that make them tick. QOpen 06:00 - 17:00. Stolitsa Shopping Centre (Подземный торговый
Dinamo Stadium market (Стдион “Динамо”) центр “Столица”) D-1, Independence Square
D-2, Kirova 8 (Кирова 8), tel. 227 65 62. Shoes, pants, (Площадь Независимости), MPloschad Nezavisimosti
saucepans and plants. Billions of stalls stretching the entire (Площадь Независимости). Minsk’s best shopping
circumference of the Dinamo stadium. Beware imitation centre is a great place for gift shopping as it has pretty much
Adidas goods and ladies and gentlemen out to relieve you of everything from clothes to alcohol to souvenirs. It also has
your wallet. QOpen 08:00 - 17:00. Closed Mon. the only place in Minsk where you can watch English films on
GUM (ГУМ) C-2, Nezavisimosti (Skoriny) 23 a largish screen, although the choice isn’t huge. It’s cheaper
(Независимости 23), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), the more people watch the film with you, or else you can
tel. 227 88 76. Built in 1951, Minsk’s showcase department have the screening room all to yourself for about 30,000BYR.
store is a must for fans of Stalinist architecture. Otherwise it’s QOpen 10:00 - 22:00.
a fairly dreary shopping experience, full of stalls selling cheap TSUM (ЦУМ) G-4, Nezavisimosti 54 (Nezavisimosti
shampoo, fake leather and those plastic things people use to 54), MYakuba Kolasa (Я. Коласа), tel. 284 21 64.
beat their rugs. Then again, they could come in handy on the Several floors of goods from pens to beds. Hardly inspiring,
metro... QOpen 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 19:00. J although quite good fun. Look out for your wallet and note
Impuls (Импульс) G-4, Very Horuzhei 2 (Веры there’s an ATM on the first floor. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00,
Хоружей 2), MYakuba Kolasa (Якуба Коласа), tel. Sun 11:00 - 18:00.
209 80 27. This popular indoor clothes market is where most Univermag Belarus (Универмаг Беларусь) J-6,
fashion-conscious young women go to shop. No wonder, since Zhilunovicha 4 (Жилуновича 4), tel. 245 11 11. An-
the clothes are a snip compared to far pricier designer-label other gross collection of everything imaginable for fair prices.
stores. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00.
Komarovsky market (Комаровский рынок) G-
4, Very Khoruzhey 6 (В.Хоружей 6), MYakuba Kolasa
(Якуба Коласа). Traditional smelly marketplace riddled Music
with grannies out for a knock-down pig’s head and obliga- Misteria Zvuka (Мистерия звука) C-1, Nemiga
tory sack of spuds. A priceless experience. QOpen 10:00 12 (Немига 12), MNemiga (Немига ), tel. 289 39 30.
- 17:00. Closed Mon. The best CD shop in Minsk that has a roof. Large selection
Kupalovskij market (Купаловский рынок) C-2, of nicely priced international and local discs. QOpen 10:00
Under Kilometer Zero at Oktiabrskaya metro stop. A - 20:00, Sun 11:00 - 18:00. J
labyrinth of tiny shops and stalls, mostly selling women’s
clothes, although there are a few other places selling house-
hold items, cheap CDs and one little stall selling children’s
toys. There’s also a tiny café hiding in one corner. QOpen
11:00 - 19:00. J

