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[ By tho "me J thO,

/ Volumes One, Two1 and Three


By J. K. McKAY

Volume Four

W. B. McKay
M.Sc.Tech., M.I.Struct.E.
Former registered architect and CONSTRUCTION
chartered structural engineer and Head
of the Department of Building and
Structural Engineering in the
Manchester University Institute FOURTH EDITION (METRIC)
of Science and Technology. By J. K. McKay. B.A .• B.Sc.Tech., A.R.I.B.A .. C.Eng., M.I.Struct.E., F.F.B.

With drawings by the authors

Orient Longman


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Fourth edition © Longman Group Limited 1970

OLBN 0002120038
Rrst published in India 1985
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IN this edition the various units have been converted to metric terms.
In the third edition, due to the replacement of the model Dyc-Laws by the Building Regulations, the
chapters dealing with fireplace construct ion and drainage, in addition to being extended, WCfC rewritten and
brought up to date. The corresponding drawings were modified or renewed entirely and a fresh one of a
septic tank included.
The opportunity has been taken once more to revise parts of the text and figures .

j. K. McK.

VOLUME'S II and III ar~ dt:vott:d to thost parts of Building Construction which are regarded as suitable for
a second-year course. Brickwork, drainage. masonry and mild steel roof trusses are dealt with in Vol. II (this
volume), carpentry, joinery and roof coverings in Vol. Ill.
One of the aims of the author has been to treat the subject sl:fficie"ntly comprehensi"cly in order to meet,
as far as possible, the individual requirements of both students and lecturers concerned with the examinations
of the Royal Institute of British Architects and allied professional bodies, and for National Certificates
and Diplomas in Building. A wide syllabus has therefore been adopted to meet a variety of needs. It is not
intended that the whole syllabus should be covered by one class in one session, but rather that most classes
should be able to select those parts of the syllabus that apply specially to them. The syllabus adopted has been
divided into eight parts, and these appear as headings of the respective chapters of both volumes.
Materials have been treated at some length. Much of the description in smaller type is intended
for the more advanced students and for reference purposes.
Because of the relatively large size of many of the dra ..... ings it has been possible to include associated
details for convenient reference. Thus, for example, Fig. 51 incorporates complete details of the small steel
roof truss. Again, the several openings showing the stone dressing in Fig. 42 are detailed in Fig. 43 on the
opposite page. It is hoped that the arrangement of the details in the full-page drawings especially will be
of assistance to students preparing homework sheets and testimonies of study. A Homework PrOgramme
appears on p. 137. This is suggestive only-, to be departed from according to the requirements and capacity
of the students. Its purpose is not the production of sheets identical in detail and composition.
The author wishes to express his appreciation to several colleagues for their valuable criticisms and
suggestions during the preparation of this volume, and particularly to Mr V. C. Barnes, A.R .tB.A., Mr
D. A. G. Reid, B.Sc., A.M .l.C.E., and l\lr A. V. Wilson, M.Sc.Tech., M .I.Struct.E. His thanks are also due
the Controller, H.M . Stationery Office, for kindly allowing the inclusion of extracts from several British
Standard Specifications, many more of which have betn consulted . Acknowledgement has been made in the
text to several firms who have readily supplied information on building materials and processes of manufacture.

JANUARY 19+4 W. B. McK.



Materials, including Bricks, Lime, Cement, Mortars and Concrete-Squint Junctions-Squint Quoins-Piers-
Cavity Wans-Circular Work-Raking Bond$-R~ inforced Brickwork- Special Bonds- Arches-Damp Proofing
of Basements--Open Areas-Stepped Foundations- Concrete Floor Construction-Decorated Brickwork"--Fire-
places, Flues, Chimney Breasts and stacks-Setting Out.

Surface Water and Subsoil Drainage- Sewage Disposal-Septic Tanks- Drain Pipes and Traps-Setting Out and
Excavation of Drain Trenches- Construction of Ora'ns-Drainage Schemes- Intercepting and Inspection ChambeI1-
Ventilation- T esting-Internal Soil and Waste Pipework

Formation and classification of Stones-Granites- Sandstones-Limestones- Marbles-Slates- Defects-T;sts-
Q'-Iarryin.o: and Mining-Machine Dressing-Dre$si ngs to Door and Window Opcnings-Comices-Steps and


Bolts and Rive ts- Details of Roof Trusses suitable for 6 m, 9 m and '2 m Spans.



NO. NO .

, 0' FIC.

, ,,...
Sketches of Brick Moulding Machinery ,0. Septic Tank 75
,. Brick Mould used in the Hand Moulding Process Eanhenware Drain PIIH'S and Traps
,. Brick Kilns Cast Iron Dram Pipes and Traps
,. Tunnel Kiln
" 33· Setting Out and Con$lruction of Drains . 8,
s· Spe<:iai Bricks. ,8 J<. Drainage Scheme and Details of Intercepting Chamber. 87
6. Lime Kiln '9 35· Inspection Chamber 90
Diagram of Lime Hydraling Plant ,6. Sanitary Fitting1l

8. Diagram of Cement Works .," 37· Map showing Disposiuon of Building Stones

T"sling Apparatus for Cement, etc. ,8. D iagrams sho,... ing Typical Structures of Building Stone!

". Squint JunctI ons in English and Flemish Bonds
37 )9. Apparatus for Fm"l Action Teu
Acute and Obtuse Squint Quoins m EnglIsh and Flemish Bonds ;8
Squint and Octag.:.nal PitTS.
14. Cavity Wall$
4 1 ,43
<0. Masonry Machines
Stone Dressings to SemicirculBr-headed D oor Openings
Stone Dr~sings to Square-headed Door Openings
, S· Circular Work
, 6. Reinforced Brickwork .,
<S <J. Stone Mouldings at Door Openmgs
H· Slone Dressings to Wmdow Openings
'7 Raking Bonds ,8 <S. Details of Masonry at Window Openings
,6. Window with Stone Dressings, including Consoles '"
18., Special Bonds.
'9. Brick Arches (Semicircular with Orders, Circular, etc.).
53 .,. Cornices

00. Damp Proofing of Basements 57 ,8. Stone Steps, Thresholds
'L Dry Area 58 <9. Stone Open Well Staircase "7
u. Stepp~ Foundations for Sloping Sites 59 So. Reinforced Concrete and Marble StaIrcase .,8
Con<:retc Floor ConstructIOn, Concrete Mixer
De<::or"ed Brickwork '"
SL Mild Sted Roof Truss suitable for 6 m Sp~n
5~· Mild Sleel Roof Truss for 9 m Span
2$,26, 27, ~8. Fireplaees, Flues, Ch1mney Breasts and Slacks 6,-69 53· Mild Sled Roof Truss suitable for 12 m Span '35
'9· Setting OUI


SyllabI/I.-Extended description of the manufacture and characteristics of bricks, cements and limes ; lime and cement mortars; concrete. Squint quoins and
junctions in English and Flemish bonds; piers; cavity walls; circular work; reinforced brickwork; rakin,g bonds; garde?, cross, Dutch, bnck-on_edge ~nd
facmg bonds, recessed, elliptIcal, pomted and rere arches Damp proofing of basements; dry areas. Stepped foundations. Concrete floor constructIOn.
Decorated brickwork. Fireplaces, flues, chImney breasts and stacks; buildmg regulatiom. Setting out.

MATERtAlSl may cause efflorescence (see p. 13). Organic matter, if in excessive quantity,
A BRIEF description of certain building materials is given in Vol. I. These will may contain compounds which discolour plaster. C~rtain salts, particularly
now be considered in greater detail. magnesium, may cause the bricks to decay.
Suitable clays for brick-making include" reds," "marls,"" gaults,"" loams,"
BRICKS "Knotts" and" plastics."
Bricks are chiefly made from clay and shale, and are moulded either by Red Clays are foun<l in many parts of the country an<l are extensively used for
hand or machinery, The principal elements of clay suitable for brick-making producing high·class bricks. As is implied, thc colour of these bricks is red in various
sha<les, dep ending upon the proportion of iron oxi<le present .. Red bricks which arc
are alumina and silica. Alumina renders the clay plastic, and thus facilitates particularly noteworthy are those from Berkshire , Durham, Hampshire, Lancashire,
the moulding process; if incorrectly proportioned it will cause the bricks to Leicester, Yorkshire anJ the vicinity of Peterborou~h.
Marly or Lipty or Calcareous Clays have a large chalk or limestonc content
crack, twist and shrink excessively when being burnt. The silica may be and arc commonly.used. Sand is sometimes add ed to such clays to prevent the bricks
combined with the alumina or it may be free in the form of sand; if combined, fusing during the burning process. Marly clays are converted into maim by the
it has a tendency to produce shrinking and warping, but if free it counteracts addition of chalk in correct proportion. In producing maIm. the clay and chalk arc
separately reduced to a slurry or slip in wash mills. The clay " 'ash millis a cylindrical
this tendency and assists in the production of hard, durable and uniformly tank in which harrows of vertical metal teeth, attached to horizontal arms, are rotated
shaped bricks; brittle bricks will result if the sand content is excessive. to churn up the contents. The mill is Slopped at intervals to allow Stones and large r
Brick clays may also contain varying proportions of limestone, iron, magnesia, grains of sand to settle to the bottom, leaving the liquid with the clay in suspension.
The chalk is washed in a similar mill, but a spiked roller instead of the harrows is
salts such as magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate and used to break up the lumps to a fine state of division. The washed clay and chalk
calcium sulphate, in addition to organic matter and water. are now mixed together in exact proportions and passe<l through a screen to a tmsh_
bank or shallow settling tank where the surplus water is run off, kaving the maIm.
Limestone or chalk has the effect of reducing shrinkage and acting as a Marl and maim bricks are almost white in colour. The approximate analysis of
tlux during the burning process, causing melting and binding of the mass. It marl includes JJ per cent. sil Lca, 10 pe r cent. alumina, JO per cent. chalk and 5 per
influences the colour of bricks. The limestone should be present only in a cent. oxide of iron. Well-knDwn white bricks are obtainable from Cambridgeshire,
Lincolnshire an<l Suffolk.
fine state of division (the size of the particles not exceeding" pin-heads "), Gault Clays are h eavy, tough and of a bluish colour, but with suffic ient chalk
otherwise the pieces of quicklime (see p. 20) will slake and expand if the bricks content to render th e bricks a pale yellow or white colour when burnt. Bricks, called
abS()rb moisture. Such expansion will cracK-or shatter the bricks. Fine grind- gaults, made from such clays are often perforated (see p. 19) or have a lar~e froR
to reduce the weight; they are ve ry satisfactory for general building purposes.
ing of the clay wili prevent damage from this cause. An excess of chalk will Loamy or Mild Clays r.ave a high silica content, and the addition of a flu!.:,
produce mis-shaped bricks when being burnt. such as chalk, is often n~cessalY. Shrinkage of these clays during burning is relatively
small, and they produce bricks of e xcellent quality. Compared with maris, a loamy
Iron oxides and magnesia also influence the colour of bricks (see p. 12). Salts clay may consist of approximate ly 6S per cent. silica, 27 per cent. alumina, 0'5 pe r
cent. chalk and t pe r cent. iron.
I Conside ration of much of this d escription of materials can be d efe rred until the
Knotts Clay is found in deep seams in the n eighbourhood of Peterborough,
• Third Year of the Course. II il given he re in somewhat extended <ldail for the purpose of
reference. and as it contains a relatively large proPQrtion of finely distributed combu$tiblematter,
an economy in fuel for burning results. Fletton bricks (see p. 10) are produced from
this clay in enormous quantities. The approximate composition is So per cent.
,pressed 'against the base of the quarry face, and as it ascends the claws remove
silica, IS per cent. alumina, !O per cent. lime, 7 per cent. iron, 5 per cent. carbonaceous °the clay which passes into the bucket; the jib i~ swung round until the bucket
matter, together with water and traces of ma,l!;nesia, potash and soda.
Plastic or strong Clays are composed chie fly of silica and alumina in combina- is o\"er a wagon which receives the clay discharged from it. Shale is usually
tion, and chalk of a creamy consistency must be added to prevent distortion and loosened by blasting and then filled into wagons either by hane. or by means
excessive shrinkage in drying and burning. London day, from which the well-known
London stock bricks are made (see p. I ,), is of this class.
of an excavating machine.
Clay Shales, quarried in Durham, Lancashire and Yorkshire particularly,
produce excellent bricks. Shale is a hard, laminated ,rock which is reduced to a Wpatherinx.-ln the absence of crushing machinery, certain clays are subjected
plastic mass suitahle for brick-making by weathering and the addition of water (see in winter 10 exposu're to the weather. This is usual in small works where moulding
next column). It is found, often in the same quarry, with a \'aryin~ content of oxides of md subsequent operations are only carried out durinl-( the sprinl-( and summer months
iron, etc., and the careful blending of these shales produces bricks, used for faced work, and the clay is dug in the autumn. The excavated clay is spread "vcr the I-(mund for
of different shades. A typical shale may contain rou~hly 60 per cent. silica, 25 percent. a slight depth (not more than 610 mm) to allow the action of the frost to hreak down
alumina, 0·6 per ccnt. chalk, 7 per cent. oxides of iron, 2 per cent. magnesia and the clay into minute particles. Stones, roots, etc., are removed, wh:lst at least once
traces of alkalis (potash and soda), organic matter and water. during the winter the clay is turned over to increase the exposure and improve its
Fireclay is qunrr-ied in Lanca. hire, Durham, Northumberl~nd, Ynrk"hiTf', workabilitv.
Staffordshire and other parts of the country. It contains a lar~e proportion of silica •
(varying from 50 to 70 per cen!.) and little, if anv, lime and iron. Bricks f)lade from There are several methods of conveying the clay or shale from the quarry
such clay are hi~hly resistant to high tempe ratu~e and are therefore suitable for the or pit. One form consists of an " endless wire rope" to which the bogies or
lining of furnaces and fireplaces. wagons are attached; the moving rope drags the fun wagons (which run on
MANUFACTURE OF BRICKS rails) up the incline to the mill as the empty wagons descend and return to the
pit. Alternatively a motor tractor may be used to haul the wagons.
The various methods of production are determined very largely by the Cleaning.-Some days require to be "deaned." Stones, coarse vegetable
nature of the clay or shale, and may be divided into the (a) semi-dry or matter, etc., may be removed either by hand picking, or the clay may be passed
semi-plas.tic process, (b) stiff-plastic process and the (c) plastic process. through a wash mill.
(a) Semi-dry or Semi-plastic Process.- Thc clay or shale is comparatively Biending.- Clay or shale used for making common bricks is usually taken
dry. It is ground to a fine powder by heavy rollers, passed through a screen, as quarried direct to the crushing machinery. That for the more expensive
mixed to a uniform consistency, pressed and re-pressed in rJiloulds by very bricks, especially multi-coloured facings (see p. 13), of~en requires the material
powerful machinery (see p. 3) and burnt. Sometimes the screened material fr<!m different strata to be mixed together as required. This important operation,
is damped by sprayed water. Because of the dryness of the material the bricks known as blending, includes the removal of any undesirahle material. The
are taken direct from the moulding machine to the kiln, the usual intermediate selection of the various clays or shales is made at the quarry-face and the blending
drying stage being omitted. The process is relatively cheap. This process is is ptrformed by one or more mechanical mixers, in conjunction with the grinding
adopted for the production of Flettons, owing to the suitability of the Knotts or crushing machine.
clay. Reductian.- The machinery for reducing the clay or shale to a fine condition
(h) Stiff-plastic Process.- This process, which is being adopted to an depends a good deal upon the character of the material. Thus, an edge-running
increasing extent, is similar to the ahove, except that the water content of the mill is suitable for hard, dry clays which have been previously crushed by a
material is increased and therefore less powerful machinery is required to mould stone breaker, whereas crushing rall$ are effectively employed for plastic clays.
the bricks (see p. 3). A separate drying plant is not always necessary. The
process is usually applied to hard, dry clays, ~uch as maris, and certain shales; One form of stone breaker Or disintegrator consists of a rapidly rotating shaft
from which hammers are hung to break up the material to a coarse ;lowder.
it may also be applied to wetter clays, provided they have been partially dried There arc three types of edge. runners or grindi/lf.! ",ills, i.e. (I) dry or revo/vin;:
before being crushed. pans, (2) u:el pans and (3) pan ",ills . A. dry pan consists of two heavy metal rollers
(c) Plastic Proces.\".- The day suitable for this process contains a large which rotale in a re\'olvin~ pan having a perforated base; the latter may be 3 m
in diameter and the size of the perforations varies from 1·6 to 13 mm; water is added
proportion of moistu-re, and is used for making wire-cut and hand-made bricks to the clay or shale as required during the grinding operation, and the crushed mate.rial
(see pp. 3 and 4). The bricks must be carefully dried before being burnt. passes through the hase to a pit or is conveyed by a belt to the moulding machme.
A wet pan or chaur mill has two rotating rollers or mnneM which revolve in a fixed
The various processes of (I) preparation of the clay or shale, (2) moulding, pan, the base of which is;n the form of a grating having (; to 19 mm slots through which
(3) drying and (4) burning are briefly described in Vol. I. the crushed mat~rial is forced; the material is softened by water which is sprayed
I. Preparation.- The top soil, or overburden or callow, is first removed. over it. A pan mil! or lempainx ",ill consists of a pair of runneM and a solid revolving
pan which receives a measured charge of clay and a definite amount of water ; grindin~
Clay is dug by hand or by mechanical excavators (see Chap_ I, Vol. IV), which proceeds for about twenty minutes before lhe Jllate,.i~1 i~ removed. A P".I{ mill may
consist of a ,jib having- a bucket with sted claws attached. The bucket is be used in lieu of a pan mill, and consists of a vertical metal cylinder in which curnd
knilH allach,'utaa rOlnllnll ~h,,(t churn up [he day and forer II uo\\n",.rds thrOURh
'h,' out!'-! at ,h .. baM' the shrinkage of the material, which may be 6'4 to 8·S mm ptr 100 mm and
(;n.. llLnj.( rolls arc USI',j for r,.,Juclnj.( days of h'Jo:h plasticlI)'. The rolls, dri". ... ..... hich occurs during the drying and burning processes.
1'1 spe,'d "hlch '-ane, ~o [0 ,flo or mo~ 100\·0IUlio...I per monuU:,lre on parrs, The usual typt of cutting table consists of a frame containing several
and arc &Iroolol metal cylmtl"r. pl~c .. d honmnlally. SIde by side." ilh a space be'''"..,n;
Ih~, are from .. ~O 10 'll~ mm dlam"ln and f>()() to 91!i mm IOOIl The clay is fcd wires at a distance apart equal to the Ihickness of the bricks plus the shrinkage
b,'IIH'O'''' Ihe rot~n from I hop!)t."r h"cu ,00"" ,h.'m. Th .. surfac" of ,h.. rollo may be allo ..... ance, and is sho" n in thl' sketch A, Fig. c Thes., wires are kept taut
sIT,noth or Ihel' may be ",Ih". toothed, sp,k('u, corrUllated, rl<"., "hen they arc called by means of screws. As the end of the column reaches the stop, the frame
H,MI,IS. Th" rolh mu)' conSIst onl~' of" smilie pllr, Or there rna ... be IWO p~"n" llh on ..
fl31r ahc'H 'h,' olhO:I. The space ix:'''ccn a sm,l{h! paIr should nOi bt Ius than I) mm automalically mOl'es forward and the wires cut the column transversely into
,t 1''''' Id"d "uh a doubl~ palrof rolls, the upp"r p.,r ar" k,bbl"n spactt:! up \0 so mm brick slabs; Ihese are pushed [or\l'ard, placed on barro .....s and wheeled 10 the
dPUI, ;'nu Ih., )',.,,,r paIr of !.lTlooth rolls arc closdy spaced to a minimum of 0:& mm.
Th ~,hhkrs l:t1p and !:Tush th" dav sullie,,,ntl)" for fin., r.,duct"," b\· 'hc 10lH'r TOlls drying floor. In another type of cllttin,e: table the frame is fixed and Ihe column,
In-m "hll'h II pUS"s m Ihm ~h""IS: . , which has been cut to length, is pushed forward pasl the wires. The frame in
another type rotates and the wires di\'ide the column by a downward cut. In
Sael"lIl1'/{.- Clay or "hale after being ground is generally passed through a one of the IUe!>t machines two columns are extruded, and two cutting tables
screen tu ensure that only nne, wtll graded material is passed forward for can produce 5 500 wire-cuts daily. As the 'column leaves the die a small roller
mouldlnp;. The coarse material retained on the sieve i~ returned for further under it impresses tht trade mark of the firm on the clay at brick thickness
grlndin~, cenlres.
IJt.airlng. As is implied. de·airing means extracting air, and is a proces~ (b) Pr~nurt PrIKt'ss.- The prepared clay is automatically fed into rectangular
\\hich has been recently introduced into this country and applied to certain melal die-boxes or moulds \.Ihich are the size of a brick plus shrinkage allowance.
days and shales prior to the moulding- operation. During the grinding and Two of many machines used for this purpose are shown diagrammatically Oil
pug-gtng processes aITis introduced bet\.lecn the fine particles. This entrapped 8 and c, Fig. t. The horizontal rotary table of machine 8 conlains a number of
air redUl.:es the plasticity of th" clay, pren~ntin,e: the mass from becoming moulds which 3re brought in turn under the plunger; the latter charges the
thoroughl) homogeneous, and causing defects such a~ blisters, laminations and moulds with day and consolidates it under ,e:reat pressure; as the table rotates
cracks (sec p. 14). The removal of th" .,ir therefore increases the workability the pressed brick slabs are automatically pushed upwards dear of the moulds
of the da~ and prClents the dCleiopml,nt of these defects. A de-airing machine and remo\'ed. In the press c the cia\' in the mould or die-box is consolidated
simply l:Qllsists of a chamber to \.Ihich a ,'acuum pump is connected. The as the plunger descends. Some bri~ks are passed through two presses, the
fine particles of day or shalt: arc forced into the chamber and the air is extracled second press producing a better shape and further consolidation. After con-
as the material proceeds to the moulding machine. solidation the slab is removed either by an upward movement of the base or
by the dropping of the sides, which in one type of mould are hinged at Ihe bouom
D"-DIrJOg hal bet'n PU[]CU13rJV successful In conno-cllon \11th the manufacture of and collapse outwards.
\I ,re·cut hncks (ke b<:lo" I. "h.,n, ,h" compl.. t.. plan! may COnSI&\ of a pug mill or
an 01<1('" ",,,ch,,,.· ,,"h a Jhndd",~ pln/,·, a dc·alTtn~ chamber, and 3 sccond augn

- "hlch con,·~ys th., clay from the chamb..r IInu forcu ,I through rh,' tI,,· to thc "1,,,-
CUllin\-( machme. An aUlln mach,o., 15 a honzonla1 pul' mIll" IIh • po"erful m.,tal
5C..," or "orm Inst"atl of the shafl ""h blad.,s. Th.. .,,,trudcd clay as ]I leaves th.,
d,t' IS m Ih" lorm of II com,nuous band havln~ smoolh .urbcel and sharp, "ell
.-l .. fin .. .-l Ar ...".
At on~ work~, referred to on pia, Ihe clay. after bemJ{ ground and screened,
paS5~S on to a mo\]nJ{ 51.,.,1 b.,lt \lhleh tra,·erses. hUll'" kiln and fe"ds th., mouldm([
machine" hich prcu~~ four brIcks at a tlmc and >s caplbJe of mouldm([ ::z 600 bricks
per hour. Th,s milchm., travels on rail •• nd IS brought opposIte Ihe empty chambers
"flh" kIln In lutn And InfO "h,ch Ih", moulded bticl.s ate pUled d,t<"ci .

Grog, ..... hich is burnt waste bricks or burnl clay ground to a powder, is \\'ire-cut bricks for facings are often rt-prtntd to consolidate them and render
somelimes added to the ra .... day in the mill to reduce shrinka~e of the bricks their arrises sharp and square. Both types of presses, Hand c, are suitable for
during the drying and hurning processes. this purpose, that at B having moulds with collapsible sides which become vertical
2. :\-1ouldjng.~ The prepared clay or shale is machine-moulded by either as each box comes under thc plunger. Spraying oil over the bricks facilitates
the (a) .... ire-cut or (6) pressure processes, or 1\ may be moulded by hand. their remo\a1.
(a) ~h1"l'-cut Process.- The clay or shale, in the form of a continuous plaslie /land-mQuldlng Pr{>ctssts.~Although bricks can be made more cheaply
band or column, is propelled from the pug mill or auger O\er oiled rollers to Ihe and much more quickly whcn machine-made, hand-moulding is far from being
cultmg tab/e. The exit, called the die or mouthpiece, is lubricated with water, an obsolele process. Hand-moulded facings have a rich texture, beautiful
• steam or oil to reduce friction and ensure uniform mO\'emem of the column colouring and durability. Purpose-made bricks which depart from standard
and IS approximately 2'1-7 mm by ,88 mm; th,s size is variable, depending upo~ sizes, and clay blocks of special shapts to meet specific requirements, are hand-

8 It. I C K
moulded. Except in certain districts, comparatively few common or sf()(:k l bricks
are now moulded by hand.
The clay or shale is prepared by any of the methods described on pp. 2 and 3. COLl.IMN OF ClAY EXT""'ED "<OM ~E
In addition, souring or ageing the clay is sometimes resorted to. This merely
consists of storing the plastic clay, for a period varying from one day to several
weeks, in one or more cool chambers to ensure a uniform distribution of the
water throughout the mass and the decomposition of any organic matter.
This results in an increase in thc plasticity and workability of the paste,
and assists in preventing the development of crach, hlisters and other
There are two methods of shaping hricks hy hand, namely, (a) sand-moulding
and (b) slop-moulding.
(a) Sand-moulding.- The wood-mould, shaped as shown at A, Fig. z, has
neither top nor bottom and is usually lined with brass or iron; its internal
dimensions are those of the finished brick plus allowance for shrinkage (19 to CUTTING TABLE USED IN THE WIRE -CUT PROCESS
25 mm). This is called an upen-muuld or stuck-mould, as distinct from a box-muuld
which has a fixed bottom and is used for special bricks.
The moulding operations are done on a wood bench or . moulding stool, lilT PULlEY
which is about I·R m long by 0·6 m wide hy 0·9 m high. A" stock" of clay
of the correCt consistency, Hattcned un top, and a heap of sand are placed
conveniently to hand on Or "t:ar tu the bench. The moulder sprinkles sand on a
portion of the tahle and the inside face~ of the mould (hence the name applied to
the process) to prevent adhesion and facilitate the subsequent removal of the
clay!\lah. Meanwhile an assistant (known as the" clot-moulder ") cuts a portion
of clay from thc stock and kneads it into a rectangular" clot " which is about
one-quarter larger than the mould. The moulder takes the clot, throws it into
the mould and completely fills it by pressing thc clay down with hi~ fingers.
The edge of a strike (a wood straight-edge which i~ dipped in water) is drawn
across Ihe top to remove the superHuous clay and level the surface of the slab.
Finally, the moulder lifts the mould, and with a twist of the hand turns t:1e
slab on to a flat piece of wood called a pall,,! board. The slab i~ removed by a
boy to the Hoor of the drying shed.
These brick-; are often moulded on a piece of .wood cal1ed a rtockboard,
which is nailed to the top of the bench. It ha~ a raised centre or kick. T~e
kick and stockboard arc covered with brass as shown at B, Fig. 2. Four metal
pegs are driven into the table, one at each corner of the stockhaard, and the
mould is placed upon them as shown. The thickness of the brick is regulated
according to the extent to which the pegs are dri\·en. The kick forms the
characteristic frag in the bricks.
Approximately I 000 bricks per day can be moulded by this method hy a
moulder and assistants.
Ornamental hricks and those of special shapes are sometimes moulded from II.OTAJt.y PI\.ESS
I Stock" is a teml which originally denoted hand-made bricks m{)uld~d nn a stock_
board (see Fig. l ). It is now loosel y appl ied and gennali y indicates comm on Wlre-clIt,.
If ..... aste heat from the kilns is used, Ihe Aues under Ihe dryin!( Aoor are arranged
& ~ I C ~ M0 U l D USE 0 I N THE as lasl described, except thaI Iheir lower ends are connected by a trans"erse Au~
HAN 0 M0 U l 0 N G P ~ 0 C E S S which is connected to the kilns. The flow of "aSl'S from Ihe kilns is controlled bv a
fan at on.. "nd of the upper trans,'e"e flue.

The bricks from thc moulding machine or bench are preferably placed on
end on the hot floor, with a space between each, when the heat gradually dries
them from the bottom upwards. If tht: bricks are not stiff enough to permit
of this, they are placed on bed on the floor, The time taken to dry bricks varies.
Some bricks may be taken on barrows direct to the kiln after being left on the
hot floor for one day only, whilst others may require fi\'e days hefore they are
5TO(1\ "11o""o
L 0 I fit for removal to the kiln,
(ii) SIu'd Or Room Dryns. - A shed is ~ .') to !z m wide single sfOrey build in>:
i •
.k 'it! containing rocks. A rack is approxim~te!y 0·6 m wide and has len of mOre shelves of
narrow battens upon each of which a row of moulded bricks is " finRer-sp~ced "
on edge. The shed is heated by steam pipes, stov... Of a hot Aoor. Drving is COm_
para!iv.,)y slow and som.. what irregular.
Someiimes Ihe space ahove a continuous kiln (Sl't' p. 6) is partly uliliz<,d t" store
bricks "hich ate dried bv heal from the kiln.
wire-cut and pressed green bricks which are used instead of clots to fill the {iii) Chomb~r Dry~rs_'-A shed is Ji"ideJ into se"eral chambers, each about I'll m
moulds. wide, 2 '') m high and of variab le lenglh, with a door al each end. The bricks are
placed, with a space hel\\'('en each, on loose narrow shch-es or on cars. One Iype of Car
(b) Siop-mouldin/.!. - This me!hoci ;s now rarely cmploy~d. The clay used in consists of a ho~de {,,-hieh runs on a track} having a metal frame or rack which supports
this method is more plastic than that used for sand-mouldiol{. Sand is sprinkled on luose pallet boards Ihat arc about '-2 m long EHch board is loaded with a row of ten
the prepared ponion of the table or stockboard. The mould, entirely of wood, is or mOre bricks as they arc mouJd.:-d and pl~e"d on edge wilh a spac.:- b~lwcen . Anolh('r
dipped inlO a Irou/<h of."3ra (provided on the b •.>nch) and filled with a clot as above type consists of a bO,Rie On the base of which is stacked slool pol/~IS. The hiller arc
d ..scribed. As the hrich ar~ not sufficiently :;;tifflo permit of their immediate removal narrow wood shelves, wilh 200 mm high enJ supports, for rec~i\'ing the Illouldl'd
on a pallel, the full moulds ate laken to the dry in/< floor anJ there turned out. hrieks which are p13ced on cdge. When rack _cars arc us('d, each drying chamber h",.
10nRitudinaJ bearers fi.xed to the side walls for their ('ntire length and at about 300 mm
3- Drying.- With exception of common bricks made by the semi-dry inten'"ls; these supporl the loaded paliN hoards as Ihey are remo"cd from th .. cats.
SlOol pallets are stachd one ~bo\'l' the OthlT in eaeh (·hamber. Loadl'J Cars rna,' Iw
process (sct;: p. 2) and certain pressed bricks moulded by the stiff-plastic process wheel"d inlp the chanbers in which they remain until the bricks are Jry. T he h""t
(p. 2), bricks must be dried hefore being placed in the kiln. This applies must be applied ve ry gradually, olh .. r",i ... thl' bricks will warp and ctad.
In Some' dT)'HS the bricks ar .. graJually healed in a saturated almospheT .. until
particularly to those made hy the plastic process (p . 2), where the water content they r~ach a temp .. rature of about 32" C. The humidity is then reduc .. d by th ..
may exceed 25 per cent. Drying is effected by (a) artificial and (b) natural admission of dry air, anJ Ihe tempna!ure is increased as requ ired. This grcatl}
means. minimi~s dama,Re to the bricks.
{iv) TIm»..! Dryer<. -This type of dryer res.:-mbles the lunnel kiln shown in Fig. -+
(a) Artificial J)ryi71g.~ The chief heating mediums are steam, direct heat and Jescribcd on pp. 10 amI I I . As the loaded cars {ra"",se Ihe tunnel, which is
from fires, and waste heat from kilns and ·boilers. The dryers include the (i) ahout 30 m 10nR, hOI air {steam or waSle ~ascs} enters a! the unloading end, and the
hot floor, (ii) shed , (iii) chamber and (iv) tunnel typeS. currei'll i5 caused 10 Aow towards the loading end br means of a fan. The rate of
dry in" varies, bUI generally a car of dried bricks is remov~d and one of Rre~'n hricks
(i) Hot Floor System. - This is commonly employed for drying plastic is added ewry hour. The tunnel dryer may be opHaled intermittently like a chamber
(wire-cut) bricks. The floor is usually that of the building in which the bricks dryer, it b"ing filled with loaded cars of green b ricks and the whole of them beinJ<:
removed afl'" the Jrying operation has hecn completed.
are moulded and should be adjacent to the kilns. It consists of either steel
plates or concrete slabs which cover conduits in which tbe steam pipes are laid. (h) Natural Drying,- Whilst artificial means of drying is now generally
The steam is controlled by valvt:s in order that the temperature may be adopted, bricks must be dried naturally if heat is not available. Natural drying
regulated to suit the bricks. The steam may be generated from the boiler is m;ual where clamp-burning (see p. IJ) is resorted to and in yards where the
which provides the power for the crushers, grinding mills, etc, output is small . A well ventilated shed may be used, in which the bricks are
When direct he~t from coal or cuk .. firn il th .. medium, a numbn of long /tu ..s stacked on racks and dried by the circulation of un-heated air.
ar .. eonstrucl.. d imm..uiately under Ih .. floor. Th .. flu~'S an: .. boUI 450 mm squar.. Alternatively they are hack-dried, A hack is simply a long double row of
and arc paralld to each oth~r al aboul a'S m e .. ntn'5, Each flue is slij.:htly inclined
upwards from a fireplace at one end, and th c upper ends are connO'cted to a lrans"erse green bricks which are stacked to a maximum height of approximately 900 mm
flue which delivers into .. chimney. depending upon the softness of the bricks-.
The hack-ground is le~1 and well drained. There i l I .pace of a bout ::t::tS mm and emptied. This is bricked up with a temporary wall after the green bricks
between each I"n~ or blade of bricks forming I hick; 'he brich I r t placed on edge at
I) mm intervals to a height of from five 10 eight coynes, the britlel in one (:()urse have been set, and the outside of this wall is luted with clay.
hridlring the 5~cel betwo:cn those in the cou~ below, One course, which may be
60 m or mon in length, is comp~eled first to allow Ihe bricks 10 stiffen before the next Gln....J. bricks and certain red br,cks (in add,tion to terra-cotta, etc.) must nol be
course i. The hacks are spaced aliboul 2"7 m apart Ind should run in I nOMh. exposed to the dir~ct from the fires, otherwise they would be damaged. by the
south direction $0 that both sides will be exposed 10 the sun. The hanam COYTW is gases, dust, etc. Such hncks are heated in mujJft' "if"s. This type of kiln consists of
placed on planks or hollow rt'(:tangular tiles or SO mm 'blf~k layers of .and. breeze, tIC. an outer rectan!!"ular chamber and an inner compartment. A simple form has a
As a temporary prole<;:tion the '''P of each hack is covued with I senes o( portable fireplace at one end or the chamber and a horizontal main flue, extending the full
liahl wood" caps" which II"<: about 1·8 m lonR with slopinll sides in the form of. roof. length, at the floor level. Cross " 'alks at intervals In. arched over this flue and these
The .ides 'n" .1$0 protected by hurdles or screens called loo-hoards; these are ahour ~upport Ihe inner shell.comprisinl( firebrick bottom, sides, top and one end. There
t·8 m long and 0'9 m high. This temporary protection is removed during favourable IS a space between the ",.ner shell and outer structure so that hot gases from the fire
weather, but the hacks should be covered immediately when necessary, otherwise can completely traverse ,t before escapinJ;l through openinRs in the outer roof into
much dama.'!:e to the bricks may be caused. The bricks are "inrlpd when half dry, an upper horizontal flue extend in" the full lenRth. The bricks are stacked in the
j.t'., they are set dia!!"onally, with a So mm space between each and with alternate inner compartment and the open end is built-up and daubed with clay. Thus, these
courses reversed. bricks are heated entirely hy the heat transmitted throu!!"h and radiated from the
Aa bricks containing moistur~ are readily damaged by frosr, haek-dryin,ll: can orrly firebrick shell.
he cnried out during the six months of the year, from April to Scptemhcr inclusi,·c. Sometime. six or more down-draullht chambers are constructed to form what is
The process is extremely slow, the bricks takin.'!: from three to six wel'ks to dry, known as a umi_continuOI'z kil". This type provides for the waste heat from one
dependin.'!: upon the weather and the natUT<: of the clay. chamber bcin)( utilized to dry and heat thc bricks in others. Thus, after chambers
I and 2 have been loaded an"d the fire in No. t li~hted, the heat not required passes
-t. Burning.- This is the final process in brick manufacture. Permanent throu.o:h hole~.1n the ~~~ of No. , ~hambe" IIlvII)(" nue .lo~" upel1il1l{ (cul1lrolh,,j
kilns are chiefly used for burning bricks, although clamp-burning (see p. II) by a damper) m the d,v'.,on wall and over a flash waH into No.2 chamber, where it
is Mill adopted in certain parts of the country. Kilns may be classified into circulates round the Rreen bricks hefore entering the main flue to the chimney. The
fire in chamber 2 is maintained, chamber 3 is loaded and the bricks in the latter are
(a) intermittent, (b) continuous and (c) tunnel. gradually heated by thc waste Rues from No. z Each chamber is progressively
(a) InttTmittent, or Periodic or Single Kilns.- These are permanent structures heated in this manner until the final one is relched. An economy in fuel thus results.
(iil Horizontal Draullht or Nt"TI.J(ostlt' "iln.-Comparatively few of these are now
and may be divided into (i) down-draught, (ii) horizontal draught and (iii) in operation, it having been Rfldual1y repllced by the continuous type of kiln. It is
up-draught kilns, according to the direction of the fire. a rectangular building with an ITched top, Ind is approximately 4'S m wide and not
(i) DOW1I-draught Kiln.-This is the most efficient form of intermittent ki:n, mOn. than 9 m long. The fireplaces lTe arranw:ed al One cn~, togelher with a perforated
flash-wall, and a chimney is provided at the opposite end. The gases traverse
and it is the only type adopted to any extent in this country. Even in works horizontally and pass into the chimney It the floor 1c'·el. A wicket in one or both
having large outputs, it is not unusual to find that the common bricks and certain long walls i5 formed to permit of loadin)( and unloadin.l(.
(iii) Up.Jra""hr Or Scotch or S(l)rt' Ki/".- This is the most primitive form and is
facings are burnt in a continuous kiln (see next column), whilst best class sand now almost obsolete. It is rectan,ll:ular on plan, having three permanent brick walls
facings and blue bricks are burnt in a down-draught kiln, as the heat which and a temporary end wall; there i. no roof. the top being open. The size is roughly
influences the colour can be controlled better in the latter. 7'6 m by 4'9 m by 3 m high. Fire.openin,ll:s ITc provided at interYils in the side
walls at the ,ll:round levcl. Coal fires ue gradually applied after the kiln has been
The section of a down-draught kiln is shown at T, Fig. 3. That adopted for
bricks is usually rectangular, although circular kilns for ware goods (see ~~~d~~~ at:~y;;:~"r;h:n~r~~fl a::e dd~t:dt~i:~ ~11~~el;I~~;.ert:o,;i~~e~l~r~r~::! ~~i~~
Chapter Two) are common. The capacity varies from 20000 to 40 000 hricls. tainL.J for two or three days, af~er which they Irc damped down and \;,e bricks are
allowed to cool. The h"at is irreRul1T and consequently then. is a large proportion
The rectangular chamber has four walls and an arched top which incorporates a of o"cr_burnt bricks at the bonom and under~fired at the top.
heat-insulating ring L"UlIlpuseal uf })Uruu:,; l>rick:,; (pru"'a..,ly maue of a fUSlIil earth
known as kieulguhr); this reduces the amount of heat transmitted through Intermittent kilns are not economical, as the walls have to be heated up at
the structure and thus effects a saving in fuel. The kiln is lined with fire- each setting of the kiln, and this results in a heavy fuel consumption.
bricks. Fireboxes are formed at intervals, and a special feature is the continuous (b) Continuous Kilns. - This type, evolved from the intermittent and semi-
screen wall, called a flash-wall or bag-wall, constructed parallel to and about continuous kilns, is most suitable for large and regular outputs. It is so called
230 mm from the inside of each long wall. The heat from the fuel (which is because the operations are uninterrupted, each chamber in turn being loaded,
usually small coal called slack) thus passes upwards to the arch, which deflects dried, burnt, cooled and emptied, and the waste heat is utilized to dry and
it down through the openly stacked green bricks (see p. 7), the gases escaping pre-heat the green bricks. The kiln is thus economical in fuel consumption.
through perforations in the Roor to a horizontal flue connected to a tall chimney. The structure consists of walls of ordinary brickwork, lined with firebricks
The screen walls are perforated at inte rvals near the bottom to allow sufficient jointed with refractory cement, the top is generally arched and lined with
heat to pass direct to the lower portion of the Slack during the drying process. purpose-made firebricks, and the floor is usually constructed of hard bricks
An opening or wicket is provided at one end through which the kiln is filled bedded on sand or concrete. The kiln is divided into compartments or
chambers. The divisions may be temporary (see c, Fig. 3) or permanent (see coloured and hearting (see p. 13) will result. The length of the pre-heating
M). The number of compartments varies; twelve is considered to be a zone is usually equivalent to four chambers (see u, Fig. 3).
minimum, fourteen and sixteen are common, whilst the largest kiln in this (]) Firing 7.olle.-The bricks are vitrified during the final heating which
country (see p. 10) has 224 chambers. The length of a chamber is usually from takes place in this zone in which the maximum temperature may reach 1 100° C.I
3'7 to 'f9 m, the width varies from 2'7 10 3 m, and the height to the crown The number of chambers in full-firing zone is two and three in a fourteen
rarely exceeds 2'7 m. Best results are obtained if the total length of the and sixteen chamber kiln respectively (see u). Coal is added through the feed-
chambers is not less than 60 m to permit of the efficient control of the various holes every quarter of an hour, and fuelling of the kiln is confined to them,
operations. Each chamber has an opening (known as a wickd or door gap) in the the chambers in the drying and pre-lu:ating ;:ones having been heated by waste
external wall for loading or "setting" and emptying or" drawing" the bricks; heat from the cooling ;:one. The stoking is generally done by hand, although
it has. a flue, controlled by a damper, to <..""Onvey the u~ed gases to the mllin Aue the employmt>nt of automatic fceders which discharge the required quantity
and thence to the chimney. In a more modern kiln, and especially those used for of coal at regular intervals is increasing. The durability of the bricks depends
producing facing bricks, each chamber is connected to a hot-air flue (see p. 8). upon the firing of the kiln at this stage; .excessive temperature will cause the
Small coal or slack is commonly used as fueL This is fed through fud-holes bricks to lose their shape, and under-burning will reduce their strength.
situated in the top of the kiln, and these are preferably of fireclay blocks covered (4) Cooling Zone.- This usually consists of four chambers, as shown at u,
with movable metal airtight caps. The capacity of a chamber varies; :he although in the larger kilns the length of the zone is increased and the risk of
smallest will hold about 8 000 brich, whilst a very large chamber will accom- damage, such as cracking, is correspondingly reduced. The temperature of the
modate 40000 or more bricks. It is customary for one chamber to he drawn bricks in the unloading chamber, which adjoins the cooling zone, should be
and one to be filled daily, The rest of the kiln is divided into (I) drying, (2) sufficiently low to enable them to be handled comfortably.
pre-heating, (3) firing and (4) cooling zones (see u, Fig. 3).
(I) Drying or Steaming or Water-smoking ZQne.- A brick, e\'en after he:ng Setting.- There arc several uifferent arran~Crllents of setting the green bricks
in a kiln, much depending upon the sl1ffne~ of the bricks and the type of kiln. One
treated in a dryer, has a comparatively large water content which often exceeds fonn is to stack them on edge in a series of !HJlls or TO""S 225 mm thick, alternatel)' as
one-sixth of its dry weight. The process of eliminating this water is an important headers and stretchers and about 19 mm aput. Another arrangement, suitable for a
continuous k,ln, is shown In the seCllon at A, Fill. J. This sho". three courses of
one, for, if not carried out gradually, the bricks will crack and their strength be bricks (heau<,.-s) on edRe, " finj(er·space "(about '9 mm) apart. A (ouf'Se of sl'etchers
considerably reduced by the formation of steam within the small voids or pores is placed upon thes,·, follo"ed by ahernale uouhle courses of hcaders and single
of the material. The bricks in the drying chambers of the kiln are gradually courses of stretchers. Vertical flues, called fin.rolumlls, arc fonned in the stack under
the feed -holes. These <'"<tend from tOp to Mllom, an, about '25 mm square and
heated to a temperature of 120° C. hy the admission of hot air from the pre- 51.'T"" as oomhust,on spaces and for Uhd.
heating chambers. This hot air should be free from gases, such as ~ulphur
dioxide, otherwise the bricks will be discoloured by a deposition on their The following is a description of some continuous kilns, including the
exposed surfaces of a film called scum or kiln-white (see p. 14). The wasle :\Iancbester, Zigzag, Hoffman and lIab13 kilns.
heat from the firing chambers should not be used for drying purposes in kilns Manchester Kiln 2 (see A, Band c, Fig. 3). ~ That shown is a simple form
in which facings are produced, as tbis contains gases which cause discoloration of the :\hnchester kiln, and is suitable for the hurning of common bricks. s
(see p, 8). Large volumes of steam are produced during the drying process, It consists of two long compartments, separ,lIed by a longitudinal wall, and
and for the production of good coloured bricks this steam must be rapidly whilst it has no permanent division walls, it is divided into chambers by paper
removed through flues (see p. 14) to avoid mnol'n~~tjon on the hrjck~. The "partitions" (see p. 8), and it is thercfClTc r~lIf'rl Jl fOHrteen chamber kiln.
length of the drying zone depends on the length of the chambers and the draught Each ch:lmber accommodates 8 000 bricks, and as one chamber of burnt bricks
created by the chimney, but in a fourteen chamber kiln the zone usually com- is empticd per day, the weekly output is approximately 50000 bricks, which is
prises two chambers, and three will be required in a ~ixteen chamber kiln (see considered to be the minimum for a continuous kiln. Whilst a smoke flue,
u, Fig. 3). controlled by a damper, can be provided for each chamber, the plan shows
(2) Pre-heating Zone. - The bricks in this zone arc gradually brought to
a dark-red heat (600° C.), during which the chemically combined water is ~el
free and removed, and then the burning is carefully controlled until the
temperature is increased to approximately 9500 C. During the latter stage Ihe
that one damper sen'es chambt:rs [ aod 14, and similarly another damper is
'This varies; thus, for Flenon hncks thc rna~'mum .
temperature ma\' not exceed
• By courtesy of Mcssr~ Uun, f"IClhcrington & Co., Accrinl(ton. This is the smalleST
iron and other compounds are oxidized and the colour of thc bricks is influenced; and simplest type of ContinuouS k,ln huil! by Ihis firm.
> The Maochester kiln, oncorpora[,nM a hOT air Hue, is used for the production off3con~
the burning must therefore not be hurried, otherwise the bricks will be dis- br,cks.
common to both chambers 7 and 8; this is in order to simplify the kiln. The its travel, it pre-heats the bricks in chambers 10, II, 12 and 13, and dries and
chamber flues are connected to two main flues which lead to a chimney 12 m steams those in chambers 14 and'l before escaping down the branch flue No. I.
high and 1-2 m internal diameter) conveniently near. This being a continuous process the operations are maintained in this
sequence, but are advanced by one chamber daily. Thus, on the following day
To fire this kiln for the fint time, six or seven chambers are sel with green bricks
and each section is separated by being papered off. Thin brown paper, obtained in chamber 3 is filled and chamber 4 is emptied.
rolls, is usually used for this purpose, and this is pasted over (liquid clay. called slip, As the whole of the waste heat is utilized to dry the bricks in this kiln, and
being used as an adhesive) the completed end face of slacked bricks. The wickets as that from the firing chambers may cause discoloration (see p. 14), it follows
in rhesfO chambe,.", z to 7 inclusive, are bricked up with temporary walls, and II small
fireplace is prepared in each. A temporary brick wal!, shown at H on plan c, ;s built, that the kiln is best suited fot the manufacture of common bricks, for which
and this is prepared with four fireplaces. Fires are lit In these fireplaces and the heat purpose it is most economical. The provision of hot air flues (see below) is
is steadily applied to the bricks in chamber 2. The damper controlling this section necessary for the production of good-coloured bricks.
is open to allow the steam and gases to escape. When the temporary wall at H gets
too hot to the hand, the paper partition separating chambers 2 and 3 will have burnt
away. No.2 damper is then closed and NO.3 damper is opened, thus allowing the During the slack periods, when the output from half the kiln would be sufficient to
heat to pass through chamber 2 to chamber 3, and hence into the main flue to the meet the demand, it may be used intennittently as follows: Four smaJi fireplaces
chimney. This is repeated until three or four chambers are red hot. Coal is then arc constructed in the external end wall of chamber I, the two openin~ between
passed through the feed-holes and down the 125 mm square fire columns (see p. 7). chambers I and 14 and 7 and 8 are built up temporarily, and the chambers I to 7
Meanwhile further chambers will have been set with green bricks until all of the inclusive are filled with gre<:n bricks. Fires in the end fireplaces are maintained until
chambers, excepting NO.1, are filled. Thc open fires in the temporary wall at Hand there is sufficient heat to fire coal Ced through the feed holes. Top feeding of the
those in the wickets are maintained until a sufficient body of heat has been built up chambers is continued until the bricks are throughly burnt, when the half kiln is
to light and support combustion of coal fed from the top. The open fires are then emptied and re-set.
stopped in rotation, chamber I is set and papered over as d escribed above, and the Zigsag Kiln (see ], K, Land M, Fig. 3).-This is one type of Zigsag kiln' which
bricks in chamber 2 are removed. The kiln is now prepared for nonnal workinj(, is divided by permanent walls into fourteen chambers. The fire is drawn in a zigsag
when on e chambe r is emptied and another is filled daily. direction owmg to the position of the openings in the diVIsion walls being staggered,
causing it to tra\,erse each chamber diagonally.
Each chamber has a transverse dotvncast flue under the floor which is connected
After the whole of the chambers have been fired, the following is a normal to the main or smoke flue and controlled by a damper from outside. There is, in
daily schedule for this kiln, assuming that the direction of the fire is clockwise addition, a hot air flue _immediately over the main flue anu extending the full length of
as shown by the arrow, and that chamber 3 is being unloaded :- the ktln. When reqUlred, each chamber is connected to this hot air flue by raiSIng
the damper controlled from the top of the kiln (sec K and dampers I, I{, 2, etc.,
at M). As mentioned on pp. 7 and I{, hot gases from the firing chambers must
not be used to dry bricks if scumming is to be avoided, and only hot gases from the
Chamber Bricks Chamber Bricks CQ{)linlf chambers should be admitted for this purpose. Hence the necessity for this
hot air flue In addillon to the downcast flue and hot flue dampers, each chamber
has a third or main flue damper immediately over the crown of the smoh flue and
Temperature Temperature controlled from Ihe top of the kiln (sec K and dampers 10, 5, g, etc., at M). These,
, Drying 25° C. Heating together with the downcast flue dampers, are opened wholly or partially as requi,-ed

, (min.)

" Heating I 700° C. in the drying chambers for the rapid removal of the steam.
Th e process is continuous, at lcast one chamber being loaded and One unloaded
Bein.'!: set
Cool or Cold "'3 Heating
Heating I "
1200 C. daily. The daily schedule of the op~ra.tions varies according to the nature of the
drawn Drying 120° C . day, quality of bricks, draught (velocity of Ihe air created by the chimney Or fan),
'4 lenJ,(th of fire cir;:uit, etc.
4 CoolinJ,( (max.)
5 Cooling I 50° C. The Zig-sag is exceptionally efficient for the following reasons: (I) (t can be

Coolin.'!: I "
I 000" C . WIckets 2 and 3 are open, remainder
arc built up.
dT<:clivdy colllrvlku; (;:) it I>IOU""'" urick, "r fir., ljuality, comparalively free
from und eSIrable d,scoloratIOn and olhc,- imperfections enumerated on pp. 13 and '4;
8 Firing I 000° C. Damper I is open, rest are dosed. and (3) the fuel consumption is relatively low.

, Firing
700° C.
Paper partition pasted 00 bricks
stacked m chamber , 00 face
.adjoining chamber 2.
Habla Kiln.~This has several features which resemble the 7.igzag kiln. Th~
plan is similar in that the /raC(' holes (openings in the partitions) arc staggered, causing
the fire to take a zigzag course, but th ese partitions, instead of being permanent
as in the Zigzag kiln, consist of dried bricks (without mortar) and are therdore
temponry. .
For the production of common bricks the kiln has not a permanent top, and it
The cold air entering wickets 2 and 3, whilst cooling the bricks, gradually is therefore classified as of th~" archless" type. After the loading chamber has been
increases in temperature, especia\!y when it traverses those in chamber 7 which set, it is covered with either two courses of bricks laid close togethe,- with a layer of
sand or ashes on top, or concrete slabs with metal trays containing kieselguhr, a highly
had been subjected to the maximum temperature the previous day. This porous earth whIch serves as a heat Insulating material. The kiln is fired by pulverized
~upplies the primary heat to burn the coal, which is fed in small quantities every
fifteen minutes from the top of chambers 8 and 9. As the hot air proceeds on 1 From d etails supplied by Messrs John Jones & Sons, Buckley, Chester.

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T u N N E L K L N

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coal passed throu!{h f~d - holes provided in the temporary top. It has main and hot (c) 1'un,,~1 Kilns.'-This kiln, shown in Fig, 4, is a brick structur~ which ,s
air flues. An arched pennanen! top is best if facings are to be produced. traversed by cars or trucks upon "hich the bricks are stack~d. The kiln may be from
The Habla kiln, like the ZigZ3J.: kiln shown in Fig. 3, has a long len!,:th of trave!, go to 137 m long, its internal width varies from I'S!O ,-8 m, and its ht:iJ!:ht 10 the
which facilitates the control of operations, and it is relatively cheap to construct. crown of the arch is approximately 3 m. The kiln has three zones, i.e., pre-heating,
Hoffman Kiln.- This is prohably the best known kiln of the continuous type. firing and cooli ng:, thus for a <,Ic m kiln these are approximately 39 m, 30 m ~nd
The ori.:inal kiln was circular on plan, th e chambers (separated oy paper partitions) 21 m long respecti"ely The firirlg zone and part of the coolinK zone are lined ,,-,th
being placed round a central tall chimney. This kiln has been improved. and a plan firebrick, and ,he walls of the fonner are constructed with a 230 rnrn thick la"er of
of the later type of Hoffman kiln is shown in the line diagram at U, Fig. 3. The insulating material bet"-een the lining and the outer brickwork; .this ;nsulatHln
numb.'r of cham bus varies, but the largest of this type, us"d for th" burning of protects the latter and conser,'eS the heat. A meta) door is pro"ided at each ~nd
Flenon bricks, has no less than 224 chambers.' In addition to the main flue which of the kiln.
takes th~ products of combustion from each ehamb" r, it has a central hot air flue The mNal cars are 3 III lonl{, and their VaSeS are protected _by three .or four
to ,,-hich are connected hranch Aues from the chambHs, so that hot air from the <:ooling <:ourses of firehTlcks In a ",d,n" adjacent to til<" kiln each car ,s loaded," th,,·e
chambers may proJ!:ressi'-ely be admitted to dry the bricks. Each chamber is furthu stacks with a space between each; three seatin"s. each thrc·e courses hich of fire-
prm'ided with a Aue in the top to allow the steam to escap e during- the prelirninarv bricks covered with a fireclay slab, are provided on the bas~ to recei"e the: bricks
drying nperation. One chamher is filled and another is emptied daily, as described The approximate number of Z[5 mm bricks which a car will hold is 2 000. The kiln
on p, 8. Common bricks, tOJ!:ether with a proportion of seieeud facings, arc produced and tracks for loadin" and unloadin" the cars are under co,"er.
in this kiln. Rows of feed -holes are provided at intef\'als in the roof of the firin!/, zone, the
distance between each row belh!/ equal to that het"een the stacks of bricks The
, Th is kiln is at the works of Messrs Th e Marston Valley Brick Co. Ltd. Irs length fuel ,s cru"h ~ d coal, and this is ftd from hoppers which arc placed Over mechani",']
'" , 000 m , Each ch~mber has a capacity of 33 000 bricks. Fourteen chambers are feeders fixed immediately Over the f""d-holes. Thus the coal dust is fired immedi"tl"iy
subj~cted at th~ Same time to the maximum temperature with fifteen chambers bCT"een
each. Hence it is e",uivalent to fourteen .6-chamber kilns and the tI;eekly output is
approximatd} 3l- million brids. , By courtesy of Mcssu; Gibbons Bros. Ltd., DUdley.
it enters the kiln and tho larger particles continue to burn as they pass do"n the ~paces foundation of old bricks. It has neither walls nor roof. Clamp-burning preceded
between the stacks to the base The aIr for comhustlon, dr~"n Ul throuuh the 01(
hy means of a fan, is p:e-heated as it passes through the coo!in/< zone, and the tem_ kiln- burning, and it is ~till adopted in certain parts of the country, particularly
perature, whIch lllcre.ases as the draUl.':ht of .alr pr0ceeds through the firlllj.( zone. IS in Kent and Essex, where I.lJlldon sloc/IS are made. Clamps are also occasionally
I(radua!ly reduced as It tra,'erses over the bncks III the pre_hcatlll.l( zone. The. com- used at works to provide temporary additicnal means of burning when the
hustion is so complele th~t !ittle smoke escapes al the fan outlel, and a chlmn~y
~tack. is the:efore not ".,qUlred. At the exit end of the coolJ';'JI zone a "erl,cal air output of the permanent kilns is insutlicient to meet heavy demands. T he
Hue ,s prOV Ided which is connected to a horizontal Au~ that IS continued ""er the bricks are not uniformly burnt, and \\'hilst a large proportion is satisfactory,
arch of the coolinl< zom, along each side of the fiTing zone (see H) and Over the pre-
heatmg ~one arch to a fan whIch delwers the hot a,r to the br'ck dTicr. Scumming those on the outside arc underburnt, and tl1llsC ncar the live holes (see below)
of the bricks IS aVOIded hy the pronslOn of a number of wa ste gas flues at the fro ru and in the heart of the kiln are mis-shapen and cracked owing to the excessive
end of the pre- heating zone which are connected to a COmmon flue controlled by an heat.
extraction fan to withera" the gases. A sand seal is provided at e ach side of the
kiln throughout its length; these consist of metal channels containing sand th rou~h
which passes the lo"<.:r edges of the metal platcs fi xed at the sides of th~ cars. The A clHmp is ~onstructed in the following manner: The ground, which should he
seals prevetlt loss of draught and protect the wheels and axles of the cars. well drained, is paved with a l ay~r of "Id hri~ks, rlac"d on edge. The size of thi~
The cars are caused to travel on a track for the full length of the kiln by mea~s pavinl! is fmm 12 to '-5 m square althouJ.:il this varies. The p2vinJ.( is slightly
"f a powerful hydraulic ram. The mOvement is int~,rmitt ~ nt, the cars heing pushed dished, rISIng ~Iightly from th" centre to th~ edg,'s, to pre""nt the <tacked hncks
forward at reJlular intervals to the e.xtent of one-thIrd the l~nJlth of th~ car or the when h~ing hurnt from falling out"ard~. Tht clamp is built ,,·ith ~ series of J-brick
equivalent of a stack ani one space. T~is distance is rnaintamed unif?rm!y su ~s to thick walls (c"ll~d ",'cks), and thc construnion may he commenced cnher (a) at One
ensure that the spaces (called uJmbu;/IO" chambers) be\wc("n the bnck stacks are end or (b) do"n the middle. ,
immediately under the f~~d -holes. As these spaces extend the full width and height (a) End Cla",,.,i"I<.-The end wall, kno\\n as the ",.,nititl, ext<:nds the full width
of the stacks, a umform t~mperature thruughout ,s ~nsured and thIS reSults 10 the of the clamp. It is about I'~ m th,ck at the hase, ,md is formed "lIh a. vertical
hricks hein" uniformly burnt. It takes frum Iwu to three mlOutes to movc Ihe load, face internallv nnd a battl"T~d face extern~ny The hottom ~"ursc consists of "Id
and the interval betwee:! each 1l1O"ement "aries from thirty to fifty minutes according burnt bricks hid s~intkd (Jiagon~lly) nn edg" "ith 50 mm spaces hetwcen. The
to the output required_ The Tate of Iravel varies, but for a 90 m kiln, the time t~ken second dourse is also formed of hurnt bricks la,d on edj..(~, hut these are spaccd as
beh,cen a car ,entermg and leavlJ~g the k Ji n is approxImately three days and the stretchers. Breeze and coal slack is placed in the sp~ces between the bricks, and the
"eekly output I~ about 1(,0000 bncks. The work 109 of Ihe ktln IS very fleXible as top is covcTed with a 1 ., 0 or 175 mm layer of brec>;,·. The tirst course of green bricks
il ~"" h~ reaJil) ,peeJtd up 0 1 ~lu"eJ Ju"" '" uc~a~lOlI J"!lldlJd~ hy reJ.(uh""g Ihe ;< I~;d ~< he~dcr< on t"p uf thi. bycr, the hrich being pb""J on cd"" and closcly
rate uf tr~vel and the amount of coal supplied by the mechanical feeders. As each spaced. This is covered with a 100 mm laver of hrene, followed by the second
car of finished bricks emerges from the kiln, another car of green bricks entus the COurSe of raw hricks (stretchers) placed on edj..(e, with a slight space bctween each.
charginl< end. This COurse is j..(i\'en a 50 mm co,"ering of breeze. The remainder of the wall is
The advantage claimed for the tunnel kiln arc: (I) The bricks arc evenly burnt, formed of alternate COurseS of headers and st:etchers of raw bricks, placed on edge,
and it is therefore patticularly suited fur the production of first -cia", facings; (2) slightly spaced and with a thin sprinkling of breeze between each course. Thc number
the output is re!,:ular and only a small percenta!':e of bricks are dama)(ed in the pnlcess; o f courses of gr"en bricks is approximately thirty A 7S to '50 mm layer of breeze is
h) lr)\,· maintenance costs; ({) flexibility of "orklllg; and (S) on account ofth~ spread over the top course of raw bricks, ~nd this is cov,>red by a course of old bricks,
complete combust,on wh'ch results, there IS no smoke nUisance and the condlt.'o.% clusely set on edge. wilh the joints luted with clay
of employment are improved, as Ihe kll~ IS not entered to lOHd.anJ u~l()ad t.h~ hTlch. The rest of the clamp is constructed with a series of parallel ] - brick thick walls
The dlsadvant3)(e ()f this type of kIln are: (I) The relatively h'gh 100t,al cost, or" necks," extendinj..( its full width, until the opposite end is reached, when an
and (2) th~ additional cost of providinjo[ power for the rum, fans, etc " upright" is built similar to the first with an external batter. Th.:se ne<:ks are
formed exactly like the uprights, having alternate header and stretcher courses of
Temperat\U'C1 Control in Kilns. - The temperature in kilns in which first-class green hricks on a douhle course of old bricks at the base, layers of hreeze and a daubed
facings arc produced is sometimes controlled by the use of either S~f!Or (Q"rs or a hard hrick finish. The breeze layers are continuous, and the bricks are so arranged
pyrome/rr. . . . that a stretcher course in one neck is opposite header courses in adjacent necks.
Segat cones ~re small L_shaped pIeces made from specml days, hav10g a flat In the middle of each end neck a continuous horizontal flue (called a live holt-)
base with a vert,cal le~, and are tested to bend at certam temperatu res, Thus, a i~ f"rlllcd between th~ double course of burnt bricks forming the base. It is formed
" No. 0"22 cone" will bend (i ,e., the leg wiH jo[radually collapse until the top touches hy !l'a,ing a 2 t 5 mm wide space whilst constructing the base. Similar flues (which are
the base) when subjected to a temperature of 600° C., whilst a "No. 10 cone" wiH 21., mm higb) are constructed along the centre of every seventh or eighth neck. Dry
do likewise at I ]000 C. Generally three cones of the desired" temperature re- hrushwood is placed in these flues and this is covered by the '50 mm layer of breeze,
sistance" are placed in different parts of the kiln, and 10 positIOns in which they (b) Jl.liddl" Clampi"I(. - in this systemlhe upright is constructed down the centre
will be seen through spy_holes in the walls. Firing ceases when the reqUlr·! d to the full extent of the clamp. It is bU!lt 10 a similar manner to the end uprights
temperature in the kiln has been reached, i.ndicated by t~e bending of the .cones. deSCribed above, execpt that ,t has a batter on each face , and a 215 mm by lIS mm
Electric pyrometHs are usually used m l<3s -fired kIlns . Such conSists of. an horizontal flue is formed in the middle of the base for its entire length. The n«ks
electrical conductor (rontaining a coil of platinum wound round a strip of mica) are formed on either side of the upright and with faces parallel to the batter. Three
which is exposed to the heat. This is connected by leads to an electrical syst~m transverse horizuntal flues (on » ;n the centre .and one at about 2'1 m from each end)
which automatically records temperature movement on a chart, and the rate of fin:'lg are fonned in the base whilst tne n~cks ar~ being huilt, and these are conne<:tcd to the
in the kilns is reJ(ulated according to the readings. central live hole. These cross flues are fined with brushwood.
It is usual 10 construct a wall of old hricks on each face of the damp and extending
Clamps,-A clamp simI?ly consists of a large mass of green bricks stacked, the fun height. This is 215 mm thick at the base and 75 mm at the top. These walls
are daubed over with day, except where holes have been left for the admission of air.
with several intermediate layers of breeze (cinders) as described below, upon a The damp is firw by lighting the brushwood in the flues. Gradually the breeze
be.'lins to burn, ~nd the fire passes upwanls until the whule clamp is burning. London COLOUR OF BRICKS
stocks and most of th(.' bricks burnt by this primitive method are made of clay to
which sifted brccxc has been added; alternate layers of clay, breeze and washed chalk There is a wide range of colours of bricks, such as white, grey, brown, red,
are stacked and allowed to wcather (see p. 2); this -is suhs"qucntly mixed and the purple, blue and black, with intermediate shades. Bricks of varying shades,
breeze thoroughly incorporated. Such.bricks therefore contain fuel, and the clamp
continues 10 burn for two and a half to .,x "eeks until this breeze has been consumed. callcd multi-coloured, have within recent years been in big demand for faced
Little attention is nceded "hils! Ih..: clamp is burninJ<. If the fire is proceeding too work. Some bricks are uniform in colour, whilst others are mottled or irregularly
quickly, the .air holes arc Slopped to reduce the draught. Protection is sometimes
shaded. The colour is influenced by; «(.I) Chemical constitution of the clay,
afforded by boarded screens fixed on Ih.., windward sides.
(b) temperature during burning, (c) atmospheric condition of kiln, (d) sand-
moulding, and (e) staining.
Sizes of Bricks.-Brick dimensions. are specified in B.S. 3921 where the
nominal sizes are given as follows ;-
(a) Chemical Constitution of Clay or Shale.-lron oxides affect the colour
considerably. Thus, clays which produce white bricks have little or no iron present,
whilst blue bricks contain at least 7 per cent. oxi~ of iron. Careful blending of the
Length (mm) Width (mm) Deplh' (mm) clays and shales (see p. 2) is responsible for the production of many ~autifully
coloured bricks, and such colours are permanent.
21 5 102 '5 6, (bi Temperature during Burning.-Light coloured bricks are often the result
of th~ temperature of the gases in the kiln being too low, Or the duration of the
maximum teonperature being too short, whilst, at the other end of the scale, Stafford-
shire blue bricks require a temperature which may reach I 200° C.
The brick length of 215 mm plus the usual 10 mm vertical joint thus gives an (c) Atmospheric Condition of Kiln.-Certain white bricks can only be pro-
effective unit length of 225 mm. duced if they are protected in the kiln from smoke, whilst dark brown and purple
coloured bTicks arc made by creating a smoky atmosphere in the kiln (see below).
Samples of 24 bricks arc used to ascertain if a consignment satisfies the
(d) Sand-moulding.-Sand-moulded hand-made bricks (see p. 4) and pressed
dimensional standard. The method of sampling is given below. In testing the bricks which have sand sprinkled over their oiled surfaces whilst being moulded are
sizes place a sample of 24 bricks in contact on a level surface and then measure richly coloured during the burning process. The nature of the sand used for this
purpose depends upon that of the clay or shale, and a good deal of experimental
the ovcrali dimension by means of a steel tape. According to the B.S. this work with different coloured sands is often necessary before the desired colour of
should be within the following limits ; - the facing bricks is obtained.
(e) Staining.-Surface colours may ~ obtained by adding certain metallic
oxides (such as manganese for browns. chromium for pinks, antimony for yellows,
copper for greens, cobalt for blues, cobalt and manganese for blacks, etc.) which are
Dimens;ons of a Sample Of:24 Bricks crushed very finely and added to the sand sprinkled on the bricks prior to burning.
Sometimes water is added to the oxides and brushed On the surfaces. Such colours,
Length (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) unlike druse produced by blending (sec above), are rarely permanent.
White bricks contain not more than a trace of iron and generally a large proportion
160 of lime.
5 160± 75 2 460 ± 43 15 6O {
30 Cream bricks contain traces of iron and a small proportion of chalk.
Gre)' bricks are either commons which have been discoloured by scumming
(see p. 14) or facing, such as silver-greys, which have been stained on the surface.
Sampling.-Twenty-four bricks are taken from every consignment of 30 000 Buff bricks contain less than 2 per cent. of iron oxide.
bricks or part thereof.. These samples are stored in a dry place not in contact YeilQft, bricks contain magnesia or sulphur (when clamp-burnt).
R~d bricks contain at least 3 per cent. of iron oxidc.
with the ground. They are taken at random (a) preferably when the bricks are BTOlt'n and purple bricks may have a similar iron contcnt to reds, but the difference
in motion (such as loading or unloading), or (b) from a stack. in the colour is due to smoking and special firing.
Biu~ bricks contain 7 to 10 per cent. of iron oxide. A blue surface colour is also
In method (a) the bricks arc taken at random from each of a number of con-
obtained by pouring coal-tar in the fireboxcs of the down_draught kiln (or that of
venient positions. Sampling by method (b) entails the removal of part of the top the firing chamber of a continuous kiln) just beforc the burning process has been
of two courses of the stack so as to open a trench. The samples are then taken completed. This produces a dense smoky atmosphere. The damper is partially
closed. This is repeated three times at twenty_minute interv,lis, when the dampoer
from the third or fourth courses below the top. is dosed and the chamber is left sealed for at least forty-ei/l:ht houTS. If salt is mixed
If a sample complies with the dimensional tests, the whole batch from which with the tar the exposcd surfa«s of the stacked bricks will be glazed. Purplc bricks
it is taken shall be deemed to comply. If the sample is below standard then the may be proouced in a similar manner.
Blark bricks contain a simflar amount of iron to the blue clay, in addition to certain
whole batch is deemed not to comply. manganese oxides. The iron, etc., content is rcsponsible' for the colour produced
when thc bricks are burnt. Black colouris also produced as described for blues, ex«pt
I In earlier B.S. lII'lothertype of brick was mentioned as being nominally So mm deep. that zinc and not tar is applicG to thc fires, and twenty-four hours' sealing of the
This is no longer spoecified in the latest B.S., although bricks ofthis/depth are still availabl c. cham~r is usually sufficient.
Jl,1,,/ti.(010Ilud Br;(lrs.-Thr divrrsr nmgr of colours of thrse bricks is "ery extrudoo day. This produces small depressions on the surface. Rustic pressed
largel~' due [0 (b) and (l}-see p. 12; thr bricks 3rr generally produced in a do .... n· bricks can be treated in this mlnner.
draujlh[ kIln (p. 6). as thr temperature and smokin/( Ire best controlled in this [ype. Pressed bricks can be rusticated by using a mould or metal press-box having
The bricks are care'ully stacked on Md [0 aVOId damagr, and so arranl!:ed that one end hinged s.des. Relief (raised) patterns are engraved on the internal surfaces of these
and Ont fact of each is exposed. The kiln is fired as already deSCribed un[llthr bricks sides. Probably the mO'lI effective design IS that rescmbling Ihe bark of a :ree. The
have becn subjected 10 the maximum temperature for a suffiCient period, whIch variu collapsible sides are n~S$ary to permit of the removal of the brick after tbe plunger
~r('" '" ,h .. n~'''T<· "f th~ r.I~y ". ~h~l,. A .",f,,,·i..g afmOrl'lr~., is then produced has impreued the palt~rn on on .. Or mOre f"e". "5 .. consolidates the day. The
m the kiln by rl'stnc[mg the admission of aIT to the kiln and heavily charll.njl II wllh appearance of a wall is made mOTC effective if bricks of scveral sele.::ted textures are
sm"ke Thus thl' 'jue is partially dosed by lowennjl the damper. and dense smoke built at random during its construction.
IS cau~ by charj(.nj( the fireboxl'S "'!th coal. Immed.ately the smoke has abated. Roujlh sand·faced bricks, when wire-cut, are made by *prinkling sand (specially
more fuel is added to produce a dense smoky condition and, after these opentions select~d) through a sandinR ·machine on to the day band 8$ it is being extruded.
have been repeated over a period of approximately ten hours, the finboxes and flue The sand is then passed in by tOp and side rollers.
arc dosed for about four hours The Hue is then opened and the bricks are allowed Pressed sand·faced bricks are made by sanding the internal faces of the mould
tn cool Many variations in colour Can be obtained in this manntr. much depending before being charged. Hand·made bricks are sand·faced during the normal process
upon the sk.1l of the operator. (see p. 4).


