Sedimentary Pyrite Formation

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Sedimentary pyrite formation: An update*

Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 065 I I

(Received November 7, 1983; accepted December 5, 1983)

Abstract-Sedimentary pyrite formation during early diagenesis is a major process for controlling the
oxygen level of the atmosphere and the sulfate concentration in seawater over geologic time. The amount
of pyrite that may form in a sediment is limited by the rates of supply of decomposable organic matter,
dissolved sulfate, and reactive detrital iron minerals. Organic matter appears to be the major control on
pyrite formation in normal (non-euxinic) terrigenous marine sediments where dissolved sulfate and iron
minerals are abundant. By contrast, pyrite formation in non-marine, freshwatersediments is severely limited
by low concentrations of sulfate and this characteristic can be used to distinguish ancient organic-rich fresh
water shales from marine shales. Under marine euxinic conditions sufficient HIS is produced that the
dominant control on pyrite formation is the availability of reactive iron minerals.
Calculations, based on a sulfur isotope model, indicate that over Phanerozoic time the worldwide average
organic carbon-to-pyrite sulfur ratio of sedimentary rocks has varied considerably. High C/S ratios during
Permo-Carboniferous time can be explained by a shift of major organic deposition from the oceans to the
land which resulted in the formation of vast coal swamps at that time. Low C/S ratios, compared to today,
during the early Paleozoic can be explained in terms of a greater abundance of euxinic basins combined
with deposition of a more reactive type of organic matter in the remaining oxygenated portions of the
ocean. The latter could have been due to lower oceanic oxygen levels and/or a lack of transportation of
refractory terrestrialorganic matter to the marine environment due to the absence of vascular land plants
at that time.

INTRODUCT’ION some assurance, that we know something about how,

when, and where it forms.
THIRTEEN YEARSago I published a paper (BERNER,
In the present paper we will examine the major
1970) entitled Sedimentary Pyrite Formation in which
controls on sedimentary pyrite formation in modem
I tried to summarize what was known about this pro-
sediments and, then, try to apply this knowledge to
cess at that time. Since then much has transpired on
the study of factors controlling pyrite formation and
the subject (e.g.-see SWEENEY,1972; GOLDHABER
organic carbon burial over Phanerozoic time; in other
and KAPLAN, 1974; ROZANOVet al., 1974; RICKARD,
words over the past 600-700 million years. It is hoped
1975; G~LDHABERet al.. 1977; BERRYand WILDE,
by performing this exercise that we can demonstrate
1978; RLIPEK and OWEN, 1980; HOWARTH, 1979;
the importance and applicability of modem sediment
studies to the study of ancient sedimentary rocks.
1983; BERNERand RAISWELL,1983) and I feel that
it is time to update what we know and don’t know PYRITE FORMATION IN MODERN SEDIMENTE
about pyrite formation. Knowledge of how pyrite forms
is important to a variety of fields. For one thing it is The principal steps in the overall process of sedi-
becoming apparent that burial of pyrite in sediments mentary pyrite formation should be rather well known
is a major process in controlling both the oxygen level to most readers. Pyrite forms during shallow burial,
of the atmosphere (e.g. GARREL~ and PERRY,1974) via the reaction of detrital iron minerals with H$.
and the sulfate concentration of seawater (HOLLAND, The HzS, in turn, is produced by the reduction of
1978) over geologic time. The importance of pyrit- interstitial dissolved sulfate by bacteria using sedi-
iferous black shales to earth history has been recognized mentary organic matter as a reducing agent and energy
as evidenced by a symposium devoted to this very source. The initial product of this reaction is not, in
subject at the current Geological Society of America fact, pyrite but rather a series of metastable iron
meeting. Also, it is not generally realized that most monosulfides which during early diagenesis readily
marine sediments and sedimentary rocks contain at transform to pyrite under most conditions, (but by a
least traces of pyrite (RONOV, 1976; BERNER, 1982) process that is rather poorly understood). This is all
because the bulk of the world’s mud is and was buried illustrated in Fig. 1. Note in Fig. 1 that the major
under anoxic, sulfate-reducing conditions. Thus, pyrite factors controlling how much pyrite can form in a
is a very widespread sedimentary mineral. It is one of sediment are the amounts of organic matter and re-
the few authigenic phases of which we can state, with active iron minerals deposited in a sediment, and the
availability of dissolved sulfate. In the following dis-
cussion we will examine each limiting factor in detail
* Presidential Address to the Geochemical Society, No. and show how its relative importance changes from
vemher 1983, Indianapolis, IN. one sedimentary environment to another.

