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Sequential Logic Circuits

Sequential Logic Circuits use flip-flops as memory elements and in which their output is
dependent on the input state

Unlike Combinational Logic circuits that change state depending upon the
actual signals being applied to their inputs at that time, Sequential
Logic circuits have some form of inherent “Memory” built in.
This means that sequential logic circuits are able to take into account their
previous input state as well as those actually present, a sort of “before” and
“after” effect is involved with sequential circuits.
In other words, the output state of a “sequential logic circuit” is a function of
the following three states, the “present input”, the “past input” and/or the “past
output”. Sequential Logic circuits remember these conditions and stay fixed in
their current state until the next clock signal changes one of the states, giving
sequential logic circuits “Memory”.
Sequential logic circuits are generally termed as two state or Bistable devices
which can have their output or outputs set in one of two basic states, a logic
level “1” or a logic level “0” and will remain “latched” (hence the name latch)
indefinitely in this current state or condition until some other input trigger pulse
or signal is applied which will cause the bistable to change its state once
Sequential Logic Representation

The word “Sequential” means that things happen in a “sequence”, one after
another and in Sequential Logic circuits, the actual clock signal determines
when things will happen next. Simple sequential logic circuits can be
constructed from standard Bistable circuits such as: Flip-
flops, Latches and Counters and which themselves can be made by simply
connecting together universal NAND Gates and/or NOR Gates in a particular
combinational way to produce the required sequential circuit.

Classification of Sequential Logic

As standard logic gates are the building blocks of combinational circuits,
bistable latches and flip-flops are the basic building blocks of sequential logic
circuits. Sequential logic circuits can be constructed to produce either simple
edge-triggered flip-flops or more complex sequential circuits such as storage
registers, shift registers, memory devices or counters. Either way sequential
logic circuits can be divided into the following three main categories:
 1. Event Driven – asynchronous circuits that change state immediately when
 2. Clock Driven – synchronous circuits that are synchronised to a specific
clock signal.
 3. Pulse Driven – which is a combination of the two that responds to
triggering pulses.
As well as the two logic states mentioned above logic level “1” and logic level
“0”, a third element is introduced that separates sequential logic circuits from
their combinational logic counterparts, namely TIME. Sequential logic
circuits return back to their original steady state once reset and sequential
circuits with loops or feedback paths are said to be “cyclic” in nature.
We now know that in sequential circuits changes occur only on the application
of a clock signal making it synchronous, otherwise the circuit is asynchronous
and depends upon an external input. To retain their current state, sequential
circuits rely on feedback and this occurs when a fraction of the output is fed
back to the input and this is demonstrated as:

Sequential Feedback Loop

The two inverters or NOT gates are connected in series with the output
at Q fed back to the input. Unfortunately, this configuration never changes
state because the output will always be the same, either a “1” or a “0”, it is
permanently set. However, we can see how feedback works by examining the
most basic sequential logic components, called the SR flip-flop.

SR Flip-Flop
The SR flip-flop, also known as a SR Latch, can be considered as one of the
most basic sequential logic circuit possible. This simple flip-flop is basically a
one-bit memory bistable device that has two inputs, one which will “SET” the
device (meaning the output = “1”), and is labelled S and one which will
“RESET” the device (meaning the output = “0”), labelled R.
Then the SR description stands for “Set-Reset”. The reset input resets the flip-
flop back to its original state with an output Q that will be either at a logic level
“1” or logic “0” depending upon this set/reset condition.
A basic NAND gate SR flip-flop circuit provides feedback from both of its
outputs back to its opposing inputs and is commonly used in memory circuits
to store a single data bit. Then the SR flip-flop actually has three
inputs, Set, Reset and its current output Q relating to it’s current state or
history. The term “Flip-flop” relates to the actual operation of the device, as it
can be “flipped” into one logic Set state or “flopped” back into the opposing
logic Reset state.

The NAND Gate SR Flip-Flop

The simplest way to make any basic single bit set-reset SR flip-flop is to
connect together a pair of cross-coupled 2-input NAND gates as shown, to
form a Set-Reset Bistable also known as an active LOW SR NAND Gate
Latch, so that there is feedback from each output to one of the
other NAND gate inputs. This device consists of two inputs, one called
the Set, S and the other called the Reset, R with two corresponding
outputs Q and its inverse or complement Q (not-Q) as shown below.

The Basic SR Flip-flop

The Set State

Consider the circuit shown above. If the input R is at logic level “0” (R = 0) and
input S is at logic level “1” (S = 1), the NAND gate Y has at least one of its
inputs at logic “0” therefore, its output Q must be at a logic level “1” (NAND
Gate principles). Output Q is also fed back to input “A” and so both inputs
to NAND gate X are at logic level “1”, and therefore its output Q must be at
logic level “0”.
Again NAND gate principals. If the reset input R changes state, and goes
HIGH to logic “1” with S remaining HIGH also at logic level
“1”, NAND gate Y inputs are now R = “1” and B = “0”. Since one of its inputs is
still at logic level “0” the output at Q still remains HIGH at logic level “1” and
there is no change of state. Therefore, the flip-flop circuit is said to be
“Latched” or “Set” with Q = “1” and Q = “0”.

Reset State
In this second stable state, Q is at logic level “0”, (not Q = “0”) its inverse
output at Q is at logic level “1”, (Q = “1”), and is given by R = “1” and S = “0”.
As gate X has one of its inputs at logic “0” its output Q must equal logic level
“1” (again NAND gate principles). Output Q is fed back to input “B”, so both
inputs to NAND gate Y are at logic “1”, therefore, Q = “0”.
If the set input, S now changes state to logic “1” with input R remaining at
logic “1”, output Q still remains LOW at logic level “0” and there is no change
of state. Therefore, the flip-flop circuits “Reset” state has also been latched
and we can define this “set/reset” action in the following truth table.

Truth Table for this Set-Reset Function

State S R Q Q Description

1 0 0 1 Set Q » 1


1 1 0 1 no change
0 1 1 0 Reset Q » 0


1 1 1 0 no change

Invalid 0 0 1 1 Invalid Condition

It can be seen that when both inputs S = “1” and R = “1” the
outputs Q and Q can be at either logic level “1” or “0”, depending upon the
state of the inputs S or R BEFORE this input condition existed. Therefore the
condition of S = R = “1” does not change the state of the outputs Q and Q.
However, the input state of S = “0” and R = “0” is an undesirable or invalid
condition and must be avoided. The condition of S = R = “0” causes both
outputs Q and Q to be HIGH together at logic level “1” when we would
normally want Q to be the inverse of Q. The result is that the flip-flop looses
control of Q and Q, and if the two inputs are now switched “HIGH” again after
this condition to logic “1”, the flip-flop becomes unstable and switches to an
unknown data state based upon the unbalance as shown in the following
switching diagram.

S-R Flip-flop Switching Diagram

This unbalance can cause one of the outputs to switch faster than the other
resulting in the flip-flop switching to one state or the other which may not be
the required state and data corruption will exist. This unstable condition is
generally known as its Meta-stablestate.
Then, a simple NAND gate SR flip-flop or NAND gate SR latch can be set by
applying a logic “0”, (LOW) condition to its Set input and reset again by then
applying a logic “0” to its Reset input. The SR flip-flop is said to be in an
“invalid” condition (Meta-stable) if both the set and reset inputs are activated
As we have seen above, the basic NAND gate SR flip-flop requires logic “0”
inputs to flip or change state from Q to Q and vice versa. We can however,
change this basic flip-flop circuit to one that changes state by the application
of positive going input signals with the addition of two extra NAND gates
connected as inverters to the S and R inputs as shown.

Positive NAND Gate SR Flip-flop

As well as using NAND gates, it is also possible to construct simple one-

bit SR Flip-flopsusing two cross-coupled NOR gates connected in the same
configuration. The circuit will work in a similar way to the NAND gate circuit
above, except that the inputs are active HIGH and the invalid condition exists
when both its inputs are at logic level “1”, and this is shown below.

The NOR Gate SR Flip-flop

Switch Debounce Circuits
Edge-triggered flip-flops require a nice clean signal transition, and one
practical use of this type of set-reset circuit is as a latch used to help eliminate
mechanical switch “bounce”. As its name implies, switch bounce occurs when
the contacts of any mechanically operated switch, push-button or keypad are
operated and the internal switch contacts do not fully close cleanly, but
bounce together first before closing (or opening) when the switch is pressed.
This gives rise to a series of individual pulses which can be as long as tens of
milliseconds that an electronic system or circuit such as a digital counter may
see as a series of logic pulses instead of one long single pulse and behave
incorrectly. For example, during this bounce period the output voltage can
fluctuate wildly and may register multiple input counts instead of one single
count. Then set-reset SR Flip-flops or Bistable Latch circuits can be used to
eliminate this kind of problem and this is demonstrated below.