There is considerable variation in the texture (or surface finish) of bricks. The following are the principal defects to which bricks are subjected :-
Thus, machine· made commons and certain facings have smooth faces, whilst Black Core or Hearting.-This is fairly common in bricks made of red clays
hand· made facings cannot be equalled for the richness of their texture; many (p. I) which have been heated too rapidly in the kiln, causing the surface to
mach!llc-made bricks are characterized by roughened surfaces which have been vitrify and the interior to remain black.
purposely cxaggerated. The pleasing texture of hand-made bricks is produced Bloating or Swelling.-This is attributed to the presence in the clay of
during the moulding operation, the hand-pressing of the clay or shale into the an excess of carbonaceous matter and to bad burning.
mould and the sand from the sides of the mould, which is stamped into the Burring or Clinkl'Ting.-Clamp-burnt bricks, usually adjacent to the flues,
material, giving an irregular creasing or unevenness to the side and end surfaces. which have been fused together by excessive: heat are called burrs or clinkl'T!.
The fine colouring of 2 mass of brickwork constructed of such bricks, particularly Such are only suitable for br~aking up for coarse aggregate (see p, 28).
after tt has \\ealhered for some time, is enhanced by the light and shade effect Chuffs or Shuffs,-These are badly cracked and mis-shapen bricks produced
produced by the uneven surfaces. Such bricks are expensive, and therefore by rain falling on them when hot. They are u~less.
attempts have been made to imitate this texture and apply it to mC<'hanically Crazing is a defect common in glazed bricks (see p. 16) characterized by fine
made bricks. Some of these attempts have been quite successful, even if the cracks. These are due to the glaze and tne body (clay) not expanding and
resulting texture is of ~ess quality (chiefly because of the uniformity which results shrinking to the same extent.
when the depressions or roughness are similar on every brick) than that of Crozzling.-Excessive heating in the kiln may produce mis-shapen bricks
hand-made bricks. known as crozzus. If not tOO badly shaped they may be used for brickwork
below ground level, otherwise they are only suitable for aggregates.
Tht follOWIng are some of the means which are adopted to produce a me.::hanieal Effiorescence.-Bricks made from clay containing a relatively large proportion
texture ; - of soluble salts, particularly calcium sulphate, are liable to become discoloured
Wire·cut bricks are given a TOughened appearance on three faces by 8 framc
containing a horizontal 8m! two ,"ertical wires which is fixed about 15 mm in front of by the formation of a whitish deposit. Whilst this efflorescence or salting is
the mouthpiece of the auger (see p. 3). The horizontal WITI' is stretched across and particularly common to new brickwork, it may also form on the faces of old
Just sllllhtly bclow thc to;:> of the opening. and the d.stanee bctween the two taut external walls which are subjected to excessive dampness. It is formed as
vertical wires is slightly less than the width of the die. These WlTes cut the band of
clay as it is e"trudd from the machine. leaving roughtntd surfaces on the top ilnd follows: The salts are dissolved when water is absorbed, and as the bricks
sides. become dry the salt solution is brought to the surface by capillarity, ev~poration
Rustication may also be obtained by plates containing fine projeclinll wires, one
plate bemg fixed above and tWO at the sides of the clay column &S it issues from takes place and the salts remain on the face. In mild cases the efflorescence
the mouthp.ece. The points of these wires slightly penetrate It varying depths the gradually disappears as the briclrwork is subjected to alternate wet and dry
movmg clay band and scratch the surfaces. Felt covered rollers partly smooth the periods, the rain r~movin~ the dtposit until the salts are gradually eliminated,
eKcessive roughness as the column procceds to the cuning table
Hand or mechanical mppfi"g is resorted to as an alternative. Th.s consists of If the bricks contain a high percentage of salts the efflorescence may persist
scrubbing or dabbir.g th~ top and sides of the clay band with brushet having metal over a long period, and where dampness is caused from defective rain-water
bristles. Some of the irregularities are smoothed down by rollers. pipes or the omission of a damp proof course, the unsightly appearance may
A ruuic effect csn also be produced by Jomi-hlastlng SpeCIally .elected sand ;5
forced by comprHKd aIr through the noz:de of a pipe on to the top and SIdes of the continue until the defect or omission has been remedied. Crystallization of the
salts may not occur on the outer surface of the bricks during evaporation but
may take place just below the surface. This is called cryPto-flOT~RnlCt! and These have been referred to in Chap. I, Vol. I. Goud uricks ~hould be •
may result in the bursting off of the outer skin. thoroughly burnt, as most wel!-hurnt bricks are durable and capable of
Portland cement mortar and certain lime mortars may cause effiorcscence withstanding relatively heavy loads. As adequate firing in the kiln tends to
and affect the brickwork; soluble salts present in the soil, such as chlorides eliminate any soluble salts in bricks, it follows that hard-fired bricks are relatively
and nitrates, may also produce this condition when the ground water is free from defects such as effiorescen(;e and crypto-florescence (see adjacent
absorbed. column). Conversely, underburnl bricks (usual!y denoted by an abnormal light
Grizzling.- Common bricks, though of good shape, which are underburnt colour and a dull sound when struck together) are comparatively soft, easily
(indicated by a light colour and a dull sound when struck), and therefore weak, broken, are neither durable nor pressure-resistant (see p. 15), and are liable to
are called grizzles; only suitable for inferior internal partition walls when little defects produced hy salts.
strength is required. Good bricks should be free from the defects enumerated above and, if used
Iron Spots.- These are surface dark spots, due to the presence of iron sulphide as facings, should conform to one or other of the colours and textures mentioned
in the clay, which render the bricks unsuitahle for facings. on pp. 12 and l3. •
Laminations are generally caused by the air in the voids between the particles Permeability,-Bricks for external use must be capable of preventing
of clay not being eliminated in the grinding, pugging, etc., processes, and rain-water from passing through them to the inside of walls of reasonable
producing. the formation of thin laminre on the faces of bricks which may scale thickness. In this connection the practice of specifying the maximum amount
off on exposure to the weather (see " de~airing," p. 3)· of water a brick shall absorb (usually" one-seventh of its own weight of water
Lime Nodules.-Bricks cOEtaining pieces of limestone left uncrushed in the after twenty-four hours' immersion ") is not now considered desirable, for it
clay during its preparation are quite unsuited for external walls or internal walls does not follow that a brick is impermeable if it has a relatively small absorption .
which are to be plastered, as the lime- will expand when water is absorbed, Much depends upon the character of the pores.
causing cracking or disintegration (see p. I).
Some pores are continuous from face to fac~, and therefore rain-waler readih'
Scumming or Kiln-white.- This is an unsightly discoloration of bricks, passes through them to the inside, whilst oth" r pores Or cavitl"s are not interconnecl~d
particularly those containing lime and iron sulp~ide, which have been fired but are entirely enclos"d by material, and do not affect permeablhty. A close-pored
in a continuous kiln. Several causes contrihute to this condition, but it is brick will freely absorb water which will not readily "vaporate. But a brick which is
more open-pored will absorb less moisture, which will evaporate more easily because
chiefly due to the hot gases from the firing chambers (which contain wlphur) of th~ increas"d air circulation; it follows that such a brick (provided any connected
coming in contact wilh the damp bricks in the early drying chambers, and pores are not too large as to allow the water to be blown through them) is more
producing a thin brownish-white or grey film (usually sulphate uf lime) on the successful in preventing dampness on the inside.'
Furthu, it is difficult to lay certain d~nse and smooth-faced bricks owing to their
surface. Such bricks are only silitable for commons. Scum is prevented if lack of " suction,"' which prevents a ready adherence of the mortar. This lack of
provision is made for the escape of steam in the drying zone of the kiln (p. 7) adhesion causes narrOW fissures to appear between the bricks and the mortar joints.
Th e result is that water penelTates through these cracks, and much dampness in
and if clean hot air is only used to dry the bricks. Barium carbonate powder solid brick walls is due . to this course. even though the brick! may be impermeable
or barium hydroxide is sometimes mixed with the clay before moulding to (!ee p. 42). Hence, bricks should be porous to a certain extent, the pore; being neither
prevent scum formation. The carbonate in a fine powder form may be added too fine nor too open, to permit stron" adhesion of the mortar. InCidentally, even
il the joints ~rr wr ll fill .. cl w,tO mortar. espeCIally If It IS a ",ch mix (see p. 2<;), fine
to the clay betore it enters the auger or pug mill, or, a-,; i-,; usual, it may hair-like cracks may devdop, when the mortar shrinks on drying, through which
be mixed with water and the solution thoroughly incorporated ~ith the water will readily pass to the inside.
Permeability Test.-A simple apparatus used for measuring the ~ate of absorption
clay. of water consists of a flat pyramIdally shaped brass cover whIch 's fitted over the
Distortion may be produced hy over burning. Badly worn auger mouth- brick (or oto" r) specimen, which is usuaHy 100 mm square; a short length of vertical
pieces and press moulds wi!! cause the bricks to be badly shaped. Cracking Idass tubing, with its lower end fixed to the cove r, is fitted to a fine bored glass tube
(having a scale behind it) which is fixed horizontally at 200 nun above the TOp surface
may be caused by drying and cooling the bricks too quickly in the kiln. Careless of the specimen; a rubber pipe from a glass cylinder ccntaining water is connected
handling of green bricks during manufacture will cause damage. Chipped, to the vertical tube ; the vertical faces of the spe<.:imen are waxed and thus mad"
cracked and broken bricks, especially if underburnt, are common results of
improper handling in course of transit. , Briefly the distinction betwee.1'absorption. p"rmeability and porosity is as follows
Terms which are gradually falling into disuse include place bricks (similar
Absorption is the property of allowing wat"" to enter a materiaL
to grizzles, see above) and shippers (sound but imperfectly shaped bricks used Permeability is the property of allowing water to pass through a materiaL
as ships' ballast). Porosity is the proiX'rtion of void space in a mat"rial.
impell'Tleable. Water from the cylinder is admitted to occupy the space betwee n th e FroJ/ Rrsillaour Tnt, -A simple, but effective. apparatus in which bricks and other
top of the specimen and the under side of the co\'er and to fill both ve rtical and buildinJ.( mat erials may be tcsted for frost resistance is shown in FiJ.(. J() and described
hori.zomal tubes; the water lS :hen shut off. As the wate r passes throuJ!:h the on p .• 10. This test can also be carried OUI in a watertight. metal container which
specimen, it flows along the horizontal tube; this rate of flow is obtained by obser\in~ is partly filled with a freeZIng mIxture consIsting of l parts ICC and 1 part cOlnmon
the ~nd (or of the ..... ater and measurin~ from 61' scale the distance this salt. Th e brick to he testL...:i, after tx. mJ!: immersed in wat~r for twenty_four hours,
travels in a ""'e n time. The 200 mm head of water ~ives a pre s'sure in eXceSS of that ;$ wrapped in a p;ece of doth, tOlally immersed in the mixture, th~ lid i, shut and the
caused by a "1'1)' stronl-: force of wind against a wall down which rain is pourinJ!: conta'iner is placd in a box so that it is encased by a 7., mm thickn~ss of cork. sawdust
(see also p. 108). or similar insulatinlo: material. After b einlo: hozen at _10 V C. for ,"ij(ht-cen hours the
specimen is remo\"ed, thawed br runninlo: water, unwrapp\"u ami ~xamlned. The
freezing and thawing cycle is repcated for at !cast ten times Certam bricks, well
Strength.- lt is only necessary to specify the strength of- bricks when they known for their durable quahties. aTe not affected ~\"en if subjected to rany freez ings.
arc required for the construction of walls, piers etc., which have to support whilst others, only suitable for interna l work , ,,·ill show suious disintegration after
heavy concentrated loads, The reason for this is that the compressive strength ten freezing>;. This apparatus does not )(ive such )(ood results as that 111ustrat~d in
Fi)(, J(), as the immersion of the specimens in the freezinJ.( mixture appc~rs to iml'TO\'C
of brickwork constructed of relatively inferior bricks will be Q!Jite adequate to th"i~ reo;ohnce to frost action on 3ccount of .heir IITlpTelln~t;on with ,~I,
resist the normal weight which it will be required to support. Thus, whilst A J.(ood test. 'Jut one which docs not Kive immediate results. cOn5i"s of digl-:inK
a hole and placi"l( in it Iwo hricks on end, one aoo\"e thc other, with lh~ uppn hrick
the brickwork at the ground level of a two-storied hOllse will not usually be half exposed, These are left for a year. In a ' normal winter succe",,,'c fro<ts \\'ill
subjectec to a greater load than 134 kN Jm 2 , it would be a very poor brick cause a poor brick to crack across at ground level, whilst the lower one rna\" sho"
which had a crushing strength of less than 6435 kN /m 2 • The average crushing signs of Aakinj.(. Sound bricks will not be affected.
EjJlorna"a TeJl. - A brick is partIally immersed on end in a dish of distilled \.\"at~r.
strength of bricks serves as an approximate index only of tbe compressive strength and the water absorbed is e\"aporateel from its upper surfaces. Anv s~lts haule to
of brickwork, as much depends upon workmanship, height in relation to form efflorescence are brought to the surface by the water In its l'assa~,· through the
thicknes~, etc. A rough approximation of the strength of brickwork built in brick.
cement mortar (I ; 3) and good hydraulic lime mortar (t ; 3) is respectively CLASSIFICATION OF BRICKS
one-third and one-fifth that of the individual bricks.
Bricks may bc classified according to (I) quality and (2) usage.
The crushin g strength of bricks is determined in a compression machine such as I. Classification according to Quality.-Bricks from a kiln are divided
that ,hown at E. Fig. () (see p. 3~ ) A brick is usually teHed on bed and placed in into three classes, namely; (a) firsts, which arc best and arc selected by hand:
the mach,"e between two pl~ces of plywood, any frogs be"inJ.( filled flush with cement
mortor. Th~ compressi"e strength varies enormously bet,,·e<."n batches from the (b) seconds, which are selected bricks but are not e4ual to "firsts" on account
same kiln and ~\'en of mdividual bricks from the same bl;rning. As an illustration of some imperfection in regard to colour or shapt· or hoth; (cl Ihirds, which
of th,S, lests carried out in the BuildinJ!: Laborato!), of the Manchester Unive rsity are the remainder of the kiln, the best being only suitable for interior work.
Institutc of Science and Technology on six bricks obtain~d hom a kiln at th~ same
timc showed the crushin!,: strength to va!)' between 10 MN /m' and 16·6 Mf' im'. 2. Classification according to Usage,-A conveniently btOad division'
This variation is partly due to the diffuent position of the bricks in the kiln. It is of bricks is in accordance with their suitability for (a) interior :"Iurpo~e~, (h)
h""~lI<" of this variation that at least six (preferably twelve) specimens of a brick exterior purposes, (e) pressure-resisting purposes and (d) fire-resist"'l; purposcs,
shou:d be tested and the mean figure taken.
This variation is also shown by the followinJ.( figures in brackets which indicat e (a) Bricks for Interior Purposes.-Common bricks arc invariably specified
the approximate crushing stren"ths of specim en wire -cut pressed and hand-made for internal wal!s, as neither strength, durability nor appearance arc important.
bricks (six of each type) from well known and reputable manufacture": Wire,cut
commons and facings (IZ'4 to )4'4 MN/m' j, pressed corrunons and facinl-:s ('7'2 to If the walls are to be plastered it is essential (especially if the bricks have a laT~e
.. "3 Mi\ .'m') and hand-made facinJ!:s ('3·8 to 34'4 MN lm'). EnQ;meerinQ; bricks suction capacity) that the walls shall be copiously watered bcfore the first coat is
(see p. 17) have crushing strengths va!)'ing from 55 to IZ~ MN /m'. applied, othe ......·ise an excessivc amount of ,",'ater will be absorbed from the plaSiH
and this may cause failure , It is also important that the bricks shall not contain nodul~s
Frost Action.- External walls constructed of porous underburnt bricks of lime (see. pp. , and '4), as th e w'"'ter applied to walls prior 10 plastcrinR will bc
absorhed, causir,g the lime 10 slake and the resultant expansion to crack or splinter
are particularly vulner::ble to damage by the action of frost. Such damage the bricks.
is due to the absorbed water expanding (to about one-eleventh of its volume)
as it freezes and exerting pressure on the pore walls which the comparatively It is essential that. certain brick partition wal!s, particularly those on upper
soft material is unable to resist . Disintegration thus results, and when this floors, shall be as light as possible, and perforated or hollow bricks or blocks
is repeated during severe winters, disfigurement due to pitting and cracking of (see u, v, wand Y, Fig. 5) arc suitable for this purpose.
the surface and damaged arrises may become very pronounced. Brickwork of Sometimes facing bricks, and ~ot commons, are required for internal wal!s,
poor quality bricks with overhand struck joints (see Chap, I, VoL I), that below such as those for churches, corridors, class-rooms, etc, Light-coloured bricks,
the ground level, and copings are particularly subject to damage by frost. It such as " silver-greys" (p. 12) and sand-lime bricks (p . 17) are used for such
does not affect brickwork of sound, hard-burnt bricks. purposes on account of their satisfactory light-reflecting qualities, White, etc.,
glazed bricks (see nen column) are also used for internal walls of dairies, of washed loamy day containing a large proportion of sand, and are u.sually hand-made
factories, lavatories, etc. in a box·mould (p. ,.l and baked (not burnt ) In I kiln. The colour is unifonn
(9 ) Bricks/or f:xteriQr Purpous.- The essential requirements of facing bricks throughout, and owinll to tht'ir sonneS! and fine-gramed texture they are easily cut,
rubbt'd and Clr\"ed. They arc u~ed prine,pally for iaUjl:ed arches, dccoTlited quoins
are durability, cotour, texture and freedom from defects. Colour and texture and jambs.
are nOI important if the walls are to be rough-casted or plastered, good quality Glazed Briclts.- F,rcclays or shalu are beat for produ.cing glazed bricks. As
,hey 3T., usu .. lIy reqUlTed.o be bu,I, wllh ,o,nh ,lOI " ...eedmg 3 mm IhlCk, they must
commons being sufficient for this purpose. They should have sufficient suction be lrue to shape. with fine stTlll)l:ht &rrises. They are therefore carefully pressed
capacity to ensure the thorough adhesion of the morlar (see p. (4). The crushing and somet'mes re·pressed, ,,·;th the arrises hand-trimmed with a strike. Glazed
strength is not material unle ...... heavy loads ha\'c to be supported, as any durable hricks are impervious and are oft"o kinds, namely: (. halt-glazed and (:.I) enamelled.
I. Salt·glaud Briclls are usually produced in I down-draughl kiln.' Salt is
brick will safely ~upport the load which has to be normally resisted. Bricks thrown on the the fires of the kiln after the bricks ha,·e reached a temperature of about
to be used below the horizontal damp proof Course should be carefully selected, I zoo~ C. The heat vaporizes the ult and eausts it to combme with the clay to fonn
as these are subjected to the greatest frost action (p. '5), and absorption of a vitreous or IIlassy surface which cannot scale off. Usually two, and not mOre than
three, charges of salt are applied at about twenty-m,nute intervals when Ihe bricks
certain ~alts from the soil may cause deterioration if the bricks are not durable. have reached Iht required temperature, a shovelful of salt bemg thrown On to each
(c) Bricks for Pressurf~rtsi$/i"g PurpQus.- These are required for the fire. The colour of Ihe glated surfaces ls a brown of various shades. Such bricks
cOnstruction of piers, large-spanned arches, etc., where large stresses have to are used for internal dadoes, lavBlories, basements, areas, large brick sewers, inspection
chambers, elc.

he resisted. Strength is therefore the chief requirement, and engineering bricks 2. Enamfll"d Bricll$. - These are now obtainabl. in a large variety of colours.
(p. [7) which are very strong and hard burnt are most suited for this purpose. There arc two methods of producing these, namely: (a) dry-dripped and (b) wet_
(d) Bricks for Fiu-resisling Purposes.- Those best suited to resist high (al Dr)'·dipP<'d Proau.- These enamelled bricks He called biJ(uit -IUar~ . They are
temperatures, as for lining furnaces, chimney stacks, boilers, etc., are fireclay, moulded, dried, burnt to a temperature of approximately I 200· C. (this is called biscuit.
silica, ganister, hauxite and magnesite bricks (see below). burning), cooled, prepared for glazm/it, coloured, glazed and re-burnl. The colouring,
Io[lazinJ( and preparation (call ed bodJ·i"",) are done on a be nch in a shed. At least three
The following is a summary of several types of bricks which have not been wssel, containing liquid or slur,y of varying consistency ar" placed on the bench. The
already described :- first vessel contains the sfip or f "lfoiH or bed}" and i, a miKture of china day (which 15
shghtly plastic and found m Cornwall, Devon and Dorsel), crushed burnt tlmts,
Firebricks.-T~se are capa ble of rUlSunll lery hijlh temperaturn and arc used ball clay (more plast,e than chlnl clay ), et c., and waler. The second tub comalns a
for linlnjl fireplac"s, tall cblmn"ys, furnace s, 10[35 retort s, "tc. They arc made from similar m'Klur~ wllh the addition o f metalli C o K,de, (such as those stated on p. 12)
(a) firo:day, (6) silica rocks and (r) silica rncks 10000"lher wllh Kiln",..,. 10 Ri'·e the requ,red colour The li quid m tht Ihird vessel is called the glatt, .and
(a) Firufa}' Brickt,- Fireclays Or refraCI(>ry clays ne assoc ialed '11th coalfit'lds, th, s " a m,xture of china clly, {elspar (a s il,cate of alum,na with varying proportIOns
-.nd <lr" usually obtained h~' mining as d,sl,ncl from quarrvlng. They are found m of sodium.. polassium, etc.), whitmjl a nd waler, . The proponions .of the ingredients
many pariS of Ihe country, The clay contains from ~5 to 7~ per Ctnt. sihca and vary .conslderably. More than one tub eontammg wlounn g bod,es are somellmes
Z2 to 35 p"r cent. alumina reqUITed to R,ve the dt's ired co lour, the Ingredients and proportions being detennmed
The fireclay is crushed and findy ground. GrOll (fint'l y t(round burnt fireclay) as a resull of expenence and uhaust,v e letts. Tl:e bncks.are first washed, one
,s "hcn mixed wilh tnt' m alenal 10 reduce shnnkaRC. Tht mlKture is Ih,·n soured 10 Slretcher or one header face (or bolh) bt'1n.Q: hand-brushed wllh water. Each hrick
iner";,~,, ,ts "orkahility (p. 4), mould"d ( prcssed ), dried and hard burnl for aboul is Ihen sepaTlitely treattd, tht "" ..hed face{s) bemg hand-dipped into the slip, then
se,,'n .Jays. The muimum lemperalure for firmg firsl-class bricks should nOt be into the colourinR solutIon and finall y mto Ihc gla~e. After the ed.'leS have been
I,'ss than. soo" C. The bricks are of a Cream or buff colour. trimmed with a wire brush to remove the surplus jllaze, the bncks are ,·ery carefully
(h) Silica B,icks.-These contain 9S to 97 per cenl . nf s ilica and I to a per cent. Slacked In the kiln and burnl to fuse the glaze. Thus, these bricks are subjected 10
limt. The rock IS crushed by heavy rollen, then J;Cround In a pan n11111n wh,ch Ihe two separale hurnlngs. Coal and ~as are the fucls " ' CC, gas kilns beln/it most successful
lime is added in correct prop.lrtion and In liquid fonn; the lime acts as a bindlnjl for this dass of bricks.
mAterial. Powerf"l pr~~~e~ are UM:U lu JIIuul.J Ihe uTicks and Ihe burnmJ;C takes place (b) W",_dipp, d P,,,u,,.- The .l,p, colouring $ol .. <1on and ),:hze are applied dircc!
in kilns of t'ither the down_draught, chamber (sumlat to the ~illzajl) or tunnel Iype. to the bricks ImmedIately afler Ihey have been moulded and dned. They are afler-
Good siliac bricks should resist 3 minimum lemperaturc of. 300" C . They arc vny wards very carefully burnt. Wh,]ulhis is a cheaper method than (a), only one hurninll
brittle. Well-known silica bricks are produced in South Wales (from Ihe Dinas being required, the results are not so I(ood and there is a large proport'.on damaged
rock, quarried near Swansea) and they are particularly s uited for the linin~ of durinl( the handhng operations. Such bricks H" only su,table for mfenor work.
metallurgical furnace~ and coke ovens Glazed bncks especially b,scu,t_ware, are used for first-class faced work as re-
(t) Canister BrirRs.- Ganister is a dark-coloured sandstone contpininJ;C up to quired for factori~s, dairies, certain shops, abattoirs, wrridors , dadoes of classrooms,
.0 per cent. of clay It is quarried In this country (Shdfield bein~ an important lavatories, areas, wells of larlle buildings, external faCings. etc. The surfaces Can
ctntre), Wales and Scotland. Their manufacture IS similH 10 thpt of silica hricks readily be washed do"n, and white glazed bricks arc partICu13rly effect,ve In areas of
They Ire very refractory, as they are capahk of withstanding n I"mperat\u" lIf I 800· buildinRS and in places where the max,mum reflected light is reqUired.
C . , and llTe ther"fore particularly suited for limng furnaces, etc. PerCOTated BTicks.- PeYorated bneks, such as is shown at l', Filo[. 5. arc made
Bau.J(ite Bricks (made from an aluminous earth importcd from Fr~n~e). by the w're_cul proce ss (p. 3r. the small holes ofvarymjl diameter (9 to 20 mm) beinjl
Magnesite Bricks and Chromile Bricks (both also made from imported mate rial) formed as the clay column is eKtruded through t~.e mouthpiece m which sh.ort
a rt' otht r hijl:hly refractory products. They art used for Jininlt special furnaces, such horizontal bars are fixed. The lidvantages cla'med for these bricks are : A sa\"lng
U 11«1 and blast furnaces and cement kilns, and are ~eneTlilly gas-fired.
Rubbers or Cutters are soft red (chiefly), white or buff coloured brick. , consisting , Tunnel kilns are also Ultd for this purposc.

l .
in day re.u\tl, the drying and burning processes are facili"tecl, resulting in ... reduction Some hollow blocks Ire solid-ended. One device filled in the die to produce
of fuel, [hay a." light 10 handle (the perforations reducinl! the weight by about one_ such blocks consists of a square shuner (the size of the cross_section of the void)
fifth) and t'O{'caus~ of this comparat",,, lightness the cost of carriage is reduced. which is fitted to the top and caused to descend and rise automatic~lly It required
~everal forms of pedorated bricks are used In "mfoned brre/moorll (see p. H)' internl.. When the shutter .s down it occupies. central posllion in the die, and
Additional mortn may be reqlli~d for the Oed joints, espeCIally If the holes .re Inge. thi s produces the hollow portion of the column IS it proceeds. When the !hutter
Air Bricks.~[f of standnd Size, Ih" Jo:reen bricks are machine made In the usual rises clear of the die, the section of the movinl{ clay band IS sohd. Thus I column is
manner (pressed or ,,"re-cut). alh"rv.',se they are hand-made In a box-IT.Quld (p. 4). produced which is hg1iow, hiving solid partitions at intervals, the thickness of the
Each slab IS then perforated thus: A templel of thin Zinc, the size and Ihape of the latler being equal to twice the finished thickness of an end. The column is then cut It
bed and pcrfor~led II required, is pla~d on tOp of the slab (which usually has an the table, the wires bein@ drawn centrally down through these solid portions.
oiled surface) laid on bed, fine sand is dusted over it, the templet IS removed, lu'in~ Drylnj{ and burning complete the process.
a liJ;:ht-coloured pantrn of sandy squares on the surface. These ~en'e a, a Itulde Pavings Ire very hard -weari ng brlckl used, as implied, for paving ro.ds and
fnr rhe moulder whn I~kes a hollow sted wol, square in section and h.ving sharp paths. They Ire sometimes salt-glazed, each with one face roughened or chequered
cuttln~ cdl.!('s, and prfSSCS II IhrouJ;:h the slab at ~3ch S4 uarc of the patt~rn. Th~ to ",crease the foothold. They are laid on edge on a concrete bed with a 13 mm bed
tool IS '\lthdr>\\n. ~nd the clay within is removed by pasSIng a solid meul rod down joint of cement and sand (I : 2) and the vertical joints, 2. mm thick, are grouted with
It. The ~l·Ctlon is SImilar to 1,;, FiR_ 3'1, Vul. I. Cheapf r air bricks, havinll thin cement and Sind (1:11). These bricks Ire now o,;ery nrely used.
perfordl('d pands. are stamp~d by a press. En,ineering Bricks.-These are e~ception.lIy strong .nd durable, and Ire
Hollow, Cellular or Cavity Bricks (see v and w, Fig. 5).-The cellular type used for piers, bridges. sewtTs and simil.r engineering purposes. Those most note·
ha~ 19 tu Z, mm tlHc< "walls" OT" skins" WIth two or more" wehs" or" dil- worthy are Accringtons (prened), Southwatcrs (pressed and wire-cuts), blue Stafford_
phragm~." Th~.,- arc hl:ht and arc therefore suitable forlartitions: Iheir caVIties also shires (wire-cut~ and h~nrl--nade) and Hun1ikerl (m"de of crushed flint .nd lime).
n'<luee heat IransmlSSlon. They are machIne presse , the plunger, haVing solid Sand-Lime Bricks.- These are of the Same size as ordinary day bricks aad are
mN.l cord. formin.'!: Ibe ('nitieS as they descend. These bricks are sometimes glazed made of. mixture of sand, lime and water which is pressed into moulds and hardened.
and arc oflen made of fireday. Their colour IS grey or a dLl! white, Dlthough oxide pigments may be .dded to give
V Bricks (sec A to 1;', Fig_ ~).-De"elnped by the BUlldmJ( Research Station other colours. The sand should be de.n and weI! {[raded, and the normal proportion
these prod lICe d wall w."lich is "4Ulva!cnt to a ~75 mm cavity wall (ste p. 39) Out wh,ch used varies from 92 10 95 per cent. of the dry milt. The 5 10 8 per cent. ollime which
I~ only ~ 1.'> lOrn wide The hrick (A') Iflcorporat~s a " cavity" bridged by four thin IS m1xed with the sand may be of any class, provided it can be thoroughly well slaked.
dIaphragms whICh do not ImpaIr the ",cather resistance of the w·~II. The perfontions It mUSt be properly burnt fsee p. 19) u overburnt lime does not readIly slake .nd
amount to about So per ccn'. of th~ ".,lume of the brick and so I(I"e good thermal underburnt lime has a high calcium carbonate content which is valueless. The slaking
Iflsulation. Th~ zl5 mm cavity ",all produced by thes~ bricks can be built about or hydration must be complcte before the mi~ture is pressed.
30 per cent. f3StH the the normal 275 mill cavity wall. There are three stages In their production, n.mely: (a) mixing, (b) pressing and
On~ \' brick corrt'Spond~ Ifl \'olum~ 10 lwO standard bricks and weighs about (c) h.rdening.
3-9 kg in comparison with the weIght of one standard brick of 3'~ kg it can be (I) Mixill,lf.-The burnt lime (quicklime) is finely ground in a bill mill (p. ~'1)
casily IIfled by the Imdlayer because the t"o outer larg" perforations fonn convenient and passed throu/{h a sieve to dimin~te coarse_grained p.rlldes. . ThIS is mixed
handholes. with and in the correct proportIon in an edRC-rUnner (p. z) and slightly more than
In layinj{ V hricks mortar i~ spread along the t"O outer parts of the hed Over the required amount of water added to slake the lime. Thc mixture is passed to a
the area of the small ;lerforalions; the bricks are Ihus laid on tWO UP'lfDU strips hopper Or silo and left for a variable period (Renerilly twenty-four hours) to ensure
of mortar, care belfllo! :aken tu prevent mortar from enterinJ( the centre handholes. through hydrallon.
ThIS d",ded mortar jOint is b<>st made by using a speCIal tray, alternatIvely I ballen (b) P,tssing.-The rotary table type of press (p. 3) is ~eneTilly used, I mezsu,ed
7~ mm wide and ,6 mm thick ;s placed along the cemre of the wall the mortar being quantIty of the mater.. 1 bebg fed, prened into a slab and removed. The pressure
~pread Clther side oflhe ballen. When the bricks are beddcd on the strips ,ome ofth~ vanes with the water conten! and mun be sufficient to enable thl! bricks to be handled
mortar is pr~s"cd Into the small perforatIons to give w str()ng kcy and l'roduce lhe WIthout damage.
nonnal 10 mm thick bed jam!. (cl Ha,dnlirrg 0, Autodat'I"I(.-A " kIln" in whIch the bricks are harden~d is a
A spec".l perfol">lted brick (D') is used WIth the V hrlcils at jambs and quoins as "7 to ""1 m diameter steel cylinder, varying from 9 to 21 m long, and IS c.lled an
shown at C' and u'. The concrek strip foundation (Il') need only be 430 mm wide auIOc/Dvt. The pressed bricks are stacked on cars (similar to those used in tunnel
(instead of about 5tomm for a 275 mm cavity wall). On this and up tod.p.c. l~vel kiln s. see p. 10). each truck taking up 10 I 500 bricils. The loaded cars Ire TU:l into
215 mm standard bricks Me used for the wall; at thts level one cours~ of spht V the autoclave. the tight-fitting doors are closed, steam is admitted and the pressure
bricks. the brick beinl( split and dIaphragms removcd. is laid which allows the placing j{nJdu.lly increued. The ma~imum lIUm pressure varies with the len.'!:th of time .1
of the stepped d.p.c, which It is studlly maintl,"~d, the J.:reater the pressure the shorter the tIme of auto_
Hollow Blocks (liee Y, FiJ(. 5).-These are used in the construction of partitions. d.ving; thus. if a steady pressure of 827 kN/m l i~ ~I"'plied. the period vHie~ from
Somewhal ~,,"ildJ 111<J~ks arc employed in the constrUCt,on of hre-reSISlml!" Hoors.' eIght to twelve hours, whilst this time may be halved if the pressure is increa.ed to
They arc usually made of fireelays or shales by the wIre-cut pro<:ess (po 3). The I 380 kNJm'. After steaming for the required period the supply of steam ;s shut oft'
shap<:: of the blocks depends upon the special provision made m the mouthpIece of and the bricks .llowed to cool by openinJ( I \'lIve. The loaded cars are then rerr.oved.
the aUller, and there are se"eral patent deVIces for form",,,, the hollo"·s. One of the Sand-lime bricks are of unifonn colour, texture, size .nd shape, with SQuare
SImplest consists of a stronJ( thm metal frame whieh projects into the die from the arflses. Their fine texture rendeTt them suitable for carvinll, and 'figures carved
front ami two solid horizontal metal corCl or bars which are secured to it. As the i" lUI< on the brickwork have su~enful!y relieved the somewhat monotonous
clay is pushed through the die. the Cares produce two VOIds in the extruded column. appearance of brge unifonnly coloured surface •.
At the same time any ~roo"es 10 the sides are formed by projecting ribs of the SIdes Although these bricils not been su bjected to prolonged teall, it is considered
of thc d,e. The e~truded column is passed to the cuumJ( table, the frame being that those of beSt quality cempare favounbly with good quality common bricks IS
pi"oted !O cauS<" the wires to cut It into the required len~th5 by a downward movement, regards compre"ion strength . nd dur.bility. They are only moderatel resistant
to frost action and are therefore not suitable for brickwork below groun in water-
logged sites. They have bee:'! used luccessfully IS. cheap lubstitute fot white glued
I Detailed in Vol. IV. bricks in wells of buildin,. and similar po&iti()U where mallimum liaht il required.
Cement and Concrete Bricka.-Portland cement is used to a relatively small
extent In the makinJt of bricks. Sand IS , fine lif[regate ;. added to the cement in S PEe A l c ~ s
varying proportIons, I .. ,table mlxes ~mg [ put cement to 6 to 8 parts Ilnded sand.
The mate .. als are ", .. II mlud in I machine,juSllufficumt water ~ing added 10 ensure
adheSl01'l. Th., mixlun: IS then pressed In moulds or In I rotary table machine.
removed and dried slo" Iy for at lnst a fortnight (preferably I month) before b.-In)!:
us.-d. The bricks are covered '" Ilk damp doth$ during the maturing perio~ . Rapid·
hardenm" cement (p. 14) in lieu of ordinary Portland ermrnl txpcditcs Ihe letflng
penod .
Concrete Bloch of various liles and m,xu are abo made. th .. 'Ji:lI:rCII::uu being
sind, broken brick, broken Slone, IIra\'el coh bree1.e, etc. (see p. ~8).
Cement and concrete bricks 0. bloch have nOI become popular m this country,
chiefly on account bf their dull, unintereilinl/ appearance. ahhoul/h corwrete slabs
are often emp loyed in the construction of internal partition •. (Chap. I. Vol. III).
Breeze Slabs of "anous sizes (usually 50 to 7S mm thick) and conS,Sllnll of I part
cement 10 (> or 8 pariS powdert"d br«zc hl\'e bee n uten$lvely used. (or plrtlflons
In p<.>s"iu"~ ... here load~ have nol to be suppoTiod (p_ '5 ). Thue are ("au.n ",nod
moul ds Cavity walls (p. 39) are sometimes constructed of breeze slabs wh,,;h arc
approxImately 900 mm by 300 mm by 6S mm thick, placed on ed~e bct"'een r("-
mforced concretc pillars.

Special Shaped Bricks.-A selection of sp«ial shaped bricks, most of which

are standard, is shown in Fig. 5. They an: kept in stock by the larger brick
manufacturers, and are chiefly made by machinery (pressed or wire.-cut). This
rt:sults in a reduction in cost, as non-standard bricks can only be -p,urposely made
by hand in moulds which ha\-e to be constructed to the specified requirements.
The increased a\'ailability of standard spe~ials has also resulted in a saving of
timt: of the bricklayt:. which was formerly occupied in cutting the bricks to shape. C 0 N , PISlOl
Squint Bricks (sec A, B, C and D, Fig. 5).- These are used in the con-
struction of acute and obtuse squint quoins (see p. 36).
Bullnose Bricks. - A double bullnose brick is shown at Q. Fig. 2, Vol. I.
It is difficult to cut neatly a mitre at the intersection between two bullnose
arrises; special nlurns containing mitres are therefore useful. That at ~:, Fig. 5
shows an internal return ; similar right and left handed returns on bed, edge and
end are also available. An external return is shown at F. A ltoP is required to
provide a satisfactory finish when a bullnose edge is continued by a square arris,
as at the base of a pier or jamb; a double stop IS shown at G; single stops are
also made. That shown at H, sometimes called a cownou, is suitable for copings
and jambs of 102'5 mm walls.
Dog-leg or Angle Bricks (see J).-These are also used at squint quoins,
p:,in,cul:arly of ca\'ity w~l1~ (see F. Fig. II).
Birdsmouth Bricks (see K, Fig. 5).- These may be used at alternate
II cou rses of internal squint quoins or for decorated serrated courses.
Circular Bricks (see stretcher L and header M).- These are used for
circula r work as in the construction of bay windows (see Figs. '5 and 29), apsed
ends, staIrcase weBs and tall chimneys. These are referred to on p. 44.
Coping Bricks.- A few standard shapes art: shown at N, 0 and P. Bullnose
bncks are used fur the same purpose.
II Pistol Bricks (see Q).-These ate used for forming circular or coved
angles between walls or between a wall and a floor.



LIM E 19
Plinth Bricks.-These arc referred to in Chap. I, Vol. I. A dogleg in-
ternal angle plinth is shown at R, Fig 5 and a stop is shown al s. Right and
left handed plinth internal returns, like the bullnose brick E, and external angles L M E K L N
are also obtainable from stock.
Keyed or Nicked Bricks.-The type shown at T, manufactured by the
London Brick Co. Ltd., has dovetailed grooves formed .on one stretcher and
one header face for the purpose of providing a mechanical bond with either
plaster or roughcast which may be applied to the brickwork. They are obtainable
as commons, as shown, or as cellulars (see v).
Perforated Bricks (see u and B').- These have small holes 10 to 16 mm in
diameter) formed throughout their thickness, the object of which is to reduce
their weight (pp. IS and 16).
Hollow Bricks.- These are made of clay formed with one or more cavities
which reduce their weight some 25 per cent. and increase insulation against
heat and moisture (see p. 17)' The cellular type v, made by the above firm,
has three cells separated by tapered webs; these cells are open to one bed and FIGURE 6
ex.tend to WIthin about b mm from that opposite. The" Webcel," type w,
manufactured by the Marston Valley Brick Co. Ltd., has a single void, shaped in use in many parts of the Country. That shown in Fig. 6 is one of several
as shown. These bricks are laid with their solid beds uppermost and are par- kilns in which lime used extensively in the North of England is produced. The
ticularly effective in the construction of partition walls. kiln is situated at the siee of a cutting (often the face of the quarry); the four
Hollow Blocks.- One of several types of walling blocks is shown at y. walls are tapered and are lined wim firebrick; it is open at the top. A loosely
The thickness varies from 13 to 2! 5 mm. Some have only two cells, whilst another built rough arch of pieces of the unburnt limestone is formed at the bottom,
type having a central web has.ten cells. They are used for partitions; the fluted and this supports alternate 450 mm thick layers of limestone and 230 mm thick
sides and beds provide a good key for the plaster, and the cells reduce the trans- layers of fuel (25 to 40 m:n coke nuts). Both the limestone and coke are charged
mission of sound and heat, besides decreasing their weight (p. Ii). into the kiln from side-tipping tubs which operate on a track on each side and at
Glass Bricks (see x).- There are two types, i.e., solid cast blocks of glass the top of the kiln, A coal fire is started in the fireplace below the arch and it
and hollow glass blocks, the latter being made in two halves before being joined gradually extends to the layers of fuel clnd limestone until the whole mass is
and hermetically scaled. They arc not capable of resisting heavy loads, but brought to a bright red heat (900° C.). The period of burning is 2bo~t four
they can be built into panels to any practical height, and are being used to form days. The burnt lime is then removed through the eyes, after which the kiln
semi-transparent wa!1s and partitions to steel framed buildings, etc. (see Chap. I, is again charged. The cover provided by the arched portion at the front of
Vol. III). The bric:<s are bedded and jointed with lime mortar like day bricks, the kiln affords an adequate protection to the freshly burnt lime as it is withdrawn,
they are not usually bonded, the vertical joints being continuous. The mortar and the top is generally protected by an open roof. The capacity of this kiln
recommended consists of I part lime, I part Portland cement and 4 parts sand. is about 20320 kg of limestone and 8 128 kg of coke.
Panels exceeding 1·8 m in width should be reinforced with hoop iron or expanded Lime produced in this manner is used for mortar.
metal (see p. 44) at every third to fifth course; vertiCal rod reinforcement is Sometimes Ihis form of kiln is charged wholly with pieces of limestone, and the
necessary if the panels exceed 6 m in width. Provision must also be made for fire is maintained at the bottom for a few days until the whole of the limestone
expansion aI the sides and tops of panels. The bricks are made in various sizes or chalk has been thoroughly burot. Thill is commonly known as aflare hilll and
and patterns, Ihe largest size being 240 mm by 240 mm by 80 mm, produces a white lime, free from discoloration and especially suitable for plastering.
2. Continuous Ki/ll.-The simplest form of continuous kiln is the draw
or tunnel kiln. This is a brick structure, firebrick lined, in the form of an inverted
truncated cone, about 4'9 m higR, 2'4 m diameter at the top and 1'2 m diameter
Manufacture.- Lime is produced by burning chalk or limestones in a kiln. at the base, having a fireplace with grating at the bottom. It is charged with
There are tWO types of kiln, i.e., (I) intermittent and (2) continuous, alternate layers of limestone and coal or coke. The process is continuous, the
1. lntnmittent Kiln.- This is the simplest form of kiln and is one which is burnt lime being withdrawn at the b;ue, and raw limestone and fuel added at
the top. Some tunnel kilns have the lower half below ground, from the draw important property, as the hardness of certain lime mortars is depmdent upon it.
hole at the base of which is an inclined shaft or tunneL Such are known as The chemical action which takes place on carbonation is represented by the
sunk draw or tunnel kilns. equation Ca(OH)! +CO, "" CaCO, +H,O (which is evaporated).
Another form of continuous kiln consists of a steel cylindrical shaft, firebrick The slaking of hydraulic limes is referred to on page 21.
lined, some IS m high and 2'5 m diameter, with several furnaces at the base, and Classification.- The composition of various limestones differs considerably,
so designed that only the hot gases come into contact with the limestone. Such an#'thJ:ts there are a number of different kinds of limes each having characteristic
kilns are economical in fuel consumption, and the lime which is withdrawn pro~ties which influence the purposes for which they are used. This is one
at suitable intervals is free from discoloration. of several classifications' of lime: (I) Pure, Fat, White or Rich; (z) Lean,
The Hoffman kiln, described on p. 10, is another form of continuous kiln Poor, CIty Chalk or Stone; (3) Hydraulic or Blue Lias; and (4) Magnesian.
used for burning lime and is suitable for the production of large supplies. The The schedule below shows an approximate analysis of a typical specimen of each
following is a brief description of such a kiln which has been in continuous of these varieties.
use since the end of the nineteenth century'. 1. Pure, Fat, Whiu or Rich Lime contains less than 5 per cent. of impurities

It has twtnty-eight firtbriek lintd chambers, tach having a wicket and a damper such as silica and alumina (in form of clay). In the analysis the specimen
controlled lIue which is connected to the main horizontal lIue leading to a central is shown consisting almost entirely of calcium oxide. It slakes rapidly, evolves
dlimney stack. The kiln has no pennanent panltions. much heat, and exp;.nds from two or three times its original bulk during
Two sections of the kiln, each of ten chambtrs, are drying, burnini! and coolin~
at the $lme lime, and there is a gap of four chambers hetwetn each sectIon to permIt the process, has a high degree of plasticity (hence the name" fat "), is slow
of . tacking. unloading and the curying oul of repairs. A party of men is consUntly setting and very slow in hardening. This stiffening up can only occur when
removing the cool burnt lime from tht front of cadi section, whilst another gang is the lime is in contact with the air (see preceding column). Whilst pure lime,
stacking Ihe limestone at the baek of each seellon. Like tht brick kitn of this type,
the sequence of operations is advanced by a chambtr each day. and thus. as thtre which is white in colour, is extensively used for plastering, it is not so suitable
are two sections, the eq.uivalent to two chambel"$ is being unloaded and two loaded for lime mortar on account of its slow-hardening characteristic and lack of
daily. The limestone ,I ataeked, with horizonlal flues par. llel to the length of the strength (unless gauged with cement, see p. 27).
kiln fonned al the base, Ind vertical lIues formtd under tht feed-holtl provided at
the top. COil slack is the ruel used. and this IS fed to Ihe lme wh.ich il being l ub-
jeeted to the maximum temperature. The wickets to the drying and burning chambers
are sealed with half-brick thick walls daubed over with grouted lime. and the face of Pure Lean Hydraulic Magntsian
Ihe last stacked chamber in each section is covered wilh brown papu to exclude
draught from the open wickets in front. Lightly burnt lime suitable for building Calcium (CaO)
purposes (monan and plnters) i, obtained at nonnal temperatures of I 100" to oxid~ (M~) ,.,
93'0 8z'0
,·6 ,.,
67'0 57'22
38 '3 8
,., 6·,
, 200 C. in the firing chambel"$, but proximity 10 the lIues and longer helting periods Silica (SiO.)
17'5 2"9
produce a proponion of more solidly burnt lime suitable for the preparation of caustic
~a. Whilst unloading the burnt limt, it is hand_picktd, selected and graded, the
Alumina (Al,O,)
Iron oxide (FeIO I ) ,I ,·6
,., ,.,
3·' T' 0'69
lightly burnt being white in oolour and the hard-fired o ~ ove~burnt being dark Carbon dioxide. water, etc. 6·, 0·84
100'0 100'0 100'0 100'00
Slaking, Setting and Hardening of Lime.-Pure limestone or chalk is
composed of carbonate of lime (CaCO,). When this is heated in a kiln it yields
calcium oxide (CaD) or quicklime and carbon dioxide (COt) which is driven off. 2. Lean, POOT, Grey Chalk or StOlle Lime contains more than 5 per cent.
When the quicklime is slaked by the addition of water heat is evolved, and of clayey impurities and is therefore less pure than fat lime. In the above
the lime expands and falls to powder. If just sufficient water is added to accom- analysis the impurities of silica, alumina and iron oxide amount to over II per
plish this action, the powder is dry and is called hydrated lime (see p. ZI). This cent. The characteristics are somewhat similar to those of fat lime, but on
slaked or hydrated lime is calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)t), the action of slaking account of its impurities it slakes less rapidly (resulting in a diminution of heat
being expressed by the equation CaD + Hp = Ca(OH)2' If more water is added and volume) and its iron content is responsible for its grey colour. Like
to the slaked lime it does not chemically combine with the lime but reduces fal lime, it sets and hardens slowly. It is used for both plaster and lime
it to a paste known as lime putty. mortar.
On lime putty being exposed to the atmosphere, it begins to set and 3. Hydraulic or Blue Lias Lime.-This class of lime is capable of setting
gradually hardens to form carbonate of lime as the water evaporates and carbon I The latest classification a-;peara in the British Standard Specifications for Building
dioxide is absorbed from the air. This is known as "carbonation," and is an Limes, No. 890-1940, which divides quicklime into two classes, i.e.. Class A- Lime for
plastering fini.hing OOlt, coarse stuff and buildine monar, and Cia.. B-Lime for coarse
1 At the Bw<ton Limeworkl of Meu l"I Imperia] Chemical Industries Ltd. . tuff and building monat only. It aivC$ particulal"l of several tests.
LI M E 21
and hardening when not in contact with air and even if submerged in water, Air Slaldnl.-The burnt lime should be slaked as soon as possible after
~,ence the name. Hydraulic lime is therefore unlike both pure and lean limes it arrives on the site, otherwise moisture and carbon diox.ide from the atmos-
which, as already stated, will only stiffen when the water is evaporated from the phere will, in course of time, reduce the lime to a powder, i.e., it will become
putty and carbonation takes place as the CO~ is absorbed from the air. air slaked. This is undesirable, for, carbonation having taken place, the particles
Limestones from which hydraulic limes are prepared contain varying pro- of carbonate of lime are incapable of setting, and thus adulterate any mortar
portions of silica and alumina (in the form of clay), in addition to the calcium with which they may be mixed. Hence the necessity of using only" freshly
oxide (see analysis). The day and iron oxide play an important part in the burnt" lime.
setting and hardening of such limes. Quicklime is formed when the carbon Hydrated Lime.- As explained on p. 20, hydrated lime is that produced
dioxide is driven off the calcium carbonate as the limestone is burnt in the kiln. when just sufficient water is added to the burnt limestone to satisfy the chemical
This quicklime, having a strong affinity for the day, combines with it to form action of slaking, and is in a dry powder form. The slaking process must be
silicates and aluminates of lime. thorough, as any unslaked particl~ may cause considerable damage.
Slaking.-If water is added to this burnt product after it has been finely In addition to ordinary quicklime, certain lime manufacturen now supply
ground the mass begins to set and harden as the water combines with the various lime in hydrated form. There is an increasing demand for this dry hydrated
products. As this action is not dependent upon the presence of carbon dioxide, lime on account of the saving of time and labour resulting to the builder or
the hardening will continue even when air is absent. The setting and hardening plasterer. This lime is hydrated by a special plant at the lime-works and is
are therefore similar to the behaviour of Portland cement, the composition of supplied in bags, ready for use, in [he form of a dry, fine powder. This procesS
which it closely resembl~mpare the above analysis of hydraulic lime ·with must be carefully controlled and the amount of water added must be just sufficient
that of Portland cement on p. 23. for the purpose, as an inadequate supply would result in some of the lime being
These limes have been subdivided into (a) feebly hydraulic, (b) moderately unslaked, whilst an el(cess of water would produce pb.stic lime or putty.
hydraulic and (e) eminently hydraulic, according to the percentage of silica At the Buxlon works referred to on p. ::to, hydrtted lime, ailed" Limbux," i.
and alumina present. produced by the plant shown diagrammatially in FIg. ,. The burnt lime from the
(a) Feebly Hydraulic Lime.-This contains less than IS per cent. of silica kiln ;s fed into the crusher A. Ind reduced in size from ~S nun down, elevsted to the
hopper a and passed into the hydrator c. The [atter consists of six steel tubee, each
and alumina. The rate of slaking is slow (varying from five to sil(ty minutes) and ,60 nun diameter and )., m long. A carefully cei'lIllted supply of wlter required
the expansion on slaking is small. It produces a good mortar. to .Iake the lime e nte~ the hydrat..,c It 0, the sttlm i'enerated from the slaked lime
(b) Moderately Hydraulic Lime.-The silica and alumina content varies
from IS to 25 per cent. Slaking is very slow and the expansion is small. It o I A G ~ A M 0 F LIM E
H Y 0 ~ A TIN G p l ANT
makes an excellent mortar, is stronger than feebly hydraulic lime and is suitable 1M IlW<T IIMl IS CRUlHKI ...t ...... tlJ'VA.lIl) ro TlIl 1tOIft~ ..,,, ~D
for good-class brickwork and masonry. _ LWN. ..., 11 IS _ W I ) ALOItIO. ""*
"YO THl K>1>UolCM. 'C'. A. llWlAlIl) ~y Qf ""'Tlil.IN"TIU ...t"ll" I SlMU
-...rID IIfIlI IS _ " _ 0 TO _
(c) Eminently or Very HydraulU Lime.-This contains from 25 to 30 per V:lw.......,.. ... _ l l 1"HI I.UI .,," VI""""'" THl _ tNfT _ I I M I _
.,.. _ _ (Ot,II.Jtl ....TTtJ.. T!tI - . ~mo:; .... CtcrtJ Qf UMl " - . !
cent. of the important constituents of silica and alumina, and its chemical,. 10 _ IOT1'Ca '" _
.....,....,.,.O~"..... n.OI"l AAI _ " "
1"111 NtYfmoo,~. AU. 1>M UGMT _ T I D LWIl IS IXl"UICTII) rI",,* ,......,."
WMN 10_ oaDNf 'M' to IIWCI ro _ tuoIllJ.'J" _ " ISJro/lOfI\A"nCI\U.V
composition is very similar to that of ordinary Portland cement (see p. 23). M _ .... IT'l.QOI$ono_ ......T_""""NG~ ... THlmICMICI
(10. 11M! 'M' q.-va,"TltI .... iI. MIl""'" flo! TIll ....... ( .....ttD rI THI " ' " ' _
It is also known as blue LiM lime, as it is found in the Lias formation which AUDIO> THINI. TOnc.<I'IlIIJ ... T.... OO 1"HI _ 1M. _~""

extends throughout part of Yorkshire and the Midlands. This lime is similar 11(W Of UIIOI....". lO ·TIIl IOTTl:lM '" TNI _vu.- '" _-..cftD.
to, but stronger than, the moderately hydraulic variety. It must be very finely
ground and must be screened before use to diminate coar:ie umdaked panicles.

It closely resembles Portland cement (p. 22) and is used for similar purposes.
4. Magnenan or Dolomitic Lime.-The rocks from which such limes are
produced are known as magnesian limestones or dolomites, as they contain up
to 45 per cent. magnesium ox.ide. 1 The latter hu similar characteristics to J
calcium oxide although it slakes much more slowly. This is an excellent •
lime and is generally used in the localities in which the magnesian limestones
are found.
I The B.S. 8~1940 ahltel that a lime which conhlim more than 5 per cent. of
mllgntlium oJ:ide ,hall be termed I magnesian lime. FIGURE 7
rising 10 heat the waler. The lime ;s pushed forward by m~lns of an augu and The clay is excavaled by mechanically dragging a scrape.-Ouckrt over Ihe clay
traverses the hydrator as indicated by the UTO,,",. It is now In the fonn of a powder field; thi, is tlpptd mto a "ash mill (p. t). and the washed clay, called sfip, con taming
and proceeds to the separator E, where the fan F separates the fine hght powdered about 60 per cent. of water. is pumped through metal pipes to the sfip sto.age tanlf.
hydrated lime hom Ihc heavier coarser maCler. The I.tter, consistmg of clots of 2. M,xing and G"nd,ng.-The chalk from thc silo and the clay slip from the
hydrated lime and small nodules of unslaked lime. ralls 10 the bottom and the clots tank enter the "'rl g.",d'"R mIll at A in the correct proport10nS (approximately 78 per
are broken up bv the pulverizer c. Any unslaked partIcles of l,me, D«au~ of their cent. chalk and II percent. clay). This IS a cylindrical mill 11-3 m long by 2 to 1·6 m
denSIty, fall 10 the bottom of Ih" pu]v"rlzer and are rejected. The hydrated hme diameter, having a chromIum steel lining and divided inlo three compartments by two
extracted by the ran is bluwn 10 the cyclone .. and hence 10 tbe hunker J. The gn:ater slotted diaphragms. About 3a per cent. of the mill is occupied by steel balls gTllded
part of the circulating air is returned by the pIpe L 10 the ~paralor system. The in diameter from 100 to 75 mm 10 the first compartment. 64 to)8 mm in the m,ddle
,ncreased air pressure in the bunker which is trl:ated by the fan IS relieved by a tube compartment and zs mm in the lUI compartment. The mill is caused to rotate at
"hlch is tenninated by a canvas S1eve called the" stoclungs "",. Thl$ allows the about 10 revs. per min .• and as it rolates, Ihe abrasive actIon of the balls as they strike
a,r 10 escape, any of the fine powder drawn up wllh it bemg retained and returned against each other and against the metalcasing grind the material as it comes belween
10 Ihe bunker by periodically striking the canvas on the outside. Finally, the hydrated them. Finc grindIng and thorou(lh mlldng reduce Ihe matenals to a creamy con-
I1me in the bunker, like Portland cement (see below), flows into paper bags and is auto- sistency. called ,furr)', the bulk of which, after leaving the mill, passes through a
matically weighed. The usual size of bag contains 15 kg, but 100 and 100 kg hags Can fine sieve (havtnl( a 0·09 rum mesh); that which fails 10 pass through the SIeve is
be obtained if required. returned to the mill and re·ground.
CEMENT After screening, the slurry is conveyed to the open slurr)' lank, which is 20 m to
diameter and 4·5 m deep, where II is kept agitated by compressed air delivered throul{h
There are two groups of cement, i.t., natural and artificial, but whilst the perforated pipes at the bottom of the tank. The slurry, now a unifonn mixture,
latter is one of the most important building materials, comparatively little is then pumped to the upper or feed end of the kiln.
3. B,m,ing.-The kiln is of the rotary type. It is a steel cylinder lined with
natural cement is now produced. Natural cement is made frofT! nodules con- firebrick, about 90 m long and 3 m diameter, sli!!h!ly inclined and mounted on
sisting of lime (approximately 40 per cent.), clay (50 per cent.) and oxides of rollers; it revolves slowly al about I rev. per min. The fu el is dry pulverized coal.
iron, etc. (10 per cent.); these lumps are burnt and crushed to a powder, which The raw coal is tIpped from the railway trucks at c. elevated 10 the rutu wal Silo,
passed to the coof mifi where it is findy ground and also dried by hot air conveyed
is a brown colour due to the iron content. Roman (produced near London) from the kiln by pipe D. elevated to the pu/veriud cool hopper and blown in at the
and Medina cements (Isle of Wight) are both quick-setting natural cements. lower or firing end of the kiln-see arrows. The temperature in the lower or burning
The artificial cement group includes: zone is very intense (a white heal of approximately 1 538 0 C.) and gradually decreases
to 2)2-260 0 C. at the top end, where the gases escape up the chimney stack. Thus
, (i) Normal or ordinary. the cold slurry. which is fed aUlomallcally and continuously, is first dried in the
(ii) Rapid-hardening, upper zone, and durtntl its paSSlge down the kiln is heated and finally partially fused
(iii) White and coloured. into clinker. The chllk constituent, 8$ it is heated. is conv<:rted into Quicklime by
(a) Portland Cement the liberation of COl and when subjecled 10 th" higher temperature the lime and
(iv) Blast-furnace. clay chemically unite to fonn hard balls (] 10 19 mm in size) of Portland cement,

(b) Super-sulphate Cement.

(c) High Alumina Cement.
(v) Waterproof.
(vi) Sulphate-resisting,
called clinlfn. which is dirk brown 10 black in colour.
This clinker, which is white hot, is cooled as it passes from the kiln al the lower
end into drums or cylinders· called coof"s. There are twdve of these coolers, I·a m
in diameter and at least 6 m long. parallel to and attached to the outside of the
kiln. A draught of cold air is passed through the cylinders as the clinker gradually
gravitates towards and emerges from Ihe lower end on 10 a belt conveyor which
(a) (i) Normal or Ordinary Portland Cement.-Chalk or limestone delivers it to the C/i ..lfn Jto~age bin or shed.
4. Gri ..ding.-Clinku is fed into the dinker hopper by means of an overhead
and clay are the raw materials from which this cement is manufactured travelling crane grab ~ Ihe latter i5 also used 10 mix the coarse witR the finer dinker.
(Chap. I, VoL I). From the hopper the clinker passes to the combi!1alion gri!1dinl! mill, ball mill or
The cement works are generally situated near deposits of these raw materials. dry mill; this is of the ume sill' and is similar to the wet mill, it b"ing divided
into three compartments which contain graded sleel balls. These grind the clinker
A brief description of the manufacture and a diagram of a cement works are to a powder whiCh is so fine that at least 90 per cent. of it must pass through a sieve
given in Fig. 8. The processes include: (I) Excavation and preparation of the of wire cloth having 8 mesh of 0·09 mm square size (see below).
materials; (2) mixing and grinding; (3) burning; and (4) grinding. A small quantity, from I to 3 p"r cent., of gypsum (calcium sulphate) is added at
B from the gypsum hopper which adjoins the clinker hopper. This tends to lengthen
I. Excavation and Preparation.-The chalk is won from the limestone quarry by the setting time of the cement to suit practical conditions.
blastmg. Gelignite charges are tamped in 150 mm diameter holes drilled at about The ground cement as it emerges from the dry mill is forced by compressed air
4.6 m intervals and at a distance of 4.6 m from the face (see sketch). On instantane_ up a pipe to silos or bins, each 6 m in diameter and about 21 m high. and having
ously firing these charges, huge masses of the limestone, amounting to several Ihousand a capacity of I·S Mg.
kg. and in size from small fragments 10 large blocks, are dislodged. This Packing.-The· cement from the silos is elevated to a hopper from which it flows
loose stone IS discharged into wagons from I mechamcal navvy (p. 2) and hauled to the paclfing machinr. The cement was formerly packed into jute bags, but strong
to the jaw trush" into which it is tipped and reduced by IWO powerful metal jaws paper-valved bags of 50 kg capacity are now chiefly used. Each hag i8 placed by
to a maximum size of zoo mm cubes. The crushed stone pllses on to a moving belt hand on the delivery nozzle of the machine, the cement is automatically weighed as it
and il conveyed to the CQne (Tush" which reduce. it down to 20 mm maximum. This flows into it. Ind the filled Ind sealed big is discharged and either stacked or placed
is delivered by a belt conveyer to the limestone silo. direct into lorries or trucks. One machine can fill I 200 bags per hour.

Te£ljng . ~The manufacture is closely controlled at each stage, and samples The whole of the lime should combme with the SIlica and alumina. Any excess
called fru limt, may produce unsoundness (see p. 24). A deficiency of lime may
of the clay slip and chalk before they enter the wet mill, slurry after leaving the produce a weak cement.
mill, clinker after leaving the kiln, and cement at the packing machl9c are taken The presence of iron is responsible for the grey colour of cement (re.sembhnQ:
for,aboratory examination. that of Portland stone). If excessi\'e, Ihe iron oxide increases the difficulty of Q:rind-
ing the dinker. .
The cement during and after manufacture is tested in accordance with the Excessive quantities of magnesia and sulphur compounds cause unsoundness.
British Standard Specification for Ordinary Portland and Rapid-hardening An excessive quantity of soda and potash may cause efflorescence in the cement,
Portland Cements, No. 12 1 , This specification includes the following tests with and these alkalis should therefore be kept to a minimum.
(c) S/¥t"Klh.-The specification requires that cement shall pass tests to determine
which Ponland cement must comply: (a) Fineness, (b) chemical composition, its strength in lension or compression.
(c) strength, (d) setting time and (e) soundness .:- Tl'nsil,. Srrurgrh Tt"st.-The cement has to be mixed with sand 10 form a mortar
composed of part I (by weighl) cement Bnd 3 pans of Leighton Buzurd sand (I very
(a) Filttllen.-This is estimated by sieving for fifteen minutes a sample (about clean, white and well graded sand obtamed from Bedfordshire) to wh,ch a specified
0"11 kg) of the cement on a No. " 170" (0'09 mm mesh) British Standard sieve, when amount of water is added. The morlar is form~d in a bran mould of the shape
the residue for ordinary Portland cement shall not exc~ .0 per cent. As a general shown al 11, Fig. 9, Ihe cross-sectional area at the" waist" of the briquette being
rule the finer the cement the more rapId the strcnj!:th de\'e!opment of the concrete. 6'45 em". The mould IS carefully fi!l~d by consolidating the mortar wilh a standard
(b) Chnmcal Comj>asirlo".-This dause in Ihe specification limits the proportion Sled spatula (knife) until it is flusn witn the top; the mould i. reversed and the
of lime to the silica, alumina and iron oxide, and the ratio of the percentage of Iron broad blade of the spatula is used to pat the mortlr until .... ater is brougnt to the
oxide to that of alumina. It also specifies the mAximum percentage of insoluble surface, afler which the surface is smoothed over and brought flush with the top of
residue (I per cent.), magnesia (4 per cent.) and sulphur (2. 75 per cent.), in addition the mould by a trowel. The briquette is stored in a damp atmosphere and kept for
to limiting the loss on igmtion to 3 per cent. twenty-four houn at a temperature of 14 to <70 C., wnen it is removed from the
The following may be considered a. an approximate analysis of a typical Portland mould, submerged in clean waler and lefl untLi requIred for tC$ling.
cement : - !t is requi red that t .... elve briquettes shall be prepared and stored in Ihis manner,
PerCent. and that six of these shall be tested at three days afler moulding, followed by the
Lime 6, remaining six at seven days. The average minimum tensile breaking strenglh of
Iron oxide
'3 ordinary Portland cement shin be 2'1 MN/m' at three days and ~'6 MN/m' at seven
days afler moulding.

3 One type of tensile testinr machine is shown at!" Fig. 9. Thll has a pair of Jaws
Magnesia of standard size and shape in which the bnquetle is placed. The lower Jaw IS fixed
Sulphuric anhydride Ind the upper jaw is suspended at K to a system of leven consisting of lever R, pivoted
Soda and potash on a knife-edge at J, and cOl"llilect~d by II rod (having knife-edges at Land M) to lever
Q, pivoted at N. A bucket is suspended at p to re«ive the load in the form of 'hot
(lead pellets) fed from the container.
The tening is carried OUI iJl. the following manner: A briquette is placed in the
I'ubli~hcd by the Bntilh Standard. Inl1.lution, 28 Vietroria Sit",.!, 1.nndon. S.W.I. jaws. the ,,,indle T is lifted to release the Shol, which passes in a ateady nream Ihrouah
a valve down the nozzle of the contliner into the bueket. This load is tralUmitted base of the fitting has a raised rim which is about 0'5 mm above the end of the
to the briquette through the syatem of levers and ultimately uuses it to break aeron ~ntral needle. The cement i. consid<:red to be finally set when, on a gentle applic.-
at the wain. Immediately this oe<:urs the fiow of shol i. automatically stopped •• tlon of the needle, the central Alt POint makes In impression on it but the raised
the bucket raU. on the pedestal below, depressing arm So which in tum causes the rim faib to do 10. This finll tetting time must not exceed ten ho~" for normal-
spindle 10 drop and close the valve of the container. The bucket containing the ahot setting cement or thirty minutes for quick-setting cement.
is placed on lOme scales and weighed. A direct reading of the buaking load in (e) Sou~d~tJl.-Unsound cement has a tendency towards exceui ... e expansion.
kilograms is obtained from the scalu, as they are calibnted in accordance with the Sound cement is relatively free from this tendency Ind its volume remains constant.
ratio of the levers after the weight of the empty bucket has been allowed for. AI this MOlt serious defects in cement products are clused by expansion which takes place
breaking load is applied on 6"4S em' of the briquet\e, the breaking stress can be during setting and may continue for some considerable time. Thus, reinforced
found. concrete made of unsound cement may crack Ind disintegrate to such an u:tent as
A line diagram of th" lever syitem of the apparatus is .hown at c. The ratio of to permit the entrance of moi8ture and cause corrosion of the exposed steel. The
the length. J'K' and J'I.: in the lower le ... er is as I : 5 and that of M'N' and N'P' i, .. soundness test which appea" in the standard specification is therefore very important.
I : 10. Henee the magnifying ratio il 50, i.t., the stress on the briquette is 50 times This loundnen or expansion test is carried out in the Le Chatdier apparatus
as large as the load in the bucltet. Thus, if the ...... eight of the shot in the bucket when illustrated at F, Fig. 9. This il I. brass split cylindrical mould having an indicator
attached on each side of the split. The mould, resting on a glass plate and hdd
the briquette fails is 3 kg the load aetingon ML equals 3 X 10 -3 0 kg multiplied by 5 together with the split edgt3 touching, is completely filled with neat cement gauged

equals 150 kg. This is the breaking load, and from it can be derived the heWing with just sufficient _ter to make it plsstic, and co ... ered with another glau pille
stress. which is held down by I. Imall weight. It is at once immersed in water (temperature

Compuuivt Strtngth Telt.-If required by the pun:huet the abo ... e tensile "re" 14·4 to 17"8 C.) and left for twenty-four hours. It is taken out, the distance w
test may be substituted by a compres.i"'e strength test. The latter is applied to 70 between the indicators is measured, the weighted mould is again imrne"ed and then
'O;Ir 75 mm cubes of a I : 3 mix, the mixing and compacting by ... ibration in a machine boiled for thue hours. The mould is removed and, after cooling, the distance
being spedfied. Three cubes are telted in. compr«$ion machine (see p. 32) at three between the points is again mel8ured. The difference between the two measurements
days after moulding, and the a ...erage minimum compreui... e strength (calculated indicates the expansion of the cement and shall not exceed 10 mm.
from the crushing load) for ordinary Ponland cement ,hall be 10.7 N/mm'. Three Good cements will show little (not more than I mm) if Iny expansion. The
cubes are similarly tested at seven dlYs, when the ....erage minimum compressi ...e expansion of poor cementl ia often due to the presence of excess gypsum Ind other
strength .hall be 17·2 N lmm' (see Table IV, p. 34). sulphate,. The boiling water accelerates the reaction and resulta1lt expansion.
A simple but effective test (not mentioned in the speeificu.tion) is the hot-/Kll
(d) Stlti'll Timt.-When cement and water are mixed to fonn a paste, the mus test. Water is added to neat cement and thoroughly mixed to a plastic condition.
remains pl..tic for a short while. The water combine. chemically with the grains This i. worked to the shape of a ball, placed on a piece of glass which is tapped on
of cement to form hydrates. Thi. is known as hydrQtio~. As this proceeds, the the bench until the cement Aattens out to the shape of I disc about 75 mm in dia-
plasticity gradually disappea" and the cement stiffens or sttl. Thecementing material meter. a little more than 6 mm thick at the centre and tapering to a knife_edge at the
between the particles of cement increases in amount, cauting the mass to gain in circumfeunce. The surface is then smoothed o ... er .with a knife. After being
strength and Iw,d~eu, and this h.rdness increases for some coruide"ble time after co ...ered o ... er with a damp cloth •.nd allowed to harden for twenty.four hOUri, the pat
it has set. is boiled in water for four or five hOUlS. If the cement is unsound, radial cracking
The specification refers to " initial set" and "finalaet." Reprding the former, (especially at the edges) and diatonion will appear, due to expansion; the edges may
it is essential that the cement shaU set slowly at fi"t to allow tlflle for the mixing curl up and surface Raking may Ippear. A pst of sound cement will unaltered
and pladng in position of the concrete, and to ensure thorough adhesion between after this trnlment, slthough fine .hrinkage cracks may appear .
• djacent batches of concrete. Ie i. equally imponant that the concrete shall harden The cold-/Klt te$t is similar to the above, except that the pat is not boiled but
quickly after its initial set in order that it may be loaded IS soon IS possible and (in simply immersed in cold-water for twenty-four hours before examination.
the case of reinforced concrete) permit of the early removal of any formwork or
shuttering (temporary timbering) which may be supporting it.
According to the specification, the initial setting time for normal setting cement (a) (ii) Rapid-hardening or High-early-strength Portland Cement.-
shall be not leu than thirty minutes and the final settina time not more than ten This is true Portland cement, and, as its name implies, its chief characteristic
houn. If a quiclt_setting cement (see next column) i. required, the initial settina time is the comparative rapidity with which it gains in strength in the early stages of
i5 reduced to not less than five minutes, and the final setting time to not more than
thirty minutes. The Vicat apparatus, shov.n at 0, Fia. 9, is used to determine the hydration (see Table IV, p. 34).
initial Ind final setting times of cement. A brass cylindrical mould, spproximately B.S. 12, already referred to, applies to this cement. Whilst the residue
75 mm dil. and 38 mm deep, is placed upon a metal pille and filled to the top with of ordinary cement on a I70 sieve shall not exceed 10 per cent. (see p. 23), that
neat cement to which sufficient wlter hIS been added to make it plastic. The filled
mould i, pl'ced on the base as Ifldic.ted by broken lines. The initial set is measured of rapid-hardening cement shall not exceed S per cent. The ultimate tensile
by means of a needle having a flat end, I mrn square, which is screwed to the bottom stress shall be not less than 2·07 Nfmm l after one day and )'1 NJmm l after
of the rod in place of the final setti ng needle shown. The pin is withdrswn and the
rod il lowered until it touches the lIlllooth surface of the cement, when it i. quickly three days. The compressive strength shall be not less than I I N fmm after one
releued and allowed to penetrate the cement. This il repeated at interval. on day and 24'1 Nfmm2 after three days. The initial setting time shall be not
different part, of the specimen until the needle fails to pien:e it completely. The less than five minutes and the final setting time shall be not more than thirty
time which has elapsed between the addition of the Wiler and thi. partial ptnetnotion
of the needle i. called the initial tetting time and, IS already stated, must not be leu minutes. These requ'tremenu should be compared with those stated in respect
than thirty minutes for nonnal setting cement (or fi ... e minutes for quick-setting to ordinary Portland cement.
cement). The final tetting time ia detennined in a similar manner, the initial settina Rapid-hardening cement can be usefully employed in cold weather, as it
needle being replaced by the final setting needle shown. The latter, of the
shape and section I I the former needle, has a metal fitting attached at the end; the is less liable than ordinary cement to damage from frost. It is preferred to
ordinary cement in the construction of concrete roads, as it can take traffic concrete made with it is less permeable to water than that made with normal P.C.
within a few days, whereas concrete composed of ordinary cement should be (0) (vi) Sulphate-resisting Cemeot.-Sulphate bearing clays attack
left for twenty-eight days before roads are opened to heavy traffic. This advan- normal P.C. and this cement offers some resistance to the action.
tage also applies to reinforced concrete floors, etc., made of rapid-hardening (b) Super..sulphate Cement is similar to (12) (vi) above, offering greater
cement, as the lapse of time before the removal of the temporary timbering resistance to attack, used for concreting in contaminated ground.
(formwork) and the application of loads is considerably reduced. The cost of (c) High Aluminia or Alummous Cemeot.--{BS 915). This is made
rapid-hardening ce:ment is slightly more: than that of ordinary Portland cement. frum a mixture of limelitone and Laux.ite (aluminium are) which is fired in a
" Ferrocrete .. and" Vitocrete" are some of the well-known brands of rapid- hot air blast in a furnace with coal. The heat liquefies the materials and the
hardening cement. resulting cement is tapped off, eventually being ground extremely finely. The
(12) (iii) White Portland Cement.-The chemical composition and charac- cement is much darker in colour than Portland cement. An approximate per-
teristics of white Portland cement are similar to those of ordinary Portland centage analysis is: Lime 39, Silica 7, Alumina 39. Iron oxide 13, Magnesia, etc, a.
cement, except that the latter is of a grey colour. The colour of white cement Its chief characteristics are: Rapid-~ardening, great strength, large amount
is due to the raw materials used and the special precautions taken in its pro- of heat generated during the setting and hardening process, and its resistance
duction. The materials are pure limestone and china (white) clay, the iron to acids. Concrete composed of this cement develops a compressive strength
oxide content (which imparts the grey colour to ordinary Portland cement) of at least 34'4 N/mml at the age of one day and 49 N/mml at the age of seven
being less than 1 per cent. The: cement must not come into contact with iron days (see Table IV, p. 34)' It is unaffected by frost on account of the heat
or steel during its manufacture, the kiln is lined with special fireclay blocks, which it generates. Because of these qualities, high alumna cement can be
and oil is generally the fuel used. Aggregates used with white cement should usefully employed when formwork is required to be removed with the minimum
be light coloured (see p. 28). White cement is more expensive than ordinary delay, for concreting ground flOOr! on certain soils containing sulphates
cement. It is in increasing demand for external rough-casting of walls, pointing which may attack ordinary Portland cement concrete and for work requiring
of brickwork and masonry, and in the manufacture of reconstructed (artificial) great strength, and when work must he done during low temperatures. The
stone and tiles. Well· known brands include" Atlas" and" Snowcrete." W /C ratio (see p. 31) should nOT exceed 0.4 and the strength of HAC cement
Coloured Cement.-Cement, used for special purposes such as for plastering concrete is affected adversdy if the heat generated during hardening is not
walls and in the manufacture of reconstructed stone and tiles, is now obtainable dissipated Thus, formwork encasing concrete should be removed as soon as
in a variety of colours. Pigments, such as black oxide of iron and manganese :>racticablc. Its usc is not advocated for mass concrete exceeding 450 mm thick
black (to produce a black colour), re:d oxide of iron (producinR red), brown ~nkS$ it can be dep~ited in thin layers, preferably 300 mIT' thick, and the
oxide of iron (producing brown), chromic oxide (producing green), etc., are dissipation ofthe evolved heat permitted. AnOlher disadvantage of high alumina
thoroughly incorporated with the cement in a dry condition by machinery. cement is its relatively high cost. It must not be mixed with or brought into
Coloured cement can be obtained ready for use from the manufacturers, or the contact with Portland cement, as a reduction in the strength of the former with
cement and pigments can be mixed on the job. result. One well-known brand is "Ciment Fondu"
(12) (iv) Portland Blast-furnace Cement.-This is a mixture of ordinary During 1974 certain failures occurred in stnlctural members made from
Portland cement and blast-furnace slag. The latter is a product of the blast HAC concrete due to the fact that "Conversion" occurs witi1this cement. The
furnace in which iron ore is smelted as a preliminary in the manufacture of term conversion is used to describe physical changes arising d'uring hydration
cast iron, steel, etc. Normally this slag is an impurity which is run into ladles which make the concrete porous. Hence HAC must not be used 10 buildings
and conveyed to the slag tip. When, however, it is used in the production of subject to excessive condensation or water penetration.
cement, the slag as it issues from the furnace is cooled by a stream of water
which reduces it to a honeycombed, granulated condition. The slag is removed,
dried and mixed with ordinary cement clinker and passed to a ball mill (see
p. 22) for thorough incorporation and fine grinding. Not every slag is suitable
for this purpose. The quality of this cement must comply with the British MORTARS
Standard Specification for Portland-Blastfurnace Cement, No. 146. The Mortar is composed of aif aggregate, such as sand, and a matrix or binding
proportion of slag must not exceed 65 per cent., and that of Portland cement material of lime or cement or both (see p. ~, Vol. I).
clinker must not be less than 35 per cent. (see p. a8). Sand in mortar (I) reduces shrinkage and without it cracks would develop,
(0) (v) Waterproof Cement.- This amtains a waterproofing agent, and (a) assists in the hardening of pure lime! especially (p. ao) by allowing the
penetration of air which provides CO' for the development of carbonization If, on the score of economy, a local sand is to be used which is not sufficiently
(p. 20) and (3) reduces its cost, as sand is much cheaper than lime or cement. clean, much of the dirt can be eliminated by washing.
To give the best results sand should be well graded and must be clean. The following aggregates are used for mortars; (I) Pit or quarry sand,
Grading of Sand.-A suitably graded sand consists of particles varying in (2) river sand, (3) sea sand, (4) crushed stone and (5) ashes.
size from coarse to fine, with the smaller particles packing into the voids between I. Pit or Quarry Sand.~The quality varies. Provided it is clean, it is a
the larger. A coarse sand is one the bulk of which is retained on a No. 52 British very good sand for mortar, concrete and plaster. Some pit sands are liable to
Standard Sieve (0'302 mm square mesh). If most of the particles of a sample pass contain organic matter in the fo rm of coal which may interfere with the setting.
through this sieve, the sand is classified as a fin;e one. Coarse sand produces 2. River Sand. ~This is usually clean and is an excellent sand for all
what is known as a harsh mortar. Sand containing a large proportion of very purposes .. Some river sands may be deficient in fines (smaller particles) and
fine particles, such as dust or silt, is not suitable, as an excessive amount of thus produce harsh mortars.
water is required to make the mortar workable, and this reduces its strength 3. Sea Sand.~Whilst this sand is commonly used locally for concrete, it
and increases shrinkage. It is therefore recommended that, for mortar, not is not suitable for mortar on account of its salt content which causes efflorescence
more than 3 per cent. of sand should pass a No. 100 standard sieve (0.152 mm (p. '3) ·
square mesh). To the experienced, the relative coarseness and fineness of a 4. Crushed Stone. - This is now often used, especially for mortar required
consignment of sand can be gauged approximately by its appearance and by for ashlar work. The waste stone at the quarries is crushed to the size of sand
rubbing some of it between the thumb and forefinger. particles. When this crushed stone is the same as that used for the ashlar work
The strength of mortar (and concrete, see p. 28) is decreased if the particles it assists in producing a mortar which closely conforms to the colour of ·the
of sand are of uniform size, owing to the presence of a large proportion of pore masonry and thus helps in making the joints inconspicuous.
spaces. Tests have shown that the shape of the particles is not very important. 5. Ashes or Clinkers from furnaces are crushed very finely and intimately
Cleanliness of Sand is most essential. Adhesion between the binding material ground with the lime in a mortar mill to produce a cheap and strong mortar,
and the sand is only possible if the particles of the latter are clean; the known as black mortar. The ashes should be frce from unburnt coal and dust.
presence of dirt, especially if finely distributed to such an extent as to surround Old broken bricks, which should be clean and especially free from plaster, are
each small particle, interferes with the setting and reduces the strength of mortars sometimes crushed and mixed with the lime in the mill.
and concretes. The chief impurities are clay, loam and organic compounds Lime Mortar.-The slaked lime is mixed with the aggreg..te and water
such as vegetable matter. The latter, not being inert, is liable to decay, and the either by hand or in a mortar mill. Manual mixing should be done on a boarded
organic acids produced may have an ill-effect on the mortar or concrete. platform to ensure that dirt will not be shovelled into the mix. The period of
Clean sand when rubbed will not stain the fingers. A simple and effective slaking, composition and strength of mortar depend upon the class of lime
test consists of half filling a glass vessel with the sand, water is added unfil it used.
almost reaches the top, and after being agitated, the sand is al!owed to settle. The properties of the mortar should resemble those of the bricks. Thus, whilst
If the sand is clean, not more than a thin film of silt will be seen deposited on a dense, strong impenneable mortar, such liS cement mortar, should be used fo,
bending. jointing and pointing strong bricks of the engineering class, such mortar
top of the sand, and the water above it will be clear; if, however, the sample is would be unsuitable for low-strength bricks of medium permeability if used in the
a dirty one, the bottom layer of the washed sand will be covered by a relatively construction of external walls. Existing brickwork has been known to develop defects
thick dark layer of dirt, and small particles of suspended matter (generally in the bricks subsequent to re-pointing with rich, dense mortar. A possible explana-
tIon of the cause of this is that water absorbed by th e bncks during wet weather
organic and fine clay) may be seen floating in the water even if several hours can only be eliminated during dry periods by evaporation on the surface of the bricks
have elapsed after agitation and examination. and not through the joints, and any salts in the bricks may crystallize near the surface,
causing disintegration of their fac es.
Sand for general purposes may be considered satisfactory if a test similar
to the above (but in a measuring cylinder) shows that it contains not more than N(}/l-hydraulic Lime Mortars (from pure and lean limes, see p. 20) must
6 per cent. of silt. This is known as a sedimer.tation or decanting test. be well slaked before use. This type can be stored in a heap for several days after
mixing, provided the surface is smoothed over with a shovel to minimize
A test for organic impurities consists of comparing the colour of the water above carbonation by the exclusion of as much air as possible. As such mortars can
the sample of sand in a cylinder (to which a definite amount of 3, per cent. sodium
hydroxide solutIon has been added) with that of a standard solutIOn of tannic acid only harden when exposedoto the atmosphere (p. 20), a relatively large proportion
and sodium hydroxide. If, after standing for twenty-four hours following agltation, of sand must be added to the lime to assist in the penetration of air. For this
the colour of th e fonner is darker than the standard colour, it indicates that th e sand reason the proportion of sand may be as high as 4 parts by volume of sand to I part
contains an excessive amount of organic matter which may be injurious and should
be treated with suspicion. lime. These mortar~ 3re light-coloured. They are not likely to cause efflorescence.
These mortars are not suitable for work below ground level, especially if the cement mortar and is therefore better suited for bedding and jointing bricks
ground is water-logged. Such mortars are improved if gauged with cement. of moderate or low strength. The gauging also increases the workability of the
Hydraulic Lime Mortars (see p. 20) should be used within one hour after mortar. The proportions vary from I cement: 2 to 3 lime: 6 to 9 smd. Emin-
being mixed. This especially applies to eminently hydraulic mortar which ently hydraulic and magnesian limes shoulo not be gauged with cement.
sets quickly after the addition of the necessary amount of water. Any mortar
Comp<) is an excellent mortar for rubble, flint and similar walling where a large
which has stiffened and cannot be knocked up by means of a trowel to a suffi- proportion of bedding material is required. When ordinary lime mortars are used
ciently plastic condition should never be used. The proportions of lime to foc this class of work there is a tendency for excessive shrinkage to take place, and this
may cause cracks th rough which water m ay penetrate. Compo for such work may
aggregate range from I part lime to from 2 to 3! parts sand, a common mixture consist of I part cement: 4 parts lime : 12 parts sand.
being I : 3. These are excellent mortars for all purposes and afe particularly FIRE-RESISTANT MORTAR.--Ordinary Hme and cement mortars are unsuitable
suited for work below the ground level and in exposed positions. for setting firebricks or fireclay blocks used for lining furnaces, fireplaces, etc., as
they shrink considerably when subjected to heat. There are several proprietary
Eminently hydraulic lime mortars rank next to cement mortars as regards mortars specially produced for this class of work. A good fi le·resisting mortar
strength. They may be a cause of efflorescence (p . 13) owing to the presen~e consists of a mixture of I part ccment ·(preferabl y aluminous cement, see p. 25) to
of salts. 2 pa rts finely crushed firebri ck (p. 16).
Magnesian or Dolomitic Lime .iWortars (see p. 21) have a slow-setting action StTenr:th of Mortar.-Cement mortar produces the strongest brickwork,
and they should therefore be slaked for several hours before use. Their pro- non-hydraulic lime mortar walling is approximately half the strength of that
perties and uses are somewhat similar to those of hydraulic lime mortars. in cement mortar, and the strength of eminently hydraulic mortars is inter-
Hydrated Lirru (p. 21) should be reduced to a putty consistency by adding mediate between that of cement and non-hydraulic lime mortars. The strength
water and allowing it to stand (soak) for a day before being mixed with sand. of compo mortars depends a good deal upon the cement content and may be
BUick Mortars {see p. 26).- A usual proportion is I lime: 3 ashes or clinker very little less than cement mortar.
(mixed in the mill). They are hard-setting and are suitable for internal walls Cowur of Mortar .-Whilst the colour of the mortar is immaterial if the
and for brickwork and masor.ry where the colour is unimportant. brickwork is to be covered with plaster or roughcast, it is very important that
Cement Mortar {see Chap. I, Vol. I).- It is stronger than lime mortar and the colour shall suitably conform with that of the bricks when these are to be
is therefore uscd in the construction of piers and load-bearing walls; it is also used in the construction of faced work. The appearance of brickwork is often
usefully employed for work below ground level and for external walls in exposed spoilt through inadequate attention being paid to the colour and texture of the
positions on account of its impermeability. Cement mortar is now extensively jointing material, even when the bricks are expensive facings. The colour of
used during winter, as it is not so liable to damage by frost, owing to its relatively mortar is infiue!l(:ed by both the lime or cement and the aggregate, and in order
quick-setting property. It must be used immediately after mixing. Efflorescence to obtain the desired result it is sometimes essential to tryout different materials
may be caused, due to the presence in the cement of carbonates and sulphates of and proportions .
potash and soda (see p. 13). The usual composition is I cement: 3 sand; there
is nothing to be gained by using a richer (and more costly) mix than this. A The colour of lime mortar varies from white (when pure lime-po 20-is used) to
black (pr~eding column). Ordinary Portland cement mortar is grey in colour; whi te
dense cement mortar should not be used for bedding and jointing low-strength P<:ortland cement with a light·coloured sand pro-cluces white mortar; different shades
bricks (p. 26). can be obtained by using coloured cements (p. 25). Sand varies in colour from white
to dark brown or red . A yellow sand, mixed with grey lime, produces a satisfactory
Chemical additives are now available to improve the workability of mortar; c()louf for certain sand_faced brickwork.
these enable a coarser sand to be used and mixes leaner than 1 : 3 are practicable. Multi-coloured brickwork esp~ially is apt to be disfigured by iron stains. As
They are added to the water in the proportion of about 3 per cent and allow the this staining disappears after the brickwork has weathered, it is advisable to defer
the pointing of such brickwork .
mortar to entrain air bubbles giving increased plasticity. In masonry, and in order that the mortar shall hannonize with the stone, it is a
Cement-lime or Compo Mortars.- Compo is a mixture of lime, cement common practice to use crushed stone (p. 26) in lieu of sand. Thus, for Portland
and sand . It is usual to mix the time mortar as already explained , and then stone ashlar work the proportions recommended are 2 parts Ponland cement: 5
parts slaked lime : 7 to u part$ crushed Portland stone.
gauge (add to) this mixture with the necessary proportion of Portland cement
immediately before the mortar is required for use. Non-hydraulic, feebly Waterproofed Mortars...&.There are now available a large number of pro-
hydraulic and hydrated limes can be used for this class of mortar. The addition prietary substances, called waterproofers, which are mixed with mortars to
of the cement increases the hydraulicity of the mortar, besides increasing its render them impervious. They are marketed in the form of powders. pastes
strength, and the rate of hardening is therefore accelerated. This quality makes and liquids. Their object is to either fill the pores of the mortar or to line the
it a useful mortar to be employed in winter. Compo is more open textured than pores with a film of water-repellent material. Most of these, such as
"Cementone,"" Medusa,"" Pudlo" and" Sika," are only suitable for cement fire-resisting and durable qualities of blast-furnace cement (p. 2S) render this
mortars. & such mixtures must not be used after the initial set, it is necesq.ry a satisfactory matrix for reinforced concrete and marine work. High alumina
to apply the material without delay and in some cases within half an hour cement (p. 25), because of its high strength and rapid-hardening characteristics, is
of the addition of water. Unused partially set mortar ,must be discarded. especially suited 10.:1 a binding material for concrete used in structures which are to
The amount of waterproof added varin and should be in acxordance with the withstand high stresses and be speedily erected. Sulphate-resisting and super-
manufacturen' irutructionl. When in powder fonn, the mixture may consilt of sulphate (p. 2S) cements are for use in concrete placed insulphate bearing ground.
I part cement: a to 4 parts aand; a to 5 per cent. of the waterproofer; the required Some clay subsoils and those containing industrial waste attack normal p.c.
amount of the powder il added to and well incorporated with the cement before being
spread over the ..nd; the whole il then mixed dry before the water i. carefully added, 2. Fine Aggregate.~Acco"'ding to B.S. 882~Concrete Aggregates from
Ifter whieh it i, mixed to an even conliltency, When in the fonn of a paste, water Natural Sources, a fine aggregate (conforming to the Code of Practice" The
il added very gr1ldullly to the waterproofer in the UlIual proportion of I part paste to Structural Use of Concrete ") is one which mainly passes a test sieve having a
10 paru wlter whil.t being wellstirnd to reduce the solution to. unifonn consiltency;
the cement and $and are well mixed dry before the solution i, added, and then mixed 4'8 mm square mesh. Sand (p. 2S) is the chief material employed as a fine
wet to a workable condition. If in liquid fonn, it il utu.l to add I litre of the water_ aggregate, and both quarry and river sands are extensively used for this purpose.
proofer to every IS litres of waler: the cement and sand are mixed dry before this Sea sand is also used locally as an aggregate, chiefly because of its low cost; if
" gauging water" i. added and finally mi:o;ed wet.
Further reference to waterproofers i. made on p. 36. such sand is required for concrete which is to be exposed to view, it is advisable
Waterproofed cement is also used to make waterproof mortar. to eliminate as much as possible of the salt content by washing withfresn water,
otherwise efflorescence may be objectionable. Cleanliness and suitable grading,
already referred to, are essential requirements.
Concrete consists of a (1) matrix, (a) fine aggregate and (3) coarse aggregate 3. Coarse Aggregate.~This is classified as material which is mainly
thoroughly mixed with water. In general, a good concrete is required to be retained on a 4.8 mm meshed sieve. The maximum size varies; thus, for rein-
hard, strong, durable, dense, non-porous, fire resisting and economical, although forced concrete work it is usually 19 mm, and for mass concrete, as for founda-
for certain structures, such as internal partitions, strength and impermeability tions, it is generally 38 mm and may be 64 mm. The materials must be clean
are not necessary requirements where a porous concrete may be desirable on (to ensure the thorough adhesion of the cement and the development of the
account of its lightness and sound-insulning properties, The characteristics setting properties of the concrete), strong (to resist stresses), durable (to withstand
of concrete are influenced by the quality of the materials, grading of the alternate weather conditions of wetness and dryness, frost and thaw, etc.),
aggregates, proportioning, amount of water used, and workmanship. Ideally, suitably graded (for economy and the development of the strength and workability
the variation in the size of the aggregates (known as grading) should be such of the concrete), free from combustible material (to ensu re adequate fire-resistance)
that the fine aggregate will fit into the spaces between the coarse aggregate to and inert in the presence of water (otherwise disruption of the concrete may
leave a minimum percentage of voids to be filled by the matrix in cementing result by expansion and contraction movement). In addition, aggregate for
the whole mass together. Adequate grading is economical, as less cement is concrete floors and roads should be effective in resisting abrasion. Flaky and
needed when the aggregates are well graded. A mixture which is too rich in laminated material should be avoided.
cement may shrink excessively. It is most important to appreciate that the The following materials are used for coarse aggregate: (a) BrOken brick,
strength of mortar depends very largely upon the amount of water used in (b) broken stone, (e) gravel, (d) slag, (e) pumice, (f) breeze and clinker, (g)
relation to the cement; an e:tCesl of UHlt" results ill a cmuUkrabk redlUtibn ill foamed slag and (h) expanded slate. See also Jawdwt C07JCrett and fibTous
strength. (see p. 30). Just sufficient water should be added to make the mix wood cnnmt (Chap. I , Vol. III).
reasonably plastic and workable. (a) Broken Britk.~Old bricks from demolished buildings, etc., are broken
The expression" workable mixture" is applied to concrete of such con- for use as aggregate. This is a good aggregate, provided the bricks are not
sistency that it can be readily deposited in position in a uniform condition porous and are thoroughly cleaned, i.t., any lime and plaster must be removed.
. and rendered dense after a reasonable amount of punning (see p. 35). Soft and porous brick aggregate is particularly unsuited for reinforced concrete
Concrete when used bY'itself is k.nown as mass C(J1IDtte (used fOf foundations , work, as such admits air and moisture to cause corrosion of the steel; broken
certain flool'$, retaining walls, etc.); concrete reinforced with steel is called well-burnt brick aggregate makes a valuable concrete because of its strong,
reinforced c01IDtte. durable and fire-resistlhg qualities. Adherent lime and plaster afe very
I . Matri.ll.- The binding material used for most concretes is ordinary objectionable, as any calcium sulphate may cause expansion and diSintegration
Portland cement (pp. at to 24). Rapid-hardening cement (p. 24) is suitable of the concrete. Bricks having a high sulphur content are also unsuitable.
as a matrix for concrete atructures which have to be speedily constructed. The Broken brick aggregate should be well watered before being mixed to prevent
excessive absorption of the water used in mixing which may cause the concrete associated with cement. They may also have a large sulphur con~nt, which
to crack. will cause rapid and extensive corrosion of steel and the spalling off of the
(b) Brohm Stone is an excellent aggregate provided the stone is free from concrete. These are classified as " prohibited aggregates," are quite unsuitable
any undesirable mineral constituents and is not soft, porous, friable or laminated. for concreting, and they must not therefore be used for reinforced concrete work
Granites, sandstones and close.grained limestones are all suitable. The stone or for encasing beams, pillars, etc., in steel framed buildings. However, not all
is crushed and then screened. breeze and clinker are dangerous, and on account of cheapness and lightness,
There are several (onna of crushers, such IS the jaw, h.mmer, disc, gyratory aod much is used for internal concrete block or slab partitions (Chap, I, Vol. III).
roll types, which break up Is:ge blQ(:ks of the rock into smal! pieces. There are also (g) Foamed Sw.g, which somewhat resembles pumice, is produced from
$evenl types of screclU, moot of which have I vibnting action. In seruning, the b1ast-furnace slag by rapidly cooling the molten material with water. It is light
m.ateri.l is passed from the crusher by • bf:lt conveyor to the prim.ry Kreen, which
has a large (76 mm) mesh. The screened material is then pISsed successively through ir, weight owing to its cellular structure and is crushed and graded as required.
a series of Icreens of various sized meshes, i.c., 38, 19 and 4'8 mm. Thus, the It is very suitable for the manufacture of partition slabs (Chap. I, Vol. II I).
76-38 rum grade is retained On the 38 mm sieve lind pllned to the stock bin, thllt wtftch (h) Expanded Slate is another good lightweight aggregate which has not
passes through it is discharged on to the 19 mm sieve which separates the 38-19 rum
grade (discharged to 1I second stock hopper) lind allows the finer material to pass been extensively used, probably because its cost is higher than that of foamed
through on to the 4'8 mm sieve to be separated into 19-4'8 mm and finer grades. each slag. It is produced by heating waste slag to a high temperature until its
of which i. conveyed to a stock bin.
thickness is considerably inCreased. This light honeycombed material is then
(c) Gravel is another very good aggregate and is extensively used. It is crushed and graded.
hard and durable, and is obtained from river beds, the seashore, and inland Grading of Aggregates.-The importance of suitably grading the aggregates
deposits which are quarried. The gravel is excavated by hand labour or in order to obtain a concrete of good quality has been referred to on p. 28. It
mechanically. Clay is a common impurity and must therefore be removed by is therefore desirable that samples of the aggregate should be taken periodically
washing. Seashore gravel, if required for reinforced concrete, should also be and examined.
washed in fresh water so as to eliminate as much as possible of the salts. This Thcse samples should be reprcsenlative. and therefore ten are taken from diffeunt
is also known as ballast (see below). pans of the consignment. The,e are well mu:ed tOj!ether and a final test s;mlple
(d) Bilut-furnace Slag (p. 25) is a very uncertain material as a coarse obtained. Acwrding to C.P. 114. the aggreglles must eom?ly with B.S. 88:l, both
referred. to on p. :l8. lind they must be tested IS described in B.S. 8. :l- Methods for
aggregate. Some slags readily disintegrate and are quite unsuitable, whilst Slimpling and Testing of Mineral Aj!gregates (Slnds and fillers). The latter splits
others are inert and are cbmmonly used locally in producing concrete of good sands into four zones hiving dd'ferent degrees of finenns, wnn I to 3 IU suitable
quality. This is also referred to as .. ballast" in districts where it is used for uinforced concrete work. Samples are taken of the aggregates and passed
(.eo .1., (g)).
successively through a series of nine standard slevu. i.t., 3g'l, 19'1, 9'5, 4'8 mm,
NO.7 (2.4 mm square mesh), No. 14 (1 '2 mm mesh). NO.:lS (0·6 mm mesh), No. 52
Burnt Balilut is produced by burning clay in a kiln, and the slabs are then (0') mm mesh), and No. 100 (0'15 mm mesh). It will be observed that the size of
crushed and screened. It is a suitable material for coarse aggregate, provided opening of a sieve is double (or approximately .0) that of the next smalier 5ieve.
The aggugate refained on each sieve is then eaufully wdghed and the amount
it has been hard-burnt. Under-burnt ballast and that containing sulphur pISsed through each is expressed 1& a pereentaj!e.
(from the fuel) should not be used. The following figures shown in brackets au the limits of material passing through
(e) Pumice is a whitish or yellowish material of volcanic origin which is the sieves in respect to :lone I fine aggrej!ate; "'8 mm sie~ (90 to .00 per cent.).
NO·7 sicve (60 to 95 per cent.). No. 14 sieve (30 to 70 per cent.). No. is sieve {IS to
highly honeycombed. It was imported into this country, chiefty from Germany, 34 pu cent.). No. 5<1 (S to 20 per cent.) and No. 100 sIeve (0 to .0 per cent.).
and used as an aggregate for lightweight concTtte. This concrete, although The following are the limits of material passing through sieves in respect to
coarse aggregate of a specified size varyinJ~ from a maximum of 38 mm to II minimum
relatively weak, is, as its name implies, light and very suitable for partitions of 4'8 mm; 38 rum sieve (95 to .00 per CCflI.) 19' I sieve (30 to 70 per cent.). 9'S mm
(Chap, I, Vol. III), covering fiat roofs, encasing beams and pillars, and similar sieve (10 to)S per .cent.) and "'8 mm sieve (0 to 5 per cent.); for 19 to 4.8 mm coarse
purposes where strength is not important. Pumice is crushed. Dust and shaly aggregate. used in reinforced eoncrete work, the limits ne; '9·1 rum sieve (95 to
100 per cent.). 9'5 rum sieve (25 to SS per cenL) and 4'8 mm sieve (0 to 10 per cent.).
fragments should be removed. It does not contain sulphur and is inert.
(f) Bruxe and Clinlur are waste materials resulting from the burning of Not more than one-fifth and not less than one-twentieth of zone t sand of
coaL Breeze is obtained from gasworks and coke ovens j clinker is the mineral 4.8 mm maximum size should pass through a No. sz sie'/e; for zone 3 sand the
matter or uh from furnaces. These materials produced from certain coals, percentage passing the same sieve is 15 to 40. Unsuitable grading of the sand
especially when they contain small particles of the coal, are distinctly unsound is a frequent cause of defects in concrete, and the strength and workability of
and should be avoided. They have been responsible for a large number of the concrete depend a good deal upon the percentage of sand which passes
concrete failures owing to the considerable expansion which takes place when through a No. 52 sieve. Thus, an excess of thiS fine material ncoeuitates the
addition of an ~xctssjtJt amount of woltT during mixing and a dtcrtase In the after bemg Jev",lI",d off al Ih", top Ih", r",duced d"'pth of th'" sand i, measured. The
strength of concrete results, whilst a deficiency of fine material cause~ unwork- percentage of bulking equih
ability and harshness. The above D.S. 882 requires that not morc than 10 per Depth of box-depth of dry aggrell'3te x JOO.
cent. by weight of the sand (20 per cent. for crushed stone sands) shall pass Depth of dry aggregate
through a No. 100 sieve. Fine dust must be excluded from the aggregate. This method IS not readily applied in practice and is only resortcd to when speeially
called for .
For coarse aggregate of 19 rom maximum size, not morc than 55 per cent. and
not less than one-quarter should pass through a 9'S mm sieve. The bulking of sand does not present any practical difficulties when the
Thl' importance of correct grading cannot be over emphasized. The shape mixes are proportioned by weight. Coarse aggregates are not normally subjected
to the phenomelloll of uulkitog.
of the particles of aggregate influences the workability of the concrete. Thus,
concrete with crushed aggregate having sharp edges will require more water The Code of Practice for The Structural Use of ConcTete provides for two
than that made of rounded particles, and therefore the latter makes a stronger methods of determining the mix proportions of concrete :-(a) desig1led mixes
concrete for a given workability and is preferred to angular particles. The and (b) standard mixes.
particles should be compact and not Aat and elongated. (a) Designed mixes. In this metood the designer specifics the concrete
Proportioning Concrete.- The composition of concrete varies considerably, strength required and is free to select the proportions of the different materials
depending upon the specific requireme-nts in respect to strength, durability, to achieve this strength. The Code specifies a numbyr of normal grades of
impermeability, workability and economy, ~n addition to the quality and concrele having different characteristic cube strengths. The following Table I
characteristics of the materials. Thus, the proportions of materials for concrete gives three extracts from the Code; it will be noted that the grade number is the
required for a reinforced concrete beam will differ from those for a concrete value in N fmm! of the 28 day cube strength.
non.load.bearing internal partition or for site concrete.
Great care should be taken to determine the correct proportions of the
materials. Cement should always be specified by weight and it also good
Grade Specified eharaCleristic cube: strength in Nlmm' at
practice to express the proportions of the aggregates by weight. The Code of 28 days 7 days
Practice (sec below) require all materials to be weighed.
Sometimes the proportions of the aggregates are specified by \'olume; thus '0 '0 6.,
u·s 1<1'5 '5'0
the Building Regulations stipulate the site concrete shall ct'nsist of not less than ~7'5 37'S <16'0
50 kg of cement to every 0'1 m 2 of fine aggre~ate and 0'2 m 2 of coarse aggregate.
In practice, and during wet weather especial\y, it is difficult to obtain batches
of concrete which are uniform when the fine aggregate is measured by volume. By adopting designed mixes economy of materials is ohtained because the
This is due to the increase in volume, known as bulking, of the sand which required strength and workability for the construction in hand can be obTained .
occurs when it is in a moist condition. Experiments show that I m S of dry This is done by, prior to the start of construction, making 6 cubes (see p. 32)
sand will approximately increase to 1-2 m 3 if 3 per cent. of water is added from 4- separate batches of concrete (including one batch from full -sef>.·e ptOduc-
to it, and therefore there is actually less aggregate in I m 3 of moist sand than tion conditions). The actual materials to be used for the work arc weighed and
in the same volume of dry sand. If the water content increases to 4 per cent., the slump (see p. 32) of each batch measured. Three cubes from each batch arc
the volume will be increased by approximately i; as the moisture increases tested (see p. 32) at 7 days and 3 at 28 days. If the desired strength is not attained
beyond this percentage, the bulking gradually decreases, and when the sand the proportions are altered and the procedure repeated until attainment.
becomes submerged the volume of the inundated sand is the same as that when The concrete mix has to be designed to have a mean strength greater than the
dry. The finer sand, the greater the bulking. This bulking of moist sand required characteristic strength by a margin of between 1'64 times and twice the
should be allowed fOT; it is customary to assume thai the volume has increased standard deviation calculated on at least 40 separate batches but not less than
by 20 ~r cent., and therefore this amount of sand is added to the proportion of If3rd of the spe<:ified strength for grades of 15 and below and T 5 :sr l mm 2 for
fine aggregate when mixing. grades 22'5 and above.
The site procedure ta ensure quality control of the mix includes the following.
It is obvious that this is only an approximate correction. In wet weather, sand When the mix is first used on the site at least 40 cubes should be obtained (8
which has ~en deposited on a sile has a variable water content. When high-grade samples per day over a 5 day period). Thereafter samples should be obtained
concrete is required, the actual bulking may ~ obtained in the followmg manner:
A amall box is filled with the moil ' »nd. This sand i. dried, re!Utn",d to the bolli, and from about 4 % of the balches made wilh al least one sample per day.
(b) StamJard mixes. The Code gives a table of standard mixes wherein the TABLE III
weights (in kg) of cement and total aggregates are given for three sizes of aggre-
gate and for medium and high workability. Table II below is an extract from the Normal Mix",s M,xes with 30 per cent,
Code table for two grades of concrete using 19 mm maximum aggregate and Excess Water
med ium slump (see p. 32) of between 2S and 50 mm. The grade number should Mix Proportions ;n
W W Strength
give the z8-day cube strength in N Imm! of the mix. Slump Strength Slump Sm,ngth
A I: I: , 0'43 ..
mm (Nfmm )
34'9 0'5 6
23'4 33