July 2008 - July 2009

36 directory
Looking for something very specific? Here’s a quick guide European Commission’s Delegation to Belarus,
to the city that goes beyond the obvious. TACIS branch office С-2, Internatsionalnaya 21
(Интернациональная 21), tel. 206 66 13, tacis_eu-, QOpen 9:00
Banks - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
Belarusky Narodny Bank G-5, Независимости, 87а, International Monetary Fund (IMF) D-1, Volodarsk-
tel. 280 09 91, QOpen 9:00 - 17:30, Fri ogo 6 (Володарского 6), tel. 200 25 33,
9:00 - 16:15. Closed Sat, Sun. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00.
Belarus National Bank С-2, Nezavisimosti 20 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(Независимости 20), tel. 227 50 37, D-2, Kirova 17(Кирова 17), tel. 227 48 76, www.
QOpen 9:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. J
Belvnesheconombank (Белвнешэкономбанк) Xerox Centre H-2, Engelsa 20 (Энгельса 20), tel.
C-2, Myasnikova 32 (Мясникова 32), tel. 209 29 44, 223 67 72. All the usual black and white and colour pho- QOpen 09:00 - 16:00, Fri 09:00 - 14:30. tocopying services, plus document presentation services.
Closed Sat, Sun. J Also has a scanner for public use, and sells miscellaneous
Commerzbank Chicherina 21(Чичерина 21), tel. 210 pieces of hardware and printer cartridges. We are assured
11 19. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. this is the best of its kind in the city. Note the entrance is
European Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- actually way up the street. You need to walk past the actual
ment (EBRD) D-3, Engelsa 34a (Энгельса 34), tel. 210 shop itself and enter 100m further along. QOpen 09:00
47 87, QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. J - 18:00. Closed Sun.
Prior Bank (Приорбанк) B-3, Very Khoruzhey 31a
(Веры Хоружей 31а), tel. 289 90 87, www.priorbank.
by. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J Foreign representations
World Bank B-2, Gertsena 2a (Герцeна 2а), tel. 226 Armenia (Армения) D-2, Kirova 17(Кирова 17), tel.
52 84, Q Open 09:00 - 18:00. 227 51 53/222 30 72. QOpen , Tue, Thu 10:00 - 16:00.
Closed Sat, Sun. J Closed Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. J
Belgium (Бельгия) G-2, Masherava 54-94 (Машерова
54-94), tel./fax 293 19 44,, http://
Business connections QOpen by prior arrangement.
Belarusian Chamber of Commerce G-2, Yakuba Bulgaria (Болгария) H-4, Svobody 11 ( пл. Свободы
Kolasa, 65 (Якуба Коласа 65), tel. 266-04-73, www. 11), tel. 328 65 58, fax 328 65 59. QOpen 10:00 - 13:00. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun.
Consultbel BVBA Tel. 888 33 35, fax 293 19 44, www. Cuba (Куба) G-4, Krasnozviozdnaya 13 Management advice, start-up assistance (Крастнозвездная 13), tel. 200 03 83, embacuba@
and representation for foreign companies setting-up in Be- QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
larus. Nice people, too. Czech Republic (Чешская республика) B-2, Muzi-
kalnaya 1/2 (Музыкальная 1/2), tel. 226 55 40/226