SR Flip Flop Switch Debounce Circuit

Depending upon the current state of the output, if the set or reset buttons are
depressed the output will change over in the manner described above and
any additional unwanted inputs (bounces) from the mechanical action of the
switch will have no effect on the output at Q.
When the other button is pressed, the very first contact will cause the latch to
change state, but any additional mechanical switch bounces will also have no
effect. The SR flip-flop can then be RESET automatically after a short period
of time, for example 0.5 seconds, so as to register any additional and
intentional repeat inputs from the same switch contacts, such as multiple
inputs from a keyboards “RETURN” key.
Commonly available IC’s specifically made to overcome the problem of switch
bounce are the MAX6816, single input, MAX6817, dual input and the
MAX6818 octal input switch debouncer IC’s. These chips contain the
necessary flip-flop circuitry to provide clean interfacing of mechanical switches
to digital systems.
Set-Reset bistable latches can also be used as Monostable (one-shot) pulse
generators to generate a single output pulse, either high or low, of some
specified width or time period for timing or control purposes. The 74LS279 is a
Quad SR Bistable Latch IC, which contains four individual NAND type
bistable’s within a single chip enabling switch debounce or
monostable/astable clock circuits to be easily constructed.
Quad SR Bistable Latch 74LS279

Gated or Clocked SR Flip-Flop

It is sometimes desirable in sequential logic circuits to have a bistable SR flip-
flop that only changes state when certain conditions are met regardless of the
condition of either the Set or the Reset inputs. By connecting a 2-
input AND gate in series with each input terminal of the SR Flip-flop a Gated
SR Flip-flop can be created. This extra conditional input is called an “Enable”
input and is given the prefix of “EN“. The addition of this input means that the
output at Q only changes state when it is HIGH and can therefore be used as
a clock (CLK) input making it level-sensitive as shown below.

Gated SR Flip-flop

When the Enable input “EN” is at logic level “0”, the outputs of the
two AND gates are also at logic level “0”, (AND Gate principles) regardless of
the condition of the two inputs S and R, latching the two outputs Q and Q into
their last known state. When the enable input “EN” changes to logic level “1”
the circuit responds as a normal SR bistable flip-flop with the two AND gates
becoming transparent to the Set and Reset signals.
This additional enable input can also be connected to a clock timing signal
(CLK) adding clock synchronisation to the flip-flop creating what is sometimes
called a “Clocked SR Flip-flop“. So a Gated Bistable SR Flip-flop operates
as a standard bistable latch but the outputs are only activated when a logic “1”
is applied to its EN input and deactivated by a logic “0”.
In the next tutorial about Sequential Logic Circuits, we will look at another
type of simple edge-triggered flip-flop which is very similar to the RS flip-
flop called a JK Flip-flop named after its inventor, Jack Kilby. The JK flip-flop
is the most widely used of all the flip-flop designs as it is considered to be a
universal device.
Home / Sequential Logic / The JK Flip Flop

The JK Flip Flop

The JK Flip-flop is similar to the SR Flip-flop but there is no change in state when the J
and K inputs are both LOW

The basic S-R NAND flip-flop circuit has many advantages and uses in
sequential logic circuits but it suffers from two basic switching problems.
 1. the Set = 0 and Reset = 0 condition (S = R = 0) must always be avoided
 2. if Set or Reset change state while the enable (EN) input is high the correct
latching action may not occur
Then to overcome these two fundamental design problems with the SR flip-
flop design, the JK flip Flop was developed.
This simple JK flip Flop is the most widely used of all the flip-flop designs and
is considered to be a universal flip-flop circuit. The two inputs labelled “J” and
“K” are not shortened abbreviated letters of other words, such as “S” for Set
and “R” for Reset, but are themselves autonomous letters chosen by its
inventor Jack Kilby to distinguish the flip-flop design from other types.
The sequential operation of the JK flip flop is exactly the same as for the
previous SR flip-flop with the same “Set” and “Reset” inputs. The difference
this time is that the “JK flip flop” has no invalid or forbidden input states of the
SR Latch even when S and R are both at logic “1”.
The JK flip flop is basically a gated SR flip-flop with the addition of a clock
input circuitry that prevents the illegal or invalid output condition that can occur
when both inputs S and R are equal to logic level “1”. Due to this additional
clocked input, a JK flip-flop has four possible input combinations, “logic 1”,
“logic 0”, “no change” and “toggle”. The symbol for a JK flip flop is similar to
that of an SR Bistable Latch as seen in the previous tutorial except for the
addition of a clock input.

The Basic JK Flip-flop

Both the S and the R inputs of the previous SR bistable have now been
replaced by two inputs called the J and K inputs, respectively after its inventor
Jack Kilby. Then this equates to: J = S and K = R.
The two 2-input AND gates of the gated SR bistable have now been replaced
by two 3-input NAND gates with the third input of each gate connected to the
outputs at Q and Q. This cross coupling of the SR flip-flop allows the
previously invalid condition of S = “1” and R = “1” state to be used to produce
a “toggle action” as the two inputs are now interlocked.
If the circuit is now “SET” the J input is inhibited by the “0” status of Q through
the lower NAND gate. If the circuit is “RESET” the K input is inhibited by the
“0” status of Q through the upper NAND gate. As Q and Q are always different
we can use them to control the input. When both inputs J and K are equal to
logic “1”, the JK flip flop toggles as shown in the following truth table.

The Truth Table for the JK Function

Clock Input Output


Clk J K Q Q

X 0 0 1 0

no change

X 0 0 0 1
same as
for the
SR Latch
‾↓ ̲ 0 1 1 0

Reset Q » 0

X 0 1 0 1

‾↓ ̲ 1 0 0 1

Set Q » 1

X 1 0 1 0

‾↓ ̲ 1 1 0 1


‾↓ ̲ 1 1 1 0

Then the JK flip-flop is basically an SR flip flop with feedback which enables
only one of its two input terminals, either SET or RESET to be active at any
one time thereby eliminating the invalid condition seen previously in the SR
flip flop circuit.
Also when both the J and the K inputs are at logic level “1” at the same time,
and the clock input is pulsed “HIGH”, the circuit will “toggle” from its SET state
to a RESET state, or visa-versa. This results in the JK flip flop acting more like
a T-type toggle flip-flop when both terminals are “HIGH”.
Although this circuit is an improvement on the clocked SR flip-flop it still
suffers from timing problems called “race” if the output Q changes state before
the timing pulse of the clock input has time to go “OFF”. To avoid this the
timing pulse period ( T ) must be kept as short as possible (high frequency).
As this is sometimes not possible with modern TTL IC’s the much
improved Master-Slave JK Flip-flop was developed.

Master-Slave JK Flip-flop
The master-slave flip-flop eliminates all the timing problems by using two SR
flip-flops connected together in a series configuration. One flip-flop acts as the
“Master” circuit, which triggers on the leading edge of the clock pulse while the
other acts as the “Slave” circuit, which triggers on the falling edge of the clock
pulse. This results in the two sections, the master section and the slave
section being enabled during opposite half-cycles of the clock signal.
The TTL 74LS73 is a Dual JK flip-flop IC, which contains two individual JK
type bistable’s within a single chip enabling single or master-slave toggle flip-
flops to be made. Other JK flip flop IC’s include the 74LS107 Dual JK flip-flop
with clear, the 74LS109 Dual positive-edge triggered JK flip flop and the
74LS112 Dual negative-edge triggered flip-flop with both preset and clear

Dual JK Flip-flop 74LS73

Other Popular JK Flip-flop ICs

Device Number Subfamily Device Description

74LS73 LS TTL Dual JK-type Flip Flops with Clear

74LS76 LS TTL Dual JK-type Flip Flops with Preset and Clear

74LS107 LS TTL Dual JK-type Flip Flops with Clear

4027B Standard CMOS Dual JK-type Flip Flop

The Master-Slave JK Flip-flop

The Master-Slave Flip-Flop is basically two gated SR flip-flops connected
together in a series configuration with the slave having an inverted clock
pulse. The outputs from Q and Q from the “Slave” flip-flop are fed back to the
inputs of the “Master” with the outputs of the “Master” flip flop being connected
to the two inputs of the “Slave” flip flop. This feedback configuration from the
slave’s output to the master’s input gives the characteristic toggle of the JK flip
flop as shown below.

The Master-Slave JK Flip Flop

The input signals J and K are connected to the gated “master” SR flip flop
which “locks” the input condition while the clock (Clk) input is “HIGH” at logic
level “1”. As the clock input of the “slave” flip flop is the inverse (complement)
of the “master” clock input, the “slave” SR flip flop does not toggle. The
outputs from the “master” flip flop are only “seen” by the gated “slave” flip flop
when the clock input goes “LOW” to logic level “0”.
When the clock is “LOW”, the outputs from the “master” flip flop are latched
and any additional changes to its inputs are ignored. The gated “slave” flip flop
now responds to the state of its inputs passed over by the “master” section.
Then on the “Low-to-High” transition of the clock pulse the inputs of the
“master” flip flop are fed through to the gated inputs of the “slave” flip flop and
on the “High-to-Low” transition the same inputs are reflected on the output of
the “slave” making this type of flip flop edge or pulse-triggered.
Then, the circuit accepts input data when the clock signal is “HIGH”, and
passes the data to the output on the falling-edge of the clock signal. In other
words, the Master-Slave JK Flip flop is a “Synchronous” device as it only
passes data with the timing of the clock signal.
In the next tutorial about Sequential Logic Circuits, we will look
at Multivibrators that are used as waveform generators to produce the clock
signals to switch sequential circuits.
Home / Sequential Logic / Multivibrators

Multivibrators are sequential logic circuits that operate continuously between two distinct
states of HIGH and LOW