cement 24~kg
aggregate lQOO kg
SBnd content 33-50%


cement Joo kg
aggregate 1900 kg
sand'eontent 35-50%
I : :1

I :
3 ,6






These figures illustTate the appr~ciable reduction in strength as a result of excess water
If grade IS concrete from this table is used with 35% sand content the
proportions of fine and coarse aggregate to f part of cement can be found thus: This relationship between the quantity of mixing water and amount of
cement in a concrcte mix is known as the fl.later-cement ratio, expressed as
35% of the total aggregate weight of 1900 kg=66S kg; leaving 1 235 kg of
coarse aggregate, The mix proportion is thus 300 : 665 : I 235 which is equiva- "-"---C
Vo' ,;" ( C-
- - either by volume, or by weight, or by the number of litres
lent tc I : 2'21 : 4'I2, The latter is a very common mix for reinforced concrete cmcnt
work which, given good quality control, could have a strerigth of about 20 of water per 50 kg (weight of a bag) of cement. Thus, if expressed by volume,
N Immt; i,e" about 25% in excess of the grade number value,
Tr.e laaer example shows that the use of standard mixes is not economical;
I m 3 of water per I m3 of cement equals a ratio of : = , I; if by weight, this
the proportions of materials in them are chosen to reduce the possibility of poor ratio becomes
concrete being produced, Standard mixes are intended for use on very small r 000 kg (weight of I m3 of water)
jobs where quality control by taking regular test cubes is not practicable, I +42 kg (weight of I m 3 of cement)'
It IS convenient for the student to have some idea of concrete proportions for
different classes of work, Thus, I : 3 : 6 is commonly used for strip foundations, if 26,85 lilres of water are used per So kg of cement, the ratio is
I : 2 : 4 makes a general purpose reinforced concrete as does I : I ~ ; 3, I: I : 2, 26,85 kg
having a high cement content, produces very strong impermeable concrete, ~=o,S4

Water,-The water used for mixing concrete is required to produce a \Vh'ilst in the laboratory the materials arc usually taken by weight, it is more
workable plastic mix, in addition to hydrating the cement, It must be clean convenient for practical purposes to specify the number of litres per So kg bag
and fresh, It is emphasized that the strength of concrete depends upon the W
quantity of water used in relation to the cement content, and an excess of wattr, of cement. Thee ratios and the corresponding strengths shown in Table III
howevn- slight, reduces the strength of the concrete,
dearly indicate that the strength of the concrete is lowered as a result of the
The follOWing tests were <;sTtied out in the Building l..aboratory of the Manchester additional water.
U:'liversity InStitute of SCience and Technology to demonstrate to students the It is not possible to state definitely the amount of water which should be
mlfked effect that .Ihe water content has upon the compressive stre ngth of concrete:
Three d,fferent m1xes of concrete were separately prepared, The mHlenals in mix used in a concrete mix, as this depends upon the desired workahility, amount
"A" were mLxed dry In the proportIon of 1 : [ : z. The cemem used was normal of water in the fine aggregatf and that absorbed by the coarse aggregate, An
Portland cement. The mix wllS divided and each half was separately mixed WIth approximate rule for finding the amount of water for concrete consisting of
wuer, one hBlfhavmg 30 per cent, more water added than the other, A 100 mm cube
(see p, p,) was then made from each half of each batch and tested for eomprtssion 1 The weight of I-cub, metre of cement depends upon its fineness; thus for normal
SttenRth at the cnd of twenty-eight days Mixes" B " and" C" were dealt with in Portland cement the weight is usually t8k~" as 1442 kgrm'; the finer ground rapid-
a 'imibr manner, the excess water added to on"'_half of uch mix being also 30 per hardening Portland cement may only weigh, 282 kg/m'. The volume of 50 kg of nonnal
cent, The following were the results:- P,C, is approx, 0'0341 m',
dry and non-porous aggregate is to take 28 per cent. of the weight of the cement may be taken as a general guide: For mass concrete and heavy reinforced
plus 4 per cent. of the weight of the aggregate. Thus, for a I ; 2 : ... mix requiring concrete structures the slump varies from 25 to 100 ~m. It may be necessary to
50 kg cement, 0'0696 m' sand (weighing 1602 kg/rn 3 ) and 0'14 rn s gravel increase the slump to 175 mm for columns, and for thin vertical arid confined
(weighing t 570 kg/m S). the number of litres of water equals: horizontal structures where adequate ramming of the concrete is not possible.
For concrete roads the maximum slump-should not exceed 25 mm in order that
28 the necessary strength and wearing qualities may be obtained. Whilst a 175 mm
(Cement) - x 50= 14 kg = 141itres
'00 slump is considered as a maximum for good quality mixes, it may be possible
to increase this figure to 200 mm for concrete which does not require a high
(S.nd) standard of strength. Concrete having a slump less than 50 mm must be well
consolidated when placed in position to avoid honeycombing or pore spaces
(Gravel) ...!.. x 0 '14 x 1570 = g·8 kg = 8·8 (see p. 35).
'00 Compacting Factor Test.- This is another test applied to concrete, but
it is only suitable for use in the' laboratory. It is related to the workability of
27'28 litres concrete, which is defined for this purpose as being the property which deter-
mines the amount of work required to compact or consolidate the concrete
Slump Test.- The best practical test for determining the desired work- completely. The compacting factor may be defined as a measure of the density
ability of concrete and the required amount of water is that known as the slump of a concrete achieved by a standard amount of work.
test. This is now universally adopted both on the site during the progress of
the work and in the laboratory. The apparatus simply consists of a metal mould, The apparatus used for this test consists of a frame which supports two truncated
conical hoppers, one above the other, with a space between. A cylindrical mould,
frustum of a cone in shape, with both ends open and provided with two handles; having a detachable bue, is placed below these hoppers. Each of the latter hu a
the dimensions are 305 mm high, 203 mm internal diameter at the bottom and hingcd baK which can be shot open.
102 mm internal diameter at the top (see G, Fig. 9). A 610 mm long metal rod, The upper hopper is completely filled with the concrete immediately afler mixing.
The hinged door is released to allow the contents to fall into the lower hopper. The
16 mm in diameter and bullet nosed, is also required. base of the laner is then opened and the concrete falls iNO the cylinder, completely
In carrying out the test, the mould is placed on a fiat surface which must bt filling it, the excess concrete being struck off level with the top. The compacting
factor is then calculated in the following manner; The weight of the container when
non-absorbent. It is filled with the freshly mixed concrete to a height of about empty is subtracted from that of the container when full, and this net weight of
75 mm; this is puddled to expel the air by applying twenty-five strokes of the rod. concrete is divided by th e weight of the concrete calculated from the known specific
The fiHing is completed in similar successive consolidated layers and the surface gravities of the cement, sand and coarse aggregate, in the correct proportions, required
to fill the cylinder without pore spaces. Thus, if the net weight of the concrete is
is struck off flush with the top by a trowel. The mould must be held firmly 3'56 kg and that of the contents of th e cylinder (when no voids sre left) is 3'79 kg,
as it is being filled, and to prevent movement it may be provided with two fiat
the compacting factor will be ~ =0'94. Experiments have shown that a com-
footpie<:es, attached near the base, upon which the operator stands. Immedi- f'79
pacting facto r of 0'95 reprC$f!nts a concrete mix of high workability, that of 0'9:1. a
ately it is full, the mould is carefully lifted fJtTljeully and placed on the mixing medium workability, and 0'85 a low workability.
surface adjacent to the concrete specimen , which will have subsided or slumped. This is a useful test for comparing Ihe workability of different mixes of concrete.
The lmOl'nt of settlement. which varies according to the water content, is Each specimen is brought to a standud condition (when deposited from the upper
10 Ihe lower hopper) and is subjected to a standard amount of work when it falls into
measured in mm by placing a rule across the top of the mould and measuring the cylinder.
the height that its lower edge is above the tOp of the concrete. Thus, at H, Fig. 9,
a 75 mm slump is indicated. CODlpres.sion TeRt.-The quality of concrete is generally assessed by ils
This is an excellent practical test, as it is simple and takes little time to crushing strength. This strength is determined by testing suitably prepared
carry out on the job. By its use it is possible to reasonably control and obtain specimens of the concrete in a compression machine.
a uniform consistency of the concrete. It is important to note that the slump
The fonn of standard test specimen favoured in this country is the 150 mm cube.
wiJI be affected if the cement and aggregates are .changed, and therefore any This and Ihe slilhdard method of testing are sp~cified in the B.S. 188t, Methods of
such change of materials will necessitate preliminary trial tests to see if any T~ting Concrete. The cement and fine aggre~ile, in correct proportiOn!, are first
alteration in the slump is necessary. A slump test is taken daily to check Ihe mixed dry unul I umfonnly CQloured mixture IS obtained; the CQarse aggregate IS
added and we ll mixed; the correct amount of waler II Ihe n Idded and the compOS1t10n
consistency (or condition of wetness) of the concrete used for first-class work. mixed for at least two minutes. The concrele ;$ tested for consistency by the Ilump
The alump values vary with different classes of work and the following test, described above, Ind Ifter re-mixing it is placed in a st«1 mould of t So mm by



Q p
SCALE --t_..!4
(~ ;:!

A 0 (. PLATE ·~·~-+~~rnr
~ l-J /
--:::::::=- . " eASE !2..
;" SPLIT I02MM INT. DIA::---1E~-'---:;-;-t
r'~f~:"':MOULD ".,..,be- SECTION THW' ~~===::J~",-;::,~
.•... '.; A CONCJU:;'T,~E'Wlt.i ..
.... AlRALLEL WHEN • , 'H".
F CLOSED , . ~.
,. . 17'..
. ~-,



I so mm by 150 mm internal dimensions. The mould has • steel bue plate attached The specimens referred to in Table III, p. 31 were tested in a 10000 N
and both Ihi, and the ;nlnnal fates of the mould mUSI be well oiled before filling to
make the joint wau:rcighl, prevenl stickin,ll of the concrete and facilillte the removal of machine. The following results of tests, which may be considered as typical,
the cube WIthout damage. The concrete is placed in the mould in thru layers of show how the strength of concrete, ha\'ing a 50 mm slump, increases with age ; -
approximately equal thickness, each layer being separately tamped 35 timcs if the
slump is 38 mm or less (or a5 strokes for welter mixes) with a 380 mm by as mm by
lS mm steel bar wo:ighinj{ 1"8 kg. after which the surface is carefully smoothed level with TABLE IV
• trowd flush with the top of the mould. Th e mould is then stored in a damp cabinet
for twenty-four hours, after which the Cantrell! cube IS removed from the mould, Compressil'e Strength (N/mm')
marked, and either immersed In water contained in a lank or buned in damp sand NomiTlal
until the cube is ready for le~tinll:. This protection of the cube, called {''''TIl(, is Type of Cement
necessary to prevent cvaporatiOTl of the watH and to provide a favourable condition
, Mile
3 Days 7 Days 28 Days J Months I
for selling and hardeniTlg of the concrete. Thc strength of the concrcte is usually
taken .11 either founeen Or tweTlly-eighl days after it has been mixed; occasionally Ordinary PortlaTld 9'65 26·8

'7'~ JJ 45
early date Slr1!ngths are taken .11 three and seven days, and sometImes the streni!ths at
three months and one year are required. Rapid-hardeninJ! p, , : z: -+ "'2 ~"'I H'" )' 48 '2
Test cubes prepared on thc site durinl( thc pr0.llress of the work are kept damp
for twenty_four hours and Ihen r~moved from their moulds. After heing marked
to distini!ulsh them, they arc car~futty packed in a wood 00", encased in damp sand
Hi~h Alumina .. 8'% ., 55 No .appreciable
or sacking and dispatched 10 the laoornlOry where they Ire kept damp until required
for testing.
One type of compression testing machine, manufactuted by Messrs J. A, Amsler,
and of 500 000 N capacity, is shown at E, Fii!. 9. The concrete specimen is placed on Concrele_~1t is most important that the materials shall be
the lower compression plate B Ittlched 10 the rim or piston which opernles within
the press cylinder. The upper compression pl .. te" is conTlected by m eans of a batl- thoroughly mixed in correct proportion. The mixing should be continued until
and -socket joint to the large screw which is operated by the hand Ilheel w. The the concrete is of a uniform colour and consistency. Concrete is either (I)
screw is adjusted to lowe r the plate" tightly on to the top of the specimen. Brackels hand-mixed or (2) machine-mixed.
at the right-haTld side support th~ oil pump, subsidiary cylinder x with small pinon,
pressure gauge and spiral spring. Oil is conveyed by a pipe to the pump from a ~$Crvoir I. Hand-mixing.- This method is sometimes adopted on small jobs. The
fixed to the back of the machiTle; the pump is connected to the press cylinder by an mixing should never be carried out on the bare ground, as this results in the
oil pipe, and a branch (not shown) from this pipe is connected to the subsidiary
cyliTlder x. materials being contaminated by the earth which is scraped up, It should be
After plate" has beeTl tighteTled down and vah'c u closed, the pump is operated done on a proper close-boarded platform or staging, 2'75 or 3 m square, preferably
by raisiTlg and 10wenTlR the 915 mm long lever by haTld, This forces the oil .loni! the made of t. and g. floor boards fixed to fi\'e lengths of 100 mm by 50 mm battens.
pipe (see arrow" 1 ") into the press cylinder to exert pressure on the underside The joints of the hoards must he close to prevent the escape of liquid grout.
of thc ram. The latter and pl .. te 3 gradually rise (see arrow" z ") to press the
specimen against the stationary plate A. MeaTlwhile Ihe oil forced aloTlR the branch Sometimes the boards are protected by a covering of sheet iron or zinc plate, and
pipe to cylinder x p~S$CS the pilloTl down"'ards (see arrow" 3 ") and this extends a raised kerb round three of the sides is provided, The platform should be quite
the spi",l spring. This extenSIOTl of the spriTlg is t",nsmilled to the indicatiTl!! hand

or pointer on the gau~e by a steel riboon tape which is fixed at y and passed round a level to pre\'ent the water from draining off, and it should be placed conveniently
pulley fixed to the spiTldle of Ihe pointer and weighted at v. Th,s causes the pomler near to the place at which the concrete is to be deposited. A water point is
to rotate round the dial, the scale on which is calibrated to Rive direct load readiTlgs. brought near to the platform. \
The pump is operated aTld the oil prcssure iTlcreased, UTlti! the specimen i$ crushed.
When this occurs the indicat inR hand RT"3dually returns to zero, but a loose pointer, Careful measurement (by weighing) of the materials is essential for good
which the hand eTlga~es as it rotates duriTlg the test, remains to reguter the hlRhest quality concrete.
point reached when the specimen failed. The figure, e"pressed in kg, is divided by After proportioning the materials 3re mixed at least" twice dry and twice
the area of the cross-section of the specimeTl to give the crushing strenRth of the
concrete in kg per mm'; if this value is mUltiplied by 9'8 the stress iTl N/mm" is wet." Usually two men, one on each side of the heap, shovel the heap to one
obtained. The specimeTl is removed by openiTlg valve u aTld reversing the haTld side, turning and sprinkling the materials in the process. This operation is
wheel w; this rehevcs the pressure OTI the prCS$ cylinder and the weight of the ram
forcC5 thc oil from the cylinder to the reservoir. repeated, the heap being thrown back to its original position. If necessary the
Very !ittle effort is required to hand-operate Ihis machiTle aTld the time takeTl materials arc again turned Over until the colour is uniform, free from streaks of
to cany out the test 11 approximately two minutes, dtpeTlding upoTl the strength of brown and grey. Water is then added. Only the correct amount of water
the cube (about 15 N'mm' per min.), \'ary ing with the nature of the work and materials, and probably determined
For telliTlR specimcns requirinR comparatively small pressures to crush them
(such as timber), the spring OTI the 500 000 N machine is replaced by a lighter one and from a slump test (see p. 3,j), must ~e used, It may be measured by a bucket of
the dial is lubstituted by one reading to 200 000 N. This type of machine is also made known capacity. The water should not be thrown on to the heap from the
having . C8pacity of2 MN. This larger machine is Tlccenary wheTl ISO mm concrete bucket, as this washes the cement from the aggregate, but rather sprinkled
cubes have to be telted, as a 500 000 N m.chiTle will only tCSt tOO mm cubes at
tweTlty-eight days. on by means of a watering-can, having a rosehead. and which is filled from tho>:

measured pails. Usually a third man adds the water whilst the other two attend also receive the cement. The mllerial. from the hoppers pus into the mixinR drums,
to the mixing and turn over the heap at least twice, as above described, until a water ;5 automatically added, snd, Ifter bein~ mixed, the concrete is dep<niled inlo
truck. and transported on rails to the required part of Ihe site, where it is deposited.
uniform consistency is obtained. Central hatching plsnts are now being used to bitch the male rials and di$Char~e
An alternative method of mixing is to spread the measured sand in a layer them into mixinR lrucks which perform Ihe actual mixing in course of transit from
the plant to the job.
of even thickness on the platform, the cement is distributed over this, both are
mixed together until the colour is uniform, the coarse aggregate is thrown over ' Placing CODcrete.~Concrete should be placed in position as soon as
the mixture which is turned over at least twice. Water is added and the whole possible and before setting has commenced. For short distances the concrete
again turned over two or three tirr,es. is usualJy shovelled from the mixing platform or discharged from the mixing
2. MtUhirle-mixing.-Concrete is now chiefly produced by mechanical mixing drum into watertight steel wheelbarrows or handcarts and conveyed to the place
except where only small quantities arc required. Machine-mixing is faster and of deposition. In order that the effect of the mixing will not be nullified.
cheaper than hand-mixing, and it generally produces a more thorough mix concrete must be carefully plact;d and not thrown from :\ height, otherwise its
having additional strength. 1 There are two groups of mixers, i.t., (a) batch consistence becomes non-uniform t>y the . separation of the heavier from the
mixers and (b) continuous mixers . lighter particles. Concrete required for upper floors is hoisted by means of a
(a) Batch Mixers, which are portable, include the (i) tilting drum and (ii) barToU'-I,!t (pulley block and tackle, attached to the scaffolding, for lifting the
closed drum types. Each is usually driven by either a petrol or oil engine or an full barrows) or concrete-hoist (large hoppers containing the concrete are lifted
electric motor. to any desired height, the apparatus resembling the ordinary passenger· lift).
(i) The tilting drum mixtr (see line diagram }, Fig. 23) consists of a hopper
The placinR of concrete on a large ICJIle may sbo be effected either by tippin~­
and mixing drum. Correct quantities of cement and aggregates are loaded into trucks, towers or by pumping. Tipping-trucks, as already expllined, run upon nils
the hopper, which is raised to discharge the materials into the drum. The coarse laid round the site and convey the concrete where required. A lower rna)· reach a
aggregate is first placed in the hopper, followed by the sand and the cement. Rreat height; a mechanicll minr is placed It the bottom, and Ihis feeds concrele
into large receptacles which Ire hoisted to Ihe top of the tower where the concrete
The capacity of the drum varies considerably, one of 0'3/0'2 m' being useful is pISsed down inclined shoots and deposited where required. Pumping concrete
for average work; the first number indicating the capacity (in cubic metres) has been proved effective on luge jobs where contested conditions prevenl the
of unmixed materials and the latter number that of the wet concrete produced. placing of the mixture on the sile; I pump forees Ihe mixed concrete throuVh a steel
pipe 100 to 150 mm in diameter, to the place of deposition; concrele has been
The correct amount of mixing water is discharged into the drum from an auto· delivered in this manner 10 a height exceeding 30 m and for I horizontal dillinee of
matic tank fixed above it. Projecting metal baffle blades fixed to the inside of approximslely 300 m.
the drum assist in the distribution of the materials as they impinge against them Compacting Concrete.-Concrete after being placed in position should
whilst the drum is revolving. The period of mixing, which may be controlled be well TatfmUd or punned or tamped to consolidate it. This is done either by
automatically, should not be less than one minute and not more than two hand or mechanically. Two forms of rammers are shown at f and G, Fig. 23;
minutes after all of the materials have been added. The strength of the con· these may be used for mass concrete. Metal pummels, similar to G, of various
crete is not materially increased if the latter period is prolonged; excessive sizes are employed for consolidating the concrete round the steel bars in reinforced
mixing produces an undesirable stiffening up of the concrete. When mixing concrete structures. For mass concrete work the concrete is laid in layers not
has been completed, the drum is rotated vertically to discharge the concrete. exceeding 300 mm thick, and each layer must be compacted before the next is
(ii) The closed drum mixtr has a hopper, a mixing drum which rotates on a spread. For reinforced work the concrete should be deposited in successive
horizontal axis, and a steel chute which is inserted into the drum after the mixing layers not exceeding I So mm in thickness, and these must be rammed in turn.
has been completed and down which the concrete is discharged. A I6 mm rod is useful for ramming (or" rodding ") concrete and expelling the
(b) Continuous Mixers.- These are used on large engineering jobs. The air (see also p. 32).
aggregate, cement and water are mechanically measured and fed into the mixer For concrete work on a large scale, hand·compacting methods arc being
from which the concrete is continuously discharged. replaced by mechanical means. The concrete is consolidated by vibration, the
vibrators being operated by compressed air or electricity. One form, called a
Centnll Miltin• •-ln connection _wilh large contncts, a cenlral balChing and
mixing planl il oflen inualled on Ihe $,Ie. This may con.i" or large elev"ed storage sur/au vibrator, consists of a-.flat plate which is placed on the surface of the
bins, below which Ire hoppera Ind mixinR drums. The aggregate is conveyed to the concrete, a vib{ating appliance is attached, and this transmits rapid shocks or
stonge bina Ind these feed the measurinR hoppera below .. required; the hoppe,. vibrations to the concrete which is consolidated as the plate is moved slowly
I In the Code of Pf"Ktice for The Structural UR of Concn=te <_ p. 28) it is stipu- over the surface. Another is the poker vibrator consisting of a needle, -;60 mm
lated that concrete ahould be mcc:hani<¥lly mixed. long (or a fork. with four prongs), which penetrates the concrete as the app!iance,
held by both hands at the head, vibrates and consolidates. External vibrators When in liquid form, thc waterproofer is usually in the proportion of I litre
are adopted for vibrating reinforced concrete work. The vibrators are clamped of the liquid to Islit~es of the mixing water Jste pp. 27 and 56).
to the formwork (temporary wood framing used to support the concrete until Certain of thc v.-aterproofers arc just finely ground chalk, talc and iron
it hardens.) These transmit shocks (some q 000 per minute) through the filings which reduce the voids in the concrete. Others are chemically active,
formwork to the concrete and consolidation results. such >as sulphate and sodium carbonate,
Vibrated concrete is denser than that which is hand-compacted , and it is Waterproofed concrete can also be obtained by using waterproofed cement
therefore more impervious and weather-resistant. (p. 28), this is the most usual way of prepannR large quantities.
Curing Concrete.- The water milS! not be allowed to evaporate from the
concrete, and the longer the concrete is kept moist, the more effecti\'c will be
the chemical comhination of the cement with the water. The rapid drying out
of the water considerably reduces the strength of the concrete. The concrete Students should revise the principles of bonding ~tated in Chap. I, Vol. I.
should therefore he co\'ered o\'er immediately it has been consolidated. A laver The structural design of hrick walls is giveu in Chap. 1\', \'01. IY.
of sand or sacking, upon which water is ~prinklcd each day fora week : IS Squint Junctions.-~Iost junctions belwecn \\alls are right-angkd, as
effective. Surface bituminous coatings art: sometimes applied to prevent descrihed in Chap. I, Yo1. t, and squint or obliquc junctions are not oftcn
cvaporation, the liquid heinR sprayed on the concrete, called for.
Frost can do considerable damage to concrete hefore it has hardened, and Fig. 10 shows some typical examples of squint junctions. Those at A, H, C
once it has frozen it does not increase in strength. As a protection against frost, and D show English hond and the remainder are in double Flemish hond
the concrete should he at once covered over with sacks, tarpaulins, straw, saw- Details A and B show alternate o.;ourses ur liS mill and 3Z7 5 mm 3(luint walls
dust, etc. Can\'as screens assist in protecting concrete from cold winds, and in connectcd at an angle of 45 0 to a 327', mm wall, and those at C and n indi.cate an
~evere weather the covering of windows affords a partial protection to internal angle of 60 0 between the walls. It should be notcd in each case that (I) the
concrete work in buildings in course of construction. heading course of the squint wall is bonded into the stretchin~ COl]fSe of the
Waterproofed Concrete. Tht: production in a laooratory of concrete main wall, (2) the alternate stretch ing course of tbe squint I\'all hutts against
which is practically waterproof is ,\ relatil"t:ly simple mailer when clcan, well the heading course of the main wall and (3) the first brick al J in thIS stre:ching
graded and best lJuality materials, properly proportioned, art: thoroughly mixed course is a three-qurter bevelled bat. For comparative purposes and con-
with the correct amount of water undcr ideal conditions. In practice, however, venience in setting-out, the angle between the walls in each detail has becn made
where the conditions are less favourable, impeTlious concrete is not readily to coincide at 1 with the continuous transverse joint of the main waiL In practiCe,
produced, and unlt..-ss Ihe various factors which tend to the production of good both the' position and magnitude of this angle vary.
quality concrete are rigidly controlled, it will be IIlterspcrsed with \'oids to The double Flemish details at F. to H show similar angles and thickness of
such an extent as to render the product porous. Where the concrcle is required walls. It will be observed that, for cOIl\'enience, the Ib<) mm bevelled bat in
to be impervious, it is now a cnmmon practice to usc admiXTures, known as each of the squint walls coincides With the through tranSI"CTse joint of the main
wll.lcrproofcrs, which will ha\'c the effect of reducing the void space. Reference wall at J, and the first bonding hrick in the alternate course of each sq'lint wall is
has been made to waterproofers on p. 27. The powder, paste and lilluid forms a header on face.
arc used for waterproofing concrete. The amount of waterproofer added to the In this class of work the amount of cutting necessary to al'oid continuous
concrete varies, but if in powdered form the usual proportion is 1'5 kg of the vertical joints should be kept to a minimum, the cut bricks should be as
powder to 50 kg of cement. When hand-mixed, the concrete is prepared by large as possible, and awkward shapes of bricks difficult to cut should be
adding the required amount of the waterproofer to the cement and thoroughly restricted.
miring them. If the concrete is machine-mixed, it is recommended that approxi- Squint Quoins.- The description of the more usual right-angled or square
mately half of the coarse aggregate, sand and cement are charged in this sequence quoins in Chap. I, \'01. t, should be referred to when considering squint
into the hopper, all of the waterproofer is then spread ovef the cement, followed quoins. The latter are of two forms, i,e., (a) obtuse and (b) acute squint quoins.
by the rest of the cement, sand and aggregate; these are placed into the drum, (a) Obtuse Squint QuoinJ.- These are formed when two walls meet at an
which is rotated for about one-quarter of a minute before the measured amount internal angle greater than- 90°, such as at a bay window (see 0, Fig. II) and
of water is added and the mixing is completed. The general proportion of pallte splay-corners of buildings adjoining streets. Typical examples are shown at
waterproofer is 3% by wcight of the cement, the paste being dissolved in the A, B, C, 0 and E. Conforming to the general rule, the closer appears next to the
mixing water before the latter is added to the ccment, sand and coarse aggregate. quoin header, whi("h latter is often less than 1I2'S mm on face. It should be

5 o u N T J U N c T o N $
N G l s H o N

D 0 U B l E f l E M s H o N D


SEE flG.5. VOl.1 FO"


o B T u s E s a u N T a o N 5



~ ~

• E

" Jl S" a u N T a 0



, I
PU~HMDE MIa\, ,,>--< ,,>--< ru!\fOS.E~ MICK m----l
, 3·1,.
' I



noted that, in each case, the combined width of the header and closer is S6 mm of standard bricks which require little cutting and which cut surfaces are not
less than the quoin stretcher. Thus, the alternate courses at A show the stretcher exposed.
face to be 16<) mm; therefore the return header, together with the closer, is The above are only a few examples of squint quoins. There are a number
16<J-S6=113 mm; as the header is 79 mm, the closer is 113 - 79 =34 mm as of alternatives. The aim should be to obtain the maximum lap with the minimum
shown. Joints which appear at the internal angles should be lapped as much of cutting. Whilst the correct face appearance is not necessary if the walls are
as possible at successive courses. In this connection stability would be increased to be plastered, the principles of sound bonding should be observed and con-
at the internal angle at A if purpose~made bricks Q and R (shown shaded) were tinuous straight joints avoided.
used, as these would eliminate the 112'5 mm wide mitred joints at the angle. Piers.- Further examples of piers i!!ustrated in Fig. 7, Vol. I, are shown at
For faced work it is now general to employ purpose-mades for the quoin I, K, Land M, Fig. 12. The alternative plans of detached squint piers (J and K)
bricks, and most of the larger manufacturers stock special bricks, such as A, B, C, 0 are typical of those required in the construction of. bay windows. The number
and j, Fig. 5, for this purpose. A much better appearance is thus obtained than of joints could be reduced, and greater strength therefore obtained, if purpose-
when ordinary standard bricks are cut to shape. In the absence of purpose-made mades were used instead of cut standard bricks.
bricks, wire-cuts only should be shaped, as those with frogs produce ugly joints An example of a detached octagonal pier is shown by plans of alternative
if the margins are removed. courses at L, and an attached octagonal pier is detailed at ~l. Other polygonal
(b) Acute Squint Quoins are rarely employed. They are necessary at corners of forms, especia!!y the hexagonal, are sometimes preferred. These may be con-
buildings abutting on streets which meet at an internal angle less than 90°. A few structed of standard bricks, cut to shape as required, hut a better appearance
typical examples are detailed in Fig. I I, those at F, G, II and N showing alternate is, of course, obtained if purpose-made bricks arc med. Two further examples
courses in English bond and those at ], K, L, M and P indicating alternate of detached piers arc shown at R, Fig. 24 (see p. 6-t).
courses in double Flemish bond. In each case the rules of bonding
which influence the face appearance have been complied with (see Chap. i, CAVITY OR HOLLOW WALLS
Vol. I). This type of construction is now very common and, for the rea~ons stated
Several expedients are sometimes adopted to dispense with the sharp arrises at on pp. 42 and 43, is generally preferred to solid wall construction for many types
very acute quoins, as such arc readily damaged, difficult to cut (if standard bricks of buildings, especially houses. Ca\·ity walls arc detailed in Figs. 13 and q.
are used) and may cause injury to persons coming in contact with them . Thus, A cavity wall is usually an external wa!!, although it is sometimes adopted
at F and J the corner is removed (or, preferably, purposely moulded to the shape internally because of its good sound-resisting quality (see Chap. I, Yo1. Ill ).
shown) and bull noses are shown at G and K. A simple and effective alternative It consists of two separate walls 1, known as !emil's or skins, of brickwork, having a
is shown at Nand P. where a bird's-mouthed appearance is obtained by the use cavity between, and connected together by metal tlts. This double wall is
generally 265 or 275 mm thick. consisting of 102·5 mm inner and outer leaves
P I E R S and a 60 or iO mm cavity (see A, Q and 1', Fig. 13). Such a wall is adequate for

DETACHED ATTACHED a two-storied building of the domestic type. The inner leaf is increased 10
215 mm or more in thickness when heavicr floor, etc., loads have to be supported

~TdJ?Z ~I I (see J, Fig. 13 2 ). For stone-faced buildings, the doublc wall may consist of a
cavity between a 103 to 206 mm stone outer leaf and a 102·5 mm or tbicker brick

~ r- inner leaf (see p. 44).
The width of the cavity varies from So to 75 mm. the former being the mini-

M" '< !-Ut mum and the latter the maximum width specified in the Building Regulations
~ Ties.-These must be sufficiently strong for the purpose, he non-corrodible
"or IH )21 .., and so shaped that water from the outer leaf wil] not pa~s along them to the
wmtSb ....
<><US ,,,'"
M1lt lll ..... I I I inner leaf. The metal ties are usually of mild sted, and these should be thorough-

ly galvanized or dipped in hot tar and sanded to protect them from rust. Either
bJ Ii
'0 vY copper or bronze or similar d~rable and highly corrosive-resistant metal ties
should be selected for important buildings and those near the sea.
1 An alternative type of cavity wall lS that built "'ith V_hricks, see p. 17 and Fil'(. 5
FIGURE 12 • See also J, Nand R, Fig. 7, Vol. III.
Three types of cavity ties which arc made of any of these metals arc shown on the internal face of the wall. See note at J, which shows the detail at the foot
at F, C and II, Fig. 13- The wire tie at F is commonly used, and, provided it is of of a 387 mm cavity wall. The lower portion of the cavity when continued to
sufficient thickness, is a useful type; the ends, which are twisted together and the concrete bed is sometimes filled with I : 2 : 4 concrete, the coarse aggregate
turned downwards, cause any water traveHing along the tie from the outer leaf being not more than 19 mm gauge. The top of this concrete should be at least
to drip into the cavity (see J) dear of the inner leaf; in addition, 11rge accumula- ISO rom below the damp proof course and not as shown at F, Fig. 14, otherwise
tions of mortar droppings, which are a frequent cause of dampness (see adjoin- mortar droppings (see below) will accumulate through which water may be
ing column), do not readily lodge on the ties as the wire is comparatively transmitted in the direction of the thick broken arrow to cause dampness and
thin. The wire should not be less than 3'2 mm thick; lighter ties, 2'7 mm possibly dry-rot.
ate used for cheap work only. A similar pattern, of narrow flat bar section The position of the damp proof course is as for solid walls, i.e., at least
with twisted ends, is shown at H, and is a good type. The flat bar tie shown at G, t 50 mm above the ground level. This must not extend across the cavity for the
having forked ends and twisted in the middle, has been used for many years, and reason stated below, and each leaf must therefore be provided with a separate
affords a stiff and darable connection. damp proof course.
According to the Building Regulations, these ties must he placed at distances For cavity wall construction to be effec;tive, it is essential that the inner wall
apart not exceeding 900 mm horizontally and 450 mm vertically. The ties are shall be entirely disconnected (except for the cavity ties) from the outer leaf.
staggered and the distribution is as shown at E. Ties must be placed at Where this is not possible, as at door and window openings, special precautions
300 mm vertical intervals at all angles and door and window jambs to increase have to be taken, as stated below. If the cavity is bridged by a porous material,
stability (see Q and L, Fig. 13; E, Fig. II; and D, Fig. 15). water may penetrate and cause dampness on the inner face of the wall. Hence
Construction.- A cavity wall is ofleil. built with the outer leaf of facing it is important that during construction mortar shall not be allowed to drop
bricks and the' inner leaf of commons. :--':0 difficulty arises if the facings are and lodge upon the ties (see 1:, fig. 14)' In order to maintain a clean cavity,
thinner than the commons, as the ties are placed at vertical intervals (not a wood batten should be employed of a thickness slightly Jess than the width
exceeding 450 mm) where the bed joints of both leaves coincide. The 102'5 mm of the cavity and with a piece of cord attached to each end. This is supported
leaves are commonly constructed in stretching bond. As this has a very upon the ties, raised as Ihe work proceeds, and any inlercepted mortar and
unattractive appearance, the monotony is sometimes relieved by construct- brick chippings removed. Temporary openings should be left at the bottom
ing the external leaf with a row of snap headers (half bricks) to three or five of the cavity to afford access for the removal of droppings on completion of the
rows of stretchers (known as English Garden Wall Bond, see A, Fig. 18). Alterna- wall. Similar gaps should be left at intervals up quoins and jambs through
tively, the outer leaf may be built in Flemish bond or Finnish Garden Wall which a lath may be passed to dislodge any deposit on the ties. Another effective
Bond, shown at Y, Fig. 18, and A, Fig. 49, snap headers and not whole bricks' method is to Rush the wholt: cavity with water, a hose pipe being used from the
being used as required. The cut surfaces of these snap headers should be top of the wall for the purpose of dislodging any mortar and washing it to the
flush with the internal face of the outer leaf. base, from which it is removed through the u:mporary gaps. Neglect of this
Two methods of constructing the base of the wall are shown at A and P, precaution is a frequmt cause of dampness in cavity walls.
Fig. 13. Brick footings are rarely employed. j\'lethod A, showing the cavity The reason why the cavity should extend below the damp proof course,
extending down to the concrete foundation, is common. This has one possible and for the latter to be in separate widths, will now be appreciated. If the
defect, namely, if the brickwork below the ground level is not soundly con- bottom of the cavity is level with the damp proof course, or if the latter is the
structed, especially if the site is water-logged, water may pass through any full width of the wall, water may be conducted to the inner leaf through
open joints, collect in the cavity and escape through open joints in the inner accumulated mortar droppings. and produce damp and unhealthy conditions.
leaf, to cause dampness below the floor by spreading over the site concrete. A Alternative details at Ihe eaves are shown at A, Band P. That at A is sound
sounder method, and one which is advocated, is that shown at J and r, where as the solid portion of wall al the top distributes the weight of the roof over
the bottom of the cavity is ISO to 300 mm below the damp proof course. Rain- both leaves and the overhanging eaves prevents the transmission of moisture
water gaining access to the cavity through the outer leaf will stream down the through this solid wall. This is a better detail than that at 1', which shows the
inner face of this leaf. This should be prevented from accumulating at the base roof supported chiefly by the inner leaf. Detail 11 shows sound construction.
by providing narrow outlets or weep-holes in the course immediately below the Special precautions should 'be taken 10 prevent dampness at parapet walls.
damp proof course in the outer leaf, each third or fourth vertical joint between Defective construction is shown at A, Fig. t4, where water may be transmitted
the stretchers being left open and not filled with mortar, otherwise the water through the 215 mm solid parapet wall in the direction of the thick broken arrow
may penetrate the brickwork above the damp proof course and caus.e dampness to cause dampness and possible defect of the roof timbers. The cavity should

_ _ 900


.- t

• •



.m I
4_ DIA. COPPE~ 011.
GAlQ W. Ir..ON WII'i
W. I~J.T{






i i 1000 ZO!I()! i i !PO 109
SCALf FOil. A, E, P t Q

FrcuRE 13
be extended to the coping. An example of defective construction associated porous stone: and are in direct contact with the brick backing (sec c, Fig. 14).
with a flat roof is shown at D, Fig. 14. The cavity should have been conlinucd An effective preventive is to hreak contact by rr.eans of a lead or asphalt felt
to the coping, or, alternatively. eith~r:l lead or asphalt felt damp proof course covering as shown by broken lines, or hy continumg the cavity (even if reduced
should have been inserted above the cavity where indicated. It is always advis- in width) to the wood sill or window board. The ends of stone or terra-cotta
able to continue the asphalt roof covering (or lead flashing) for the full thickness sills should be notched with the back flush with the inner face of the outer leaf,
of the wall to prevent the penetration of water through defective coping joints otherwise rain may penetrate through mortar droppings which may lodge on
or porous stone or brickwork. the projecting ends.
In the absence of adequate precautions dampness will readily occur round If a lean-to or flat roof of a lower building adjoins a cavity wall the usual
door and window openings. An example of unsound construction, commonly lead cover flashing should be continued for the full thickness of the outer leaf
adopted, is shown at K, Fig. 13, where water may penetrate in the direction of and be stepped up to Ihe inner leaf. A few weep-holes should also be left in
the thick broken arrow through the solid jamb. A damp-resisting material should the <;ouTse of the outer leaf above the flashing. Similarly, when a pitched roof
be provided as shown at 1.1 and o. The former detail shows a double layer of abu(~ against a higher cavity wall, the stepped cover flashings at the intersection
slates, bedded in cement, the outer layer projecting in a groove in the frame; should be continued wilh upturned edge to 25 mm beyond the inner face of the
this groove should be filled with oil mastic as thc work proceeds. Effective ou:er leaf. Such provision is necessary to intercept rain-water streaming
construction is also shown at 0, where lead, asphalt felt or a double layer of down the inner face of the outer leaf and causing dampness to the party wall
slates is applied at the slightly recessed jamb. A small reverse recessed jamb below.
is shown at N, and the bevelled bricks forming the inner reveal only come into An additional cavity wall detail showing plans of successive courses at an
contact with the frame, which should be bedded in mastic; this detail is not obtuse: squint quoin is given at E, Fig. II. The external corner brick may be a
recommended for adoption in exposed po.itions, although it is an improvement pUrJ)()Se-made dogleg as shown, or the special squint c, Fig. 5. Alternate plans
upon K. Detail L shows the cavity extending to the opening, and being closed of an 275 mm circular wall are shown at D, Fig. 15 (see also p. 44). In both
by a double layer of slates in cement. This is quite satisfactory, although not daails wall ties are shown at the angles in each course to increase stability.
so effe(.:tive in withstanding heavy loads transmitted from lintels. An alternative Floor Timbers.-Only sound, well-seasoned timber should be used for
and common method for preventing dampness at jambs consists of placing as floor joists, wall plates, etc., otherwise dampness from the cavity may cause
the work proceeds a vertical layer of asphalt felt or lead in lieu of slales; this dry rot. II is also a wise precaution to have the wall plates and ends of built-in
layer should be 215 mm wide, extending to the groove of the window frame at joists creosoted or treated with other preservativ~s (see Chap. I, Vol. Ill). The
one edge and into the ";,1\ ity at the other. risk of dry rot to ground floor (or basement) timbers is considerably reduced
Dampness is very liable to be caused at the heads of openings if proper if the joist$ are supported on wall plales bedded on sleeper walls.
protection is not afforded. Thus, water passing through defective joints, etc., Advantages of Cavity Wall Construction.- The chief merits of ca\'ity
in the outer leaf will travel down its innn face until it comes into contact with walls are: (I) They prevent rain from penetrating to the internal face, (2) they
a lintel, when it will spread along the top to the inside face of the inner leaf; have a high insulating value, and (3) they are economical.
the water will also drip at thc soffit. The protection should take the form of a I. Prevention of Dampnus.-A cavity wall is more reliable than a solid wall
lead, copper or asphalt felt covering, stepped down from the inner leaf, as shown of corresponding brick-thickness in excluding rain. Thus, an 275 mm cavity
at c, Fig. 13, and continued ovef the tile course or window (or door) frame, as wall in an exposed position will prevent water from penetrating to the inner
indicated at A and c, and by broken lines at D. This covering should extend for leaf, provided adequate precautions are taken in its construction and sound
some 75 to 150 mm beyond each side of an opening or end of a lintel in order that materials and workmanship are employed. But an external 215 mm solid wall
the water may drip clear into the cavity. ]n addition, a few open vertical joints (which is equivalent in thickness of brickwork to an 275 mm cavity watl) in an
may be left in the brick head to allow any water to escape. The alternative lead exposed position will not prevent rain from penetrating to the internal face
trough, shown al 0, is nol recommended, as this does not prevent waler from unless the w.all is rough-casted or similarly protected. As has been pointed out
gaining access through defective joints in the head (or porous bricks) and causing on p. 14, a solid wall is vulnerable to dampness by the penetration of rain through
dampness. Nor is it sufficient to use a narrow covering with the lower edge cracks in the morlar joints and to other causes, and it is recognized that external
bedded in the joint level with the top or above a concrete lintel; contact between solid waUsof buildings fb be used for human habitation should be at least 328 mm
the lintel and the head or arch must be broken by the lead, which is continued thick, unless they .are rough-casted.
as shown by broken lines at B, Fig. 14. 2. Insulatjon.- As air is a good non-conductor of heat, it follows that the air
Dampness may also be caused at window sills. especially if these afe of in the cavity is effective in reducing the transmission of heat through Ihe wall.
DETAILS SHOWING DEFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION Tberefore the" heat losses" through. an 275 mm cavity wall 3re less (about So
per cent. less) than through a 215 mmsolid wall, and a building of hollow wall con.
struction is warmer in winter and cooler in summer (as the inward flow of the
heated external air is impeded) than one built of solid outer walls. This affects
fuel consumption, for less fuel is required to heat a building with cavity walls
than that of solid waII construction Thermal insulation is measured by the
thermal transmittance coefficient (V-value, see Chap. XII, Vol. IV) and the
Building Regulations require an external wall to have a V-value of not more than
1'7 W/m 2 "C., which is equivalent to a 275 mm cavity wall.
An important matter affecting the heat insulating value of a cavity wall is the
A Cl(tent to which the caviTy "hoilid be ventilated. Fmmerly, it was generally
considered desirable to ventilate the cavity by means of air bricks fixed JUSt
D ahol'e the ground lerel and also near the top, Whilst this circulation of air
ensured a dry cavity and reduced the risk of defects arising in floor timbers, it
also destroyed the insulatir.g value of the wall to such an extent that a 275 mm
1,:,\I'ity wall so vcntilated afforded les~ heat insulation than a 215 mm solid wall.
Thcrefore the only I'entilation of the cavity which is no ..... advocated is that
pro\'ided by the weep-holes near the base of the cavity and at the head of door
;Uld window openings, as described on pp. 40 and 42, Of course the usual
Iclltilation must be provided to ground Aoors of timber construction,
";a-I-"ALL TIE E The sound insulating value of a 275 mm cavity wall is also higher than that
of a 215 mm solid wall, and the former is therefore more effecti\'e in excluding
B c\ternal noises (see Chap, I, Vol. III),
3· Economy.- A 275 mm cal'ity wall costs less to construct than a 328 mm
solid wall (which is the minimum thickness if dampness is to he a\'oided).
Comparatil'e figures show that the approximate cost of a 275 mm wall is at least
20 per cent, less than a 328 mm solid wall.
Summary of Special Precautions.- I, Wherever possible, contact bet .....een
the two leaves should be avoided.
2. The cavity should he kept clear of droppings, and any on ties should be

c 3, The main horizontal damp proof course must be in two separate width s,
and the bottom of the cavity must be at least 150 mm below this.
-4, Heads of openings must be properly protected by lead or similar damp
SlU COHCItUf proof material. Jambs must not be: solid unless slate, etc., damp proof
'- courses are prol'ided. Projecting ends of stone or terri-cotta silts
should be notched back from the inner leaf. Cover Aashings at inter-
W"'TE~ sections of lower buildings adjoining cavity walls must extend to at
F least 25 mm beyond the inner face of the outer leaf.
5· Weep-holes should be formed immediately belo..... the main horizonul
damp proof cQurseWlnd abol'e the damp proof cour~es over openings.
No other \'entilation to the cavity should be provided.
6. Built-in Aoor timbers should be sound and well-seasoned and their ends
should be tre.ated with a preserv.ative (see Chap. I , Vol. III),


F1GL'RE q.
7. The cavity should be continued up a parapet wall to the coping. at C, and of an 1.7S mm cavity wall at o. Unless both faces of a curved wall
8. Ties must be rust-proof, capable of preventing rain-transmission and are to be exposed, and as purpose-made cif,cular bricks are relatively expensive
easily cleaned of droppings. (especially if hand-made), it is customary to back the curved facings with
common bricks which are axed to give radial joints as shown at c. If the
At certain Bath stone mines (~e p. 110) small pieces of waste but sound internal surface of a ca ... ilY wall is to be plastered, the inner leaf is usually built
stone arc sawn into blocks which are 140 mm high (or equal to two courses of of common hricks sec (0,) and unltss the curvature is too sharp these commons
brickwork) by 102'5 mm wide by 215 to 610 mm long. These are usedas facings are not cut to give radial joints.
of 275 mm cavity walls, the stone t>eing in regular courses, a type of walling The setting-out of circular work is described on pp. 71 and 73.
known locally as rangt-fJ;JOTk.
Another type of cavity wall, suitable for public butldings, is shown at !o, B
and P, Fig. 16, Vol. III. This consists of an external1eaf of ashlar, backed at REINFORCED BRICKWORK
alternate courses with brickwork, and an inner leaf of brickwork.
Re)nforced Brickwork (sec Fig. 16) is brickwork which has been
strengthened by the introduction of steel or wrought iron in the form of either
CIRCULAR WORK flat or rod bars, woven wire or expanded mda!. This reinforcement is placed
Curved work is occasionally required as for segmental and semicircular bay in the joints or in grooves or perforations in the bricks. S\lch brickwork
windows, wells of staircases, apsed ends, and ci rcular (on plan) factory, etc., is capable of resisting tensile and shear stresses, in addition to coml-'rcssion
chimney stacks. The plan of a portion of a room with a semicircular bay window stress. It is essential that the bricks shall be !>Qund and well burnt, the work
is shown at A, Fig. IS, that on the left being above the sill level and that on the well bonded in cement mortar or cement-lime mortar, and the reinforcement
right below it. A sketch of this wall is shown at H, Fig. 29. effectively protected agalOSt corrosion. Rusting of the reinforcement may cause
It will be seen at E and r, Fig. IS , that uncut standard bricks are quite serious damage hccause of the resultant expansion. Bricks of the engineering
unsuitable for circular work if normal bonding is to be maintained, as the t'ype are most suitable when heavy loads have to he supported. The mOrtar is
stretcher faces of the bricks only conform approximately to the curve, and very usually composed of 1 part Portland cement to 3 parts sand; T'o part of slaked
wide joints on the convex surface are produced. The width of the joints can lime may h:! added. Lime mortar should nOt be used, as this may have an
only be reduced by cutting each brick to a wedge-shape to form radial side injurious effect on the metal. It is generally considered that a brick wall
joints. Not only is this an expensive procedure but the appearance is not may be reduced in thickness by 102'5 10m provided it is suitably reinforced
satisfactory (especially if the curve is to a small radius), as the" curve" is made and such reduced thickness is not less than 21S 10m. lIence this Iype of
up of a succession of straight stretcher faces. In order to conform more closely construction increases the floor area of a building (or reduces the external size of
to the curve, and when ordinary standard bricks only are available, heading a huilding) and decreases the dead load on foundations.
bond (see Chap. T, Vol. J) may be adopted. But such a wall, where each Reinforcement of brickwork also impro\'es the longitudinal hond of thick
course consists of headers, is I:nattractive and deficient in strength. walls. Whilsl thick walls are strong transversely, they are weak longitudinally,
It is now the general practice, even in cheap speculative work, 10 use on ly as, with exception of the outer stretchers, they consi~t wholly-of headers which
purpose-made bricks for the exposed faces of circular walling. Such bricks only give a lap of S6 mm. The details in Fig. 16 show how the provision of
are moulded to the required shape either by hand (see p. 4) or by the machine- reinforcing metal strips increase the longitudinal tie.
p ressure process (see p. 3). Fig. t6 shows examples of reinforced brick (a) wails, (b) pillars and (c) lintels.
(a) R~inforud Brick Walls.- The walls at B aTe shown reinforced al every
Many of th., larger manufacturerl keep stocks of circular stretchen and huder., third course with steel meshed strips called Exmet. 1 This is made from thin
machine-pressed In diu Ihaped 10 curvu of rad!' vuymg from-O'6to 2'5 m IS shown rolled steel plates which are cut and stretched (or expanded) by a machine to
at Land M, Fig. 5. Th., contractor states the radius of the curv", when ordering the a diamond meshwork form (see A). It is known as "expanded metal." The
bricks. If these do not conform 10 • stock radiUS, the plan of the wll! ,s chali<ed out
on the aening-Out board and the pos>hon of Ihe brickS'mark.,d after due IlIo"lnce junctions between the meshes remain uncut. It is supplied in 83 m coils or
hIS be.,n mlde for shnnkage in dryin8 and burnlni. Two zinc templets a~ cut to bundles of S m long Aat strips in three standard widths, i.e., 6S mm (suitable for
th., shipe of. huder and ,tretcher. Wood mouldl (see p ... ) are prepared from
thes~ and handed to Ihe moulder who proceeds 10 shipe the brick. by hand.
101.·S mm walls), 178 mm (s'tiitable for 1.tS mm walls), 230 and 30S mm (used for
thicker walls). Each width is obtainable in I, 0'8 and 0'6 mm thicknesses. In
Alternative plans of a portion of a 31.8 mm wall in English bond are shown , Manufactured by The Eiltpanded Metll Co. Ltd.
addition, 100 mm width of material 0'8 and 0'6 thick is also produced. The ,ize
of the mesh (16 mm) is constant. To prevent corrosion the metal in the coil
form is coated with oil and then dipped in asphaltum paint. Flat lengths are
galvanized,' -
The Exmet ill uncoiled and pressed down into the mortar immediately the
latter has been trowelled on the bed. It lies quite flat when uhcoiled and the
thickness of the bed joints is therefore not increased. Hand shears are used to
cut the material into lengths as required.
The example at B shows the application of 65 mm (see A), '78 mm and
305 mm wide Exmet. Combinations of these widths are used for thicker wall~,
and when so employed, the material considerably improves the longitudinal tie
which is especially weak in thick walls. The strips should he lapped 75 mm
al the intersections, as shown, and at the joints. Sometimes only 65 mm
wide strips are used for any thickness of wall, one strip to each half-brick.
thickness nf the wall, and is thus similar to that shown at D. The amount of
reinforcement used depends upon the nature of the loading, and whilst It may
be necessary to reinforce e\'ery course, it is usual to provide reinforcement at
every third or fourth course. Another arrangement consists of staggering the
strips, thus Jfl a 328 mm wall, one 65 mm strip is placed on one course at 25 mm
from the external face, another strip is provided in the centre of the next course,

c and in the following course a 65 mm strip is placed 25 mm from the internal

face; this is repeated for the full height.
Cavity walls (p. 39) may be reinforced by a 65 mm strip at every third course
Ml'01f-~ f,o\Cl1G was of each 102'5 mm lining. Partition walls, built with bricks laid-an-edge, may
___ COIoIJN:lN IAICM M.A.'I at: tiSI'D also be strengthened by the pro ... ision of 65 mm wide Exmet. The 65 mm wide
~ THllNTw.IAJ. UNIHG strips especially are suitable for curved walls (p. 44), as thiS width can be readily
WH[N rT ~ ~TlUD
bent as required. Expanded meta! is also used 10 strengthen walls of chimney
stacks and parapets built 1fl exposed positions. Further applications include
/ 1O...o.'fTV footings, walling over wide door and window openings, boundary and balcony
walls and tall chimneys Reinforcemem of retaining walls, piers and arches is
referred to on p. 46. il can also be usefully employed at toothings (see Chap.
I, Vol. I) when the bond between new and existing walls at the indents is rein-
forced if the strips are left projecting beyond the old work and built-in as the
D new wall is constructed.
Another well-known form of meshed reinforcement, called Bricktor,1 is
shown at c. II is made of steel wire, black Japanned as a protection, produced
in 50 and 65 mm widths and sold in coils. The 50 mm width is suitable for
brick-an-edge partitions and consists of four straight tension Wi,iS 1'4 mm
thick mterlaced with three ,., mm thick binding wi'~r. The 65 mm strips
have fi\e tension wires and fOlllr conunuous binding wires, eaeh tWIsted to md
F , One methoJ of gah'am~ln~. kno\\n as lhe hol_d,p prours. consi!!s of cleanSing the remOVIn.'lany run by placing II In d,lule hydrochloric aCi<.l. \\uhioK it to remewe

the ac,d and then it through a bath COOI.,mnll" liqUId 1.IOC.
• A product of Messrs Johnson' s Reinforced Concretc EnltlOculn~ Co. Ltd.

It"'U' , ·hi ,i.,. .

between a pair of tension wires u shown. One .trip is provided at every bricks, although they are quite suitable for dwarf walls such u balcony, parlpet
half·brick thiclr.nesa of the wan (Itt D). It is very euily handled, .nd is used and garden walls. The pwition of the vertical bart is conualed when perforated
(or similar pu~ and in like manner u described (or Exmet. bricb are used in wall construction, and .uch arc therefore preferred to
grooved bricks when the appearance of the brickwork is of importance.
A type of ft:infofCm'lent much ~ to ""'ngtMn brldF: walb in the put i. thown Small bars of circular sect.ion (usually 6 mm dia.) arc sometimCl uscd at the
It c and,. nu. COM.IU ofwrouabllfOn (kno...." .. Mop f,.,., haKe lhe name applied
bed JOints of walla in lieu of hoop iron or meshed reinforcement. Thin stetl
to the: bond) or mild ateel flat ban ..... hich vary In width (rom 11 to)2 mm and O":lS to
1,6 mm in thickn",. Protection spinal rull i. provided by dippin, the ban in hoi plates, 6 mm thick and 13 mm less in width than the thickness of the walls, may
tar; IhQe 1ft: then It on« ..nded TO increue adhHion of the motUr. OM .trip be embedded at every fourth coune to provide heavy reinforcement. Such
.1 provIded per h.llf·bridt thlcknHa of ""'111, and it il Ulual 10 reinforce: every .ath
OOUrK (_ G) nit tho_ the U'fttment at • ri,ht-angled quoin where the should be well tarred and sanded.
end. are double-hooked (_ Illnd belten ftlt. Iltem'lively, the middle and inner A patent type of reinforced partition is described in Chap. I, Vol. III.
.trips may be oonhnued and l.n,le.l»oked {tee ttl to the two OUler ItriPI. At an (6) Rti"forced Brick P:iIlQTI.~Dctached pier. are reinforced by providing
mtcrwctlon (_ H) the ban are Interlaced _and .inlle~hoohd. Any joinu bel ....een
lana I.UI.,:hl an In the fonn of a ...~k (11I1'1I1ar to D, Flf. 7S. Vol. I). Al1houlh Ina a 6S mm wide strip of Bridttor or Exmet sct back as mm from the external face
Irtre<tln. thm WlR t'li'lllird round lhe ban may be UKd mlt~d of the moR ttplrnllv~ at every second or third course or as required. Ahernatively, 6 mm diameter
hook-and-"'lrl! jolnll. Hoop Iron II now rarely employlrd. and whilst it .1 Itronger
than Exmet and Bndnor, it i. more costly. It is abo difficult to bed the: bric:k. evC'nly rods may be embedded at the bed joints, each rod being bent to the shape of
unlna the joints are un\l.ually thick. the pier. about 2S mm from the face, with each end overlapping about ISO mm
at one corner. An excellent type of reinforced pillar is shown at S, T, U, v and w.
Retaining walls (thO&e supporting earth, etc.) arc often reinforced. If either This 21S mm square pillar is reinforced with four stccl rods, well anchored into
of the meshed typcl are used, 6S mm stripa may be embedded in the vertical the concrete bed, and steel plates (sec v) or wire ties (sec w) embedded at every
joints to aMist in resisting lateral pressure in addition to the bed joint reinforce- rourth coursc. The purpose-made bricks are shown at Q, T and u, Note that
ment. Another form of reinforcement consists of vertica1 ban of circular ICction, the bart are well protected against corrOflton by the mortar. Details of a +40 mrn
and details of an actual retaining wall of such construction is shown at L, M and N. square pillar arc shown at X and y, including a sketch of the Ipecial bricks at .;
Thil :1I S mm wall is built of engineering bric:b in ument mortar (I : 3) and re- holed steel plates may be adopted in lieu of the wire ties when a heavier reinforce-
inforud with vertical mild steel ban near each face, in addition to steel meshed ment is required. Perforated bricks may be uscd, but as these have 10 be threaded
stripa at every fourth course. The bricb opposite the vertical ban are pur-pose-- over the rods they arc not so convenient as the grooved bricks .
made and grooved I I lhown at P. These grooves are slightly larger than the . Attached piers arc reinforced by 6S mm wide strips of Exmet or Bricktor,
diameter of the bart to permit the latter to be grouted in with mortar to prevent placed as mm from the face and lapped over the continuous outer strips on the
corrosion. In constructing such a Will the bars Ire accurately placcd in position, wall bed joints. Alternatively, two vertical bart with special bricks. similar to
the ends being bent and anchored into the concrete foundation (sec L). Erection that shown at R, may be preferred.
of the bart is facilitated by the usc of thin (3 mm thick) stecl wire ties It every ec) Ra"forced Brick Lintels or " Soldin Archa."-These lintels must be
fourth course. These ties. which Ire built in as the work proceeds, are twisted provided with additional support when the span excceds 900 mm. Omission
round the blrt, and those round opp<»jte bars arc tightened by twisting their of adequate reinforcement has been responsible for many failures. Two
ends. When the top course haa been completed the groo"CI on facc are well methods of reinforcement are shown at z and z', Fig. 16 (see also Fig. u, Vol. I).
pointed 10 that the vertical rods are completely encased in cement mortar. That at z shows the lintel reinforced with twO u mm diameter mild steel
Vertical damp proofing (see p. S2) oompletet the wall. If it is an area wall it bars embedded in the longitudinal joints and extending to 1So mm beyond the
may be finished with a stone or reinforced concrete coping and the ends of the jambs. The alternative form at z' shows two 6 mm diameter bars or tension
vertical bars would be bedded in it to strengthen the work. reinforcement embedded in the continuous longitudinal joint. together with
The wall. Ire designed in accordance with the strClSel to be resisted, and 6 mm diameter bent stccl bars, called stiTTups, bedded in every third vertical
the IIZC and Ipacing of the venical reinforcement are therdore variable. Some- joint. The object of the atirrups is to rHi!t shear !!.tresses.
times the ban arc arnnged ncar to both flcc lines of the wall, opposite to each In constructing the lintel at z', two small wood fillets are nailed to the top
other and in pairs at :uS mm centres with .teel wire connections placed in the of the turning piece (used as a temporary support) at a dear distance apart
horizontal jointa. equal to the thickness of ftle lintel. Pieces of thin wire arc placed transversely
Perforated bricks may be used instead of grooved or slotted bricks, the across and nailed to the fillets at I spacing equivalent to the centre of every
centre of the perforations being about 19 mm from the external face. As these third vertical joint. The bottom bar is placed centrally on the wirCl and built
must be threaded over the vertical bars, they are not 10 con"enient as the grooved in at the ends. The bricka of the lintel are laid (working from each end towards

E N F o c E D B c K W 0 R K
Wl~ TIE.
~o;iilNU'~ SI,f KH OF 215 n!Hf()I\CEO PIllAR

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the centre), and at the same time the stirrups, supported by the bottom bar,
are bedded in position at c\"ery third joint, care being taken that the continuous P l A N 5 o F N G B 0 H 0 5
longitudinal joint is filled with mortar for the lower 50 mm only. The top rod
is inserted and pressed down to the stirrups or to a ICHl slightly above them.
The continuous vertical jOint is then filled with grout from the lOp. Prior to tht:
removal of the turning piece, the pieces of thin wire are cut Rush with the two
faces an~ the ends turned into the joints. Pointing completes the lintel. A 25
mm by 13 mm wood fillet may be used as a temporary support for the lower ten-
sion bar in lieu of the pieces of wire. This must be oiled before being built in to
permit of its removal after the turning piece ha~ been removed. The continu-
ous joint is filled with mortar and Ihe soffit pointed after removal of the fillet.
The size and number of bars vary with the span and loading. Thill sho~'n •
at z' is typical for a lintel having a maximum span of 2'5 m.
Flat and segmental arches may be strengthened by embedding meshed
reinforcement in the bed joint~ of the walling which they support.
Reinforced hrickwork has heen adopted in the construction of fire-resisting
Roors. These slabs are reinforced ..... ith bars bet .....een the joints of the hricks
placed on edge, both transversely and longitudinally, and these slabs are supported An altcrnali\e to raking honds for increasing thc lonl'lltudinal tie in thi(k
by steel beams at a maximum distance apart of 2" m. Reinforced slab construc- walls is known as longitudinal bond. A course huill ill this hand consists entirely
tion is necessary for large brick canopies O\'er doorways, etc. of strdchcrs, with uception of a row of queen clo:>ers adjacent to each outer
Raking Bonds. A characteristic defect in a thick wall built In English row of stretchers. The inner row~ of stretchers arc arranged to break j()int to
bond is a deficiency in the longitudinal bond due to the absence of stretchers in gi\'e a 102.5 mm lap. This hond rna}" he applied at e\'er} fifth cour~c.
the heart of the wall. As stated on p. 45, this tic may be improved by the The abo\e three bond~ are seldom required for constructional purposes, .I~
provision of metal reinforcement. An older method, and one which is now only modern steel-iramed and reinforced concrete con:;truction has, to a large extent,
occasionally adopted, is the introduction of courses of hricks sct at a rake (or eliminated thick walls. Both forms of raking honds ilre, howe\'cr, often used
indination) at intervals up the ..... 0111. These are kno ..... n as raking bond courses with good effect in decorated brickwork. E1{ample~ of ~uch hriekwork are shown
and are of two forms, i.t .• (a) diagonal bond, and (h) herring-hone hondo in Fig. 24. the panel at M.l indicating diagonal hond and that at \1.2 ~ho\\illg the
(a) Diagonal Bond (see plan A, Fig. 17).- This is best suited for walls which bricks arranged to a herring-hone pattern (see p. 62).
are from 3 to 4-bricks thick, and is applied between the Slrtfching l faces at evcry
fifth or seventh course. Alternate raking courses should he inclined in the
opposite direction to that shown. The method of setting-out is indicated on
the figure. The triangular spaces formed near the stretching faces should be
filled In with cut pieces of brick and not mOrtar only.
(b) Htrr;n.t:-bont BOlld.-Thisform(so-called becauseof its slight rcsemblance
to the spine of a herring) is shown at plan s, Fig. 17, and may be applied to Rond:; which have not alrcad) been de~crihed Inc:ude Garden, Cross, Outch.
wa][~ which are at least 4-hricks thick at five to se\'en course \'crtical intervals. Brick-on-edge and Facing Rond ..
The bricks are laid at an angle of 45 in both dircctionll from the centre. Like Garden Wall Bond. \s its name implies, this hond is suitable for garden,
diagonal bond, alternate herring-bone courses are reversed. The ~elling.oul dl\15ion and similar w<llls which usually do not etceed I-hrick In thickness.
is shown in the figure. "'ote (I) the con~truction lines f and G are drawn parallel Due to the slight \ariallon in length of some bricks it is difficult to construct
to and equidistant from the centre line, \\ilh the 45 distance between (as 3-5) all; mm wat! in Engliloh ~nd if a fair or uniform face i~ required on hoth sides
equal to 102'5 mm or the width of a hnck, and (2) the long raking JOint 1-2 is (sec Chap. I. \'01. I). As fewer headers are emplo)"ed in garden wall hond than
drawn from the centre and inclined at H. followed in sequence h\· the long in eitllcr English or Flemish hond~, it i~ USUJlly possihle to ~dect from the hricks
raking joints 3-4. 5-6, 7-R, etc. .l\ailahle suffi(ienl of the longer bricks of uniform length as headers for ;I. x.. rden
, Rlklng boftd cours"~ ,n b.u·k {'>otml!' ~h"ukl Ix· h.,to,u.,n th.· "".mll 1'''''''''1111 tan... bonded wall, th( r(mainin~ hrid.~ hem/{ used as stretchers and built flu~h \\ Ith
both faCtiof the headers. Fair faces on both ~;Jes of a garden bonded wall are Bridt~n-edge Bonds. -These differ (rom normal bond in that at least
thu ll rn5urf'd. Whil!!.! garden wall bond i8 not as stronp. as f.nj;l'1i~h hond (thl' .Iternate courses are 102'5 mm high, the bricks being laid 00 edge :and not 00 bed
transvenoe tie bein~ Inferior), It 1>1 sufficient for most dwarf walls and (or those They are economical as, compared with English hond, considerably fewer bricks
not required to w:thstand laTRe stTessa. As mentioned on p. 40, garden wall and less mortar are required. Their strength is deficient, and the appearance is
bond is sometImes used instead of stretching hood for the Cflnstruction of the unsatisfactory on account of Ihe large scale of the brick unitll and the light colour
out~r lea\cs of C3\'ity \'\'alb It has a Rood appearance, and on this account is which is characteristic of the beds of mo~t hricks. Only wire-cut bricks should
jitreatly to he preferred to stretching bond. be used. These bonds are sometimes employed for garden and similar walling,
There are two forms of garden wall hond, l,t" (0) English garden wall bond and occaSionally for walls of cheap one-storied cottages. They can be employed
and (b) Flemish garden wall bond. effectively if their external faces are co,·ered with \"erticaltilin~ I~e Chap. III,
(a) };nglish Gardtn U"QII Bond (see A, FiR. 18). -This consists of one course of \'01. III), Thc best known brick40n-edge bonds are (Q) rat-trap bond and
headers to three or h\"c COUr.>di of strelchers. As in English bond, a queen (b) Silverlock's bond.
closer is mtroouced next to th~ quoin header in th~ h~ading course. A head~r is (a) RQt-trQP Bo,,/(see F, Fig. 18).- All hricks are laid on edge. and, as shown,
placed at th~ quom of each middle (or alternat~) course of stretchers to give the are arranged 10 gl\·e I face appearance of Flemish bond, Each alternate course
necessary lap and face appearance of stretching oond (scc also H, Fig. J, Yol. I). I. commences with a three-quaner bat, followed by a header, and cach alternate
The lonjlltudinal \ertical Joint bet ..... een each three (or five) suCCeSSiH! stretching course K commences With a header, succeeded by a stretcher. As indicated on
COUrM!lI i~ continuous, and this caulles the defiCiency in transverse strength the plans, tkre is a 85 mm ca\'it)" between each pair of slTetcher~, excepl at the
stated aho\'c. This bond, hecause of its ewnomy, is very frequ~ntly adopted in jambs, which arc !iolid (see also sketch). It is estimated that, compared with a
the cnn~tructinn nf 215 mOl thiclt rouJi(h-cuted external ....-aIl8, especially for 215 mm solid wan,. Tu·trap bondcd .....all ~hows a saving of appro"(imately z5 per
houses not exceeding two stories in heip:ht. cent. External wa115 of cottages built \0 thl::; bond must he protected on their
(b) F1r"ush Gardt71 II-'QII BQ1Id (!itt B, Fig. 18). This is also kno ..... n as Swssrx outer faces by rough-cast or vertical lliinl/:, otherwise watcr may penetrate
and Scotch bond. It comi!>1i of three or ti\'e stretchers to one head~r in roch through the solid headers and mortar droppings.
cour~e. A three-quarter hat is placed nel(t to the quoin header in e\·ery alternate Occasionally :ztS mm raHrap bonded walls are built solid, the cavity being
course, and a heacer is laid over the middle of each central stretcher. filled by stretchers placed on edge.
In a~modified arrangement at the '11.1010 of a Russn bonded wall, a queen (b) S,/ur/ock's &nd (see E, Fig. 18).- This resembles Engli~h bond in that
dOfoCT is placed nnt to Ihe quoin header of each alternate course, and this is It con~ists of alternate courses of headers and stretchers, but, .... hereas the headers
follo ..... ed by a series of three ~Iretchers :ilOd a header Each alternatlOl/: course: are laid on hed, the stretchers are placed on edge wllh a cor.tinuous cavity
comprises. quoin. stretcher with a ~tretcher adjOlninl/:. followed by a series between. The Jamhs are solid, and a three-quaner bat at the beginning of each
conslMinp: of a header and thrtt stretchers. Excepting at the quoin the appear- headinfl: course gi\d; the necessary bond. Whilst this is stronfl:er than rat-trap
ance is similar to the abo\'e, as each header is centrally over the middle stretcher. bond, it is not SO economical.
Monk Bond isa variation of Flemish garden ..... all bond, Men course consisting On the score of economy in materials and space, brick-on-edge stretching
of a sene.. comprising a header and two stretchers, the header falling cenlrally hond i~ frequently employed in the construction of 65 mm thick partition walls
over the joint between a pair of stretchers. in lieu of 102'5 mm thick brick wall~.
English Cross Bond (see c, Fig. 18). -ThIS IS foImilar to EnRli~h hondo in Facing Bond. This is usually employed (or solid .... alls uceeding 215 mm
Ih11 it con..i,t, of alternate courws of header~ :md ~tretchers, .,..ith queen closcrs in thicknU3 ..... hich a,c: faced with thin bricks and bacl.ed by and dll:<I~r
next to the quoin headers. Each Q!t""Ou str~tcnl1lg course has, howe\er. a standard commons. Tlte faced work is bonded to the hackinfl: to a series of
header placed neXl to the" quoin stretcher. This causes the stretchers to break blocks of a height which depends upon the difference in thickness between the
Joint in alternate courses. two types of bricks. Thus, in the section through the 440 mm wall at c, fig. 18,
Dutch Bond (see D, Fig. IR). This IS another modification o( English bond. the height of four courses of 50 mm thick facings wilh their bed Joints is shown
The bond cons.ists of alternate l"OUT'SCI of headers and stretchers, but tQch 10 coincide .... ith three courses of commons together WIth theIr JOlOts, and the
strtlchl1lf course begins at the quoin with a three-quarter bat, and e'ery Q!,"natt blocks of facings are allernal,&ly i and 14brick thick. The facin~ may be built
st,tUnl1lK course has a header placed next to the quoin thrte-quarte"r bat. This in Cit her English, Flemish or any of the bonds A, B, C or D. Fig. 18 ( ..... ith snap
also hu the effect of the Mretchers. breaktol/: joint In alternate courses The headen at the i-brick thick blocks), and the backing is built in English bond.
preaence of the quoin three-quarter bats makes it unnecessary for queen closers ~mewhat similar con~truction may be 1pplied to I i brick walls, with the backing
to be placed neIt to the quoin headers as in Enghsh bond. to the alternating 215 mm thick facing blocks built in stretching bond.
A modifi~d form of facing bond may be- applied to 215 mm thick walls. Thu:>, rings of diminishing .... idth or thickness. The arch is thus rec~d or stepped by
the facings and commons would be built in ~-brick thick lea\'e! in stretching a series of rings known as ord", (or" ro ....s "). It is applied to both door and
bond with facing heading courses at suitable intcruls. If the facing and backing .... indow openings and has a satisfactory appearance.
bed joints coincide, as shown at G, such facinR headen would ap~ar at c\"try An example of this type of arch is shown at A. Band C, Fig. 19. which illustrates
fifth flcing course. a main entrance to a house. Special attention is drawn to the section at c ..... hich
Facing bond is not, of course, all strong as English bond, but the alternative shows Ihe bonding of the arch as each ring ulends 10 Ihe inner face. This is
would be to use thin bricks for the backing of the same thickn6S as the facings. known as a bund~d arch. It is much stronger than the alternati"e unbonded
And this would add considerably to the COSt, especially if the facings were arch, often applied, .... hen IOl'5 by 102'5 mm h}" 65 mm ,'OUSSOITS are used
So mm or less. for each ring .... hich is thercfore only 102'5 mm wide on soffit. The Impost
is shown consisting of a douhle row of tiles .... hich project 20 mm. An alternal;"e
is a thin stone course or a eour~e of purpose-made bricks.
It is assumed that the door !Ohown opens into an outer lobby, otherwise the
A description of several fo rms of arches is given in Chap. I, Vol. I. thickneSl> of the wall !Ohould he increased, With the inner ring at lea"t 215 mm
Semic irc ula r Arc h with Orde rs. -An opening in a thick wall is often wide on soffit.
finished with either splayed or stepped jamhs and an arch comprising several The two steps, of camhi ned height equal 10 the brick-an-end plinth, arc


; '~ I11III
V I /-5-U
",. u
-'''' I(. ,o2-5
I I H I so T1-Uo.