R. A. FJemer

As the above reaction shows. two factors which

should affect the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction are
the availability of dissolved sulfate and of organic mat-
ter. The effect of sulfate concentration in marine scd-
iments, taken from the work of WESTRICH ( 1983). is
shown in Fig. 2. Note that rate control by sulfate is
not important at concentrations above about 5 mM.
Since most pyrite forms at depths where sulfate con-
centrations are much higher (e.g.-see KAPLAN el ul..
1963), the effect of sulfate on sulfate reduction and
pyrite formation, in most marine sediments, is rela-
tively unimportant. This can be seen by comparing
Figs. 2 and 3, (The depth designated as R = f‘(S0,) in
FeS2 Fig. 3 refers to that depth where dissolved sulfate has
PYRITE dropped to a level sufficiently low to appreciably affect
FIG. 1. Diagramatic representation of the overaIl process the rate of sulfate reduction and. therefore, pyrite for-
of sedimentary pyrite formation. (After BERNER, 1972). mation.)
The major factor controlling the rate of bacterial
sulfate reduction in normal marine sediments (in other
Bacterial suNate reduction; organic carbon words, those deposited in oxygenated bottom waters)
and dissolved sulfate is the amount and especially the reactivity of organic
matter deposited in the sediment. The large drop in
The first step in the overall process of sedimentary sulfate reduction rate over the top 20 cm, shown in
pyrite formation is the bacterial reduction of sulfate. Fig. 3, is due almost entirely to the progessive con-
This process occurs only in the absence of oxygen, in sumption of reactive organic compounds during dia-
other words, undet anoxic conditions. As noted above, genetic burial. Proof of this is shown by the experi-
such conditions are realized in the majority of sub- mental data of J. T. Westrich summarized in Fig. 4.
aqueous sediments because sufficient organic matter Freshly killed freeze-dried plankton were added, in
is deposited to act as an oxygen-consuming barrier. varying amounts, to a sediment which had been found
Dissolved oxygen migrates into the sediment from the to exhibit low in-situ rates of sulfate reduction. Ad-
overlying water via molecular diffusion, wave and cur- dition of the planktonic organic matter caused sulfate
rent stirring, or bioturbational irrigation (for a dis- reduction rate to increase considerably, and the amount
cussion of these processes consult ALLER, 1980 or of increase was found to be directly proportional to
BERNER, 1980) but is consumed by oxic bacteria, living the amount of fresh planktonic carbon added. Use of
near the sediment-water interface, which use the ox- oxically degraded, as opposed to fresh, plankton re-
ygen to convert organic matter to CO*. Rapid con- sulted in a similar relationship but with a lesser slope
sumption of all O2 near the sediment-water interface response (Fig. 4). (Similar results were obtained from
prevents it from penetrating far into the sediment,
and, as a result, anoxic conditions, necessary for bac-
terial sulfate reduction, result below a depth normally
of a few centimeters. Thus, bacterially decomposable .
organic matter is needed not only as a reductant for -_!
sulfate (Fig. 1) but also as an agent for bringing about /
anoxic conditions. I
Bacterial sulfate reduction is a complex process and
proceeds via a variety of individual steps involving
such things as the breakdown of biopolymeric organic

matter to simple organic molecules by fermentative I

micro-organisms, the utilixation of the simple mole- !

cules by sulfate-reducing bacmria themselves, and the /

further oxidation of organic reaction products (e.g.-
see JORGENSEN, 1982, for a detailed discussion). How-
ever, the overall process can be shown to be adequately I I
20 25
represented by the simple reaction (WESTRKH, 1983):
SOi-( mM)
2CHz0 + SO; - HIS + 2HCO; FIG. 2. Plot of the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction (R),
measured using ‘3 tracer, vs. sulfate concentration for a lab-
where sedimentary organic matter is represented by
oratory experiment using Long Island Sound sediment.
the idea&d formula CH*O. (Proof of this stoichi- (Sachem site, S&lo0 cm depth). The line drawn through the
omen-y, which is generally assumed by other authors, data points represents a best fit Linweaver-Burk plot for Mi-
is actually given by Westrich.) chaelicMenten kinetics (Data from WESTRICH, 1983).
Sedimentary pyrite formation 607