Individual Sequential Logic circuits can be used to build more complex

circuits such as Multivibrators, Counters, Shift Registers, Latches and
But for these types of circuits to operate in a “sequential” way, they require the
addition of a clock pulse or timing signal to cause them to change their state.
Clock pulses are generally continuous square or rectangular shaped
waveform that is produced by a single pulse generator circuit such as
a Multivibrator.
A multivibrator circuit oscillates between a “HIGH” state and a “LOW” state
producing a continuous output. Astable multivibrators generally have an even
50% duty cycle, that is that 50% of the cycle time the output is “HIGH” and the
remaining 50% of the cycle time the output is “OFF”. In other words, the duty
cycle for an astable timing pulse is 1:1.
Sequential logic circuits that use the clock signal for synchronization are
dependent upon the frequency and and clock pulse width to activate there
switching action. Sequential circuits may also change their state on either the
rising or falling edge, or both of the actual clock signal as we have seen
previously with the basic flip-flop circuits. The following list are terms
associated with a timing pulse or waveform.
Clock Signal Waveform
 Active HIGH – if the state change occurs from a “LOW” to a “HIGH” at the
clock’s pulse rising edge or during the clock width.
 Active LOW – if the state change occurs from a “HIGH” to a “LOW” at the
clock’s pulses falling edge.
 Duty Cycle – this is the ratio of the clock width to the clock period.
 Clock Width – this is the time during which the value of the clock signal is
equal to a logic “1”, or HIGH.
 Clock Period – this is the time between successive transitions in the same
direction, ie, between two rising or two falling edges.
 Clock Frequency – the clock frequency is the reciprocal of the clock period,
frequency = 1/clock period. ( ƒ = 1/T )
Clock pulse generation circuits can be a combination of analogue and digital
circuits that produce a continuous series of pulses (these are called astable
multivibrators) or a pulse of a specific duration (these are called monostable
multivibrators). Combining two or more of multivibrators provides generation
of a desired pattern of pulses (including pulse width, time between pulses and
frequency of pulses).
There are basically three types of clock pulse generation circuits:
 Astable – A free-running multivibrator that has NO stable states but switches
continuously between two states this action produces a train of square wave
pulses at a fixed frequency.
 Monostable – A one-shot multivibrator that has only ONE stable state and is
triggered externally with it returning back to its first stable state.
 Bistable – A flip-flop that has TWO stable states that produces a single pulse
either positive or negative in value.
One way of producing a very simple clock signal is by the interconnection of
logic gates. As NAND gates contains amplification, they can also be used to
provide a clock signal or timing pulse with the aid of a single Capacitor and a
single Resistor to provide the feedback and timing function.
These timing circuits are often used because of there simplicity and are also
useful if a logic circuit is designed that has unused gates which can be utilised
to create the monostable or astable oscillator. This simple type
of RC Oscillator network is sometimes called a “Relaxation Oscillator”.

Monostable Multivibrator Circuits

Monostable Multivibrators or “one-shot” pulse generators are generally
used to convert short sharp pulses into wider ones for timing applications.
Monostable multivibrators generate a single output pulse, either “HIGH” or
“LOW”, when a suitable external trigger signal or pulse T is applied.
This trigger pulse signal initiates a timing cycle which causes the output of the
monostable to change state at the start of the timing cycle, ( t1 ) and remain in
this second state until the end of the timing period, ( t2 ) which is determined
by the time constant of the timing capacitor, CT and the resistor, RT.
The monostable multivibrator now stays in this second timing state until the
end of the RC time constant and automatically resets or returns itself back to
its original (stable) state. Then, a monostable circuit has only one stable state.
A more common name for this type of circuit is simply a “Flip-Flop” as it can
be made from two cross-coupled NANDgates (or NOR gates) as we have
seen previously. Consider the circuit below.

Simple NAND Gate Monostable Circuit

Suppose that initially the trigger input T is held HIGH at logic level “1” by the
resistor R1so that the output from the first NAND gate U1 is LOW at logic level
“0”, (NAND gate principals). The timing resistor, RT is connected to a voltage
level equal to logic level “0”, which will cause the capacitor, CT to be
discharged. The output of U1 is LOW, timing capacitor CT is completely
discharged therefore junction V1 is also equal to “0” resulting in the output
from the second NAND gate U2, which is connected as an inverting NOTgate
will therefore be HIGH.
The output from the second NAND gate, ( U2 ) is fed back to one input
of U1 to provide the necessary positive feedback. Since the junction V1 and
the output of U1 are both at logic “0” no current flows in the capacitor CT. This
results in the circuit being Stable and it will remain in this state until the trigger
input T changes.
If a negative pulse is now applied either externally or by the action of the
push-button to the trigger input of the NAND gate U1, the output of U1 will go
HIGH to logic “1” (NAND gate principles).
Since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously
(capacitor charging principals) this will cause the junction at V1 and also the
input to U2 to also go HIGH, which in turn will make the output of
the NAND gate U2 change LOW to logic “0” The circuit will now remain in this
second state even if the trigger input pulse T is removed. This is known as
the Meta-stable state.
The voltage across the capacitor will now increase as the capacitor CT starts
to charge up from the output of U1 at a time constant determined by the
resistor/capacitor combination. This charging process continues until the
charging current is unable to hold the input of U2 and therefore
junction V1 HIGH.
When this happens, the output of U2 switches HIGH again, logic “1”, which in
turn causes the output of U1 to go LOW and the capacitor discharges into the
output of U1 under the influence of resistor RT. The circuit has now switched
back to its original stable state.
Thus for each negative going trigger pulse, the monostable multivibrator
circuit produces a LOW going output pulse. The length of the output time
period is determined by the capacitor/resistor combination (RC Network) and
is given as the Time ConstantT = 0.69RC of the circuit in seconds. Since the
input impedance of the NAND gates is very high, large timing periods can be
As well as the NAND gate monostable type circuit above, it is also possible to
build simple monostable timing circuits that start their timing sequence from
the rising-edge of the trigger pulse using NOT gates, NAND gates
and NOR gates connected as inverters as shown below.

NOT Gate Monostable Multivibrator

As with the NAND gate circuit above, initially the trigger input T is HIGH at a
logic level “1” so that the output from the first NOT gate U1 is LOW at logic
level “0”. The timing resistor, RT and the capacitor, CT are connected together
in parallel and also to the input of the second NOT gate U2. As the input
to U2 is LOW at logic “0” its output at Q is HIGH at logic “1”.
When a logic level “0” pulse is applied to the trigger input T of the
first NOT gate it changes state and produces a logic level “1” output. The
diode D1 passes this logic “1” voltage level to the RC timing network. The
voltage across the capacitor, CT increases rapidly to this new voltage level,
which is also connected to the input of the second NOTgate. This in turn
outputs a logic “0” at Q and the circuit stays in this Meta-stable state as long
as the trigger input T applied to the circuit remains LOW.
When the trigger signal returns HIGH, the output from the first NOT gate goes
LOW to logic “0” (NOT gate principals) and the fully charged
capacitor, CT starts to discharge itself through the parallel
resistor, RT connected across it. When the voltage across the capacitor drops
below the lower threshold value of the input to the second NOT gate, its
output switches back again producing a logic level “1” at Q. The
diode D1 prevents the timing capacitor from discharging itself back through
the first NOT gates output.
Then, the Time Constant for a NOT gate Monostable Multivibrator is given
as T = 0.8RC + Trigger in seconds.
One main disadvantage of Monostable Multivibrators is that the time
between the application of the next trigger pulse T has to be greater than
the RC time constant of the circuit.

Astable Multivibrator Circuits

Astable Multivibrators are the most commonly used type of multivibrator
circuit. An astable multivibrator is a free running oscillator that have no
permanent “meta” or “steady” state but are continually changing there output
from one state (LOW) to the other state (HIGH) and then back again. This
continual switching action from “HIGH” to “LOW” and “LOW” to “HIGH”
produces a continuous and stable square wave output that switches abruptly
between the two logic levels making it ideal for timing and clock pulse
As with the previous monostable multivibrator circuit above, the timing cycle is
determined by the RC time constant of the resistor-capacitor, RC Network.
Then the output frequency can be varied by changing the value(s) of the
resistors and capacitor in the circuit.

NAND Gate Astable Multivibrator

The astable multivibrator circuit uses two CMOS NOT gates such as the
CD4069 or the 74HC04 hex inverter ICs, or as in our simple circuit below a
pair of CMOS NAND such as the CD4011 or the 74LS132 and an RC timing
network. The two NAND gates are connected as inverting NOT gates.
Suppose that initially the output from the NAND gate U2 is HIGH at logic level
“1”, then the input must therefore be LOW at logic level “0” (NAND gate
principles) as will be the output from the first NAND gate U1. Capacitor, C is
connected between the output of the second NAND gate U2 and its input via
the timing resistor, R2. The capacitor now charges up at a rate determined by
the time constant of R2 and C.
As the capacitor, C charges up, the junction between the resistor R2 and the
capacitor, C, which is also connected to the input of the NAND gate U1 via the
stabilizing resistor, R2decreases until the lower threshold value of U1 is
reached at which point U1 changes state and the output of U1 now becomes
HIGH. This causes NAND gate U2 to also change state as its input has now
changed from logic “0” to logic “1” resulting in the output
of NAND gate U2 becoming LOW, logic level “0”.
Capacitor C is now reverse biased and discharges itself through the input
of NAND gate U1. Capacitor, C charges up again in the opposite direction
determined by the time constant of both R2 and C as before until it reaches the
upper threshold value of NANDgate U1. This causes U1 to change state and
the cycle repeats itself over again.
Then, the time constant for a NAND gate Astable Multivibrator is given
as T = 2.2RC in seconds with the output frequency given as ƒ = 1/T.
For example: if the resistor R2 = 10kΩ and the capacitor C = 45nF, the
oscillation frequency of the circuit would be given as:

Then the output frequency is calculated as being 1kHz, which equates to a

time constant of 1ms so the output waveform would look like:

Bistable Multivibrator Circuits

The Bistable Multivibrators circuit is basically a SR flip-flop that we look at in
the previous tutorials with the addition of an inverter or NOT gate to provide
the necessary switching function. As with flip-flops, both states of a bistable
multivibrator are stable, and the circuit will remain in either state indefinitely.
This type of multivibrator circuit passes from one state to the other “only”
when a suitable external trigger pulse T is applied and to go through a full
“SET-RESET” cycle two triggering pulses are required. This type of circuit is
also known as a “Bistable Latch”, “Toggle Latch” or simply “T-latch”.

