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Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225

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User goals in social virtual worlds: A means-end chain approach

Yoonhyuk Jung a,*, Hyunmee Kang b,1
Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
The Manship School of Mass Communications, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to investigate user goals in social virtual worlds; second, to
Available online 1 November 2009 introduce a methodological alternative (i.e., a means-end chain approach) for analyzing user goals in
cyberspaces. The data were acquired from a web survey, and were analyzed by means-end chain analysis
Keywords: (MECA), which produces users’ goal structure in reference to a hierarchical system of interrelated goals
Virtual worlds (Olson & Reynolds, 1983). The results show that people come to social virtual worlds to satisfy their social
Social virtual worlds and hedonic needs, and to escape from real world constraints, as do virtual community members and vir-
User goal
tual gamers; they also pursue unique activities, such as creating virtual objects and selling them. On the
Goal structure
Means-end chain analysis
other hand, by clarifying relations among users’ goals, MECA provides a richer explanation for user goals
than prior research which only offers separate user goals for cyberspace users without explanation of
relationship among goals.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tual goods in Second Life was estimated to be 360 million dollar in
2008 (Linden Lab, 2009). In addition to SVWs’ quantitative growth,
Virtual worlds (VWs) refer to computer-simulated, graphic- their potential as a marketing channel and a collaboration tool has
based, virtual environments that are accessed by multiple users. attracted both managers and researchers’ attention. Several corpo-
They have grown dramatically over the last decade as supporting rations, such as Nike, Adidas, Levi’s, GM, and Toyota, create virtual
technologies (e.g., virtual reality, broadband) have been advanced. products, which simulate real products, and enable SVW users to
World of Warcraft, which is the largest gaming virtual world have virtual use experiences. Also, IBM trains new employees in
(GVW), had over 10 million subscribers as of the end of 2008 organizational culture and work processes, holds distant meetings,
(, 2008). Virtual gaming even became a profes- and operates customer service centers in SVWs (Hobson, 2007).
sional sport with leagues, sponsorships, and spectators in South Regarding SVWs as a future platform for e-learning, many educa-
Korea (Castronova, 2005). Recently a new type of VWs that stress tional organizations including Harvard University have been
social interaction and user empowerment has appeared, namely increasingly using SVWs.
social virtual worlds (SVWs) (e.g., Second Life, GVWs Despite renowned interest in SVWs, there is currently little
are characterized by a pre-defined structure and quest-driven empirical research on SVWs, particularly on users’ perceptions
behaviors, whereas SVWs have emergent structures that are cre- and behaviors in SVWs. SVWs’ distinctive characteristics may
ated by users under minimum constraints (Juul, 2005). cause users to access and behave in such environments differently
SVWs offer their users an opportunity to determine their expe- than in other cyberspaces, such as text-based virtual communities
riences in the virtual worlds for themselves (Dreyfus, 2008). This and even GVWs. The initial step to study SVW users may be a ques-
autonomy makes the worlds places that are filled with diverse tion of ‘why do people come to SVWs?’; that is, user goals for
activities such as socializing, learning, sprouting virtual business, accessing SVWs. Knowledge of these goals would benefit busi-
entertainment, and so on. The increased number of users reflects nesses that are considering the strategic use of SVWs, as well as
SVWs’ popularity. For instance, Second Life, a popular SVW, an- SVW operators in terms of attracting and retaining more users,
nounced that its subscribers exceeded 12 million as of February and also the researchers that are begging to investigate the nature
2008 (SLOG, 2008). The amount of real-money trading in SVWs of SVW users.
has also been increasing exponentially. User-to-user trading of vir- In order to comprehend user goals for accessing SVWs, this
study employed means-end chain analysis (MECA), which is con-
sidered an effective method for eliciting people’s goal structure
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 225 578 2126; fax: +1 225 578 2511.
(i.e., goals and their relations) when they approach an object or
E-mail addresses: (Y. Jung), (H.
Kang). an event (Olson & Reynolds, 1983). Prior studies that investigated
Tel.: +1 225 578 2336; fax: +1 225 578 2125. users’ goals for participating in virtual communities (Ridings & Ge-