between sedimentation rate on the one hand, and or-

R (mM yr-‘)
0 20 40 60 00 100 ganic matter and pyrite contents on the other.
I I I I 1 The dominant control of organic matter on sulfate
SOL (mM) reduction and pyrite formation in modem marine sed-
iments is shown in Fig. 5. The positive slope between
organic carbon and pyrite sulfur with zero intercept
indicates the dependence of pyrite formation on or-
ganic matter. If a roughly constant proportion of Orig-
inally deposited organic matter is used to form pyrite,
then the remaining, unused organic matter should
correlate positively with pyrite as it does in Fig. 5.
(Incidentally, the amount of organic matter destroyed
to form pyrite is greater than that shown by the stoi-
(cm)” I__- ______ ___!T!!?04j___ chiometry of the CH20 reaction given above because
;;$(/ff .\ DEPTH I all H2S produced by bacterial sulfate reduction is not
precipitated as pyrite; up to 90% of the H2S is re-
oxidized to sulfate as shown by the work of IEIRGENSEN,
1978, and WESTRICH, 1983).
140 What has been said above concerning modem ma-
rine sediments does not apply to modem freshwater
‘60- 0
SPY(pmol per gm)
500 sediments. The reason is that dissolved sulfate con-
centrations in freshwater are much less, on the average
several hundred fold less, than that found in seawater.
FIG. 3. Plots of dissolved sulfate (SO;), rate of sulfate re-
duction (R), and pyrite sulfur (!$,J (plus minor FeS and el- As a result sulfate is rapidly and totally consumed via
emental sulfur) VS.depth for sediments of Long Island Sound sulfate reduction at sediment depths of only a few
(FOAM site). The depth lab&d R = j&SO,) represents that centimeters, leaving behind little pyrite and much or-
where the level of dissolved sulfate has dropped to values low
enough to appreciably affect sulfate reduction rate-see Fig.
2. (Data from WESTRICH,1983).

400 - /,
studies of anoxically degraded organic matter.) This
shows that the reactivity of organic matter decreases
as the more reactive compounds are consumed and
that the less reactive compounds that survive (or are
formed during aging) bring about lower rates of sulfate
The above results can be used to explain why bac-
terial sulfate reduction and pyrite formation are more
extensive in certain areas of the present-day ocean
than in others. Except for rare euxinic environments
(see below) practically all bottom waters contain dis-
solved oxygen; consequently, pyrite formation must
take place below the sediment-water interlace. In many
pelagic regions, sedimentation rates are very low and
organic compounds, representing the remains of ma-
rine organisms, are exposed to oxic destruction near
the sediment-water interface (and in the overlying water
column) for long periods, up to thousands of years.
As a result, only small amounts of very resistant organic
compounds support very little sulfate reduction, and
as a result, little pyrite forms. By contrast, in areas of
“OW 0
0 0.5 1.0 2.5
high sedimentation, especially in nutrient-rich waters OROARld’“, AD’,;“,
which bring about a high rate of organic matter pro- (mg/g)
duction and sedimentation, rapid burial enables rel- FIG. 4. Rate of sulfate reduction (R) vs. concentration of
atively reactive compounds and more organic matter added organic carbon for Long Island Sound sediment (NWC
in general to become available for bacterial sulfate site). (In the lab sulfate concentrations were maintained hi%
reduction at depth. Consequently, high levels of HIS by diffusiveexchange with overlying seawater.)Car&n added
both as fresh plankton and as the plankton-derived material
are attained and much pyrite forms. These consid- remaining after 72 days of oxic degradation. Data from Wr.s-
erations help to explain why there is a crude correlation TRICH(1983). (See also WE~TRICHand BERNER,1984).
608 R. A. Bemer

gested (BERNER and RAISWELL.,1984) that the <‘IS

2’1-----1 method should be applicable also to other sedimentary

situations. For instance, recent unpublished work by
Paul Olsen at Yale has illustrated how C/S ratios can
be used to discern saline (high sulfate) vs. freshwater
(low sulfate) phases in ancient lake sediments. Likewise
% I5 -
the work of David Lawrence (also unpublished) has
S demonstrated the usefulness of C/S ratios in distin-
guishing freshwater from marginal marine Cretaceous