, 119
coXt i ••• ••• G

f6rmed with bricks-on-edge in cement. These bricks must be hard and durable, racked back up to COllrse Y at the centre. A "ood hlnen i.laid across the openin~ and
otherwise the arrises would be readily damaged. The bottom step is segmental weIghed at the e nd s on collrse Y, and the trammel rod or ~adjw ,od (sec Chap. II ,
Vol. I) is ICrewed or nailed to It at the cen tre; allowar"ltt for the thickness of the
with a r'2 m radius, and consists of purpose-made bricks with a tile-on-edge bed joint at the extrados must be made in determining the len.l!th of the roo. Course
infilhng; the vertical joints are radial. Z;I completed; ItrclchelJ. I, a and J are laid tempolllrily in posit ion I r"ld mlrked to
Another example of a semicircular arch with orders is shown at, Fig. 24. the required CllrH lIS the radius rod is travel"Rd; the,.., bricks are cut with I hammer
Ind bolsler (see JS, Fig. 19, Vol. I) and trImmed accurately to shape with Ilcutch;
This arch is three-ringed and the stepped recesses are continued down the jambs they are then la id pelTnanently. Each course up to the middle hne i5 completed in
to the steps of the doorway. This is an alternative treatment to the splayed thll manner, after wruch Ihe purpose-made vouS-Wln formmg the lower half of the
jambs showl! at A, Fig. 19. arch are bedded in poa;;tion, the radius rod bei ng u,..,d to ch«k the IlIdi.1 joints and
curve. Ftnally, the "pper half of the arch IS conltrUcted by the ulual method, I
A semicircular arch with a toothed or jndented extrados is shown at P.13, woOO cent~e on struts ~m.l! lIsed as a temponllry suppon (see C h ip. I , Vol. III).
Fig. 24 (see also p. 62).
Stilted Semicircular Arch with Segmental Rere Arch (see u, v, w, x Semi-elliptical Arch (see 1, Fig. 19).-This shows half of an axed arch.
and z, Fig. 19.)--A stilted (or elevated) arch is one which has its springing line bonded on face with a portion of a tiled key, and a half arch in three rough rings.
above the imposl. Thus, the amount of stilting of the semicircular arch at u is Both purpose-mades and rubbers may be used for the former.
equal to two courses. In the absence of an impost the arch is continued below This form of arch has se\'eral demerits. It is not structurally sound, as
the springing line with several parallel voussoirs, any differ ence in texture and defects such as shearing at the haunch joints may occur, especially if the rise
colour between the voussoi rs and general walling producing the stilted effect. is rdatively small. Labour costs are high, as special care must be taken in its
This arch is enriched by a slightly projecting crown course known as a wbet setting-out and erection if abnormally shaped curves at the intrados and extrados
(see u and the section at z). When the label consists of moulded hricks (or stone) are to be avoided. It is sometimes preferred to the segmental arch where :!.
it is called a hood mould. The voussoirs and label are of purpose-made bricks, comparatively large span is required and the height is restricted. The rise of
and the arch is bonded on face. the arch should be at least one-third the span.
When the jambs of an opening are rebated, the external arch need not As the student will be aware, an ellipse is produced when a cone is cut by
necessarily be of the same shape as the internal arch. Thus the external arch at a plane which does not intersect the base and is not parallel to it. A true
u is sqnicircula.r of 685 mm radius, and the inner arch is segmental of 1·81 m elliptical curve cannot be constructed with compasses, as no part of it is circular.
radius. As the internal jambs are splayed, as shown at wand x, the intersection However, for reasons of economy and the need to reduce the number ofvoussoir
between the soffit of the segmental arch and a spldyed jamb will take the form of templets to a minimum, it is usual to adopt a gt!Ometrical method for setting-
a curve as indicated at z. This segmental arch is known as a rlre (meaning out the intrados and extrados of a semi.elliptical arch. There are se\'eral methods,
" back" or " rear ") arch. th~t set out from five centres shown at J being one of the best, as by it compound
curves can be produced which closely conform to that of the true ellipse.
The devtlopment of the curved intersection i. mown at x, \. and z. The pllln at X
and ,..,cHonal elentlon z of the splayed Jamb are each diVided mto four or any COn_
S""'rw-(),,'.~Draw the mljor and minorue.; make cd_half span ah; con-
vement number of equal plrts. Venlcal hnes are projected from the quaner-polnts struct Circle w,th d .. cenln> Ind db a. radIUS, and mark oR" be and bj _llIdlUl
I. a and J on the plan to the mtrados of the u:gmennl arch. Horuwntal hnes ue
dr:awn from the pomts .S, I, a. J and ... on the mtrados 10 mterscct the corre$pondin~ db; draw lines dem, dj" lIr" and hfo; g, ", lI, j Ind h are the five ~uired centre.
\'ertlcallinn It z. A Ime 5, I. a J Ind -I- drawn through these pOints of mters.ectlon for both the mlndos and e>:tradol. Ind dm, lin, 1.0 and d, Ire common normlll,
Con~[ruct tangential curves as, zl, tu., lit! Ind 11W WIth g, " I., f and h as centres
gives the required Clln;e. as shown at z. Honzontal hnea .pmj...,,1'<i fron> the vou."'.'r l"upe<:I,,·dy; con~IC ... ~t tho: "unodoll. m a Ilmllllr mllnner; mark off me thi~ness of
Jotm. at the mu-adol of the segmental arch at V 10 Z I{lve the :e\"el soffit JOlnrs m the \"ouS5oin on the elltrados (if the brickl arc n.ed, purpose·made or rubbed) and
Icctlon YY.
draw the bed jomtl of the voulsoin. It is importlnt to note that these jomts Ire
radIal, as shown by ae broken construct;onll hnes; thus the VOUllOlni Wtthm the
Circular or Bull's-eye Arch (sec II, Fig. 19).-This form of arch is portion of the Irch "l'Its radiate from ce-ntre ~, Ind those within portion ltOul radiate
chiefly adopted as an external decorative feature to receive either a fixed light from centre k. It will be seen that the bricklayer WIll only require three dJfferently
shD~ lempkts to which Ixed or rubber \"ousso;n are .haped, i.e., one for the
or frame with a pi\'oted sash. Circular openings in internal walls are occasionally central IIOUlSOln, one for those within the intermediate portions "'"11 and """,, and
required through which metal smoke flues, ventilating tubes, etc., are passed. one templel for the V()lJSSOln "ithin the two end portions. Also for purpoK-mades,
three SImIlarly Ihlped but IlrJlC'r (to IIllow for shnnkage) moulds will lerve the
Purpose-made, rubber or axed bricks are used externally, and an internal arch moulder to shipe the bncks.
is usually a rough ring.

Co,,oll.-The lower half or Im-nt .of thll arch IS first built. The adjacent Elliptical Arch (see K, Fig. 19).-This may be adopted as an alternative
brickwork which WIll form the bale for thll lower half II bUilt from coune z and to the circular arch H. The method of setti:1g out brieRy indicated in the figure
Here also the \'oussoirs are normal to the In/rados cuneo Sometime!; the extraJos
has been sdected as an alternative to that described for the semi-elliptical arch J.
is semi.elliptical.
1t will be seen that only four centres e, m, n: ar.d / are required A stmi-hrxagonal arch and a tifrd srgmental arch are illu~trated in Fig. 24
(see p. 63).
Selltrrt..ouf.-After the major and mInor axes have b«n dra"'n and their lengths The centering for the abo,'e arches is described in Chap. I, Vol. III ,
dKided upon, with untre a Ind radius ab describe arc be: jom hit. with centre hand
radiu! he describe arc cd; bisect bd, Ind the twO centres t and! are at the intusect;cm
betw.,en thIS bisector and the twO axes; the two remalnlnR centres'" and .. ue casily
obtamed by making am=r>! Ind an_at. The vo""mf JOints of neh of the four
sectIons of the arch rad,ale towards ;15 centre. Only ' .... 0 templeu are requir<ed for
th" whol .. of the VOUasOlT'S.
The materials used for horizontal damp proof courses and thelT apphc~tion
Pointed Arches.-These arc also known as Gothic arches, as the pointed are described in detail in Chap. I, Vol. 1. \" ertical ploof courses will now
3rch is characteristic of this style of architecture. The intrados and extrados be considered.
of each of the several lorms of this type of ~rch are st:grnental curvc:'! which The materials chiefly w.ed for H;rucal damp I'''Klf cour~a are (I) bituminous
imersect at the pointed apex at which each half abuts to form a vertical joint substances and (2) waterproofed ct:ment 2nd com.:rete.
on the centre line. It is therefore not usual to have a key. I, Bitumen is a name applied to natural pItchy (sec p. 54) substances con-
There are five forms of pointed arch, i.r., equilateral, drop. lancet, Tudor sisting pnncipally of hydrocarbon~ which \'ary III colour :.tnd hardness. It
and Yenetian. mcludes (a) natural asphalt, (b) ~rtlfio.:ial asphalt and (c) fihrous a~phalt felt.
The first three are illustrated at T, Fig. 19 The Iquilateral arch is shown at (a) Natural or ,Va/IVt /lsphalt occurs In man~ part:; of the world in either a
R, bonded on face; the radIUS of each curve of the mtrados equals the span, pure (or moderately pure) condItIOn or a~sociated .... ith a large proportion of
the centres are at the mds of the springing 1inl: and the extrados is parallel to mineral matter such as limestone, shale, ett:., and known as rock asphalt. It i:.
the intrados. A drop arch, as at Q , has It:> centres on the springmg hne and found tn liquid form in springs, hquid or semi-liquid conditIon in lakes, and
within iti in the example the span is 1'36 m and the radius is 1"4 m. A lanert in Impregnated rock formation. As therc are no deposit" 10 thts country,
arch has its centres on the !;pringing line and outsidt the span; that shown by asphalt has to be imported, thc chief ~upp1ies being oblamed from the British
broken lines at s has a span of 0·69 m and the radius is 0·8 m. In each form the West Indies, France, SWitzerland and Germany
bed joints of the \'ou~soirs radiate to their respective centres. The equilateral Natural asphalt is one of the m.ost efficient materials employed for damp
and drop arches are shown in section at o. resistin~ purposes: it is black in colouT, \'cr)' durab!.:, tou~h and dastic.
Tudor Arch (see x, Fig. Ig).-This arch, commonly employed during the
Tudor period, has four centres, all within the span; tWO of them are on the One of Ihe l"'<Jolest deposlU of asphah "",siS on Ih .. hland "I TnO/dad. Untlsh
springing line and the other two are below it. The Tudor arch, like the semi- Wen IndIes It I~ a lake, known as TWlldad A~phah i.ak", ar>pm~""ately c,rcular. of
:1 000 rn In d,ameler and r .. ar!\" <)0 rn deep \\"hd~t lar~e <juanflnu of uphalt
elliptical, is a weak form. h."e alread}" been oh!aln.,.d from II. 11 IS estImated thai Ihere sl,ll remaIn some 10000
[0 IS 000 1\1,. The consIstency of Ihe a~phah t" §u"h th>t " "'ill penml men to
work on .he $urface.
S~tting_out._There are ~everal methods In that shown, ac IS set up and made The chief supply from France cornU from ~ !ar,.~ uq)()SII ,11 !he "';",'1;5"\ re~lon
equal 10 t (or iJ nae n71; jmn mc and draw ",n at "Kht an~!e~ to it of indefi.nit~ length; and IS commercially kno"n bv thaI "a""e \nolhcr ~our'" I~ IhJt Irum a ucposn
mark off mn Bnd ar _ or; JOIn nr, b,sect It and continue Ihe b,sector until ,t mle,.,.ects mInd m Ihe soulh 1St Jean de :\laru<-Jo\'. l)epanmenl "f (;~r,!· . 'l'hese arc rock
"''' connnued at J; J and r are the requ,red centres for Ihe nght half of the arch, and asphalt depo'll$, the IIme'tone hannl( a ma,,,llum asphalt "nprel(n~IIOn of 11 pet
Jr produced to u is • common nOlTOa! The lemamm¥ twO centreS" and w may be e .. nl It is both qUITned and mmed
found by rncuunnl'( from .he r"nlre !me The VOUSSUIT bed jomts radiate from the The larjl"ut d~r>0$ IU OCCUTlnR ,II SWltz.. rland are If} til< Yal de Travers reJol,on
resp«""e centres Two templels are requIred for the vouumrs. ",est of Lake l'-euchllel. and \\"ell known as Yal de TraH',"" anJ 'cuchalc1asphalt.
Th,s IS a~phah,'mpreJolnaled l, Ihe asphalt ""nteot \·ar.·m..: from l! to 12 per
Venetian Arch (see L, Fig. 19).-This pointed arch is deeper at the crown The prlnelpal depoSlI in GelTOany IS sIluated al the dlaJole "f \.Immer (m Ihe
prov.nce of H~noverl and ,s marked as .. Lm,mer Asphalt" Th,. IS !,m{'Slon..
than at the springing line. The centres are on the latter. The voussoirs are ",him 15 Imp<~l(natcd with l! to 20 per cent. "f asphalt
radial from the centres of the in/rados cur'ies.
Florentine Arch (see M, Fig. 19).-This, like the Venetian arch, is deeper Il'l1Il1ing and Rtjimng.-The methods employed to obtam asphalt depend
at the crown than at the springing. The inllados curve is semicircular, and the upon the nature of the deposits. Thus. Trinidad Lake asphalt i:> hand-picked
extrados has II pointed apex as it consists of two segmental curves, as shown.


WITHll~lO ....

~lntnHG /
by m~n working on the surface. load~d into trucks which are hauled by cable prOCeM conSI'ts of hCltmg the II. m a 11111 (metal cylinder) and collecting Ihe con_
densed upoun. Benzene, toluene, naph tha, ca roohe aCId. cmol, creasotr, naphtha_
over rails either to the refiners or to the shore (about 1'2 km distant) and loaded lene Ind anthracene are wme of theK all.
for di r«:t shipment. Deposits of rock asphalt near the surface arc open-quarried. P,tch .. the .e"due m the 11111 after the 0.1, hf\'e been C"'·aporatcU. nil
blasting being resorted 10. Deep deposits arc mined. coloured mllenal has. , .. n.ble conlistenc". becominlC bnltlc in .. mter and IK>ftcnmg
when lub,ected to hut m the lummer, hener the lTuon why th" " ~n unrelilble
Water is present in most natural asphalts. That from Lake Trinidad, for material for damp proofing (au lbo,'e).
instance, has nearly 30 per cent. of mois.ture content. This must he remO\'ed.
Dehyd ra tion is effected by heating the 35phah in open metal tanks, after which (c) Fibrous Asphalt Flit (5« Chap. I. \'01. I). The continuous process is
it is passed through a fine screen (to remove pieces of wood, etc.), and poured one of several used fo r manufacturing this material. The felt or hessian forming
into barrels. Roc.:k asphalts are crushed, ground and screened before being the base is passed in a contin uous stretched sheet through a machine and sueees-
either heated in tanb or dried by exposun; to the atmosphere. !<.ively (I) pre.heated as it travels o,'er and under steam4heated cylinder.o, (2)
PrtpoTu/lon of ValurQ/ Asphalt MaJtie-This is recognized as one of the impregnated with asphalt by heing passed under and o'-('r a series of rollers
most reliable materials for the damp proofing of walls, Roors and Rat roofs. in a tank contain ing hot liquid asphalt, (3) ai r-cooled as it traH'rses rollers,
As, for this purpose, most rock asphalts are deficient in bitumen. it i!l necessary (4) passed through a second tank containin~ hot asphalt mastic and surface
to enrich them by the addition of Trinidad Lake asrhah. The rock asphah or coatings of the liquid applied to cach side of the sheet, (S) 011 emerging, $prayed
aggregate used in the preparation of the mastic should contain at least 90 per by compre~~ed air with grains of talc or ..imilar material (to prevcnt the sheets
cent. of calcium carbonate and not leS!! than 8 per cent. of bitumen. This from sticking together ..... hen coiled up) on the upper surt'ace, (6) passed between
rock is reduced by grinding to a powder m that the whole will pass a ~o. 8 a pair of rollel"!> to embed the particles of talc and COIled hI" trAHrsing ai r4cooled
sieve (mesh of 2 mm aperture) and at least 15 per cent. .... ill pass a Xo. 200 drum~. (7) automatically cut inlO 22 m len~ths, and )\ tin;llJ~ wound into
sieve (mesh of 0'075 mm aperture). The required amount of Trinidad Lake cools by a I\inding machine.
asphalt is added and thoroughly incorporated by mechanical agitators .... ith Ap plication of Vertical Damp Proof Courses. h ~tated in Chap. J.
the powdered agg-regate in a tank at a temperature of from 176" to 200~ C. The \"01. I, the object of a horizontal damp proof course prol'ided in a wall at lca~t
total bitumen content should be at least 16 per cent. In order to stabilize the 150 mm ah()\e the ground lel-e1, IS to trHerCl'pl wale~ JhsoriJt."d from thl; soil and
mastic and render it suitahle for marketing, up to 121 [ler cem. by weight of pre\-ent it from rismg up the wall. It is ckar that Ihl~ willllot "top waler trom
fine grit such as sharp-gramed sand is added during the mixing process. Finally, passing through a basement 1\;111 from the adJan'nt l';lrth Thtrdorc it i~
the mastic is discharged from the tank and cast into Rat blocks .... eighin~ approxi- neecss.ary to introduce ;l vertical damp proof t:()UfSe w11th nlu,;t extend from
mately 2S kg each. It is thus 10 a convenient form for handling. the aool'e horizontal damp proof cnurse df)l\l. 10 a Sl,'l'Olld horl1:ontal .:ourSl' at
(b) ArtifiCIal Asphalt j,; a cheap and mferior substitutt: fo r the natural product. or near the base of the wall.
The composition is a mixture of 10' .... ith aggre~ates such as sand, puherized Sneral alternalile dl'tail~ FhO\.\ing Iht: dAmp proofing 01 t-.lscmcnU are
chalk and piuh (see below). It is liable to deteriorate and become hrittle. illuMrated in Fig. 20. .\;lion through a nasemcnt 110 shown ,11-\, in which a
Therefore, .... hen used as a damp proof course, cracks may appear through damp proof course in the thickness of the Iloor is eOlltltlucd \ ntic.llly up cal· 1
which .... ater may penetrate. The composition of artificial asphah varies, a wall to the horizontal cour~e placed at a minimum hl'ight of 150 mm abovc the
common mixture being I pan tar (or tar and pll\:h), I part sand and 11 part~ ground lel'e1. The damp-resisting material thus form~ a .... aterproof talll...
crushed chalk. These are boiied in a tank and thoroughly incoroor:lled hy preventing water from pa!iSotng through IIle tloor and walls adj .. (t'llt to the earth,
sti rring before being run IOto blocks. in addition to interecptlllg water Jh~Jrhed Irom the ground which would other-
Tar. a black, thick, oily, strong-smelling liquid, is obtained by the dc!>tructi,e Wise pass up till: walls above tbe t:Tf1und lelcl.
distillation in a cI~d retort of bituminous coal, ..... ood and certain other organic file damp prooting material in detail,. H, c. IJ, [ Jnd G ii natural asphalt
substances. OlastlC The hlock-. of mastic (sl'e aho\-e) .Ire hroken i,lt,) ~m,lll pieces, placed
into a tank on the ,me. and ,gradually heatn! unt,l till" .lsphalt IS ~ufficiently fluid
Coal lar " [he Ialll:~t group, .nd II recn\-erro 85 a b)'-product m jl:U m.nu_ to be :l.pplied With e'l:l·eption (II detail I, the \"{·ttieal damp proof courses
f.clUre, The 1/'_ produced .. hen the coal m the reton, (long ,·en,ol or mclmcd are ~ltuJled ""hlll the thicknC"~ of thl" I\alls, and thus toniurm \Iuh "hat IS
,r_l, of cHl;ul.r or O.<O«llon) IS hute,j procr.. d Ihroulth the hnlflluhc m31n Iii
large Pipe), condensen (p.pes m .. h,eh the gne. lire couled), lar {'''r~clOr ~nd considered to he the ~t pranice,
_crubbers (.. heu ammOnia and ,mPUnll'" arc re-mo\ed) to the F:a50mefer. DuronI'!" Dctail l· ~holls o~c method (If dam!, prooting" b,I'l'lnl'l1t "hK"h has a jOist
the pnxeM. tlr I. depos,ted ,n the h, dr.uhc m .. n. condenseno, ntra(;for and Krubben,
coUrned .nd m"ed anJ boarded floor. The I ~ bm.k maIO "all hd.~. 10 addition . .I 102'S mm thick
\·.Iu.ble 0.1. are ohllmed by .ubJe<:ung the tar (0 fractional .J1~ldl",on The outer leaf winch If> finished w,th a plinth course. Thi~ leaf 1$ bUilt 1ft stretch-

ina: bond, and ill function is to protect and retain the vertical damp proof courK. work, and especially if wate":r pressure has to be resisted, three separate coall are
The wall is built up to the level of the lower damp proof course of asphalt applie":d, the O\'erall thickness being 23 mm or, preferably, 30 mm.
or other approved materials described in Chap. It Vol. I. II is construct(:d In order to pro\·ide a uniform backing for the asphalt, it is advisable to build
in the following manner The main II-brick wall is continued for three or four tht inntr or main wall 20 mm from the face of the asphalt. Grouted ctmtnl is
courses, and the Joints on the outer face are raked out to a depth of about 20 mm run into this cavity as each four courses of the brickwork is built. If this is
to afford a key (or the vertical asphalt. A similar number of courses of the outer not done, spaces will be left betwetn the asphalt and the outer face of the main
lear Irc buih at a distance of 20 mm from the main wall. Th1s u\'ity is main· wall. and any wattr from the soil forced through the outer leaf may seriously
tained and mOrlar droppings preH~nted from falling inlo it, if a length of 300 mm damage the unsupporttd patches of asphalt and gain entrance into the building.
by 20 mm board is placed next to the main wall as the leaf is constructed. This The cement grouted backing to the asphalt is shown in detail a.
board is remond and the cavity is filled with molten asphalt from a pail; a The upper horizontal damp proof course: may only cover the wall from the
length of floor board supported on the leaf by small splayed blocks and tilted vertical layer to the outer face, or, preferably, extend for the full thickness of
towards the cavity facilitates thi~ operation. A metal rod is used to consolidate the wall as indicated by broken lines at I).
the asphalt and pre\'ent the formation of air \'oids. Care must be taken to Som"llmn th" prtwision ofsub$oil dramlll'!" IS mlld" 10 r"mo'" th" risk of damaK'!'
ensure that the cavity is entirely free from mortar droppmgs before the asphalt 10 th" '"nical damp proof COUI'R. Thu •• as sho'" 1'1 n n .• mall dlamet"r dnlln pipeS
is pourert, otherwi~e water may be subsequently transmitted through such (ke Chapter Two) ar" 1.ld bUll-jointed In the trench and COHre<! "ilh about 600 mm
of 1("",,[ before Ihe trench is fitll'd in "llh ''l,I. Th.s subsoil dnun II continul'd round
porous materials to the main wall. The wall and vertical damp proof course: arc the bu.ldlOll. la.d Id«jUllt f.ll, and contlOued to a hw!t" dilCh or olher IUIllble
formed in ~hort .. lifts" in this manner until the posillon of the upper horizontal oUIII'I. Hl'na Ih" 1",eI of Ihl' tubsool waler is lo",ued to thlt of the dram. el,mmllmR
damp proof course is reached. The latter course is then applied and the nortnal preuure on Ih" \'ertlcil damp proof cou ... ~. IS thl' wall'r pissel throu~h Ih" open
jo.nt. of the drain Ind .~ remo'-ed.
constlUo.;liUI1 of the wall continued.
Attention is drawn to the means of \entilation pronded to nfeJ:uard the Another form of internal "trtital damp proof collrsc is shown at c. Tht
floor timht-rs agaimt dry rot. Vertical shafts or flues, of 215 mm by 102.5 mm wall is constructed in two block-bonded thicknesses with a continuous double
cross section, are formed at approximately 1·8 m inter\'als in the centre of the laytr of asphalt bttwetn, tht height of the blocks being five'courses each.
main wall durinJ: construction; o~nings arc left at the inner face below the The detail at E shows the \ ertital asphalt applied on the external face of the
base~ent floor, and the upper ends arc completed With the usual perforated walls. The Joints must be well raked out to afford an adequate key for the
air bricks, as shown. asphalt, otherwise there is a risk of the covering becoming detached from the
Delail D lhows an alternati\'e and efficient method of damp proofing. The wall. Thtre should be a minimum width of 760 mm working space between
bottom la)'er of concrete known as Ihe subfl.xJr is covered with a 20 mm thickness the wall and the timhering of the trench to enable this to be done. In order
of asphalt laid in IWO separate coats (or a 30 mm thickness in three coats); this that the asphalt will not be txposed to view and the hot rays of the sun, it is
in turn is covercd with a second layer of roncretc, called the loodinf!ftoor (as It turntd in 102'5 mm ju~t below the ground le"el and continued vertically to the
counterbalances the upward pressure of subsoil water), and finished with wood up~r horizontal course. ThiS method is not so efficitnt as either of those

block flooring (sec Chap. I, \'01. III). shown at C, D and c, I-,specially if the damp proqf course is subjected to sub-
The asphalt co\'ering tht subAoor is continued as a ,ertical damp proof soil water pressure. The construction of the Roor, in which Bull Dog dips
cou~, additional asphalt being applied at t!'le intersection bet\\I'1:n the horizontal are employed, is described in Chap. I, Vol. III.
and vertical layers, and fini$hcd as a spbyed angle fillet, to prevent possible Detail F shows the application of sheets of fibrous asphalt fclt This bitumin-
crttp of moisture": at the inter.;ection The vertical layer is formed as follows. ous sheeting is generally in 9'5 mm widths and is laid \'ertical1y with 75 mm
The outer 102' 5 mm thickn«& of the": wall is first CQnstructtd in strttching bond up widt lapped Joints. In the given example it IS shown applied to the internal
to the levti of the horizontal layer; the Joints of the inne":r face are raked out face of the main It-brick wall. This face is first rendtred with cement mortar
and dust, etc., remo,-ed by mean~ of:a s~tff broom; the first coat of Ihc hOI (I . 3) of 10 mm thicknese to provide an C\Cn surface: fo. lIlt: sheeting
uphall, approximattiy 10 mm thick, I~ then applied, it being spread or Rooted It II usual for Ihr~ men to work tOg<'thn when appl)'lO.Il: the felt. The roU 1$
on by the aid of a hand float similar to that shown at D, Fig. 23. The latter is tupportC"d by two men holdlOg thl' proj"Cllllg "nds of I wood roller whIch il paSll'd
throuli;;h ,to Comml'nCin,.1 the upper hontontal dllOlp proof courte pre"ioutly la,d.
applied WIth sufficient pressure": until a smooth surfaced hom~tneou8 layer of and workln" do"n"lrds. Ihe undcrs.d" ofth" roll as ,t Ill!' uncOllw II healw
asphalt is obtamed, free from mid!! or blow hoi(:S. Any blow holes must be by I blow JllOlp m.ampuialcd by thl' Ihlnl "'an M('In"htl", one of thc olhu m"n
Itabbed, fillC'd in and smoothed over. The second coat must co\'er the Joints h.nldmll In t'nd of the rod ,,"h one hind, pr~se. I hind floal over Ihe 1h~1 al ,I
"IOcools and attach", il to thl' rtndned flce of Ih" Will Thl. is conlll'lul'd, Ih" roll
of the fir!>!. Tht finished thickness of two-coat work is zo mm. For special bell'll!' 110,,1), unCOiled II it il h<'lted and luaehed. untIl the bile i. relched. The

upper edge mutt be heated and ua/rd to the honzontal damp proof ooune. asphalt may be rendered as described in connection with detail 0 and a 101'5 mm
and the lower edge should be he-ted and lapped 75 mm ovu the Roor damp proof brick lining constructed, or this inner lining may be built with 20 mm cavity
course Ilid. Each successIve venica! llyn of sheetmlt must be thoroughly bet.....een, into which the liquid mastic is poured (see description on p. 5S in
sc.led by hUI and pressure .t the Ilppc.:I Joints.
respect to detail c). If a wall exceeds 2'7 m in height . it is desirable to bond the
The inner 102'5 mm wall is built after the concrete loading floor has been new 102·5 mm brick lining to it; this is effected by forming 12S mm by 125 mm
formed, a 10 or 13 mm cavity being left between the leaf and the asphalt and by 100 mm high pockets (one per square metre) in the existing wall, lining
filled with grouted cement as described on p. 5S in connection with detail B. these with. asphalt mastic, and building in headers from the new wall during its
It is usual for this inner leaf to be continued up to the basement ceiling. construction.
Bituminous sheeting may also be applied next to a 102'5 mm leaf as at 0 or If the wall can be treated externally, the vertical asphalt damp proof course
externally as atE. may be applied on the oUler face. as shown at E.
Damp Proofing of Floors.- The concrete floors shown at 0, E, F and G When the floor, in addition to the walls, of an exisdng basement is damp, it
are shown with a damp proof course over the concrete subftoor. Such pro- is advisable to take up the floor, replace it with at least 150 mm thK:kness of
vision is necessary if the site is damp (see waterproofed concrete floors below). concrete ( t : 2: 4) and cover it with a 20 mm double layer of c()wured asphalt
The course may be either of asphalt mastic or fibrous asphalt felt. before the walls are treated. This can be obtained in \'arious colours. and
The surface of the concrete must br absolu tel y dry brfore the asphalt 15 applIed, provides a noiseless. damp-resisting and hygienic finish. Occasionally the
otherwise adheSIon will bt ad~'ersely affected. It shnuld be leve! and well brushed layer of asphalt may be placed direct upon the existing concrete floor: this is
down . In ordn to promote adhuion, hot liquid asphalt, known I I a p"",~~. is bnl5hed rarely satisfactory, as the concrete is usually defective.
over the surface btfore the first ooal of asphalt mast,c is apph",d; alterna",dy, thc
concret'" may be co~·er",d w,th b,tummous paper or bu;/dlnx paptr (one type consists of ·Waterproofed cement (see below) is also applied to walls and floors of damp
IWO layenl of hemp ,mpregl'lated '" lth b,tumel'l and co"ered with brown or klllfl paper) existing hasements in lieu of bituminous materials.
Th,s first coat of mastic. ,0 mm thIck. ,5 spread and ftoated over 10 bays not e,.c~dinj;( 2. Waterproofed Cement Renderings and Concrete. - Waterproofers,
'.4 m; th'" joint bttween a bay and Ihatlas! fonned is properly sealed by spreadml(
the ho t uphalt some 75 mm over the ed([e of that already tosoft"'n it. and afler thc as described on p. 27, are used for cement renderings and concrete (see p. 36)
supCrftuou5 asphalt has been removed. the jomt 15 wdl floated or ,ronI'd until both for damp proofing basements. The composition of the mixes vanes according
edges are properly bonded and levelled The second ooal 15 apphed d,rect on 10 the
first. care bc1O~ taken that Ihejoints do not coincide w,th those belo"'. If a third coa l to the waterproofer, water pressure (if any) to be resisted, and the particular
is required, th,s must also hreak j01O! with Ihe second requirements of the building. In all cases the directions of the proprietors of
If fibrous asphalt felt is to be used, as shown at Y, the concrete subfloor is pr,med the waterproofers should be complied with, and only best materials and work-
and the bituminous sheetin!! IS laid w,lh 75 mm lapJX'd joints. as described in the
preceHling column for vertical sheeting, the sheets bem~ hCKted as they arc unCOIled manship employed.
and floatcd on to the floor. As an~· sharp projectl<)ns on the surface ofthe suhfloor may The construction may be somewhat similar to that shown at E, except that
I~ar the she~IIOR, "is adVIsable 10 oo~·~r Ihc concrrle WIth a 13 mm thick layer of the floor con~ists of one layer only of waterproofed reinforced concrete covered
cement mortar to pre~·e: nt damage when the cone:rete of the loaded floor is deposited.
Th,s also ensures a good backing for the damp proof course:, which is very euential with a rendering of waterproofed cement mixture; the rendering is continued
if water pressure has to be resisted. vertically on the outer face of the wall to the upper horizontal damp proof
In order to prevent darnalle being c:au~...a In Ih~ hnrizontal damp proof course
by the upward pressuI"C of subso il water. It is often necessary to remforce the course as shown.
concre!'" by a contmuouslayer of expanded m",ul or other steel n:inforcement placed
about 25 mm below the damp proof course. Similar reinforcement, placed appro",i- The compo,ition of the concrete recommended by one firm wh(ue product
mately 25 mm from the top, IS also usual1y provided 10 the concret~ 10adinJl ftoor. is a we\l.kno",n ",aterproofer in powder form is 1 part Po rtland cement, 1 parIS
Such reinforcement resiil~ the tenSIOn stresses cn:ated.' In all such construction sand, J parts coanle a8~regale (fEnded from III mm down 10 6 mrn) Ind 3 kg ofwate r-
the loadinl!; ftoors should be lied or bUllt-1O to tne wall s, as shown at 0, E, rand c. proofer to 100 kg of cement. The reinforcement ,s placed al 25 mm from the upper
surface, the thickness of the floor and amount of reInforce ment dependlOl{ upon the
Treatment of Damp Existing Basement Walls.-The absence of vertical span and "atel' pressure to b", resisted. The concret'" is at onc'" covrrHl .... ,th a 10 mm
mIxture composed of , pnt Portland cement, 1 parts sand and S ~8 of waterproofer
damp proof courses is a frequent cause of dampness in walls of existing basements. to ,00 kg of cement. The vertical rcnderin([ is of limilar compositlon. but is 15 mm
One method of curing such dampness is to apply a bituminous sheeting th,ck In Ih ree coalS.
vertical damp proof course to the internal face of the wall, similar to that shown
To cure dampness in an existing ba!>tment, it is recommended that alSo mm
at F and described on p. 55. and to construct a 102'5 mm brick (or concrete)
layer of waterproofe! reinforced concrete, composed as above, be formed on the
wall from the floor to the ceiling.
old concrete floor; this is rendered with a 20 mm layer of waterproofed cement
Alternatively. asphalt mastic may be applied to the internal faces of the walls
mortar, as above, and continued as a 25 mm thick vertical layer on the inner face
after any plaster has been remo\'ed and the joints well raked out. Two coats of
of the walls.
'See VOJ. IV.

A o F B A S E M E N T 5

£ Y S f C T I 0

~A~l~l~S~=§G===P~O~R~T I__O__N_S____O__F____F__l_O__O__R

The following is th., !equence of operallonl; (I) Chasn are fonned in the waUs 1mportlnt, as the intersection is yulnoerable) and bdou the grout hiS Id, the firal COlt
to u.;:ei ...., the cdgl'li of the waterproofed concrete floor; (2) any pinter, limewash of Ih" wall rcnd"ring is applioed, followed by th" lub$C'qu"nt COlts.
or paint is remoH:d from th" wills, thl' jOlnlS Ire raked Out or the brickwork (or Itone-
work) i. hacked over by uSing. hammer and punch to give I key for the rendering,
the walil ne bru.-hed down with l stiff broom to remove dust and afterwards copioUllly Defects in this form of damp proofing may occur through cracks which may
watered to prevent excen; ... e absorptIon of mOLsture from the rendenng; CJ) the
s urface of the extl!mg floor IS well hacked, brushed and washed; (,.). s ~r cent. develop in the rendering collts through which water may penetrate.
grout of '" Bterproofed cement ;1 brushed over the duned IUrfac., 10 effect I bond In mooern construction, basements are frequently constructed of solid
hetween it and the WIIterproofed concrete Ilyer whIch is at once laid befou thoe grout reinforced concrete walls, the concrete being waterproofed.
sell; (~ ) th1l it roendoeud without dday; (6) uch puplrW1nh:mal facoe of the wall,.
grouted, and Ifter the fillct hu been caufully fOnTlw It the bottom corner (thiS is A double course of slat~, bedded in cement (as described in Chap. I, Vol. I),

may be used .. a chellp, but less ctrettin, alternative venial damp proof course The ground i. lupportcd by • t'ttaiJrj"l fDQlllOmc distance from the outer
to tho&e described above. wall of the building. The area must be paved and drained, gullies (see p. 78)
Finally, the practice adopted in cheap work of rendering the huide (1«1 of being placed as required and connected by drains [0 the public sewer. The
basement walls with two coats of cement mortar to I finished thickness of:1o mm retaining wall must be built in cement mortar, and is usually surmounted by •
i. highly undesinlblc. as dampness will ultimately appear through this thin un- metal railing or balustrade, as this obstructs little light; either small uwp-hokl
waterproofed layer. The covering of damp walla with wood (uad,,., or panelling must be formed, or pipces, as shown, provided ncar the base of the wall to allow
should also be discouraged, as this only hides the defects, and, whilst the the escape of subsoil water, otherwise the pressure may overturn it, especially
unhealthy conditions still remain, the wood i. likely to be atUicked by dry rot. if the water becomes froun. The Roor of the basement is an alternative to those
The provision made for damp proofing walls built on 810ping sites is described shown in Fig. 20; the floor is waterproofed with I 20 mm asphalt d.p.c.
on p. 59. A do"," dr)' IIrt'tl may con ••• t of a 102'S mm indepc:nd~nt wall, externhn!! from a
Dry or Open Areas.-Fig. 21 shows a ICction through II typical open afra. few millimeu," Mlowthe basement ftoorto th~ Rround level, 5' to 102'5 nun from the
Such provision is necessary to afford natural lighting and direct access to a main wall and fini.hed It Ihe (lround level wilh a bnck-cn-edi[e copinjl' which cloaet
the Clvity; Ih~ latt~r may be v~ntllated by vertiCIl .haftl formed in the mam wan,
hasement. limilar to thlt shown at C, F'R. \la, ' nul i. an undeSirable fonn of con$lruct.on,
as ""Iter may Rain aceen throuRh Ihe thm retainin" ""all and ClOUse dampneu ..
il accumulltn, To o,'ercome Ihis defect the closed Clvlty i. somellmes incrused
in width, the bottom i. concreted and a i[utty pro'ided which il connected to the
D R y A R. E A ~wer by I drain, 1·h,. Rutty will, howevet, b«ome unsealed (ICe Chapter Two) in
dry .. ealher owinillu the evaporation of the ""Min in Ihe ,rap, and thus )(1IKI from
the aewet will ncape into the inlcttnible cavity. Such provision cannot be 100

C". 0'- W". MlliNG ---_j! F<)(m'AT"

Itronjl:ly condemned.

500ll. bO HAM> S'
Foundations must be horizontal irr~pectiye of the character of the site.
I( a site has little or no fall, the foundations of walls of the same thickness
lIS I'.ETAINING WAlL WILT IN ar~ generally level throughout, On a sloping site, however, it would be un·
CEMENT MO'-TM c:...:=,---,_
economical to construct all foundations at the same le\'el as that of the lowest,
318 El(TEIUJAl.. WAll and it is therefore the practice on such a site to arrange the foundations at
different levels according to the slope. Such are known as stepped foundations,
1·2M WIDE AA£A ----Y... The steps should be in relatively short lengths and preferably of uniform height
not exceeding 90Cl mm, the smaller the better. Hence when the slope is con·
!..---OAoMP P~OOF COUUE siderable, it is desirable to form the foundation of a wall of appreciable length
in a series of small steps; if the steps are high owing to their inadequate number,
there is a risk of unequal settlement occurring due to the large variation in the
CONClU"TE- loads transmitted to the foundation on each side of a benching (see below) and
tne difference in shrinkage of the mortar joints between the larger number
below each benching and those above; this may cause cracks to appear in the
wall immediately over the changes of depth, The lengths of the steps need not
be uniform, and they may vary considerably if the f.n is very irregular.
Two typical arrangements of stepped foundations arc shown at A and 8,
Fig, 22.
The site at A has a "irly regular slope, with a total difference in level in
the length of the wall of 1'2 m. The two steps arc of un,form height, The
sketch detail c shows the c:oncrete continued vertically from the lower to the
FIGURE 21 upper concrete beds, Thia is known as a bmLhi,., and should be of a width at
least equal to the thickness of the concrete bed. In this example the Roor level
ST E P P ED FOUNDAT ION 5 is the same throughout.
The sectional elevation at B shows the ground to have an irregular fall, the
FOR 5 LOPING SI T E S total difference in level being 2" m. Advanlage has been taken of the fall to
obtain garage accommodation as shown; a building should be designed to obtain
accommodation in this manner in order to reduce the cost and avoid .. dead
FlOOIt.. walling" at the lower level. The foundation consists of brick footings on concrete
as an alternative to that at A. The detail at D shows the footings (and wall) of
the lower section abutting against the concrete benching, and those above it
returned, the lowest course of footings being 150 mm from the edge of the
Site Concrete.-This has not been shown in order to avoid complication.
No attempt would be made to arrange this in a series of level steps; the top
150 mmofvirgin soil would be removed and the ISO mm of site concrete would be
formed to a slope more or less conforming to that of the ground . The Boor of
the garage at B would be of concrete. The site concrete under the floor on the
left of the division wall could be laid to fall as described above, in which case
the division wall would require a vertical damp proof course; alternatively the
latter can be dispensed with if the earth is excavated to a depth of 230 mm below
D the horizontal damp proof course in the wall, sloped back and covered with
150 mm of site concrete as shown at II.

Damp Proofing.-The horizontal damp proof courses are stepped as shown,
care being taken that none come withir> 150 mm of the ground; the \'ertical joint
should be as short as possible in order not 10 weahn the walls, otherwi~e the
steps should be as shown at G where asphalt mastic is applied and the adjacent
walling toothed. A \'ertical damp proof course, indicated by a thick line, would
be required on the back face of the garage division wall unless the earth is removed
DETAILS and the sitc concrete sloped as explained abo\'e. The vertical damp proof
course is required to be continued round the side walls of the garage as the
~E· 0 "F· floor is below the ground level; this may be applied to the internal faces, as
shown by the shaded area, but if this is objected to on the score of appearance,
it may be formed within the thickness of the wall in the usual manner.


A concrete floor may consist of a single layer, known as one-course work,
or two layers called two-couru work. The former is commonly adopted for
floors of garages, ccllars, coal hou~es, etc., and those which are to be covered
with other materials such,ils boarding and asphalt; site concrete is in one layer
only, Two-course work is generally employed in good practice, and consists of
a base layer covered by a finishing surface or wearing coat which should not be
FIGt;RE 22 !toss than 20 mm thick, A common mix for the base is grade IS concrete (see
p, 31), just sufficient water should be used to give a 50 mm slump. A hard
wearing surface. known as agranolithic finilh, is obtained from a mixture of I part at A, Fig. 23, 38 mm thick edge-boarth or battens are nailed to wood stakes (or
cement, 1 part sand and 2 to 3 parts dean granite or whinstone chippings secured by staples to 20 mm diameter metal rods) driven in along the boundaries
(crushed granite) capable of passing through a 6'''' mm square mesh sieve and of the bays at about 1'2 m centres, the top edges of the battens being brought to
excluding dust; approximately 60 per cent. of the chippings should be retained the requirdl floor 'level by the use of a long straight edge and spirit level. The base
on a 3"2 mm mesh sieve; the surface concrete should give a 25 mm slump (~e concrete is deposited in a bay, spread, and shovelled up to a height slightly more
p. 32). The concrete is either machine or hand mixed, as described on p. 34. than the finished level. A wood strike-board, tamper, or striki"g-of! hoard is then
An excess of water, cement and trowelling (see below) should be avoided, as this used to consolidate and bring the concrete to a uniformly level surface; as
brings the cement to the lurface and prodvcc:s what is known as a dusty floor. shown at B, this strike-board is notched at each end, the depth of the notch being
Tne surface should be applied to the bMC before the latter has hardened. The equal to the thickness of the surface coat of the floor. It is manipulated by a man
ground should be firm, any so([ patches being replaced with concrete or hard at each end who, working together, tamp down the concrete by lifting ~nd
stone. Sometimes a I SO to 300 mm layer of broken bricks or stone is first laid to releasing it as they proceed slowly backwards and forwards, any excess concrete
receive the base layer; this sub-base is caBed hard core or pe1lnin,E: (see Fig. being struck off as the tamper is brought forward when traversing the battens,
Method, of forming a Co"crde F/oor,-Large floors are formed in a series of
and any low patches being filled in .before the surface is given a final light

h~ys or sections, a convenient size being 3 m square, concreted alternately. T~e wearing coat should be laid within an hour of mixing the base concrete.
One of several methods of forming a two-coursed floor i. as follows: As shown The ends of the strike- board used for forming the finishing coat are not notched



mEL -m:>WE!.

J(f-IOMD / ,
P-.AMM E ~ 5 .J!

0 0 0 F
0 U II. S E
·1 i 21
N C II. E F L 0 0 II.

(~c). The granolithic mixture (see p. 60) is deposited and then levelled as th(' a wall, which is avoided by the use of the somewhat irregularly edged and surfaced
strike-board is caused to traverse the edge-boards with a to-and-fro and zigzag hand-made variety.
motion. When sufficiently hard, the surface is tamped and floated with the wood A wide range of colours and textures of bricks is now available (see pp. 12 and
float D, any irregularities being made good. Final trowelling is by means of 13). Some walls are purposely built of bricks which are uniform in colour; such
the stul t,~l E, which is worked in a circular motion. Excessive trowelling bricks must be carefully selected if a dull, monotonous appearance is to be avoided.
brings to the surface a liquid scum, called laitallct. Such should be avoided, as Within recent years there has been an increased demand for multi-coloured
this destroys the initial set and produces a friable, non-wearing surface having bricks; these have a very pleasing appearance, provided the selected shades
a glossy finish which has a tendency to dust and craze. suitably blend and violent contrasts are avoided. Regarding texture, bricks
Not all surfaces are finished in this manner. Thus, for common WQrk, the concrete
having a smooth surface can be readily cleaned and are therefore often employed
i. oflen JpDdt-jinishtd, i,t., the surface is beaten down and smoothed over with the for external walling in towns where they quickly become discoloured in the dust-
back of the .pade. Another finish, often adopted for paths and roads, il produced laden atmosphere; otherwise sand·faced or richly textured bricks are gcperally
by jumping the strike-board up and down as it Iravenes the edge-board., to fOml a
serious of small corrugations. A hard-wearing !unace of attractive appearance may preferred becausc of the excellent effect they produce.
be produced by mechanically operated Ilrindinll discs which are applIed to the floor Jointing and Pointin/it".-Particular attention should be given to the colour
.fter it hl$ become sufficiently hard. This exposes .nd polishes Ihe colne aggregate. of the mortar, and the shape and texture of the joints used for facing work.
Turo;:;zo is another finish used in first-class work. One method is to cover the
concrtte base with a as mm thick wearing coat composed of I part cement and 1I parts Various forms of jointing and pointing are described in Chap. I, Vol. I. The
sand; crushed marble of 6 mm gauge (free from dUlt) i. sprinkled and rolled into appearance of a wall constructed of sound materials and workmanshi p may be
this coat whilt! it is stiU soft; when sufficiently hard (thrte or four days after layine) completely ruined by the adoption of unsuitable joints. Thus, for example.
it is ground down to D. smooth surface by stone discs meehanlcally operated. Another
terrazzo finish consists of a 25 mm coat of I pan cement and at pan. cruahed marble joints least suitable for sand-faced bricks of rich texture and warm colouring
of 13 mm gauge or less, which is machine ground after it has been allowed to paniRliy are those of black or dark blue mortar (see p. 27) which are struck-jointed, on
An alternative method of fanning a two-course floor is .. follows: The floor ia account of the colour and the smooth mechanical appearance.
divided into bays, as above described, by temporarily bedding wood battent, c.\]ed The texture of the joints should conform with that of the bricks. Joints
Jcrud nd~J, on nurow strips of concrete: these are fimlly upped in position until smoothed over with the trowel should not be associated with rough textured
their top edges Ire brought to the required level by means o( a ttraight edge and
s pirit level; tach alternate bay is dealt with in tum; the bue concrete it deposited bricks, for which flush and recessed joints (see Vol. 1) give the best results. If
and le velled off to the top of the screeds by a straight edit which i, drawn over them neither of the latter can be adopted because of expense, a satisfactory finish to
in a "IIUII manner; the C<.Increte is compacted or pu",,~d with a toood ,a",mC" (see F) rustic brickwork is obtained if the joints are just !eft as the mortar is cut off
or i,o" ,am"," or PU""" (ace c); the top layer of concrete i. then spread over the
base, brought to a le"el surface flush with the screed. by means of the straight edge, with the trowel, no attempt being made to smooth the surface; the faidy rough
floated (D) and trowelled (E) 1$ already described; the screed. are remo.ed, and the teJlture of such joints gives a more satisfactory finish to this class of work than
holes filled in wilh concrete and levelled off.
that produced by smooth struck joints.
The floor should be covered with damp sacks or 25 mtn thickness of sand, kept The colour of mortar is referred to on p. 27. to which attention is drawn.
moist by occasionally spraying water on it from a hose to prevent the concrete from Marked contrasts between the colour of the jointing material and the bricks
drying out tOO rapidly. Alternatively thc floor may be covered with a sheet of should be avoided, hence white joints should not be used with bright red facings.
polythene. It should be kept damp for at least ten days (see p. 36). Generally, black mortar should be avoided for faced work. The design of a
fa~ade can be influenced by mortar joints; thus, horizontality can be effectively
stressed. if the vertical joints are made inconspicuous by flush-pointing them
with mortar of the same colour as that of the bricks (which should be unifOTm).
and a lighter coloured mortar i. used for the flu.h_pointed bed joints.
The decorative value of brickwork is influenced by the size, shape, colour That the shape of the joint affects the appearance of brick walling may be
and texture of the bricks and mortar joints, in addition to the face arrangment appre<:iated by comparing work which has been flush jointed and that with
of the bricks and form of the feature. recessed joints. Whilst both are attractive. there is a big contrast between the
Bricks.- - The thickness of the bricks affects the appearance of faced brick- flat appearance of the former and the deep shadows formed by the latter. in
work considerably. Whilst a wall built of thick bricks looks strong, and these which each brick unit in tlae mass is elearly defined. An effective modification,
are therefore suitable for engineering work, it is generally agreed that the appear- in which both of these joints may be employed in oonjunction, consists of flush
ance of most walls is enhanced jf So nun bricks are employed. Bricks which are vertica1 joints and recessed bed jointl.
uniform in shape, with straight, sharp urises. give a mechanical appeatllnce to The thickness of the joints i.s aJlO important. With few exceptions, such ..
for ~Iazed brickwork, thin joints should be avoided. Most first-class work has In general, Indented cOllrses should not ha\c a greater set-b~ck than 25 mm
10 mm thick bed joints.. and sometimes this thickness is increased to 13 mm. if a coarse appearance is to he :1I·oided.
Monotony of plain b~ick walling is relie,'ed by using bricks either of con· This form of treatment is <l\:m employcd at door and window openings.
Ifasting colour, or texture or face appearance, or a combination of all three, at String Courses.-A few sUR):eslions are shown at 1'.6, 7, 8 and 9, and at j.
prominent positions, such as at parapets, quoins, string courses, door and window l\·iost of the parapets dt.."Sl;Tihed ahon: may also be adopted for string courses or
openings, etc. The judicious use of stone and tiles at these positions assists friezes. \10ulded hriek cour;;es arc not now greatly favoured.
in providing interesting contrasts. A few examples of these arc illustrated in Panels.- Largc masse;; of plain walling may he relieved by the provision
Fig. 24. of decorative panels. A fell' designs arc shoWI!;il M.L, .t, j, 4 and 5. That at
Parapets (see A, a, C, D, E and F).-That at A shows a simple finish to the M . I shows square panels of bricks laid diagonally with header divisions: the
quoin of a brick-on-edge parapet. The double course of tiles at II is surmounted infilling bricks may be of contrasting colour. The panel at M.2 consists of a
by brick-on-end and brick-on-edge courses, both of which may be set slightly herring-hone infilling, short brick-on-end head and sil!, and header verticals.
back from the face and at the quoin. The parapet course al C consists of stretchers Panel ,,1.3 comprises three "piers" of purpose-made bricks with hel-dled
alternating and coursing with bricks laid on end bed-faced; this is bedded on faces which project (see plan), ahernating with bricks arranged on end, and \
a slightly projecting stretching course and is finished with one or more projecting
courses of tiles. Bricks-on-end (which may be slightly set hack from the face),
surmounted by two courses of thick tiles, comprise the parapet at 0, and an
finished with two courses of tiles top and bottom, the latter projecting as shown
on plan. The simple rectangular panel at 111.4 projects (see plan) and is of
contrasting colour. A somewhat complicated design, suitable for a large panel,
interesting finish at the quoin is provided by the tiles as shown. A simple but is shown at M.5; such provides an interesting feature, especially if surrounded
effective detail is shown at E, where the top four heading courses are set back by a large mass of brickwork; the panel may be g-iven a shght projection.
(or indented) 13 to 25 mm from the face and at the quoin, and these alternate with Another form of pand, much favoured, consists of an infilling of bricks arranged
stretching courses of suitable contrasting colour Hush with the wall face; a in basketwea,·e pattern (see ['.14).
50 mm thick stone coping serves as a finish. That at F simply consists of a brick- Arches.- Apatt from their design, arches may emphasize such salient features
on-edge course surmounted by a similar stone coping. as doors and windows by the employment of hricks of contrasting colours and
Additional designs suitable for parapets, modified as required, include the textures, and the introduction of differing materials forming the keys and imposts.
string courses at N.7, 8 and 9, diagonal pattern at M.I (or a course of bricks Thus, for example, a pleasing effect to a fa~ade constructed of dark coloured
laid diagonally), herring-bone pattern at M.2 (two inclined courses laid hori- bricks may be obtained if rubbers or ~imilar coloured voussoirs are used for the
zontally), panern M.3 (see below), pattern M.5 (arranged horizontally), bricks- arches, and points of interest pro\'idcd if tile;; or stone are used for key blocks.
on-end as shown at P.IO, and one or more courses of basketweave shown at P.14. Severd arches having tiled keys arc shown in Vol. 1 and in Fig. 19 of this
The top CQurses of bricks, tiles or stone of a parapet should be well bedded volume; addition;;.\ examples arc illLlsuol\ed in Fig. 24. That shown at P.IO
and jointed in cement mortar in order to exclude water and increase stability. shows a lintel or soldier arch with sen:ral projecting voussoirs. P.II shows a
The provision of a horizontal damp proof course, below the parapet and extend- segmental arch constructed entirely of tiles.
ing the full thickness of the wall, is an additional requirement. The mortar jmnts Mthe t,led soffit (and somctim~s on th~ face) arc usual. ~ recessed
Built-up cornices, involving the use of moulded bricks, rarely find a place in (see P.II). Thi, effect LS obtaIned b}' ~preadml( a 20 mm layer of ,and on the wood
modern design. centre; each til. is forced down until ,t touches the l"Rging, and mortar is spread on
the bed of the tile aha"" thc sand. Pointinj!" is applied on removal of the centre. This
Quoins (see c, II, j, K and L).- Additiond interest may be pro\'ided by simply ensures clean exposed ed.r;:es of the t,les, which are otherwise liable to become sta,ned
using at the t;uoins bricks of contrasting colour to that of the rest of the walling, with the mortar a nd rendered inconspicuous.
and producing a toothed effect, as at c and L; the quoin bricks may be darker The semi-hexagonal arch at P.12 embodies tiles at the corners. The semi-
than the adjacent walling (i.t., "purple" quoins against a mass of .. buff circular arch 1'.13 consists of a tiled key block and purpose-made long voussoirs
brindles ") or lighter, such as "cherry red" quoins contrasting with" dark alternating with sho,ter ones; this toothed arrangement is continu.ed down the
strawberry" coloured adjoining brickwork. The appearance of additional jambs; owing to :hc difficulty in accurately cutting to the required shape the
strength is obtained by using rusticated or indented quoms, as shown at II, J bricks adjacent to the extrados, this form of arch is usually associated with
and k. The elevation and sketch at H show projecting blocks of two-cowse rough-casted walls, and rough cutting is therefore only nece.sary. A semi-
depth alternating with three-course projecting blocks, the blocks being of uniform circular arch, with stepp&d rings, over a door opening ;s sho",n at; the
length. The treatment at j is somewhat similar, but the shorter alternate blocks core or tympanum is filled with bricks arranged in basketweave paltern; an
give a toothed effect. Projecting blocks at greater intervals are shown at K. equally effecti\·e treatment is to arrange the bricks forming the core in herring-

D E c o R A T E D B R c K W 0 R K


". " .

ATE D -- QUO --- N


5 T ~ N G 5
" Q

D A p E 5

.A~A 1Jb. \"'lJN'I
- 89 0 '

'-"" tr:y
A c H 5
bone formation. This core 15 supported on a ~tout llak frame , and one or more LOll-rating appliances are split into two types' Class l--solid fucl or oil-
courses of liles (with I] mm proJection) are often mtroduced ~twec:n dlC: top of burning t~·l'es with an output rating not exceeding 45 !;.\\' and mt:dium-loized
the frame and the brickwork, tOcinerators; and Class II gas-burning type~ hal-ing a rating not I;,ceedmg
Diaper Work. Yariegated coloured or I.liaper work In which dark coloured 45 k\\' and o;01all incinerators.
bricks, arran~ed in pattern form. are associated with II~hler coloured hrickwork Thc requirements of the Building Re~ulations hal'e been hnefiy incorporated
(or light coloured brick patterns contrastln~ With general wallillJi: of dark bricks) in the following description, and most of them are illustrated in Fig. 25. This
IS ic!'>s prc\aJent in modern construction than formt"rly. The present tendency, shows the plan 8, I'erlical sectIOn c and elevation A of a two-storied chimney
when multi·coloured briCks arc employed. is 10 Jay the" dark .. " In haphazard breast (which accommodates tll'O fireplaces and Rues), together with enlarged
fashion. no attempt lxinR: made to arrange them to any mechanical pattern. details.
A few uamples of diapers or chcquer work arc shown at Q.15. 16 and '7. Each heating appliance must be provided with a flll.~ or duct for the remol-al
In each case the general wall bond ;s adjusted to suit the particular design of of smoke. If the chimnt:y in which the fireplace opening and Rue are formed
the diapers. projects (and it generally does) it is known as a dllmnry br~ast until it penetrates
Piers.- These ha\e been rderred to on p. 39. The detached octagonal pier the roof, when it is caned a ch'mn~y slack.
shown in plnn and part elevation at R.IS, With a simple hrick-on-edge plinth Foundations.- The foundations of a chimney must be similar to those of •
hanng a 13 mm proJection, has a pleasing ap~)Car3ncc. Indented courses, set the adjacent wall, i.~.. they mlllOt comply with eitht:r of those shown at A, B, C or
back about 20 mm and at SII( to eight cour»e mtervals, are somettmes prol-ided in D, Fig. 10, \'01. I (sec A, c and z. Fig. 25)' The chimney must be well bonded
this form of structure. An alternatil·e design (occaSionally employed in modern to the adJ3cent wall (see plan at z) and be provided with a proper damp proof
churches) is shown III plan and part elevation at R.t9. Stte! pillars (which course (see A and section z).
roupport the st«1 roof trusses and any steel heams) are en(:a~ed in concrete and Chimney Stacks. -A chimney breast which is to penetrate the ridge of a
fini:-.hed wllh brickllork_ The plmth i" four (:our~ high abovc the floor and roof IS gradually reduced in Width abo"e the cellmg until that of the chimney
hai a 13 mm proJe1:tlOn. The hncks forming the two longer faces of the pillar stack is obtamed, which should occur just below the penetration (see A, Fig. 25).
shaft are arran\.:ed dia~nally (tho~e in alternate coursr~ being laid in the opposite The minimum height of the stack is 915 mm above the ridge, as shown. If the
dirc(tlOn) to glle a -.crrated t:lr(~t. ..h ~hown, thc'iC brick~ are not purposc- Mack does not pass through at the ridge but penetrates one slope only, this
made; speu'-ll bricks, shaped ~mcwhat like those lIulicated at '1.3, are ~me­ 915 mm height is measured from the highest point of intersection, such Isal the
tImes Il<:ed. The concrete is plneed in pOsition ;\S tht' brickwork proceeds. hack gutter. For reasons of stability, the Buildtng Regulations require that the
Although thl!> hrickwork docs not sUPllOrt nny loall, other than Its own weight, height of a stack io; to be not more than six tlmell its least width (unless otherwise
It IS ath Isablc to lie the shorter faces into thc concrete by placinJ!: 25 mm by scrllred) measured from the highest point of intentection (see T). The minimum
6 mm b~' 150 mm long copper ~trips in the bed jOlnt~ :\I si,.th course inttTlals. thickness of the walls ofa stack is 100 mm. If the stack only accommodates one
Rue, the apllCarance is conSiderably improved if this thickness is increased to
liS mm. The 102'5 10m thic!;' u·,thn (or dhisions) should be w~lI bonded into
FIREPLACES, FLUES. CHIMNEY BREASTS AND STACKS the e"ternal waJ1s. Planssho~lOg typical honding are ~hown atJ and x. Chimney
As a means of heating a living-room of a house the open fire is still the most stacks should he built in waterproofed cement mOitar from 300 mm below the
popular in this country, despite the fnct that it i~ \"(~ry lar)lely resllOnsible for the lowest POlOt of intersection of the roof. A metal or slate damp proof course can
pollution of the atmosphere by the smokc and other products of combustion also be inserted. Rain is thus prevented from soaking down the walls, and,
emllted from it. Air pollution i~ no.w reducl·d in this country by the insi~tence prol'ided the joints are well tilled with mortar, cold air is excluded which would
contained in the Building Regulations that only smokc1c$S fuels should be used other"l~e cause chImneys to smoke as the rising warm air is cooled.
10 heating appliances. ~uch fuels arc anthracite, coke (including patent solid It is usual to terminate a Rue With a fireclay pot, although this is not always
smokeless fuels), oil and gas. necessary and its omission is ~metimes preferred. Chimney pots are of various
Fireplace, etc., construction must comply .... ith the Building ReJl:ulations shapes and siles, a Simple type being cylindriC21l, of 200 mm (or 215 mm) internd
which give differing requirements accordlOK to the tYlle of heating appliance, diameter 13 to 20 mm thick, and with a Aange at the base; its height varies,
and differentiate between high and low output al)pliances. 300 mm being common; it is often tapered to about 11)0 mm (internal) at the
A high-rating appliance is dtfintd tither as one with a heat output exc('tuing top to gi\e a restricted out~t which is consider~d to have the effect of increasing
45 kW (m~t dome~uc appliancts do not e~Cl·t:d this ulue), or as large the velocity of the ascending current. 'rhe pol should be supported on the
IncmeratOTl,- they arc beyond the scope of this volumt. brickwork (see w) and securely built in cement mortar between two .n three
E T ,C ,
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S leT tON
°E ('
'I ! .. T t ( " L
DETAil ,iloWtHG FIAt IHTllI.lOl WIT'"
F l"EClA~ eAC~ ~ CH(E~~ TI lU"lOUNO b HEAlTH
I i Ii
" ... " 'U Y_I •
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•u,u I ... 4-C.J."-'
courses of brickwork (or a stone cap or several courses of tiles); the top of the The backs shall be continued for the full height of the recess at the thickness
atacK. isjfaunt.htd, I.t., co\'crcd with cement mortar, which is weathered to throw stated. The above thicknesses around a fireplace reCC$S are exclusive of the
off the water. fireback and sides.
Hearths (or Cia.. I Appliances must be of non-combustible materials
M,ny bu,IJink'S uc marred h)' uO"Mhtly chImney .tack. "luch penetrate the mob
al rand<>fTI. As. ruk flack. ahould be of SImple de"lIo. A frequent mlstlle I. to and s«urely supported. The IHuk Marth (that witbin the fireplace recess) is
completc sUlcks ",Ih rn"""tgJ of o\cru,lml( course. \\ Ilh C!.;CCIlIIC projection. The bedded on the walling of the breast (see c) or as shown at z, The htorth must
COlrw fintlh which the.., 1oC1H' i. aho ... ".1 Y, \1 here the cappmjl.nd nockin" courses have a minimum thickness of u5 mm (see A), a minimum extension beyond the
.Il: J.(l\cn • 56 mm proJl.'Ctlon. Ullly chImney pou Irt' common T.II chimney polS
.rc unm."<:cu.;U'}', unlc~ Ihe Hue. Ire loon or haH' ~n .mpropc-riy con.truclcd, or opening at each end of 150 mm (see R), and a minimum projection from the breast
hlj.(h In.''':' .mJ bu,ld,II"", atl' In such dOk proxImIty as 10 produce do\O.n-drauKhu. An of 500 mm, as shown at R. The support and trimming of front hearth!! are
unoblrus" .... but cfl"L..:IIIC finish rna)' be obtamed If the chimney poll (or shon lengths illustrated in Figs. 32, 33 and 34, Vol. I; the section at z sho....-s an ahernati\'e
of drain Plpt..,) Ire Clused [Q prnjl.'Ct not more th.n as mm .bo,e the Raunchi,lj,C; Ihis
11 u~ually lufficlent 10 prevent eddIe. of" Ind "hieh rna}' be cre,II'd If the top ,urflcCi treatment of a ground Roor hearth. The Building Regulations state that no
of Ih" ,IlICks "erc flit combustible material shall be built under a hearth within 250 mm from its upper
T"o Slmpl" dnlj/;fl1lre sho"n II l; and Y. The former ItKk il c:unslruelcd of surface unless such material is separated from the underside of the hearth by
Slandar,16~ mm bnc:Ls "lIh an 0' un,hnl(coul"Ie lurnnl(a pnall projection. The stack
II Y I. budt of SO mm brlda, .nd " finid.W "ith • bnc.. -on--edge course let an air spaceo!at least 50 mm. (An exCeption to this requirement permits the use
<10 mm; pIn 1C"CllOn Ind Ihe plan Ire Iho"n It wind... The Ippelr.ncc of. chImney of timber fillets sup]>Ofting the ed~es of the hearth where it adjoins a floor.)
Itadl " much ,mpm,ed .f thin hrlck. are employed The leld"or),; conform. WIth
the deta,l. sho"n In F'll. 7S. Vol. I In addition to the requirement that the hearth should project 500 mm beyond
the breast the distance from the front of an appliance to the edge of the hearth
Fireplace Recesses (or Class I Appliances. Heating appliances of shall be not less than 300 mm (in thecase of an Open fueor room heater which can
the open fire type have to be built into a recess; free-standing endosed heating be used a!! such) and 225 mm in other cases. The distance at the back and sides
appliances (e.g. room heater~, ranges. etc.-see Vol. 1\') are often placed in a shall not be less than 150 mm, If the hearth extends to a wall the latter distance
recess but this is not ~ntia1. may be reduced for free-standing appliances providing the wall thicknesses given
The jaN/bl (attached pier:; at the sides of a fireplace opening or recess) abo\'{' are observed.
must not be le:-s than 200 mm wide. Their projection varies according to the Chimneys (or Class I Appliances.-The smoke from heating appliances
type of range to be accommodated, thus a greater projection is required (or a is carried a .... ay via the chimney which is defined as being any part of the
kitchen range than for a small fireplace reeess. The size of a fireplace recess structure of a buildin!( forming any part of a Rue other than a flue pipe. :\Iost
also "aries, thus a modern kitchen range (with oven) of medium size needs a chimneys in domestic work 3re of brick incorporating a flue lining (see below),
space of I m wide by 1'2 m high, whilst the smallest room fireplace rettSS need some consist of a separate Rue pipe. A brick flue is normally 215 mm by 21 5 mm
onl)" be HO mm wide and 610 mm high. The width oLa chimney hreast may be and this should be uniform.
varied according to the size and importance of a room, thus, for a long drawing- The brickwork above the fireplace opening is corbelled or gathered Ot.'~r in
roomi the breast may be at least 1·8 m wide In order that it may he of suitable order to reduce the opening to the size of the Rue and avoid a large space which
proportionS, may produce eddies and reduce the upward current (draught) in the flue (see A,
The h~ad of a fireplace rectsS is normally finished with a reinforced Fig. 25). This reduced opening is known as a throat. The two flues at A,
concrete lintel. Very occasionally a stone lintel or brick arch ma)" he used, the Fig. 25, are inditated by broken lines (5« also c). That from the lower fire-
latter usually being segmental in two rough rings. Where a breast projects place must be bent in order to negOliate the upper fireplace. The gathering over
more than 102'5 mm and the jambs are less than 330 mm wide, a briek arch should be arranged to bring the narrowest part of the throat centrally over the
must be bUilt on a wrought iron or steel har, 215 mm longer than the opening fire. It is generally agreed that, whereas a Rue should be as straight as possible
at each end; the object of this ca"'btr~d (hilll""y bar is to tie in the narrow for most of its height, it should hare at least one bend in order to reduce down-
abutmentJ. draught and the admission of rain; hence the reason for not continuing the
The iHMlr. of a fireplace recess in an txf""o! wall (see 8 and Q) or between upper Rue in a straight line to the chimney pot; if this flue was straight through-
two recnsea buill baclr.-to-lxuk (5« R) in a wall, oth" tholf a party fl:olI, shall be out, it ..... ould undoubtedly produce a smoky chimney ~cause of its short
at least tOO mm thick, A party wall is a division wall between two buildings length. Any bends m~t be gradual and Rues should not be less than 45 0 to
occupied by differing tcnants or belonging to different owners. Ttfe back of the horizontal. The brickwork enclosing Rues shall be at least 10Z mm thickness
ct'cry other recess (thus including a single opening in an Iflttrnaf wall 15 at s, (see J, wand x); the minimum thickness of the back of a Rue in a wall separating
and back-to-back recCII in a party \u.ll) shall be not less than :100 mm thick. buildings ..... hich is not back to back wid, another flue shall be not 1m than
ZO] rnm thick (or if a 1'31 ny wall, having each leaf at least 101 mm thick) up to
F E P L A C E s the roof 11'\1'1.
In Ihe l·.K. Ihe Building Rcguiluions specify Ihal for CI.,s I appliances tI,,;
( o tke musI be lined I~ith any of the following; rebated or socketed flue linings of
day (11) complyinf:: Ilith D.S. 1181 or of (6) kiln-burnt aggregate and high
A alumma cement; or (l) glazed \ IIrified day pipes and fittingJ complying ..... ith
n.s. 6, (sec p. i6); or (d) glass \ltrrous enamellC'd salt-glazed fire-clay pipes
and fiuings complying with B.S. 540 (SCI' p. 76). The reost commonly used
of IhC""~e is (a). As an ahernatll'e to the aOOle limngs chimneys may be constructed
\llth concrete flue block!; made of kiln-hurnt aggregate and high alumina cement.
Both linings and hlocks must be pointed \ILth I "cement mo rtar and the
N , lmings must he built with the socket uppermost, care being taken to keep the
hore of the flue free from mortar. Linings are built into the flue as the chimney
IS wll"tructcd and hacked I\ilh mortar. Flue linings complying with B.S. 1 181
are detailed in Fig. 28 The hattom length of liner in a Rue should rest on
curl""l ... projecting from the chimney flu!""; linings should not he cut because It
Is mportallt 10 I'rt.-...cne the socket or rehate intact.
0 0 0 0
Btfore the m"htl·ncc of flue lininf::s the in~'llt: of brick flues .... a" rendered
,• z
, ,• ,z (\..1">11 n ,I ... p"r::tdl 11) a thi~knes" of at ICol~t I] mm with a mi\tlLrc .... r I cement. 3
0 0 0
., ,, WIT .. wooo
l' ~" .......,
F:=,- oI , ~ t:oo,=-'" " H·'==7=~ ' __m' ..•• "

..---... ....--

; ,I ! b ' i J

SHfl MAM,'1'L-l,=,,!
,, , if.--t'~~
,, , ,
" ,,


FlCaRf. 2i

FIGl:II:£ 26
lime 10 sand. This pro,"cd ver) satisfactory for open fires bUI with enclosed The n.l~ mu"t he surrounded ,Ind ,;.eparated from ally other flue in the
heating appliam:cs where the products of combustion are less d11uted with air chimne\ hy solid m..lerial ,11 lea~t ~5 mlll thick.
Ihen~ was a danger of tarry compounds leaching through the flue and discolouring Fluf I"Pl'S for ('Iau Illlppitwl(rt can he as (2) ami (3) al)()I'c or £If ChI irnn
internal wall~. The N:ottish Building Regulations permit the use of parged "I'i~\lt :lOd socket /lue pipe.. confoTlTlIn):" with B.S. ,p <lnd coated internJlIy \luh
Aues for open fires but the Regulations applymg to England and \\'al~ do not. ..(id rC"I~tJnt \'ltrcou~ enamd and JOInted With an aud-rcsbtln~ compound; nr
Flut plpl'! f'" Class J apphallctI. -A Aue pipe is sometimes adopted in heu of sheet stcd tlue plp!:S to II.S. ilS trc,ltcd Internally as abo\c; or of ~lainless
of a ChlmnC\ and un he convenientlv used wlltn fixcd on the outside of a wall to steel: or of ;l.shestos-cement to ll.~. R35 (B.S. SOi if sen'ing an in(inerator).
sene, for e~ample, a central heating boiler which is being added 10 an exisllllg The Hue pipe must he ..t lea"t So IIlOl from <lny comhustlhle matcrial and if II
house that has not got a conveniently situated chimney. It is also used in the passes through a combusublc rOt)f, Hoor, (eillng or \lall it must be in a slee\e
form of a short connecting flue between a room heater or range and a chimney of non-comhustlhle material1ca\in),( an ;Iir spacc of 15 mm hetween it and thc
Rue. slet\e .
.'\. flut' pipe of the above kind must be of 4'75 mm thick cast iron (usually 100
or ISO Inm diameter-in any case of not less diameter than the flue outlet from the AdditIOnal Building Regulation requirement~ for Clas~ I appliances arc as
appliance) for the first I·H III oflenj!;th of flue pipe from the appliance. The length follows :-\0 cnmhustible materi.11 (r.g. a !loor joist) i~ to be placed nearer than
l>e,'ond Ihe first 1·8 m (an be of 10 mm thick healY quality asbestos-cement pipe . 200 mOl from a Rue or fireplace recess 1.;0 mm in the case of a .....ood plug).
. Where a Hue pipe discharges into the side of a chimney flue (t.g. from a free- ,"",,(,I haH' h.:~n c:auseJ h,' plu..:, (us"J fur fixlOl: S~,rllOl(l. pl~lure ra,b . ..:rounJI for
standing appIL.lOce) an,· combu'>lible material in the chimney or anached wall l"'andhnJt. e(~.1 \\ hleh h~\c 1X',:n In'cn thrOUl(h JOIntS and aCluall)' pcnctrat~J tlu\:")
mu~t be ~eparated from it hy non-combustihle material at least 200 mm thick if II II therefore Important th~t JOlne" shoulJ ~n"" tof Ihc 1")$IIIOn of tlu('S II hen "",n..:
"ood membcn rounu chImney hrcMSts.
the combustible material is beside or below the pipe (300 mm if abo\"e). A
~imilar prollsion applie~ if the fllle pipe discharges into the bottom of a chimney Where the thieknes.~ of solid non-comhustible material surrounding a
Hue. 11 a flue pipe pa~s-es through a roof or e:\lernal wall otherwise than for chimncy flue is less than 200 mm. nn combustible matenal, other than a Roor
dlsehar~IIIR into a chimney flue It must be either (a) placed at a distance of not hoard, skirting, dado rail, picture rnil, mantle shelf or architrave shall he placed
Ie,;,; th1m three IIme~ Its eAternal diameter from any <.;Ulllloustible n"'terial in the nearer than ]8 mm to the outer surf"c!: or Ihe chimney.
roof or \\all; or (b) (i) (in the c~ of a pipe pa!lSing through a roof) separated ;\letal fastenings such as nails, screws, etc., in contact with combustible
from ,my combustihle part of the roof by a minimum of 200 mm thick solid materials, :;hal1 not he placed within So mm £If a Ruc nr fireplace recess.
non-comhustlble material; or (bJ (Ii) in the case of a pipe passing through an Cla!>5 I appliances which are not fixed in a recess conforming to the pro-
nlernal \\.111 be protected as described abo\e ior a flue pipe passing into the side \isions gi"en on p. 66 must not he fixed nearer a wall than I So mm unless the
of a chimney Hue i nr (t) enclosed in a metal or ashestO$-cement slee"e which wall for a height of 300 mm abo\'e the top of the appliance is 01 200 mOl thick
proJectit 150 mm bc:yond any combustible material in the roof or wall-a non-combustible m;aterial (if the wall is less than So mm from the appliance) or
minimum of 25 mm space is r~4uired betwee:1 the pipe and the slcc\e which is 75 mm thick (in any other case).
to he packed With a 15 mm minimum thickness of non-combustible thermal If the Rame of a Class II appliance is less than 225 mm abol'e th{ ROOT, then
insulating material such as asbestos rope. Alternatively the Building Regulations the apphance mu~t he placed on a hearth of non-combustible material at least
allow protection by a specially constructed ~Iee,·e. 12'5 mm thick. Thl~ h{'arth must extend (a) at least 125 mm in front of the flame
Ch imneys fo r Class II Applia n ces.-As these are for gas-burning in the appliance and (b) not less than ISO mm beyond the back and ~Ides of the
appliances which produce a greater amount of water vapour in the products appliance or, if there is a wall \\ithlO 150 mOl, up the w~l1.
of combustion than is the case with an open fire the flue linings ha\e to be of a Fire Interiors' and Firepla ces, ·Details of a simple fire interior, suitable
high standard. Class II appliance chimneys must therefore be lined with one of for the ground floor recess at A, are shown at z, Fig. 25. This .consists of a
the following; ( I) acid-resistant tiles embedded and pointed with high-alumina fireclay block with base, inclined back and splayed sides or ,hURs, a metal (cast
cement mortar; (2) glazed I'itrified day pipes complying with B.S. 65 or (3) HO iron) grate, metal (stainless steel, etc.) angle frame, and a SUI round of 100 mm
JOinted with h,gh-alumlOa cement mortar; (4) glazed rebated or socketed day square glaud tiles. The fireclay block is bedded on mortar and backed sohdly
flue lining§ complying with B.S. 1181 Jointed as abo\·e. Alternatively the flue with lean concrete or The uppe r surface of thiS backing should be
may be constructed with dense concrete blocks made with high-alumina cement sloped as shown to pre,'ent soot from accumulating; if left square, like 1', Fig. 28
and pointed u abo\'e, these are detailed in Vol. IV, they prol'ide a flue size of
305 by 64 mm. I These are more fully dno::nbed In Vol. IV, togethtr With other fO""5 of hutm,.

