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Course No.: CML422

Course Title: Plant Utility
Course Type: Elective
Course Credits: 3

Course description:

The course covers the major utilities required for process plants such as water and its
treatment, properties of steam and boiler performance, different refrigerants and
refrigeration cycle, air compressor and psychometric properties. It also involves the basic
calculations for evaluating the performance of steam generation, refrigeration, compressor,
and cooling tower.

Pre-requisites: none


1. State the principles involved during water treatment, generation of steam and its uses,
refrigeration cycles.
2. Describe the different equipments used to run the process plant with different utilities.
3. Acquire the knowledge for selection of different utilities.
4. Understand basic calculation involved in the steam generation, psychometric operation
and refrigeration


At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the different utilities used to run
the process plant. Acquire the knowledge for selection of different utilities. Understand
basic calculation involved in the steam generation, psychometric operation, cooling tower,
and refrigeration.
Expanded Course description:

1. Importance of utilities : Sources of water, hard and soft water , Requisites of industrial
water and its uses, Methods of water treatment, Chemical softening, Demineralization,
Resins used for water softening, Reverse osmosis and membrane separation, Effects of
impure boiler feed water & its treatments., Scale & sludge formation, Corrosion, Priming &
foaming, Caustic embrittlement.

2. Refrigeration: Refrigeration cycles 04, Different methods of refrigeration used in

industry, Vapour compression, Vapour absorption: Lithium bromide (eco-Friendly)‘ Different
refrigerants‘ Monochlorodifluoro methane (R-22)‘ Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-Free) ‘
Secondary refrigerants: Brines’ Simple calculation of C.O.P. Refrigerating effects.

3. Steam and steam generation: Properties of steam, Problems based on enthalpy

calculation for wet, steam, dry saturated steam, superheated steam,, Types of steam
generator/boilers: water tube & fire tube, Solid fuel fired boiler. , waste gas fired boiler.,
Waste heat boiler., Fluidized bed boiler., Scaling, troubleshooting, preparing the boiler for
inspection, Steam traps, boiler mountings and accessories, Boiler Act.

4. Psychrometry: Properties of Air-water vapors. Use of humidity chart, Equipment used for
humidification, dehumidification, Evaporative cooling, spray ponds, cooling towers.

5. Air: Use of Compressed air, process air and instrument air, Process of getting instrument

6. Non-steam heating system: Thermic fluid heater, Down therm heater, Temperature
range, Principle, construction & working. (3-Hr)


1. Chattopadhyay Boiler operations Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

2. Yadav R. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines Central Publishing House
3. Lyle O. Efficient Use of Steam Prentice Hall 1963
4. Mahesh Rathore Thermal Engineering McGraw Hill,
Class Schedule: Three 55 minutes session per week.

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