The role I$ iron in pyrite jormation

In the above discussion it has been implied that
greater production of H2S, via bacterial sulfate reduc-
% organic C tion, simply means more pyrite formation, and this
FIG. 5. Plot of w&ht percent organic carbon (dry wt.) VS. seems to be the case in many normal marine sediments
weight percent pyrite sulfur for modem normal marine (non- where pyrite sulfur correlates positively with organic
euxinic) sediments. Data points from BERNER (1982).Dashed-
carbon. However, pyrite formation is also limited by
line encloSeS many additional points summarized by LEV-
ENTHAL (1983) from the compilation of SWEENEY (1972)
the amount and reactivity of detrital iron minerals
and GOLDHABER and KAPLAN (1974). (Afier BERNER and added to the sediment. Apparently, in terrigenous ma-
RAISWELL, 1983). rine sediments deposited under normal oxygenated
conditions, the iron minerals are sufficiently abundant
and reactive that they don’t pose a serious problem.
ganic matter. Thus (in contrast to marine sediments) However, this is not the case for highly calcareous
sulfate is the principal factor controlling pyrite for- sediments. In localities far removed from sources of
mation in freshwater sediments. This results in a rel- terrigenous clays or silts and where the sediments in-
ative lack of correlation of pyrite sulfur with organic stead consist almost entirely of calcium carbonate de-
carbon, and high carbon to sulfur (C/S) ratios in such rived from the skeletal debris of marine organisms,
sediments. This is shown for modem lake muds in there is insufficient iron to bring about appreciable
Fig. 6 and the results are probably also representative pyrite formation. (Calcareous skeletal debris is much
of the sediments of fresh-water swamps. lower in iron than terrigenous material.) Even in the
The large difference in C/S ratios of organic-rich presence of high organic matter concentrations and
modem marine and freshwater sediments suggests that abundant H2S, if the sediment is dominated by CaCO,,
this ratio, measured on ancient shales, might serve as the pyrite concentration is low. This is shown in Table
a useful paleosalinity indicator. Data taken from pub- 1 for the highly calcareous sediments of Florida Bay,
lished results for Carboniferous shales, are shown in Florida, which are decidedly lower in pyrite sulfur
Fig. 7 and it is clear that the C/S ratio is indeed a than those from a terrigenous locality in Long Island
useful parameter for distinguishing original deposition Sound containing similar levels of organic matter
under freshwater vs. marine conditions. We have sug- and H$i.


% organic C
FIG. 6. Plot of weight percent organic carbon vs. weight perocnt reduced sulfur for modem fresh water
lake sediments. Also, shown are data for normal marine sediments taken from Fig. 5. (After BERNER and
RAISWELL, 1983).
Sedimentary pyrite formation 609



FIG. 7. Frequency distribution of C/S weight ratio for British Carboniferous marine and non-marine
sediments. Data from HIR~Tand KAYE(1971), PEARSON (1979) AMIN(1979), and SPEARS and AMIN
(1981) (After BERNER and RUSWELL, 1984).