NAND Gate Bistable Multivibrator

The simplest way to make a Bistable Latch is to connect together a pair of
Schmitt NANDgates to form a SR latch as shown above. The
two NAND gates, U2 and U3 form the bistable which is triggered by the
input NAND gate, U1. This U1 NAND gate can be omitted and replaced by a
single toggle switch to make a switch debounce circuit as seen previously in
the SR Flip-flop tutorial.
When the input pulse goes “LOW” the bistable latches into its “SET” state,
with its output at logic level “1”, until the input goes “HIGH” causing the
bistable to latch into its “RESET” state, with its output at logic level “0”. The
output of a bistable multivibrator will stay in this “RESET” state until another
input pulse is applied and the whole sequence will start again.
Then a Bistable Latch or “Toggle Latch” is a two-state device in which both
states either positive or negative, (logic “1” or logic “0”) are stable.
Bistable Multivibrators have many applications such as frequency dividers,
counters or as a storage device in computer memories but they are best used
in circuits such as Latchesand Counters.

555 Timer Circuit.

Simple Monostable or Astable multivibrators can now be easily made using
standard commonly available waveform generator IC’s specially design to
create timing and oscillator circuits. Relaxation oscillators can be constructed
simply by connecting a few passive components to their input pins with the
most commonly used waveform generator type IC being the classic 555 timer.
The 555 Timer is a very versatile low cost timing IC that can produce a very
accurate timing periods with good stability of around 1% and which has a
variable timing period from between a few micro-seconds to many hours with
the timing period being controlled by a single RC network connected to a
single positive supply of between 4.5 and 16 volts.
The NE555 timer and its successors, ICM7555, CMOS LM1455, DUAL
NE556 etc, are covered in the 555 Oscillator tutorial and other good
electronics based websites, so are only included here for reference purposes
as a clock pulse generator. The 555 connected as an Astable Multivibrator is
shown below.

NE555 Astable Multivibrator

Here the 555 timer is connected as a basic Astable Multivibrator producing a

continuous output waveform. Pins 2 and 6 are connected together so that it
will re-trigger itself on each timing cycle, thereby functioning as an Astable
oscillator. Capacitor, C1 charges up through resistor, R1 and resistor, R2 but
discharges only through resistor, R2 as the other side of R2 is connected to
the discharge terminal, pin 7. Then the timing period of t1 and t2is given as:
 t1 = 0.693 (R1 + R2) C1
 t2 = 0.693 (R2) C1
 T = t1 + t2 = 0.693 (R1 + 2R2) C1
The voltage across the capacitor, C1 ranges from between 1/3 Vcc to
approximately 2/3 Vcc depending upon the RC timing period. This type of
circuit is very stable as it operates from a single supply rail resulting in an
oscillation frequency which is independent of the supply voltage Vcc.
In the next tutorial about Sequential Logic Circuits, we will look another type
of clock controlled flop-flop called a Data Latch. Data latches are very useful
sequential circuits which can be made from any standard gated SR flip-flop
and used for frequency division to produce various ripple counters, frequency
dividers and latches.
Home / Sequential Logic / The D-type Flip Flop

The D-type Flip Flop

The D-type flip-flop is a modified Set-Reset flip-flop with the addition of an inverter to
prevent the S and R inputs from being at the same logic level

One of the main disadvantages of the basic SR NAND Gate Bistable circuit is
that the indeterminate input condition of SET = “0” and RESET = “0” is
This state will force both outputs to be at logic “1”, over-riding the feedback
latching action and whichever input goes to logic level “1” first will lose control,
while the other input still at logic “0” controls the resulting state of the latch.
But in order to prevent this from happening an inverter can be connected
between the “SET” and the “RESET” inputs to produce another type of flip flop
circuit known as a Data Latch, Delay flip flop, D-type Bistable, D-type Flip
Flop or just simply a D Flip Flop as it is more generally called.
The D Flip Flop is by far the most important of the clocked flip-flops as it
ensures that ensures that inputs S and R are never equal to one at the same
time. The D-type flip flop are constructed from a gated SR flip-flop with an
inverter added between the S and the Rinputs to allow for a single D (Data)
Then this single data input, labelled “D” and is used in place of the “Set”
signal, and the inverter is used to generate the complementary “Reset” input
thereby making a level-sensitive D-type flip-flop from a level-sensitive SR-
latch as now S = D and R = not D as shown.

D-type Flip-Flop Circuit

We remember that a simple SR flip-flop requires two inputs, one to “SET” the
output and one to “RESET” the output. By connecting an inverter (NOT gate)
to the SR flip-flop we can “SET” and “RESET” the flip-flop using just one input
as now the two input signals are complements of each other. This
complement avoids the ambiguity inherent in the SRlatch when both inputs
are LOW, since that state is no longer possible.
Thus this single input is called the “DATA” input. If this data input is held HIGH
the flip flop would be “SET” and when it is LOW the flip flop would change and
become “RESET”. However, this would be rather pointless since the output of
the flip flop would always change on every pulse applied to this data input.
To avoid this an additional input called the “CLOCK” or “ENABLE” input is
used to isolate the data input from the flip flop’s latching circuitry after the
desired data has been stored. The effect is that D input condition is only
copied to the output Q when the clock input is active. This then forms the
basis of another sequential device called a D Flip Flop.
The “D flip flop” will store and output whatever logic level is applied to its data
terminal so long as the clock input is HIGH. Once the clock input goes LOW
the “set” and “reset” inputs of the flip-flop are both held at logic level “1” so it
will not change state and store whatever data was present on its output before
the clock transition occurred. In other words the output is “latched” at either
logic “0” or logic “1”.
Truth Table for the D-type Flip Flop

Clk D Q Q Description

↓»0 X Q Q
no change

↑»1 0 0 1 Reset Q » 0

↑»1 1 1 0 Set Q » 1

Note that: ↓ and ↑ indicates direction of clock pulse as it is assumed D-type

flip flops are edge triggered

The Master-Slave D Flip Flop

The basic D-type flip flop can be improved further by adding a second SR
flip-flop to its output that is activated on the complementary clock signal to
produce a “Master-Slave D-type flip flop”. On the leading edge of the clock
signal (LOW-to-HIGH) the first stage, the “master” latches the input condition
at D, while the output stage is deactivated.
On the trailing edge of the clock signal (HIGH-to-LOW) the second “slave”
stage is now activated, latching on to the output from the first master circuit.
Then the output stage appears to be triggered on the negative edge of the
clock pulse. “Master-Slave D-type flip flops” can be constructed by the
cascading together of two latches with opposite clock phases as shown.

The Master-Slave D Flip Flop Circuit

We can see from above that on the leading edge of the clock pulse the master
flip-flop will be loading data from the data D input, therefore the master is
“ON”. With the trailing edge of the clock pulse the slave flip-flop is loading
data, i.e. the slave is “ON”. Then there will always be one flip-flop “ON” and
the other “OFF” but never both the master and slave “ON” at the same time.
Therefore, the output Q acquires the value of D, only when one complete
pulse, ie, 0-1-0 is applied to the clock input.
There are many different D flip-flop IC’s available in both TTL and CMOS
packages with the more common being the 74LS74 which is a Dual D flip-flop
IC, which contains two individual D type bistable’s within a single chip
enabling single or master-slave toggle flip-flops to be made. Other D flip-flop
IC’s include the 74LS174 HEX D flip-flop with direct clear input, the 74LS175
Quad D flip-flop with complementary outputs and the 74LS273 Octal D-type
flip flop containing eight D-type flip flops with a clear input in one single

74LS74 Dual D-type Flip Flop

Other Popular D-type flip-flop ICs

Device Number Subfamily Device Description

74LS74 LS TTL Dual D-type Flip Flops with Preset and Clear

74LS175 LS TTL Quad D-type Flip Flops with Clear

74LS273 LS TTL Octal D-type Flip Flops with Clear

4013B Standard CMOS Dual type D Flip Flop

40174B Standard CMOS Hex D-type Flip Flop with Master Reset
Using The D-type Flip Flop For Frequency Division
One main use of a D-type flip flop is as a Frequency Divider. If the Q output on
a D-type flip-flop is connected directly to the D input giving the device closed
loop “feedback”, successive clock pulses will make the bistable “toggle” once
every two clock cycles.
In the counters tutorials we saw how the Data Latch can be used as a “Binary
Divider”, or a “Frequency Divider” to produce a “divide-by-2” counter circuit,
that is, the output has half the frequency of the clock pulses. By placing a
feedback loop around the D-type flip flop another type of flip-flop circuit can be
constructed called a T-type flip-flop or more commonly a T-type bistable, that
can be used as a divide-by-two circuit in binary counters as shown below.