A B c K. F E p L A c E C LAY FLU E

,, ..
J (; ~


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as is sometimes advocated, the luge accumulation of wat will be blown into the The pl.ns of most bulld,ng. must be .pproved by the 10CiI aUlhority before
bulldmll operation. Ire commenced, A plan lubmiued for appro,'al will include the
room in the event of down.dnughts. The tiles are bedded on the cement bloclc pia" of Ihe building on which is .hown the "to:, d ... ,nage, relal,,·e poI.lion to
rendering. The tiles and simple kerb formmg the front hearth are bedded in .dj.o:ent Ilfftta, riC. If the sile .djoinl ui.tmg buildmlfS or • highway, ,t " very
cement mortar. The back of the block is inclined fo""rd and its sirl.« splayed imponant that Ihr j,olltale b"t .h.1I be .cC\1t1ltely Kt (lut III order that It th.1I not
encroach beyond Ihe btlI(dJ.., t.~, the pas;lion of which IS obtamablt': on application
in order to throw the maximum heat into the room. 10 the local authonty,
Fig. 26 shows alternative positions of the fire, that at E being recommended
bea~ heat transmitted at the back of the fire is not wasted as is the case with If a building is rectangular, right angles are set off from the m.ain line by
those on an external wall at F, G and H. A fireplace should not be placed oppo- using the" 3 : -4-: 5" method, i.t., a distance of 12 m is measured along the line
site a door as this creates draughty conditions; a1so, there should be sufficient from one end and a pi" (or arrOUl, made of stout wire, about 230 mm long, ring-
room at the sides for chairs, this weakness is shown at J and K. Stacks should shaped at one end and pointed at the other) is inserted; a tape is held at each end
preferably rise through the ridge as previously explained and in a hipped roof of this length, the 9 m division on one of Ihe tapes is held at the IS m division
the treatment at c is more pleasing 6an that at o. If necessary, the Btack an on the other, both tapes .are stretched taut and a pin is inserted at the inter-
be corbelled O\·er as shown at Land o. section. The 9 m line thus set off is at right angles to the main line, as, in
The fireplace in Fig. 27 has a simple brick surround built against the wall. a right·angled triangle, the sum of the squares on the two sides containing
A timber mantel is pre.fabricated from 32 mm thick timber, the top and sides the .angle equals the square on the hypotenuse, i.e., 91 + 1210:: 151. The large
being tenoned together as shown at A and 0; glued blocks and longues and wl'Od square shown at R, Fig. 29, is also used for setting out and checking right
groo,·es are used to fix the parts to each other, these arc shown at D and angles.
J, and in addition, metal angles as at II filt the mantel to the shelf. Ear It is necessary to fix the height of one of the floors of the building, usually the
plates (G) fasten the mantel to the wall and floor as given at A and o. A ground !ioor len~l, to which all other heights are rclaled. If pos~ibk, lhi~ ~llOulJ
timber curb at F is placed round the tiled heanh, the space between the tiles be a permanent level, such as the top of a plinth or step of a conn:niently situated
and the fireclay is clOl>t:d with a chromium plated metal protecting strip dnwn existing building; otherwise a peg i~ dri\en in a rosition on the site, preferably
at L opposite a door opening ",here it is not likely to be disturbed, until its top
The brick fireplace at Fig. 28 is more elaborate. The hearth is of brick and coincides with the required level as determined by a dumpy leHI or other meaos
the fire opening is archtd over "ith a tiled core resting on a wrought iron bar The height that the top of this peg is above the ground should be noted aod
as noted at c. Two po»ltions I' anJ r of the smoke shelf are shown; although booked in case the peg is surreptitiously or accidentally lowered and a subsequent
this feature is ad,·ocated by some, as explained aho\e, It is le»s satisfactory than check i~ required.
the sloping finish. Profiles are used 10 ensure the accurate seuing alit and construction of the
walk These are temporary guides, (;onsisting of boards nailed to wood pegs
which are dri\·en into the ground. Details of profiles are shown in Fig. 29. A
SETTING OUT key plan of a building is sho"'n by hroken lines at A, and the various ")r('files arc
indicated at the corners and opposite to di, blOIl walls. Enlargements of thest
A brief description uf Ihe construction of walls is given in Chap. I, Vol. I. profiles are shown in the plan ('; and the sketches Band c. A corner profile is
Prior to the commencement of h~lliding opcratiolh the ~He IUU),t be surveyed made of three pegs, wdl driven in, to which two boards art' nailed. One profile
and .any differences in level of Ihe $urfacc obUlIled by me.llh of an instrument is placed .at each corner (see A and c), with the boards parallel to and at 610 to
called a dumpy 1n:~1. The trenches to rc(;el\e the foundations mu~t be first 900 mm from the outer trench lines The top of the corner peg at least of each
Itt out or ~gged /Jul before their eXC3'-alion is beglln, If the sIte is stoping, and profile is often the le\·el of the grou~d floor. A steel tape should be used when
before the trem;hes are ~ct (Iut, It may be nccc~S-;lry to ic,-cI the surface by $etting out these profiles, and the measurements checked. A useful check i~
excavating the higher part~ and removing lin: wil to tbe I",",er portion9 a9 obtained by taking diagonal mcasurt"ments hl'twl'en oppo:;itc corners, and if the
required. Bomng rods, all described on p. 83, arc u~ed for le't'iting. bUllding is rectangular, these should. of course, be equal. Perman":'\t dimensions
The tir:;.t line to he !;Ct OUI ii generally that of the main frontage of the are marked on each board indicating the width of the concrete bed, brick footings
building. A~ a linen tape $trclches and i~ unreJiabk, a ~tecl tape i-; lIo;cd to (JS!.uming that these are t8 be proviJed) and the thicknt.:ss of the walt (sec Hand
measure utT its length and fix its relative pO,>itmn. A ..... ood reg or sLike is drivcn c). Saw·cuts, aboJut 13 mm deep, are made do"n these marks in the uppt.:r edge
in at each end, the centre of the fWP. indilaline; the pO»llior: of the 4UOlIIs. TI-,e of each hoard [0 re<:ej't: the ends of the bricklayer's line. Each profile used for
illles of all other .... all, are measureJ off from this front wall illle. di,·i~ion walls consl~ts of two peg! and a oo3rd, and the latter is similarly markeJ

and cut (sec c and c). The centre lines of the walls arc sometimes marked. (a) TramMel .Hethod.-The application of a trammel for the bay window
The position and correct alignment of the trenches, footings and walls arc indicated at A is shown at H, Fig. 29. The bonding of this wall is shown in Fig. 15.
obtained by plumbing down from lines which are stretched in turn between A trammel is a 13 mm thick board, not more than 150 mm wide, and holed at one
opposite profiles. Thus, assuming that the trenches have been lined out and end. A 20 mm diameter metal bar is set up vertically in a slab of concrete at the
excavated, and the concrete l has been placed in position, the bottom course of centre of the circle; the length of the bar must be sufficient to reach to the top
footings would be aligned in the following manner: One end of a line (see M course of the proposed wall, and must be vertical, as tested by a plumb-rule,
and P at B and c) is passed down the saw-cut at the tOP of the appropriate mark Alternatively, the rod may be tightly fitted Into a ..... ood peg or post which has been
and wrapped round the board, and after the line has been stretched taut the driven into the ground at the centre. The trammel is threaded oyer and passed
opposite end is fixed in a similar manner. The plumb-rule, sometimes stayed as down the bar, and the width of the concrete (and footings) and the thickness of
shown (the stay being nailed to the rule), is held by one hand against the line the wall are accurately marked on its upper face. The setting out and construction
near one end of the trench and, when vertical, a mark is made by the point of of the semicircular (or segmental) wall arc aided by the trammel as it is caused
the trowel in a little mortar trowelled on the concrete bed. A brick is laid to rotatc, and by plumbing. As the brickwork proceeds above the ground level,
temporarily on this mortar with the outer face in line WIth the mark; the plumb- the trammel, \\hich must be horizontal, is supported at its holed end by a piece
ing of this face is checked. Another brick is laid in a similar manner at the other of cord which is fastened under it to the bar, the cord being raised as each course
end. A bricklayer's line, WIth pins, is fixed between and b,el with the top of is completed.
these bricks. The bottom course of footings is then bUIlt, commencing at the (b) Templet ,1Iethod.- This is often preferred to the trammel on account of
corners, the position of each of which is found by plumbing down at the inter- its convenience and the aCCl,:ratc check which it affords. A templet consists of
section of the rwo lines (see I.. at 8). Similarly, the wall is set off correctly hy two wide thin pieces of board, overlapped and nailed to each other, as shown at J.
plumbing down from lines r.; and Q shown at Band c. The outer edge is sawn and carefully planed to the required curve, A wood
tie connects and projects beyond the two ends, and the outer edge of this tie
!-)ometiml.'s 1\'0 profill!1!, like E show" al G, are ..sed for the 1\"0 walls fonni"~ a
qUOIn mstead of a corner profile. Profiles for tli,'islon Wills arc oflen disJ><'nslNl "Ith, must coincide with the external face of the main wall. Three wood struts or
Ihe ri~ht-anJ:tled mter .....'Ctlons lx:in1( Ihl.'n ch~'Cked by Ihe use of the lar~e square 1\ stays arc fixed as shown; these make the ternplet rigid and con\'enient for
CorneT profiles for sellin~ out s<jumt quoms (s.« Fig. I ,) have their board3 pafllllcl
10 the SIdes of the "ails, and a dln.ion wall which fonn . a squmt junel10n (S« FIR
handling. The templet i;; placed as required on top of each course during and after
10) ,5 set out by p!3cinl,( th~ IWO prutil ..... , one at neh end. It righl an"le$ to its len~th. its construction, any brick.s not conforming to the curve being tapped in or out
\\'hJ!st profiles nSI$t ,e. Ihe accurate sellm.. out aod eonstrucllon of walls. theIr until their outer face~ correspond to the cuneo Plumbing pro\'ides a furth;:r
use by no ml'anl IS general. In Ihe 3bscnce of profiles the hnes of the trenches are
pegged out, 1\,"0 peJ:s Dcm~ dnHn m at cHch end of a trench at a dlSlance netween check on the work.. It is most Important that the outer edge of the tie is in true
theIr outer faces equal 10 lU width; the Ime is stTl·tched In ail1(nment WIth these outer alignment with the main wall face each time the templet is used.
face.; these ptgll, Itke the protilt" arl' placed some 61 0 film o1,Jts,d~ the Imc. of trcnches. General.-In conclusion, it is most important that the following require-
Afler Ihl' trenches hne bftn .."cav3ted to Ihe re<juired depth and the concrete nedl
formed, the alignm..,nt of each ,,;11 IS maint31n~tl by placing the quoin bricks on correct ments be obserwd if best results are 10 he obtained when setting out facing
poSItion, u deSCribed abo'e, and stretchtn" a line lx:t"een, work : -
I. The narmal fu{t' appearance of tlu reluted band must be maintained 0fJ1'"I'
Circular Work.- This may he set out by using either (a) a t.ammtl or
and IInder optnings. lienee the a\erage length of the bricks should be carefully
(b) a templet,
nuted amI, as stated in Chap. I, \"01. I, the width of each opening should be
I L"f.·tlli"f( ('orrC'i'le ni'd.~A pelo! is dm ... n in th.., bottom and at each cor.ner of the a multiple of I brick for English bond, and for Flemish hond the width should
ITenchu unltl the top of eaeh II at the r('qulred depth lx:low the floor I""'el: thIS depth IS be a multiple of II' bricks after 440 mm wide; the combined thickness of the
obtamed by rnean$ of a I mC11l' rule and the UM' of 0 spirit level and short straight edge
appiled On thl' corner peg of the nearest profile If thIS d('pth IS tn Bccordance .... ah the vertical or !.:fOSS joints must. of course, be allowed for.
lIauge of the bnckwork deCIded Up"n, the !loor In'cl "Ill course .... lIh the bed Joml of the If these dimensions arc departed from when the above bonds are adopted,
brickwork Intennediate peg" lTe Ihen dr,,·en In the bottom of thc trenches al convenient
intervals untilthcit \01'5 are at the same I",elils the corner pegl. Thi. i. 355mI'd if three broken bond is inevitable. An example of blOken English bond ahO\'e an
bonmg rolh (":1' I' 113) of the Jame heIght (~bo\Jt 1'2 m) are uslNl. oneon each of II pall' opening is shown at N, Fig. 19; note the stretching course immediately over
of corner pelts and the thIrd on the IIltenned,ale pelf" In lurn. and" slghltnll Ihrough " the crown. Unsatisfactory fhtures of broken bond are the non-maintenance
from one end The concrete .1 carefull)' depoSIted and brought appro~lmatel)· to the
le\'el of th" peR lOpS. A hor"onlal ~urf"ce IS obtalnlNl bv uSing a strikmg-off board (see of the pCTpends and unbalanced treatment at the jambs of openings (such as
p. 60) On each paIr of adjacent peg. In torn Thne wood pegs must ~ rcmoHd Mfoce a stretcher at one side and a header or bat in the same course at the other).
the COnCTele has II<'t, and the holu filled .... tth concrete If allowed 10 remain the pegs 2. 1'I1e Itngth of walling betWt't'n opt'nings and the width of external attached
may rot Ind be respon$lble for the On..,t of dr}" rot In floor. CIC., timber~ (see Chap. I,
Vol. III) pil'"l'J should be in accord with the atierage length af the facing bricks, Thus, for

5 E T T N G o u T
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·" Pl'DfrL( 'E'

":~ I r ~'u
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IlS·2~ IOM.D
Ccw.Nf~ 'WFIl£ '0" DETAILS
m .... y~


b; I
I'WMBING W....u ''''OM UNf '"
LAM' -------J7_=,.,.~
~E ~III\
'~Ek PII.OFllE '[)"

PfGS .,. COfI.NEIl PWFILE. 'F' '"m


'''''''' .,.0 HljffJSiT~


•• WAll G)

J! o

."" T E M P LET



example. broken bond will be avoided if these lengths and widths are multiples the construction must conform to the gauge rod (see Chap. I, Vol. 1) on which
of whole bricks (plu. the total thickness of the vertical joints) and the bond is the courses are indicated . It is good practice to arrange that a slretcher is the
either stretcher, English or English garden wall. first (reveal) brick in each of Ihe courses immedialely above the sill and below
It is usual to mark the above position of door and window openings. etc., Ihe arch. To attain tbis, it is necessary tbat tbe number of courses between
on the course of common brickwork (generally 65 mm below the ground level) the ground level and the sill course sball be carefully ascertained and the bonding
and when constructing the faced work to make certain that the appropriate arranged accordingly.
perpends are \"crtically under the reveals concerned. ACCIl,auly ut Qut brnlrwo,k is no ,nou upnuiw than thut whirh is construcud
3. Split courm abow archu and li"ttU (see Chap. I, Vol. I) and IHlow nO/is in a Itaph4%ard/ashion, and whilst the abo\'e preliminaries to actual construction
must be twOldtt!. Therefore the average thickness of the bricks and the bed joints will involyesome thought and the expenditure of a little time, the results obtained
must be taken into account when deciding upon the height of most ope-mrs and are well 'WOrth while.



SyUabtu.-SurfKe water ....d .ubeoil dnmage, _age dispouI, Sep_tic tank. Chancterillia and brief deecripuon of the nunurlctU"" of drainpIpes, including bend"
JUnctiON, channel•• nd tapers p'p", gulhn and mterceptors. Setling out and constructiOn of dn.ons. Dramagr IYltem for tmlU bUlldmgs; Inspection, inlerceplioa

Surface Water Drainage.-Provision hu to be made for the drainage and dis-

and ventilation; SOII'IICh.

WheR there i. In inadequalc Wiler lupply, luch II in ct:l1ain NI"II diltric:u, the