55 43,,
Sports QOpen 09:00 - 12:30. Closed Wed, Sat, Sun. J
Estonia (Эстония) G-4, Doroshevicha 6a
Dinamo Stadium (Динамо Стадион) D-2, Kirova (Дорошевича 6а), tel. 219 88 30. QOpen 12:00 -
8 (Кирова 8), tel. 226 00 55. Local heroes Dimano play 14:00. Closed Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun.
at the 50,000-capacity Dinamo stadium (the official address France (Франция) С-2, Svobody 11 (Свободы 11),
is Kirova 8, although this information is rather superfluous tel. 210 28 68, fax 210 25 48. QOpen by prior arrange-
as one can see the floodlights from Moscow). Tickets are ment. J
as good as free, although you`re recommended to buy them Germany (Германия) H-4, Zakharova 26 (Захарова
in advance from the attached ticket office. For some seri- 26), tel. 217 59 00,
ously thorough information in English on all things soccer in QOpen 09:00 - 12:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Belarus, including schedules of up-coming matches, surf China(Китай) G-4, Berestianskaya 22 (Берестянская
on over to J 22), tel. 285 36 82/285 36 83. QOpen 10.00 - 13.00.
Sports Palace (Дворец спорта) B-1, Pobe- Closed Sat, Sun.
diteley 4 (Победителей 4), tel. 223 44 83. Mr. India (Индия) Koltsova 4 (Кольцова 4), tel. 262
Lukashenka is absolutely potty about the game, and 99 70, amb.minsk@mea. QOpen 09:00 - 11:00.
this is the N°1 venue to come and share in the man`s Closed Sat, Sun.
obsession. Games are played regularly, and schedules Israel (Израиль) I-4, Partizansky 6a (Партизанская
are printed in the local press. Any English-speaking local 6а), tel. 298 44 02. QOpen 9:00 - 11:30.
will be able to tell you more. J Italy (Италия) D-2, Rakovskaya 16 b (Раковская
Water Sports Centre (Дворец водного 16б), tel. 229 29 69,
спорта) G-5, Surganova 2a (Сурганова 2а), tel. QOpen 09.00 - 12.00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
266 28 92. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00. Japan (Япония) B-1, Pobediteley 23 (Победителей
Winter Sports (ледовый дворец спорта) 23), tel. 223 62 33. QOpen by prior arrangment. J
H-1, Pritickogo 27 (Притыцкого 27), MPushkin- Kazakhstan (Казахстан) A-3, Kuibysheva 12
skaya (Пушкинская), tel. 251 01 00. People looking (Куйбышева 12), tel. 288 10 26,
for fun on the piste can head on over to Raubichi. About QOpen 10:00 - 12:00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun. J
17km from Minsk on the Logoisk highway, several artifi- Kyrgyzstan (Киргизстан) F-3, Starovilenskaya 57
cial slopes are available. Numerous places to stay, eat (Старовиленская 57), tel. 234 9117, manas@nsys.
and drink are provided in the immediate area, making for QOpen 09:30 - 12:00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun.
fun-filled winter weekends. For more information call tel. Latvia (Латвия) G-4, Doroshevicha 6a (Дорошевича
(+375-17) 598 43 30. QOpen 09.00 - 21.00. 6а), tel. 284 93 93, fax 284 73 34, embassy.belarus@ QOpen 09:00 - 12:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Minsk In Your Pocket

