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What are microwaves?

Microwaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, as are radio waves, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and
gamma-rays. Microwaves have a range of applications, including communications, radar and, perhaps best
known by most people, cooking.

Location of Microwaves in Electromagnetic Spectrum

Are there human health risk from exposure or over exposure in

microwaves?Describe the main risk.

> Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. The lens of the eye is particularly
sensitive to intense heat, and exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause cataracts.Two areas the
body, the eyes and the testes are particularly vulnerable to RF heating.

Describes common sources of exposure.

> Microwave sources include artificial devices such as circuits, trasmission towers, radar, masers,
and microwave ovens, as well as natural sources such as the Sun and the
Cosmic Microwave Background. Microwaves can also be produced by atoms and molecules.

Describe the technological device that can be used for protection or behaviour to
decrease exposure
> try to keep a distance to cellphone towers
> Add microwave shielding to your home
> Use a microwave raiation device
How microwave oven uses microwaves to quickly heat food?

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