Lesson Plan Template For Mobile Infused Lessons Intermediate Phase English

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Lesson Plan template for mobile infused lessons

Level (F/I/S/SS) Intermediate Phase

Grade: 6
Subject: English
Topic: The writer: Exploring the writing process
CAPS Alignment: WEEK 7 – 8 WRITING & PRESENTING. In the 7th and 8th week the learner writes
an information text. Selects appropriate visuals and content for the purpose •
Suggested times: Class time:
Presents IT lesson -integration
information using a map,(2chart,Home
graphtime: As suitable
or diagram. to process •
hours) English (8 periods of 35 • Revisingaccommodate finishing by •the
Outcomes: LearnersPlanning/pre-writing • Drafting
can work collaboratively -by constructing •a Editing
mindmap • Proofreading
-online using a cloud
based tool (2Connect) respective date:
in Purple Mash. Follow the clockwise structure in reading 17than ideas map.
They can translate how the 'mindmap' merges into written piece. The 'written piece' is put into a
form that can be read by importing a Scratch programme (created by a tutorial in the computer
club). The content of the 'written piece' is then fed into a list, called curriculum.

This 'curriculum' then is taken into a form that provides variation on the expressiveness of the
text. This new variation to the initial text in the list 'curriculum' comes through a translation -using
various languages. The exporting of the text then is done, and fed back into the knowledge list.
Thus the 'knowledge list' comprises the formation of numerous expressions of the initial piece of
writing -in curriculum list. 'curriculum list' is the base from which to build. An oral reading of
'curriculum list' takes place and an automated variation of what is coming through the 'knowledge
list' -using Scratch text to speech and translation abilities.

Teaching strategy(ies): (e.g. Discussion, Learning stations, Gallery walk, Gamification, groupwork..)
In this lesson we interact in group discussion, while constructing the 'mindmap'. The 'mindmap' is
-at one point in the classroom, with either a print out worksheet of the 'curriculum list' and the
'knowledge'. Both of these need to have some sort of editing in restructuring it. Learners receive
the two lists and make adjustments to them. These are fed back into the application -Scratch

Description: Resources 21st century

ICT/mobile integration application
(tools/apps/strategies) (the 4 C’s)
What devices, tools and apps
are we using to do what?)
What is the
lesson about

Skills: (What
do the
learners need
to be able to
do by the end
of the lesson?)
(What do they
need to know
by the end of
the lesson)

Activities and

I will…

The students
Description: Resources 21st century
ICT/mobile integration application
How will I
know that the
learners have
reached all the
Teacher What worked well?
(You can
complete this
after you have What did not work well?
done the
lesson with
your learners)
What changes do I need to
make? Ideas?

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