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30 chapter 2

Figure 2.20 Translated pages search for elephants

• Translated foreign pages

This option uses Google’s automatic translator service, Google Trans-
late. Google translates your search term into one or more languages and
then performs a search using the translated terms. The search results
are then translated back into your default language (figure 2.20). Click
a translated result and you’ll be taken to an automatically translated
version of the page.

• Verbatim
Google typically tries to help you get to the information you need by
automatically improving the searches you enter. Some of the improve-
ments Google makes are suggesting spelling corrections and alterna-
tive spellings, including synonyms of your search terms to find related
results, and searching for words with the same stem, such as running
when you search for run. To see results that contain the exact words you
are searching for, click “Verbatim,” and Google will ignore these usual
improvements and search only for the exact words you entered.

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