posal of rainwater which falls on to roads, including paved arcu, and open spaces. I"Iln "'Iter is utuilly collec:led in gllvanited iron lanks Ind used for houlhold
purposes, Ind fixed nceptacies kno",n as prn'Y ""ddrm, tal'll! clouts or ash dOltts
In the former case, this is arranged by having Btreet gullies (aee below) placed IJ"(' pro\"lded for ucremenl, ashel ~nd othtr Rfuse, Another objecuonlble but Ie..
along the kerbside which discharge into the sewerage system. In country dis· insanillry (OnTi of ac:comrnodauon cXltlIn~ in certain d'llriC:U, including I number
of Ilrlfe' 10wnsh'pI, consist. of pall ,lol~tl or lub dolttl In which mOViblereceptlclt'l
tricts the disposal may be by means of soalumJays in permeable ground-these for flecal miller an: proVIded, beIng rec:elved '" smlll dust bini, ThIS II known
are holes filled with broken stone from which the water percolates naturally; .1 the illy or ("OmenalaC)' .f)'IIOft of aamtluon.
alternatively I the water may be conducted to ditches and wau:rcounes. Thc best Iy.tem, now In Jlene ... 1 UM', i. know", as the tcatn-ca"'ll/It J)'JtDIII. This
proVIde. for the admission to and removal by PIpeS of the liquid "lIlel from sinks,
Gullies are made sufficiently deep so that silt and grit can colleet in the bathl, elCo, Ind excrell. Thne combined WISt" Ind exCn:tl .n: called SefDOIt.
bottom and not be washed into the sewers. For the same reason, surface water A complete It'werll/:f' or dnlinll/:e Iy.tem contini of a network of pipe. conveying
Ie'" Ig.:, the smaller pIpes bemJJ connt'Cled to Illacr OMI and these ultimately com-
drains should be connected to the sewers through a sediment chamber-a brick binInJl to fOnTi what IS called I ma," out/Dfl 'tf.ur.
enclosure about 900 mm by CJOO mm by 760 mm deep, with inlet and outlet near The method of dilpo:ul of MWII{t' depends I good deal upon the location of the
to the top, the chamber collects the grit and sediment which can be removed di.tncl. ThuI, Ihat from I roast town IS simply dispoted of by continuing the outfall
sewer some dillince on Ihe sea bed and allowing the It'wa~ to dlSChll1fe' into the 1('1
periodically as is the case with street gullies. dunng Ihe ebb-udes OtMno'll(' the oUlfall sewer il contInued to the uwagt duposal
Subsoil Drainage.-Fields and other open spaces should be provided with _rAIl, where Ihe $C:WI~ i. Irelled Ind Rnden:<! innocuous. One form of tRatment,
known I I the ruln,ol#'d 1l''lwt ,,'lItm, conlilll of plSsInJllhe sewaac Ihrough a seRen
subsoil drains placed about I m deep. The agricultural pipes used for this and a Kllhng tank prior 10 Idmiltlnlll: it to a large nctanl/ular link WheR It il alf1tated
purpose are 60, 75 and 100 mm diam., they are without sockets (see below) and by compressed 11r admined It the floor level. In another melhod the KWljfe after
are laid butt jointed to allow the water to enter; it is preferable to cover the pipes betng SCl'ftned Ind sell led is spnlyed over I Ptrcoia/'''Ilfifu. con.isling of I (,8 m deep
bed of gl"lvel or Slmillr mlleril!. Another method, no" beIng g .... du.Uy .uperseded
with 25 mm size broken stone 150 mm thick before the trench is back filled. The by the achvlled .Iudfft' Iyllem, COnlil1l of the .dmiuion of _Ige 10 one or mon:
main pipes will follow the natural depressions in the ground, and can discharge co,,/ad W, of gravel of broken bneh, etc., when: it i. Illowed to remain for sevel"ll
houtl. If only I campllalIvely Itr.1I 'yltem, the ..,wIge. IflU prellminlry screening
to ditches, watercourses, soakaways, or sewers and drains. In the latter event, Ind It'lIlInl!" to elImln.le I I much IS posSIble of lhe solId miller (called dlldgt), mly
a sediment chamber is required as above and an interceptor (see below) can be be dlllnbuted over land. After being tRlled by one of thne method., the purified
used at the junction with the drain. The main pipes (75 or too mm dia., according liqUId or t/ftllnll is dIscharged into the nearen WllerCOUrIC:. In each of Ihese IYllenu
the lewafft' is n:ndered harmless by the action of bacteria and oxygen.
to conditions) are fed by branches 75 mm dia., laid herring-bone paltern at an In the .bsenct:. of a convenieotly IIlulted public sewer (tel' Fig. JO), .nd
averagt: distance apart of ... ·5 m, or closer if site conditions are bad. Subsoil where no nUIsance II likely 10 oceur. the seWlge from I country houM' may be con_
drains are used for several purposes such as round basements (Fig. 20), to prevent veyed to I 1~t1( lalll/. or " cesspool" Ind Ihen Illowed to percol.te Ihrough the soil
(provided it il gnlvel or i. otherwise .uilsble) or pasted over a smlll filter bed or
flooding, or to improve the soil conditions for agricultural purposes. dinktr, elc.
Sewage DiapouJ.-In addition to rain water, the waste and refuse required In some districts the r\in water is kept separate from the sewage, one set
to be disposed of from houses and other occupied buildings include (1) liquid of pipes taking the former and another the sewage; this is known as the leparatt
wutcs from link&, lantory builll and baths, (2) excrement and (3) ashes and systnn. Most local luthorities, however, adopt the combined or n'ngk-snDer
household refuae. syltnn, in which one set of pipes takes both sewage and rain water.
The channels or pipes which convey sewage are called draw or Inllert. The 1'"""""-S::----::E::----::Pc---=T----:--C.,-------r=--A:--:N--:--;"K:---'-"t
essential differtnce between a drain and a sewer is concerned with ownership.
A sewer belongs to a local authority, who is therefore rcaponsible for ill main·
t.nance; • drain is the property and responsibility of an individual. BrieRy,
according to the Public Health Act, 1875. a drain is a channel by which sewage
i. conveyed (:'Om a single house or premises within the same boundary; if it
ser\'e5 more than onc house, the channel is. sewer. Much litigation has resulted
~~~ ~;;----r.- - -- - - - -T-~k~lou~,~,,~,
in determining whether pipes were dr2ins or sewers, and whilst the abo .. e il a JUNCTION !
P lPl <II.
broad distinction, it may not apply in districts where local authorities have ~
obtained special power. under private acts or h ave adopted provisions unde r the
Public Health (Amendment) Acts.
Septic Tanks.- -These are used to treat sewage from isolated country
houses when a piped sewage system is not available; they Ire also used ">

occasionally for small communities of abo ut 100 persons. T he Building Regula.

tions require a septic tank to be of suitable depth and adeq uate size, having in
no case a capacity less than 2728 litres (this is a suitable size for the average
hou~); it must be covered or fenced in and if covered, adequately ventilated
liS niH:!\. W""'l~S IN
E. CEMENT Mo ... r .......

and hning means of access for inspection, cleansing and emptying.

A t;eptic tank is a chamber wherein sewage is collected and solids hroken
.: ....
down by hacteria into liquid and sludge. The effluent from it should either 1 4 tH ... -------1
Iw: filtered or dispersed by soak-away drains (subsoil irrigation) if the ground is 910_ •
suitable. A septic tank should only receive foul water; rainwater being passed LONGITUOINAL SECTION Tfl~OUGfl SEPT I C T ANK
separately to soakaways. Grease should be excluded from it as this tends to
clog the drains disposing of the effluent and impairs decomposition of the
sewage; hence the kitchen sink should discharge through a grea-.e trap (see
I Iff
I f
• FIGt.:RE 30
.1 i

p_ 82) which must be cleaned regularly. The o\-er-generous use of detergents

and disinftttants also affec-ts ad\"ersely the treatment of the sewage. a mar~in of safety bearing in mind that the a\-erage use of water per person is
:\. septic tank partially liquefies and hreaks up, hy gasification, the solids nfOarer 182 litres per day. Hence as I htre _ 1000 cm' then a 2 700 litre tank
~o that about 70 per cent. of these collect on the bottom as slud~e. AnQtrobi~ requires a volume of 2700 x 1000 cm' _ 2-7 m'. Allowing for an a\'eragc
(wLthout air) bacteria dc\'clop and particles ri:->e to the surface to form a scum depth of liquid in the tank of 1'37 m its area must be 2-7 .;.- 1·37 "" 2 m Z (approx.).
which, because it assists the action, should be left undisturhed until the tank is So as to allow an e\'en How from the inlet to the outlet the length of the tank
emptied. The hulk of the sludge is pumptd out by the local authority or printc should he dhout three times its width, Therefore If the width is taken as 9 IO mm
contractor at about six-monthly inten-als, leaving a small amount to restart its length could be about 2 485 mm, which gi\"l.!s a surface area of liquid of
the bacterial action in the newly-admitted sewage. Hence, in addition 10 the almost 2·) mI.
requircments given above, the tank must be (a) con\'eniently placed for access, The abo\'e dimen~ions are ohser,-cd in Fig. 30, which shows the longitudinal
(6) not nearer than, and down wind 15 m from, habitahle huildings, and (r) scclion of a t~'Pical rectangular septic tank for a house. It is const ructed with
where it will not contaminate water supplies; also if the ctHllcnt from it is 215 mm thick walls of engineering ()tick on a 150 mm thick concrete base. The
di~hJrged to a stream or watercourse, then (d) the approval of thc local Ri\ er top i.. formed of five is
mm thick reinforccd concretc panels set loosely on the
Board must be sought. wans to allo .... for ventilation and remol"al ror clean~ing and emptying at about
..\. septic tank will not function ....ell if it has a capacity I~ss thall I SIS litre.. 6-monthly intenal$. The inlet to the tank is made with a T-junction clay
and in order to takc full ad"antage of the reduction of the solids it should allo\\ drain pipe set in the wall, thetoutlct is similarly formed; these pro\·isions
for .. 8·hrs. Storage of liquid. As the Buildin~ Regulations demand a minimum prc\cnt the se"a~c from pa~bing straight through and the fOLmer directs it to
capacity of 2;00 limos (i.~. or 1350 htres per day) thLs is equi\'alcnt to 225 the hottom of the tank and preserves inta..:! the l:fust whIch forms on the surface
litres per penon per d y in a hOJschold of 6 per:;ons; till S i.t adequate and allo\\s <>f the liquid.
From the septic tank the cmuent is either dispersed by subsoil irrigation or tT.aditional cement and sand joint used to join clay pipes (see p. 78) is too rigid
first delivered to a filter bed and thence to a ditch or stream. Subsoil irrigation to permit mo\'ement resulting from settlement in ground liable to subsidence
can only be used on porous ground; it is cheaper than a filter hed and, being or in ground consisting of shrinkable clay which expands and contracts lIccording
odourless, less objectionable. to its water content. The Building Regulations rerognisc this fact and stipulate
The trenches and pipcworlr. for subsoil irrigation are similar to those for that the: joints must watertight in all working conditions, including
subsoil drainage but the objectives arc different; in the former the idea is to differential mo\"ement between the pipe and the ground or .any structure. through
disperse and aerate the liquid 50 the trenches arc shallo..... er. They arc ;So mm or under which the pipe passes. The cement-morta.r joint has proved utis-
Wide and deep, and dug to follow the natural ground slope at a gradient not factory in most cases since its introduction at the of the :zoth century;
greater than I : 200. The irrigation length required i~ between 3'7 and 18 m prior to that clay used, this has Rexibility but cannot resist the ingreu of
per person according to the por05ity of the ground. A 150 mm thick bed of tree roots into the pipes. The cement-morta.r joint is for pipes laid in
hallast (25 to 50 mm size stone) is spread o\er the trench bottom and 100 mm rock, ch.alk or gr.anular materials; in other types of ground a ftexible
dia. agricultural pipes with open joints (about 3 mm) laid on it. To prevent silt type of joint is recommended, this is often che.aper and usually more quickly
from entering the pipes strips of felt are laid o\"er the joints. A further 50 mm formed than the tr.aditional joint.
of bal!a~H is laid over the pipes and the trench filled over with soil. If space Dr.ain pipes are made of clay or shale, cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete,
permLts the irrigation area can be duplicated, this allows one area to rest whilst pitch fibre and pl.astic.
the other is in use; it can be accomplished by having a limal! chamber at the Clay D rai n Pipes and Traps. ;\Iuch dr.ainage work is done with cl.ay pipes.
septic tank outlet which has two olltiel pipes capable of bcing used alternately by They arc sometimes referred to as stonnoare, fireclay, tarthenware or simply
hal m~ a simple gate vah'e titted to them. .\ further improvement of the septic ware pipes and are glazed to render them impervious, although the use of
tank effluent is to increase thl' ~ile of thL:' second chamber to about 1 mI. This, unglued but fully vitrified clay pipt!l is permitted. The terms are often loosely
10 etfe(:l, then herome;, a settlement chamber and traps small particles which applied. The clay from which stnneware pipes are m.ade is found in this country
ma)' tffit:rge frnm the septic tank; the particles fall to the bottom and can be in the south and midlands, and firedays are obt.ainable in the north. Both
remmed when the main tank is emptied. produce drain pipes and traps of first quality., the term e.arthenware
Filur btd Septic tank effluent which is not treated hy subsoil irrigation is applied to drain pipes and trap!> which are m.ade from cl.ays used chiefly for
mu~t he deJilered to a filter bed before bein~ di~harged to a ditch or stream. the manuf.acture of bricks, and the qu.ality is \ Cl.ay pipes must conform
The filter comprises a chamber containing fiher media and is built adjoining to either B.S. 65. Glazed \'Ltrified Cl.ay Pipes, or B.S. 540, Glazed (vitreous)
the :<cptie lank; Ib object IS to aeute (hence the action is aerobic) and purify En.amelled Salt-glazed Firecla), Drain and Sewer Pipes. Both these B.S . .are
thc .,lfIuen!, ):::ood vellliialion is therefore essential. It i~ for Ihi' rca,;on that amalgam2ted into one publintion and specify two kinds of f'i~ ~ .. Rritish
It should be placed as far away from propl'rly as possible, otheT'Ai:oe it hecomes St.and.ard " for foul se .... age anU;or surface water and" British Stand.ard Surface
a r.melly nUls.ance. Two filters, allo\\ing .alternate use, are preferred a,;, this Water" for surface water only; the latttr being made to a less stringent standard
prel ents anaerobic growth \\hich \\ould c10fi: the medi... Each ".hould ha'.-e a than the former.
("pacity of I m3 of media per 'P5 litres of dRuem . lienee for the above 1350 Clay pipes in the form of straij!:hts, bends. junctions and t.apers .are made
hires a day scheme the volume is about 3·3 m'; a !uitahle depth is ,·2 m, and the), may be provided with a socket end for the cement-mortar joint or
,.0 the requisite plan area would be about 1'75 m square. The Roor of the bed polyester Joint (see p. i9), or they may be without a socket for a special sleeve
L~ made with l"Oncrete and on this are laid .a~rLcullUral drain pipes; these are joint (sec p. 79). Cl.ay traps and channels .are also a\".ailable.
l:t)\ered with 0'15 m bed of stont (75 to tOO mm si~e) topped with a bed 1'05 m A sound clay pip.:: should be well glazed and burnt throughout, straight in
Jeep of 25 to 50 mm clinker. Various means of delivering the effluent on to the tht' barrel (twisted or warped pipes cannot he properly jointed), truly cylindrical,
filter bed are 31"; in one system the effluent discharges o\'tr a tilting smooth. and free from cracks and bli!.lers. It should ring sound when struck
hopper having a cross-section of W shape. Each half of the W is a trough with.a hammer. Requirements of U.S. 65 and 540 include: (I) the variation in
.... hich when full tilts onr to spill the contents on top of the filter bed; 3lL one thickness of the barrels and sockets of 100 and 150 mm pipes sh.all not exceed
half is emptying the other is being filled. 1·6 mm, (2) the dcviati"n from straightne~s of a 610 mm long b.arrel shall not
exceed 3.2 mm for British Standard Plpe!I and 6'4 mm for Bntish Standard
DRAIN PIPES AND TRAPS Surface Water Pipes, and (3) the deviation of the internal diameter of 100 mm
An import.ant consider.ation in the design of drainage systems is the type of pipes shall not exceed 3':1 mm for British Standard Pipes .and 4'8 mm for
10lnt used to connect the pLpes. It has been found that in certain C3SCi the British Stand.ard Surface Water Pipes.
(c l A
E s T R A
100 TO ,,, INTtfJW. OI.o\,IoOllf~

tA.Nt.c " , YlC.Ol
/ ~
-.._~.-- .,0 TO IJOO'~"H--.

, P
0 ~~
• :~t

Sf' T
, 'H '''''"
8' ,< 0 , 6 END S
I" "

(.ISO ......... '1 •• ([


u(now lH'-CIIJGti A
ISO~ 100 UVflINVEP-r

G .-n
, '

I ..,.


0< ""



II '"

IOO~ I N T E It. ( E H8 THfSf ~I'fS l,. flTT ltoK.S ME OF :lAlT-GlAIfO STONfWAAf 01. FIMCLAV
Oil. IIIU,lflfD (LAY
u v
oou .. ,
'", "

ISO 100 J' J NeT 0 N ,
I"'LIO AV.."L ... 'U 'fjITlf(luT 10001t1TSt

III ntlCP\.-

Q u y

150 • 100 G l -100-

L • T H o I H 150~ 100 TWE~ &END CHANNEL SEND

Ware pipes including straights, ~nds. junctions, taperl and channels are Clay Taptr Piprs (see K, Fig. 31).-These are necessary when the size of a
mown in Fig. 31 and also in Fig. 33 which ,ho"", the various means of jointing; drain has to be increased on account of one or more additional branches which
similar cast iron fittings are shown in Fig. 32, and descri~d on p. So. Clay may be conn«ted to it lo down its length. The socketed one shown is of
Plpt' QlId trap' are described as folio ....., ;- the Inlel Im'trt or straight i/Wert type, the invert being the lower internal surface.
Straight Cloy Pi/WI (see A, Band c, Fig. 31).- 10 the socketed pipes the Another type has the socket concentric with the !lpigot, and thus there is a slight
cylindrical barrel has ajfO"Kl or 'ocktt at one end, and the opposite end is called fali in the invert from the socket to the spigot. Tapers are specified according
the 'plgot or /auut. The interior of the flang~ and the exterior of the spigots to the size of the adjacent pipes, i.r., 150 mm by 100 mm, 225 mm by 150 mm,
Irc grooved to a minimum depth of ,-6 mm to afford a key for the jointing etc. Very occasionally, as for alteration .....ork, a taper pipe is required having
material. The i"t""of diameter varies from 75 to 1)00 mm. The Building the socket at the larger end. A standard t 50 mm by 100 mm taper bend is shown
Regulations stipulate that the diameter of drains conveying soil water must nOt be at w.
less than 100 mm; this size is sufficient for most house drainage systems of Similar socketless taper pipes arc also made.
a"erage size, and very rarely arc pipes exceeding 150 mm diameter required for Clay Channtl Pj~s, required at inspection and disconnecting chambers, arc
this purpose. The minimum size of a drain carrying surface water only is 75 mm. described on p, 88 and illustrated in Figs. 34 and 35. A standard channel bend
The larger pipes arc used for public scv.-ers and 50 and 75 mm pipes arc utilized is shown at x, Fig. 31.
for subsoil or agricultural drainage, The length of the barrel, txclusivt of the Clay Traps.- The purpose of a trap is described on pp. 82-83 and 90;
flange, varie~fromo·6 to I'S m, that of 100 and '50 mm pipes being I'Z m. The there are t.....o main kinds: gully traps or gullle! and I"t"crpting traps. Clay gullies
minimum thickness of pipes, size of flanges, etc., arc shown in the table at c. are shown at Q, R, S, T and Y, Fig. 31 and their application is illustrated in
Fig. 31. Plain ended pipes (i.t. those without a socketlare 1'25 m long for the Figs. 3~, 35 and 36. A clay intercepting trap (or dtscQ111ltctjng tTap or i"t"uptor
100 mm dia. size (see s', Fig. 31 and H, Fig. 33). is shown at M and P, Fig. 31, its application is shown in Fig, 3~, and described
Radius Bmds (sec 11 and J, Fig. 31}.-Thcse are required at horizontal and on pp. 89 and 90; such traps arc now seldom used- see p. 89. The seal
vertical changes of direction of straight lengths of drains. The standard radii increa~ from 6~ mm for a 100 mm interceptor to 76 mm for ISO and 225 mm
of 100 and 150 mm pipes are shown. They arc described in accordance with the traps.
number of bends required to make a complete circle, thus that at H is known Joints for Clay Plpts.-It has been mentioned on p. 76 that joints must be
as a quick or quaTt" INnd, the 1350 example at J is called an tighth arck btnd, .....atertight; in addition none of the jointing material must remain in the pipe,
and the slow bend having a contamed angle of 1571 ° (see J) is called a mttnrth and the in\'ert (the inside of the bottom of the pipe) must be in true alignment
circlt bnld. A bend required to (hange the direction of a drain on plan should throughout. The following Joints are used for clay pipes: (I) Ctmrnt-mortar
be slow or" easy," and two eighth circle bends are preferable to a single quarter joint, (2) Poly titer and rubb" r'''g joint, (J) SltttJtd joint. The first one is the
bend. The latter should nenr be used for this purpose unless the drain conve~ traditional joint having gi,'en satisfactory use in most cases O\'er many years
rain water only. A single quarter bend should not be used at the foot of a soil --see p. 76. The other two ar~ relative newcomers and opinion favours their
stack extending through two storeys in height (ace p. 93) but it can usefully be selection; they are certainly preferable when differential ground movement is
adopted for a ground floor W.C. where the vertical drain is short in length. expected-see p. 76.
Similar radius bends arc made in the sockctless type of pipe. I. Ctmen'-mortar Joint for Clay Plpts (sec c', Fig. 33.).-The recom-
Clay Jundjoru (sec u and v, Fig. 31).-Such arc n«essaryat connections mended mortar composition is I cement· 3 sand, sometimes 2% waterproofer
between drains. That at u is called a si,.,h jUIICtio1l and is specified according to (sec p. :.l7) is included. Neat ccment has been employed but this can cause
the internal diameters of the connecting pipes, i.t., 100 mm by 100 mm, 150 mm crackil)g of the pipe sockets, In addition, a piece of yarn is used at the bottom
by 100 mm, 150 mm by 150 mm, etc. The branch or arm of a junction should of the joint.
be obliquely inclined in the direction of the flow of the sewage. Right-angled or The joint is formed in the follo\Oo'ing manner. The spigot of a pipe is placed
square junctions must ne\'er be used; a branch pipe which is unavoidably at within the socket of the last laid pipe and closely butted against the shoulder.
right angles to a main drain should be connected by meana of an oblique junction A piece of yarn, after being dipped into a pail of cement grout to preserve it
and I alow bend. A dotJJk JU1ldWn. is shown at v; they arc not advocated, an (unless it has been previously tarred) is wrapped two or three times round the
inapcc.tion chamber (see p. 88) being preferred; the armJ should be the maximum spigot and well caulked against the shoulder by me:ms or II blunt chisd, cement
distance from each other, and a better arrangement is to use two adjacent single mortar is packed in by n..nd to completely fill the annular space, and thil is
junctions. neatly finished by a fillet splayed by a trowel at an angl~ of about 60°. The
Similar junctiont are made in the $OCk.etleu type of pipe. object or the yarn is twofold, as it prevents th~ entrancc of the mortar to the
inside oCUte drain and lS6ista in centering the pipes to maintain a properly aJigned Strovllt Ptpa Ire m.ld~ by In UltUl-IOn procue whic:h may be ~ithcr v~rtic:a1 or
horizonuoJ. In th~ vertical m~thod the day is fed Into I mlChU1~, th~ " utruded
invert. downward. Ind cut to lenlfth by a; If llOCk~ted pipe ,. being made tbe socket
Some jointers prder to omit the preliminary of the joints with yarn. il automatically fonned . The end. of Ih~ plpelre trimmed and, in the case of tocketed
Accordingly, unless the mortar is of a stiff consistency, much of it will pus within P'P" '!""UO'"CS I n: formed ,n th~ IOCk~t Ind " th~ 'F.,got ~nd . Wh~n th~ p.pes Ire
~rarnic glued the Insld~ I. then .prayed With a , au IllIca, lead and
the drain and a .. dropped im"crt" will result as the pipes, because of their borax; In Impoor"lant feature of Ih~ ,I.u II that ill tbennal upllnllon matcha that
weight, willaub&ide and squeeze out some of the material. Such I faulty joint is of the body of the pipe. Salt.,la«<l plptlare glued during manuflCtu~ below.
Afl~r moulding. tbe plptllre transported Ind placed v~rtlCllly on the dryinJf Roor
shown at H'. If the projecting mortar is not removed, as explained on p. 85, and Rraduilly dried In • ternpel'lture of .,' C. for one or two daya.
paper and solids may accumulate to ClIus.e an ohlttruction in the drain ; lodge- They are then t .... ~n to the k,ln; th,., In In. older ,nIUIlIIlOftI. 11 of .h" 6rc:ular
ment may also be caused by the dropping of tbe spigot. The unsightly appear- down-draught type (see p. 6). whillt the more modem m~thod il to UK th~ tunnel
kiln (see p. 10). Th~ p.pes Ir~ c:arefully .tacked vertIcally upon their soc:ket$, one
ance produced by an excess of mortar and the absence of a fillet is also shown. above the oth~r, to a h~jRht of from .... to J" mm
2. Polytstn- and Ru~ Ring Joi1lt far Cuy pj~s (ct. Fig. 33).-ln order Circular DowtI-d~~1t1 Kil,, - The hut i. ,radually Ipplied until I mlximum
to give dimensional accuracy for the ring joint both the lOCket and the spigot tempen-ture of about 1 IOO~ C. il relched; th,' i, known II th~ vitrification stlge.
The pipes are now gla«<l. th~ open-tlon being call~d IlIIiti"l/. II corrunon nit
of the pipe have special mouldings made of polyester (a type of plastic) cast {chloride of .odium} I. used for th .. purpoae. The Imount of lalt Idded vlries, but
on to them during the manufacture of the pipe. In making the joint the inside I Ihov~lful of lilt thrown through each firebox four tlm~1 during th~ ulting period
of the socket i. coated with a special lubricant, the adjacent pipe length then i. U1ual. The heat volatlli1:cl the nit. I nd Ihe sodium combines with the silic:a ofth~
cl ay to form th~ charact~.iuic: brown glued s urfac:e COIling. The m$id~ of th~ soc:k~1I
has a rubber Joint ring (to B. S. 2494) slipped over the spigot and to engage in Ind Ih~ outs,d~ of the ~PI'10t . U~ un~lued (u cept th~ . pigou of the top pipes) II
the groove of the polyester moulding. The spigot is then pushed home into these are covered in th ,· ' lM ~h. ynd thus. bener key for the jomtmR materill i.
obtained. Burning rn av oc,·upv Ir'lm thre~ or fGUT days , and cooling. which mOlt be
the mating lOCket, this compresses the ring to make a watertight joint, carefully controlled. tal.e_ the '_me tlm~ .
3. Sle~d JOint for Clay P!~J (Ht. Fig. 33).-Joinll of this kind are likely ""tf
T .. K,l" (see p. '0). -Th Is II utc:d for the ceramic glazed pIpes wh~re the
glue i, .pplied imm~d la t~l)' .ft~r exttU.ion. The pIpes mov~ Ilowly along the
to be increasingly adopted for joining plain ended (i.e. socketless) pipes and kiln for II~ngth of lime dependent upon the pipe dilm~tu; in the case of I 100 mm
the acceptance in modern drain laying practice of such joints will lead to the pipe tlUI would be lbout ]0 h.... The kIln heat II gradually Increased to I maximum
declining demand for the more expensive socketed pipe. The one shown has of I 070~ C.
]utl£trMU are mlde from llralffht P'pet. moulded II dtICri~ lbove. Thua. a
a slee\o-e or coupling made of polypropylene (a type of plastic) which has an smlll sock~ted piece reqUIred for In .nn of • junetion II cut from I freshJy moulded
internal groove at each end containing a specially shaped rubber ring. Also pipe, il. end is shaped by hand (or by I special mlchmel. the cut edge i. covered widt
round the inside of the sleeve there are a number of small locating lugs on the liquid clay Ind fitted on to a ucently moulded On the followirIR day the re-
quited hole In the pipe I. CUt It thejoining o f the ITm. trirruned with a knife and
centre line which ICrve to position the pipes when these are pushed into place; smoothed over with the finjten .
the lugs ensure that the .Ieeve is placed centrally round the pipe ends. Also Bntds Ire fonned either by • machine, to which various dIes can be fined, or by
the pipes themselves have a very small groove round-the outside about So nun hand. 1£ the latter, a uflight pipe .. it emerta from the mac:hine, i . bent to the
Ipproximate .-.diUI, and then fitled over I COte of the <=orH:C:I thape Ind trued up
from the enda; the position of this groove corresponds to the distance from the by hondo
edge of the sleeve to the face of the locating lugs. It is thus poIIible to inspect C~U.-Two half·round cn.nntls Ire obtained from I whole green pipe. The
Iltt~r is pllced in I plliter-of.Paria mould which il half·round in sc<::tion Uld the
the joint after it has been made and check that the sleeve is in the correct place. length o( a pipe, and It is divided lon,.tudinlUy by a pieee of wire drawn Ilona
In making the joint the fint pipe length can be stood on end. Ita upper the top edges of th~ mould. The cut edFi Ire then trimmed.
end is then covered on the outside for a length of about So nun with a apecial A three-quarter channel bend, such II i. lhown It G, Hand J, Fig. J5. <=oMia" of a
half·r(lI,Ind chann~1 bend (obtained by dividin,1 ,reen rad,u. bend) together with I
lubricant and the coupling pressed on to it. The pipe is then placed in the I~h cut by hand to the required thape. Th_ are stuck together with liquid cllY
trench and held against a stake driven into the ground; the next pipe has its and the joint n~atlr trinuned off.
lubricated end pushed into the other end of the sleeve to complete the joint. Traps Ire moulded by hand in moulda made. of pilite. of Paris. Two mould.
are required per trap. Each mould .. Ih.ped WIth It. mtem.1 $urface ~ rev~ne
of the ext~rior of th~ trap to be moulded. ThUl, for I gully luch II that at T, Fig. J I,
M(nnif~tvr' of Clay Drain Pipn _ Trlllp.".-The pnxeaet vary aecordinjl: till the mouldl would be Ilhaped to the uteriof shown in Kd:ion Q. A clot of prepared
the c:la.. of c:lly and the plant Ivaillble, but, II in brick manuflCture, they are divtded c:llY i. flattened to the required thickness, and this ia tlk~n by th~ mould~r who work
into the preparation of the day, mouJdir\l', dl'J'ma and bumir\l'. it into the mould to the duired Ihape. When the two pieus been moulded m
The c:lay il fitlely around and ac:reened .. deacri~ on pp. _2 Uld 3. GI'Of (or thil rrJ.IntIef, the two mould. are brought tOjtether Ind c:llmped by band. of hoop iron.
powd~red bumt c1.a,--e p. 3--or enIIhed burnt and dan'Iafed PIpes) II Idded to the When the day baa .ufficiently Je\, the mould. Ire ranoved and Ih~ junction is nntly
dlY to MIM:e the shrinkqe, aorne cia,.. reqWrIDa a5 Pu cent. o( thil material. trimmed and smoothed off. Int~rcepto" are hand.moulded ill a limilar manner.
JUIICriona, bendt, c:hannels, t1'Ipt, ete., are dried, burnt and ult·alazed II lbove
Whilst moat cha.ftnels 1ft '11t·,lued. they Ire lOIIl~times required to be .';k
- u . L £ - 1 conaiItI o( powdued flint, china day, powdered a:ine,
. . . . O!'
10"'; . , ,,0:11 m,,,ed log<:th<:r and w a ter .dd~d 10 l o nn .. sl u rry. Gla':..,
I•• aome" h a l o A N PIPES E. T
•" p

s ImIlar mlxh.f", wIth the .dd,llan of '" h,tLnR. fclspa r and .00. The ch annels mu st be I'.~' , 000"J
tho roujlhly dry before the ename l il a pplied. In best wo rk Ihr~ o r fo ur coal l of
enamel are ti n t brushed on the internal suriace a nd edRel of each channel, and thi s is
follo\\ed by 1\\'0 coa ts of glaze. This film ;. fused when the chann ell Ire heated in
,. ,

' G~

•• ,_ '·. " ••• .

/ .,... ,~~""
"0". . . . ""_,
.• """'....
,~ ~ _
... "',,.
..." .. A
the kiln and {onna .. ha rd , durable, ,mpe,,";ou. and "hite coloured l urface.
,O<L,' I ~ '" I " .. T
Cast Iron Drain Pipes and Traps (see Fig. 321).-These are made to
conform to B.S. '1-97. they are coated with a lar based composition for pro· ~. " .~
lection and are mainly used inside buildings or underneath them. They are an
alternative to drains of weaker materials which must be encased in concrete if '' cc .. . I'<
... ~<
• • ~ .
~ " .
~ <"

they pass beneath a building.

The straight pipes are made in standard 2'74 m lengths (excluding the socket
depth) and other lengths and in the diameters shown at A; for 100 mm pipes,
the socket depth is 75 mm and the wall thickness is not less than 9'5 mm,
Radius bends are made resembling the ware range and are of two main
types-short or long radius. An example of the latter is shown at B, both types
'00 .... 0
o , ,
are made in the different angles given; there are also similarly angled branches
or junctions. The special long branch at C can be used in internal ducts to In" "" i
serve a range of W.C.'s as indicated at 0, This detail shows the branches con- 10 " . . . .,.00 ... . ", •• 0 " ' . ' " ~ ,, 1 .. -
nected to vertical pipes of varying length with a large diameter socket to recei ve
the W,C. outlet. Both pipes and bends can be made with removable access <0 . ..

plates for inspection or rodding purposes.

A cast iron inspection chamber which can be used inside a building is shown
It G, this is one of many standard typell which can be had with from one to six ~ .. ~ ."
,y". '0'
" .. ,...... t.
branch inlets at 135 0 on either or both sides, others can be obtained with 1)0 or
1121" bend inlet branches. The remo\'ahle cover is fix:ed with gah'anised steel,
u u .. OO< •
bronze or gun metal bolts and nuts and has a greased felt wa!'her. . .. U GM '"
The cast iron gully at E is one of se,'eral available with dilfering angled out· JO' ~ ' F
lets as shown, they can be made with access doors noted by the broken line . ....,
The example gi,'en is jointed to a fnllmoulh back inltt gully top having a grating.
The one at F is used to trap the large volume of grease from hotels and similar
premises; both inlet and outlet are below the level of the water, and there 100 .. 0 I • . , " , ,,,•,, ,
should be enough of this to cool the grease which is removed at intervals by ,,, , ,,
taking off the cover and lifting the perforated tray, The outlet is fitted with a • •
cap to permit of cleaning and there is a bell mouth back inlet top similar to that
at E. Should this type of gully be used internally beneath a sink, then the 'U ' <.,.. ... L ...... " .

outlet is supplied with a vent pipe connection adjacent to the cap in lieu of the ." "" W.. . ~'L

grating near the inlet,

Another type of gully is that designed to prevent flooding of the building
0.'''''0.00''. ,~ " , '0", 0 o ~ ' '''

by sewage blcking up the drains. This may occur if there is a blockage in the m
system or in coastal Ireu where the drains from low buildings discharge to the iO"~ "
sea and may suffer periodic tidal inundation, Such an anti-flooding gully (or II IfU _ _ - -1"==
interceptor) is pro"ided with I copper ball float which allows outward flow but
\-~L. ____ 'O"I'<"
.. ~ ...... 'n
doees agaiast a rubber seating if the water 'le,'el rises due to back flow, , .... ,.. ..... ,.. .. .. _

H l== :
I By M_n. Bum Bro• . Ltd, JOINT fO" C, tl" I
Joiau for Cat 1,0IIt ~.-The traditional non-Hexible joint (or cast iron M_lfI(:tIn'~ 01 AsbntfN_t Pipa.-In Chip. III, Vol.. III there is Idea-
cnption or the manufscture of ubcstM-<cment; thil .tltet how, It one .taae, I
pipet is either made with lead (molten lead or lead wool) u described in Chap. thin film of the mlterill i. obtliMd. Thil continuous film, of width sli,htiy greeter
VI, Vol. I and abown at 1:, Fig. n. in the same volume; or by a stiff mix of thin the pipe lenrth, i. fed on to I rotlting mandrel; the .uceeuive Ilyen of UbatOl-
Mat cement and water. For the reason. given on p. ,6. fJexiblc type of joint cement Ire conlOlidlted by hydnulic preuure Ind the proceN f. continutd until
the requisite thickncu, which form. the pipe wall, i. achieved. The resulting pipe
is now prefcrTcd and onc of these it shown at H. Fig. 32. i. then withd",wn from tM mlndrelle.ving I amooth and well poli.hed bore After
This joint must be uted with aodet1eaa pipes or with the .socketed pipes u I wven day IJlllUrina: period in • link of wlter the pipe is trimmed to length and. ita
described above in whic.h cue the socket must be cut off' and so must the endl turned to I«U",le limits to en.ure correct fitting It the joints.
bead at the spigot end. It comprises a oouplinc fonned with a sleeve, two
Concrete Drain Pipes are made to conform 10 8.5. 5911 in lc:ngths from
CJOH.n and two rubber ri... of square section. I. making the joint a coli.,
and • rubber ring art: PUlhed on to the end of each pipe. the pipes arc then
914 mm to 3-66 m and diameters from 100 to 600 mm. They arc: socl.:etlKl. and
the detail at}', Fig. 33 shows the flexible joint made with a rubber ring. Concrete
placed inside the aleen and on tightening the nub on the two bolts the
bends and junctions similar to the clay range are also made.
rubber rings are compressed between the collars and the sleeve to make a
watertight joint. MOmlltUtw~~ (JJ C(JrlCftll D'(Jj" Pi~I.-One WlY of mlking the .mliler (100 to
~~5 dll.) pipe. II to ca.t them vertic.lly. The outlide of the pipe i. formed by a
MamlJiKhu. 0/ Clift/ron Pi~•. -Pipes or ,II .iut Ire produced by two method. : fixed mould in.ide which i•• rotlting mandrel whIch .hape. the mside of the pipe;
centrifuatl attine (or Ipinninld and nnd mouldina:. the concrete i. charged into the Iplce bctw~n the two. The mlndrel has two lup
Spun pipet Ire made in either metal or aand-hncd Auk, which arc rotlttd It filted to It which 'Pleld the concrete Ind t",nsfer pin of the weight of the mandreito
high ,peed. Mctll i. introduced Clthcr Ilona: the wail of the rotlti", cavity or from the Will of concrete to conloOiidlle it. The bottom pin of the mlndrelsmoothes the
one cnd. The «ntnfupl foret CJ:crud by the 'pmnlng mould .prelds the molten Inside of the pipe Will I I it rotlte, Ind so the pipe i. lucena",ely built up. The outcr
metal Cftllly, Jivin,l unifonn .... 11 thicknes •. mould With encloted Pipe. then taken IWIY for .[eam curing I I dtICnbo:d below.
Sand moulded pipes Ire made by hand mouldina: or, more u,ull1y. by mtc.hanlc:al The luacr sized concrete pipes (US mm dil. Ind upward.) Ire produced by I
mcthod.; both tech.nKjuet Ire aimilu requinna I nnd mould mto whIch I nnd core
i, placed to Jivc the internal .nape of the pipe. rn the: mechanical nunu{acture I
combmation of ecntnful.1 spinning and \'i b",tion "'h,eh ,Il"" I high degrtt of
conlOlldltion, impermeability Ind strength. A typict.l mlnufacturing bed has .even
pattcrn of the pIpe belfl( IJllcit i. placed withm I mouldin, box Ind clly-bonded honwntllixleaeach with I wheel II each end; one of the outn ules i. motordri,·en.
aand II thrown lroUnd It by , nnd alintrer (. machine which throwl thc nnd It Rellmfl' O\'er Ind in bet.. Hn the Ixles Ire ."X lleel pIpe moulds, the enllr~ end. of
high .peed to Jive I rtlmmirll' effect). Whcn the box II full It .. llripptd from thc theat lit oyer the wheels 10 thlt once the dn\'1~ iSlwltched on III the wheel'lndmoulds
pattcrn to leave In I(:(:U"'tc reproduction of the oullide lhape of the rfquirtd pipe rotlte. The mould... hith Ire Iprayed with mould oil before the concrete " placed in
indented in the lind. The inside lhape of the pipe i. produced by mlking I nnd them, Ire shaped to fonn the pipe socket It one end. The carefully batchI'd cement.
core which i.loclttd in the mould cavity. The caltina: of the pipe il then done by sand Ind Il",vel mix il ftd into the rotllinll mould. Ind ,ftu .pmning. centrifuil'ing
pouring molten metll into the mould cavity It I number of poinll limultlneously. Ind vibration (produced by the .. h~ls) the wet concrete i. compressed Igamu the:
After CIIung the pIpeS cool briefly in the mould Ind lTe then remo\'w, from the mould. Any internll unevenne.. m the pipe i. ,emU_I'd loy th" application of a
box. Dry nnd Idherin, to the CI.ting i, bruthed off; the caltings are then ground long·handled trowel which is cuo'ed to approximlte to the inside cuo'e of the pipe
Imooth and inlpec:ted before being trelted with I COlt of plint or colting IOlution. barrel. The resultinff deflret of complction enable, the mould for I us mm pipe, for
exlmple, to be removed from the mlchine Ifter lbout mne minutes (}5 min •. for
Asbeatoa-Cement Drain Pipet. are made to conform to B.S. 3656; they a ?60 mm pipe). The mould with encJoted PIpe i, then taken to a .team eunn,ll
chamber where the tempentl,lre" bet .. een 31'8 Ind SI '6- C .. Ind hwmdlty lbout <)8
are plain ended (without. lOCket) and arc available in the standard length of per cent. After I curing pcnod of :zl-hrs. for I :1:15 mm pipe (6 hn. for I 760 mm
4 m, but ha1f and quarter lengths of 2 m and 1 mare 1.110 provided. Asbestos- PIpe) the mouldllre .tripped (they are in (wo hah,es) Ind the pip" t .... rufcrred to the
cement bends and junctions are stocked in sizes similar to those for clay pipes.
Itoc:k Ylrd where they curt for 18 daY' after which they Ire reldy for uw.
Jointr for ArHltus-cmu"t P£pes are of the flexible kind employing an asbestos-
Pitch Fibre Drain Pipes (sec: B' and B-, Fig. 33).-These are made to con-
cement sleeve or collar and two rubber rings for each pipe end. One example'
form to B.S. 2760 in 2'H rn lengths for the 50, 75, 100, ISO, 200 and 230 mm
it shown at I, Fig. 33.
dia. sizes and also in 3'05 m lengths for the 100 mm dia. Bends,junctions, tapen
The rings are placed on the pipe by using a taper plug one end of which is
and gullies are available and channels can be formed by cutting a pipe in two with
placed in the pipe; the other end of the plug, being of a smaller diameter than
a saw. Being more flexible and resilient than the above kinds of pipe they are
the pipe, allows the rin81 to be placed easily over it. The rings are rolled along
frequently specified where ground movement is expected such as in coal mining
the plug on to the pipe; each pipe end is mounted with two rings in this way.
areas. They may not be luit\hle for factory efRuenta and the manufacturers
The sleeve is then pushed on to the end of one of the pipes over the two rings
should be consulted before they are installed ror non-domestic services. The
which become compresaed. The next pipe length with its two rings is then
ends of the pipe have I. :z0 Uper and the dry joint is made by hammering 1wM~
put into position and the sleeve is slid back until it it central over the joint.
a pitch fibre coupling, using I. wooden dolly to protect it (in the enlargement at
I a,.. Tumcn AsbeatM Cement Co. Ltd.. .... a slight gap is ahown for clarity). The pipe can be cut with a laW and the ends
tapered on aite with • hand-lathe. An alternative type of joint employs rubber Bow from a rainwater pipe. The guUy inlet baa a flange: to receive the cylindrical
rinpand a sleeve. Joints between the pipe and Iday one an made with. rubber rim of the square dish (see 5), the joint between the two being of cement and
ring, a special adaptor being required for connecting to the apigot end of aand mortar; the dish i. alightly rebated for the cut iron trid or 1'0"", (see .).
earthenware. If the undercut type of dish i. uaed as indicated by broken line at Q there i.
M-iftxhD" oj Plleh I\pa.-CelluiOR fibre in the (onn of .... ute piper
Icsa danger of water .plashing on to the surrounding ground. The type of
(newtpaper cannot be used beu.1.l1e of the print) is milled with water into I .h,IrTY gully ahown It Q with circular top and sepante dish it much preferred to the
and fed to • container where it i. picked up by revolving colander rolleR on the 'f'UlT1! trid pUy which has a .quare rebated top to receive the grating direct.
outer perimeter lnd depo.ited on to. pipe mlndreJ. The rollen have I me.h IUrf_ A", the latter h .. no separate dish, it is often impouible to fix it aquare with tbe
throuP"a ....hieb wlter drain., leavinl I thin IT\.It of fibre which build. up on the
mandrel to the requi.,te thickneu; preuure il applied by rollen to the mandrel to wall of a building unless a bend (on plan) is provided at the beginning of the
fonn the white colou~ pipe. The pipa Ire then paued throuah I drying oven and branch drain. The gully at Q can also be used for. wute pipe disc.har~ if the
dipped in I tank oonUtruna bot pitch. By muna of YKUUJn and applied ptalure
the pipes become imprqnated with Pitch before beina cooled, cut to lenath and type of grating which is notched out to receive the end of the waste pipe ..
bavina their endt machined. bsed as indicated by the broken line at R. (Note thlt it is • B.R. requirement
that In utmcal wute pipe can be used in the circumstances mentioned in the
PI.stic Drain Pipe• .-Suitable only for domestic drainage, these aTe made adjacent column provided that the pipe discharge. oboot the water level in the
of p.v.c. (polyvinyl chloride) in 1'2, 3'01 and 6'1 m length.. The pipes arc pllin gully but belOfll the grating.)
ended and the joint ia made by a sleeve and rubber rings aimilar to the sleeved Another type of clay gully is shown at Y, Fig. 31; this i. the back in1et plly
joint for clay pipes (p. 7(1). Being made of I flexible material they are ideal for the used for ground floor wute pipe discharges (note that it complies with the
IOrt of situations given under pitch fibre pipes above. Plastic drama must be
lut mentioned B.R. requirement) and to receive the end of a R.W.P. When
laid on and surrounded by compacted granullr bedding (Q to 5 mm gravel). used for the latter purpose it is preferred to the gully at Q in the di.h of which
leaves mlY Iccumulate to block the grating and cause Rooding in a rain storm.
Traps include gully traps, reuse traps, intercepting traps and the larger
A similar cast iron back inlet gully is shown at E, Fig. 32. As traps may become
~troland grcatc chambns. The ohject of a gully is to prevent drain air escaping unsealed by evaporation during hot weather, it is advisable that water be poured
from a drain and polluting the atmosphere ncar ground level. A grease trap,
down them occasionally during such prolonged periods.
and I petrol and grease chamber arc used to prevent thete aubstanccs from All gullies should be fixed outside the building, but see permitted exception
entering the drain. An intercepting trap can be used to prevent sewer gases on p. 80; in order to comply with this requirement in connection with a base·
from entering the drainage system; they Ire now rarely used (see p. 89). ment, it may be necessary to construct a small Irea (at least 760 nun wide for
Gully Traps or Gullies (sec Q, R, S, T and Y, Fig. 31 Ind A. Fig. 36) arc men- access) adjlcent to an external wall, in the concrete floor of which the gully La
tioned on p. 78. A gully is used to take the discharge from. waste pipe from a
lavatory basin, bath or sink which is situated at or about ground levcl. (The Applications of gullies are illustrated in Figs. 34-36.
Building Regulationa Illow such waste pipes to be ouuide the building; but Intn'upti"l Traps or Disco"tltcting Traps of Intn'ceptors.-One of several
waste pipes from sanitary appliances at higher levels (c.g., first floor and above) types of this ware trap is shown at M and P, Fig. 31, and a similar trap is shown
must be plactd "'ternaUy (except ror buildings not more than 3 ttoreys high-see at H, Fig. 34. The seal increases from 6. mm for a 100 mm interceptor to 75 mm
p. 86). A gully i~al!lOUsNl to receive the flow from a rainwater pipe and at the tides for 150 mm and 225 mm traps. The tnp is fixed in an intercepting chamber
of palhs, roads and in yard, and other paved areas (sec the car wash aU, Fig. 35). (see Fig. 34), and its object is to intercept the sewer gases from the drainage
A gully trap takes the form of a bent pipe (sec Q, Fig. 31) with the inner system. lu adoption is becoming less frequent, and its merits and demeriu are
fold projecting into the retained liquid and 6~. mm below the outlet to form the discuued on p. 89.
Stal. The internal surface is curved throughout, varying from ISO mm at the Grease Traps.-One type of cast iron grease trip is shown at F, Fig. 32.
inlet and 100 mm at the outlet. It is ofthe ulf-chonn'ng type, II it permits of the I fa purpose is to prevent fat and grease collecting inside drain pipes from Ia.r~
free passage of waste liquids, and th~ absence of angles and corn~rs prevents any kitchens, schools, canteens, etc., Ind it is described on p. 80. Smaller and similar
accumulation of s;mall pieces of organic, etc., matter. The Rat base enables the models are made in clay and as mentioned on p. 75, one of these should be used
gully to be bedded correctly, and as shown at 0, Fig. 36, it is set on 150 mm of in septic tank instal.... tionl.
concrete. P~"ol tl1fd Gr~as~ Chambtrs.-Thesc are both constructed in a timilar way
The clay gully shown at Q, R, sand T. Fig. 31, is suitable for taking the to a septic tank; their purpose i, to collect grease and petrol and prevent these
I Gull, not t"tJ1t,al ... hen • up.rat.. KW • .,..tem i. UKd (..... p. 7.). from beine discharged into a drainage system. They arc used at gara~s and in

pt.oes havin, large kitchens, such as schoo" and canteens. A typical grease pllced vertically with ita flange resting on the ground. The sight rail is nailed to
and petrol chamber is 610 mm deep and 610 mm square formed with :u s mm the two posts at any convenient height and with its upper edge horizontal aa
brick walb on a ftat concrete bue; the top hu lOOK So mm thick. timber planb tested by a spirit level. The second sight rail is fixed It the correct level in a
which permit ventilation and can be removed to enable the grease and petrol to similar manner at the opposite end of the trench; the level of the top edge of this
be: taken off'the lurface of the liquid. The inlet to the chamber is just a straight rail must be such that an imaginary line, called the line of nillt, drawn from it
pipe 50 mm above oudet level; the outlet hal. T-pipejunction like the aeptic to that of the other ia parallel to the proposed gradient of the drain; a dumpy
tank in Fig. 30. level and levelling staff should be used to fix the height of this second sight rail to
ensure that the difterence in level between the two rlils is that decided upon.
An application of sight rails is illustrated at A. C Ind D, Fig. 33, where the
inclination of the line of sight is I in 60 and is 2'3 m above the bottom of the
GndieDt of DniDa.-A drain must be laid to an adequate indination or propo&ed trench. The required gradient of the trench bottom is maintained by
gradient. This is expreued u. ratio between the total fall (or difference in level use of the boning rod. This rod rescmJ;lles an elongated tee-square having a
between the upper and lower end. of the drain) and the horizontal length of the wood blade with trO$S head attached (see A, B, C and D), The height of the rod
drain. Thul, if the raU i. :z m and the horizontal length is 60 m, the gradient is must equal the vertical distance between the line of sight and the predetermined
J in 30. A 100 mm drain .hould have a minimum fall of I in 60 and a ISO mm level of the trench bottom, i.e., 2'3 m in this example.
drain. ".;,pm,.,," fall of I in 120, these would be adequate for up to 20 and 100 The excavltidn IS proceeded with until the level of the bottom of the trench
houaet respectively. is reached as determined by .. sighting through." Thus, the foreman standing
Before deciding upon the gradient to which a drain is to be laid, it is necessary immediately behind one of the sight rails looks towards the far sight rail so that
to obtain the depth of the public .ewer (or existing drain or septic tank) and the he can just ace the top edges of both rails, and the required depth i. indicated
level of the ground. The depth of the sewer below the ground level at the when the top of the boning rod, resting upon the bottom of the excavation and
proposed point of connection may be obtained by inspection on the site, such held vertically by an assistant, coincides with the line of sight. Thi. is repeated,
u at a convenient manhole or chamber (see p. 88), or from the aurveyor to the the rod being held at intervals along the trench. The boning rod w at D, Fig. 33.
local authority; the level_of the ground along the proposed line of the drain is shoWi that the required le\'e1 of the trench at that point has been reached and
detennined by using a dumpy level and le\'elling staff or the .traight edge and that additional excavation is necessary further up if, when sighting through as
spirit level. The longitudinal section, such as i••hown at E, Fig. 34, can then be the rod is held in turn at positions u and v. its head appears above the line of
plotted. Besides having an adequate fall, the drain should be bid to a uniform sight as indicated, Excavation of the last few centimetres may be deferred
gradient up to the boundary of the site, or from chamber to chamber (sec p. 88), until just prior to the laying of the drain, when the earth is trimmed off and the
after which the ran may be increased up to the connection. Thus, at E the drain boltom rammed solid. Alternatively, when the trench is machine excavated,
hu a uniform inclination of I in 32 up to the intercepting chamber M, from which thi. more e.'tpensive hand trimming which would be necessary, i. avoided by
point the gradient is increased. In this example it would be uneconomical to o\'er excavating with the machine by about 100 mm which is made good with
maintain a uniform gradient from the gully to the sewer because of the addtional bedding (see below).
e'l{(:lvation which would he entailed. Timbering, as required, is provided as a temporary support to the sides of
Unless the drain is a short one the setting out of [he trench is performed in the trench (sec Fig. 40, Vol. I, and Fig. 21, Vol. tIl).
the following manner: A wood peg is driven in on the proposed centre line of Joint •. - These must be airtight and watertight; none of the jointing material
the drain It cam point where it changes direction. The sides are pegged out, must remain .....ithin the bore of the pipes, and the invert must be in true align-
pegs being inserted at half of the width from each centre peg; a cord is stretched ment throughout. The Joints for clay pipes arc described on pp. 78-79; those
uut and tied to one pair of side pegs, the side is marked with I pick or spade, for cast iron, asbestos-cement and concrete pipe. on p. 81; and (or pitch fibre
and the opposite side is similarly marked, and plastic drain pipes on pp. 81 and 82 respectively. For the reasons given on
The correct level of the bottom of the trench is obtained and a uniform faU pp, 76 and 79 the sleeved type of joint which permits flexibility is much preferred.
maintained by the usc of two nght rails and a Ixmi", rod. A sieht rail is a wood
board, having straight edges. and about 38 mm thick. It is fixed to a pair of
100 mm by So or 75 nun wood posts, hiving pointed ends, which arc securely
driven into the ground at one end and clear of the proposed trench; each post is As the Structurtl load-carrying capacity of a pipe depends on its crushing
sometimes picked with earth, aravel, etc., within a ISO or 225 mm drain pipe strength Ind the way it is supported it is important that the pipes be properly

,••"1..,,;.,,.. JOINTS


.. ... 1)~~j--SiOHT MIL'S"

...... Of SIGHl,

"0 N lNG' II. E THO D 'G AUG E lOA. D' '" E THO 0 F


SlCiHT LUJL .,..
IOHINCi P.oo 'W'
~ "'" "H'-1Il--_1 1
r+-----------+~----------++--- ". ------1, +_--------_4~

"""""'"'" D

TO II: EXCAVATE ""'kfOO,,,,£olr-ifl(i UlHCH KJT1QII\,
c;:::1..... I I lit.:" :.: "r,.:',:,',,.,. ifl ttl,,,;:; :.,:.0;;:;,... •
bedded on to a firm foundation othcnrite Kttlement may occur and caUIe under the sockets to fonn the joints. Smaller handholes are required in the
cnc:ked or broken pipes and an irrqular invert. In most cues., certainly for the cue of sleeved joinu. When the socketed or sl6eved pipes are laid on • granular
amaller 100 and 1S0 mm pipes, the foundation can be firm ground trimmed to the bedding pan of this is scraped away at each joint.
correct level; althougb as mentioned above, if trenches are machine cut, it I. B()tIi", is the more aCQuate method . . The boning rod uaed is aimilar to
La cheaper to over excavate alightly and make good with granular bedding. that referred to on p. 83. except that it is provided with a projecting wood or
It is also helpful in wet weather to make use of such. bedding, and 10 noid metaJ shoe as shown at a, Fig. 33. It is held on the invert of etch pipe in .
diRurbanc:e of trimmed ground by workmen making the drain joints. and laying suc:ces&ion, as indicated at E, any adjustment of the pipes being made until the
the pipes. In the cue of the largtr sized sewer pipes, a granular bed or concrete head coincides with the line of sight. Thus, the position of each pipe is fixed
belli must be adopted; • granular bed i. allO sometimes used in the belt work independently and therefore any erron are not accumulative. The fonnation
for 100 and ISornm ~rains. Agranulac bedding (known as Clasa B bedding) com- of sinking. under the sockets as mentioned above is often omitted, and instead
pritea I part coarte Hod to 2 part. 13 or 10 mm stone; a good &eating to a brick. is placed under each barrel near the socket; this is an undesinble practice
the barrel of the pipe. Class A bedding, used to strengthen the larger sewer as such panially supponed pipes may be fractured by the weight of the earth
pipes and also beneath smaller drain pipes in weak ground to strengthen the above or by traffic. The pipes are then jointed. If the cement mortar joint.
pipeline, is concrete (see M, Fig. 33). When it is pbced and partially let it as described on p. 78 is used, any monar which l1\IIy have entered the drain must
Mould be cut out over the width of the pipe joints 10 as to maintain flexibility be removed before it has set. This is done immediately each joint ia made by
in the pipeline (I« N, Fig. 33). Drains· beneath buildings, if not of cut iron, using a wood scraper 0 or scraper R (consisting of a ditc of rubber bolted between
should be completely encue:d (see p. 86). Whatever bedding i, u&oed, in the cue: two wood discs) or a badt", (having two discs similar to R with a steel spiral spring
of lOCketed or sleeved pipe joints, it should be scraped away at the joints to between) or a bag containing shavings.
enaure that the pipe barrel is properly supported. 2. Galll,-hoartl (If' Straight·tdt, Mtfhod.-This ia illustrated at P, Fig. 33.
Drains Adjacent to Wan. of BuildiztCa.-The Building Regulations The board is tapered as required. Thus, if the drain i. to be laid to a fall of I in
stipulate that, except where the nature of the pound makes it unnecessary, if 60, a I 500 mm long board will be nx I SOO - 25 mm deeper at one end than
a bottom of a drain trench is below an adj.cmt wall foundation is must be filled the other; a thin block is nailed on the splayed edge at each end 10 that the
with concrete to a level not lower than the bottom of the wall foundation by board will clear the lOCkets. The gauge-board is uaed as each joint is fonned, the
more than the diatance from the foundation to the near side of the trench leu level of the pipe being adjusted until the bubble of the spirit leve) is in the tentre
150 mtn--tee It, Fig. 33. Where. however, a drain trench is within I metre of a of ita run when the level is placed on the board as ahown. Thia method should
wall foundation the trench must be filled with concrete to the level of the under4 only be used for short lengths and branches of drains. It is not 10 ac:curate as the
side of the foundation (sec x). Expansion joinu over the width of the drain joint boning method, for, unlike the latter, any errors are accumulative. Also, as the
mUit be left at 9 m intervata in such concrete filling. Also where a drain thickness and bore of pipes m2y vary slightly, it follows that the inven may not
peIICI through or under a building precautions must be taken to prevent damage be paullel to the required gradient. Special care must therefore be taken when
to drains by ditfermtial settlement; damage is avoided by using cast iron pipes using thia method to a drain having only a slight fall.
or aurrounding the pipes of weaker materials in concrete, using a flexible joint
The puae-bolord il often uaed without blocb, Ind .1 then Ilid upon the lOCkett;
where they p... through walls and leaving a gap round the pipe at this point when 10 .pplied, erro,. m.y oceur by irrerullfly In.ped .nd ~entrie s.oc:kett. A
which can be filled with a compressible material (puddled clay or mastic). "raiRht edl(e, hllVinl • projeaing .crew It one end which it .djUlted u required,
w.yinC of' Dralas..-Both the (I) botrittg and (2) ttltlf,·boartl methods are i, tometimn IoIKd itlltHd of the pup.bolrd. A, having • ..".1\ fillet .ulChed
It one end of. th.ickneu equal to the required diffen'ntC in level, i" furthertub.titute.
adopted in the laying of draina.
The following is how thelle methods are applied to a drain which is laid The concrete foundation for a drain referred to above is fonned in the follow-
directly on the ground. After the trench has been excavated and the bottom ing manner: The bottom of the trench is laid to fall as previously explained,
formed to the required gradient as described on p. 83, the constl'llction of a additional depth being allowed for the concrete. Wood pegs are driven in along
cInin. is proceeded with, commencing at the lower end. In the cue of lOCketed the trench bottom at about 3 m intervals with their tops JOO to I So mm (according
pipet the IOCkett ahould be facing upwards against the Row, alto with auch to the thickness of the concrete) above the ground. The concrete forming the
pipes it will be necesaary to form holes in the trench bottom under the lOCkets to rectangular bed is placed in positiog and screeded off (see p. 6r) level with the
e8IUR that the barrels have a firm bearing (see E and F, Fig. 33). These hand· toj» of the pegs. The top of the concrete is thus given a fall parallel to the line
boIeI alto enable mortar jointa to be made and are formed u each pipe is laid, of sipt. The pipes are then laid by either the boning or gauge-board methods
. ' . . t earth beinr ranoved by the pipe byer to enable him to aet his hand with their flanges ratinc upon the concrete. The concrete benchin, ia formed
after the joints of the drain have set, the concrete being well paclc.ed under the The following is usually required to be indicated on such a plan ; (I) The position
pipes and neatly ftaunched midway up the drain pipes or to the crown (see M of rain water pipes, gullies, and the various unitary fittings such as lavatory
and N, FIg. 33). Some prefer to provide additional room for making the joints basins, baths, sinks and water closets; (z) arrangement o( the various drains, the
by laying the barrel of each pipe on a brick laid flat upon the concrete bed near sizes of which must be specified; (3) inspection chambers, and, if necessary,
to the lOCket, followed by packing and benching. A better method is to embed the intercepting chamber (see p. 89); (4) means of ventilation; and (5) the
bricks Aat It 50 mm depth and 610 mm centres (or lOCket intervab) in the position of the public sewer (or other outlet) to which the main drain is shown
concrete foundation during formation; these are remov~ before the concrete connected.
haa set, and the holes thus formed for the sockets are 6.11ed in with fine concrete A typical plan showing the drainage &Cherne for a small house is shown at ",
after the joints have set and during benching. Gaps must be Jeft In the concrete Fig. 34, and a part system is shown at ", Fig. 35. These are referred to on p. 91.
at each joint as explained on p. 85. Principlea of Drainage.- These are gIven be.low, all exc~pt item 4 (orm
Teating Drain Pipes.-:-lo drain shan be covered up before it has been tested part of the Huilding Regulations.
and approved by the local authority. I. Drains must be airtight and watertight under all working conditions
The test most generally applied to new drains is the hydraulu or U14ter test, including any differential movement between the pipe and the ground
the Building Regulations demand that such a water test be carried out. Briefly, or any structure through or under which it passes, constructed of
after the joints have set, the lower end is plugged, the drain is filled with water sound materials and workmanship, with an even invert and a clear
and allowed to remain for about an hour. Any drop in the water level at the end borl'; aU traps must remain sdf-cleansing with an adequate seal.
of this period (after allowance has been made for slight absorption) indicates z. They must be provided with a sound foundation, laid with an adequate
leakage. Examination will show the cause of this. Any cracked or otherwise and uniform gradient and in straight lines between points and where
defective pipes are replaced by sound ones, and any defective joints are made the direction changes.
good. J. Adequate'means of inspection and cleaning must be provided, inspection
Another test, now falling into disfavour because o( the cost entai.Jed, is the chambers being constructed at change of direction points and in
mtQkl ttlt. Smoke from burning oily cotton waste is pumped. by a machine into convenient positions to recei\"e the maximum number of branch drains.
the lower end of the drain, the upper end is plugged, and pumping is maintained 4. A drain may be required to be disconnected from a sewer (or cesspool)
until a certain pressure is reached. Any defects are exposed by escaping smoke. by the provision of an Intercepting chamber (see p. 89).
Ball TlIt.- A drain may be airtight and watertight and passeither of the above 5. Adequate ventilation must be prmided.
two tests and yet be of defective construction owing to the presence of jointing 6. Branch drains ahoulCl. be as short as possible and laid in straight lines to
material within the drain and an improperly aligned invert. It is for this reason the nearest inspection chamber.
that many authorities now apply the ball test to newly constructed drains in 7. Bends must be slow and junctions oblique,
addition to the hydraulic (or smoke) test. This test merely consists of pusing a 8. Rain water pipes must discharge into gullies (unless stormwater drains
solid rubber ban down each length of drain. The diameter of the ball is 6'5 mm are separate from foul drains-see p. 74). Where R.W.P.'s are placed
less than that of the drain . The ball is put into the drain at the top end, and if internally they may discharge into properly constructed soil stacks
it emerges at the lower end it is a sufficient indication that the drain is true in .(... p. 9')'
bore and free from mortar ridges in the case of the cement mortar joint. If the 9. Ground floor sinu, lavatory basins and bath Wasl~ ...ipes may discharge
ball does not traverse the full length of the drain, the cause of the atoppage into gullies oulrich (see p. 8z); or be connected to a soil stadt (see
is ucertained and any defects remedied . This is an important test. p. 91) These appliances at higher levels in buildings up 10 3 sloreys
Refillinl Trencb.- After a drain hu been approved, the trench should be high may discharge into an uternol soil stack but the suck must be
carefully refilled in 150 mm thick layers. The finer earth it placed with care next jNidI for buildings of more than 3 Storeys.
to the drain so as not to damage the pipes and jointa. This ia apread and lightly 10, Ground floor water closets are usually connected direct to dnains. W .C. 's
COfl8Olidated, after which the remainder of the refilling it completed, each layer at ground level (or higher) in buildings of more than 1 storeys mUit
being well runmed. w.charge ;"1"",,1 soil stadt; for buildings of 3 storeys and
leu the shCk filly be outside.
II. Unleu unaVOidable, no drain shall pus under .. building. If laid under
The drainage plan of a building (with certain exceptions) muat be submitted a building precautions to avoid damage to it mutt be taken. 11"s
to and approved by a local authority "before building operations are commenced. melM either using a cast iron pipe or one of the other pipe materiall
surrounded in 150 mm thick concrete (P, Fig. 33)·
D R A N A G E s C H E M
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100 DAAlN

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Flcu" 34
12. The plumbing system carrying lOil and waste water inside the building of the chamber; they are particularly effective when the curvlture i. Ihlrp;
must be deaigned !IO that the traps to the different sanitary appliances as shown, the inverts of these bends are above that of the half-round main
remain sealed with water (see p. 91). channel, as their lower ends are supported on the top edges of the latter (
Several of these principles have been already referred to. also sketch H). A selection of standard three-quarter branch channel bends.
Inspection Chamben.-AII drains should be conveniently accessible, and, alternative to those at G and H, is shown at}. The spaces between the channels
in accordance with principle NO.3. adequate means oi inspection and cleaning are filled in with concrete and this is sloped or knchtd up IS shown at Band C,
mUlt be provided. The Building Regulations require that there be an inspection Fig. 34 and c, Fig. 35. The object of the benching is to prevent fouling of the
chamber at : (I) changes in direction at gradient; (2) within 12'S m of a junction base from discharges from the branch channels. Sometimes the benching is
between drains and between a drain and a sewer, unless one is placed at that given a slope of 45 0 ; this is rather excessive, as a workman can only stand upon
junction; in addition (3) no part of a drain shall be further than 45 m from an it with difficulty. The form of benching recommended is that shown at c,
inspection chamber. Fig. 35. although that indicated at c, Fig. 34 is adequate when the chamber only
A typical inspection chamber is shown in Fig. 35. The floor is of concrete, accommodates the main channel.
the walls of brick or concrete and a cast iron cover provides means of access. The chamber must be watertight to prevent leak-age of sewage in the event
The minimum internal dimensions are 460 mm square when the depth is of the main drain below it be<:oming choked. For this reason, if common briclr..s
460 mm or less, 685 mm by 460 mm when the depth is 900 mm, and 910 mm are uS'!d, the inside of the walls is sometimes rendered with a cement mixture
(preferably 1 135 mm) by 685 mm when the depth exceeds 900 mm, the latter composed of I part Portland cement and 3 parts lind; a 2 per cent. waterproofer
size being necessary to enable a man to pa~ down and do any operation required. is sometimes added to the mix. The thickness of this rendering should be from
The concrete Roor is ISO mm thick and this need not project more than is 13 to 10 mm and it should be continued from the top and over the benching to
nttes.sary to enable the walls to be constructed, ;.t., 75 to I So mm. The thickness the inner edges of the channels IS shown. Chambers 900 mm deep are
of the walls need only he 102'5 mm when the depthjs under 760 mm, but Ihould sometimes rendered up to that height, above which the joints are neatly pointed
be 215 mm thick for duper chamben. The 215 mm Engli .. h bonded brickwork with cement mortar. Rendering is not required when better class bricks,
can be of engineering bricks or hard sound common bricks in cement mortar; in e.g. blue engineering bricks, are used for the internal lining. In ground containing
the latter event the inside of the walls must be rendered (see below); the bond is sulphite saits, sulphate·resisting cement must be used for the concrete and
shown at c, Fig. 35. An ahernati\e form of wall construction is shown at II, mOTtar.
the walls being in two separate half·brick leaves in stretching bond with a Access to the chamber is provided by a lalt:an;::td cast iron cover with Jramt.
continuous 13 mm thick layer of W2terproofed mortar between which serves as These are of many different patterns and of various strengths and sizes. They
a watertight lining. must be large enough to allow a man to pass through, common sizes being
The drains are run in straight lines to the /nttrnal faces of the walls, and the 610 mm hy 460 mm (see Band C, Fig. 34, and c, Fig. 35) Ind 6c)o mm sqUire in
channels. to which they are connected are jointed and bedded in cement. The the clear. The cover' for this purpose must be lirtight, Ind therefore the joint
ends of the pipes throug; the walls may be either arched or concreted over as between the frame and cover hu either I lingle, double or triple seal. A single
shown at C, hg. 34 and c, Fig. 35. respecti ... ely; if roughly bricked round (a seal joint is shown at (I, Fig 34 , the groo ...e in the frame being fi1led with grease
common practice) leaks may occur. The Building Regulations demand that into which the lower rim of the cover projects; a band of solid rubber. known
where a drain passes through the wall of an inspection chamber (or Will of a as I fll.bbn' n'ng, may be used in..tead of the grease to form a seating for the rim.
building) precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the drain by differ- Both of these materials may be used, thus a double seal cover may have the
entill movement; one way of achieving this is to use • Rexible Joint for the outer groove filled with grease or tallow, Ind the inner groove fitted with a rubber
fint drtin joint outside the chamber. The channels are usually of salt-glued or ring or tarred cord. If required, the cover may be locked, four gun-metal screws
white-glazed ware, but they may be fonned in the concrete. Two ahernative being used for this !"urpose. The top of the brickwork is corbelled over IS
forms of branch connections at chamben are ahown at Band G, Fig. 35. These shown, and the frame is bedded in cement mortar on it, the face 6f the cover
&how three branches delivering at the main drain. The construction at B consists being brought level with the surface of the ground or pavement. Unless the
of one double and one Single half-round chlnnel junction; the rixht hand and adjacent surface is paved, a 1So mm wide concrete curb, rendered smooth in neat
lower left-hand brlnches Ire gradually curved in the direction of the Row by cement, should be p~ided as a margin to the frtme ( c, Fig. 35); thi.s
the proviaaon of .low half-round channel benda ( allO aketch c). The alternl· covera the Ringe of the frame Ind keepe it in position; I rebated hard atone
rive plan G SboWi the application of thrce·quarter branch channel bend. which curb &erves the same purpose. Inspection chamberS are sometimes nmed
provide gradual leada and pre\'ent lewage overflowinl Ind fouling the bottom iMide buildings when, in order to prevent ~ of Kwage in the event
of the drain becoming blocked at a lower level, the cover must be bolted its passage through the trap. Thil cuade cannot alway. be obtained owing
down. to the available faU from the head of the drain to the IeW'tr being inadequate.
Chamben whkh exceed 900 rom in depth should be provided with st~. or and thCl'efore under auch conditiona a trap having the outlet level with the inl~t
loot-,',OM. These may be of galvanized cast iron, horse-shoe .haped, as shown at is used. The latter fonn of interttptor is a frequent cause of stoppage in a drain,
C and D, Fig. 35. and fixed at every fourth course, or they may &imply oomist of especially if the drain has less than the required minimum fall, owing to the
25 mm by 10 rom aat wrought iron bars (dipped in hot bitumen to preserve them) resulting inadequate scour through the trap leading to an accumulation of solids.
fixed at vertical across one of the comers. They ahould be well bedded The trap is provided with a ckoml anti (also called a ralritrt IU'M or cktming
in to make them secure and prevent leakage. arm) through which a drain rod can be paued to clear any obstruction between
A drop insl'«ljOtl chamber is used to connect a shallow drain to a deeper one, the trap and sewer. A ItOpp" or cap is fitted to the Inn. There are several types
it is constructed as ahove and the shallow drain is joined to a vertical drop pipe of stoppers, including (I) a simple ware disc which is cemented to the socket;
(surrounded in concrete) placed outside the wall. The pipe has a slow bend (1) a ware disc having a bituminous rim, which. when smeared with grease or a
at the bottom which enters the chamber and connects to a channel junction at non-setting composition. is fitted to a similar bituminous ring on the socket of
invert level. The drop pipe is continued up to ground l~v~1 wh~re it is fitted the ann (see M, Nand p. Fig. 31); (J) a c,p which is screwed to the socket to
with a cast iron covcr. a short length of pipe extends latera1l)' from the junction form a bituminous joint; and (4) that shown at L and known as a rtkan'ng stopper.
of the drop pipe and the shallow drain into the inside of the chamber where it
is provided with a removable cap; these provisions allow for rodding of both The laller il the belt form. The bod)' of Ihe filtingll «menled inlO the locket of
the arm; the IlOppn il tighll)' forced in potiuon by mnn. of I lever which engages
the drain and the drop pipe. A drop inspection chamber is thus a means of In Iioned proJl"Cllng lugt; a II .ttlched to one end of the lever and palSu
reducing excavation depths for drains where these must connect to a deeper through. staple fixed near the top of the ch.mber. It il In lirtight Itopper; it cannot
be forced out by preasure of pses in the sewer•• nd in the event of the tnp becoming
drain or sewer. choked Ind the chamber filled wlIh sewage. the litter I' caused 10 escape down the
Rodding. - -As implied, in!lpection chambers are pro'iided as convenient nklng arm by jerkmg the chain .nd relealing the stopper; otherwise. unless the
means of inspecting. testing and cleansing drains. In the e'ient of a drain obstruction can be removed by proddma the Inp. the sewage CIIn only be removed by
balin!!: or pumpmfl',
becoming choked. the cause of the stoppage is removed by the application of None of the lbove Itoppen (.). (a) Ind (J) can be removed like the releasing
tI~alling' roos (also kno ..... n as tI~arillg rods or dra/II rods). A rod consists of a alopper to empty a chamber filled With sewage. In Iddltlon ..... hen stopper (I) II
bundle of malacca canes or Sarawak bamboo canes (or 6'5 mm diameter bronze cemented In. it il dIfficult to remove without caullng danuoge; If lefl uncemented
(I. II gene ... l) .he jomt ., not Ilrtlght Ind Ihe ClP I' readdy forced out. by uc:casl\'e
rods) in 610 to 91i mm lengths; these lengths are screwed together by means of pressure of se .... er gases, Into the t ... p to CIUse .tOpplge of the dnin. Siopper, (z) II
locking Joints. Several 'iarieties of tools are available for screwing to the first In Impro\'ement upon (I) II II ,I ellily removed when reqUIred Ind the JOint IS 1,,-
tight; it hll. ho....e,·et. I "mil.r derect In Ihlt it can be rorced out by blck pressure
length. such as screws. 1)lungers, rollers, brushes and scrapers for the withdrawal from the se .... er.
of obstructions and the removal of grease, etc. which tends to accumulate on
the internal surface of the drains. The trap has a ftat base, and it must be set level.
In small deep chambers cspecial1v, the insertion of a drain rod is facilitated Formerly, most local authorities insisted upon the disconnection of house
if a ware drain chutt is provided. An- application of these is shown at II. Fig. J5. drains from sewers by the provision of intercepting traps. 111 many districts
type F being fixed at the exit and type F at the entrance of the main drain, "aw, h()fCft.,". tht USto/ such traps.s optio"al. and all inc"41inIIlMmh" 0/ oMthuritits
Intercepting or Disconnecting Chambers.-Principle NO.4 refers to advocott thn', abolition for the chid reasons that (I) the trap i. liable to become
drain disconnection. An intercepting chamber is similar in all rcsIlCcts to an choked, preventing the eseape of the sewage and causing it to o\'erfiow at the
inspection chamber except that an intercepting trap or interceptor is fixed to gullies; (2) the' air in soundly constructed sewers is not more harmful than drain
the drain at the lower end of the chamber for the pUfilOSC of disconnecting the air. and disconnection therefore serves no useful purpose; and (3) increased
sewer gases from the drainage system. or course. it also provides means for ventilation of the whole sewerage and drainage system results when interceptors
inIJpection and rodding. The position of such a chamber should be on the are omitted. The generally accepted view now is that interceptors are un-
line of the main drain and ~ near as possible to the boundary. Plan and necessary if the sewers are properly constructed and adequately ventilated, but
sections of an interttpting chamber are shown at B. C and D. Fig. J4. The trap such traps are essential if the sewers ar~ neither self.cleansing nor suitably
has been referred to on p. 78. one type being shown at l., M. Nand p. Fig. 31. ventilated. An intercepting ttap should be used at the junction between a
and a somewhat similar form is shown at Band D, Fig. 34. The seal in each case drain carrying roof water only and a foul drain if trapped gullies are not used
is 64 mm and the water level is 50 to 75 mm below the channel im'ert. This drop at the rainwater pipes.
is called the UJJClJdt and ita object is to increase the \'elocity of the sewage during Both inspection and intercepting chambers are commonly referred to as
N S P E C T 0 N C H A M B E R
Vo .. OU1t -, '"'" eM " ' " w.u. 1M INCiUSti IONO, ~
a.oc:l,IlI .....Ift /
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• Y P • •

., T C ~


mQnholu. but this term should not be used in connection .... ith hOUK drainage at its upper end or head. The inlet is usually a short length of ware pipe taken to its ambiguity. from near the top of the intercepting chamber and continued by a vertical cut
Ventilation.-Drains must be efficiently \entjlated (see principle NO.5). iron pipe, I·S or I·R m high, fixed to the boundary wall or fence; this is finished
at It:ast un' \'cntilating pipe should be pro\ided to a drainage system as far as with a head having a louHed opening, behind which ill a hinged aluminium
possihle from the connection to the Sl; The chid aim in dnin yentilation is or mica valve or Aap (see c and D, Fig. 3i). The outlet is a cast iron pipe provided
to reduce the pressure of the foul air .... ithin thc drains by pro\-iding for ill'i at the head of the drain. Such an outlet vcntilating pipe is shown at F , Fig. 34;
dischaq~e into the open .... here it will not cau~ a nuisance or endanger health; this would be fixed to the wall of the building and continued at least 610 mm
otherwise the accumulation of the gases may be such as to unseal traps and above the ea\·es and tlistant from dormer, etc., windoW1;. Its foot would be
thereby permit of the escape of noxious air into huildings or at tht: grount.lle\'el. connected to thc 100 mm by 100 mm Junction in the main drain by means of a
One means of ventilation, generally accepted up 10 within recent years 100 mm diameter bend. Thus, air entering the drain through the valve at the
(!\otc below), wu to provide an inlet 3t the lower end of the drain and an outlet lower end the drain before escaping at the head. /" I""diu, itOfOeWT,
1M INLET piJH is o/tm /01I1Id to be a1l U1Itatisjtutory f~atlm owi", to tltt va/w tnttlide for buildinr of "ot WKNe than 3 Itoreys; (3) for buildings of lIIfOI'e than 3
buomjllg nthn stuck or damaged or dttaclud. and tltws acti", at an olltuf. It il Itoreys soj/and waIte pipes lexcept UHUle pipes given in (I)] must be jMde. A
Jor this rtalO/t llult the p,af.1isiqn of vnrtilating ;nkts is no bmgtr advocated, and main sanitation pipe transporting soil and waste water is called lIm'1 staLk (Fig.
uUtUrt mutt au often aiJolUlud, tspmally I] they (IT# adjacent to 1nIildi1ll' or )6) and regardless of the number of storeys it is good practice to have thiaalways
public footpaths. inside ; there are two rn.sons for thia- it avoids the risk of the &mailer waste
The Building Regulations insist that the open end of. ventilating pipe , hall pipes becoming frozen and the unsightly appearance of pipework on the eleva-
be protected againlt obstruction. such as a bird', nest, by the provision of a tion of the building. Ventilation pipes may show on the outside of a building
spherical galvanized iron (or copper) wire cage (see Fig. 36). A soil stack must but IS the top of a soilstaa forms the vent pipe and illtntull soil stacks are
always terminate as a vent pipe (see B, Fig. 36). recommended only the upper portion of the vent above the roof is visible
Drainage Systems shown in Figs. 34 and 35.- A drainage plan of a (Fig. 36). from the outside.
Imall one-storied hou~ is shown at A, Fig. H. I t complies with the principles An essential feature in the installation of soil and waste pipework i8 the.
given on pp. 86 and 88. The gully at F receives a rain water pipe and the lavatory trap. This has • water seal like that of the gully and is provided for the same
basin waste pipe, and the 100 mm drain from it is laid with a uniform gradient of reason, i.e., to pre,,·ent the escape of drain air into a building. Systems must
I in 32 to the inspection chamber L. The water closet is connected direct to be designed so that the water seal is not destroyed. Certain effects, caused by
the drain which is also taken to the chamber. A rain water pipe and the lavatory suction or increased pressure described below, can arise to impair the seals in
basin and bath waste pipes discharge into gully J connected to I 100 mm drain. waste pipes connected direct to a soillllck. Trap seals to waste pipes discharging
As these drains art laid in straight lines to the inspection chamber they can be into gullies are not affected because the prcuure is atmospheric above and
easily rodded if necessary. The ffilli .. Jrain is continued at the same gradient below the nap; in such CIlS6 it is usual to emplny a trap with a 38 mm seal. The
to the intercepting chamber M,I collects the short branch drains from the gullies trap can be an S-trap as at c, Fig. 36, or a P-trap as at D. Such are, therefore,
at Hand K, and proceeds with an increased gradient to the public sewer to which used for ground Roor appliances and the waste pipes discharge into a gully
it is connected in the duection of the flow. A ventilating outlet is connected below the grating (&« p. 82 and c, Fig. 36), or into a back inlet gully (see p. 82).
to the head nf the system at F; 'I rtqu,,~d. a venlilating inlet IS provided at M W.C.s hl\'e a seal which is 50 mm deep and in the case of those at ground
(see p. <)0). A section through the main drain is shown at E. In order to floor Ic\·eJ the)' are merely connected direct to the drain, normally the SAtrap
provide additional protection to the upper portion of the drain (which will be W.C. is used (E, Fig. 36); if the P-trap kind were used part of the soil pipe would
necessary if there is likely to be any traffic over it) it may either be encased in be outside the wall. A W.C. at the upper floors in a building mUlt diiCharge into
concrete (see .., Fig. 33 and p. 86) for two or three pipe lengths, or the drain at an mtemal soil stack for buildings more than 3 ltoreys high.
the connection to gully F may be gi\"en additional fall. Details of the inter- Pr eservation of Trap Seals.- The effects mentioned above which may
cepting chamber are shown at D, C and D and have been explained on p. 89. occur to impair trap seals are three l : tt/f-ljp}lOnage, i""uetd siphonage and back
The construction or the inspection chamb~ L is somewhat similar to, but smaller pressure, they are summarised below and described in more detail in Vol. IV.
than, that illustrated in Fig. 35 and described on p. 88. St/f-lipho"age.- This can h.appen in small bore pipes from sinks and wash-
A key plan of portion of another drainage system is sho .... n at A, Fig. 35 . basins. 1£ the outfall end of a waste pipe is full of water and only partially full
This has been introduced to show the application of a deep inspection chamber, between there and the trap, suction may develop in the pipe length and draw
detailed on this drawing, and which has been already described. water from the trap. This would reduce the depth of seal; it is prevented by
having a 76 mm deep stal P-trap (not an SAtrap) and limiting the slope and length
INTERNAL SOIL AND WASTE PIPEWORKI of the waste pipe as described in the rules (see p. 93).
Illduced Sjpho"ogt.-When a soil stack is temporarily and partially filled
On p. 86 it has been stated that the Building Regulations: - (I) permit «ai le
by a short column of water passing a waste pipe junction, the waste pipe trap
pipe. from a pf'\i~n("f'"'" lit or about ground level to show on the ()JIuide of a
luffcn induced l iphonage; thil draWl wolter from the seal. The di!ICharge from
building of any storey height ; (2 ) permit soil and u:alte pip« to show on the
a W.C. can be responsible for filling the stack but the effect is reduced by
1 Th,s h., ~n .ho",n II In IO t ~ll:q)l101 cham~r 10 " I,sry Ihe nqu,r~m~ntl of thos.e
having a swept junctionJ>etween the Slick pipe and the W.C. pipe (i.e., a curved
local l uthonttu ",ho 51111 IJ \"(~CI IC the u ~ of Ihe inlerttptinl trip. As po'nted O UI, angle (y) as shown at I, Fig. 36).
ho"'evn, on p. 8q, many locil l ulhonl,,,, JepTKlte Ihe UK of inlen::epton . Ind ther~fore Back PrtSlure. -This is an increase of pressure in pipes. It may happen at
,n lhose d,llncts comlOl( under their junsdicllon the trap mil' ~ om lUed It the ch.m~r
" M ",h,ch ",ould lhen ~ n.. e .. In , n~~ct ,<>n chlmber only. , There 11 InOIMr, (;I\l.M"d by e.... potllt1on of Wlter KII. plnicul.rly in ""Inn ",ulher
I Thll ,. conlldued 10 ,ruler <.1ell lllO Vol. IV . In unoccup,ed build,nas.
s A N T F T T N G s
·'. ···1
.,10 .... N.
~>")l ,."UTA&.

• A 1H

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c E



• II

I FlOual 36

the foot of a soil stack near the bend connection to the drain. If the bend is The W.C., with a side outlet P-trap. has the usual So mm water seal; it has
sharp and the stack is full of liquid at a higher level any pipes conneeted to the a 100 mm dia. soil branch pipe connected to the stack. Note that the foot orthe
stack between these levels will suffer increased pressure, It is for this reason stack (see p. 78) has a slow bend formed from two 135" angle bends of clay
that it is preferable to deliver ground ROOf waste pipes to a gully outside and not drain pipes. The top of the stack is protected against obstruction with a gar-
connect them to the stack. This effect is reduced by having a slow bend at vanised iron (or copper) wire cage. The top of the stack (which is actually a
the base of the soil stack (see H, Fig. )6). ventilation pipe for its length above the top waste pipe- connection) finishes
Rulet for Maximum Slope oC Sink and Washbasin Waste Pipes.- 610 mm above caves level to ensure that foul air cannot enter the house. The bath
The minimum slope is 21 mm per m and the pipe should not be longer than waste pipe connection to the stack should be either above or zo5 mm below the
1'7 m measured from the trap weir to the junction of the soil pipe. The maximum junction of the w.e. branch with the stack to avoid siphonage effects on the waste
slope for waste pipes I 700, I 1140,890.710 mm long is 21, 41, 62 and 83 mm pipe by discharges from the W.C. and prevent such discharges from backing up
per m respectively. into the bath waste.
Typical Soil and Waste Pipework for a Housel (Fig. 36).-The detail It is good practice to have an access cap in the stack. near to the waste pipe
at c shows a ground Roor sink with 38 mm deep S-trap joined to a waste connections to simplify cleansing in the event of a blockage. For the same
pipe which delivers below the grating of a gully. A similar arrangement reason the usc of a w.e. with an access cap (or connection for a small dia. vent
applies for a ground Roor bath (see D) or lavatory basin. At £ there is the normal pipe----sec Vol. IV) at the back of the water seal is advocated; this enables the
detail of a ground Roor w.e. with So mm seal S-trap connected direct to the soil branch pipe to be rodded-if a blockage docs occur it is usual1y in this
drain. branch pipe.
The remaining details are of first Roor appliances connected to a soil stack; The materials for the above pipcwork are described in Vol. IV; brieRy, cast
the plan of the bathroom which contains bath, washbasin, and W.C. is given iron, galvanised stef'l, copper and pitch fibre, but, more often nowadays, plastic
at~. The soil stack is placed at the end of the bath where it can, if desired, be are used for the soil stack; with the same materials for the soil branch pipe
boxed in to form a duct. The bath has a 76 mm deep seal P-trap connecting to and copper or plastic for the waste pipes and traps.
the 38 mm dia. bath waste pipe which delivers to the soil stack. A similar arrange- Tests for Soil, Waste and Ventilation Pipes-Such pipes must be
ment applies for the washbasin but it has a 32 mm dia, waste pipe (the minimum capable, according to the Building Regulations, of withstanding a smoke or
size demanded by the Building Regulations). air lest (see p. 86) for at least three minutes at a pressure equivalent to
, S~" Vol. IV for pi~ .... ork in larger buildinKS. 38 mm of water.


S)'llobuJ.-Form.-lion .nd dauilkation of Ilonl'1O; chlnclerilllQ, leili. QUlrrying, mimng Ind machme drnsinl. Slone dreuinp 10 door and 't'jndow openingll.
Comio.:el. Siont .I ..p' and SI.ln.

BS 5390 Cod" of Pra<:tltt for Slone Muonry i. rdt:'ilnl. according to the percentage of silica content. Thus, acid rocka ha,'e o\'er 66 per
cent. of silica, intermediate rocks ha,'e ftom 52 to 66 per cent. of silica. and the
Formation and Classification of StoneI.-As stated in Chap. I. Vol. I. roch
,ilica content of the basic group ia lell than 52 per cent.
art: divided into thre~ principal clalIIIoCS. i.t., (I) igneous, (2) sedimentary and (3)
metamorphic. These arc I.:onsidered in greater detail ill this chapter. The (i) gtQllilU are included in the acid group of plutonic rocks. the (ii)
syt1liltJ and (iii) diorittl are of the intermediate group, and the (iv),abbro family
GL'Olo){),. ",h,eh ,~ the sen:ncc conc.. rned "Ith Ihe composItIon. IlruClure and forms the basic group. These are described below.