Divide-by-2 Counter

It can be seen from the frequency waveforms above, that by “feeding back”
the output from Q to the input terminal D, the output pulses at Q have a
frequency that are exactly one half ( ƒ/2 ) that of the input clock frequency,
( ƒIN ). In other words the circuit produces frequency division as it now
divides the input frequency by a factor of two (an octave) as Q = 1 once every
two clock cycles.
D Flip Flops as Data Latches
As well as frequency division, another useful application of the D flip flop is as
a Data Latch. A data latch can be used as a device to hold or remember the
data present on its data input, thereby acting a bit like a single bit memory
device and IC’s such as the TTL 74LS74 or the CMOS 4042 are available in
Quad format exactly for this purpose. By connecting together four, 1-bit data
latches so that all their clock inputs are connected together and are “clocked”
at the same time, a simple “4-bit” Data latch can be made as shown below.

4-bit Data Latch

Transparent Data Latch

The Data Latch is a very useful device in electronic and computer circuits.
They can be designed to have very high output impedance at both
outputs Q and its inverse or complement output Q to reduce the impedance
effect on the connecting circuit when used as a buffer, I/O port, bi-directional
bus driver or even a display driver.
But a single “1-bit” data latch is not very practical to use on its own and
instead commercially available IC’s incorporate 4, 8, 10, 16 or even 32
individual data latches into one single IC package, and one such IC device is
the 74LS373 Octal D-type transparent latch.
The eight individual data latches or bistables of the 74LS373 are “transparent”
D-type flip-flops, meaning that when the clock (CLK) input is HIGH at logic
level “1”, (but can also be active low) the outputs at Q follows the
data D inputs.
In this configuration the latch is said to be “open” and the path from D input
to Q output appears to be “transparent” as the data flows through it
unimpeded, hence the name transparent latch.
When the clock signal is LOW at logic level “0”, the latch “closes” and the
output at Q is latched at the last value of the data that was present before the
clock signal changed and no longer changes in response to D.

8-bit Data Latch

Functional diagram of the 74LS373 Octal Transparent Latch

The D-type Flip Flop Summary

The data or D-type Flip Flop can be built using a pair of back-to-back SR
latches and connecting an inverter (NOT Gate) between the S and
the R inputs to allow for a single D(data) input. The basic D flip flop circuit can
be improved further by adding a second SR flip-flop to its output that is
activated on the complementary clock signal to produce a “Master-Slave D
flip-flop” device.
The difference between a D-type latch and a D-type flip-flop is that a latch
does not have a clock signal to change state whereas a flip-flop always does.
The D flip-flop is an edge triggered device which transfers input data to Q on
clock rising or falling edge. Data Latches are level sensitive devices such as
the data latch and the transparent latch.
In the next tutorial about Sequential Logic Circuits, we will look at
connecting together data latches to produce another type of sequential logic
circuit called a Shift Register that are used to convert parallel data into serial
data and vice versa.
Home / Sequential Logic / The Shift Register

The Shift Register

The Shift Register is another type of sequential logic circuit that can be used for the
storage or the transfer of binary data

This sequential device loads the data present on its inputs and then moves or
“shifts” it to its output once every clock cycle, hence the name Shift Register.
A shift register basically consists of several single bit “D-Type Data Latches”,
one for each data bit, either a logic “0” or a “1”, connected together in a serial
type daisy-chain arrangement so that the output from one data latch becomes
the input of the next latch and so on.
Data bits may be fed in or out of a shift register serially, that is one after the
other from either the left or the right direction, or all together at the same time
in a parallel configuration.
The number of individual data latches required to make up a single Shift
Register device is usually determined by the number of bits to be stored with
the most common being 8-bits (one byte) wide constructed from eight
individual data latches.
Shift Registers are used for data storage or for the movement of data and are
therefore commonly used inside calculators or computers to store data such
as two binary numbers before they are added together, or to convert the data
from either a serial to parallel or parallel to serial format. The individual data
latches that make up a single shift register are all driven by a common clock
( Clk ) signal making them synchronous devices.
Shift register IC’s are generally provided with a clear or reset connection so
that they can be “SET” or “RESET” as required. Generally, shift registers
operate in one of four different modes with the basic movement of data
through a shift register being:
 Serial-in to Parallel-out (SIPO) - the register is loaded with serial data, one
bit at a time, with the stored data being available at the output in parallel form.
 Serial-in to Serial-out (SISO) - the data is shifted serially “IN” and “OUT” of
the register, one bit at a time in either a left or right direction under clock control.
 Parallel-in to Serial-out (PISO) - the parallel data is loaded into the
register simultaneously and is shifted out of the register serially one bit at a time
under clock control.
 Parallel-in to Parallel-out (PIPO) - the parallel data is loaded
simultaneously into the register, and transferred together to their respective
outputs by the same clock pulse.
The effect of data movement from left to right through a shift register can be
presented graphically as:

Also, the directional movement of the data through a shift register can be
either to the left, (left shifting) to the right, (right shifting) left-in but right-out,
(rotation) or both left and right shifting within the same register thereby making
it bidirectional. In this tutorial it is assumed that all the data shifts to the right,
(right shifting).

Serial-in to Parallel-out (SIPO) Shift Register

4-bit Serial-in to Parallel-out Shift Register

The operation is as follows. Lets assume that all the flip-flops ( FFA to FFD )
have just been RESET ( CLEAR input ) and that all the outputs QA to QD are at
logic level “0” ie, no parallel data output.
If a logic “1” is connected to the DATA input pin of FFA then on the first clock
pulse the output of FFA and therefore the resulting QA will be set HIGH to logic
“1” with all the other outputs still remaining LOW at logic “0”. Assume now that
the DATA input pin of FFA has returned LOW again to logic “0” giving us one
data pulse or 0-1-0.
The second clock pulse will change the output of FFA to logic “0” and the
output of FFBand QB HIGH to logic “1” as its input D has the logic “1” level on
it from QA. The logic “1” has now moved or been “shifted” one place along the
register to the right as it is now at QA.
When the third clock pulse arrives this logic “1” value moves to the output
of FFC ( QC ) and so on until the arrival of the fifth clock pulse which sets all
the outputs QA to QD back again to logic level “0” because the input to FFA has
remained constant at logic level “0”.
The effect of each clock pulse is to shift the data contents of each stage one
place to the right, and this is shown in the following table until the complete
data value of 0-0-0-1 is stored in the register. This data value can now be
read directly from the outputs of QA to QD.
Then the data has been converted from a serial data input signal to a parallel
data output. The truth table and following waveforms show the propagation of
the logic “1” through the register from left to right as follows.

Basic Data Movement Through A Shift Register

Clock Pulse No QA QB QC QD

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

2 0 1 0 0

3 0 0 1 0

4 0 0 0 1

5 0 0 0 0
Note that after the fourth clock pulse has ended the 4-bits of data ( 0-0-0-1 )
are stored in the register and will remain there provided clocking of the
register has stopped. In practice the input data to the register may consist of
various combinations of logic “1” and “0”. Commonly available SIPO IC’s
include the standard 8-bit 74LS164 or the 74LS594.

Serial-in to Serial-out (SISO) Shift Register

This shift register is very similar to the SIPO above, except were before the
data was read directly in a parallel form from the outputs QA to QD, this time
the data is allowed to flow straight through the register and out of the other
end. Since there is only one output, the DATA leaves the shift register one bit
at a time in a serial pattern, hence the name Serial-in to Serial-Out Shift
Register or SISO.
The SISO shift register is one of the simplest of the four configurations as it
has only three connections, the serial input (SI) which determines what enters
the left hand flip-flop, the serial output (SO) which is taken from the output of
the right hand flip-flop and the sequencing clock signal (Clk). The logic circuit
diagram below shows a generalized serial-in serial-out shift register.

4-bit Serial-in to Serial-out Shift Register

You may think what’s the point of a SISO shift register if the output data is
exactly the same as the input data. Well this type of Shift Register also acts
as a temporary storage device or it can act as a time delay device for the
data, with the amount of time delay being controlled by the number of stages
in the register, 4, 8, 16 etc or by varying the application of the clock pulses.
Commonly available IC’s include the 74HC595 8-bit Serial-in to Serial-out
Shift Register all with 3-state outputs.

Parallel-in to Serial-out (PISO) Shift Register

The Parallel-in to Serial-out shift register acts in the opposite way to the serial-
in to parallel-out one above. The data is loaded into the register in a parallel
format in which all the data bits enter their inputs simultaneously, to the
parallel input pins PA to PD of the register. The data is then read out
sequentially in the normal shift-right mode from the register at Q representing
the data present at PA to PD.
This data is outputted one bit at a time on each clock cycle in a serial format.
It is important to note that with this type of data register a clock pulse is not
required to parallel load the register as it is already present, but four clock
pulses are required to unload the data.

4-bit Parallel-in to Serial-out Shift Register

As this type of shift register converts parallel data, such as an 8-bit data word
into serial format, it can be used to multiplex many different input lines into a
single serial DATA stream which can be sent directly to a computer or
transmitted over a communications line. Commonly available IC’s include the
74HC166 8-bit Parallel-in/Serial-out Shift Registers.