The amount and reactivity of iron minerals also ter deposition to occur at the same exact place where
plays a major role in pyrite formation under euxinic the detrital iron-minerals are deposited. In this way
conditions. The word euxinic (derived from the Black appreciable pyrite can build up in euxinic sediments
Sea whose ancient Latin name was Pontus Euxinus) in the presence of locally low concentrations of organic
refers to sediments deposited in bottom waters which matter. Also, in contrast to normal marine sediments,
are anoxic and contain HIS in place of Or. The anoxic appreciable pyrite can form where deposition rates are
bottom waters result from strong density stratification very low. There is no problem with the long-term t-e-
and the long-term isolation of these waters (stagnation) moval of organic matter during slow deposition, which
from contact with the atmosphere (see the compilation inhibits pyrite formation in normal pelagic sediments,
by DEGENS and Ross, 1974, for a further discussion because the oxic bottom water conditions which bring
of Black Sea water chemistry). Under such conditions this about are not present. In fact, very slow deposition
relatively fresh planktonicallyderived organic material under euxinic conditions maximizes the amount of
becomes available for bacterial sulfate reduction. (This pyrite formed, because slowly reacting iron compounds
contrasts with the extensive loss of more rapidly re- are given more time for reaction with H#. In most
active organic compounds under oxic conditions which normal marine sediments slowly reacting iron minerals
occurs in normal marine sediments.) As a result organic are given insufficient time to react with HIS because
accumulations are high, bacterial sulfate reduction is the source of the HrS, interstitial dissolved sulfate, is
extensive, and HIS builds up in the bottom water as rapidly exhausted with depth (for instance see Fig. 3).
well as in the underlying sediments (e.g.-see SWEENEY These considerations suggest that pyrite sulfur in
and KAPLAN, 1980). euxinic marine sediments should exhibit a weaker cor-
Under euxinic conditions the reaction of HIS with relation with organic carbon contents, and, at low or-
iron-minerals can occur both before and after burial, ganic carbon concentrations, should be present in
even during sedimentation itself (e.g.-see LEVEN- higher concentrations, than those found in normal
THAL, 1983). Thus, the amount of pyrite formed de- marine sediments. These predictions are borne out by
pends more on the amount and reactivity of detrital actual observations as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. Present
iron minerals, and less on the amount of locally de- day sediments of the deep portions of the Black Sea,
posited organic matter. Because of advection of sulfidic as well as many ancient euxinic shales, exhibit pyrite
bottom water, pyrite may form from HrS transported sulfur concentrations which are relatively independent
laterally from organic-rich source localities and, thus, of organic carbon concentrations and, which at low
there is no need for sulfate reduction and organic mat- organic carbon levels, are distinctly higher than those
found in normal marine sediments. (In some euxinic
sediments reactive iron positively correlates with or-
ganic matter and this gives an apparent correlation
between pyrite and organic matter-see below).
Regardless of the environment of deposition the
amount of pyrite formed in a sediment, except in highIy
calcareous ones, is almost never limited by the amount
of total iron deposited. Instead, pyrite content is con-
trolled by the reactivity of detrital iron minerals. The
most reactive fraction is made up of fine-grained hy-
drous ferric oxides formed via continental weathering,
610 R. A. Bemer

pyrite sulfur content both with organic carbon and

with total iron. This comes about, most likely. because
of a correlation between organic carbon and reactive
iron at the time of deposition. Sediments of finer grain
size have greater specific surface areas for the adsorp-
tion of both colloidal hydrous ferric oxides and organic
compounds. Thus, where there is a greater deposition
of finer detritus, one may find more iron and more
organic carbon and, consequently, more pyrite. In this
case, no simple statement can be made concerning the
chief limiting factor in pyrite formation. An example
of this situation is given in Fig. 10.

I.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Summary
Pyrite fo~ation resuhs from the reaction of H2S,
FIG. 8. EOt Of Weightpercent OrganicC&On vs. weight
percent pyrite sulfur for deep water (> 1500 m) cuxinic s#l- from bacterial sulfate reduction, with reactive detrital
iments of the Black Sea. For comparison the normal marine iron minerals. In freshwater sediments this process is
regression line, taken from Fig. 1, is also shown. Black Sea limited by low concentrations of dissolved sulfate. As
data from ROZANOV et al. (I 974). (Modified from BERNER a result, little pyrite is formed and there is no simple
and RAIsWELL, 1983).
correlation between organic carbon and pyrite sulfur.
In normal marine sediments (those deposited in ox-
which normally occur as rust-colored coatings on other ygen-containing bottom waters), pyrite formation is
mineral grains. Other less reactive sources of iron in- limited mainly by the amount and reactivity of organic
clude that contained within clay minerals and that matter buried in the sediment, and as a result pyrite
present in unweathered primary minerals such as bio- sulfur and organic carbon correlate positively with one
tite, pyroxenes, amphiboles, magnetite, and ilmenite another. This correlation may be due partly to a pas-
(for example see ROZANOV et al., 1974). Under euxinic itive correlation between (fine-grained) reactive iron
conditions a greater proportion of the less reactive iron and organic carbon at the time of deposition. In euxinic
minerals are converted to pyrite, as discussed above, marine sediments (those deposited in anoxic, Hz.9
but even here there is excess iron which does not react. confining bottom waters), a plentiful supply of both
In studies of thousands of sediments and ancient rock organic matter and hydrogen sulfide brings about the
samples we and other workers have encountered very formation of high concentrations of pyrite which are
few instances where all iron in the sediment has been limited only by the reactivity of the iron-minerals
converted to pyrite. Instead, depending upon H2S lev- brought to the site of deposition. More pyrite is formed.
els, iron mineral reactivity, and time for reaction, the compared to normal marine conditions, because more
degree of pyritization of iron attains levels which are time is available for the reaction of high concentrations
distinctly less than 100%. of H2S with less reactive iron minerals. In normal
Chzcasionally normal marine and euxinic sediments marine sediments rapid sedimentation can bring about
are encountered which exhibit positive correlations of the production also of high concentrations of HIS due

