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1984 Bullet Points

 A Hitler youth like youth is being raised that spies on their

parents who threaten them with death or vaporization.
 People are constantly being spied on.
 A very similar system to the “House of Terror” in Budapest is
being used
o Torture until death
o Whoever enters doesn’t come out
o Starving
o Even though in 1984 they aren’t killed straight away but
are tortured in unspeakable ways until “broken”
o Cells smaller than the person inside it
 Art is banned
 Thinking is banned
 Sex and love are banned
 Free speech is banned
 Democracy is non existent
 History is re-written in a way that helps the party and screws
with the truth
 Lies are spread
 Personal relations are forbidden
 Diaries are forbidden
o If found the truth will come out rather than what the
party wants people to know
o A vaporized person’s existence could be revealed
 Constant belief of war
o Common enemy
o Reason for the horrific situation
o Making the public believe that there is a rational reason
for the situation of the country
 “A news” of Turkey. News filled with lies that are fed to them by
the government
In the dystopian book “1984”, George Orwell talks about what he believes
the future holds for mankind. Some of these things are inspired from actual
situations from the past and some situations that are indeed being developed by
the current governments of the world. This novel has influenced some governments
as well as scaring them. George Orwell wrote this novel with a lot of hints of what
had happened and what the new world leaders should be careful about. Most of the
book contains a god like figure called the “BIG BROTHER” which has been
Some of the past situations that Orwell is connoting to is the “Hitler youth”
which used games, toys and playgrounds to brain wash kids and turn them into
soldiers that saw Hitler as a god, savior and noble leader. The same thing happens
in 1984 where the party corrupts kids by making them believe that the party is
their savior, that they should follow everything that has been told to them even if
they are told to turn against their own families, which has happened where the
boy threatens his mother by shooting or vaporizing her. Another historic
significance is to the “House of Terror” in Budapest. The house of terror was the
place where they locked up, tortured, starved and eventually killed their prisoners.
The House of Terror was built during the communist Hungary and all of their
victims were people that didn’t like the idea of communism. Even though Winston
wasn’t killed he was tortured in unspeakable ways much like in the House of
The party in 1984 that is running the whole system is basically a plague
that invades people’s beliefs and hopes. They create history in a manor where
everything they are doing is way better than what used to be going around the
world. They even create the present in whatever way they believe would help the
party out. For example, they always seem to be in a constant state of war which is
what the party uses to prove that there is a rational reason for the messed up and
poor situation in the country. In order to make sure that the public won’t figure
out that they are lying the party banns everything that requires any form of
imagination, creativity or thought like art, free speech, thinking, having personal
relations or emotions. Writing a diary is also forbidden for the public because if
found it could reveal some of the true colors of the party or prove the existence of
a vaporized citizen.
Even the news program is much like the “A News of Turkey” which is
basically the number one lying news cast of Turkey. Lately they have aired an
episode which talked about how “Trump was afraid of the way the TL is going.”
This was when USD broke record and finally hit 7. In 1984, the news that are on
tv keep changing. Mainly their state of war. It is usually basically just switched by
the government saying that at one point they are at war with one country and in
a few days they’ve somehow allied and are fighting some other country. Winston is
one of the few people that notices there isn’t actually a war going on and that it’s
all actually a massive cover-up for what’s really going on in the country and an
excuse for the horrific state of the country. Which then leads to his torture and an
eventual off text death of Winston and he now truly believes that “2 + 2 = 5”.
There is modern day evidence that George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare is
already developing in the world yet no one seems to acknowledge this. That is the
problem we have in the world we destroy so more destruction can follow. Once we
notice what we’ve done, we decide to change the world, by sitting down and doing
the same thing over and over again.

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