Parallel-in to Parallel-out (PIPO) Shift Register

The final mode of operation is the Parallel-in to Parallel-out Shift Register.
This type of shift register also acts as a temporary storage device or as a time
delay device similar to the SISO configuration above. The data is presented in
a parallel format to the parallel input pins PA to PD and then transferred
together directly to their respective output pins QA to QD by the same clock
pulse. Then one clock pulse loads and unloads the register. This arrangement
for parallel loading and unloading is shown below.

4-bit Parallel-in to Parallel-out Shift Register

The PIPO shift register is the simplest of the four configurations as it has only
three connections, the parallel input (PI) which determines what enters the
flip-flop, the parallel output (PO) and the sequencing clock signal (Clk).
Similar to the Serial-in to Serial-out shift register, this type of register also acts
as a temporary storage device or as a time delay device, with the amount of
time delay being varied by the frequency of the clock pulses. Also, in this type
of register there are no interconnections between the individual flip-flops since
no serial shifting of the data is required.

Universal Shift Register

Today, there are many high speed bi-directional “universal” type Shift
Registers available such as the TTL 74LS194, 74LS195 or the CMOS
4035 which are available as 4-bit multi-function devices that can be used in
either serial-to-serial, left shifting, right shifting, serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-
serial, or as a parallel-to-parallel multifunction data register, hence their name
These universal shift registers can perform any combination of parallel and
serial input to output operations but require additional inputs to specify desired
function and to pre-load and reset the device. A commonly used universal
shift register is the TTL 74LS194 as shown below.

4-bit Universal Shift Register 74LS194

Universal shift registers are very useful digital devices. They can be
configured to respond to operations that require some form of temporary
memory storage or for the delay of information such as the SISO or PIPO
configuration modes or transfer data from one point to another in either a
serial or parallel format. Universal shift registers are frequently used in
arithmetic operations to shift data to the left or right for multiplication or
Shift Register Tutorial Summary
Then to summarise a little about Shift Registers
 A simple Shift Register can be made using only D-type flip-Flops, one flip-Flop
for each data bit.
 The output from each flip-Flop is connected to the D input of the flip-flop at its
 Shift registers hold the data in their memory which is moved or “shifted” to their
required positions on each clock pulse.
 Each clock pulse shifts the contents of the register one bit position to either the
left or the right.
 The data bits can be loaded one bit at a time in a series input (SI) configuration
or be loaded simultaneously in a parallel configuration (PI).
 Data may be removed from the register one bit at a time for a series output
(SO) or removed all at the same time from a parallel output (PO).
 One application of shift registers is in the conversion of data between serial and
parallel, or parallel to serial.
 Shift registers are identified individually as SIPO, SISO, PISO, PIPO, or as a
Universal Shift Register with all the functions combined within a single device.
In the next tutorial about Sequential Logic Circuits, we will look at what
happens when the output of the last flip-flop in a shift register is connected
directly back to the input of the first flip-flop producing a closed loop circuit that
constantly recirculates the data around the loop. This then produces another
type of sequential logic circuit called a Ring Counter that are used as decade
counters and dividers.
Home / Sequential Logic / Johnson Ring Counter

Johnson Ring Counter

The Johnson Ring Counter consists of a number of counters connected together with
the output fed back to the input

In the previous Shift Register tutorial we saw that if we apply a serial data
signal to the input of a Serial-in to Serial-out Shift Register, the same
sequence of data will exit from the last flip flip in the register chain.
This serial movement of data through the resister occurs after a preset
number of clock cycles thereby allowing the SISO register to act as a sort of
time delay circuit to the original input data signal.
But what if we were to connect the output of this shift register back to its input
so that the output from the last flip-flop, QD becomes the input of the first flip-
flop, QA. We would then have a closed loop circuit that “recirculates” the same
bit of DATA around a continuous loop for every state of its sequence, and this
is the principal operation of a Ring Counter.
Then by looping the output back to the input, (feedback) we can convert a
standard shift register circuit into a ring counter. Consider the circuit below.

4-bit Ring Counter

The synchronous Ring Counter example above, is preset so that exactly one
data bit in the register is set to logic “1” with all the other bits reset to “0”. To
achieve this, a “CLEAR” signal is firstly applied to all the flip-flops together in
order to “RESET” their outputs to a logic “0” level and then a “PRESET” pulse
is applied to the input of the first flip-flop ( FFA ) before the clock pulses are
applied. This then places a single logic “1” value into the circuit of the ring
So on each successive clock pulse, the counter circulates the same data bit
between the four flip-flops over and over again around the “ring” every fourth
clock cycle. But in order to cycle the data correctly around the counter we
must first “load” the counter with a suitable data pattern as all logic “0’s” or all
logic “1’s” outputted at each clock cycle would make the ring counter invalid.
This type of data movement is called “rotation”, and like the previous shift
register, the effect of the movement of the data bit from left to right through a
ring counter can be presented graphically as follows along with its timing

Rotational Movement of a Ring Counter

Since the ring counter example shown above has four distinct states, it is also
known as a “modulo-4” or “mod-4” counter with each flip-flop output having a
frequency value equal to one-fourth or a quarter (1/4) that of the main clock
The “MODULO” or “MODULUS” of a counter is the number of states the
counter counts or sequences through before repeating itself and a ring
counter can be made to output any modulo number. A “mod-n” ring counter
will require “n” number of flip-flops connected together to circulate a single
data bit providing “n” different output states.
For example, a mod-8 ring counter requires eight flip-flops and a mod-16 ring
counter would require sixteen flip-flops. However, as in our example above,
only four of the possible sixteen states are used, making ring counters very
inefficient in terms of their output state usage.
Johnson Ring Counter
The Johnson Ring Counter or “Twisted Ring Counters”, is another shift
register with feedback exactly the same as the standard Ring Counter above,
except that this time the inverted output Q of the last flip-flop is now connected
back to the input D of the first flip-flop as shown below.
The main advantage of this type of ring counter is that it only needs half the
number of flip-flops compared to the standard ring counter then its modulo
number is halved. So a “n-stage” Johnson counter will circulate a single data
bit giving sequence of 2n different states and can therefore be considered as
a “mod-2n counter”.

4-bit Johnson Ring Counter

This inversion of Q before it is fed back to input D causes the counter to

“count” in a different way. Instead of counting through a fixed set of patterns
like the normal ring counter such as for a 4-bit counter, “0001”(1), “0010”(2),
“0100”(4), “1000”(8) and repeat, the Johnson counter counts up and then
down as the initial logic “1” passes through it to the right replacing the
preceding logic “0”.
A 4-bit Johnson ring counter passes blocks of four logic “0” and then four logic
“1” thereby producing an 8-bit pattern. As the inverted output Q is connected
to the input D this 8-bit pattern continually repeats. For example, “1000”,
“1100”, “1110”, “1111”, “0111”, “0011”, “0001”, “0000” and this is
demonstrated in the following table below.
Truth Table for a 4-bit Johnson Ring Counter

Clock Pulse No FFA FFB FFC FFD

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

2 1 1 0 0

3 1 1 1 0

4 1 1 1 1

5 0 1 1 1

6 0 0 1 1

7 0 0 0 1

As well as counting or rotating data around a continuous loop, ring counters

can also be used to detect or recognise various patterns or number values
within a set of data. By connecting simple logic gates such as the AND or
the OR gates to the outputs of the flip-flops the circuit can be made to detect a
set number or value.
Standard 2, 3 or 4-stage Johnson Ring Counters can also be used to divide
the frequency of the clock signal by varying their feedback connections and
divide-by-3 or divide-by-5 outputs are also available.
For example, a 3-stage Johnson Ring Counter could be used as a 3-phase,
120 degree phase shift square wave generator by connecting to the data
outputs at A, B and NOT-B.
The standard 5-stage Johnson counter such as the commonly available
CD4017 is generally used as a synchronous decade counter/divider circuit.
Other combinations such as the smaller 2-stage circuit which is also called a
“Quadrature” (sine/cosine) Oscillator or Generator can be used to produce
four individual outputs that are each 90 degrees “out-of-phase” with respect to
each other to produce a 4-phase timing signal as shown below.

2-bit Quadrature Generator

Output A B C D
QA+Q B 1 0 0 0

QA+QB 0 1 0 0

QA+QB 0 0 1 0

QA+QB 0 0 0 1

2-bit Quadrature Oscillator, Count Sequence

As the four outputs, A to D are phase shifted by 90 degrees with regards to

each other, they can be used with additional circuitry, to drive a 2-phase full-
step stepper motor for position control or the ability to rotate a motor to a
particular location as shown below.

