Bluehill Universal: Simpler. Smarter. Safer

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Simpler. Smarter. Safer.

Effortless Workflows TestProfiler Prompted Tests Pre-loaded Templates Instron® Connect Analysis
An easy-to-use touch interface, built from the Build simple cyclic tests that include ramps, holds, Users can be guided through the entire testing Bluehill Universal includes an extensive library of Instron’s unrivaled application expertise and best-in- Replay, reanalyze, or make modifications to
ground up with ergonomics in mind, optimizes and triangle waves. Conditional logic allows you to process with step-by-step instructions, ensuring pre-configured methods for some of the most class service establishes us as the leader in customer previously-tested specimens without having
your testing workflow. create looping patterns that help you re-create that your tests remain repeatable, simple, and commonly used ASTM, ISO, and EN standards. satisfaction with the best ownership experience. to re-run tests.
real-life scenarios with your tests. error-free. The prompts are customizable with The methods are packaged in modules that are Instron Connect introduces a powerful communication
your own text and images. specific to your testing application. platform that brings our support engineers even
closer to your organization.

10 Simpler. Smarter. Safer. | 11

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