hinory of the rl\.Ilui.1t of the ... rth, is hnefl) r.,{ur ..d to h"re al an mtroducllon
to a lIudy of 11K' rocb u!IIe\I for bUlldmJ.l pul"JlOSl"S. Constituent Minerals of Igneous Rocu.- These include quartz, fdspar.
The bUll'; rocks of th .....a"h·1 CrUll .... re f<Jnncd from mat"nal molten by mtcnse mica, hornblende, augite, diallage. magnetite and pyrites.
h III th ... mtulor 01 the earth. Some of thIS m.l .. till, such .1 ~ramtc (I-« nnt
column). " •• con~hd~l .. d a,. K~.t depth belo" the, .. hllat molten palle Qua,l-Z" 11 pure liliCII. Tht' ,nln' are hlrd .nd UI,""tl)' du,ohft; they.n:
.. rup'~....J from ,·ol.... no.:, solidified on the ..,"h'l lurf.ce to fonn rock., luch II, for commonly colourl...... although those of ~nnit" ",.peelall,. may vary in colour from
.,..mpl.... Ih<nc contamw m Ih<: mountam. oftlK' La!.:e D'lnict. Nonh Wain and the pmk, ytllo.. , purplf, red and brown to black .
ScoIl15h 1-"l!Ihland~. O,hu tocl.:s ..... rr fomwd from fn~m"nll of m,ncnl. d,l. Ft'I./Xl' il the group of min .. nl. which II u.u.Uy the IIIOit abundant. Th.. ,nins
Inh·j.(tmt.. tl from tht: nnrmlll)' fonn .. d rocl.:~ by nllunl agcnc, .... such .. tM cxpanllu Ire sllu:atn of alumml combined wlIh one or more of the ba",.--hme. potllh Ind
Kllon of frosl and ,h.. e,"panllon and C\lracllon du .. 10 altemlt .. hu, Ind cold .•nd ~I. Pota.h fclspar;s kno .. n u ""hoc/lUI': lod. f.. llpar or slb,tt .nd lOda·hme
rcmO\'"tl h)" IU'''lm, to foml ~UCC~I\'e la)'"" of ... nd. In,·d. etc.; the pr~u~ on the fd.par or oI'6fKfm, Ire Clllled pl.,oclmt f.. llpars. The colour of the plaJlochun il
Im.e. ""l'n "'-!uee:ted out the ''''<'r .nd mt ... rloc!.: .. tl the Knml, and, m .dd1l10n, ulually whItt or h~ht ~rey, Ind that of onhoclaK cryaliis may 1M- ytllo ......h.pmk.
.... " .• charjtC<.l .. "h .uhllanc~.. luch II carhanll\' of hmt' and I.lica .cted al ctm.. nlln~ red or IIreen
~gcn'. ,md h.,rdt"'ntd the m~,.. <Jf such lW.'·nllry roc'" durin~ ~.collllon; " .. mple
of Toch fonn~-d LO th •• manner II .... undslonelaml J,meltonn(1-« PI'. 97-103). Marbln
.\f'cs.~Thtir Cry51111 are .lIiClltH of Ilumina wilh potash or ma,"Hia. The
potash mlC •• Ire .ilver whIle Ind have. bri,ht IUllrt; Ont of the mOlt Imponant
(se .. p_ 10~) and II~tel (II« Ch~p. V. Vol. I) art namplH of another el... of rock of theK II kno\O n I' trtlllroni<'. ~h'" mlgnallm mlcn Irt dirk bro..·n or bl.ek. Ind
fnrlo"tl from billC or sed,mentlry rock. IIhich h.,· ... been metamorphosed (ahurd) the pnnclpal of the", I. called 61"tltt. M,ca appeln .. shon. ahnenn, _In or
LO llructure I •• mull of I (SIde) p..,.,.u." u. h" •• or bt.. h. Yt"" .no.h.... cI ... Rakes plnlltl 10 the nll ... nl bed; thfK fllkes are tMrdore .n indIcation of the
of rocb " fonned from th .. r....... n. of marHW 0rR.mlm., and cenaLO hm"tonH
(1oC<.' p. 103), con.llnn. of ,hi'll., conll, ... tc .• are e:<lmpl ... of Ihn-e.
position of tM nllun' bed. Th". whi ... mica i. vuy durable, but th. b.'>tltl v.rit"'ty
il aoftu and hable to decomposItion. •
H",rtbttlfdt I. of the QJlCfJlribolt ,roup Ind .. a .111C8te of magnnil, hme. aluminium
Arlaslljicali01l O/tllt.NOWN rocksu/lhttar/I!'urust isput1l;,. Tabl, J., 0,. p. ¢. and iron. Tht colour il green. brown or blac!.:.
I. Igneous Rocks.- These have been formed of material which has been A • • lt i. a modifia.tion of hom blend .. , it bein, IImll.. in eotnpariaon Ind colour
but differinll aomewhlt in the .ha~ of the ery.tall.
molten by the intense hrat within the interior of the earth and become solidified. Dudls,.. ila vlrit'ty of ....aitt, ,reen in colo ... r tht cry.c.1a In: uluilly laminated.
They are divided into (a) pfu/un;c rocks, (b) hypalryllQ/ rocks and (c) volca,.ic rocks. M~';tt, or mlgnetic ore, has • blul.h·bl~k metallic luttn:; it inRuenCft the
(a) P/wt01l1c Roeks are igneous roc:ks which ha~'e been consolidated at a con· colour of .tonn.
p)·.. tn il another iron ore. It occun a. small yellow .pecks. Cryltll. of the
siderable depth below the carth's surfacej the elOlion (wearing away) of the .... hite iron pyritn" nriety, c:-lIed MBrCIUIt,. ~adLly deeompow, II the pale yeUow
upper and softer strata has caused 'uch rocb to appear at the earth', surface. chang" to .. hite eft\ornc:encr Ind the sulphuric a-cid fonned m th .. pr«eu KII ... p
dtcILy .n the Itont.
Consolidation was gradual owing to the extremely slow rate of cooling, and
such rocks are thereforecompletcly crysu.lline and ha,'e a coarae·grained texture. (a) (i) GraNite.-Thete are leveral kinds of this crystalline granular rock
These rocks con,ist of silica in combination with bases such as iron, lime.

and these nry in colour and texture. The chief constituents are felspar, quartz
magnesia. potash and soda, and they are cl:uaed as .at/. i,.tmrttdiatt or bUJ·,. and mica, the former being predominant; horneblende and augite are IOmetimes

repr~nted in addillon to or in place of mica. If the mica pr~nt is the "hite stones for resi$ting high stresses and severe exposure; in addition, the rich
variety. the rock is called a muscat'lt, gromtt; a biot;tl' gramlt contains the dark mouled or sl>cckled coloured appearance of certain granites make them most
mica only; when both micas are present, il is known as a mlls<f.11:ltt-blotllt suitahle for decorati\'e use, as (or wall and floor covering5, pillars, etc. Granites
gr~nrtt. A hOrfllblmdr-blolllt grollitt has a hornblende and dark mIca conttnt , ha'-e been used on many important buildings (for plinths, external walls
and if hornblende without mica is present it is a horllbfntd, granl" . of lower storeys, and drr-ssings to principal entrances, etc.), for memorials, and
The colour of granite is infiuenccd chieAy by that of the fclspar. The texture for enginr-ering .... orks (including docks, :.ea walls, embanilmr-nts, lighthouses
is also estimated by the size of the fdspar crystals; thus. It is con!\idered that and hridges). In districts near the quarries, granitr-s have ber-n used exclusively
granites containing fclspar grains which exceed 10 mm in length are coarsc- for the construction of external walls of buildings; thus, the external walls of
grained, those ha\'ing fdspar! betw~n 5 mm and 10 mm are medium-.-:rained many of Ihe buildings in Aberdeen are constructed of this material. Granite,
granites, lind fine-grained granites han!: fdspar! less than S mm long. because of its hard-wearing quality, is used for kerbs of streets, and for the ume
Gramtes are extremely hard, durable Jnd strong. Those .... Ith plagioclase reason it has been exttnsi,-ely employed for road setts, although this form of
felspars and dark micas are relatively less durable than granites having orthoclase road pa\'ing is not now favoured on lIccount of the noise from traffic which resulls
felspars and light micas. As described on p. 114., granites are capable of laklllg when streets are laid .... ith setts. It is also used for coarse aggregate.s.for concrete.
a high polish and are therefore easily kept clean when employed In polluted The principal centres in Engand where granites used for building purposes
Atmospheres. Owing to their great hardness, gramtes are difficult to .... urk and are quarried are COrn .... all and Cumbria (Shap) , Scottish gnnites are worled
arc:: thus expensi,-e . ThiS accounts for their restricted use for building purposes. chielly in Grampian Region (the most Imponant centres being Aberdeen and
Their very high strength and durable qualities render granites the oot natural Peterhead) and Dumfries and Galloway. The principal granite district!. In


Ru NAME or N"'-'E ASO AonftE$S

No. (~
OF OWNER loll: m'
Fill; 37) MNm'
, CORRENNIE Alford, (jnmpI~n Rell!)n John Fyfe Ltd., Blalk,e' 0'183 ,600 A muscovltc.blotit('. :-ialmon r~'1i :

8 CII.RTO.... '" Fdl HIli and Siher HIli Quuoa.

Quay. Aberdeeo, Scotland
Ste".. n & Co. Lld_, lS FrllSer o-I~I
I ,,~
m('dlum IIr.inl'1i
A blot,te. \\'t-I1IV ("h"n hammcrcd )
CreeIO" n, DumfTlfund u,lIo ..-.) Road , Aberdefn .nd blul~h· .... hll" ("hen poh5h~'1i) ;
tine !lralnN.
Cornlth D.
6. DE LA .. K :'IL .'ER
0- Lank. St Bre"'lrd, Bodmln.
Corn..-.II "'"k Cranite
QUlrnel Ltd., D. Link,
0· 136 1. 640 A musco' Itc·blOtite. Llllbt p:n:cnlsh-
IIrey : me<.iLum p:ralne,J .
, KL... NAY Nur Aberdeen. Scolland
Bodmin, COm.... 1I
)0,," Fyfe Ltd. , Blilkir'.
Qu.y, Aberdc:en, Scotland
0'a 13 11.6.0 A muscovlte-h,ot ile. Lip:hl '1Iver.
j.!rc:y .p~klcd .... llh black mica;
mNium IInined.
• Lowu; I1:ItIUY Near Aberdeen, Scotl.nd Crorae H.n, 17 Hilton
Road, Aberdeen
o·IJI ,660 A mUlCOvilc.b.otlte. LI~ht bluish-
IIrey; fine p:nined.
• PETElI.HEAO, REO Smiln, HIli. Boddam. PClcrhe.d,
Gramp,an Region
HHlop Wilson & Co. Ltd .,
Petc:rhe.d Cnnlte Works,
0 · IJ8 ,800 A blollte.
Brilli.nt red : ~=
Boddam, (jramplU Relion
6 Rullls ..... w Aberdeen, Scoll.nd Rubi.l.w Cr.mte Co; Lid. 0· 118 "~ A muscoYlte·biotite. Blulth-grey;
, SC..... TTIE Buekabum, near Aberd«n A.
Queen'. Road, Aberdeen
• F. M.nuelle Lid., 59
Mlrlschal SlIft!, Aberdeen
0·09' , ,60
fiTlC' ,:r:found
A mUKOYlt,,-biotlte. tilthl btuish
lITey: mrdium J(TIlUM.-d.
.6 S~, Slup. CumbrLl The Shap Cranite Co. Lid., 0'16, .6,,0 A blOllle. Greyish·pink (" Lif!ht
Slup, CumbrIa Ship ") "rul rL-ddi.h-brown
.. O.rk Ship "}; medium "nined .
6, TOM BRAU .nd St Brew.rd, Bodmin, Cornwall Wm. N.nki~·ell & Son. Ltd., 0 · 161 a 610 A mUlCoYltc-hiotite. SIIYery-.IIrey ;
6, TOR DoWN SI B~"'lrd. Bodr.lIn. Com· medium I(rainrd.



This classification of the known rocks of the earth', crust shows the com- Group SYl tem nr Senel or Epoch BUlldin!! 1)ton8, Slatel, Marblu,
plete geological history divided into three great nas, the Eozoic (mt:aning or En Penod Granll", Limes. etc., Found
" dawn of life "), Palaeozoic (" ancient life)" and Neozoic (" new life "). --------~------I-------------I
Upper Permian S.",dstonu, mcluding Luonby
The eras arc divided into ~ and the latter are divided into epochs. Middle Permian MIRnelan L,mestones, ,n(.lud,ng
The mass of rock of an era is known as a group. the rocks of each period Anlton , Linby and Pule, Nook.
a system, and those of an epoch are referred to as a sn-its. The strata are Magnesiln Slndtlonet, ,ncluding
Red and White Mlnsfield,
shown in correct sequence, the oldest (those in the £owic group) being at Co.I Mea. urn Sinduones, including Appleton,
the bottom of the table. Appley Dodge, Dn(.kenhill,
Hewonh Bum, SprinlfWel1 ,
Thornton Blue Ind Woodkirk.
o MilI. tone Gnt Sindscones, in(.luding Berrillll1,
G~p :S)'lIC"n or Series or Epoch Buildi", SI<>nes, Sl.,.. , MublH, "

or Er. Penod C ... n,IH. Limes. CIC., Found Dolton Wood" Bramley Fill,
Dungeons, Dunn HOUle, End.
cliffe, Guisely, Longridt{e, Sun-
P~'·pl_". } Recent Stnlta ~

GlaClll Bed, (.hffe, Stanton Pirie Ind Wellfield.


t Forell Bed
Norwich Cnlg
Red Cnlg
Canllhne Cng
Yoredlle Bedl
Upper ~vomln
Old Red Slnd.tone
English Mlrbles, indudinll Hopton-
Wood. Limestone yielding lime.
Slit", induding Carniln (Dellbole).
Sandstones, u.ted 1000lly In
"o HamlCead Bed. Glouce.tenhire, No"hum~rland,
•• Ikmbrid~ Bed.
Devonian J etc. (see p. 94).
o.bome Bed. "
o Limntone., including Radford .
Hudon Bed.
~hot Bed.
Banon CIIY

I Lo",e r o..-vonian
Englilh Mlrbln, including Ash_
burton .

Brlckleshlm Bed. i.udio" Bed,

o Eocene CIIYI, ..ndl Ind IJnvels. Wenioc:le Bed. Welsh Slltes, includlnll: Corwen Ind
o London Clay
Wool ... ich Bed.
{ Llandovery Bed. Llln~llen.

~ Thanet Sind. o

o BaJa Beds
z Upper C rrtlttOU.'
L1andello Bros Welsh Slltes, '''dudin" Ft'SciniolC
Cretlceou. Middle Cretlceou. Beer LImestone. o
Lo CretlCfll-U' KenCl. h RIR Stont. Ind Precelly. Like District
Upper 06htel Portland Limntont Limutone Slltn. inciudinlC nunermere,
yieldmg lime. ~ Ordovlc'ln
Homster, Elterwlter, Kemmere
Ind T,Ibc:nh ...·I'te; IISll Burllnt.!_
•o Middle 06lit"
Lo... er 06litn
Lime.tone., mdudm, Blldon.
Limestone., Including Ancuter. ton Quarry.
• Junuic Clipsham Ind the Bath (Monk'. An::ni8 Bed,
~ Plrt, etc.) Llmtltoncs. Olenu. Bed.
• Lin Limetlone., includlnlr Blue Lil. ClmbrilUl P,nldoxidn Bedl
~ Stone Ylleldin.ll lime (see p. Oienellu.1 Bed. Wellh Slltes, ,ncludlnM 8anllor,
{ Dinorwic Ind Penrhyn
Keuper Slnd.tonn, indlldin.ll" Hollmgton Jl.hlnly '.II"I"ICOU' (inciudinR Granite.,
Ind Red Runoom . 8CC 'I'.hle III). &:alli. h SiIIL'I
Bunter SandlIOl\a;, lncludina Corwhill, SI, from A~lI , Dumba«on Ind
Ben., Shawk Ind Woolton. Perth.
Ireland are in counties Down, Dublin, Wexford and Wicklow. Norwegian formed of fragments of igneous rocks which have been deposited by water in
(grey) and Swedish (grey, red and black) granites arc also imported into the layers or strata, As successive layers were formed, these sediments became
United Kingdom, much of it being dressed in Ihe Aberdeen district. The dis- hardened and consolidated by great pressure and were cemented together by
tribution of granites in Great Britain is shown in Fig. 3i and listed in Table V. sandy or clayey paste or by a chemical substance (such as carbonate of lime)
As indicating the composition of granite, that of the De Lank Silver Grey conveyed by the percolating water. Other rocks of this division are formed
Granite (see Table V) consists of quartz 46 per ccnt., orthoclase felspar 30 from the remains of marine organisms (shellfish, etc,) and chemically by pre-
per cent., plagioclase felspar 6 per cent., muscovite (while mica) II per cent. and cipitation, The principal sedimentary rocks are (a) sandstones and (h) limestones,
biotite (black mica) 7 per cent. (a) Sands/ont'S.-These consist of grains of quartz (sand or silica, see p. 94)
held together by a cement or matrix. In addition to quartz, sandstones may
Ca) (ii) SJtIUlt.~Nonc: of the true syenite quarried in Ihis country is used for contain such minerals as mica, felspar, hornblende and oxidt'S of iron (see p. 94).
building purposu. II occurs in Ltlcutenhire, G "'ynedd, the Highlands of Scotland
and the Channel hllnds, wh~r~ ,t ,s qUITTied and used for road mal~Tlal. A ,,'dl- The texture of the stone is influenced by the size and distribution of the grains;
known liyenil~, called "Purl Granile," i$ imported from Norway and used for plinths thus, a stone may vary from fine to coarse-grained, and be either compact or the
10 shop fronlS, elc.; it has a motlled appearance, with dark green m.. ~ings and lighl-
coloured p • ..,h... Syenite ,. hard, dunbl~, ~ .. onll" and mo." u<.Iy wnrhd ,h.n grains may be more ~parsely distributed in the cementi ng material. As the
granlle Quartz is usually absent, felspar is Ibe preulent mmeral, hornblende ,s quartz grains are practically indestructible, the durability of sandstones and grits
presen[, and Ihe mica conlent is uSIlllly Ius than in gran,le. (see p. 98) depends chlcfly upon the cementing material. With the exc~ption
(a) (iii) Dllmu,-·This occurs in LciccslenhlTe and Gwynedd It iii d,Hkuh
[0 work, and Ihis, in addilion 10 its dull green or black colour, renders it UnSUllable of freestones (see p. 98), sandstones are highly stratified, the bedding or natural
for building purposes It is somelimes known ",rUtHIO"t, and II H road mcul. bed being clearly visible as a general rul~. The beds vary in thickness from a
Wlt,,,,,.,,t is the name .pplied in Scotland to Ihis Slone, although in eeTlam locaIJlie5
thili name is gl~en 10 any $tone wh,eh is diffieuh to work or to stone used 'n road few em to man\' metres.
construct,on Fehipar, hornblende, aug,le and dark mica arc present, .nd qUU!lIS The principal cements, the composition of which \aries considerably, are
usually.bstnl siliuOIIS, ca/caTrous, InTuglnoas and argillaceous; two or more of the~ substances
{Il {ivl Gabbro isquarned ,n Corn"all. certain pan. 01 Wales. anu In Ih~ :-Ocott,.1i
HIghlands. It 15 rarel y used for hUlldlnl( purpose. on account of 1t5 had weatheTlnl( may be present in the cement. Sandstones are classified according to the nature
qualit,es and lIS dull appearance Fclspar, hornblend~ , IUl(,te or dlallal{e an.' Ihc of the binding matcrial, thus ( i) si/iuous sandstones, (ii) calcartous sandstont1,
chicf mm('rals of l(ahhTO (iii) jrrru,l(lnous sands/onl's and (".) a,glllauous sands/onts. They may also be
(II) H.I {Illh.lUo/ UOCRs,- Thl.'!ic ''l're masses of molten mat",ial "h,ch penetrated
the o"eriyml( 'Iralm, and erosion of Ihe latter hu ex posed [heSt: rocks at Ihe surfac". da~slliL"J. as (v) m'{Quous sands/ones and (vi) It/spathic sands/onts, if either mica
Coolin~ of the masscs "as more rapId Ih3n "'Ihlh" plulonlc rock~, and their I"~ture or fdspar respectl\'ely is present in fair quantity. In addition, sandstones are
IS Iherefore finer H\"pahys.... l rudis, like plutol"llc rocks, are cla.,..,d as aCId, IOI('r-
mediale. and basic. The roCks of Ihe ac,d I(roup lTe called '1"0": (l(Jrph""if•. Ihose cla!;sificJ. according to the character of the grains and degree of the stratification,
of the mlennCd,llle KTOUI) arc /'<)'1,11.1'''''. aod {><I'''''-'''''.'' and dulrril<J and diohou. t.~ ., (, ii j grilslOntS, (viii) jlm:slonrs, (I X) IlIntonts, (x) 1If.'I" stonts, (xi) Irll'slonts
H" of Ihe lIa~,c t(rnup The quartz porphyrll"' and porphynles occur 10 (;orn\\all and ( ~ii ) Vork slont'.
and Oc\'on (" hen Ihe\" ar" kn"\\,, as ,·1",,,,.1, :\"orlh and South Wales and in Scotland;
50mC 01' th"m ruddy lakc a pohsh anti ha'e hceo used (or ornameOlalpurp"'...s and (a) (i) Slliuous .)·onds/fJ/ln. The grains of these titones are held together by
I(encnl "0111101(; Ihey arc no" used ch,eHy for hreak,nK up ,01" "I.:I.:Tl'1(1IIeS for conu"l" siliceou~ cement (silica deposlIed from solution 10 "ater). Such sandstones are
and roa<.l pUrpOSe$ The porphlrith are '1uarTl<d:n I.",cesler, Some""I. (''''0(<.1<.1, exceediflj!:ly durable, as the silica l1as good cemenllng properties and is not attacked
CIC .. Ihe)' arc ,er} lough and are cllmmonh ~sc<.l lur ro~<.I me,,1 I he <.Iolerlle~
,IOd dlal"',e~ han: a ",de dl'lnhul,oo Ihroul(hout (; .... al IITI[.m and are '·mplm·... d by aeids in the atmosphere. They are \"Cry hard and are usually difficult to work.
e\l"n<i,'\'l\" for roads (tn ... stone nclOl( ,omcllme. cTU,hl'd, scr('eoed. dried and coaled Examples of silict'Ous sandstones arc the gntstont's (see p. 98 and Table VII).
,nth h,tu':',en to fonn larmacadam ) ~nu roul(h ''''Ilhnl(; thi~ slone i. kno"n 10 Ihe (a) (ii) la/currous SandrtollfS. The grains are hound together by calcareous
nonh as" "hmsl"ne."
(e) Volcl>"ic Rodu hne been formed fTOm :a"a OUI al Ih(' surfac,' from cement,,, hich is composed of calntl' (crystals of carbonate of lime) or a combina-
,·olcm"'''~. lt3p,d coolLnI( nnd har,kn;o[:! cau~,",J Ihc m~te.;al t o he tin.· l!ta,n<,J ~nd tiun of lC;uuotl<lle of IIII'l' ,lilt.! <;<lrbUl1dle uf tIla~'l(:sja ant.! kilO,", n as dolomite
of I(l~ssy ch~raeler. The .. "rour cla§slficatlon arl' ,In'ohles (ac,d). Irtuh.l'i'J and
,md1'$I'u (lnt"rmed,ate) and homlt (b~~,,). Th(';' at<' qudtned 10 Enlll~ntl, Scotland, (when Ihcy :lTC called dr,/omllic umdslonn). Whilst both calcite and dolomite
\\'alc~ and Irelaod , and an' l'mrlo)'ed fo. r('ad con~lrucllon ha"e ~ood bindin.g qualities, they are not durable if exposed to polluted atmo-
spheres owing to the acids attacking the matrix and loosening the grains of
% Sedimentary or Aqueous Rocks.- 'I'his di\ision comprises tho~e stone'>
sand whIch gradually become removt'd by the weather. These stones are easily
which ;He chiefly employed for building purposes. :\Iost of these rocb are wnrked White :\Iansfidd is an e'(ample of a dolomitic sandstone (see p. 101).
, Only '<Gme of Ihe impOrtant quarTIc. ptoduclOll "rani Ie for h",ldlOl( purpo~ ... ~ ar~ (a) iiii) Ferruginous Salldstones. The cementmg material is largely ferru-
,nJ"':oted heT~ A numn.:-r of ""lI·kno\\n Iluar"". h. ,·e heen closed do"n hecau." of the ginous, i.p., oxides of iron deposited from solution. This influences the colour
ab,~ncc of demand, and a larlle numher of Il(n~'Ous ruck qua/TIcs produc" non~ \\h"h
,s ~""d sol"ly as road metal and for concrele agllrella!U (such as brown, red, brownish-yellow, etc.) of the stone. These are good
weathering stones, although thq may be affected by frost action in very exposed appearance owing to the dark discoloration which results. Many sandstones are
Situations. Red Runcom and Woolton are of this class (~Table VII). exceptionally hard, and for this reason are selected for steps, Iills, etc. Some are
(a) (iv) ArgilloutJlts .<IoMlto"" are of inferior quality and unsuitable as difficult to work, hut others of the freestone (see prtceding column) clasa are good
building stonts owin'l: to the argillaceous (dayey) cement becoming soft when chiselling stones and are very suitable for moulded work. Sandstone is an excel·

wetted by rain. lent and frequently used materia] for road construction and concrete aggregates,
(a) (v) Micaceous Sandstonu are those in which white mica (muscovite, Sandstones are very widely distributed throughout the British Isles. The
see p. (0) is prominent. The mica is clearly visible as glittering flakes lying distribution of some of the more important quarries producing building stone is
with their longest faces parallel to the hedding planes. The presence of mia shown in Fig. 37. This does not include the large number of small quarries whieh
thus .,sists in indicating the dire<:tion of thf' natural hed of a stone. An example are worked, often intermittently, to supply undstone for building purposes locally.
is Red Corsehill (see Table VII). A !\election of some of the principal quarries producing sandstones used for
(a) (vi) Fdspathir: So"dsto"~J contain fdspar in subsidiary amounts. Stones building purposes is listed in Table VII. The chemical composition of a few
of this class are quarried in different parts of the country, including Hereford & building sandstones is shown in Table IX. An enlarged sketch showing
Worcester and Salop, and are used locally. approximately the structure of a sandstone such as is seen under the mi~roscopel
(a) (\iii) C;rI/ltfJ7lts or G,;tl.- These are strong, hard and durable stones. is shown at A, Fig. 38. See footnote J,O p. 103.
The sand grains are often coarse and angular, giving a rough texture, and the
cement is siliceous. Examples are Berristall, Bramley Fall, Dungeons, Dunn
Wh,lsi RraOllel and eenain ,lale. are ob.. ined rrom Ihe Pre·Cambrian and
Clmbnln I)-SIemS re.peCllve!y (au Table VI), mych of the 1I0ne i, eIther Inleee,_

House, Stanton Park, etc. (see Table VII). sib le, or tOO dlfficull to .... ork or I' or unllllsf.ctory .ppe..... nee. The Ordovici.n
S\'ltem d"". not proVIde bu,ldlng •• ndstone. bc,yond beds of fI.gstones .... hich .re
(a) (viii) Flagsto,m are strongly laminated and are therefore readily splic Qunrn:d for loc.1 Ulle Fl.gstones .nd gnu are Quun\'d from the S,luri.n 'y-'em
along the bedding plants. They are used as pa\'ing or Ragging !ltones, treads of and u le<.llocllh Good bUIlding IInd5l0nesue Quarried from the Old Red Sandstone
steps, etc. l\1any quarrie!l in Yorkshin: produce sharp , annular.~rain~d, hard- <crlCI of thc Dc.onian system Ind used 100Illy in coynt," Gloycuter,h,rc, Hereford
&. Worcutu, Salop, O ... cnt, Norlhumberlud Ind Grampian Relion; nnd'tonel from
wearing and dearly laminated stone suitable for these purposes. Ihe other lierlU oflhllayJlem Ire uRlmporttnt. Several ,ood quht)' buildln, sandstones
(a) (ix) Tlltslonts.- These are thinner-bedded stones than flagstones and haH ,n the pUt been qUlrnes In the "'orlh of En, and and In Scotland from Ihe
are used for coverin~ roofs, t.g., traditional in the Colswold District (thin bedded CarbonlfcroYJ Limestone and Yoredale Bed. scriu of the urboniferoy s.ystem and
used on Important bUIld in, •. bUI they are no ... chieH) used 100ally
limestone) and in Yorkshire (thin bedded sandstone). Stt \'01. III . The mall prohfic fOuree. of bc,11 IIndltone employed for bUlldlnJ[ pUrpose. .re
(a) (x) UI.'tr ur Kntll Sfonts,-These are known as" thick-bedded," and, as nblllned from Ihe (i) Millitone Gnt and (it) Coal :\1cuy,,,s series of Ihe C.rboniferoYI
implied , large blocks of the stone can be obtained. l\lany sandstones and lime- systtm ($ee Tables VI and VII)
(i) ,\f,/lJlo"I' Gri,.-Whilll Ih.s serie. of llrall, consistin" of regular bc,ds of grll_
stones are in this class Slone, has • ,,,de d,unbYllOn throughout the counlry. ,I h... been most extensively
(a) ()Ii) Frustofltf are those which are fine-grained. They ha\e no well- dc, doped In DerbyshIre, Laneuhlre and YorkshIre, ... here much excellenl bUIlding
defined hedding planes and can he ea"Lly dressed Examples are Red Conehill, . tont IS quarrIed
(,i) rool MMJUrn,-Th,s formation IS "Idely dlStnbuted The chIef qu.mel
Locharbriggs and Woolton (see Table \ ' 11 ). arc Sll ulIed in Durham, Glamorlan, SITllhcJyde lAd LOlhlln RegIOn The swnc
(a) (xii) Yor. Slant. This is a term applied to sandstones from Yorkshire, and I~ quarried in other eounltcs and l,I5ed 10(111), In ,enenl, thIS stone IS hard, durable
~nd ot a good coloYT
more particularly to thos: from that county which are specially hard, strong and SandslonCl for building purposes from the Permian s~"e m ue qUIrTled In
durable, and specified as bcingsuitable for ~teps, sills, lintels, copings, landings, etc. Cumbria (L I£Onby); local slone II also used fum this systcm in the soulh-",elt
Whilst the present demand for e\'ery de:;cription of stone for huildinR purposes 01 Ihts country The Bunter Ind Keuper series o[ the Triassic !i)'stem )'Ield load
bUIldIng sanlhlonC'S In (heshlre. Cumbria, I .• ncuh,.e, Salop, Suffnrdshlre, \\aT-
is less than formerly, tho!l.e of the sandSlOne class form one of tht;: IHu~t \aluahle ""clsh're, Herefnrd & \\OreCSlCT, Ind DUII>(IIC> & (.,.llo'",~·
wallin,e: materials. The weachering prollCnies of stones are dist:ussed on p. 106, Bu,tdlnll II nd stone. are rare In the lu .... uie ~~'lIcm Thc:re IS nonc ot much
and reference is made 10 the se\ere test Imposed on stone b) sul phuric acid from Importa nce In the Cretlceous llrall, and stOne in the ClInO>:OIC IlTOUP II 100 soft for
hUlldmll purposes
smoke polluted atmospheres. It has heen poi.ted out that the durability
of sandstones depends '-cry lugcly ul>Oll che cementing material (sec p. 9i)
as the quartz i!l pra'tically indestructihle. Siliceous sandstones (p. 97) are
, A Ihm pIece of lhe none, approxImately 16 mm lQulre \\ Ilh smoothed flcel, II
therefore generally conSidered to be the most durable of the sedimentary rocks, mounted (~cured by .n Idhe" ..e), on • pu~<:e or kno ... n IS I tl"it. The 1pe<:lmen
as the bindinf!; material of silica IS highly resistant to acid attack. The excellent II then reduced to Ihe reqUired thickn~s, \\ hlch mlY be not more than 0'0"5 mm; Ih" 18
state of preservation of man)' ancient buildings built of this stone 1:- e,-idence of done b,' rubbtnR II on a p't<'e of RI.u on ... h,ch "lItr .nd .n .b.... II"e {carborundum} I.
Ipplled An ex.mmillon of Ihe silde under Ihe mlcro$COpe "It! show the Slrueture of the
this. l: nfortunately, city bUildings constructed of sandstone often a5;lume a drab none


(kl/ml) CHA ... CTtlt'STlct:
(MN/m) (IOU p. loS) II~)
Fig·lll SElIID
I S~. loB)
<Ke p.

,0 ApPLETON Shepley, Wm. Hampwn &: Co. C..,.l I Carbonif- 0'014 Z 370 Blue and brown; durable. very,cd
Yorkoh,rc Ltd .. Shepley. n .... MUlures crou' I.ronl; h'" " 0'70

,. Huddc ..ficld
.. .. work
'"' " , ..
BLI1I NC~n~:hi~~ \V,lle. Manl.nd LId..,
¢.IipLey Bridle, nc ..
:a ..30 to blue; .,.,ry hard and
unblc; fine texture; f.irly

Pot! Shri~ky.
A,hlon & Holmn Mill.tone .. "allY 10 work
Cream; durable; fine texture: S ..
BERRI5TA!.L O'OJ 24 20 0'95
Derby. ir.. Lid .• M.cdcdirld. Grit fre .. workina
BOLTON WOODS NUT Bf1Idford. Bolton Wood, Quarri.. :lI 370 Bro.... nish-Irey: h,,' and dur_ 0'55
Yorkshire Ltd .. Bolton Woods. " " able; line texture " "

,. BIIACKENHILL . Ack ....orth.

Ackworth Stone Co.
Ltd .• Ackworth. nur
C~l ..
2110 Lilht Irey to brown; both fine
and co.r'" telfture; durable
., BRAMLEY FALL Horndonh. uee!.
A. Lt~·.. Bri'1'1o!fo~::
.. o·o·n ,,80 Grey to buff; my h..d
durable; to coane '"'
.u- .s 0'70 Und·nu.a~d

nUr Leeds '"'

ture; rather difficult to work

BIJT1_U DELPH Ncar Blackburn.
John Greenwood. Rai l-
.... ay Street. Glouop " I .. 16.0 Buff; my hard
CNne ""ned '"' durable;
Oumf" ..
John Murray II< Son ••
6: .~ .. non,

Dumf';.. I Triassic 0·0684 Pink pastel; durable: dOIle
I!I'Iined; aood .... orkinl " 0 '" Wuthered a
GallowS1 I GlllowlY ' ,,.
... ilft "
.S CROStJ.N1I HILL Huddus6.eld. CrQlland Hill Qu"T)' Millstone C ..banif_ 0-06IS C",am1-brown: vny hard .nd o·ss Undamaled

Co. Ltd .. Hudde"-
J .ma Akeroyd II< Soru..


.. 0'06S7 .... dura Ie ; medium grained:

aood workin!.
Pink; very urable:
'"' "
., 0 ·66 ..
DUNN Hovs! .
Our sm
Ltd .• Buchovu.

I N;:!"''D~"::''bli~~:
Quarry Co .. Winlton.
D ..linaton. Co.
" " 0'05 03 " . medium texture
Lilht brown: very dunble:
grained: very fru
., 0·66

, EAIINOCK Auchentibber.
Hillh Blantyre,
HUlh B. Kerr. Station
Rn.d. Blants.,".
.. .. 2 '40 White Ind lrey; ve~ hard and
durable; aood WOr inl
.S 0'7S ..
Scotland Strltltclyde 01-
EDG!FOLD Ncar Bolton.
J.cklon', Stone c..l Ca.boniC_
,- 0'059 White t~ bi..,uit; very dursble; , 0·67
" Lancuhire • Qu..nes Ltd .. Farn_
wonh Nu, .,,'"
'''- fine grained; euily worked
ENDCI,' ..... Stanton Leet. Deeley Ltd .• Mill.tone 0'_ 21 40 Pink .n<1 brown; very durable; ., 0 '67
Darley Dale, Dirchover. Mltloclt Grit line to COl. .... tuture

Gui.teley. Leeds A. R. Bri~ II<;~
Ltd., Hon onh, DC
.. .. " White ond n.riell"ed: "ronr.
durable; even texture; free
., 0 ', . Undarnaa: cd

., }hWORTH G"elhnd.
Tale. B_"
He ....onh B,m •Co. Cool .. 0',., 1)10
Bluish-grey; very hard snd
" 0·80 ..
B~ Durham Me..u." dursble; fine rn;o; not euy
Fellin. Quurie •• '"' to ....ork
HOt.J.IN(lTON Holhngton .nd
Great Gate.
Stlnton o!t Bettan,. td..
Rocnter. UttOlleter.
Keuper Triauic 0'018
(W. and S.)
O'OJI (Redl
1 '30

"2210 . White ..,d ..Imon : very duro

able: fine tnlu,e; free work_
inl. Red and motttled : very
0 '75

o'olS (Mon cd) dursble; harder than above;
Ku.RIDG. Macclafit:ld. )0,," Welton
• """ MilI,tone Carbonif- 0'062J 245 0
free workinll'
Buff: .... ry hard ond dursble; , Undamalled
" Derbyshire
;:;· M~~fJon. Gril fine ,. medium IClflur~; ~
womn,; obtainable In ......


R•. .
. PO_lTV
N •. NA_ NAMII ..,.D Aoo..- W.,CMT SA"!UTION RauLT 011

...... ........
Of' SllVATION or lDC/TI,.c...T10N S_~ (poo:t~nt.

{- Sro~ QuAIUlY or OWN.. (kl/m'J (-p.

Fit-·n) s~ 108) (tee p. '08) (tee p. 110)

Luow •• P'ufillI.
H~n.,. Gnlva 4: Son..
Ln0w., Lwmb".
Penni.n " " Red" (h,hl 'trn-cott.) and
" Whilt • (hlhl ytllowi.h.
•• 06J UndamfCtd
W. Ik . Gr.Yn. 4' pink) : very hlTd .nd dur-
Chi .... ;c:k Slreel. .ble: coane Inllnrd; dlAl-
'. .
Cublle cult to work•
Loa<.uoo.~ Ownf"'''''
8,,,,1 SIe¥mt«l
100.rry..... telll)Ltd .•
BuntEr T .....ic 0·0+4 ,- Pale u.lmon pink; dunble;
medium IUlur~; f.u wo.k.
.,. WUlhen.d.
Bo!.hwdl Slreel. inl ; obuin.ble in large blockl 'rnses
•• l.oNGIllOOI Ncar Pr",on
T ' - - Croll " Sona
Ltd .• Blackpool ROid.
zpo Grq ar:d brown; _ry dUnlblf:;;
r",crllenl " 0" Undamt;ed

MID~D Ou~htibnda:t, .. .. ..
JOieph Turnrr Lid .• Whll~ 10 .nuff brown: dur.blt;
" S dfield ~htibrid~. She(. ~dium 10 cmne IUlurr


Scour STON.
WeilOn . ne.r

Co.. Waton.
Keuper Tn"',c:

0·OZ7~ ,.so R,' mottled, dUnible.
coaf"K 10 tine IUlure; euily

" Y.,..1uhilt
Riley "
lQuarr y Own~ .. )
Son. Milbioot
Gril ,~
z 750 Li~~:d ~';:';dU::b~nYilh-whll~;

.. SHAw", ThurlbE'
nur Ilrl..le
Id .. H.lifu. York •
• ltire
W . • W . Gtlvn.
Chi,wick SIr~tI.
,. Bunln Tri ...ic a ZlO ""rd. while
flecked; "ry
leXlur~; '.n,,, •• 068 ..
WMkln, ; ~'~ry u",.bk

" S'IlINOWIU. Gutthud.

Co. Durham
Ric!J&rd Kell
Lid .. Sprina:"'ell •
.. ,." Clrvonll"
v~ty durable;
fa,dy n.y 10 ...'ork
Qu.rri~ •• ne.r
., S •. B_. .~ S •. Bees.
To.. ''''''':oy " '>"no Run'el Tri .... lc .~, "g, Bril/h. ted; \"ery dunble; ,.,
Cumbrl' Lid .. S. B.n, Cum. glll.ned. 1:<><><1. ....ork"'lI"
STANa.IFPlt SIInc:hff~. Thf Sllnchlfc Ella,,,, Mililione Carbonl(' 0-069. a )10 Honey 10 very liJ:hl dlllb. very
" "
1). . I~y
Dtrbythlle (;0. L.d. Gnt hard Ilnd dUnlblt; u",form

Ollr. Duby.h ..·.. tnlur~ . d....,-,nI'n~d ;

.. .. ..
STANTON Pux B,rcho..~r. J.m ... Ahroyd " So... I'onk and brown; Hty dUllblt;
" 006 45



SI.nIOll Lett.
Dllrley D.le,
LId .. Buc:ltovrr.
M.tlock. Dtrilydure
Hrnry Dee'e
LId ..
.. .. o oss " Brown;
fine 10 COOIrIoe lutun
durable; ,., .,
Nu~ Brtdford. C.
Cockroft LId .. Cool .. , ,,. U!ulSh.,rey; very h..d
'"' .. ." Undlm'lf<'d

BLtJI Yorblure BlICk Dyke Quanl«. MCllurH dUllblc; fine a:rI",~d:

" WILl_'llLO Hudde ... fitld.

Thornton. Bndford Johneon Ik M.llltone .. '
10 ...·ork
, .,. ..
YorbhLrc Son (M,meld) Ltd .•
DOn Brown; vtry durable;
I/ninrd. frre ...·orklnl/ '"'
.. W..,. ENo
Cro,llnd Hill.
Chu. Blne'll
• ..... .. .. z 450 Bro...-n; _ry hard Ind dunblr , 0-9J ..
Ltd .. Ollenhopt. fine tCltlUte
IItllr Ke .... ley
WIl<OTWAT MlCClttfield.
" Derbyshin:
Jolon Wt1lon " Son.
0065] 1450 Bluilh-lrey; du .. bl~;
medium m,ned; aood ,",'<Irk.
,. '"'
nUr Lecdlc
0·07>1 z 340
Bluc; dUrlble;
IfOU'd ...otklnl

llrained; . 06 5

.. .,
'7 WOOOILUIII;X .. .. .. .. o'oSP "g, Brown; dUrlble; fin~ knl.nrd, 065

Morriaon '" Son. Ud ••
W._rtnt, Livet-
Bunter Tria..i.: 0-0514 ,.so
IfOU'd work.n,
R~d; durllble;
pod wotkina::
,., Rnlintd;
" Wuthued •
pool. IS I illl~ Il'
G.,LOI.lIc.u. Po_ITT
N •.
01' NAM. AND ADD. . .
(MN·m') I W.IOKT
m') CHAIV.CTUIITIC!i 'r:e'
tet p.
(_p. rol)
Fi, 37) Su, .. SVITI. ,
,. AN< BII()w!< An.cuter , Lincoln-

The Grqory auHrin Lid .• Lowu Junuic: 0-0.63

.,~ Brown wilh !rl,. .nd buff monful" ..

WU1'llD Bm Ancuter, l...inl'oiluhU'-e O6lites not du .. b e on polluted .~


,. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. I
.phern; o; enined ; fret
wod",...; I.kes N.b poI,-"

~ 0'0'97 ,~ Crnm 10 bfO"lll"n: dunoble in 0"3
~" palluled .Imo.pnetft: fin. n.,
lalure; free worlcinf
Abbot, W. W. 1enkin. &. Co. Lid .. Middle Devon"n ..
" 7
20 (See p. 10J). ..

" .......
B<u. Devon
Cude Cil"(:ua Haute.
Beer Stone C••
Snlon. Devon
LId ..

0' 01 7' 18 70 While; ... dursble in polluted
.tlnotphe.n; fi •• a-rsined an4
J' ..,.,
Bladon, Benfield &. LoI1ey Lid .. 106 ="'
Middle 1uI...iI: a 4$0
compacl; Ye~ eu,. ,",orlun,
Li,ht brown Wllh I...., ... a billt; 8
" I
nnr Oxford Bullin,don Ro.d. Odo.d O61it" du .. ble in non.polluted " " -
sphere.; in thon bed. onl,. (.80


Pm O,""UY


Qu .. "
,h om . O.U.. ",. I
t. .... I.h p.



O'Ojl, ..

P.le en .... ; du .. ble in non-polluud
IImotphere.; medium ,r.ined;
free workln,..
Buff. m.ny I lIy (..,menll; dUI_
able, tapedally on non.polluld
•• .10


llmotpher.. ; COIru ,rained; frtt
eo..h.m. .. .. .. ..
59 CORNCIIIT Th. ...h •• d Portland 0 '0 ~12 Li,hl erum; durable in non·poUutt.:!

I Wiltshire Stone Fimu lAd .. Abbey 'Imot~..... ; LUlie COIne • •"int.:!

c.~ 00_ ..
Yard.. Bath
.. .. .. .. 0'oa11
,han ham; flff work",.
Li,bl erum; du .. ble in non_pollutt.:!
atmotpheru; fine a-rsined; fr ...
., HOPTON_WOOD' Wirk.wonh,
Derbphi ...
Tho Hopton-Wood Stone
Fimu Ltd .. Wirbwonh,
.. ~
worki ...
(See p. 105). ..
Derby.hitt Limutone
., ...
1l0mlGO Qu.rri.. Lid .. Brown. blue .nd mi.ture of bodl;
,6 HOIlNTON ' [dfc HIli .
D.lo.d.b"c Nonh Bar.
I a '20
cloM .tlmed;
tlk,.. • ,ood poh.h
euily worked; "
Coraham. Th< ",h •• d Ponl.nd .. .. Liaht ere.m to while; du .. ble in

Mas .. •• P..... 0'01'
Stone j.·;mu Lid .. Abbey non-polluted Itmotphern; fine "
• """"""' hie of Ponland.
Yard. Buh
.. .. U.,.,
.. o'Oj08 ~ 110
.nd even enlned; free workin •
Whllbeci mott .u,table for &'tneral
bu,Ld,n, I",hl bro ..... Ir "
(tee p. 110)
while; du .. Ie; med,um ,raIned;

6, RAD.OIID Oreston. I F. Houte,

J. M~n L.d., H,~I... MIddle Devon.. n .. .,,, aood .....rkln~
Grey to red; urable; fine ,rained; ..
,8 ST, AI-I)Hau.< Bo.
nur Plymouth
Ilo;c, Wiluhin
TothIIi RCMd.
The Bath and Ponl.nd
Lower JuT ....e 0'01'5 2 010
(ree wo.king

Cre.m to h,ht b ....... n: mot! du .. ble •6 ....

W~. Weldon.
Stone Fimu Lid .. Abbey
Yard, Bath
F. St. 8 . .0:1:"'"
Kenen.... onnanll
.. .. .. 19ao
BalNtone ; medium ,rsined; I~
l'inloioh-brown ; ~
ponuted llmotpru,ru ;
,..;ned; ellii}' worloed
d .... ble
'" .. I
.... ...

ANtTON Analon. lima Turner I.
Son Lid .. M,ddle Pennlan Rieh dHp en.m; du .. ble in non • .,
" W. R. Yorklhlle K,velon Par • near Sl>ef. Permi,n • J90 polluoed IImo.pheru; (ine

,. L~, Linby, Nottin,-

M . McCan~ &. Son. Lid .• .. .. .. 23 ao
,rained; fru work,n~
B~wn;.h_ydIO'lll'; dura Ie, .. peei.11)' ., o ' So

.. PUll: NOOIE
Park Nook.
Nnr Done..ur
Bul""en, OIl1nKh.m

•• F
" ",ooL, " .... Iu, Shl -
DO. ~OIlU , So... 10
.. .. 037 .. 10
In non_polluted .I...... phe.".
COl ..... pined; free woRm,
Cream; du .. ble 10 noon_polluted
atmoaplM:ru; fine anined and
romptet; easily worked; luiubLe
'J .10
for ~~d work I
.. I.... O~. Manafield, I The Grqor)' au.,ri.. Ltd .• / Low"

Penn ....


s I~O I ........
Creamy·yellow; not du .. bI~ In I .. ..

.I I
WMJTI.· Nottinaha .... hi... Ancuter, Lincol.n.hire Penniln polluted atmo.pheres; fi .... evm
o 5 P 0 5 I T ION OF 8 U I L 0 N G STON E 5
I ~ E LAN 0
I N G R E AT 8 R I T A I N l-


$I. AHCA!TI. ettOWN WEATH . . lED .lO. AfPl£TON f'OAA)H1-.J
$I. "NCA TEfl,. FI'.nSTONE UIICOUISH'IU 32 . ...,'U'I WOCi( 8WE LA,."
... ASH'UII.TON blYOtUltlAl J6. 6fAAISTAll (MISHI'"
". tEE. ~_u 1~. BOlTON WOODS YOAA~U
31. 6MCl!.fNttiLl '1'OI'.II.SIIIA,


!P. 6UTLfft. DbLP~ lNolQl1HlIU:

#. ~Ok .ILTJ.II....
10. (Ol'lSft1IL ~fO _
..... _ '
:t: Me
y" ~# , . fA~NOC'" lAMUojHIM
.. ST, ""'" LM eo>< OOOUNO ' Ll. HEWO~TH aU~N DU.~HAM
4'. HOLLINGTON n .... fFOUl}ll1U
jQ LlH6Y NOrnM'i~I'"
" ~O""~"UM"""""
9. L HAIl ~/(j('jS 1IUW.tIIUtlIQ
... L '"G~' n~'H'"
... MANfFifLO. Wttrff HOm. 11. SCOUT ST NE YOAAlH''-f
It . SHAWIf.. CUMlill.lA/'iO
1.5. ST. BEES '"~
2. CO~:Hlf ..... IUIII.... IU .... ITANCLIF
Cft.f TOWN ....." t1IGWTltoIIU
~ "'MHAY ~~'~I"
4. LOWE'" PE",Sltv ..... ""',..»II~I l::1. THOmTO BLUE ~IIIJI
•. OWI"U\W ... ~.. _.-t\..c _ 2Q WEST END VOMIHIIt.I
J. SCLATTIE .........~I.f\ ~ .Jl. WINDYWAlCHUHUU
16. SHAP ,.."~ 26. WOO~K.I" aLUE 'fOu.s.
n. woo '~N
...,' U
TOI'.DOWH_ .34. WOO T~


,....', 722i~~"~~
.r.""'.'i 11 --2t"""19 ~
.~~~.J£;",: .-~o
4' ..
....... ~ .... w lt ~' .. IUOOI, ...... ,f.D......
".. ~
- 4'
I....r '
J1.-" ...~j>I'.48'"
49 .....--''"__




oueuN 'O<J<.

11\1 SH SlATES
IIJLlUNNY 111'1* I I'> .... D 2 ....


• •
(b) [im~Jto1U'I.-These ar~ called (QltQrtfJ~s (" iimc:t' ") f(Klu, as they con~lst subjected to, acid attack is Portland stone. It has been employed during the
mainly of carbonate of lime They afC formed tither by (.) orgame or (II) chem- past three hundred years for many important buildings in London and the
ical agencies. pro\'inces, and whilst the external faces are liable to become affected, the eh)sion
(b) (i) Those of organic onglO are formed of the ro~~il remainS of mulluscs is u~ually so slight (sl'oeltered surfaces being possibly an exception, sec p. 107) and
(minute animal organisms, such as snails, furnished .... lth :o;hells \\hich consist of uniform as not to be detrimental. Another reason for its popularity is the
calcium carbonate), corals, etc., that hall' been depoMlcd In lakes or In S('a basins, attractive appearance of light and shade produced On the .....eathered surfaces
.nd the llccumuLations suhse~luently hardened Into rocks hy prf'ssure and cemen- of this stone. As mentioned tTl Chap. I, \'01. I, there are three l btds in I
ting material. Thc$C: are kno"" as shflly Iimn/rJnf'J, .... dl-known examples being Portland stone quarry whIch YIeld stone used for constructional work, t.g.,
Ancasm, Clipsham and Weldon (sec Table \'111 and 0, Fig. J8). the roach bed, whitbed and basebed, the whitbed being most suitable for general
(b) (ii) Limestones of the chemically formed group consist of grains, each purpose~. The Structure of whit bed stone is illustrated at B, Fig. 38.
hal'ing a central core or nudeus (probably a sand gram or a fragmen! of a shell) :,\Iany limestones are fine grained and easily worked. Those from Bath and
round which concentric layers of calcium carbonate ha\c bten deposited from Beer especially are so soft immediately after bting quarried that they can be
water. These grains, having the appearance of eggs or roe of a fish, are called readily sawn and chiselled, and their fine grain and even texture render them
oiJiltn, and tht slone is somelimts reftrred to as " egg stont "lor" roe stone" particularly suited for delicate carving. It is because of these characteristics,
(sec Band c, Fig_ J8). The grams \'ary in !>ize, stones having large J!;rains being together with their agreeable appearance, that. they are selected for internal
called PU/O!IU. Fragments of shells may be present. Portland Slone and those eccl~istical work such as pulpits and altar screens. Kentish Rag, a hard
quarried ill the \'icmity of Dath (t.g., Corshllm Down, i\lonk', Park and St. siliceous limestone (see Chap. I, Vol. I) is not easy to work.
Aldhelm Box Ground) are well-knov. n examples of oolitic limestones (sec Table The distribution or certain important limestone quarries and mints is shown
\'II! and Band c, Fig. 381). in Fig. 37. These limestones are listed in Table VIII. The chemical composi-
The grain!> are cemented together b} a matrix consisting of carbonate of tion of some of them is given in Tabl.e X. Some idea of the structure of lime-
lime, called coicitt. or a mixture of carbonate of lime, Silica, alumina and magnesia. stones may bt obtained by reference to the enlarged sketches at B, C and D,
In some cases the grains lire only cemented together at their points of contact Fig. 38.
(see 8. Fig. J8), m other types (set c and D. Fig. 38) the cementmg material
completely occupie< the spaces hetween the grains. The Pre-Carobn.n, Clmbrian and Ordovician ')'1lem. do not contrib\llc .ny
bUilding lime.tonu of imponlnc:e. The Siluriln .ystem yield. bul]ding hmcslonc.
Carbonate of magnesi;! IS present m most limestones (see Table Xl. ;n ShropshIre when: II is used locally. Good limestone is obtained from the Mldd]e
Stones containing a relatnel)' high proportion of this carbonate are called Devonian senu Ind i. qUlrried in [)evon, Aahbunon (I« p. lOS) Ind Radford being
mog1ltsilJn limtst(}fIts. If the magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate are example., IOme.n: finely "eined and ue of. rich colour, the fonner i. used for
ill deconti\'e qu.lities .nd thc R.dford lIone h.u been extenli"'cly employed locally
present ITI approximately equal proportions, the rocks are called d%mitts or mcluding Imponant buildmgs In PlymoUlh, TOrqUioY. IIrncombe, eiC. The Carbo,
dolomltl( "",tstunts; Anslon and Park :\ook are examples of dolomites (see nlferou. Limestone terie. furnIShes hil\hly deconu"'e limestone in Derby.hin' ('_1_,
Hopton-Wood); Ihi. tlku I hIgh polo.h Ind i. c1..Kd commerci.lly I I I mlrble
Tables \'111 and XI. A magne~lan stone containing a large proportion of silica (I« p. lOS); 1I0ne from thl' series i. used locally in Somerset lind South Wllu;
is claued as a calcarUlUS or dolomItIC or magntsiau sandstone; White Mansfield local use is .Iao mlde in the We.t Riding of Yorluhin' of limestone obtlintd from the
stone is of this type (see p_ 97 and Tables \'III and IX). Yoredlle (or Wen.leydlle) Bcd •. MIROesiin limntone OCCllI'I in the Penn;an.y.tem
in Noltmgham Ind Yorkshire. The Tri....ic .ystem duet not yield .ny building lime_
Limestones are used c"en$ne\y for building purposes. Their weathering rlonn.
properties are referred to on p. 106. :'\lany are excellent for internal work on The Ju .....ic .ystem, espe<uUy the 06lila teria, fumidles many important
account of Iheir agree:;lble colour ~nd frPf wnrking qualities, and for external bUlldml1: IImestonu. A few Ire from the Li.. series. including thoIC qUlrried .nd
employed loc.lly.n O"ford.h, .. , Hertford II Woreeller, W ..... iclrohire .lId libmor,an_
..... alhng in districts free from atmospheric pollution. Whilst certain limeston~ .hlrc Ancultr, Clipsh.m and Ihe 8.1h from the Lower Oiililn, and Portl.lld
none i, from the Upper 06l1tes series.
are well estabh~hed as suitahle building stones and ha\'e been widely used for
this purpose, others are quite unsuited for external walls of buildings in districts
Kenlish R." used for rubble maaonry in the South of E",RIand, i. from lhe Lower
Crel~ tenes .nd the white Beer stone is from tbe Middle Cn:taceoUi senel.
where aCid gases are produced by the burning of coal (see p. 106). A. mentioned on p. 911, none of the rock. in the C'lnozoic: group i, .ufficiently
A limestone generally considered to be well suited for elternalashlar work h.nt for buildin, purposes.

I O6h", I. denved from Mil _ el:''' and 1,11101_ st~- , At two of the quarriu warted by the South-Western Stone Co. Ltd., I bed of 'tone
• II WIll be observed that, m order 10 pro"'lde a useful complnson, A. I, C Ind D, Fi,. below the _hitbed baa b«n ditcO\'ered which yield. I hi,hJy decontive hard Ind compact
38. have bn.n sketched on the Hme sule. I ponlon of each prepued .lide bemg mlgnified limestone, known II "Penycot." Thi, i, HWIl into 'as mm thick ,lib. and i, used for
Ind projected 10 ptnnit of this. decontive wall limn"" etc.

'" ~

..... ~

z 5
VV') g


>-~ ~
I- "~


"'0 Z

..... •
:::::I ~

\:II- 0


TABU: IX 3. Metamorphic Rocks.- These are either igneous or sedimentary rocks

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SANDSTONES " 'hich have been altered or metamorphosed by heat (from the earth's interior)

-.. .•::- d,£~.. oi or pressure (caused by the weight of superim~ layers of material or to the
Z ~
e ;

~ movement of the earth's crust) or a combination of both. As a result of this
mt:talllurpbism, the original structure of the rocks haa been destroyed. the
e 1& •• .-
~ I ~
Name of Sto ne ,E ~ e
! , ]~ ••
I ;;: 6- I
~~ I :;::e Eo u~
• ? .~ ~ •·
arrangement of the particles (or stratification) being changed. The chief
metamorphic rocks used for building purposes are (0) marbles, (b) slates and
(c) quartzite.
I (a) Marbles.- True marbles are metamorphosed limestones consisullC of

I'" ..,.. ,
J. Appleton 9'-21 , 1.6 0 ' 30 0 '7' 1'65
Appl"y 11m!!:" Hlut ,8' 83 ' 93 0 3"36 .90 ,'08 aggregates of granular crystals of calcium carbonate (cakite). The composition

J' l"OJ "99
J' n..rriSla1J 8,"00 ' ~' lO J " 10 .68 "00 '"11 varies, but some marbles comprise approximately 98 per cent. of calcium
'.' BT'lIml..) Fill 96 58 ,"0 O'H .. ("49 carbonate with traces of magnesium carbonate. silica and oxide of iron. Many
l 'orsehill, Red 9S "lJ o ' _~9 ,-18 149 I 'JI .. .
,8 Crosland HIli .-6S • 2')6 019 286 hard, compact limestones, capable of taking a good polish, are referred to in the
0'''1 " ..8
Dun~n. trade as marbles, although the metamorphosis has been only partial; examples
96'4 0 '"3 D 0-)6 '"94

Dl..nn HOUle
Htworth Burn
H ollln!:lon
Mlnsfield, Wh,t e
8 6 50
~I -6 1
~93 1 1"9
0 -)8

"5 8
O ' l~

0 '9'
... 1'95
"3 0
of these so·called marbles are obtained from Derbyshire and Devonshire (see
below). Marbles are obtained in a great variety of colours, some of them being
richly marked or \'eined (due to the presence of iron oxides) and others are richly
[ 12 "IS ~pTlng'o"dl .
SI. B~ Red .
85'10 '"00
I '00
0- 19
0 ' 30
fossilized; many are finely grained and can be elaborately carved. Because
of their. delicacy of colouring and capacity of taking a high polish (p. 113),
46 Sunchlf.. . 9(.... 0 '-3 D 0'3 6 ... "94 marbles are chiefly used for decorative purposes; they are thus employed u
Wood],mk Blue. '
Woodkln. Drown . "" ''' I
6 ·88
0 -]0
0 "7 0
0 ' 19
06 5
.4'1 6
....-all linings (the slabs being usually 20 mm thick-see Chap. VIll, Vol. IV),
pavement or Roor coverings (of 20 to 25 mm thick slabs), staircase treads,
, --- ---L risers and balustrades, internal columns, shop fronts, fireplaces, etc.; they
are also in demand for ecclesiastical work, such as ahan. screens, fronts and
TABLE X statues.


• . ., ••
The best kno ..... n so--called marbles quarried in thi. ~uulltry (and known as


I 0: .....
z~ -!E •• '-2'0
.. English marbles ") are Ancaster Bro..... n Weather Bed (Lincolnshire), Hopton_
Wood (Derbyshire) and Ashburn (Devonshire). although none of these are

- Name of Stone
.8~ ]:
,:;: E'
Rem.rlu true marbles .
;jo U'o
:(d -; Allcasttr Braum lVealhtr Bed is of the Oolites series (Jurusic system).
.... It is bro..... n ..... ith grey and buff mottling. It is coarse grained, free .....orking and
takes a high polish .

.' .
AnClster Fr~ltone . 93"1 9 • 80 2"7 1
" Anllon H ' 8 .n- oS 0'13 0 ' 56 0 ' 75 A magl'lC"'ln lime. Hoptott-Wood Marble.-This Derbyshire marble is marketed under fh"e
,. classifications, i.e., (I) Light Hopton-Wood (cream-coloured ground spotted

I rone.
II,,, . .
Clipsham Old Quarry 97'5 6
0'5 0
O",u 2 ' 25 0 ' 10
o·2.J with small light brown crystals ; suitable for both internal and external-if in
, Conham Down
Hopton. Wood
911' ..0
0-31 ."
0 ' 8)

Refer~ to •
dean atmosphere- purposes); (2) Dar. Hoptoll-Wood l (similar to (I) but

, 0"20 Q
more densely marked with slightly duker patches); (3) Bloch Bird's"ge (black
6, Monk'. Park 9n6 0 ' ''0 "52 "20 "J2
with slight brown cast having light coloured fossil spot markings, hence the
PlITt Nook 56 ' 10 ,,2"1I0 0 '50 .. "20 A m.lgnn.ln lime- name; only suitable for internal work); (.. ) Grey Bird's-eye (similar to (3) but

Radford .
S,. Aldhelm 110.
94'5 2
0 '50
1 ' 20

.tone. of grey-brown colour); and (5) Derbyshjre Fosn'[ (deep grey colour, richly
fossilized, lOme of the fossils being So mm long; only suitable for internal

Weldon . 9)-4] ] 'S5 '09 . ·80 1'1 J
I I Both L"htand Dark Hopton-Wood Itone .... tre UKd after the Fint World
Imperial War GtIIVH Commiuion for 1"10000 headstona.
Wsr by tbe
AshburtOrl !\1orbll- This De,-onshire marble has a most atl ractil.'e appearance, into shale, which, .... hen subsequently lubj«ted to enormous lateral pressure
it being dllrk grey in colou r, verging on black, with bri~ht red and white crystal- Iccompanied by intense heat, was converted into sllte. The forces producing
line ,-eins, together .... llh fossik this side pressure contorted the original horizontal btdding plafUl, and, in
Irish Morblu in demand in this country include: Blodt. (quarried in Kil- addition, the particla into inclined CUtrfJagt plants. An example
kenny and Carlow); Ctmnn1lora Irish G,un (quarried in Galway, gretn ground of this formation is .ho..... n in Fig. 69, Vol. I, and, as there descnbed, a block. of
with grey and black patches and ,'eins); J'jctorio Rtd (from Cork, mottled light slate is readily converted into relatively thin roofing slates by splitting it aJong
red with thin dark veins). the parallel planes of cleavage. The preparation, characteristics, etc., of slates
!\Iany foreign marbles arc imported and used for decorative purposes in this are described in Vol. I.
country. and the following arc some of these :-
Welsh silln are ob",ned (rom the Clmbriln. Ordovieiln Ind Siluriln .ystrml.
DEl.el""· Brllllan Blacl! (dup black); Br/x,a" Fo",1 or p,/;, (;,m,lIr ('-rry dark Thr Bangor, Dmorv.·,e(ot Vel,nhrli) Ind Penrhyn .llIrllre worked from the Cambrian
~rey II Ith
IIRhlc:r RUY .pots-fossd.-and Icin.); BIllt Bl'lgl (black ordec:p blue-bllck (Olenr[[ul Beds) rock.; Ihe FHl mlOfjf (or Portmadoc) and Pl"C«lly II.IH Ire minrd
Rround ",Ih "hilr, lill'hl or blullh-g~y Itruh); RolIgr (vuious, loghl reddlsh- or q,u'rri",d from lhe O.donelln (Ll.ndello Ikd.) rocks; IIIIH from Corwrn and
hrown Jl"round '\llh \lhilr, grr)' or dark bro\ln Irrrguiu \fons); SI Am.r (dark grry Ifr obtamed from Ihe Wrnlock Bed. (S,lunln tYllmo) and a~ softer
,\I,h \lhll~ doudy puehr-s Ind IfH'IIUlar ,-r,n.,. Ihan most o( those menlloned .bo..", (ICC Tablr VI).
F"'''''Ck B,ornrrllr Jarm, ()·rllow \11th brown .nd \l1-lIle \"/:onl); BnKrJlrllr Lake D,striet IIrren .Iatcs (Bullrrmerr, HOn'"et, Eherwaler, Kentmrre and
V,a/rtf" (purplish-I{uy \11th brown Ind yrllow palchr.): COl"'lbiMIChien (lIght bro"'n Tilbenhwlile) and Ihose from thr Burlmgton quarrin a~ of the Ordnv,elln Ijle
lIith (ossili); JiJlm, Lama,'m, (rIch }rllow lIuh fine brown. RH'y and rr<l "cin.): (L1andrllo Bfib)
£"m,1 (11RIlI fl"n \luh frll markongs); NaM:,"''' (I,gh, fawn ,,·,Ih brown .nd ffil CornISh (Del.bolr) Iialn Ifr obulnrd from thr Upprr Devonian Ioeflel.
Irons); Holt (~d lIuh bla<;:k ,ems). ScolllJlh ~Iaf"" rrnm A'lIyll (Balilchu".h .nd E ..d"le), Dumbanon .nd renh
encc,,,,,, C,/>/>O/""o(pmk •• h-... h,'e ... i,II d.,,1o; K~n III1Vy bandt); Sltj·,~ (e~tmy_ Ire from the Pre·Cambnan Iyurm.
II hitl' or drllatl' yrllow IIround vnth lI"old and purplr nm,): T,,,ol (dirk gr~n fifround Irish .Ialn from Tipperary, Donellal, Kury Ind Kilkenny arr of the Ordo\·ieian
\llIh IIl1hlrr If~en slruk. and nllfrow irrrfjfUllf bllek Ind \\ hltr lein.); V"dt A"lieo
(lIghl .nd dark fifrftn miXlure wllh oo.::ui')nll "h'llIh p.tehes).
hAU,,'" B'fCC/tJ (R~y, purple and yellow ml'tlure WIth IIhlle ,·em.); Dm:e
." (e) Q...",::", il a ,-cry tompact, hard and dunbir mrllmorphic roc:k. L,kr SIIlH,
,t II rudy spht uuo Ihm .Iabs, but II IS very dlffieuh to nw to panrl When
(I...endtr a. dark Rrey, .I'lIhlly veoned): FIt1ic, de Pre}" (rith purplr \\llh "hile eonverted, Ihr ,:.b. h.vr I vrry plrum!! Ir"lured BUrfl(:(: Ind attraetlve colour,
motlhnj{); Ln-a,,'o Rono (dark rrd, purple .nd Rr~n mIxture): Pm'ontJ:;::;:rllo (,,·ory rlnllin~ from IIrty. oli,'(" 10 I:olden. Whilst for cenlorir. Ihis h.1 been used u I
Rround ,,"h Irrrgular onngr .nd rusty vrm,): PtJt'tJ1fal;:O b,m!!" to Plvonlurllo bu,ldmg matrrial m Itll y, "here It is quarried, ,t hi. only rt«ntly been r":,ployed
with purple ,·rml: K.rer); StJn SI'/tlM (d.rk buff \I·,lh stippled d.rker Recks); on Ih .. counlry on bmld,nJl1l as a Roor and t.'ttrmll and 1nlrrnll ...-all eovrnng, the
Srctntd S,tlfutJry (whIle "ilh II"rey or lI"tq'iih-lrftn vrmmga)~ Statlltlry (pure whitr 10 to 10 mm thH:k .llbs brmj:t bedded. in mortlr .
• nd uptn$1vr:, 10 callrd II II II pnnelp.lIy used for IUtun): S,olltlrt (wh,tr with
bluilh call): Slt1lrtO (.11 sh.du of yellow WIth purple Ind bllek ve.ns); T,t>t.",t ...,'
(IInw, Imhrr Ind 5!olden ground wilh irrrgular darkn graining; binds o( ImAll
poru chlraetrristie) DEFECTS IN STONE
NORWIICIAN: B,/d, Rou {pllr rose_pInk ground wllh "'hlte lWI'tionlll: NtH"llr
['Itt" (\\'hilr).
Certain defects in stone are mrntioned in Chap. I, Vol. I, and include c1av-
SWI!OISk: S ..,tdl$h G,,,,, (p.le g~en ground with darku gr~n ribbonmg Ind holes, moule, sand-holes and vents.
\I h,lr mOIlI""g). Decay of stone may be due to (I) incorrect bedding, (2) atmosphe ric im-
Afokslv, uKd for om.ments, el«lric \iRht bowell, rte., is sulphalr of IImr. It i.
while whrn in III purr form. Thr true II,buter COrnel from Aliena and hu bftn purities, (3) careieusel«tion, (4) association of dissimilar stona, (5) efflorescence,
drposlted u stllaclTles and It.l.gmltes." So_lied. lllbutrr 11 found in Dnbyshi~, (6) frost action and (7) corrodible metal fastenings. Regarding dec.ay caused by :
Somrrset and olher panl of thil country. 1. !nror,ut Btddi"g.-Scrious weathering defects occur if stone is incorr«tly
o..yx Ma,birJ from Algeri., Brazillnd Mn.ico arr of cai.:.:ium arbonllr produeed
.. 1IIIIttliei Ind tullgm.les. They .rr richly figured .nd .re of rnlny (:()Iou .., bedded (see Chap. I , Vol. I), and especially if face-bedding (t.,., with the
V'TYmS (rom whitr 10 yr11ow, the ch.arac:lrriltie nininl bring due 10 the prnener natural bed vertical and parallel to the face of the wall) i. resorted to. Blocks
of metallic oxidH.
l\hrbln Ire obtll~ from the Devonoln Ind Carboniferous Iy.lrml. of stone must be built with the natural bed perpendicular to the pressure (see
,,110 under 6 on pp. 107 108).
(b) S/olts.-A true Ilate is s metamorphic sedimentary day rock_ OngtnaUy 2. Atwwsplu,ic ImplUitits .-A polluted atmosphere i. the principaJ cause
the clay was deposited as a fine .ill; lhit was compressed by vertical preuure
of dccsy of certain Itones. Those containing calcium carbonate, such u lime-
I T,_t.", 0' Ctlka,tfIIU TN/a CORItSIl of hardrned. maSitt of aorbonlte of lime stones (ordinary and magnesian) and calcareou. sandstones, are especially liable
deposiled. by Ipnngw: Ihe c:omplet v.rirty il known .. " tnvrnmr " .nd the light Ind
to attack.
'POfll)' Iype .. ealled " lufl."
" These .~ proch.lC:ed by the droppinl of Wlln contllninlaorbonlle of lime Ihroulh The chid IOUrcea of atmospheric pollution are domestic coal fires and
fi"uta In the roob of c.Vft. ladt-hlr.r It.h,ebtH (..-..- hlngtnl from the. roof) and industrial fumaces. Such pollution occurs principally in the vicinity of large
"al'gmitH (drposiu and .... Uy built up tin lhe floor) of c.lcium .ulph.te (or aolcium
carbonate) ,~ thus formed. town. and manufacturing centres, vrhe products of combustion of coal maioly
responsible for decay of stone are acid gases, such as sulphur dioxide and trioxide, jngs i. to _pply Wiler in the fonn of I fine Ip"y through noule. 10 the stonework
for one or two hours, and Ifter a lhort interval the surface is lightly brushed with
and soot; sulphurous acid and sulphuric acid arc formed when the dioxide compa ..tively 10ft scrubbing brushe •.
and trioxide respectively come into contact with water, such as rain. Although Steam cleaninll:" very effective when applied to Will. which are much discoloured.
the acid gases are most concentrated in cities and industrial areas, they arc The steam, gene by I. boiler, i. passed up I flexible lube from which il emerJteS
on the atone. A wire brulh fined on the nozzle of the tube is used to scrub the
readily carried by air currenU ~d do damage for a considerable distance from black lurfaces.
the source of pOllution. The villue of thHe processes in mllint8ininll I clean IppellranCe of buildinll"l and
nrelting decay is being Ippreciated by In increasing number of property owners,
When these sulphur acids descend with the rain, snow or fog upon the calcium Ind some buildings In towns where Ihe atmosphere is hi,:lhly polluted are washed
carbonate of ordinary limestones, calcium sulphate is formed and carbon dioxide yearly; other buildings only require such lre_tment every five Or lilt years.
is liberated. The rain washes away the sulphate, causing erorUm (wearing away) The p ..ctice which is sometimes Idopted of u,in,:l specill cleaning prepatations,
such .. caustic soda and other alkalis, is condemned, IS such chemicals damage the
of the surface of the stonc. The action of these acids on magnesian limestones stonework.
haa a similar weathering effect, the small quantities of magnesium sulphate and
calcium sulphate produced are dissolved by the water present and tend to form 3. Cartlus Selutitm.-Stone obtained from soft beds in a quarry or mine
a surface skin when the water dries out. Such erosion occurs chiefly on those will weather more quickly than that from the harder beds. A wall becomes
external walts of buildings which are exposed to the prevailing wind (which unsightly if it consists of SlonC5 which do not weather uniformly. Careful
in this country is from tbe south-west) and the washing action of the rain. The selection should ensure that only the hard~t and most durable Slone is used.
defect is not serious when the erosion is very gradual and uniform, and is con- i. Association of Dissimilar Stonts.-Decay of sandstones may result if both
sidered by some to be an advantage on account of the different texture of wall limestones and sandstones are used together in a wall. Thus, for example, a
surfaces which results. This natural washing by rain is responsible for the attrac- limestone string course or limestone dressing to door and window openings
tive dark and light appearance of Portland stone and similar limestone buildings. in a wall mainly constructed of sandstone may be the cause of decay of the
Serious decay occurs when the sulphur acids cause the formation of a hard adjacent sandstone; plinths of sandstone have been known to decay because
layer or skin on the outer surface of limestone, which subsequently blisters and of the limestone above them.
flakes off, the latter condition being known as exfolation. Such layers consist The following is the reason for the decay: When salts, such as calcium
chiefly of salts (calcium sulphite and calcium sulphate). When the skin scales sulphate, are formed (see preceding column), they may be washed from the
off, a fresh surface is exposed and a new hard layer is formed. Constant repetition limestone on to the surface of the sandstone. These salts may be absorbed and
of this process results in a weakening of the wall, and the appearance is, of course crystallize; as an increase in volume occurs when these crystals are formed,
very ugly. The decay only occurs on the surfaces of external walls which are the resulting pressure just behind the surface disintegrates the stone; such decay
sheltered from the washing action of rain; exposed surfaces are not affected, may become extensive.
as the rain removes the salts and thus prevents the formation of the surface Similarly, when ordinary limestone is associated with magnesian limestone,
skin. Some limestones are less liable to this form of decay than others. decay of the former may occur due to the absorption of magnesium sulphate
Soot is a product of combustion of CQal and is largely responsible for the (see preceding column) from the magnesian limestone.
discoloration of stone. It may also cause decay. That from domestic fires 5. EjJfQrtsctnct (see p. 13).-Decay may arise from unsuitable jointing
especially consists of a large proportion of tarry matter and this causes the soot material. The salts in cement and lime mortars may be absorbed by the stone;
to adhere to stone surfaces. Sandstones are very liable to become discoloured, cryslalization of the salts may occur and either set up decay of the stone (due to
and in cou rse of time most sandstone buildings in industrial towns become black the resulting pressure) or cause efflorescence on the surface. Such defects are
and usume a drab appearance as the pores of the surface of the stone become especially likely to occur if the jointing material is a rich impermeable cement
filled with soot deposit. Limestone buildings are not so disfigured, except mortar, for, in wet weather, water will be absorbed by the stone and not the
those sheltered walls which are not rain-washed and on which the soot is allowed mortar; as this water dries out from the stone surface only (and not from the
to accumu late. joints), the salts are either brought to the outer face of the stone to cause efflor.
cscence or they crystallize in the pores immediately behind it.
DealY of Itone ..... ork cln be effectively retarded if lOOt and tlirt Ire removed at Brown or yellow staining of limestone walling may result from alkalis in
lufficiently frequent intervlls by .....ashing or cleaning by meanl of jeu of ,team or
Ib""ve. the mortar. Discoloration of th'! limestone facing of compound walls may be
Stonework is ....... hed with wlter from I ho~ pipe (such IS I fire hose) conneeted caused from brickwork. backing which is bedded and jointed with black mortar.
to the wster main; a pumping machine il uled if the preuure of the Wiler il in_
adeqUlte. lAddnl, IClIffolding or suspended endles are required, .. the Itone mUlt It is desirable, therefore, that either suitable lime mortar (see Chap. I, Vol. I) or
be scrubbed by hind with bristle brushes. An effective method for limestone build- asphalt be used to back the ashlar blocks, the latter being preferred, as the water-
proof material effectively prevents the salts from Ihe badung mortar penetrating
the stone.
6. Frost ActioN.-This is described on p. 15 and is also referred to on p.
which may be of value when selecting a stone for a specific purpose. Studenu
should refer to the footnote on p. 14 for brief definitions of absorption,
permeability and porosity.
110. Poruus and laminated stone is especially liable to decay caused during
I. Raft 0/ W'oto AbsorplloN or Pt"NtQ})'/I/), TIst.-Thls is described on p. 14.
Ihe winter by the absorption of water, which expands in the pore spaces and the bn" CO\'H bc:ulfl fittl:d 10 lhe Itone lpeclmen.,.1\O$C'! fourl"nlcal rlcesare rendered
bedding planes when it becomes frozen, and thul disintegmion of Ihe stone Impermeable by the Ippllcatlon of wa" As already explained, the ICiI condllloniite
occurs. Copings, unprotected cornices and siring courses, ",ails of unsuitable not likely to be ""eceded, e'·en In the mOSI exposed position., by Ihole met with in
materials and inferior workmanship below the ground Ic\'eI, and retaining walls 2. Pnrt'll"lfC PO'OJlly Tnt.-In order to undeT1t1nd the lillnificance ohheexprH-
::Irc most vulnerable to damage by frost action. Blocks of face-bedded slone are sion .. perc"nta!!e porosity," th .. student should rel·'1e the defimhonl of blliit dIN,,'Y
particularly liable, as any water penetrating the slone and becoming frozen will 100 Joltd dnlJll)" .,. he would hlle conlld.. red In hll lIudy of Buildmll ScIence
and for which con"~nience arc repealed here.
cause patches of the skin to spall off.
Demity (in kl'm') _ .,.elghl (in kg). therefore the built or IOtol dtfl"'Y
7. Cor,odiblr Atdal FasUlIIlIgs.-Reference is made in Chap. I, Vol. I, to the volume (,n mIl'
damage caused to stonework which is secured with corrodible metal, such as weight (I~
(in kg ml) - b":'lk 'olume {m mil" If the lpecimen 10 be "'Imined il of ,rregular
wrought irof'. The expansion which occurs when embedded wrought iron
.hape, the hulk volume is obtained by u1ink In Ipparatul such IS the IIVC,jfOfO 10,,,\1
corrodes is sufficient to split huge blocks of stone, such as cornices, copings Iho\\ n at A, Fifl. 39- The specimen IS carefully lo.,.e«d Into the link which has been
and upper spire stones. I Metal which does not rust, such as bronze, gun.metal pre,·,oully filled WIth wlter to the" .,.elr" lel,,1 mdiated; the wlter dllplaced
passe. from the oUllet .nlO a I'uscl of convement ~ize and tnln!ferred to I fllan
and copper, dwmld be used for these fastenings. measuring cylinder; Ihi. RWes the volume of the WII .. t, II equal to thlt of the
Preservation.-The best method of preserving stone IS by washing or specimen.
steam cleaning (see p. 107)' Most so-called" preservaiives .. have proved to be .,.e./!:ht (in k,)
The sohd or powd .. rtd denSIty (in kg,'m') - solid volume (in mIl" Actually,
unsatisfactory. the solid denSity of mOSI 1I0nes, In addItion to bricks Ind concretes, II IpprO:.:irnalely
the same. nlmely, 1660 kaim'. The Idoplion of thIS figure therefore limplifiu the
rouune. as .1 obviatu the neceuity of po"derln8 the lpecimen Ind obUlninll its
The pn,,,,,~,, po,o",y il found after the bulk and IOlid densities hl"e been
It is recognized that the most reliable indication of the durability of a stone determined, thus:
volume of void.
required to "ithstand certain atmospheric conditions is obtained by a careful Percentage porosity - bulk volume >( 100
inspection of that used in the construction of buildings which have been subjected
bulk volume-solid volume
to similar exposure for a lengthy period. Such is not, however, a conclusive x.~
bulk "olume
guide, as the quality of slone obtained from different parts of a quarry may
t _ solid \lolwne >( we./!:hl)
vary considerably, and it dou not therefore follow that the characteristics of ( hulk volume >( . . elaht 100
recently won stone are similar to that obtained from older workings in the same
IOlid volume weight)
quarry and which was used for the inspected buildings. Further, the quality (J - weight >( bulk \lolume 100
of stone from a ne" quarry cannot be judged in this manner. Laboratory tests bulk denail Y)
are therefore valuable for supplying information which could only be otherwise ( 1- tolid den.ity 100
obtained by trial and error methods. bulk deMiry)
The follo ....·ing are tests which may be carried out for estimating the durability ( 1- :1660 100

of stone: (t) Rate of water absorption or permeability, (2) percentage porosity,

The percentage poroltUes of the "one ipecimel1l {Ipproxunate IIze, uS mm by
(3) saturation coefficient, and (4) resistance to frost. They provide information ,~ nun by somm),!I\leninTlbIH Vlhnd VIII canbedetennined byullngthilformull.
which un be compared with Itonet whMe durable qualities and other properties ThUI, Ilkong the Appleton ItOne: whu:.h heidi the hit In Table VII, Ihe deru;;ly
are known, and whilst such comparative tests are not decisive, they do give data bemg :I 370 kg/m ' the percental" porOilty - (J - :
~:) too _ I I appro... , the
I The ape' of a Itone Iplre conllill of block. of Itone ., Ire u,ullly connected figu~ liven In 1M Ilble.
tOKether by • centnl ""rtlal metal rod. It I. falrty c:ornmon e"perlenee to find that 3. SD"',O/'ON C~Jfinnlt TIJI.-Oll1Ulge ClulCd by frosl i. referred 10 lbow
these bloch Ni,·e Je\leloped crack. , and ml'cstlJlallonl hne loo...n that the defecll we~ Very ponNl IIOnH will ,btorb more water than othe,. leu poTOUI and Ire the~­
cau...,J by the cnrroa.on of the roJ~, The .,.ork of IUtoralion is co,l1y, .. KIIffoldml{ fore more vulnenble to darnlge due to frot! ICllon. If the voicb a~ completel,.
• M. to be er«:ted, and the .,.-hole of Ihe defectwe stonework must be ~moved 100 repllCCd
"'lIh new block..... hleh Ire" IhrClJcd .. ol'er a non-con-od.ble "Mical rod.
filled WIth Wiler and thi. water freue., the muhina pm.u", will tend to di.Npl
the cell wall. by mtemal prellure. If, however, the inter-connecced pora (ICC p. 14)

A p P ~A T U s F o ~

·VAlIYI>'" \.~'f1...c.::""'-_'1"'--t--_-:-:~1r:..
F'-DJA -10 TO - "., .-

A ....~'~'UT


o v E F L o w w o 0 6 0 X, I E CONTAI N f
I""i 6001

are only partly filled wilh "Ittr, there 01<1)' Ix> lu!fie1"n! space within lhenl to allow ThiS lest IS carned out as (0110"* ' The llOne specimen II dned In In O\'en,
(or ,h,. e~plnllun, amI damlRe 10 the stone Itn,IClure w,lI not occur H"nce Ihc 11110'''''<.1 to cool. "eI6[heJ, soaked
In cold "Iter for t,,·enty-four hou .... remo\'ed and
"110 of water absorbe.! 10 the ,'olume of, Old spice ml)' be laJ.en II. meuure of Iho: ""!M'U 'nth I cloth, Ind re-"e,~hcd. The dIfference bet"een these two welghtl
capICH)' of 1M lIont' 10 Tell" fro!ll Ict'DI'I; thIS ""0 is kno,," I t Ihc sa/llrat.o" 11th" "h,ch 's pl~ced In Ihe nU""l'1l10r (p, loS). The specImen I' then returned to the
CfNJJklnll. It IS ... IUllI) t"preslCd U £0110\0-1 - "llrr and "",ieU for ti"e houn; it II then .Uo"ed to cool under wlter, n:mo,·ed,
"',ped and "ell/hed; the d,fference beilleen th,. Iluer "eIght Ind the dry "eo,l;(ht
l;atural,on coeffic,ent _ wlter absorbed .rter lw~nly-four hour( ~klnj(. II the figure "hlch .p~ln on the denominator
lotal ,.-alec Il»o'1'tlOI'l .f"~r 1'- c houn' bollm" The satUT1lhOn eoeffieients lupphe-d In Tlbll!'$ VII and VIII "ere obtamed In thIS

manner. Thut, ukinllhe Portland .tone lu,ed In T,ble VIII, Ihe dry, _kina and Aldhelm Box Ground, see Table VIII) obtained in the Bath district are mined,
IXllllng .... elgh" .... ere 1028, 1,08.. and "111 kg respectively, 1i:IVln,' saturation
c:m'fficil'nt A typical stone mine consists of an adit or tunnelled opening made in the side of
_ ~-.ttr .btorb« .fler twenty-four boun' _kin,) a hill at the level of the best stone. The adit is continued as the stone IS removed
(tot.1 ",-.ter absorbed .fter five houn' boihng) and follows the bed. Branch tunnels are formed from this main gallery. In
_ ~elKhllrter lOakini (I -084 kJ) -dry weiBht ('"028 kif) the Box Ground mine the underground workings pass from one side of the hill
weight Ifter bollin, (1'111 kg) dry weighl (l'olB kg) to the other, a dist2ncc of S kilometres, and the galleries in some places are

- ~t .. 0-67 (ue Table VIII).

nearly 30 m below the surface. The height of the tunnels is at least equal to the
thickness of the good stone beds, which may be up to 3 m, and the width may
exceed this.
ThIS coefficIent hu • prflcuo.::.l ....lue .. It II conSIdered 10 be • helpful 1I\lIde to The roof and Roor of a tunnel consist of hard coarse !lone. The first opera-
the ctp.cuy of the itOi'll' to wnh,und froll ICllon. A. I general n.&le, ;1 II ~lIlrded
thai. none hlnng I IIIUl1ltion cocfficlcnl of 080 and under should not be li.ble to tion in winning the limestone is to pick out the top 230 mm of the stone just
damagt from frolt action. As, ho ..... ever. there arc exceptions to this, It It dCllTl.blt below the roof; this is called the picking bed, and the tool used is a long. handled
to .ubm!! I Itont of unkno\\ n fro.t ~lilUnce to I frc-uing lest (see below).
.. f"TOJl R~mt(Jn(t TI"It.-The apparatus used' for this pul'J'OSot i. Illustrated at II,
pick. When the picking has proceeded some I'S or 1·8 m, a long hand saw is
Fi)! 39. It con."u of a .... ood bol( (560 mm by 560 mm by 530 mm deep of ~5 mm employed (which is operated at the handle by both hands) to divide the rock by
Ihick limber), • llnC ,ce container (Js6 mm by 356 mm by JJO mm deep) with lid. a vertical cuts extending from the top to the next bed and al about I'S m horizontal
\I rou)!ht .ron .pecimen contamer (167 mm by ~54 mm by 130 mm deep) with co"er.
Ind a big filled ....,ith .. wdull (or IImillr insulating matenal) al a cover to the wood intervals; this operation is comparati\'e1y easy as Ihe stone is very SOfL A block,
b."The teSt ,. performed .n the follo\lmg manner; Sawdust (or granullted cork)
having three free sides, is removed either with large crow bars or by a crane, the
rope from the latter being attached to a lewis bolt inserted in the face of the block.
u). deplh of .bout 100 mm is placed II the bottom of Ihe wood box; the icc cont.mer
11 placed on lOP of Ih •• u .. dust Ind Ih •• or limilar Insul.tlng mllen.1 " p.cked II The blocks. which may weigh from 6 000 10 8 000 kg, are squared up wilh saws.
the ,ide, III sho\ln In the &-eCI.on; Ihe 1I0ne spec.mens Ire placed In the speCImen and then lifted by crane on to bogies which run on lines along the tunnel to the
conumer, the melll cover •• 1Ighd}' screwed do .... n to enlure Ihat the rubber p.cked surface depot. The roof is supported at intervals by strong cross-beams sup-
JOInt " wlltenJ!!,hl, Ind Ih.s COnl •• ner ,s pl.ced Wllhm Ihe ice «mlllner_ The freelmg
miXIUre .~ Ihen placed m the ,ce contllmer, the l.d •• filled on .t and, finally. the ported by props at the sides; falls of Ihe roof are also nerted by the insertion of
sawdust bag ia placed o\"er Ihe oUier box (see section). The freez.n!!' m,xture consi". oak wedges in any vertical cracks or vents,
of l parIS (by welRht) of ,c.. 10 I part (by welllht) of common sail. Thl. produces a
temperatur" In Ihe specImen contamer "ar;,mR from -9' to -,. C. approx. The When Bath stone has just been removed it contains much quarry sap; it is subjectN 10 th.~ temperalure for ei8hteen hoUri, ,fl". "h,ch Ihey lTe soft, and if used immediately it would weather badly, It is therefore allowed
remo ...,d and Mradual!. Ih~wed m .... ater for .ix hours; after e'(lmmillon. they Ire to season for a period before being fixed. The time allowed for the blocks of
replac"d, a)!ain froze.., for eJj,ihtccn hours, remo\'ed, lhawed for ,'x hours and e'l;-
Immed Thll cycle II rc-pealed until Ih~ samples hl\e under)!one len frffzinl(!!. stone 10 remain in the stacking ground depends very largely upon the demand,
Th" .pecimens h$led In Table \'11 "ere telted m Ihis manner. It \1111 he seen but normally the stone is seasoned for sc\'eral months before being dressed,
th~1 lOme were unat'ft'<.:lw and <>,h",. ~howcd damaRe ., Ihe Irr,«o SU'"P or poor If necessary, the Itone C:ln he dressed soon after minin!!: if obtained between the
qUlhly" unoull)" damSReo.! wh"n lubj«ted to thiS tetl. &orne lphn,"~ Ind ahowm~
simd ... 'I!n5 of d,srupt,on .flH onh- t~e firsl or second fret'~U'I!. late spring to the end of September, but that mined during the winter months
The \leather ('ondlUo", e\peneneed m thIS country Ire not sufficiently ""ere to is stored underground till the following spring before it is worked. Damage
caU5l! fro~t daml(!r n ' stone\lork '" I/"neral" IlhnR, unless Ihe Slonn are face-bedded
and th .. stone "of m'enor quahly, but cnplng, etc., lionel are lilbl" to di~intellnllon from frost is thus pre\ented.
if $ubj«ted tn prolollRt'd pconod~ of nln followed hy frost (see p_ loS).
Other tnU Indude I chem,{;Ilt ... t (~uch as subjec1lO8 the spte.mens In a elO5Cd
t:lOk to h)'drochlonc ac,d fumes) and Ihlt for determining the compTe.. "e urenRth; MACHINE DRESSING
• machme uK<! for the litter IS shown It E. Fill". 9. and d"scribed on p. JZ
A brief description of certain machines used for dressing stone is given in
Chap. I, Vol. I. Some of these arc illustrated here in Fig. 40.
Frame Saw (s« .... and o). - Th,* machine, whIch IS ",SC'1.I for SI"lOR 1"8e bloch
A description of quarrying appears In Chap. J, Vol. I. Opcn quarrying into 5evcralsmal!er Ilabl, has. ,"mit frame " holds the duired number of lIeel
.s not resorted to when building stone is at a considerable depth below the saw blldes The fram" 11 Impended bv four rod!, and oprralet WIth I blckward
lind forward mot,on by m"ans of • connt'Clmg rod, secured to tM fnme Ind the
surface, as the remo\'al of the oH~rburden would be too costly. Beer stone and crank.haft of th" /l".het'l "hlch ,s d",,,n by d«lric or olher power. The blade.
most of the limestones (including Congnt, Corsham Down, :\lonk's Park and 51. 'are e,ther corruRlteJ (set' (' ) or wavy or plsm m section, the fonner he,n)! commonly
• 'AI 1M Dep.rlment of Bu,k!.nR. !'1anchC$ltT l'ni,ersll}, inltll"le of Sc,ence I nd
used for sandslOne. Ilme.lOne, s[lte Ind gran'le. I nd Ihe plam Iype for mlmle;
they Ire 7S, 100, IlS Or I_~O mm wide by J-l mm Ih,ck (fo. marble). S mm Ih,ck
Tt'Chnology (for sandstone and IImntone) Ind 6 mm th,ek (for Rranilf). This machine is made In
nnoul .iut, the maIunUITI aiu of .tone thai can be dell! with vuying (rom :;a'4 to moves on ronera. After the blade has been hrou,ht to the required position by
42 m lonJ 1-:1. to 1'" m wide and I·a to 1,8 m thick. tra\'erslng th" framl', the table IS ad.'anced 4ulckly to bTln!;" tht" I!on" up to lhe bilUc
The block of .tone 10 be convened II placed on I OOIJlC or trolley, picked finnl, Ind proceeds It the desm:d spee.! unlll the cut has been formed, aher whIch the
.nd level, and wheeled In po&Iuon under the IlO,ms fl"U'M The required number of tlble IS qUlcL:iy returned The machone has (I)ur chln~es I'll fCi.'J fl)r CUll on", on
blades d fixed In the frame at the nec.euary distance apan. The m.:umwn number of Iddmon to the quick _dunce Ind return, Ind these chin"," an: readt1~' cif•.'ctcJ by
blade. .. hieh mIIy be fitted to lhe (nlme depend. upoa Ihe hardncH or the "one the ..wyer operating a le'·er.
• 00 the PO"""t-r of the macrune; It'nc ..lIy the number doel not u~ t·c, .nd Ih., The CUlling speed depends upon the horK-l""l"er, hardness o{lhc Slone and depth
mly be reduced 10 four or five hilda If the .tone i. very hard; for marble ,labblng of cut A 2.25 k..- m.chonl' Will 13..- II 0-9 m thick block of PonliUld ."m~ at th~ r.ote
wht:n the t}"ckneM of the ,l.M mly be only I J rnm. the number of bladH (whu;:h ,re of I lOO em' per mln_ ofll\O'n lrea 1111. rate IS much hlJ,(hcr Ih,n Ihlt of Ihe fr.ome
KeUred by JpeCI.1 finmgs) may reach thinr. The m.:h.Lne i. let Into o~ratlon III', but whll~llhe deal I'lth all trJX'~ 1)1 stonc, Inch,ldlnl:" J,(ranlte, I diamond
aU'Ln, the at'" frame to descend lhe long '"'onn Kro:w, In the four ICI' .t I pre- "" II only SUItable for relah,-el)" soft stones, su"h as lim",tonM, ... huu stonl.'S would
dClcmllned .peed , ... d rcaul1ted by the ratchet arrangement ool'llrolled by the le,'en qUickly dama~e the blade and "ear out th" lock..,u .
• ho"l1 II It. The nle of the downwud f~ i. ugulated .ccordln/j: 10 lhe lu.rdnell The machine can alto be pro\ldcd "Ith t\\O tabl.." "hlch can be cIThcr used
of the 'Ione, Ihe numbcr of used, elC,; u . gULde, the CUlllftg .peed. of one togethcr or one c.n be loaded "hilst thc stone on the "th..,r " bclnl:: CUi
3'7 m long mlChlfte, h.vlIl, I..... ellte bl.des, .re u, 30 .nd 76 em per hour for hlrd ThIS machlnc rna)' also be pro'ided I'IIh t"" circular U" blades, "hen It IS called
IInd.tone, Portllnd lIone .nd Balh 1I0ne respecti,'coJy; • Ilmilir machlfte, wllh I tK'" blade oc d""I~x ",admft It h:u tLther one o[ t\\O I~ble., the bller mo.-lIlil on
fOUT bllde., I'LII ....... grallLle II Ihe rale of from -z,S to" em per hour; for CUlling Kp'rate Irach parlllld to uch other The bbde" "'l1h It lal~ral mo,ernent, are
thlft II.btL of m.rble. Ihe speed LI reduced to .boUI "cm pu hour In ordcr 10 secure lI'Idependent and may be IrnHM:d III thc same or opposite ullecllon as rcqulred.
thc dellred ACCuUCy. These blades can be raIsed or lo..-en.'d (kno" n I t I ¥lJ"'fl and /nllml! mOl/on) anJ 8fe
An .bnll\·c m.ter"I, such u cholled .bot htetl pellell), .hlrp land or Clr_ thus lI'I.-.lulb,e for fomlln,lt cuts los than the thld"..,,, of the Hone 'In op"nllOn
borundum, In Iddillon to W'ler, mUll be used to fac,htate the III' Iftg operllllon, The called cllnk"I;) as reqUIred for Ilrom'es III wlIlliow ~dls, Ctc., for '!.m",~I1",!! (["n10val
wSler II Iupplied from a lank "lUlled above the machLrIC and It .utom'lic.II)· 0.111_ of portions oflhc backs of Slones su"h ;ot ar" .e'julred tn be fi~l'd to st..,d beams and
tnbuled olter the 1I0ne IhroUllh 1m.lIt'pl fixed In IWO InnnerK pipe. whLch elthH pdl..-, of sted-fnlmed bUlldllll/S, cIC.), r/'C"IJIII~ (",J(-, J~mll stnne. ) and for "n"'"1::
,wlngb.ckw.rd. snd forwards wilh the frame or are kepi .1.llOnny, The .brni,·e, mouldlll,ltS of cornlcel, etc. The ma'lll1um \I'rllc,,1 monment" 0-1) m The ,Irea I)f
pI.ceQ II requLred over the cuu or kerfs III the stone by the laW)-ef (min In chlrge u" n surface of Portlanu slonc" hen the CUtl~ o-y m deep and both b!dd6 I ..... I)p"r3lLnJ,(
of the machlfte), I. CIIrned by the"r do ..... n the cut. 10 the lower edllU of Ihe hllde. , I~ .ppro"mald~· 5160 cm' pcr mm Thll machme has lar).!",l), repl~c..,d Ihe smilie
.nd thul dupenl the CUll dunna: tht" re<:iprocalmg action of the; 1ft .ddillon, bl.d" type
the wllt"r cool. the and thus pre"enU undue Wtlr of the "eel Steei.hol II
I(t"nt"rli!y used for corrugated blldes, except for limestone, .. hen lind Ihould be
Cl'05$ooCut or Beam Saw,-Th,,, con~"t. ot" Ii Ion/.( '"m"-..,,,, ClSt ,ron heam,
supponed by I pillar at each end, dlonlC" hlch ~ Clrcul .. sa" blade" """,u",,..J 10 tra"d;
used, IS ,hot rust •• nd would cause d'M:OlontlOn "I' nblalOable 10 two SI~".alln"'nl1 a mll"mum tTd'en" Ilf hb..:" '.If 2-.. and l"7 m.
The crosl-Kcllon II A .how. I block of .tone partoany lI ..... n IIltO Ie,·t"n .lab•. Thc lalll:est SIze of blade IS 15m anu Ihl' /.(1'-" ~ ma~Imum depth of cut of .ppmxi-
On compltuon of the" .I.bbmg,'- the fnme .. ItopP"td .nd n,sed, the bogie maldy 0-6 m A ,,,de tabl.." mounted on "h.....,ls or m')\'IO" on In"..,[\eJ ...,e-shdes
.. run clear of tl'le frame Ind the nonc IS remo .. ed fa, shown II J), IS usuall~ pr"nded. alth"ul/h Ildc-b)· t" In tabl •• Ire al.ol\lIl.ble
The frllm~ ..w II the most uaeful mlchLne for cutllng hard 1I0n~, The table, ""h the noll(.' In P"'I~ltI'lIl, I' brnUlo:ht unJer Ih., hbde, adJu51N and
ArotMr mlchlM, knol'n II the rip S.....•• I.J somewhal Ilmllir to the abo .. t" 1'-lIh the locked; Ihe b:ade IS Ihen made 10 tran''''' Ind cut the IIone 1J..lth fi"J J"'-~I,, and
exception that III Width I. Rn:alU th.n Ita length Ind the Wide bogie run. on I track '"~ arrJ jal/mm','m.n( Iyp"s are hallable, the f"nn~r beLnll: u ..:lul for pl.JIl Ul'ln\l:
II Tll/htlnl/ln to th.tshown 1111; Ihe swmg frllme has thus. tnml"erae r";lprocatlng and JOlIlhnll: (wch "SQuaTln\l: end. of blocks 01 "one, ed,," of mArble slabs, etc.) and
motion The np III' IS UKfull}' employed for crolS-cu:tlnj{ block. Ind espe<:I~I1}' thl' lalll'r, "hlch permllS of, m",,,mum '-I'[\leal mn"emcnt olthe nf )80 rnm, LS
thole .. hlch are too ",de for the ordinary frame hw In,-aluab!e for che<:klOl(, channellmloC and rKe'll$lnl(
Diamond Saw (see Dl,-ThLs machine js used for rapidly Ind accurately CUllln10C The bladt" may be of t"Ith"r the dl.mond I)r earoorunJum 1«« below) Irpe A
rl'lll,,~I~' .mall block. of Slone. such 1$ slabs from the frame IIW , It has a clrcul .. typIcal CUll1n\l: spc<:d h.- a dllnlflnd .a<\ " I ~IO cm' per mln_ (or Putland llOne; thiS
lleel III' .... hich 11 caused to rotlte by In ele<:lnc motor al I high speed to cut spc<:d IS r<"<iuced to from one_lhlrd 10 one-half lithe bl.Je" of the tarborundum Iype.
the Itone "hlch tu,'el. towlrd, It on I mo,'mg table. The "U of IIW blade ,'ule. Gravity Saw (see Ij.-Th" Iype IS so (llbl as the "hit" ~upportlllg tht" stone ..
from 0,6 to 2. m S.W blldel mUSI be carefully tcnsloned (Chip, I, Vol. III), Welded pulled fO'""'rd panly by th~ force of IoCr.. II,' A counll'r-"~II/ht, .dJuJted according
to the nm of the: bllde ue U_sh.ped 11",,1 socket. or dips into each of I'hlch a half In the "elll"ht of the stone, is sUlpend~ b)' a "Ire toJX' which passes o,-er pulley
Clnt doamond II securely fixed; In enlargement of. panlon of I i. Iho" n It " 1 .. (Ih" block of "hlch II .ecured to a mo( elC_, beam), under the 10l'er pulley
I; the da.mond •• re "'llIlered. I' IndlC~ted, m order that the "Idth of Ihe cut II fully .. -z" Ind j~ an.ched to th~ fo", •• d end of the mO'1n1C "bit" Thu.,. smoolh pull.
C(werw. four lOCke" per 2.5 _mm diamell'r of bl,de arc proltjded, thus It- S m blade ,,"h .. d,snnct .:conomy III po"er, .. obt~JIled throulo:houl the CUI. The backward
II fitted I' IIh 2..0 lOCkets pro\'lded With the lime number of dl.mond,_ The mU:lmum mowment of the rahle 15 accomplished h)" operatJllR the hlnd"hecl ,. I ..
IP.,.,u u{ th~ 1.>1...1" ~.n" .. nh III diameter; Ihal of I 1'5 m L,hameter bllde It 575 The- Cast Iron table has Iran~\'frse IInJ 10nICIlUdai slou to recewe clamps for the
re,'I, rc" mm, l"hLI .. I I '8 III dllmctl'r blade has I maxImum velocity of .. 80 re .... p..,r a~cutale seltlnj.! and CXpedltl()Ub faslcnll'll/ do"n of Thc .tone; It hu I dup longi-
min Thl' speed II reJlullied accord Ill!! to the charllcter of the stone, It belllg much ludlnal ,101 10 allow the hlade to pu, belo" the under lurfac~ of the stone. One
leu for. hlrd IIndstone thin for I t<)ft limeslonl'; In order to '''old d~maRI' to the Iype. of mn,mum Size 3 m by I m, IS kno" n as I (rOIJ ("'n'fft lab/t, as II c.n be given
arnSC'o of the 110M, Ihe 'pHd of the blade IS 10l'esl "hen the blade II just enlenng 11 IranS,'I'r<e mO>.£ment b.- opcrallnll the h~ndle of .crew .. a ", The maXimum cr055
and lu,ma the block. The deepest Cut thai a III" bladt" I'll! make IS leu thaI'! half movement IS 076 m A number of parillel cuts can thus be formed With one placing
the dllmeter of the blade, thus, for clllmple, the maximum depth of eut of In 2. r m of the Slone The other Iype, called a p/lll" lablt', cannot he mo,·td tranS\·crscly.
bllde ,.,pproXlmately 0'9 m and the ThIckness of stone I'-ould b.I, futricted 10 thiS ThIS machine ma .. be pro,',Jcd "-Ith elthcr • diamond bl.dt or I ca,bo,u"dum
A '",lIer feed, nKI'U'ry to cool the blade, is pro\"lded I •• hol"n II D, The PIpe biud, , The lauer I~ • bled blade" IIh a 50 to 7S mm WIde TIm of carborundum <an
can be raISed or lo"ered II requIred to deIL"l'r Wiler on top of Ihe Itone_ A RUlrd Ibrn"',, malenal. bclnl( I c..,.SlIllme compound of carbon .nd ,,!tcon); Ihe carbor-
" fillcd 10 the upper half to pre"ent Iplashmll undum. mlxcJ ... "h shell:oc, II huted .nd pressed round Ihe penphery of the steel
TIt I\onl' II pl.ced upon, but not nKesunly fixed 10. I cau Iron "ble I'hlch
• blade, "h,ch IS dnvclailed to pro"lde a key. Clrborundum blades (lve beUI'T finished


,.'1 fWM TNtIt



,; >

" o
~ ,.z


U SlA'-



.urile" .nd finer cuts ,h.n those fonned by d,amond blades, and they can be used mO'e vertlc.lly; thL'! lide tool box hIS a rise Ind fall mOllon and the hOrllontally
for t;.oth hard .nd fOft 1101'1"_ Tht.r cuthnM Rpt'cdllrt, ho,",cvu, not more Ihlln half titted tool. Cln be moved hontontilly. The lap toola cut the upper lunlee of the
lho:»e of diamond blades; thus. tYPical ~peed. Ire zoo rrun pcr mm. for ISO mm 110"'" ",hlln Ihe' 1001. mould the venlcal lurflCe at Ihe' ,Ime opcontlon. A big
LIat:. of Ponland stone and 100 nun per mono for JOO mm lIab., and the$e nles Ire liVIng of tlm~ Ihereby reloltl. Th" mlchme II panlcularly e'ffKllve for deep
.pproJ:lrn.u,iy doubled If d.amond blades are used. COmlcei. UnlIke the cantlng"rm planer (lee J), It hn only one pillar .nd It can
Gn",!y &IIWI are made of threto' types, namely, II) fiend heighl, ,uluhlc for plai" the'refoTe dul With wide (up to 1. m) bloch; it " empJoyC'd fot fomung return
..",i.nt and jointing. (2) ,lU oNllal/ for chC'CkmIC, channdhnQ' and Ilnkin.'!, .nd (]) mouldings on Slonel IUch II quoin cornices Imd llring COUI'ICI. Iqulre pIlllr Ind
"rtnl('Ful, which CulS the alone II Iny anglc from ¥ 10 h"nzoo'al, II II h ••• pll.Her butt and capl, etc
1-,.n",c1hnr head which can ..... dj"" ..<l '0 • ~'''rlICIII Or ",d,n~ plane II requu"d. A"ull,,:r rigid hud plamng machme I' Ibe' /ow·~d pla"n. AI ,mplied, Ihil
The lautr can be provided wIth. carborundum .... heel (,.00 mm d,ameter and from 25 has four tool boxCl, lot., t.... o In the croll·head Ind one It the Ilde of each of the two
to So nun thic:k) in lieu of the circular blade, "h,ch roules In a \erllcal spindle and pilla,.", Like Ihose in Ihe opeo'Slde planer, the'tc tool bolles Ire independe'ndy
(trind. Ind mould. Ihe ~ge. of the stone or mlrbl~ operated Ind the' mlchin~ I. therefore CIIpable of mouldin, and lurflcing the top
Planin, and Mouldin, Machine •• ~As Implied, thue are ulled for mlchlnlng Ind side flces of t ... o block. of Itone at the lime lime.
the cxpoKd flc;e or facn to the desired finish and for mould inK blocks of atone, For marble, granlle and IImilar brittle $lone, clrborundum wh«ls of the requlrC'd
One of the sunplell, 1<nO"'11 as Ihe tON/'''K arm or r~"J,blt p{a"t', is shown It J. For ,hlpe may be fitle'd inlO the tool box~1 in lieu of .lied tool.. The' Ibn"ve Iction
lurfacing, the flone (of I maximum length of l 7 m) I~ fiud upon the ,odt•• Ial!{t of Ihes~ wheell, 1"'lIed by wlter delivered on the Slone, {omu Ihe desired aec:bOb
ber..·een Ihe t ... o ",en, "'lIh the face to he dres!oed uppermost Wide bloch of stone .. they rot lIe I' I hlllh ~peed
filled on the rockin(t table (",h,ch may 1:).., only t6s mm Wide) arc lceommooated by Polishing Machines.-Thelle include the (a) Rubbing Bed, (b) Jenny Lind
lup;>ortlng the o\'erhanKlnJf portlOnl by ... 00<1 resllnll upon ... cdltes on the main Polish.,r and (e) nit.<: Polisher.
lable. One or more 10(11. are fixed by ... edlle. In Ihe /1')(,1 bo:r .nd the latter is moved (a) Rubbl"lf BItd.-ThLl conSI5U of I clrcul .. mel.llible, 1·8 to ,,·1 m dilmeter
alons the' r,on.JouJd 10 the' required POSltlon b)' m3nipulatino.rlhe' hlnd ... h«1 tho ... n; and ,Q to 6~ mm thick. which re'''olvCl on I '·ertICiI spmdle It I lpeed vlrying from 10
the crou·hcad 15 10... cl"C'd by po ... er or by the olKllIlur pulllnJ,l do ... n on Ihe rope (the larllut ~IZ") IQ"5 re'·I, per min. It hll I clrcul., trough round Ihe rim to any
until the' edge of IhL'! tool IS just be'lo\\ the lurfa(:e of Iht: atone. A. the ma,n table' IWI)" th~ liqUid slurry produced during the rubbmg operation.
which IUrpanl the loaded rocking lable moves forward on In"frled ,'ee·slides, Ihe This mtehone' IS now uSC'd ehleRy in marble Ind aranite' worh, and whil.t il was
lumce 0 the Slone' ,I cut II Indicale'd " H; the cross·hnd (or ta"/If'll! arm or ' ... ·"siblt formerly tmployed for surflcmg hmCllone Ind IIndstonL'! bloc.... , It ,I now nrely
Mad) ''''lngs oVe'r on the ~'urn '","e'l of the .tooe ... h,ch lutomahull) occurs ... hen uKd for Ihll purpose, 15 the Circular<:lIlIy the carborundum ..",,~d
Ihe' ,top, Idjusled n reqUired al Ihe .,,11' of the main<", COrnU on contact", Ilh the pllnt,." II'''~ a surface' ... h,ch il 1IIIIfiCtOry for mo" purpose. al I cheaper COli.
IrlrlttT ... hich mOH'$ tbc dnvln!: bdt fmm on~ pulley to Ihc other It thus cuts In The block or slab of marble, etc., II placed on the table, tnd lharp I.nd or lleel
both directions, Ind for th., rCOlSOn II ~coll",,~d 10 be th~ bc~1 machone for lurfacinu .hot, togclher ... ,th Wiler, II apphe<1 II Ihe I.ble rotales The frichon created by Ihe
The cross·hud .. lowered a~ reqUired after nch CUI The rate of lurfacln~ stone acl.c.l of the IbraSlve be't .... een the table lOp Ind the 1I0ne prodUCCl I Imooth .unace.
il dependent upon sevenl cond"I<>n., bUI In appm>;lma!" .\'<"n~ speed .. 0'9 m' Larll<' blocks Ire ke'p! In POSitiOn by a .... ood bum fixed JlCfOII and .Iiahtly above the
permm table. SmlU bloch Ire controlled by hand.
Whil" csllentllUy used for ,urfaCln!!, Ih" machine can ~l$o be' used for moulded (b) Jtll")' U"d Pahsht,.-One of sevenl t)'ptl, known .. Ihe "" aruJ/rJ/1 mood,
worlr. l't!.U$, for corniCes and ~Imollr membe ..., a plait box lOin ... h,eb II fitted I ,I shown II c. It II uaed for Imoothmg and polilhing flit IUrfaces of marble Ind
plll~ or tool ha'iong an edge sm,t}w,d 10 the re'ecse of Ihe reqUlretl mould il fixed In 1I",",le block. or The mlchine, which la fi:lCd to I pillar or w.U, .-onlilll of.
the 10(>1 h"" The rocicinll lahle I. rolate<! .,.,'" "';lui II .he: ..h'kHCtl In"le 10 IS [0 metal fnme CI'I'}IOR.n ann Ind I venical rollting poli.h,"I .piMlt 10 which il con·
bnng the surface oflhe Itone to 1M: moulded onto I con\'('nienl position relatl"e to IhL'! necttd a rllb/J,"lf htrul or. po/llh,"lf diu. the dllmeler of the hnd II 150 mm and that
tool which cuts the $IOne tlurlnlllhe forward nlO,'erne'nt of the' table. nefo,e I Slone of the dilC i! 300 mm; the ditcl of larl(l'r machlOCI are up 10 750 mm diamelC'f. AI
il placed on the machine: for mouldlnl!', OrlC' .. nd il "CUI In .. to lhe requil1"d $I!CliOn shown, the f",me WIth Inn i, In two ttCllona and Ihe ..... ivel joinll .lIow the held or
by hand by Ihe mlton diac to be" Clsily guided In any direct.on: each acetion of the ann .. 0'9 m long Ind a
The rockinl( Ilble c:an he remo,,~d 10 that large bloch Can be machined by fi>;ing 1·7 m by ' ·1 m , I.b cln be" cove'red by thL'! hnd" ont filtina. The frlme hiS I 0·6 m
them directly on to the mlin table vertical Idjualmenl by melru of the hind whL'!el .,.,d acrew Ind, In addilion, the
For c.n;:ul.r work, lucttas column" IUminR." 1'1'0 melll bnclcell In': fixed 10 the polithing 'Pindle' can be vert,Clllly adjuSle'd through t7S or :!oo mm. The rubbing
nuI;n IIble'. The block Q( Ilor..., IS .upported by NoO hO .. ~onlll met.1 " cenlre... held revolves II a lpeed of :!so reVI. per min.; some machines have two lpeed., one
which Ire .ttlehed 10 the bnockcts and are let Into the enda of the Itone'. The cuttin" for smoolhlng Ind I qUlcke, one for paliahong.
proceu is IB deacribed lbove, tbe: main lable movinR fonurd lowa rd s the tool box A smooth surflce .. imparted to the mlrble or 1I0ne by carborundum blockl,
fixed ,n the middle of the crOlll·head and the Itone rottted afler each CUI by meana of which I,e of four (tndes, '.1'., COlrse, medium, fine Ind finilhing. These are filled
l(C'anng fixed on one' Side of the bIllCkel.. Flul" are formed, afler Ihe IUmlng hal In turn m th,. Orde'f 10 the rubbing head; the' abruive ICllOn of 1bnC' bloc1r.l II