Stepper Motor Control

2-phase (unipolar) Full-Step Stepper Motor Circuit

The speed of rotation of the Stepper Motor will depend mainly upon the clock
frequency and additional circuitry would be require to drive the “power”
requirements of the motor. As this section is only intended to give the reader a
basic understanding of Johnson Ring Counters and its applications, other
good websites explain in more detail the types and drive requirements of
stepper motors.
Johnson Ring Counters are available in standard TTL or CMOS IC form,
such as the CD4017 5-Stage, decade Johnson ring counter with 10 active
HIGH decoded outputs or the CD4022 4-stage, divide-by-8 Johnson counter
with 8 active HIGH decoded outputs.
Home / Sequential Logic / Conversion of Flip-flops

Conversion of Flip-flops
Flip-flops are the basic building blocks of Sequential Circuits which can be converted
from one form to another capable of storing a single bit of data

We have seen throughout this Electronics Tutorial section on Sequential

Logic that a flip-flop will remain in one of its two stable states indefinitely until
some form of external trigger pulse is applied to make it change state.
As flip-flops are bistable devices, these sequential circuits are sometimes
called “latches” because their outputs are locked or latched onto their input
state until there is another change to its input condition.
We have also seen that the bistable flip-flop is the most basic storage element
in a sequential logic circuit and can be configured to produce simple memory
elements by interconnecting two inverting gates to generate feedback. Note
that a combinational logic circuit does not require any form of memory and
therefore does not use flip-flops. However, sequential logic circuits do have
memory and therefore use various types of flip-flop designs to remember their
present states.
The interconnection of digital logic gates to produce a memory device leads to
applications such as switch debounce circuits, shift registers and counters,
etc. Also, memory elements made from bistable latches form the basis of
accumulators and registers on which a computer, or micro-controller, does its
complex arithmetic.
The most basic way to create a single one-bit flip-flop is to use two NOR
gates gates as shown. By using cross-coupled gates and feeding the output
from one gate to the input of the other, (inputs-outputs interchanged) the
circuit has a closed-loop (positive feedback) so its output depends on the
state of the inputs, making the circuit sequential and having memory.
Flip-flops also belong to a category of digital switching circuits
called Multivibrators. The basic bistable multivibrator is a type of regenerative
circuit that has two active digital gates designed so that when one digital gate
conducts, the other gate is cut-off and vice versa. These two digital gates
produce two stable outputs both HIGH and LOW in which one is the
complement of the other.
But we can make many different types of flip-flop circuits both asynchronous
and synchronous (an asynchronous flip-flop does not require a clock signal
input, but a synchronous one does) from either basic cross-coupled
NAND Gates and NOR Gates with the conversion of flip-flops between the
different types sometimes a bit confusion.
There are basically four different types of flip flops and these are:
 1. Set-Reset (SR) flip-flop or Latch
 2. JK flip-flop
 3. D (Data or Delay) flip-flop
 4. T (Toggle) flip-flop
So to help us understand better the different types of flip-flops available, the
following sequential logic tutorial shows us how we can make the conversion
of flip-flops from one type to another simply by modifying the inputs of a
particular type of a flip-flop starting with the SR flip-flop.

The Set-Reset SR Flip-flop

The most basic of all the bistable latches and bistable multivibrators is the set-
rest (SR) flip-flop. The basic SR flip-flop is an important bistable circuit
because all the other types of flip-flop are built from it. The SR flip-flop is
constructed using two cross-coupled digital NAND gates such as the TTL
74LS00, or two cross-coupled digital NOR gates such as the TTL 74LS02.
Generally SR bistables and flip-flops are said to be transparent because their
outputs change or respond immediately to changes in their inputs. Also since
they consist of digital logic gates along with feedback, SR flip-flops are
regarded as asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
The basic SR flip-flop has two inputs S (set) and R (reset) and two
outputs Q and Q with one of these outputs being the complement of the other.
Then the SR flip-flop is a two-input, two-output device. Consider the circuits

Basic NAND and NOR SR Flip-flops

Above are the two basic configurations for the asynchronous SR bistable flip-
flop using either a negative input NAND gate, or a positive input NOR gate.
For the SR bistable latch using two cross-coupled NAND gates operates with
both inputs normally HIGH at logic level “1”.
The application of a LOW at logic level “0” to the S input with R held HIGH
causes output Q to go HIGH, setting the latch. Likewise, a logic level “0” on
the R input with input S held HIGH causes the Q output to go LOW, resetting
the latch. For the SR NAND gate latch, the condition of S = R = 0 is forbidden.
For the conversion of flip-flops using two cross-coupled NOR gates, when the
output Q = 1 and Q = 0, the bistable latch is said to be in the Set state.
When Q = 0 and Q = 1, the NOR gate latch is said to be in its Reset state.
Then we can see that the operation of the NOR and NAND gate flip-flops are
basically just the complements of each other.
The implementation of an SR flip-flop using two cross-coupled NAND gates
requires LOW inputs. However, we can convert the operation of a NAND SR
flip-flop to operate in the same manner as the NOR gate implementation with
active HIGH (positive logic) inputs by using inverters, (NOT Gates) within the
basic bistable design.
Then the conversion of flip-flops from active LOW to active HIGH inputs is
given as:

Active HIGH Flip-flops

The basic SR flip flop above and its active HIGH equivalents, are all
asynchronous type flip-flops, meaning that its inputs and present state alone
determine the next state. But as one-bit memory storage device we may want
it to hold its current output state regardless of what’s happening to its two
inputs and the operation of the basic SR flip-flop can be modified by including
an additional input to control the behaviour of the bistable circuit.
The conversion of flip-flops basic circuit is achieved by using two
additional AND gates which along with a control input, enable and disable
the S and R inputs. This new circuit is called a Clocked or Gated SR flip-flop.

The Gated Set-Reset (SR) Flip-flop

Gated SR flip-flops operate sequentially with its output state only changing in
response to its inputs on the application of a clock or enable input. As the
change to the output is controlled by this clock enable input, the gated SR flip-
flop circuit is said to be a “synchronous” flip-flop. Then an asynchronous SR
flip-flop requires no clock, but a synchronous one does.
The conversion of a standard NOR based SR flip-flop to a gated SR flip-flop is
achieved using two AND gates (TTL 74LS08) connected to the Set and Reset
inputs. An additional control or “Enable” input, EN is connected to
both AND gates, resulting in LOW outputs when the clock input is LOW as

Gated SR Flip-flop Circuit

The clock or enable input, EN is connected to one of the inputs of both of the
two ANDgates, resulting in LOW outputs when the enable input is LOW (AND
gate principals). Then any changes to inputs S or R has no affect on the state
of the outputs, Q and Q of the flip-flop.
When the enable input is HIGH the two AND gates become transparent so
any changes to the inputs S and R will change the state of the outputs as
before. Then we can see that either a logic level “1” (HIGH) or a “0” (LOW)
can be stored at the outputs of the gated flip-flop simply by applying a HIGH to
the clock enable input, and that this output state can be retained for any
desired period of time regardless of the condition of the inputs while the
enable input remains LOW.

Gated Flip-flop Symbol

As the gated SR flip-flop is a three input device, the logic symbol shows three
inputs: S, R and EN. The EN input is marked with a small triangle to denote
the fact that the flip-flop responds to an edge or transition input.
The conversion of flip-flops to a clocked one is achieved by simply connecting
this enable input to a timing signal. Any changes in the output state will occur
in synchronisation with the clock CLK signal. Note that a clock signal is
defined as a sequence of continuous pulses with each pulse having two
separate states, the “ON” state and the “OFF” state, with its duty cycle
representing its “ON” time divided by the total time period of pulse, (“ON” time
+ “OFF” time). Nearly all digital clock signals have a 50% duty cycle.
A clocked SR flip-flop can change state either on the rising positive-edge or
on the falling negative-edge of the clock signal, or pulse. Therefore an edge-
triggered flip-flop only responds or changes state when the clock pulse
changes from one level to another. For example, HIGH to LOW or LOW to
The output of a positive-edge triggered flip-flop only changes state on the
rising edge (0-to-1) of the clock pulse and does not respond to the falling
negative-edge. Likewise, a negative-edge triggered flip-flop changes state on
the falling edge (1-to-0) of the clock pulse and does not respond to the rising

Gated SR Flip-flop with Preset and Clear

We can take this gated SR flip-flop circuit one step further to produce a
bistable latch with additional inputs called Preset and Clear inputs which can
be used to set a flip-flop to an initial state independent of the clock. Instead of
the outputs Q and Q being loaded with an undefined value, we can over-ride
all the inputs and preset the outputs to a defined state.
But why would we want to do that. Well when power is first applied to a flip-
flop circuit, the initial logical state of the outputs can be completely random
depending upon which logic gate latched first, then we would have no idea
which switching state the flip-flop circuit is in. Therefore the initial state of the
flip-flop would be uncertain as it may be in the SET state, (Q = 1) or it may be
in the RESET state, (Q = 0).
Obviously this uncertainty in its switching is undesired as in the majority of
applications we require the output to be set in a predefined state, either SET
or RESET ready to accept data. But we can overcome this uncertainty with
the conversion of flip-flops using two additional asynchronous inputs referred
to as Preset, PR and Clear, CLR as shown.

Flip-flop with Preset and Clear Inputs

These additional inputs allow the flip-flop to be cleared, (Q = 0) whenever the
CLEAR input is “0”, and the PRESET input is “1”. Likewise, the flip-flop can be
preset to the logic “1” state whenever the PRESET input is “0” and the CLEAR
input is “1”. In this example, if the PRESET and CLEAR inputs are active
HIGH (P = CLR = 1) then the circuit operates as a normal gated SR flip-flop
circuit. Clearly both the PRESET and CLEAR inputs should not be made
active LOW (P = C = 0) at the same time since this leads to an uncertain
This PRESET and CLEAR option is also handy to have if we want to put the
flip-flop into a known set or reset state during a sequential operation ready for
the next sequence.
The conversion of flip-flops from one type to another is easily implemented by
either modifying the connections or using additional gates. As we have seen,
the basic SR flip-flop has two inputs, S and R to store a single bit but to do
this we must activate both of these inputs simultaneously. Moreover, the
forbidden input combination of: S = R = 1 may occur accidentally, thus
causing the SR flip-flop to switch into an undefined state.
To eliminate the need for two separate inputs and the possibility of the
unintentional switching into an indeterminate state, by connecting an inverter
(NOT gate) between the Set and Reset inputs, we can convert the basic RS
flip-flop into a D-type flip-flop.

