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Simple Past Tense of the Verb

1. arise  ________________________ 2. dig  ________________________
3. awake  ________________________ 4. fall  ________________________
5. be  ________________________ 6. grow  ________________________
7. become  ________________________ 8. ride  ________________________
9. begin  ________________________ 10. rise  ________________________
11. bend  ________________________ 12. run  ________________________
13. bite  ________________________ 14. shine  ________________________
15. blow  ________________________ 16. sit  ________________________
17. break  ________________________ 18. threw  ________________________
19. bring  ________________________ 20. win  ________________________
21. built  ________________________ 22. forget  ________________________
23. buy  ________________________ 24. give  ________________________
25. catch  ________________________ 26. get  ________________________
27. choose  ________________________ 28. know  ________________________
29. come  ________________________ 30. ring  ________________________
31. do, does  ________________________ 32. sing  ________________________
33. draw  ________________________ 34. sink  ________________________
35. drink  ________________________ 36. swim  ________________________
37. drive  ________________________ 38. wake  ________________________
39. eat  ________________________ 40. write  ________________________

Circle the preposition that best completes each sentence.

1. I went (aboard / across) the cruise ship just in time.

2. My mom looked (beyond /after) me when I was young.
3. I sat (over / between) my two best friends at the assembly.
4. Someone tapped my shoulder, so I looked (past / behind) me.
5. My father had to crawl (about / under) the house to look for the raccoon.
6. I leaned (against / down) the wall because my legs were hurting.
7. I ran (round / towards) the light because I was scared.
8. (Around / Before) the ceremony starts, we must all say a prayer.
9. John looked (along / across) the lake at the houses on the other side.
10. Since I am tall, I can see (under / over) many people in the audience

Adverb or Adjective
Underline the correct form to complete the sentence. Identify whether the it is adverb or adjective.
Write you answer on the line.
_____________________ 1. The student wanted to finish her homework quick / quickly .
_____________________ 2. Todd walked very sneaky / sneakily down the hallway.
_____________________ 3. The student was in such a hurry that she did bad / badly on the

_____________________ 4. The girl sang beautiful / beautifully.

_____________________ 5. The classroom was very noisy / noisily.
_____________________ 6. Antonio wound up and threw the football hard / hardly.
_____________________ 7. Whoever made the cake did a wonderful / wonderfully job.
_____________________ 8. She was running down the hallway crazy / crazily .
_____________________ 9. She answered the question wrong / wrongly .
_____________________ 10. The flowers smelled good / well .

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