o Le Riche ( 1959)
A Raiswell (unpublished)


0 A AA A -1
2 0 A
liA A I

1 I I I I I I t I I I
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO
FIG. 9. Plot of 96organic carbon vs. 7%total sulfur (mainly pyrite) for euxinic lower Lias (JurpFsic)Black
Ven Marls of England. (Apparently dilkrent values for the two sets of analyses due probably to different
analytical methods.) Euxinicity deduced on the basis of fine laminations and a lack of benthic fauna. Note
the lack of a positive correlation between pyrite and organic matter. (Data fmm LERICHE. 1959; and UIS-
WELL, unpublish~),
Sedimentary pyrite formation 611

assumption, as pointed out by H. D. Holland in his

Geochemical Society presidential address of several
years ago (HOLLAND, 1972), based on what is known
about marine evaporite minerals. Constancy of sulfur
content in the oceans means that any imbalances be-
tween weathering and oceanic deposition must result
in the growth of sedimentary pyrite at the expense of
&SO, or vice versa. In other words, it is assumed that
total sedimentary sulfur (CaS04 + pyrite) remains
Another basic assumption of the Garrels and Ler-
man model, previously used by others, is that any
redox imbalance resulting from a net shift of sulfur
between the CaSO., and pyrite reservoirs is taken care
of by concurrent shifts between the organic carbon
and calcium carbonate reservoirs. In other words, in
RG. 10. Plots of 96organic carbon, ‘51pyrite sulfur, and %
order to maintain essentially constant Or levels over
HCl-soluble iron vs. depth for a sediment (LIS site) in Long
Island Sound. HCI-soluble iron representsexcess detrital iron Phanerozoic time, redox balance is maintained by
minerals that have not reacted to form pyrite (pyrite is in- complementary shifts in the sedimentary carbon and
soluble in HCI). (After BERNER,1970). sulfur reservoirs. This can be expressed in terms of
the overall chemical reaction:

to the rapid burial of reactive organic compounds into 15CHrO + 8CaS04 + 2Fe203 + 7MgSiOJ P
the zone of bacterial sulfate reduction. However, this
4FeSr + 8CaC03 + 7MgCOs + 7SiOz + 15H20.
results also in the rapid depletion of sulfate (and even-
tually HrS) with depth which limits the time during Thus, to make more pyrite at the expense of CaSO,,
which the less reactive iron minerals are exposed we must oxidize some organic carbon to calcium car-
to H2S. bonate. This coupled reaction allows one to make links
between rates of sulfur transfer, to and from the ocean,
PYRITE FORMATION OVER and rates of carbon transfer. One can actually calculate
such rates using known values of oceanic sulfur isotopic
The observations, discussed above, made on modem composition and the assumptions of the Garrels and
sediments prove to be useful in helping to interpret Lerman model. (Values of 6’%J for the oceans over
the formation and distribution of pyrite over geologic time, calculated by Garrels and Let-man, agree well
time. Sedimentary pyrite formation has been a major with actual values recorded by marine carbonates. This
process in the past for controlling the amount and provides strong backing for the use of the above carbon-
isotopic composition of sulfate in the oceans and the sulfur coupling reaction and for ignoring other possible
level of oxygen in the atmosphere, and this becomes processes of oceanic sulfate reduction, such as basalt-
apparent when incorporating sedimentary pyrite for- seawater reaction.)
mation in models for explaining possible changes in Robert Raiswell and I (BERNER and RAISWELL,
these parameters over Phanerozoic time (HOLSER and 1983) have used the Garrels and Lerman model to
KAPLAN, 1966; REES,1970; HOLLAND, 1973; !SCHID calcuiate (using a different technique than that used
LOWSKI et al., 1977; ARTHUR and KELTS, 1979; by Garrels and Lerman) rates of pyrite sulfur burial
CLAYFOOLet al., 1980; VEIZER ef al., 1980; GARREL~ and organic carbon burial over Phanerozoic time and
and LERMAN,198 1). One such model, that of G-I-s results are shown in Fig. 11. Note that percentage
and LERMAN (198 1) will be discussed here and its changes in pyrite burial are much greater than cor-
predictions interpreted in terms of what is known about responding changes in organic carbon burial and this
pyrite formation in modem sediments. results in large calculated worldwide changes in C/S
According to the Garrels and Lerman model, ratios of sediments over Phanerozoic time. This is
changes in the isotopic composition of seawater sulfate shown in Fig. 12. Are these changes real? Can they be
(as recorded by evaporite minerals) are due mainly to explained in terms of known geologic processes? Also,
changes in the relative rates of removal of CaSO, and how can pyrite burial rate decrease while organic car-
pyrite from the oceans. Like other models, the Garrels bon burial rate increases if in normal marine sediments
and Lerman mode1 considers weathering inputs to the there should be a positive correlation between the two
oceans from sedimentary pyrite and CaSO,, and out- as shown in Fig. 5. These and other questions can be
puts from the ocean to form the same minerals. Unlike answered by applying what we know about pyrite for-
some other models, Garrels and Lerman assume that mation in recent sediments.
the level of sulfate in the ocean remains essentially A major way that worldwide C/S ratios could change
constant; only its isotopic composition changes. Rough is to change the locus of organic carbon burial. Burying
constancy of sulfate concentration is a very reasonable more carbon on land and less in the oceans should
R. A. Bemer




TIME (my BP)

FIG. 11. Burial rate F, of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur as a function of time recalculated according
to the model OfGARRELs and LERMAN (198 I). For details ofthe calculation consult BERNERand RAISWELL
(1983) (After BERNERand RAISWELL, 1983).

resuit in less pyrite burial worldwide. As seen from mum. This is a period when large quantities of organic
Fig. 6 and our discussion of pyrite formation under matter were deposited on land in vast swamps to form
freshwater conditions, organic carbon burial in fresh- many present-day coal deposits. The abundance of
water involves less pyrite burial than in seawater be- minable coal as a function of time is plotted in Fig.
cause of the low con~nt~tion of sulfate in freshwater. 13 and one can note a distinct ~~llelisrn with the
We beiieve the very high predicted C/S ratio shown C/S plot of Fig. 12. Thus, qualitatively, the high C/S
in Fig. I2 for the late Carboniferous and early Permian ratio can be explained in terms of a major shift in the
is due to a shift to much greater organic deposition locus of organic carbon burial from marine to non-
on the continents in freshwater at that time and pro- marine sediments during Permo-Carboniferous time.
pronely tower burial at sea. Ap~~ntIy at that time, nutrients such as pho~ho~s
There is good geologic evidence to back up our were removed from sluggish streams as they flowed
explanation of the Permo-Carboniferous C/S maxi- through swamps on the continents, and as a result,

201 I I I 1 I I 1 6.0 I I I I

--- W _--___.

600 500 400 3co 200 n)o C
TIME (my BP) TIME (my BP)
FIG. 12. Weight ratio of organic carbon 10 pyrite sulfur FIG. 13. Mass per unit time of potentially recoverable coal
(C/S) buried in sediments over Phancrozoie time. Data derived as a function of geological age. Note similarity to Fig. 12.
from fluxes e;iven in Fig. 11.(After BERNER and RAISWELL, Data fmm BE~T~UGEFF (1980). (After BERNER and RAIS-
1983). WELL,1983).
Sedimentary pyrite formation 613