The (Data) D-type Flip-flop

The D-type flip-flop or Data Latch has only one input referred to as the “D”, or
data input, plus a clock input, CLK along with the usual two outputs, Q and Q.
The D-type flip-flop transfers its digital data between the input and its outputs,
after a delay of one clock pulse and so the “D” part is also referred to as a
“delay” input.
D-type flip-flops are easily constructed from an SR flip-flop by simply
connecting an inverter between the S and the R inputs so that the input to the
inverter is connected to the S input and the output of the inverter is connected
to the S input as shown.

The D-type Flip-flop

Two different circuits for the conversion of flip-flops to a D-type are given
above. The top circuit is the traditional gated D-type configuration with the
additional inverter. The bottom circuit functions in exactly the same manner
but without the inverter, saving on one gate. As with all flip-flop configurations,
D-type flip-flops can be implemented using NAND or NOR gates with or
without the additional preset and clear.
The use of an inverter between the inputs ensures that the S and the R inputs
are always a complement to each other eliminating the undefined condition
of: S = R = 1. As a result, the D-type flip-flop is also known as a “transparent
latch” as the output Q follows the Dinput when the clock input is
HIGH, CLK = 1 transferring the binary information at the input directly to the
output as if the flip-flop were not there, making it transparent.

The JK Flip-flop
The JK flip-flop is very similar in many ways to the previous SR flip-flop and
is probably the most used of all the flip-flop designs. The terms “J” and “K” do
not really mean or relate to any special description but where originally used
at the time of the flip-flops initial development because these two letters are
not used as part of any other digital device. For the JK flip-flop, the “J” is
equivalent to Set and the “K” is equivalent to Reset.
We saw previously that the SR flip-flop has two or possibly three meaningful
input combinations with the input sequence of S = R = 1 combination is not
allowed but it can easily be modified to achieve different switching functions.
Then the JK flip-flop is often considered to be a universal device.
The JK flip-flop has two inputs “J” and “K” so all four possible input
configurations of: no change, set, reset and toggle are valid. With the “J” input
acting like the “S” and the “K” input acting like the “R”, it changes state when
one of its inputs is HIGH. However, the beauty of the JK flip-flop is that when
both “J” and “K” are HIGH at logic “1”, the flip-flop toggles, that is changes
from “0” to “1” or from “1” to “0” producing its own complement state.

JK Flip-flop Circuit

The conversion of flip-flops to a JK flip-flop is to cross connect

the Q and Q outputs with the S and R inputs through additional 3-
input AND gates as shown.
If the J and K inputs are both HIGH, logic “1” then the Q output will change
state (Toggle) for as long as the clock input, (CLK) is HIGH. Thus the output
will be unstable creating a race-around problem with this basic JK circuit. This
problem is avoided by ensuring that the clock input is at logic “1” only for a
very short time, or to produce a more sophisticated JK flip-flop circuit called a
Master–slave flip-flop.

The Master-Slave Flip-Flops

The conversion of flip-flops to a “Master-Slave” configuration involves the
addition of a second bistable circuit. The master-slave configuration consists
of two SR latches connected in cascade. One bistable flip-flop acts as the
master receiving the external inputs while the other acts as its slave, taking its
inputs directly from the master flip-flop as shown.

Basic Master-Slave Configuration

When the clock, CLK pulse goes HIGH, the data at the S and R inputs are
transmitted through the master flip-flop, FFA as normal. The adjoining slave
flip-flop, FFB however remains isolated since its clock input, CLK is LOW, logic
“0” due to the inversion by the inverter.
Now when the initial clock pulse returns LOW to “0”, the master becomes
disabled and blocks the external data inputs from passing information to its
outputs, whereas the slave flip-flop now becomes enabled and thus passes
the latched information to its outputs at Qand Q. Then the clock input to the
slave flip-flop is the complement of the clock input to the master flip-flop.
Master–slave flip-flops are referred to as level-triggered or pulse-triggered
bistable because the input data is read during the entire time that the input
clock pulse is at a HIGH level. Also, master-slave flip-flops are not restricted
to SR master-slave only. There are JK master-slave and D-type master-slave
flip-flops as well. In nearly all of them the slave flip-flop is a standard SR flip-
flop, whereas the type of flip-flop takes its name from the master part which
will be SR, JK or D-type configuration.

The (Toggle) T-type Flip-flop

The T-type (toggle) flip-flop is a single input bistable, with an operation similar
to the D-type above. We saw above with the JK flip-flop configuration, that
if J = K = 1 its output would toggle on the application of the next clock cycle.
Then the conversion of flip-flops to a Toggle type is simply a matter of
connecting the inputs HIGH.
The T-type flip-flop is not available commercially but can be constructed from
a JK flip-flop (or D-type flip-flop) by connecting the J input with the K input and
both to logic level “1”. With J and K HIGH, the flip-flop changes state every
time it is triggered at its clock input. This clock input is now called the “toggle
input” as the output becomes “1” if it was “0”, and a “0” if it was “1”, that is it
Toggle T-type Flip-flop

The toggle flip-flop changes state when the clock input is applied, T = 1 and
remains unchanged when T = 0. Then the transition from “0” to “1” will cause
the output to toggle giving the flip-flop its name. The toggle T-type flip-flop is
the basic building block of many digital circuits including frequency dividers
and digital counters.
Toggle T-type flip-flops can be constructed from a JK flip-flop in two simple
ways. In the first is that the J and K inputs can be tied together HIGH as
shown with the clock input becoming the toggle as shown. The second way is
with the J and K inputs tied together to provide the toggle input with the clock
input remaining unchanged. The output toggles when T and CLK= or equal to
“1”. The output remains unchanged when T or CLK are LOW.
The Data D-type flip-flop can just like the JK flip-flop be converted to perform
as a toggle flip-flop by connecting the Q output directly to the D-input with the
toggling signal Tbeing the clock input as shown above. Connecting the Q to
the input creates negative feedback.
As the output from the toggle flip-flop changes state on every application of a
clock signal, its output frequency is therefore one-half that of the input signal
frequency thereby acting as a frequency divider. If more toggle flip-flops are
cascaded together to form a chain, as the output of the first flip-flop acts as
the clock for the second T flip-flop in the cascade arrangement, and the
second flip-flop acts as the clock input for the third T flip-flop, etc, creating a
frequency division along the chain.
Flip-flops and latches are by far the most fundamental building block of
sequential logic circuits. Therefore, many IC manufacturers produce a wide
variety of different flip-flop chips that use both the TTL and CMOS
technologies as listed below.

Popular Types of Flip-flop IC’s

Device Number Device Description

74LS73A Dual Negative-edge Triggered JK Flip-flop with Clear

74LS74 Dual Positive-edge Triggered D-type with Preset and Clear

74LS75 Quad D-type Bistable Latch with Enable

74LS76 Dual Pulse Triggered JK Flip-flops with Preset and Clear

74LS107 Dual JK Flip-Flop with Clear

74LS111 Dual Master-slave JK Flip-flop with Clear

74LS175 Dual Positive-edge Triggered D-type with Clear

74LS279 Quad SR Latches with Active-LOW inputs

Conversion of Flip-flops Summary

We have seen in this tutorial that a Bistable device is one in which two well
defined states exist, and at any time the device could assume either of the
stable states. The conversion of flip-flops from one type to another can be
accomplished very easily as only slight modifications are required to convert
one type to another. Flip-flops can be constructed using logic gate circuits with
We have also seen that flip-flops can have one, two or three inputs with one of
those inputs connected to a clock signal. All flip-flops have two output
states: Q = 1 and Q = 0which changes in response to the application of the
clock. For the SR latch, S = 1 sets Q to 1, and R = 1 resets Q to 0.
The JK flip-flop is classed as a universal flip-flop and similar in design to the
SR flip-flop in that when J = 1 it sets Q to 1, and when K = 1 it resets Q to 0.
The condition J = K = 1causes Q to toggle.
All the flip-flops discussed above can have additional asynchronous CLEAR
and PRESET inputs that cause Q to be cleared to a “0” or preset to a “1”
independently of the clock signal.
A D-type bistable can be construction from JK flip-flops by the addition of an
inverter between the J and K inputs. The D-type flip-flop is widely used in
digital systems for transferring data and is said to be transparent, because
any chance in input is immediately accepted and the output changes
The T or toggle flip-flop changes state on the application of a clock pulse
when T = 1, otherwise Q does not change. The toggle flip-flop is normally
used for frequency division or for designing binary counters since binary
counters require complementation. The toggle flip-flop is not commercially
available but can be implemented by connecting the Jand K inputs of a JK flip-
flop together.
The conversion of flip-flops from one type to another is usually possible by
reconfiguring the inputs, or by adding additional logic gates and we have seen
that SR flip-flops can be converted to JK flip-flops which themselves can be
converted to Data latches, and both the JK flip-flop and the D-type can be
converted to a T-type toggle flip-flop.

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