directory 37

Lithuania (Литва) H-4, Zacharova 68 (Захарова 68),

tel. 285 33 37, QOpen 09:00 Officials
- 13:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Moldova (Молдова) D-2, Belarusskaya 2
(Белорусская 2), tel. 289 14 41. Q Open Tue,
Thu 09:00 - 13:00. Closed Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun.
Netherlands (Нидерланды) Vostochnaya 133, office
503 (Восточная 133), tel. 262 53 23,
QOpen 09.00 - 12.00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun.
Peru (Перу) Prityskogo 34 (Притыцкого 34), tel. 216
91 14. QOpen by prior arrangment.
Poland (Польша) B-3, Rumiantseva 6 (Румянцева
6), tel. 288 21 14, QOpen 09:00
- 12:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
Romania (Румыния) I-2, Moskvina 4 (Москвина 4),
tel. 203 77 26, QOpen 09:00 - 12:00.
Closed Sat, Sun.
Russia (Россия) A-2, Starovilenskaya 48
(Старовиленская 48), tel. 250 36 66, webmaster@ tel. 222 49 85, fax 222 49 80. QOpen
09:00 - 12:00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun. J
Serbia (Сербия ) I-2, Razinskaya 66a (Разинская Ministry of Foreign Affairs D-2, Lenina 19
(Ленина 19), tel. 227 29 22,
66а), tel. 226 34 92, QOpen , Mon,
Wed, Fri 10:00 - 12:00. Closed Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun.
QOpen 09.00 - 16.00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
Slovakia (Словакия) Vostochnaya 133-168 Minsk City Executive Committee D-1, Nezavi-
simosty 8 (Независимости 8),
(Восточная 133-168), tel. 216 15 63. QOpen 09:00
- 11:30. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun.
QOpen 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
Sweden (Швеция) C-2, Muzikalnii 1/2 (Музыкальный S t a t e S e c u r i t y C o m m i t t e e (Ко м и т е т
1/2), tel. 226 55 40. J
государственной безопасности Республики
Switzerland (Швейцария) D-3, Krasnoarmeyskaya Беларусь) C-2, Nezavisimosty 17 (Независимости
17), MOktyabrskaya (Октябрьская), tel. 219 12 21.
22a-20 (Красноармейская 22а-20), tel. 227 18 42.
QOpen 09.00 - 12.00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun. J QOpen 09.00 - 18.00. Closed Sat, Sun. J
Tajikistan (Таджикистан) D-2, Kirova 17 (Кирова
17), tel. 222 37 98. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat,
Sun. J Minsk State Linguistic University B-3, Zakha-
Tu r k e y ( Т у р ц и я ) D - 1 , Vo l o d a r s k o g o 6 rova 21(Захарова 21), MPloschad Pobedi (Площадь
(Володарского 6), tel. 227 13 83. Consular, tel. 227 Победы), tel. 213 76 63. A huge and highly respected
14 08. Commercial, tel. 227 16 93. QOpen 09:00 - 12:00. institution, who offer a multitude of courses in a multitude
Closed Sat, Sun. J of languages. They have a good website in English, with
Ukraine (Украина) A-2, Starovilenskaya an awfully long address:
51(старовиленская 51), tel. 283 19 90, info@ukraine- shymchuk/PROJECT/MSLU.html. QOpen 09.00 - 21.00. QOpen, Mon 14:00 - 16:00, Tue, Wed, Thu 09.00 Closed Sun.
- 13.00. Closed Fri, Sat, Sun. J
United Kingdom (Великобритания) C-2, Karl Marx
37 (Карл Маркса 37), tel. 210 59 20. QOpen Mon, Thu Pharmacies
09:00 - 11:30. Closed Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. J Belfarmatseya С-2, Nezavisimosty 16 (Независимости
United States (США) A-2, Starovilenskaya 46 16), tel. 227 83 40. Also at Bulvar Schevchenko 11, tel. 288
(Старовиленская 46), tel. 210 12 83. QOpen , Mon, 97 43. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00. Closed Sun. Both open 24
Tue, Thu 08:30 - 12:00. Closed Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. J hours. J
Va t i c a n ( В а т и к а н ) C - 1 , Vo l o d a r s ko g o 6 Embassy of Beauty (Посольство красоты) B-
(Володарского 6), tel. 289 15 84. Q Open 09:00 2, Gertsena 2a (Герцена 2а), tel. 226 50 52. Really
- 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J good place. Gym, massage, haircut, sauna, Jacuzzi and all
that expensive, but very pleasant stuff. Q Open 08:00
Insurance - 20:00. J J

Belgosstrakh (Белгосстрах) H-2, Libknechta 70

(Либкнехта 70), tel. 259 10 21, Photography
QOpen 08:30 - 17:30, Fri 18:30 - 16:40. Closed Sat, Sun. Focus (Фокус) C-2, Nezavisimosti 18 (Независимости
Belingosstrakh (Белингосстрах) B-1, Pobediteley 18), tel. 206 55 96. Express service. QOpen 10:00 -
19 (Победителей 19), tel. 223 58 78. QOpen 08:40 20:00, Sat 10:00 - 19:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00. J A
- 17:10. Closed Sat, Sun. J Fota Tsentr (Фото центр) D-2, Kirova 1 (opposite
train station) (Кирова 1), tel. 225 62 25. 1-hour service.
QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00. J
Goethe Institute (Институт им Гете Интер-
Национес) B-3, Frunze 5 (Фрунзе 5), tel. 236 34 33.
Organisers of deutch-centric exhibitions, films and musical
 The Minsk
events. They also do a limited range of German courses. telephone code is +375 17
QOpen 09:00 - 21:00. J

July 2008 - July 2009

38 Street register

You're in the town where the streets have three names, and the list below shows all of them for streets
that are on the Minsk Centre map on the facing page. Actual street signs appear in Belarusian, Russian,
or both. Listings for venues that appear on this map are marked with the Central Location symbol ().