less nutrients should have been delivered by the rivers this way more pyrite could have been buried per unit
to the oceans resulting in a lower overall oceanic Pro- of organic carbon. However, carbon-sulfur plots for
ductivity of organic matter. euxinic shales should show a positive intercept on the
A quantitative check on our qualitative explanation sulfur axis and some of our early Paleozoic data, do
and of the model prediction of high Permo-Carbon- not. An example is given in Fig. 14. Since we made
iferous C/S ratio is provided by the data of RONOV an attempt to analyze as many early Paleozoic shales
(1976). In Table 2 I have combined his data for the as possible which were not obviously euxinic (some
mass of coal-measure rocks and total rocks laid down showed evidence of bottom fauna which could not
at that time (320-250 my BP), suitably corrected for live in sulfidic bottom water), we believe the decreased
subsequent erosion using the data of GREGOR (1984), C/S ratio represents something in addition to wide-
with his average %C for all rocks of this age and my spread euxinicity.
independent estimate of the percentage of organic car- If the sediments shown in Fig. 14 represent “normal
bon in coal measures. My estimate (see legend to Table marine” sediments, then we can offer two possible
2 for references) is based on the average thickness explanations for the low C/S ratios. First, the sediments
percentage of coals from various coal basins along are all finely laminated, even when they include evi-
with estimates of ratios of both non-exploitable coal dence of bottom-dwelling fauna, and this indicates an
and ~~rninat~~~n-in-~iat~-~~~ to ex- absence ofdeep bioturbation, whether or not dissolved
p~oi~b~e coal and of the proper conversion factors for oxygen was present in bottom waters. Absence of ap-
transforming coal thickness percent to weight percent preciable sediment disturbance by bioturbation is ap
organic carbon. Note that there is good agreement parently typical of the early Paleozoic in general (e.g.
between model-predicted (see Fig. 11) and measured LARWN and RHOADS,1983); at this time benthic fauna
estimates for the average rate of Permo-Carboniferous ha+ not yet evolved the ability to undergo deep sed-
total organic carbon burial and that the amount of iment burrowing. Perhaps this represents a response
carbon buried on land is, as predicted from the high to lower (but not zero) oxygen concentrations in early
C/S ratios, a high proportion of the total carbon burial. Paleozoic seawater, which might have helped to bring
Considering the many possible errors in both the model about greater pyrite formation (per unit of carbon) by
predictions and burial rate estimates, I find this agree- bringing about higher sulfate Yukon rates at slow
ment highly gratifying. sedimentation rates. In this way pyrite formation would
Another feature of the curve of Fig. 12 is the low still be dependent on accompanying organic burial at
predicted C/S ratio for Cambrian through Silurian the same place (in contrast to euxinic conditions), but
times. Is this reasonable? Recent unpublished data of more pyrite could form because there would be less
Robert Raisweil and myself suggests that it is. We have destruction of highly reactive (toward sulfate reduction)
analyzed a number of late Proterozoic, Cambrian and organic compounds due to both less re-oxygenation
Ordovician shales and have found distinctly lower C/ of anoxic sediments by bioturbation and lower oxygen
S ratios than in rocks deposited at later times. A simple concentrations in the bottom waters.
explanation for this observation, which we have already The alternative explanation is that, because of the
offered (BERNER and RAISWELL, 1983) is that euxinic absence of vascular iand plants in the early Paleozoic,
basins (which produce sediments with low C/S ratios- only marine or terrestrial algal-derived organic carbon
see above) were much more widespread at that time was delivered to the sediments. At present large quan-
than they are today, a suggestion in keeping with the tities of terrestrial organic matter derived from vascular
findings of others (e.g.-BERRY and WILDE, 1978). In plants are added to the oceans by rivers, (e.g.-see

Table 2. Estimates of average ratm of organic carbon burial during

late-Csrboniferous through lower Permian tim (320 to 250 my
BP). Rock masses and organic carbon content of total rocks
from uonov (1976). Organic contents of coal-masure rocks
based oe average Chickmss percentages of minable coals in
coal basin rocks lScutzet I
and So&. 1940: Lawrence. 1982)
ratio. of total c&m to m%nable coal carbon <Nicholls and
briwz. 1962; Eaaar end Smars. 1966: Pearson. 1979: R.
Raisv;ll, person& cmmunicari& and the ass&p& that the
average density of associated sandstones and shnleris twice
chat of coal.

All Pem-
rocks (320-
250 my BP)

Coal bearing
sands and
clays only
(320-250 my BP> 12 _ 48 3.0 1.7
* original ~8s based on 75X loss due LO subsequent erosion over 300
nly (Gregor, 1984)
614 R. A. Bemer

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