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Mabini Colleges

Daet, Camarines Norte

High School Department
S.Y 2016-2017

I. Project Title
“Student Voice (Suggestion Box)’’

II. Project Proponent

-This project is headed only by the Supreme Student Government.

III. Project Rationale

This project will help students share their voice in countless ways.

IV. Project Objectives:

 To contribute meaningfully to learning, schools or education.
 To help the school become a better places to atten and to learn.
 To enhance students’ mentality in taking action regarding their concern and

V. Project Description

This project will be accomplished through the help of our officers. Student voice
is any expression of any student anywhere, anytime regarding learning, schools and
education. With such a broad understanding of Student Voice, it’s easy to see that
student can share their ideas in countless ways, considering their own
understanding to the development of school facilities. Their voices through the
words will be included in the meeting of the org for development of the idea.

VI. Project Duration:

 This will be discussed and distributed on _________,2016 (Monday)

VII. Target Beneficiaries

With the visualized success of this project, students and the school will develop its
partnership in identifying the “wrong number” formula of some student failures.

VIII. Proposed Budget

The only expenses will be the printing of the forms to fill, and for the suggestion

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Project will be over all managed by the Supreme Student Government (SSG)

Zak J. Maghinay Jonel A. Ebron

SSG President Proposer

Nikki Allen R. Dionisio SSG Adviser

SSG Vice-President

Nora R. Cabate
Mabini Colleges
Daet, Camarines Norte
High School Department
S.Y 2016-2017

X. Project Title
“Bote Queen’’

XI. Project Proponent

-This project is headed only by the Supreme Student Government.

XII. Project Rationale

-In line with the mission-vision of the school, this project will help promote cleanliness and
awareness of the students about the 3rs: Reuse, reduce, recycle.

XIII. Project Objectives:

 To expose every Mabinians in different environmental activities
 To raise fund and support the Supreme Student Government (SSG) projects
 To promote the awareness of students to recycle

XIV. Project Description

This project will be accomplished through the help of our officers, faculty, staffs and
also the support of the students. Each section will have a representative queen and they are
required to bring bottles for the first and last counting. From their bottles and other
recycled materials, they will make a presentable costume to be showcased by their
representative and the pageant will begin.

XV. Project Duration:

 Each section will start collecting bottles on _________,2016 (Monday)
 First Counting will be on _________,2016 (Friday)
 Second counting will be on _________,2016 (Friday)
 The pageant will begin on _________,2016 (Monday)

XVI. Target Beneficiaries

The top 5 sections who have the most number of bottles will receive an incentive from the
SSG on their Christmas Party.

XVII. Proposed Budget

The only expenses will be the prize (trophy, sash, certificate) for the winning sections
and also the reigned bote queen. The budget for this is estimated at Php 500.00 – Php

XVIII. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Project will be over all managed by the Supreme Student Government (SSG) and
each adviser will assist their students for the activities.

Zak J. Maghinay Jonel A. Ebron

SSG President Proposer

Nikki Allen R. Dionisio SSG Adviser

SSG Vice-President

Nora R. Cabate

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