English title Map coordinates Belorussian title Russian title

Aranskaja E-2/3 Аранская Аранская

Bobruiskaja D-1/E-2 Бабруйская Бобруйская
Bogdanovicha B/A-2 Багдановiча Богдановича
Byelorusskaya D/E-2 Беларуская Белорусская
Chicherin B-2/A-3 Чычэрына Чичерина
Communalnya B-2 Камунальная Коммунальная
Nabereznaya набярэжная набережная
Dimitrava B-1 Дзiмiтрава Димитрова
Druzhnaya E-1 Дружная Дружная
Engels C-2/D-3 Энгельса Энгельса
Frunze B/C-3 Фрунзе Фрунзе
Gorodskoi Val C-1/2 Гарадскi вал Городской вал
Handllovaya B-2 Гандлевая Торговая
Hiercena B/C-2 Герцена Герцена
Internatsionalnaya C-1/B-2 Iнтэрнацыянальная Интернациональная
Kiselyov A-2/B-3 Кiсялева Киселева
Kirov D-1/C-3 Кiрава Кирова
Kollektornaya C-1 Калектарная Коллекторная
Kommunisticheskaya A-1/B-3 Камунiстычная Коммунистическая
Komsomolskaya C-1/D-2 Камсамольская Комсомольская
Korolya C-1 Караля Короля
Krоpotkina A-2 Крапоткiна Кропоткина
Krasnaya A/B-3 Чырвоная Красная
Krasnoarmeiskaja C-2/D-3 Чырвонаармейская Красноармейская
Kuibyshev B-2/A-3 Куйбышава Куйбышева
Kupala B-2/C-3 Купала Купала
Leninа C-2/E-3 Ленина Ленина
Lieninhradskaja D-1 Ленiнградская Ленинградская
Marx D-1/C-3 Маркс Маркс
Masherov Avenue A-1/B-3 Праспект Машерава Проспект Машерова
Melnikaite A/B-1 Мельнiкайтэ Мельникайте
Mogilyovskaya E-1/2 Магiлеуская Могилевская
Nemiga D/C-1/B-2 Нямiга Немига
Nezavisimosti D-1/B-3 Праспект Проспект
Avenue Незалежнасцi Независимости
Obojnaya B/C-1 Абойная Обойная
Oktyabrskaya D-2/E-3 Кастрычнiцкая Октябрьская
Osvobozdenya B-1 Вызвалення Освобождения
Pashkievich A-2/B-3 Пашкевiч Пашкевич
Pervomaiskaya C-3 Першамайская Первомайская
Pobideteley A-1/B-2 Праспект Проспект
Avenue Пераможцау Победителей
Pulihоva C-3 Пулiхава Пулихова
Rakovskaya B/C-1 Ракауская Раковская
Revolucyjnaya C-1/2 Ревалюцыйная Революционная
Romanovskaya Sloboda B/C-1 Раманауская Слабада Романовская Слобода
Rumyantsev B-3 Румянцава Румянцева
Staravilienskaya A/B-2 Старавiленская Старовиленская
Starazouskaja A-1/B-2 Старажоуская Сторожевская
Sovetskaya D-1 Савецкая Советская
Sverdlov D-1/E-3 Свярдлова Свердлова
Tolstoi D/E-1 Талстога Толстого
Ulyanovskaya D-2/C-3 Ульянауская Ульяновская
Vitebskaya C-1 Вiцебская Витебская
Volodarsky C-1/D-2 Валадарскага Ул. Володарского
Zaborskogo B-2 Заборскага Заборского

Minsk In Your Pocket

M. Gorky/Central park

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