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Personal Statement

IT has always excited me and the running of a network is

something that lured me into studying network
engineering. During my studies I used my knowledge and
Muhammad Irkham Hidayat began internship in internet service provider helping to
maintain,troubleshooting, the computer network. This

helped me to see hands on how a network is run and I
VITAE helped to solve problems effectively. Over time, I began to
take on more work as I became more established and
would do all I can to increase my knowledge in this area.
+62 8951 2604 675

Singorojo RT 01 RW
SMK Negeri 3 Jepara 2016-2019

Skills Computer And Networking

As a student in computer and networking,
 Have bas ic knowledge in I learned things about networking,basic web
TCP/IP, Subnetting, and OSI programming,and maintain PC’s
 Background in computer and
network system,with abilities Internship Experience
 Have bas ic knowledge in
IT Support

vir tualization us ing VMWare PT Des Teknologi Informasi – December 2017-March 2018
Ruko Raffless Hill No. 8 A, Semarang 3 Month
 Have pass ive and active in
As IT Support for internet service provider,my responsibilities
include :
(TOEIC certificate)  As IT Support for internet service provider,my
responsibilities include :
Hobbies And Inteterest
 monitoring data traffic, if there is unexpected traffic, I will
 Touring report it to the network engineer
 if the network engineer need some help, they will ask me
 Photography to help them maintaining/troubleshooting the networks
 and devices
 Movies
 maintaining device and reinstall Hardware like Printer and
 Blogging

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