been eompleted, by specially 'hlped tool. fixed In the 1001 bo>;. A column lhaft they rotlte, tOllether ....,Ih the ..... tcr ... hich il dehvered through the hollow polilhing
up 10 1· .. m long Ind I·" m dilmete' can be worked on ,hil mlchine. spiml1e, glvClthe ,mooth lurflce. Thil il followed by the finll polishing proceu, the
Circular column lhafll, ClIPS Ind buea, balUIle'n, eIC., art: al.o turned in I UJtJot fine carborundum block be"on, replaced by the poJisfri. dIY:, which II a metll pllte
Lib Ihe wood·worlung lathe dncnbed in Chip. I, Vol, JII, the alone il fixed 10 IWO faced with fe'lt; oxide' of un, known u I"ftty pauJtJn, il Ipplied, in Idd.tion to ""ller;
a:ntta, Ind aa II rolltCl it ia cut by I tool fined in a holde' which Inve'nes the' Ie'ngth the rotlry aet:ion gtaduIUy Imparu I high poh'h to the 1I0ne.
of the .tone. Flutes I", formed by the pl.ninR machine or by hand A ml,ble Ilab, Ifter being Ilwn, i. smoothed and polilhed (or" glOiled ") in the
Other m.chinCl cut Ihe 1I0ne in Ihe forward d,reclion Qnly, and Ire known la following manner: The' sllb il act on Ihe Itone bench, the CQlrse c:arborundum block
''6it1 htati pia".", rouxlo,M,. They hive I quick >1:lum They are l!Ipt<:lIl1y In' II fitted to Ihe rubbing held Ind the IplOdle il .cjulted to the required height. The
vlluable for fonninR intnCllte moulded wort. No hind fimlhing il necuury, u the motor ilataned, the water ia turned on Ind the openlor, holding Ihe guidlOg handle,
mld'llned-cut IUrflCel Irt: excelle'nt araduIUy directa the rolllmg bl<>clr OVe'r Ihe whole' ,urf.ce. The prellure of Ihe
.One' Qf these riRid lw!ld pl.ninl!' machinCl, CIIned an op.n·ndt pIDr'~', h .. two tool carborundum block il incrcued or dimlnllhed by the opentor lowering or nilina'
boxH, (1)1': within Ihe crou·head (or crou'lrm) and the other I t the lide' of the lirl8le the' hindIe'. When the aurface h.u been rubbed down to an e'Ven IUrface, Ihe COU'II
pat.. The upper tool box Inve'1"ICI t:hC' c:ro.a-IrTII Ind the tools can be made to carborundum bloclr. ia Jq)laced by t:hC' medium block and the pfOCell is repelled.
After the fine .nl.l tin;shin" blod.:. been applied In I limilar ITUInner, the .urf.ce hammer having a sernted edge; punched work II obtarned by I punch or puncheon
should be very Imoolh. Any ~nl on the mtrble must now be ,,,mo,-ed., the poh.)ung unlike lhat thown at N, Fig. 19, Vol. I, II m Ihe form of a hammer resemblmg
dill: " fiud, puny powder is Iprmk;eJ over the ,l.b, .nd the .urface i, travened I I a blunt pick. Smgle axtd wark il done with In axe or hUlgi)nll headed hammer,bed unlll • high pohsh II obl"nw after the lurflce hn been picked; thi. produces plnllel linea an the lurflce which
A tplnh·board, nollOO"n In the sketch, II used to prolKt the operator from the ar" barely vilible in fine axed work_ The finnt 'Urfl" given to I block of gnnlte
Ilurry; II " fined to the bench bc' ....'ttn the .Iab .nd the openlor .nd with ,tt upper before being .moothed Ind pol1Shf'll i. produced by a hlmmer called a piJlnll /Ut
cd~ .bout I SO mm ,bo'-c 11K top of the .I.b. after the face hn been dressed .... Ith the ordInary llIe; the head of the patent lxe
Slab. Jongcr th.n 2,-7 m musl be ~·tc't on the bench 10 allow the untuned consilu of lharp lleel bladn, one end of the head h. . . larger number and finer
to Ix- de.1! ","h Thi~ '" ol\vi'loo If, .""cad of the .fixed bench. I boRic-which bladn thin the other Ind I. u~ Ifter the end "1m Ihe th.cker bladn has been
runl on I track-II .,-,il,hk. employed.
AjIJrN.h~ld modd of this machino;, chelper than the one described, hit no nit Helicoidal Wire Sawing PlaaL-Thit it used for q..anyi"'8' stone Ind fo:
and f.llma," adjustment, b1..It the polishing spondle has. '7S mm vnhcaJ movemtnt. reducing large blocklto I IIze luit.ble for the frame IIW. It consisu of • long
(e) Due Pofuhcr.-This hiS I IonIC H:nlcal rotary spIndle Inachtd.t lis upper (of S 10 6's mm diameter) which tnve1. over and under 1C\'enl pulleys It • nle of
tnd by • univtrHI jOint to the motor abo\'t Ind "'Ith I )80 mm d"mettr diSC .t ItS approl1:imltely 60 m per mlft. IS it produces a yemcal CUI in the lIone. The .ystem
10llltr end The Ipmdle IS teiesoof'lC 10 .Ilow for Ihe .djustmtnt of the disc at the hIS nol been commonly adopted 1ft this country.
ret,Julred height, and Ihe unlvenal JOInt permIt! .n arel of Ipproxlmattly a'l m
dlameltr of marble or Krani!e to 0., por.shed
MoulJ~tI ,urfacel of marble cannot be smoothed and pohshtd by thue m.chmes STONE DRESSINGS TO OPENINGS
and art dul! "nth b> hand Such ",orlllOlOmoothed or "grounded" hv usinlf different Examples of dressing to openings additional to those illustrated in Vol. I
gratin of carborundum p<>w<1er; a piece of ",alt.. "one (Water of Ayr Jlone) Illhen
applied to complete Inc smootnlng proceu, ,fler wnich the lurface II polishtd 1». are shown in Figs. 41-46 inclusive_
IpplYlnlf putty powder on • felt" jack" or pad. Six elevations of entrances are shown in Fig, 41. The same treatment may
Gran.te IUrfac:t'l, especilily wh~n Ihey hive been IXed (see below), are tome- also be applied to window opening5. Those at A, 8, C, D and E show semi-
lime. amoothed by tM appilcal10n of lied lhol Ind emery powder .n.tead of the
urborundum block,. Dunn~ the fir.t or lholm,. procC'N, lhe rough .urface II circular arches, and that at F is segmental. All of the arches ha\'e stepped
rendered perfectly flat by tnt Ibnln'e achon uf the shot Ind "ater and the rotary extrado5es_
call Iteel plate of the Jcnny Lind Polisher Mad. The second procen i. calif'll
......,.".."', as emery IS uwd In lit'\! of .hot; th .. oompletC'S the RnndltlR Openl.On. The youssoirs forming the semicircular arch at A have ears or crossettes.
All Inces af the emcry are remo\ed, anu Ihe ,lOUlng or pollshmg openllon .. per- The keystone extends to a string course. A satisfactory proportion of opening
formed .... lIh the felted disc and puny pD.. der. Somel.mes 011 .1 rubbed mto the is obtained if the 60 0 diagonal intersects the top of the transome, as shown
granIte to gwe I tlch 1<:1055.
Inlteld of hanu !(nnJmlf and poh~hm.IC moulded gnmte lurfacel, these opentlOI'll (see also c). The ashlar consists of ahernate thin and thicker courses, that on
mly be performed by a !>n,d"IIIm ur ,lid!', A metll casung of Ihc re"c~ shipe of the the left having rusticated joints (such as the channelled joint at A, Fig. 45) and
ret,Juired Rnn.te secllon il made and alfached to one end of a long rod .. hlch i.
connect"d lit the oppos.te end to ~ \'en;cIII membc:r il caused to ... inR IIdewlys that on the right being Rushed-jointed.
I,k" , pendulum. Arta the ""lin): hn. b,:~n corrcelly plllt:C'd on .h~ moulded jtran1te, In all of IhOl" .. '(~mples, broken diagonal lines indicate the size and shape
il il cauM'd to ... mll to and fro .. thc pendulum ''''"1(11; shot, emery, putty powdft of each voussoir, etc. Ambiguity is thus removed and the bonding is made
and ..... ter Ire .ppILCt.! in tum dunn~ Ihe pTOCnl
Pneumatic Dressing and Carvine Planl_-Th.s compnscsan IIr eompre.sor, clear_ A working drawing should also have the amount of bed of each stone
IIr rece,,·er, calt Iron mam a .. PIpe. flc~lble branch lit pipes or hnee., pneumllcc specified by ringed figures (see Fig. 24, Vol. 1)_
hammer. and chlM'ls. The laller 1001. Indude the punch or punch~n, pilln, broad
or Itlt, tooth (hl"mg serrated cJI.,'C1) and bush chIsels; the bush chl,eI oonl.. " of
sevenltteel blades, hnlnJ: 5h3rpo.~ tdl.,_, bolted t~tht'r. Ind II used for drnlu:1r
The treatment at B gives a bold appearance which is particularly effecti""
for large openings_ Plain courses alternate with those consisting of blocks

the roul[hnl block •. The 1001. I re fitted InIO Ihe pneumallc hlmmer. Ind lhe IItttr having a large prOJection. The latter, detailed at S, sho"" a rock-faced middle
are anltChed 10 the flexible air how.; a cock 11 fitted nelt the end of each hose by
.... hlch Ihe compreued lir an be turned an or aff by the op<:notor. When the .ir;, portion of each block which is emphasized by the contrasting smooth or plain
adrruuw to the hammer, Ihe pinon '\I,h.n tht litter llrikes In nlp,t.! 'ucceillon the finished mouldings_ With certain exceptions, the joints are channelled; the
head of Ihe .hank of the tool; Ihe fffect af Ih" perCUI500n lellOn .. Ihe~(ore I1mlt.r exceptions include the plain vertical joints necessary to limit the size of some
to that obtained by the mason \\'hen he strikel II chisel wllh a ml1lel. Hence the
dreuIn.IC openol,on il oomplrat,vei)' .impl", n Ihe opentor il only requIred 10 turn of the voussoirs. The courses above the springing are wider than those below,
on the air, plltCe the tool on the I"rf'ce of the lIone Ind lfUide 11 .n Ihe reqUIred and a moulded course at the impost, such as is shown on the left, may be
direction. Those tool. a~ \cry rapid III action and Ire caplble of doinl[ \\'ork nnjj:ing preferred to separate the two. The broken construction line!; show that the
from Ihe heavu::11 drenmR to ""abonte 1'1 ....·'"11. They are elpec1IL1y effective for
dreMlnR Intncuble .tone, such II JnonLte and certl... marble. The llze of the channelled joints and cyma mouldings of the voussoirs are parallel, and thus the
varin, the larae.1 bemll caplble of opentm" fifteen h.mmen Ind employ,", Ihe .ame rusticated portions are tapered.
number of muon. The opening at c .hoo,\'S a recessed jamb (see plan K). The arch is .imilarly
Pneumatle hammer. Ind machmcry, .uch .. the fnme Ind carborundum IIW',
have II.-gfly .upetlt'<ied hand-drestlng of Rnmte. recessed and consists of two rings-note the value or the broken diagonal lines
Where the litter I. 11111 employed, the openllON Ire ... m"",hlLt limilar to thole as indicating this, The voussoirs of the outer ring Ire moulded as shown at M.
dac:robed In Chap. I, Vol. I TM ICIpplmg hammer or pIck i. uRd for hammer.
raced and picked ...·ork; fine plded .... ork .. produced by a fine-polnled pIck or a The bold appearance i. here shown of the steps detailed in section at M, Fig. 49.

~ ~~'-
- ,,;>,/


b ' ::::::J J' ---


DO \0
c=1':J Q:q

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_''''' JOWl


- --

.....I:;::~ ~~oo
~ tG;[i :;;t~Y4T'OHI !Il!!
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k. fO ~'lU'U
IjIb dW

... 1
Another enmple of • t ...."-ringed arch is shown at D. This differs from c left, or the number of bed Joints in the architrave may be reduced as indicated
in that the inner ring is moulded (ICe 0) and the bed joints of its vounoirs on the right; I bond stone in the IIchitrave, sho"'n by broken lines at S, may be
coincide with alternate bed joinu of the outer ring voussoirs. The voustou'$ used, or a good bond may be obtained if alternate jamb stones are shaped as shown
course with the ashlar sho\Oo"T1 on the left. For brick walls the voussoirs should by full line. at 0, Fig. -+8. In order to minimize awkward cutting of the brickwork
course with the brickwork as shown on the right. at the cornice, the latter may be finished square as shown by broken lines at T.
The arch at E differs from the two preceding examples, as it is only a single- A pedimented d~rwayl is shown in elevation at c and in section at B, Fig. 42.
ringed arch, each vouuoir being moulded as shown at R. The general jointing is A pediment is a triangular feature which crowns a doorway. window, gable, etc.;
chamfered (lee p) and the vertical joints of the voussoirs may be also chamfered its lower boundary being the horizontal corona and bed mould, and iu sloping
as an alternative to the plain joints shown. boundaries being the complete cornice; the triangular space between these
The application of a stepped eXlradosed arch to a segmental headed opening horizontal and raking members is occupied by one or se\'eral stones and is
i. shown at p; the voussoirs arc shown coursing with brickwork on the Jeft and, called the tympantun or core. A modification of this triangular pediment is the
•• an alternative. with squared rubble w-alhng on the right. The bed joint of the segmental pediment. the cornice being curved to the shape of a segment.
lower voussoir or springer is below the springing line; this is necessary in The pediment il often midI' uc:cu"'dy high. Th'1 is .voided, and a "!'iflctOry
order that the springer may be of satisfactory proportions. proportion obtaLncd if the geomelTlCllI construct,on .ho\\ n u c IS adhered to. Thus.
y, ,th one end" (l .. of the fillet of the corona as centre and ,11 y, hole lenl:th .. ab ..
Each of the openings shown in Fig ..f! may accommodate a pair of folding
all nd,uI, an arc II dnwn to inters~~t the centre l,ne at .. c "; with" c" as centre and
doors and a transome light, such as arc faintly indicated at A and c. .. ch .. as radiu, In Ire is Sfruck mtersectmg the centre line.t .. d"; the !aUI'! .hould
E:umples of six square-headed door openings arc illustrated in Fig. 42. be the pomt of mtl'rse<:t,on of I'llher the OOllom of the rakmg corona IS shown or the
bottom of the rakmg bedmould.
Enlarged details of this stonework arc shown in Fig. 43.
The height of a c1assie door openin~ is at least twice its width. but this It ",;1\ be observed that the raking cornice consists of the crown mould
proportion ia not habitually followed. The example at 8 and c, Fig. 42, is in comprising a cyma recta v.;th fillet. the corona and bedmould. This is shown
Iccordance with tradition, whilst £ and It show the height to be 1'31 m greater more clearly in the enlarged detail at c. Fig. 43. where P equals Q. The Jointing
than the width, a proportion which conforms to that of most of the standard of the stonework should be carefully studied. The lower end stone or spring"
internal doors listed in Chap. IV, Vol. I. comprises portions of the cornice. the horizontal corona and bedmould; it
The doorway shown in eienLtion llt A, Fig. 42, suitahle for a house, is provided courses with the adjacent ashlar, forming top and bottom horizontal bed joints,
with an entablature. The latter consists of a moulded archItrave, fTleze and a venlca] Joint at the end of the cornice, and the founh boundary consists of a
cornice, The student is recommended to study a classic entablature, such as vertical joint at the horizontal corona and bedmould which is continued as a
that shown at AInd B, Fig, 47. in order to become conversant with the proportions normal joint at the raking cornice; this latter joint coincides with the intersection
of the traditional type. Whilst these general proportions arc often departed between the bottom of the raking bedmould and the fillet of the horizontal
from in current practice. such di\'ergenct: should be strictly limited, Two corona. The apex stone is also coursed in ",;Ih the ashlar, the cornice being
alternative details of this entablature ilrc shown at A and 8, Fig, 43. That at A stopped against the wall face and the upper bed coinciding with the horizontal
conforms most closely to the ele\"ation; because of the cushion-shaped appear- bed joint of the ashlar. A departure from the latter bed joint is usually made
Ince of the frieze, which is said to be plllt;inQI~d. the centre of the arc forming if the stone pediment occurs in a brick wall; here the projecting sloping Burface
the pulvination is obtained as shown at L. Fig. 45. A Rat frieze is shown at B, of each stone of the cornice is continued to the back and the brickwork is cut
Fig. 43; whilst this is of the ume height as that at A. it is usual to make a to intersect this raking surface.
pulvinated frieze three-quarters of the heip;ht of the architrave and a plain A detailed section through the architra\'e is shown at s, Fig. 43. and I portion
frieze equal to the architrave. In accordance ",jth tradition, the width of an of the elevation is shown at R. The stonework at the principal entrance of an
architrne is aboUl one-sixth the \\idth of the opening. and the cornice is from important building may be enriched by carving. Many existing examples ahow
one and a quarter to one and II third the height of the architrave. Thus. very elaborate enrichment, but owing to the high cost of luch work, the present
the classical proportions of this doorv..ay would be as follows: Architrave, tendency is to economize in this direction. Where such decoration is applied,
~ x 1'07m - 180 mm wide; frieze.! x 180 mm = 135 mm high (if pulvinated) it is usual to limit it to the bedmould. one or two memben of the architrave and
and 180 mm (if plain); and cornice.: to: x ,80 mm or about z30 mm (see liso occasionally to the cro\\'1l mould. An example of ornamentation is indicated It
C, Fig. 44. and Land roi, Fig. 45). R.. Care should be taken to provide adequate material in the member for the
The elevation at A sho~ ashlar walling on the left and brickwork as an
I Thi. type is ulually deferred to the third year of a eoUIX, and the pediment i. there.

Iiternative on the right. The moulded jambs may be courted as shown on the foce ellborated in Vol. IV.

carver to produce the required ornament. ThuiS, tht;; uead u at s, Fig. 43. IUrIlIO;:;u Tin: UptUIUg: al "', Fig. 44, accommodates a pair of metal casements (sec
by the moulding machine (J, Fig. 40), is suitable for the carving of the bead and Fig. 62, Vol. I) and a hopper light. The elongated channelled bed joints,
reel ornament shown at R; similarly, the ovolo bedmould. is suited to receive detailed at A, Fig. 45, arc an effective contrast to the adjacent plain jointing.
the egg and dart ornament indicated in Fig. 46. An alternative at this architrave The double-hung sashed window shown at c and 0', Fig. 44, has a stone
is detailed at T, Fig. 43. Whilst some of the close grained sandstones can be segmental head backed with a two-ringed rough brick arch, and the architrave
finely carved, the limestone class is generally most suited for this purpose. consists of alternate moulded and projecting plain blocks. This is detailed at c,
The architrave of the entrance D, Fig. 42, is detailed at D, Fig. 43. Note Fig·4S·
that it outer members are returned on the plinth block, which latter must, of The opening at G, Fig. 44, shows an entablature. Traditional proportions
course, have an adequate projection to receive it. The head of this architrave are indicated. Two alternative details are shown at Land M, Fig. 45.
(like that at E, G and H, Fig. 42) is formed of th~ee stones with secret joggle The metal casement in a wood frame (see Fig. 62, Vol. I) shown at J and L,
joints (see 0, Fig. 2S, Vol. I). An additional feature may be provided either at Fig. 44, is detailed at I), Fig. 45. The latter figure also shows two alternative
u or v in the form of brackets or consoles similar to, but much shorter than, that details of the window sill at J and K.
detailed in Fig. 46 and placed below an increased projecting cornice. The openings at M and 0, Fig. 44, are detailed at E and G, Fig. 45.
The entrance at E, Fig. 42, has a wide architrave which is detailed at E, Fig. 43. An elevation and vertical section of a double-hung sashed window are shown
The broad outer flat band is continued to form the upper member of the plinth. at 1 and K, Fig. 46. The stone dressings include an entablature with consoles
The shadow produced at the deep sink i ng emphasizes the rather bold curved or brackets. The latter are often elaborately enriched with carving and usually
member. take the form of a scroll (resembling a partially unrolled scroll of parchment) or
The detail of the architrave at F and G, Fig. 42, is shown at F, Fig. 43. The 'tJ(}lute. Detail ... shows the side view of a console and one of several methods of
prominent moulded member is effective, but see the note below regarding pro- contrasting a scroll is there shown and explained at II. The elevation is shown
tection of projecting masonry. It will be observed that the stonework courses at B and t~e architrave is detailed at N. An application of consoles to an entrance
with the brickwork. is illustrated at H, Fig. 48.
Principal doors of bu,ldings of importance are frequently of bronze. The door.
w,th ped,ment and entablature, shown at F and (} is an nample. Briefly, the blom:" CORNICES
of the entablature and pilaster is of 6· 5 mm thick cast bronze, and, for best work, the
external face of the door i$ formed with 6·5 mm thick bronze cast in the form of panels, Several cornices are illustrated in Fig. 47 as alternatives to those shown in
~nd an 3 mm thick shee! bronze backing; the door is So mm thick, with a space
Vol. I.
between the facing and backing.
The plan and elevation of a classic (Corinthian) entablature are shown
An example of a very wide architrave is shown at II, Fig. 42, and detailed
at A and B; Fig. 47. i\lany important buildings have been completed with
at Fig. 43.
entablatures of proportions which conform very closely to those indicated in
The necessary leld covenng of cornices has hew purposely omitted in ordn to this traditional example. I Students should study these proportions very closely
make the stone details as clear as possible. It clnnot be 100 stron~ly emphasized
that all projceting slone members should be protected as shown in Fig. 76, Vol. I. and be guided by them when designing stonework for upper features of buildings
This is especillly necessary in smoke- laden districts (see p. 106). Thus, for eumple, and dressings at door and window openings.
in addition to the cornice shown at Rand c, Fig. 42, the upper surface ufthe hori~omal
corona should be given a ,·ery slight weathering and be covered with lead. The value The cornice may he provided with a gutter as shown by broken lines at A,
of the drip and throltlng should also be apprecIated (see Fig. 47 and p. 124). The or be similar to that at N, or it may be weathered in the more usual manner as
modern tendency of omitting projc<:ting courses, ,uch as cornices, string courses and shown at L. The outlet from the gutter, such as a lead branch pipe, would be
~ills-wi(h their drips and throatings-has resulted in many recent buildings becoming
horribly disfigured withm a very short time after ~rection. Such disfigurement is connected to a rain-water pipe fixed in an inconspicuous position; in order to
very pronounced at door and window opCninl{5 whIch have been finished SImply avoid mutilation of the stonework, the outlet sometimes takes the form of a
..... ith wide, plain but slightly projecting ba,:,ds of finets. Referring ag~in to some of swan-neck bend copnected to an internal rain-water pipe. Enrichment, in the
Ihe entrances illustrated in Fig. 42 and detatled in FIJ. 43, ,t ,s Seen that certain of the
deta,ls should be shji:htly modLfied unless protecuon by string courses, porticoes, etc., form of a carved bedmould, cymatium (occasionally), modillions (in the form of
is afforded. Thus, for example, a small throat could wilh advantage be formed at E horizontal scrolls) and sunk panels (often rose-shaped and therefore known as
(sec broken line. II x) Ind F (y to be widened to allow for the small throat), Fig. 43.
rous), may be provided.
Additional doorways are shown in Fig. 48, and, as already pointed out, The sections at F, G, Hand J show cornices having a small projection. They
these door dressings can also be applied to windows.
, The proportions of a clauic entablature are based upon the diameter or a column
Six examples of the stone treatment at windows are illustrated in Fig. 44 just above ill base. Detai]s of an order, comprising column" entablature, ete., are
and detailed in Fig. 45. given in Vol. IV.

VOLUME 3. r;:r;:J~1

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could <1lso be usee.! <1S string' courses. The section :Ind c\c\-ation at c show a and arc Iherefore lighter than the solid rectangular type. Such steps add greatly
fllltcll b'lnd. A somewhat simil<1T motif is used at the cornice... Cornice L has to the appearance of a stair and the maximum headroom is obtained by their
a relati\"c\y large projection; the soffit of this type ffi<1y be relicycd by raised usc. The soffit may be flush (see A and B), broken (sec c) or moulded (see D).
panels or !ll1I/lifes. A splayed reh.lted joint is formed between each step, the splay of the rebate
The section at;-.: shows a cornice complete with parapet, etc. An economy being normal to the pitch of the stair. To avoid weak construction and damage
in stone results when a cornice is of this compound type, as a rclali\cly small to thc stcp at its back edge (\\ here it is th innest), it is usual to have a 50 mm splay
block is required:lS a crowning member. (see A) for stairs nOt exceeding 1'2 m width, and this is incrcased by 13 mm for
:'\ote Ihm all the cornices are throated to prevenl staining' of the mOlsonry e\'ery additional 300 mm in \\·idth.
below. T hreshoJds.- In addition to thllie illustr,lted in \'01. I, there are several
rhTfOsholds shown in Fies, 41. 42 and 48. An cxample of One in which built-up
steps are employed is shown al .'\, B, C, 0 :lnd E, Fig. 048. The treads and risers
The design and construction of wood stairs arc introduced in Chap. 1\', are solillly bedded and wen jointed in cement mortar (I ccment to 3 sand). The
Vol. 1 (Fig. 65), and fully described in Chap. II, Vol. II I. As !le terms, treads of all external steps should be gi\'en ,) §light f~ll to throw off thc wcather;
essential requirements, proportions of steps, etc., arc dealt with in these volumes, the fall show!) at E is 3 mm. The top edge of the nosing should be slightly
and as they apply equally well to stone steps and stairs, il is unnecess:Jry to rounded off (it is sometimes chamfered), olher\\'i8e it maybe easily damaged. The
repeat such information here, and students arc therefore recommended to nosings may be moulded; seYeral exmnples of moulded nosings are shown at 0,
defer consideration of the following until they have studied the principles of Fig. 48; A, B, C, D. K, t and M, Fig. 49; Figs. 041 and 42. Solid rect:lngubr steps
wood stair construction. may also bc uscd aS:ln alternative. AhernOltive Llcings to the wall 3re shown, that
The stone selected for steps and landings must be hard, slrong and durable, on the left being of ashlar with a brick backing, ami on the right a brick c<lvity
and it should not readily wear to a smooth and slippery surface. Certain of the wall is shown, having a Flemish garJe:1 wall facing (see u, Fig. 18).
sandstones best satisfy these requirements, and" York" slOne (see p. 98) is The application of solid rectangular steps forming an unimportant entrance
usually specified. is shown at I., 1\1, Nand 0, Fig. 48. The stcps are built solidly into a wall ,1\ one
Steps are either (1) rectangular, (2) built-up, or (3) spandril in cross-section. end and supported at the other by a dw,uf ..... all (see L an~l ~I) . The front lower
l, Rectangula, Step$. - These are illustrated at n, J, K, L, M, Nand 0, Fig. 048, edge of one step is bedded in cement mortar on the top back edge of the ~tep
Fig. 42 and in Vol. 1. They are the strongest type. A flight of such solid steps belo..... (see 1"). Whilst this form of a joint is good enough for a flight of this
may be constructed with the front lower edge of one step supported on the top description, it is not employed in first-class work as open joints appear if the
back edge of that below (see L a}')d N, Fig. 48), but the rebated or checked joint mortar beddIng becomes defcctivc. Note thnt the going (254 mm), plu~ twice the
(similar to that at G, Fig. 48) is the best. These steps may be provided with rise (178 mm) as shown at N, equals 610 mm (sec Ch;lp. IV, Vol. I).
moulded nosings (see G and H, Fig. 48, Fig. 41, and Fig. 42). The detail at P shows the construction of built-up steps which could be
2. Built-up Steps (see E and P, Fig. 48).- The tread and riser of each step are adopted as an alternative to the above. The and risers arc connected
formed of relatively thin sawn slabs, and the construction is therefore economical. together by means of three pairs of copper (or slate or other non-corrodible
They are not so 1trong as solid rectangular steps, and whilst occasionally used material) cramps or dowels bedded in ccment mort,lf.
without any bedding or backing (see p), they are more often applied as a facing The.simple balustrade consists of 25 mm square wrought iron balusters to
to concrete steps (see E). The minimum thickness of treads which are only which a handrail of similar material is screwed (sec No, Fig. 49), holes being
supported at the ends is 50 mm and this should be increased by at least 13 mm for drilled through the handrail and the ends of the b;llustcrs (which would also be
every extra 300 mm of unsupported length beyond 915 mm. Slabs which are less tapped) to receive the screws; one end of the r,lil is also built into the wall to
than 50 mm thie . . can be easily fractured, even when being han41ed before and ensure greater rigidity. The balusters are secured to thc steps and landing in a
during fixing, and thin treads constructed as shown at E can readily snap by a manner shown at K and M, Fig. 49; dovetailed mort ices <lrc formed to receive
weight suddenly applied unless solidly bedded throughout. the ends (preferable ragged to give a key) of the b,dusters; molten lead is then
Steps formed of stone treads only, known as skekton stone steps, are sometimes run in, well caulked (consolidated when cool with a blunt chisel) and covered
employed for short, narrow Rights, which are not subjected to heavy traffic and Rush with cement mortar to exclude water from the lead and thus prevent
where the absence of risers is not objected to. discoloration of the stone. Grouted cement is a cheaper alternative to lead.
3. Spandril Steps (sec A. B, C, D and E, Fig. 49}.-Excepting the ends which As an alternative to the metal balustrade. Ihe wall may be continued to a con-
are built into the wall, these steps are approximately triangular in cross-se<:tion, venient height and finished with a coping.

5 T 0 N E 5 T E
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or p
Another application of rectangular .teps is given at H, J and K, Fig .•8. The joggles are stopped at the free ends at leut, and thUB only butt joints are uposed
elevation is that of the f~de of a .mall public building. such as offices or a bank. u shown at F. Each of the quarter space landings may consist of two slabs,
Whilat this i. not a corrunon arnngemcnt of steps for an entrance, it is given here joggle jointed, to facilitate handling and fixing.
as an alternative to the more usual form shown at C, and it haa an advantage in that
the balustrade is useful, eepecially to the infirm and older members of the public The .teps m.y be built·;n .. the "alb are bein!: constrUClcU. or fixinfl" may be
who may visit the building. A detail of the steps is given at G; these are of good deferred untIl the 1'0.11. been bUilt .nd th{' b •.IIMong IS ncar.·r complellon. The
I.ner la the u.ual course sdOplcd .m.! rI.k of dama).:e 10 Ihe steps I. thereby mlnlmizl.'<.I;
proportions, with the bottom of the front edges square rebated and the tread the pockets which reee,,'e the end. of the steps arc fonn{'d and lempononly filll.'<.IlI\
nosing. moulded; these nosin~ are returned on the outer ends of the step with bnek. laid 11\ n nd ., the \\alllnl! proceed •. y,hleh brick. arc therehy easily
(set Hand K). The steps and landing are built 150 mm into the main wall and are removed y,'hen required. A IlOrey-ro;J II UIt.'<.I to cnsure that thc stCP' Ire bUIlt in at
the eorrtc:t hetght. (Ihe bonom one being fixed firsl) and the free ends of th" slep.
lupported on a wall at the outer end.. The landing consists of three stonE slabs are secu rely struned down I'> the Hoor; th~-sc '-enlul ,,00<.1 struts mUll not be
(AU: Hand J) connected together by joggle joints (sec the section at H and also thc rema'ed untillhe work h., "'t. If bUIlt_in as Ih(' ICCncral work proccc<.il, the s tep.
mUll be adequatdy protected w,th rou~h wood caSIn~I; Ihc$e must be well &ttured
dctail at F, Fig. 49). Each bottom step consists of an cdging of stone blocks cut and .hould be frequently exammcd, as a dlSlooL""J Ctsing may result on • damaged
to thc section shown at G, with a 50 to 75 mm thick flag solidly beddcd on a nosing.
concrctc bed (sec section at H). Thc mctal balustrade is secured to thc steps as
described on p. la4. Altern;!.tive designs of the laiter :are ahown in Fig. 1'). Thc weight of wall tailing down the fi"cd ends of thc steps must bc ade(luate
Stairs.-Stone wu commonly preferred to timber in the construction of to ensure stability of a cantilevered slair. The strength of thc stair shown in
principal staircases of municipal and commercial, etc., buildings. This material Fig. 49 would be considerably incrcased if, as sho"n at S. a mild steel beam was
hu been largely luperseded and such stairs are now chiefly of reinforced concrete pro\'ided to support the half space landing at its outer edge .wd a sleel channel
construction (see p. 121). Where Blone is still specified for this purpose, it is or beam was introduced at the soffit of each Right and nCJr to the free ends of
generally in districts where suitable local sandstone is employed. the steps. The details shows the connection betw('en the \;tndin~ beJm (which
A stone open well stair is detailed in Fig. 49. The plan II shows twenty would ha\·c a 215 mm bearing on thc \\dlls) and the top Ai~ht channel. Such
steps, including landings, arranged round a 710 mm wide well. As shown in steelwork is neccssary for \\ ide stairs, especially if subJct:lcd to hea,} traffic.
the sections G and 1, these steps are of the spandril type already dcscribed. Incidentally. it assists in prevcnting a total collapse of the stair in thc case of
·They are also known as canti/novr or hanging steps, as each is fixed at one end fire. If desired, such sted\\ork mOl}' be encased in concrete and either pLastered or
only, the other being frcc and finished with a returned moulded nosing as finished "ith thin stone slabs bedded 10 the concrete, as sho\\n al B. Fig:. 50.
detailed at A. The sketch at E shows the built-in end of a spandril step; the Balustrade.- Two altcrnati\-e dcsigns of wrought iron balustrades arc shnwn
spandril soffit is stopped at the face of the wall (or plaster) and 11 square seating at c and 1, Fig. ~9. and altcrnati\'c detOlils of the~e arc shown at K. Land 't. The
is formcd at the end which is built into the wall (which latter is prcferably fi"ing of the bdlusters at K has been Ikscribed on p. 12~; as indicated, thedo\'ctail
constructed in cement monar), the wall hold \arying from 102·5 to 215 mm. Thc mortice ,'hich receives the halustcr mu~t be set hack from the end face of Ihe
ends of thcse steps are bedded in cemcnt and solidly fixed all round-cspecially step (unless the nosing is of the type ~ho\, n at \1). This reduces the etfective
at their lOp surfaces-with sound pieccs of slate, etc. set in cement; the steps widlh of the stair, and to avoid this the balustrade may bc of the design shown
are also jointed in mortar. at c and 1 whcre balusters of small S(.'Ction, connected at thcir lower ends to a
Each of the alternative spandril steps shown at B has its returned nosing con- 38 mm by 7 mm bar. al!ernate at internls with 25 mm squarc br(llkl'l balllsl"s.
tinued to line ..... ith thl' facc of the riser of the second step above it. Of good The latter are so called because they arc connected to the ends of the steps in a
appearancc, they are stronger than those at A because of their increased thickness. similar manner to that dcscribed, the haluslcrs being cun-ed 10 dear the nosing"
The steps at C form a broken soffit. thc appearance of y,hich is less satisfactory (see also detdil L); the co\er plate shnwn may he used to prO\ide d good fimsh
than the abo\'e. The moulded soffit formed by the steps at 0 is attractive. and It may he eithcr bedded nn cemcnt Of ft"ed b~ smdl! scrc"s secured to plugs
Alternative nosings are shown at C, K, l. and '01, the bold appearance of the dri\'en into holes dnlled into the stone. This detail also sho\\5 the method of
latter being especially cfftttive (see c, Fig. 41 and H, Fig. ~2). ~ote that thc fixing a wood handT'1I1 to a meral ba!ustrJde; the upper cndsof the balu~lers are
proportions of these steps agree with the rulcs stated in Chap. tV, \'01. I. scrcw~d 10 a 32 by 7 mm wrought item har and the handrail is secured In thi~
The half spacc landing consists of four slabs, joggle Jointed, v.hich are with screws, the latter being fi"ed from below at intervals hel\\een The lulu!'t!'rs.
solidly built into thc walls. The thickness of this landing may be either 165 mm An alternati\'c wood handrail, fixed in a similar manner, is shown at \1. The •
or 210 mm (sec R); whilst the latter gives a satisfactory finish on the underside balustrade may be of bron2c as an aitematl\e to wrought iron (!'tC dlso H, Fi~. 50).
wherc it joins stcp 19, it results in a large increase in weight of cach slab. The
Thc Building Regulations make certain rules about thc hei~ht of baiustrddes

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FIGt'R[ ';Q


~lnIlNAlIVE TO -ttl)
It 40 THKI<. MAMlE
l<NW liKING -
32"32_6 THICK ~
&I<ONZE &ALUm", _ _
~ 80.38' b TIIK"-
52 .,0 COHTINliOUl
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.- 152 - - - i ,

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c IU'INFQl\(fD

'E E'
IIIIII 51'" !Ioo m;D 7@", luo I<.EY PLAN OF POII.TION Of STAI~
SCALE FOil. A£.6 ~

and handrails to " private atairways " (those in a building used by one family) Because of its unattractive appearance a stair constructed entirely of
and .. common stairways" (thoae in buildings used by morc than one family). reinforced concrete would not be suitable for a public building in which it was
Briefly, the rules aTC as follows. Both types of stairway are to be guarded on to be In important feature. Hence the structure is covered or veneered with
each .ide by a wall or balustrade placed not len than 8,..0 mm above the pitch marble, tiles, terrazzo or other suitable material.
line (the line joining the step nosings); those stairways less than I m wide Detail" shows alternative forms of risers, one being vertical and the other
require a handrail on one side and those J m or more wide require a handrail on inclined. These risers are formed of w mm. thick slabs of marble bedded to
hnth ~ides. The side of a landing must be guarded by a wall or balustrade the concrete. The tread at H IS formed of a 40 mm thick slab of marble, solidly
900 mm high for a private stair and 1'1 m for a common stair. bedded. As polished marble, especially when wet, has a slippery surface, non-
The brick walls of this staircase may be either plastered of raced with ashlar slip tile nosings, which are artificial products, are often incorporated with the
of similar stone to that of the steps. If left esposed, the brickwork would be marla; that shown at J is grooved 10 give a key for the bedding. Care must
finished with flush mortar joinu. As shown, the floor covering can be of stone be taken to use a mortar for bedding which will not stain the marble.
slabs bedded on concrete. The string and soffit are also shown cov~red with marble or quartzite (a
If there is not sufficient width available for an open well stair, it would be natural very hard liane, imported from Italy, and obtainable in several attractive
designed as a dog. leg type (see Chap. II, Vol. III). colours-see p. 106) ,I,bs. The walls may also be covered with 20 mm. thick
Reinforced Concrete Stain.-It has been already stated that important marble, etc., Ilabs.
stairs, especially those required for public buildings, are now constructed of As these covering materisls are costly, the soffit may be finished with
reinforced concrete and that this has largely replaced masonry for this purpose. Keene'. or similar cement.
The reasons for thia are; A reinforced concrete stair, suitably finished, (I) has The string shown is of the" open" type; .. close strings (see Chap. II,

a more attr2C:tive appearance, (2) it may be more fire-resistant, (3) ill width i,less Vol. Ill) may be employed.
restricted, at it can be designed to take heavy traffic over a large transverse span Expensive veneers are only applied when the appearance is of importance.
without resorting to any intermediate support (such as walls which encroach Reinforced concrete stairs, such as are required for warehouses, etc., are often
upon the ball), (.) the treads can be rendered non-slip (stone treads wear smooth left uncovered, the treads only being proviced with non-slip nosings.
and may become dangerous), and (5) it can be more euily kept clean.
Although reinforced concrete design is deferred until the advanced yean The su,r shown in Fig. sO ,I CU I '" 11111. I.r., II II oonliruCled on the lile II II
Iherefore necea..ry to provide. temponory wood IUPPO". c.lled !ormwo,1t or .1I.. tu._
of a course (see Chap. II, Vo!' IV). a stair of contemporary construction is briefly
referred to here in order that a comparison may be made between atairs of
i"" for thll pUrpoH. BrieRy, thiS OOnl1"l of bun·jolnted bolrds or Ih«tI for Ihe
aoffil, fixiO'd II Ihe correCI le...,1 Ind pil<;h Iv l>ene ... Iupponcd by &trull. ThIS would
traditional design and those in which newer materials are employed. be continued to fonn I IUltlble fn,me Or box for Ihe arring. Ind Ihi. would be Itrulltd;
riter bouds, etc.• would 11.0 be fixed. The roncrelt il pl.c~ ,n potlllon afltr the
A key part plan and cross-section of a portion of a flight of a Iypiud open well reln(on::nnent has been fixcd, .nd Ihe fonn,",'Ork II nOI remo""d unlll Ihe concrete
reinforced concrete stair are shown at c and D, Fig. So. The section shows the hilt adequ.tely let. Fonnwork for reinforced concret~ IS d~tlLled ,n Chip. II, Vol. IV.
structure to be built into the wall at one end and supported by a string at the
other. The details show that the concrete (which resists the compression strcsscs) Concrete Itepa ror
narrow stairs are often pre-calt, i.e., are separately formed
is reinforced with 12 mm diameter mild stet! transverse bars (which resist the in wood moulds of the required shape. These, when lufficiently set, are removed
tenaion streHeI) at 175 mm centres; 8 mm diameter longitudinal bars are placed and fixed u described for stone steps.
immediately over and wired to these transverse bars at 230 mm centree; the Details of the bronze balusters and handrails are shown at B. Theu are
thickness of the concrete at K is 115 mm; the upper surface of the concrete is alternative to those illustrated in Fig. 49 anri are fixed as previoully described.
shaped to suit the riaers-t ....,o alternative forms being shown at Ii. The concrete
string is reinforced with four 25 mmdiameter steel longitudinal (tenlion) bars and
two similar (compression) bars near the top lurface; 6 mm diameter lleel NO'n.-The .ectlon through the string.t. hIS been liken" I nonnll from the
stirrups ue wired to theac. bars at 230 mm centres and at right angles to the pitch intelWClJOn betw«n the concN:te treld .nd nscr (botlom). The bslullet hilt been
of the stair. Nott tJu ahow mtl vary tUcording to tM width of 1M Ita;, a" tlu thown in *«t,on 10 ,IIUlll1lle more delrly the oonltrucllon; IS lhit would be in the
centre of the lreld, the dlllinee L would be IpproXlmllely 100 mm, and therefore the
loU to bt ttlpporttd, and arc determined by calculation. bottom of the btluste.r 11 well delr of the top milO reinforcement.



S)'llabul.-Mtld neel roof uunes up to IZ m' spin, with altelTUltive detallt.

Mild steel' is much stronger than timber, it is more fire.resisting and its resilt compression. Flat main tits thertfort tend to buomt buckled. If a ceiling
&eCtions can be readily assembled to form comparatively simple connections. is to be provided, ceiling joints can be readily fixed to a main tie of double
It is principally for these reasons that mild steel is now employed extensively anglCll and this is an additional reason why they should be used instead of flats,
for roof trusses of small and medium spans and for its supersedence of wood as which lalter are useless for this purpose unles!! metallic lathing is employ~d in
a material for truues of large span.' Whilst wood is still preferred to steel for the ceiling plaster. Flat bars are still used, but less frequently than formerly, for
trusses of open (unceiled) roofs of certain buildings, well-designed steel trusses subsidary tie members (see Fig . 54); angles are preferred.
for large Ipanned open roofs of buildings of the industrial, etc., type have a light The mem'xrs of a truss are connected together normally by means of bolts 1
and satilfactory appearance, chieHy because of the Imall lize of the member, and thin plates, called gusstts; sometimel the members are welded I to the
and the simple joints. Mild steel roof trusses mUlt be painted at intervals to gussets; formerly rivets l were also used.
prevent corrOlion. The pitch of rivets is the distance between their centres. Accordng to the
A steel roof truss, like the built up roof truss (see Chzp. Ill, Vol. I), is a British Standard Spttification for" The Use of Structural Steel in Building,"
tnangulzted structure. The principal rafters (abbreviated to "rafters ") are (0) the minimum pitch shall be not less than 2i times the diameter of the
prevented from spreading by connecting their lower endl by I tie (main tit) , and bolts (b) thr maximum pItch must not excttd 32 t' or 300 mm and ( c) the mini·
Struta and lubaid;uy tic:. lue pruvided lit intermediate poims to afford adequate mum distance from the centre of any bolt to the end of a member or edge
bracing. Struts should be kept as short as possible . The centre line principle of a gusset shall be 28 mm and 32 mm for 16 mm and ao mm diameter
is adopted throughout (see p. (31), and thus the point of attachment of each purhn respectively. The size of the bolts depends upon that of the members to
coincides with the intersection of the axes of the truss members. Secondary be connected, thus 16 mm diame1er bolts are commonly employed for angles
Itreases, such as bending moments in the rafters, are thereby avoided. and Rats up to 60 mm wide and ao mm diameter bolts for larger members.
All of tJu mnnbn-s of a modern wutoJ roof t1lm are of ",ild steel, and most, If trOt When making a joint, a member, even if subjected to a small stress, should be
all, of thnn art angles (see D and E, Fig. So, Vol. I). Angles effectively resist both connected to a gusstt by at least t .....o bolts,
compression and tension stresses; they can be conveniently attached and they The thickness of gussets theoretically depends upon the bearing value of the
are produced economically. Thus, whereas formerly T·bars were used for bolts employed, The minimum thickness is 6 mm and these have been used
rafters, either a single angle or two angles placed back to back are now em· for the small truss detailed in Fig. SI i 8 mm gussets are used fo r roofs of larger
ployed. Struts consist of either lingle or double angles, and either one or span up to at leut 12 m and the thickness rarely exceeds 10 mm even for very
two angles placed back to back are used for a main tie. Until comparatively large trusses. The size and shape vary according to the pitch of the bolts,
recently, it wu a common practice to use lingle or double ftat bars for a main tie,
III they were luitable for resisting ten lion Itresses. However, owing to wind
pressure and l1>e abnormal strain imposed during the tranlporting and ereClion I Weldinll II· In Iltern.tive to boltin!, \I described in Vol. IV. GUlsetl .re
of trusses, members msy be lubjected to changes of Itresses, and ftatl will not somellmci dIsPensed WIth Ind the membe", II In,lel, Ire welded logether. ThUI, refemnll
to the dna.1 at r , Fill. p ., the , trut could be connected dmectl y on to the titter
I In mlny Iyll.busa the Ipan II hmlted to 9 m . by mun. of fillet welds. An eleCt"c COlnnt or g.. (In olCY_Itttylene flame) I~ employed
• The mlnufaCture Ind chltlclenillca or mild ncel Ind other meUtI. are dHCnbcd to melt I "eel rod ur wIre (ClUed.n ,/«lTOIk) Ind the adJ'''''"' edges of the members
In Vol . IV in .uch I mlnner thlt the mollen metll from the electrode II depo~"ted , long the
t An excc:pllon II the bow-lInnc or ,unillt I,nun.ted wood type of tru •• wh,eh " .hll points of contlct Ind fllkd InIO them.
oeeasaoNlly adopted for brwe • t= th LCkne .. of the th.nner QUIet plate.
size and inclination of the connecting members and the appearance desired. afford a key for the fixing material, which ts usually molten lead run in to secure
Se\eral examples of gussets are given in Figs. Sl-S3and will be referred to later. the bolt when placed in the hnl,. in the padstone. The lead should be well caulked,
If. member consists of double angles, gussets Irc always placed between them. otherwise water may enter and set up corrOSIon which may split the padstone.
5111,,11 truNQ arc: fabricated (welded or bolted together) It the worD and These bolla, which :are provided with nuUI, are obtainable in ovt'ull lenglh ... of
transported to the site. Owing to the difficulty of conveying larger trusses, lOO, 150, a30 and 380 mm and of 16, ao, 22, 25 and 32 mm diameter. That
these are fabricated in parts at the works and assembled together on the job shown at B is suitable for the truss illustrated in Fig. 53, but aI indicated at c,
(see the reference to Fig. 53 on p. 136). Sometimes trusses are made "piece Fig. 5', smaller bolts will serve for this small truss. Two are required at each
small," i.e., the various members, cut to length and holed for the bolts are end and these are fixed in readiness to receive the truss.
conveyed to the site and the trusses arc there a~mbled. All 0/ the mnnbers consist 0/ Wigle nttglts. These and the gussets are only
Trusses are erected by a crane (or sheer legs) and connected by holding-down 6 mm thick, the minimum thickness stipulated in the aforementioned B.S.S.
bolts to the building (see below). The distance between trusses up to 12 m 449. The preferred maximum unsupported length of the tOO mm by 50 mm
span varies from 3 to 4'5 m. Wider spacing results in heavy purlins and un- wood span iU.34 m (see Chap. III, Vol. I), and so only one purlin IS required at
ei:onomlcal sizes of members. The pitch of steel roof trusses, like those of timber each SIde.
construction, depends upon the nature of the covering material and the archi- The centre line principle has been observed in selting out. and, to prevent
tei:tural effect desired. confusion, these lines have been shown to be those of the bolts.
Details of roof trusses up to 12 m span are given in Figs. 51-53. These ..o.I:houllh the ttntrt lone. of member~ art tahn ",hen Jr.",.oJ;[ forct d,al/raml. II
are typical only, and several alternative details are provided for reference. It lhould be POlTlled out thlt the deta,l. of I Itruetural fn~[lnet'r'. "'orklTl~ dn,,,,nj:t. on
is Ippreciated that the sizes of the members Ire i;'lfiuenced by the weight of the .. h,eh the POSlllon of neh boh hole I' e'·en.· oonn«II(.... IS .odlealtd .•hu" th~ on'~r·
KCllnk linn of mnnbtn 10 be .. hal are termed /("utt I,"",. '00'(" ""(lOr I(",alln,
co~ering material,' the distance between the trusses and purlins, the provision ·n.ew are 1M ..,11111.11 OUI Imn .. hieh .,e '·scnuehed·· on 1M burl" 01 member-. al Ih~
or otherwise of a plaltered ceiling, and the degree of exposure of the building f.bnC2ltng shop and Iionl! "h,eh lhe «ntrn 01 ch., holu for Ihe boles jI~ 'r~ttd rh~
to wind pressure. Briefly, the sizes of the memben, number and sizes of the follo",m" bnoekel.,d figl.l~sII"'" Ihe poJluon (measured do .. n Ih~ bMLk from Ihe mlfr,
~""on be",.,.,n 1M two le~s) of tht jl:RUgt ],n.... for anlllf' ha' mil ~o mm 128 mm
bolts etc .. are dependent upon the forces in the members. The trusses il1ustrated V<' H. hll. Sl). 6 "un Usmm)- k., ('. hjl: 5:1. !!o mrn (._~mm~"""'l·l.
in Figs. 51, 52 and 53 have been designed to supports ceilings, and in each '10 mm (so mm). 100 mm (St! mm). fie .. Ifj,:$. I"he ..,lIInjl: OUI .. t Iht dtta,ls In hi! ~o
.how~ th., mtnlt'Cllnll Imn 10 be Ihos<e of tht !lenlner lines
example the covering material is slates.
Truu suhablc for a 6 In Span (lI« Fig. SI).-Thil II I silted roof, It Will be observed that at A, Fig. 51, in order to obtain symmetry, the rafters
hiving I pitch of 30°. The effei:tive span (distance between the centres of and Indined tension angles (known as diog07lol tit's) are fixed to the gusset plates
bearings) is 6 m and the maximum distlnce between the trusses is 3'7 m. It on one Side, and that the main tension angle. called the mam lit', dnd the strull
is alsumed that the building is of the single Sloried workshop type and the are fixrd on the other. This results in a better balanced truU than if all the
external walls are only required to be 215 mm thick (see s). Increased bearings members were fixed on the same side.
for the trusses are provided by internal pien, as shown. If required to prevent Details of the foot or shOt' of the truss are shown at c. p and E. A short angle
the transmission of moisture, the walls would have to be rough-casted (or similarly clt'at is fixed at each side of the gusset and these rest upon a btnnng platt or
treated) externally, or be built In cavity construction as shown at c, Fig. 52 bnse piait' or sole plnte. Both the cleats and the bearing plate are holed at a
Sound concrete pads of sufficient thicknCH and area must be provided to distance apart equal to that of the lewis bolts . •. t'., 96 mm (see E). The plates are
gi"e a reliable and Inel bearing for the ends of the truss and to recei\'e the placed in position and the truss is hoiSied and lowered unul the holes in the
Sltel fixing bolts. The pads course w;th the brickwork. The bohs are called cleats Ire engaged by the shanks of the lewLs bolts. The cleat holes are larger
rau~d 1~f.Cis bolts or rng bolts.' A sketch of one of these holding-down bolts is than the diameter of the bolts (see D) to facilitate fixing and allow a slight margin
shown It B; its thickness is equal to the diameter of the upper threaded shank for an)' error in the setting out. This obviates an erection difficulty which
and the lower portion is tlpered in its width; its edges are jagged as shown to would be otherwise caused if such an allowance was not made and a slight in·
accura(y occurred in either the sening out of the ltwis bolts or the position of
I The .. eight of Isbellm-cement corrugated shutl il Ipproxlmllely .67S "m' the holes in the cleats. The nuts are finally tightened with I spanner. The
and th" of dly Illes mlY be II much n 69s N'm'_ Thus. Ie the nUSla Ire 37 m Ipan
and the purims a~ at :1"4 m centres. the dIfference In welahl of these coveTIng matena" section at E shows the rafter at one sLde of the gusset and Ihe main tie at the other.
(ianonnl thlt of the .pan necessary for the !llu Ind not reqUired for the IhUIS) o~'er the The details at the apex are shown at rand G. The ends of the rafters are
ana concerned .. approximately ~ k!'>l' mitred and those of the diagonal ues are MJuare cut. The wood ridge is secured
t A " rig bolt ". unlike I lewis boh. II not tapered. and resemb1" In ordinary bolt
Ih'nk, pIn of .. h,ch II jlaaed Ind pin threlded by two 12 mm dLameter bolts to two bent plates or Rats which have been eilher
' 32
E ~ F T ~
• U T ..E , L , l 0

.. 0 • M , T


~B~ IUlllllliIi
"ALl fOI. oUA-ILl
,EI I~ tQ21 '!!!ill 1II!!!1

LEWIS •• L. -.AHI .. ( U"'T~1---'''_'~,

'1 " ' .... I OLT
150 LONG
r --- lSo-.nrn'LATI J
LI l'l f I i" . I' I/.o_eo., I.. IlI'oHUl

'" '" H
12 fill_ DI ... (0"'0; IOL r

_'0 l . c.a....T ISO lON(;
"',. F
] [ s.
0 , T A l 'M' ,, T , 0 N S Q - Q

1 PL ... TI

LlW,S '(It T o , T ' 0'


WHOING ""''' II!
IN Ll lU Of 'alH-

, LAN AT 'M' A DETAIL , ' p'

;.,,-,/,,,,,, . THWOI\I L \ . - 2 15------;

T • U , .. T U
..• T 0 3-1 fill , f 1'1 T R

, l V A T 0 N

"ALf FO" .... ·6·S·1 i .1


bolted or welded to the rafters. the former being preferred. A detail of one of The purlins In this example are of steel (lee I' and G). These are sometimes
these plates before bending i. shown at H. Care must be fohn! '" setting o"t preferred to the timber purlins shown in Fig. 51. It .... ill be noted that the purlins
IIUlI tire bolts C01l1l«1"'1 thtu platts to tht ra/ters dtJ lIot /oul the bolts fixing the are fut'<! to the rafters by means of bolts. It should also be observed that the centre
iattf!r to tlrt gussd. line principh: has been complit'<! with and that the nut comes centr2l1y between
The purlins are of wood, and each is bolted to a clrat holted or wedded to the pair of bolts below. Wood plates, calledfillm, must be bolted at 760 10915 mm
the rafter (see K). A detail of the cleal is shown a! J. JOints betwren purlins interval. to I he purlins as shown to pf'Ovide fixings for the spars. They atc in short
must occur at the trusses, and (or luch conn«:tiomi the cleau are JOS mm lengtha. An alternati"e arrangement is tho ...·n at B. whue Ihe purlins are
long to enable two bolts being fixed at the end of each purlin (see Q, Fig. 53). re\'er&ed Ind the fillers are placed against their backs. WhilS[ this is as sound as
The bolts now commonly used for fixing these ",ood member! aTe called carriage the type sho.... n at f and G, the fillers are not so readily fixed. The ....ood plates,
bolts or coolh bolts. As shown at K, a carnage bolt has a flal cup head and not heing in conllnuous lengths, can be laid on the purlins if fixed as shown u
a square n«k (portion of the shank nut to the head). Washers arc not F unlil tequirt'<! to be boltt'<!, but such a temporary support is not available if
required. l Square nuts are used. Alternative purlins are shown at N. S. T and the purlins are arranged as shown at 8. The latter detail is adopted if soffit
0, Fig. 53. boarding IS required and which is nailed direct to the fillers. The form of end
The detail at L .hows the connection between the main and diagonal ties and Joint ~tween steel purlins is described on p. IJ6.
the .trut. The detail at the ridge shows an alternati\'e but more costly arrangement
All the bolts are 16 mm diameter. The pitch of the bolt!; is figured on the to that detailed at G, Fig. 51; this is usually adopted for the direct fixing of
drawings. The "32-58 mm" pitch shown is CO"Ilmon for this size of bolt. It asbestos-cement .heets (see Chap. lll, Vol. III). The IIteel members are con-
will also be noted that the sizes of the gussets are figured. A Structural engineer's tinuous and the spars are nailed to the fillers.
working drawing shows all of these dimensions. Many of them have been The usual type of tapered gutter is detailed at c and the external cavity walls
omitted in the following drawingl in order to pre\'ent a mass of figures from are 378 mm thick.
obscuring the details.
Truss Suitable for a I2 m Span (see Fig. 5J).-The outline e]nation at
Trus. suitable for a 9 m Span (see Fig. 52).-An outline of the truss is A show. the setting out. Each rafter is divided into four equal parts. The
show:'l at A, the rafters being equally divided by two purlins on each side, and struts are normal to the rafters and the foot of each malO diagonal tie scratter
the main tie also equally divided. line meets the intersection between those of the 80 mm by 80 by 8 mm
Like the previous example, each member i! II. liingle angle, and to obtain a main llrut and maIO lie. \\'hen :nriving at the &izel of Ihl!' members it WItS
suitable balance some members are fixed at the near side of the gussets and others assumed that the roof cO\'ering was slates, that a plastered ceiling had to be
at the far side. supported and that the distance bet .... een trusses was 3'7 m.
Details of the shoe are given at C, D and E. The main tie extends for the This is known as a Fink, French or Bt/Kla" truss and IS of good deSign, each
full width of the base plate and It'curt'<! to It by a welding. A short c1nt IS half consi.ting of a symmetrical tnangulated frame. The king tie is only neces-
provided at the opposite sideof the gusset and welded to the base plate. As shown sary if a ceiling is required and serves as an additional support for the main tie.
at D, two 20 mm diameter hole. are formed in the plate to receive the lewis bolts. As stated on p. 131, the gauge or seratter lines and the the centre lines have
Unlike that shown at c, Fig. 51, the gusstt does not prOject below the main tie. been drawn when setting out these detaIls. This is in conformity wllh the usual
and this arrangement is therefore more suitable if a plastered ceiling ....i.thout practice adopted by structural engineers when preparing .... orking detatls sho .... lOA:
cornice. is to be provided. the position of the bolts, etc. The spacing of the bolts is fully dimensioned.
The details at F and G are those at the heads of the struts. The rafters, main tie and diagonal ties, consist of double angles placed back to
The connections at the apex are shown at H, and those between the gusset, back and between ..... hich the 10 mm gussets arc fixed.
main tie. struts and diagonal tie Ire .hown at K. The section at 1 shows I strut on The shoe is detailed at N, 0 and P. The padswne is 215 mm thick (or equal to
each.ide of the gusset. The size of these .trut. and the diagonal tie is that of the three courses of brick.....ork). as it has to accomodate two 20 mm lewis bolts ..... hich
smallest angles used in roof construction, i.t .• 50 mm by So mm by 6 mm. are 150 mm long (see B, Fig. 5 I). Two cleats are bolted or welded to the gusset
and these are welded to the bearing plate in which slotted holti for the fixing
I A hole. of diameter cqualto thai of the bol!. la bo..w .n Ihe ",'ood purhn The boll bolts are provided. The section at p sho ...... the double rafter and main tie
" u\Mn~ .nd the lqua~-ned:C'd ponlon dn"en home The laner pre,·enl. rotallon of bolted tu the gu~t.
the bol! ... hen the nut .. hemr t •• htened.
s T E E L o o T R u 5 s
, u
T " • o • A
to.,o.'l IV\HU. !'lEAl!. SIDE
• M T • , A N

115.,50 TlMtIIl. IH LON(; TWlCf ,oLUO jO·50 •• ~ UII.Ur·JAlI.ilO(

TO 100_15_10 l. NII.UH Tlf· NEAll. sun

(OMf"-Enlo,., IllIIIUflU THUIO,", MIMU"S

SHOWN n filiCIC. WofU ........ __ SHOWN IY TIlIN WIU

::";:-'ro-'.5',SO' bLMAtN TIt iL",H5 ON

,.~ "Of

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U' 50-' L. tliAr JO 0'''' WOLl fO," 16£1',0, lEWI! eon 100-15 liMBE'" 115 lOHt,
TO 'AHHAn tOO '15. 10 l. 'UlI.lIH
P l A N Of StfOE

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Trusses of this siu cannot be conv~nicntly transported as complete slruclUrts on p. ']3. Members such as Ihis may be provided at the shoes of each of the
from the work. to the building lite. Each truss is therefore fabricated in t ....o trus!>eS shown in Figs. 51 and 52 if preferred to fixing the feet of the spars •
halves at the works and con\'cycd in parts to the building. Thus the left half to ....all plates.
detailed in Fig_ S3 would be boiled together with the gusset plate at Ihe apex. An alternative to the above is shown at u. Here the purlin is reversed and
connected as shown and holed in order that the right half may be readily bolted the short plates are bolted at the back. For the reason stated on p. '33, this is
to it on site. The gusset at the bottom of the diagonal tie will be fixed not 50 com'enient for fixing the fillers.
and holed similarly, and thl: detached Middle main tie will have I. holed guutt The lar~e wood purlin shown at S is fixed in a similar manner to that illus.
plate bolted at its centre to rtcdve the lower end of the king tic. On trated at K, Fig. 51, but the cleat leg fixed to the rafter is shorter, as the required
arrival on the site each truss is quickly assembled by (a) connecting the upper two bolts are provided when one is fixed to each of the angles of the
end. of the rafter and diagonal tie (If the right h~lf to the apex gusset, (h) bolting rafter. The purlins should be sufficiently long to span across two bays (1'4 m)
the middle main tie to the gusset at x and to the corresponding plate on the to allow their ends to come over alternate trusses. The cleats will be 300 mm
right half truss, and (c) connecliog the king rod to the apex and middle main long at the purlin ends (seeQ)and 150 mm long at the intermediate trusses. These
tie gussets. \\'hen the joints arc being made, the nuts are not finally spannt:rt..-d purlin joints should be staggered to ensure that all the joints do not come
until all the bolts have been inserted. II will be observed that the diameter of o\er the same pain of trusses. The type of end joint used for steel purlins,
the holes is :1 mm larger than th.1t of the bolts shanks. like those in Figs. 52 and Nand u, Fig. 53, usually consists of a 80 mm
As the stren in the main tie decreases towards the centre, the middle portion by 80 mm by 10 mm angle cleat, twice bolted to the back of the rafter, to
conlists of smaller angles, as sho .... n at x. ....hlch each purlin end is twice bolted.
The tie is sometimes omitted if the roof is to be open, i.t., no ceiling The steel purlin at T is bolted tI) an angle cleat bolted or welded to the two
is required. angles of the rafter. A 75 mm by 50 mm 'Wood plate is c:arriage-bolted or coach-
The detail at z is somewhat similar to that at W, and, with exception of those screwed (see Chap. IV, Vol. I) to it at 91 5 mm intervals to provide a fixing for the
of the purlins, a description of it and the remaining details is unnecessary. spars. This type of purlin. without the wood plate, is commonly employed for
Four different types of purlins arc sho.... n at N, s, T and u. That connectlflg fixing asbestos-cement or corrugated iron sheets (see Chap. Ill, Vol. III).
the feet of the trusset (N) is similar to that detailed at F and c, Fig. 52, described
TUE! following schedule follows closely that provided in Vol. I; a suggested guide will be appreciated that much of the description, especially that rdated
to foding has been added. For the reasons there stated, it is not possible to to materials, is for reference purposes, and students will therefore concen·
compile a programme of homework which will suit every class of student, trate upon those sections which have special reference to their own particular
especially for such a comprehensive subject as Building Construction. A lec- syllabuses,
turer will, of course, select subject-matter for homework which will be of most As stated in Vol. I, it is assumed that the drawing sheets will be Az size and
value to his students, having regard to their capacity and specific needs. The that the maximum number of sheets which may be produced varies from
following subjects have therefore been selected to meet what are considered to twenty.four to twenty·eight, according 10 the length of session.
he average requirements. The homework programme for the second year of the course is continued
Although the proposed guide (or reading covers the whole book, it in Vol. Ill, and deals with carpentry, joinery and roof coverings.

Sheet Number

Number of Lectures Subject of Drawing RudinII' (Pages)

~r Seuion

., ., •• '7
-- --- ---
, , , , C"VITY W"I.UI.-Duw one·fifth full .,ze details II, D (indudinj! proper damp prO(lf course), A (lower portion) a nd J. Fig. IJ. 1·'1, J6-44.
• • •1 •1 REINFOKCEt> BRICKWOIIK.-Sitetch details showinll the application to walls II, pillars and lintels. Fill . • 6. '1-19, #-51 .

• • • ,
1 1 AIiCIlES. - O u w. to I : 10 Kale, A, II, C and J (half), F'II' 19. and P. 14. (half). Fig. 2.. 19-17, SI-Sl.
DA\lP P/l:OQFISG.--{D) Dr.", to 1 : 10 scale, detlils c and E, Fill. 20. 28.36, 51-58.
STEPI'EO FOUSDATIONS.--{b) Draw, to a scale of I : So, eleV1Otion of a J18 mm Will, 12 m long, with step ped foundltlons, aSluming 59-60
, , , , the Ilround to have a n irregular fall of 1·8 m (see Fig. u).
FIREPUCE, a'TC.--{tI) Dnw, to I : 20 scale, A, 1\, C, N, 0 and P, F'II. 2S; (b) draw I ; 10 scale dl'ta,ls v, wind x, FIg. 15. 6o-64,64-7J.
• • • •
7 7 7 7
DIIAINAGII.-Sketeh: (a) A, J, Q, U I nd v, Fill. J l ; (b) c, n, 1', G' Ind 11, Fig. 3J.
DII ... IN ... CE.--{a) Draw, tn a scale of 1 : , 0(1, bl(K:it plan of a d etached house and show the drainage scheme to meet the require-
me nu of {he Buildlflll Regulations Thue are three nlln wlter pipes Ind the sanitll'}' fitting,; include a smk, IWO lavatol'}'
74-86 .
basml, bath and two wate r closets. T he aewer, boundaries, etc" must be sho\\ll. Refn to Fig. 34. (b) Draw 1 : 10
scale plan anu cross-section of an iOSI)CCtion chamber. Refer to Fi~. Hand 35.
8 8 8 8 M-'SOsRY. -Draw : (0) I : 10 scalc plan, vertical U'1;IIOn and elevation of entrance ... , Fill'. .f1, assumin,ll' a J ,8 mm ca,'lty wall 9,,-106, 1'4. 121
, "ith I~O mm a[one outer le ..f; (b) half full-s ill' ueta,l at ... ," ". Fill' . .fJ.
M ... so ... ItY.-llraw (a) I : lO scale ("lc"ltion C, seCtion II anu plan of enrrance, F'II. ""; (b) full-sin detail of head of architrave
at S (JT T. F,g. "J.

• • • '" M-'SONRY.-Dra" : (a) I ; 10 Kalc elevallOn J, section I. and ele,'at ion M of "inuows, Fig. H ; (b) full-SIn dela,ls It D and E,
Fu.!, 45.
STEEL TRllS!;.-l)raw: (tI) I : 10 scale elevation .... Fill 51; (b) one-fifth SI>;C details at C. C, K and L, Fig. 51
106-116, 121·129

'" '" " STEEL TKuss.-D.. ,,: (D) to a scale of 1 : 50, elevat,on ". Fill. 52 ~ (b) une·fifth full s ize detills It c, 1', Hand K, Fig. 52. lJl-l)6-
" " " STIlI':L TRuss. - Dnw : (a) to a scale of , : ,000 1'1"\ltion "', F,g. 53; (b) one-fifth full sin detaIl! at N, II, S, T, ll, v, 1.1'. X. Y and:t, 136.
" " " '1
FLg. n.
A Aahbunon marbl~, 96, 101, 102, 105 Bond--conld_ Bncks--contd.
Aah, 74 o:huru»ey, 6.,., 66 circular, 18 ......
Ab.orplion, '4 Au.u, :16 o:ircular work, 44. 'I damp-burnt, II
Accrin&1on brick., ., A,h1u, 114-114 d~corated quoin., 6:1, 63 classlficallon, 15-19
ACliViled Iludge Iy.tern, 74 A'r. h,It.S2-SS dilper work, 6 4 oolour,:I, 12, 13.61,62, n.
A",*c, ,6 At .. eem~nt. 25 Dutch,49 conunon. 15
Allng'ta, 17,25.26, 28-J6, 60, 96 Au,er. 3,13 Entllish cros., 49 copmg, 18
uhn, 26 AUll1t~. 94 faCIng', 49, So cownoae. 18
blill-furnace ,I.,. 2S, 29 AutocllV~, 17 prdtn wall. 40. 49. 114 def«tI,13- 14
b~e, II, 12, 18,29 Engiiah. -to. 49 dogltg, 18
broken bridt, 28 ~h. 40, 49. 114 ~namtlled, 16
Ilone, :a8 B h~rring bone • ..s.62 tngi~ring, 15- 17, 88
burnt ball.." 29 Bidger,8s hoop iron, .¢ f_cine. 3. 7, 11-16, 36, 40....... 49""52,
cltnlu:r, :n., 26, 29 &g_wllI,6 longitudinal. 4S 01-64,6<,1
crushed Iione, 26 Ball 1~1t. 86 monk,49 fu~d.y. 2, 16
upanded .iIle, 29 Baluslrad~l, n4-n9 pi~n, J9, 64 Fletton, I, 2, 10
foamed ,I.g, 29 Barrow-lift. 35 faklng',48 ganial~r, 16
Inding.29 BaKm~ntf, s.-S8 dugonal, ..s, 61 gault, I
If1Vl1:I,29 Bath Itone. 44. 96, 101 - 105, 110 herring-bone. 48. 6a glass, 19
puml«,29 B.IM. 'P. 9J .... 1 trap, 49 gland,6.16
..nd, 2S-J6, ¢
whm.tone chipping.. 60
B'Ullil~, 16. :IS
briclu:, 16
rcinfor«d brickwork, ....
Silvulock'•• 49
-..s grooved,46, ]-5,13.15.6 1
Air brick., 17 Bead .nd I'ftl orna~nl, 116 .pecial, 49"""50 hollow, 19
AI.buter, 106 Beam laW mao:hi~. II I squint junctions, 36, 37 H u.o"lktr, 17
Aluminous CffI'\cnt, 25, 28 Bunng plale1. IJI, 13l, 137 quoilll, 36, 38, 39 keyed, 19
Anclllcf ,Ione, 96. 101-103, 10,5 Be~r 'Ion~. 96. 101-103. 105, 110 .. ~tching, 40 kilns, 6-12
ArtavoOic,75 Belgian Fossil marblt, 106 Suuex, 49 London lIotk. 2, Ii
Anile, "eel, 130-IJ7 mllrbl~s, 106 Bonded arch, 50 magnnil~, 16
An.ton Iione, 1)6, 99-103. lOS roof In1S.I. 136. 137 Boning rods, ,0, 83, 85 ntlInufsctu~, 2-13, 16, 17
Applcy Bridge Blue atone, 96. 99.102,10,5 Ben<:hing. 59, 88 Box mould, 4 bwnmg proc~p, 6-n
Arc:ha, SO-P:, 62, 114, 116, II' Bending day. 2 Brackmhill.lont, 96, 99, loa dunPI, II, 12
bond"d, ,50 Btnd., drain. 77. 78. 88, 93 Bnmky Fllllton~. 96. 98, 99, 102, 105 kilns. 6-11
circular, 51 Bernstall $Ion~. 96. 98. 99. 102. 105 Brt..u, chimney, 64, 65, 66 drying procep, 5-7
drop, 52 Biotitt, 95 Breccia marbl~, 106 moulding proto:.., J-S
ciliplic.\, 5 I Birdunoudl buo:lIs. 18 Br«M Rose mublt, 106 hand, 3-S
equilateral, 52 Hiseuil burning, 16 Brtnt, II, la, 18, 29 sand-moulding, ., 12
"*1, 116, II' Bitumen. 5:1
Hlao:k oo~, 13
I labs, .8
Drick Irch~l. 50-52, 62, 64
slop-mouldin&:, 5
machine, 1, 3, I]

Florentine, 52
lancet, .52 marbl~, 105 ClppIngt, 66 prnKd, ]
POinted, p.
ren:, 5 I
tegmental. ,52, 116, 117. 120
mortar, 27. 61. 62. 107
Blad~, 6
Bladon llooe. 96.101, loa
ItICU, ~. 66, 67.
parapets, 61
chimney bru,... 64, 65, 66 WI~-cut, J, 13

plutlc procna. "

prtparahon proctH, 1
aemicit'(Uiar, 51,~, "4 BI..t_runuo:~ eemenl. :IS. :IS pi~B, 39, 6.<: procru, :I
tldlCd, 51 , lag. :IS, :19 Brick-on-o:d~ bonds, 49 stiff-pl..lic procns, "
.... Ith ordcrI, 5 I
temi ..dhptical, 5 I, 51, 61
Blu~ Sllffordshl~ brio:k., 17
Bodying, 16 I'
Bncks, 1-19, 36-52, 61-66, &, multi-coloured, a, 12, i3 61,62,6.
nicktd. 19
ornamcnlal. 4
Itone, 114-!'a:a Bohon Wood, .ton~. 96, 99. 102 baullitt, 16 paving, 17
III~d, 62 801ft, brick, 7 birdsmouth, 18 perfont~d, 16, 19,46
Tudor, 5:1 Bond, batk~twHV~. 62 blue Stlffordlhirt. 17 pistol, 18
V~netian, 52 brick-on-td~, 49. So bul!nOH, 18, 39 plinth,19
Arcllltravn, II&-n2 .... t-trap.49 c~m~nt and concrtt~, 18 P!tsKd,2,J, I], 15.18
Ar(iJlKeOUI landUooH, 98 Silv~rlock' •• 49 characlen5lics, I., IS purpose-mad~, 17- 19 •
Anow',7° c..vlty ",111',17,39-45, 124. 125 ch romut ,16 rubber. 16

Bncb-eontd. Buildm, Re""lttion.----contd. Cherrucal rompolltion--contd. Compreuion atrength---contd.
... 1I·al.zed, 16 .oil and w ..te, 81. 86, 91, 9) nurbln, lOS hmeltonu, 101

.and·hme, IJ,
und·moulded, 4, 1:1
und·faced, 4.111, IJ .tall"" .. ay., 11.9
thermal ,raulatton, U
Built-up Itone ste....., 11.4
undltonel, lOS
.hale, 1, 12
ChllTltley bar, 66
undllonu. 99. 100
ICltlOg mach,nel, IS. Jl. I to
Concrete, zS--)6, 59, 60
lilica, ,6 Bulk dcn.tty, 108 breau., 64, 6$, 66, 67 aggreglln. :lI~l6
lue., 1:1 Bulkina, )0 Ruu. 64. 65. 67, 68 blocka Ind bnckl, 18
.Iop·moulded, 5 BulinoK bricka, 18, )9 helrthl, 65, 66 compacllng. 3S
Southwlter, 17 Bull'.-eye arch, SI polt, 65. 66 compotJt>on. 18-33
SpeCIIl, .6-19 Burnt ball..t, :19 lIac;b. 6 .. -61>, ft'] curing, 36
sqUint, 18,36 Burri"" I ) Chromite bric;b, 16 derectl, 19-)0
atammg.n Butler Delph "one, 99. 101. Chuff., 13 ftoort. S9-t"
alock, :I, 4. II Chute, dnin, 89, 90 roundatlonl, 31. 53-59
atrenath, IS Ciment Fondu, 15 grading, :lI9
I~U, 14. '5. J:I Cippolino marble, ,06 helrthl, 65. 66
compreulon, '5.)' c Circular ar<;h, 5 I ho;'t. 35
dflon:scence, IS bnckt. 18. +4 11itanC(',61
fro.t rC:ll.lallce, IS Calcareou. "ndllone, fI7 work, 44, 71 levelling, 60
penneability, 14 tufl, 106 settmg-out. 70-71 light-weIght, 19
1C:J(IUn:, 1].61 Cantilever atepl, 126 Ciampa. It, 11. nullS. 18, )$
V. " Cantina arm planer, III Clay. blendina. 1 matrrx, 18
...-ire-cut,]. 'J, '5. 17. 18 Cappinp, chimney. 66 chem,,;;al contt,tullon, 1,:lI, 11 muu. 18, )0, )1, 34
Bm:ktor, 45 Carbonation, 1.0 cleanma, :lI mixing. 34. 35
Brickwork, '-73 Carborundum,98, 1I0, III, 1I3 de-airing, ) plKmg. JS
archu, so-p" 62-64 Carrilge bolt., I)) fireclay, 1, 16 remforced, :lI3-)O, 1:lI6, 119
bIo~ments, 54-58 CIICllde,89 gault, I ......dull.18
cavity wIlb, '7.39-44. 12"', I:lS Cllt iron covcn, 88 Knottl, I, 1 lite, 59
cin:ular work, 44. " Cav,ty Uet, )9, 41 lOAmY. I strength. )0-32, )4
decorated,61-6" ..... 111, 17, )9-++, 124. 115 maim, I ttllt,- )1. 34
arches, 61, ~ Ceihnajoillt•• 130, 1)7 marly. I compacting factor, )1
d,aper work, 64 Cemcnt, 1.1-15, 1.7, 18, )0-)6 plltt'c, :lI compression, 31., 34
pien, 64 .lummOUl, 1.5, 18 nd, • slump. Jl, 34
qUOin_,62 Atlll,15 reduction, 1 tower, )5
dry acus, 58 coloured, 15 Kr~ning, ) wlter-c;ement ralio, )1
firepbc:a, ete., 64""70 Medira, 1.1 IOUtlna, 4 waterproofed. 36. 5'6
jointina: and pointin,. 6" 61, 6. normal Portland, 23-1.4 weuheri"" :lI Cone c;ruaher, 31.
junction_, )6, 37 nun..,facrure, 11-1.4 Cleats, 1)1-134, 1)6. 1)7 Connemara Inlh Gr~n marble, 106
pien, 39. 40. 6.+ talt, 1)~ Clinker. 11, 10, :lI9 Con",rvaul,;Y IYAlem. 74
rak1I1f boncb, 411. 49, 6:1 Portland billt-rums«, 15, 18 Clinllenna, I) Coruolel. 117. 118. 11.1
uinforced, +4-+1 npid-hndemna Portland, 14, 18 Cliplham Itone. 96, 101-105 Conllruction, arch. 51
.ettin, out, 70-'73 ROOlan, 11 Closed drum m,xer, 35 draml, 85-86
..,ee'11 boncb. 4B--so .ulphate-rai.tin,. 23, 15 Coal IIICk, 6, II Contact bed. 74
IqUinl junction., J6, 37 .upt:r_.ulphate, 1.1 Cold·pu tell. 14 ConllOuow kilra. 6-10. 19
quoinl, 36, 38, 39 wlterproof, 1.1., 15 Coloured asphalt, 56 mlun. )5
stepped foundltionl, 58-59 white Portland, 15, 1.7 c;nnent, 15 Coping bricks, 18
ItHnath. 'S Cement Ind concrete bricQ, 18 COOlblanchu~n marble, 106 Comgnt 1I0ne, 101, 101, 110
Broaolelle: Jaunt marole, ,06 moru" 17, 44 Complc;ting fac;tor test, ]:I Cornice., 116-115
Violette marble, 106 ::ementone, 18 Compo mortlr, 17 Cornish 1111n, 96. 106
Broken briclr., 18 Centrll batchina pllnt, 35 Compolition, c;ement. 21,1), 15 Corona, 116
atone, z8 Cetspool, 74 day, 1.:lI. 11 Corrennie aranite, 95. 101
Bronu baluatnde, 119 Chamber dry-cn, 5 concrete. 38. )0, 31 Cortc:hiU red Iione, 96, 911, 99, 105
door, 117 Cham ben, inlpection, So, 86, 88, 90 grlnltn,97 Conham Down 1I0ne, 101-10). 105, 110
Buildina paper, 56 intercepting, 87, 89-"90 limel, 10 Cotswold Dillric;t Itone, 98
Buildm, RelfUlataona- Channelled joints, 1'4, 117 limntonn. 105 Co .... nose brlckl, 18
balu.tndu and handnii., 126, 1~9 Chlnnell, drain, 78, 79, 87, 88 m&rblea, 105 Crazing. 13
CllVity _III, )9, 40 Chelillcal competition, C('mtnt, 11., :lI), 15 ... ndnonn.los Creelown granite, 95. loa
dnina, 76, 85, 86, 88 claYI, I, 2, 11. COOlpreuion llrength. brickt, '5 Creosole, 54
IinpiKe conttNction, etc.., 6 4 , 66, 67, 68 grtn.tet, 97 c;~ntt, 3). 14 Crou-c;ul taW, III
,""phC tank, 75 itmo,10 c;oncreln, )0. J I, 31. )4 Croullnd Hlllltone. 99. 101. 105
,"e concute, ]0 hmutonn, tOS grt.met, 95 Crouilng, I)
(;~ush~d .tOl'l~,
:16 Dramap:e.74---9) EfIIl.lrHCence, I, 13-15, 26, "7. 107 French marbles. 106
Crushmg rolli, 1 prmclpln, 86. 88 Effh.. ent, 74.76 roof trusa, 136, 137
Crypto-AorclCen«, ''I
Curing concrete, )6, 6.
Curtin, uble, 3
M'plle tank, 75-'76
DraIn pIpes. 74-93
Ellg and d.rt ornam .. nt, 116
Electric py.ometc ... , I I
Electrode. 1)0
Frlez... 116-111. la3
Fratt sction, 'S, '07. 109. 110 •
Cymattwn, II, ubnta.-«ment. 81. s.. Enamcll.. d brock., ,6
beddm8. 8), 85 Endehffc "one, 96, 99, 102 G
bends, 77. 78, 80, 9) Enltnee.inl briCks. 15- 17
Cllt iron, 80-8, Eng:"h ITUIrbt"l, 96, 101, lOJ, IDS G.bbro. 9 ... 97
D ch.nneb. 78, 79. 87. 88 Engobe, 16 Gal .... mzing, 45
c:hllte. &g, 90 Entablature, 116-114 Gamller brickt, 16
Dunp proof coutset, 40 c:t.Y.76-80 ErmlOn, 107 Gaule board,s.., 85
De-aknnll clay, 1 concrete. 8 I. 84 Edoh.llon, 10'] tin... , '31. 137
DKonl~ brickwork, 61-6. jomls. 76, 77. 78, 79. 80. 81. h, 83. 84, Exmel, 44, 4S G.ult br,,~b, I
arches, 6:1 8, Exp"nd .. d melal, 19, 44, 4S, 56 d.y. I
d.aper ...·ork, 6. pitch fibre, 81-h slate, 29 Geology, 94, 96
joinun, and point;nr. 61, 61 plalllc. 81 Glul brldu, 19
plen, ~ rool, &g Glazed bricks. 6. 16 •
qUOIl", ba .'U., 78. 8J F pipe., 76. 77. ,8
Defect. In bricks, 13-105 Inp_, 76, 77. 78, 79, 80. 8~-8J. 86. 87. Gradmr .ggr"(IItu. 16. 29
hlack tore, I J 91, 9~, 93 Face-bedded 1I0ne. ,06 Gnm'n. 94-1)l1. 110, 114
blo,ating, 13 grtatt:, 7S, 80, 8~ Faucet, 78 biotite, 95
burring. IJ !tully, 77. 78, 81,82.86.91 Fehpar,94 c:DmIXllIIIOn,97
chuff., I) mterceptor, 8:. 87, 89-90 F .. bp.thlC ..ndston.... 97, 9B diSlnbution, 95. 10:1
..,rIll:,n•• I) pelrol, 8J Ferrocret.. cement. "5 hornbl .. nde, 94. 95
crozzling, I J Dnml. conllrucllon. 8J-86 Fnruginoul undlton .... 97 mUlCOvtt".95
efflorncence. I, 'J-15 ad,.cent 10 buildings, 8s Fib:-ous uphalt fdl. 54. 55 rnu.covlI .. -biollte,9S
,rizzlm!,: •• 4 dllConnectlon. 89'"1}0 F,lle""I33 pollshmg. 114
Iron apo'l, 14 effluent. 74. 76 Fillet I'>cld •• 130 Granolithic finish. 60
lamin,"ona, '4 e~lng, s... 8S, 86 Finen..... ''''', 2) Gnv .. l, "9. 96
lome nodules, 14 foundtuon Sit "Found'lIon." Fink roof lrusa. 136. 137 Gravity uw. III
lICunvmnl, 7, 8, '4 in'pection, 86, 88. 91 Flffel,y. 2, .6 Gree"n marblet. 106
Defee" .n concrele, 19-30 mterception, 87, 119 bricks. 16 Gre .. nsto ...... 97
frOBt Ict.on, J6 scttmg 0111. 83. 85-86 pipeS, 76-80 GntIlOnu.97- 100

Defects In lIOOC', .06-110
due to usociauon of d,uunilar Iionn,

atmotphetic Impurmn •• 06
carelc.. selection, 107
• y,,"ms, 74
Int •. 86
H'fmhmon, 86, 90, 92, 93
DrHollng Slone, 110-1'4
Drop arch, 52
Fir.. column., 7
Firtplll('.... 64-70
heartN. 65, '66
Int .. nl.ln. 65, 67, 68, 69. 70
Flagstones. 98
Grlullng. I..
Grog. 3, 16.79
Grooved bricks. 46
Gu.sel .. y lIone, 96. 99, 101
Guill.... Su "Drain InpI"
corrod,bh, metal, 108 Dry ~real. s8 Fla5h-I'>1I1l,6 GUSUI •• IJO-IJ7
efflo~ence •• 07 dipped proc..... ,6 FI.,lnchmg. 66 GYP,um, 22
frost Kuon, 10'}, 109. 110 h)'draled hme, 20. 21, 27 Flenon brIcks, I,~, 10
Incorrect 106, 1; Fleur de Peche marble. 106
De Lank enmte, 95. 97. loa Drymg bncks, proc.. un, S, 6. 7 Floors. concret.. , 59"-#" H
Density. bulk, .08 Dumpy I.-,·d, 70, 8J f-lor.. nh ... e arch, 51
solid, loB Dung"l.Inl IIl.In ... 96. 98, 99, 10~, lOS Flu .. brIck, 6, Habla kiln, 8
Di.lROnal bond, .8, 61 Dunn House: 'ton", 96. 98. >19, 11.12, II.IS lining, 66, 67 Hacks. S. 6
D.IIIIge, 94 Dupl.. , sa", machln .. , III pipe, 66, 67, 68 Hand-float, 61
D,amond "w, 111 FI joint•• 61 Hand-made brick" 3-5. I), '5
Diaper work, 64 Foam.. d II.g, 29 Hang ..... , 137
Diorites. 94. 97 Foot Ironl. 89 Hard core, 60
DIM: poli.her, 114 E Fo~"ork. 119 HUTlhl, 65. 66. 69, 70
Doglea bnc:k •• 18 FOCindalionl. 40, 41. 43. 57, 58, 6~ Hurllng.IJ
DolomitK: lime. "1 Earnock IIone. 99, 10:1 chimney, 64 Healing appliances, 64. ~o
hme"ones. 101. 104. 105 Ea~h d~u. 74 concr.. te, 41. 4J. 57, 58, 6.t H .. hcold.1 WlTe_It"mg plant. "4
morun. "7 Ed~fl.lld "l.Ine. 99, 101
Edge runne .... a
droun. 76, 83. 85. 86 Hel'>orth Bum lion .. , 1)6. 99. 'o~, 10~
aand"ones. 97. 101, 104 Itiling 01,11, 70-73 Hoffn'lln ktln, 9, 10, 10
Door lap., 7. 8 dry panl, :I. lI .. pped, 58 Hollington lion ... 96, 99, 102, 105
Dove marble, 106 pan mill •• 3 FTlme II", 110 Hollow bTlcks, 17. 18, 19 •
Down-dnlllht kiln, 6. 79 .... et pan •• 2 Fr...,.IO ...... , 9B walls, 17,39->1-4,45.114

Kilns-wntd. Limeltones--<:ontd. Machines-contd.
Homework programme, 138 grinding mills, 2:1.
Hood mould, 51 down-draught, 6, 79 defectl, 106-.10
distribution, 101-103 helicoidal wire pw;ng. 114
Hopton-Wood marble, 96,101-103,1°5 Habla, 8 hydralor, II
Hori~ontal draught kilrl, 6 Hoffman, 9, 10, 20 dreasing, .1D-II4
hOfll.Onlal draught, 6 fonnat;on, 94 Jenny Lind polisher, II), 1104-
Hornbl~nde, 94, 95 lathe, ")
mlermittent,6, 19 magnesian, 96, 101-10), lOS, 107
Hornlon stone, 101, 102. Le Chatelier, 24
I lot-dip procCA, 4S Manchester, 7-9 omitie, 96, 101, 105, 107
shelly, 96, 101-105 planer, II)
Hot Hoor drying,s muffle, 6
Newc*>st1e, 6 structure, 103, 104 pendulum, II';'
pat lest, 2.4 reRts •• 08--110 permeab.lity, 14. ,08
Ilunl.,ku Ini"l<., 17 mtllry, "" planing and mouldmg, II J
H}·draled hme, 2.0, 2.1, 2.7 score, 6 Limmer asphal!, 52
Scotch, 6 Linby Slone, 96, 101, 102 pneumalic drcS$mg and arving, 114
morlar, 27 Lintell, reinforced brick, 46, 47 polishmg, II), 114
H}dntlOrl, 20, 21 semi_continuous, 6
sunk-draw, 19 Liver 'IOnel, 98 pug mill, :I., 3
Hydrator, 21 rotary table press, ), 4, 17
Hydraulic hme, 2.0, 21 tunnel, 10, 19 Loading Hoor, S5
up-draught, 6 Loamy clay, I slump, )11, )4
mOrtar, l7 Locharbriggs stone, 98, 100, 101 , lOS tempering mill, 2
test, 86 lipag,8 lensile tetting, 2)
Hypabyssal rocka, 97 K.ln_white, 7, 8, '4 London clay, 1
KnOllS clay, 1,2 Siocks, l, II tower, 3S
Longndge stone, 96, 100, 10l vibrstors, )5
Loo--boards, 6 Vicat, :1.4
L Lower Persley gnnile, 95, 10l Magnesian lime, 2,1
Lunel marble, 104 limeslones, 96, 101-10), 105, 107
Igneous rocks, 94, 95, 97 mortar, 27
Inspection chambers, 88--<)0 1.. ,tance,61
Lake Distnct Ilates, 96, 106 sandstones, 97, 101-105
Insulation, 43 Magnesite brickl, 16
intercepting chambers, 82, 87, 89-90 Laminalions, 14 M
Lathe, II) Magnetite, 94
Intermittent kilns, 6,19 Maim, I
Insh mubles, 10l, IDS, 106 Lavatory basms, 92, 9) Machine dreMing, stone, 11D-114
Lal.onby stone, 96, 98, 100, 102. Machmes, apparatus and plant, Manchester kiln, 7-9
81ates, 102, 106 Mansfield stone, 94, 97, 101-103, lOS
Iron spots, 14 Leadwork, .17 uphall felt, 54
Lean lime, 20 auger, ) Manufacture, asphalt, 54
halian marbles, 106 bricks, 2,-13, .6, 17
Le Chatelicr apparatus, :14 batch mixers, )4, )5
Levanto Rosso marble, 106 beam saw, III cement, 1:1., :1.5
Levelling concrete, 60 brick, cutting table, ), 4 drlin pipes and trsp., 79, 8.--8::1
LeWIS bolts, 1)1-1)7 moulds, )-5 fibrous asphalt felt, 54
Lightweight concrete, 29 presses, ), 4, • 7 lime,IQ-:1.2
Jambs, moulded, 116 Marbles, 94, 96,10),106,110, II), 129
Jaune Lamartine marble, 106, 19-:1.' canting arm pllner, II)
clanlficallorY, 110, II central balchmg, )5 Bdgian, 106
law crusher. 22 oomposl1ion, 105
Jenny Lind polisher, II), 114 COmposition, 110 chaser mill, 11
hydraled, 110, 21, 2,7 compacting factor, ):1 Engli5h, q6, 10', 10), 105
Jogglejomt, 126, 127 French, 106
Jointing bnckwork, 61, 62 hydraulic, 20, 21 compression testing , 15,)11
kilns, 19 concrete hoist, )5 Grecian, 106
Joints. ~hamfered, .16 Inlh, 105, 106
channelled, 114, 117 magneSIan, 21 cross-cuI saw. III
mortar, 115-:17 crusher cone, :1.:1. Italian, 106
cramped, 124 Norwegian, 106
dram. Su "Drain Joints" black,27 jaw, :1.2, 28
colour, 27 rolls, ) polishing, 113
josgle, 126, 127 s tai r, 129
rebated, 124 compo, 27 kibblers, 3
hydrated. 27 stone, 2, 2,9 Swedish, 106
splayed rebated, 124 Marly clay, I
hydraulic, 2,6 diamond saw, III
lime-cemenl, 2,7 disc polisher, 114 Mlsonry, 9-4-1:1.9
K magneSian, 116 dl'1lin p,pe, 79 ashlar, 114-1:1.5
non-hydl'1luhc, 26 duplex saw, I I I eonlOlel, 117, 118, 122
pure, :1.0 edge runnefl, 2, cornicel,II6- 124
Kemnay 'granlte, 95. 102 d!'Cu;np 10 doors, 114-1::1::1
Kenush rag, 96. 10) urcngth, 2,5, :1.7 dry pan, l
walerproof, 27 pan mill,:I. windowl, 117-llO
Kerridg~ stone, 9S, 98 spITe, 108
Keyed bricks. 18 noduln,14 wet pan, ::I
L,m.,.t"n.,., 9-4, gh, 98, .0'-'0), lOS, fnur_head planer, IIJ squared rubble, liS. 116, uS
Klbblers,3 ltairs, u6-u9
Kieselguhr, 6 111-114, ,,6 £nome saw, 110
chemical composition, 105 frost reSistance, IS, 109 ItepI, U4-U6
Kilnl, 6-11,19,20, n Mlt.ritt, ::18
conunuous, 6-10, 19 clUSlficltion, 96, 10' gravity law, III
Medusa, 28
Metal balustrades, '14-129
fallenings, ,08
Metamorphic rocks, ~, 10), 105, 106
Punds, brick, 62
P~flIpets, 6::t, 63, 117-1l4
Purging, 67
Quarry sand, 26
up, 110
Quartz, ~
Sandstones, 94, 96-100,

argillaceou" 97, 98
lOll, 110-114,

P~rk Nook stone, 96,101-10),105 Quartzite, 106, 11I9 calcareous, 97

Mica, ~ P1\vingl, 17 Qu:cklime, 1,20 chemical composilion, 105
Micaceous sandstones, 98 Pavonuuetto marble, 106 Qu()ins, 36, 62 classification Ind distribution, 96, 98, 99,
Middlewood atone, 100, lOll Pavonauo marble, 106 TOO, lOll
Mild steel roof trusses, 1)0-1)6 Pedim(nts, 116-119 def«u, 100-110
Mining atone, 110 Pendulum mllchine, 114 R dressing, 110-114
Mixers, concrele, )S P(nning,60 Ra~ks, 5 f"lspllhic, 97, 98
Monk's Park stone, 96, 101-105, 110 Percent<l!!,e porosilY lest, 108 Radford slon", 96, 101, 102, 105 ferruginous, 97
Monara, cement, 27, +4 Percoluting filter, 76 Radius rod, 5 T Aags:ones, 98
colour, 17, 61 Perforated bricks, 16, 18 Rait~n, common, 131 -13<1- fOm13lJon, 9<1-
fire-re,i,wnt, "7 Permeability test, '4, 108 Rag bolts, 131-137 fr"eston~s, 98
jointing and pointinJl', 61, 61 Perrico! none, 103 Rain water pipes, 86-92 gritslones, 97-100
lime, 15-27 Pel"rhelld granite, 95, 102 Raking bonds, 48, 62 liver, ~
black, 27 Picking !).,d, 110 Red day, I magnesTan, 97, 101-103, 105
cement, 27 Pius, 39, 64 Reducing atmosph"re, 13 mic~ceous, 9B
hydl'1lted, 1I7 Pipes, drain, 74-93 Reinforc"d brickwork, 44-48 silic~oul, 97, 98
hydraulic, 1I7 noinw~ter, 86, ')1 Reinfotc"d concret",::t8-30, 56, 11I6, 128, 129 IIruetur", 98, 1G.4
maanesian, 1I7
II non-hydraulic, 1I6
strength, 2S, 27
stack, 86, 91, 9l1, 93
'·"ntilalion, 91, 92, 9)
floor, 56
stair, 126, 128, 129
Rendering, 67, 88
leau, T08- . TO
ti1"slon~s, 98
San Stefano marbl", 106
waterproofed, 27, 56 waste, 36, 91, 9a, 93 Retaining wall, S8 Saturalion coeffici"nt l"lt, 108, 10<)
Moulding bricks, )-S Pislol bricks. 18
II drain pipes Qnd traps, 79, 81-82 Pinolil", 103
Rip saw machine, III
SawdUSI concret~, 28
Scintling, 6
Muffle kiln, 6 Pitch,54 River sand, lI6 Selattie granite, 95, 102
Muscovite, 95 rivets, 130 Rivets, 130 Scor" kiln, 6
I Mutule., 117 Pil sand, 2b
Pia"" bricks, 14
R()cks, 94-106 Scolch kiln, 6
RCKls, drain, 89 Scottish slates, 106
Pinning and moulding machin", 113 Rooftrusses,s,,,el, T30-1)6 Scout Iton", tOO, 102
N Pl~slic clay, 1I Rose marble, 106 Scralten, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137
Plulonic rocks, 94 ROlary table prns, J, 4, 17 Scr«ning elay, 3
Napoleon marble, 106 Pneummic dressing plant, 114 kiln, 22 Scroll, 117
Natural bcd, stone, 97, 106 Polishing machines, I I J, 114 Rouge marbl~, 106 Scununing, 7, 8, '4
Neuehatel asphalt, S2 Porosity, 14, T08 Rubber brIcks, 16 S.,. sand, 26, 1I8
Newcastle kiln, 6 test, loS Rubbing b~d, I I ) Seasoning stone, 110
Norge Clair marble, 106 Portland c"m~nlS, 211-24, 25, 28 Rubi,law granite, 95, lOll Mdimentary rocks, 94, 97-105
Norwegian marble., 106 SIon", 96, LOI-IOS, T07, I I I Runcom stone, 96, 97, 100, 102 Sedim"ntalion test, 1I6
Pr,,-c"l steps, 129 Mgar cones, I I
Preparation, SIon"., 110-11. Septic tank, 75-'16
Pressed bricks, 1I, 3, 13, IS, 17 s Sening, bricks, 7
Privy midd"ns, 74 cenent, 24
Profiles, 71, 711 Salt-glazed brieh, 16 01,11 brickwork, 70-'13
Onyx marble., 106 Proportioning concr"te, 1I8, 30, )1, 3<1- drain pip"" 76-80 drains, 83-86
Otilitie limestones, 86, 101-IOS, 107 Pudlo, 28 traps, 76, 77, 78 Scwus, 74, 75, 85
Open areu, 58 Pug mill, 2, 3 Salting, 79 S"yud asphalt, 54
mould, • Pulvinated fri,,:U, 116 Sand, 1I5-311, 96 Shale, I, 2, III
.ide planer, 113 Pumic~, 29 blasting, I) Shsp granite, 95, 102
Omunent.. l hricka. 4 Pur~ lim", 1I0 bulking, 30 ShBwk ston~, tOO, 102
Overburden, 2,110 Purlinl, 133-137 "ul"\lr, :1.7 Shed dry"ra, S
Overflow tank, loS Putty powder,.113, 114 faced bricks, 4, 12, 13 Shelly limestones, 96, 101-105
Pyrit"',94 grading, 1I6, 28, 29 Shippers, 14
Pyrom~ters, I I lim" bricks, 15, 17 Shot, II I, 114
p moulding, 4, III Shr"dding plate, 3
pit or quarry, 26 Shuffs, 13
Pads, Ill-137 Q proportioning, )0 Shuttering, 129
PUI, 74 riv,,!, 26 Sieihan marble, 106
Pallet boudt, •• 5 QUlrTi", ~103, lOS, 110 $ea, lI~, 28 Sienna marbl", 106
PIU! mill, :I Quarrying, lIO t".tl, 26 Si"vn, 22, 1I9
Stones-contd, Twin blade machine, II I
Sight rail~, 83, ~4 Stul roof tl"Wllel-'COntd, Tympanum, 62, 116, 118
glUscts, 130-136 thresholds, u4, 125
Sika, ~8 tympanum, 116, 118
Silica bricks, 16 purlins, 133-136
rivets, 130-136 Stool pallets,s
SiliceoUs sandstones, 97, 98 Strata classification, 94--9 6 v
Site concrete, S9 shoes, 130-136
washers, 133 Suength, hrickwork, 15
Skeleton stone steps, 124 cements, 23, 2.4 Val de Travers asphalt, 52. .
Skyl'Oll marble, 106 Steel shot, Ill, 114
Step irons, 89, 90 concretes, 30, 31, 32, 34 Venetian arch, 52, 53
Slabbing, 110, III granites, 95 Ventilation, drain, 86, 90, 91
Slag, blast-furnace, 2S, 29 Stepped foundations, 58-59
Steps, 115, liS, 124-127 limestones, 101 Verde Antico marble, 106
foamed, 29 mortars, 25 , 27 Vertical damp proof courses, 52-58
Slaking lime, 20 built-up, 124, 125
cantilever, ll6-u9 sandstones, 99, 100 Vibrators, 3S
Slate damp proof cou{Se, 57 Stretching bond, 40 Vicat apparatus, 24
Slates, 94, 96, 106 marble, 128, 119
non-slip, IlS, 129 Strike, 4 Victoria Red marble, 106
Slide glass, l)3 Striking-off hoard, 60 Vitocrete, 25
Slip, I, 16 precast, U9
rectangular, 118, 124-1l6 String, stair, 129 Volcanic rocks, 97
Slop_moulding, 5 courses, 62
reinforced concrete; u8, U9
Sludge, H Structures, stones, 94, 98, 103, 104
Slump test, 32 skeleton, 124
Subsoil drainage, 55, 74
Slurry, I, 16,22 spandril, 124, u6, u7
Stippling, 13 Suction, 14 w
Smoke test, 86 Sunk draw kiln, 20
Snake stone, 114 Stirrups, 46, u9 Walls, brick, 36-39
Stock bricks, 2, 4, I I Surface vibrator, 35
Soil pipes, 91 Sussex bond, 49 cavity or hollow, 17, 39-44, u4,- U5
stacks, 86, 88, 91 board,4 circular, 44, 71-'}2
mould,4 Swedish marhle, 106
Solid density, loS Swelling, 13 compound, liS, 120, 122, 123, 125
Soundness test, 24 Stockings, 21 rtinforced, 44-48
Stones, 94-1l7 Syenites, 94, 97
Souring, 4 stone, 114-124
Southwater bricks, 17 arches, 114-U7 Wash bank, I
Spade-finished concrete, 61 architraves, 116-1U
classification, 94-101 Washers, 131
Spandril steps, 124 Wash ,nill, 1
Spars, 131-134 cleaning, 107 Water_carriage system, 7-4
Special brick-bonds, ...a-50 consoles, 117, 1I8, 122 Water-cement ratio, 31
bricks, 17-19 cornices, 116-125 Water dosets, 91, 92., 93
defects, See "Defects in stone" Talc, 5-4
Spigot, 78 Tamper, 60 Water of Ayr stone, 114
Spire, 108 details,114- 129 Waterproofed concrete, 36, 57
discolouration, 107 Tar, H
Split 'orick counes, 73 Tempering mill, 2 mortars, 27, 56
Springer, 116 dressing, 110-114 Weathering, 2
dressings to doors, 114-122 Tensile testing machine, 23
Springwell stone, 96, 100, 102, 105 Terrazzo, 61, 129 Welding, 130
Squint bricks, 18, 36 windows, 117-120 Weldon stone, 96,101-103, 105
entablatures, I t6- 122 Thornton Blue stone, 96, 100, 102
junctions, 36, 37 Thresholds, 124 Wellfield stone, 96, 100, 102, 105
quoins, 36, 38, 39 face-bedded, 106 Welsh slates, 96, 102., 106
formation, 94 Throat, flue, 66
Stacks, chimney, 64--66, 67 Throating, I17 West End stOlle, 100, 10~
soil, 86, 88, 91 friezes, lI6-1l3 Wet-dipped process, 16
mining, 110 Tiled arch, 62
Staffordshire blue bricks, 17 Tiles, gla:zed, 65, 68 Wet pan, 2
Staining bricks, 12 natural bed, 97, 106 Whinstone, 97
pads, 131-137 Tilestoncs, 98
Stairs, reinforced concrete, ub, 128, Tinos marble, ,06 Whitbed, 103
parapets, 122-1l4 White Portland cement, 25, 27
"9 pediments, 116-I2S Tor Brake granite, 95, 102
stone, u6, 1~7, U9 Down granite, 95, 102 Wickets, 7, 8
Stalactites, 106 preservation, 108 Window sills, 119, UI, uS
quarrying, 110 Tower, concrete, 3S
Stalagmites, 106 Trace holes, 8 Windyway stone, 100, 102
St. Aldhelm Box Ground stone, 101-103, seasoning, 110 Wire-cut bricks, 3, 13
selection, 107 Trammel,71
105, 110 Traps, drain. Set "Drain traps" Withes, 64
Stancliffe stone, 96, 100, 102, 105 stain, u6, I~7, 118 Woodkirk stone, 96, 100, 102, 105
stepa, 115, 118, 114-127 waste, 91, 92, 93
St, Anne marble, 106 Travertine marble, 106 Woolton stone, <)6--<)S, 100, 102, 104
St, Bees stone, 96, 100, 102, 10 5 structure, 98, 103, 104
test, 108-114 Treads, 124-U9
Stanton Park stone, 96, 98, 100, 10~ Trinidad asphah, 52, 54
Woodhouse stone, 100, 10~ compressive strength, 110
frost resistance, 109, 110 Trowel,61 y
Statuary marble, 106 Tub closets, 74
Steel roof trusses, 130-136 percentage poroaity, loS
permeability, loS Tudor arch, 52, 53
bearing, base or sole plates, 131-136 Tunnel dryers, 5 York stone, 98, 124
cleats, 131-136 saturation coefficient, J08, 109

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