0747-5632/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225 219

fen, 2004) and gaming virtual worlds (Bartle, 2003; Yee, 2006), to create virtual objects, users’ activities are extended to economic
produced sets of separate individual user goals but offer little activities, that is, production and real-money trade of virtual ob-
explanation about the relations among goals. Studies of relations jects. This autonomy distinguishes SVWs’ characteristics from
among goals, or a goal structure, can provide more information GVWs’.
about users’ goal-oriented behavior than those of isolated goals
(Pieters, Baumgartner, & Allen, 1995). Because it can clarify goal
2.2. User goals in social cyberspaces
structure, a means-end analysis is expected to offer richer informa-
tion about user goals for participating in SVWs. This study thus
User goals for accessing SVWs may be analogous to motivations
contributes to research on cyberspace users, in terms of offering
for joining virtual communities (VCs) and playing GVWs. VCs are
a methodological novelty, and demonstrates an empirical study
cyberspaces in which people communicate and form networks of
of an emerging cyberspace.
personal relationships (Rheingold, 1993). SVWs that support 3D
interfaces and real-time avatar interactions can be differentiated
2. Theoretical background from conventional VCs that depend on asynchronous text-based
interactions. Nevertheless, because of the social nature, SVWs are
2.1. Social virtual worlds usually considered an extension of VCs. Prior studies note that
information exchange, social relations, psychological support, and
Despite its diverse definitions, the term virtual world has been entertainment are common goals for joining VCs (Bressler & Gran-
commonly used to indicate a computer-simulated persistent spatial tham, 2000; Hagel & Armstrong, 1997; Wellman, 1996). Informa-
environment that supports synchronous communication among tion exchange indicates that the members share information
multiple users who are represented by avatars (Holmstro }m & generated by other members rather than merely accessing infor-
Jakobsson, 2001; Jakobsson, 2006). This concept of VWs is similar mation that the website operator provides (Hagel & Armstrong,
with the notion of MMOGs or massive multiplayer online games, 1997). VC members also interact with other members and are
such as World of Warcraft. However, MMOGs have been mainly embedded in web of personal relationships in VCs; that is, social
used to specify one type of VW that has a pre-defined theme and relations (Rheingold, 1993). Additionally, people satisfy psycholog-
plot and clarifies users’ performances (e.g., level-ups). Although ical needs, such as emotional support, a sense of belonging, and
they (or GVWs) still occupy the majority of VWs, the other distinc- encouragement in VCs, and also come to VCs for entertainment.
tive VWs, where users create their experiences for themselves and Ridings and Gefen (2004) empirically examined users’ motivation
have diverse social interaction, have dramatically increased. In the to join VCs and confirm that those four goals are the main motiva-
present study, we call these types of VWs social virtual worlds tional forces.
(SVWs) and differentiate them from gaming virtual worlds Bartle (2003) classifies GVW users into four types according to
(GVWs). In GVWs, user activities are based on pre-defined themes their goals: socializers, explorers, achievers, and controllers. Socializ-
and plots which the game designers imagined and produced. Their ers attempt to form groups and complete shared objectives;
activities usually aim at a quest or level-ups rather than social inter- explorers seek new places in a GVW; achievers pursue the gradual
actions. On the other hand, the lack of predetermined storyline of accumulation of wealth and reputation in GVWs; and controllers
SVWs makes them distinct from GVWs, and this openness has at- want to compete with and defeat others. Yee (2006) empirically
tracted various kinds of users (Warburton, 2009). SVWs endow examined Bartle’s GVW user typology through an exploratory fac-
users with the ability to personalize their virtual experiences, tor analysis, and proposes a new framework that consists of three
which induce various social interactions under minimum con- overarching goals: achievement, socializing, and immersion. Each
straints. As a result, SVWs’ nature of minimum rules leads to diver- overarching purpose is composed of sub-motivations. Achieve-
sity in members’ behavior (Juul, 2005). Furthermore, as some ment includes advancement, mechanics, and competition; socializ-
SVWs (e.g., Second Life, There), supports transactional systems ing includes relationships and teamwork; and immersion includes
(e.g., virtual currency, sanctioned virtual market), and allow users discovery, role-playing, customization, and escapism (see Table 1).

Table 1
User goals in cyberspaces.

Type of cyberspaces Purposes Description References

Virtual communities Information Attain and transfer information about a topic, learn new things Ridings and Gefen
exchange (2004)
Social relations Get involved with other members
Psychological Attain and offer emotional support
Entertainment Attain fun
Gaming virtual Socializers Form groups and complete shared objectives Bartle (2003)
worlds Explorers Seek new places
Achievers Pursue the gradual accumulation of wealth and reputation
Controllers Compete with and defeat others
Gaming virtual Achievement Advancement Gain power and accumulate wealth or status Yee (2006)
worlds Mechanics Analyze the underlying rules and system to optimize character
Competition Challenge and compete with others
Social Socializing Help and chat with other players
Relationships Form long-term meaningful relationships with others
Teamwork Be part of a group effort
Immersion Discovery Find things that most other players do not know about
Role-playing Create a persona with a background story and interact with others
Customization Customize the appearance of their character
Escapism Avoid thinking about real life problems
220 Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225

All prior studies that investigate user goals for inhabiting cyber- 1991), some studies calculate the abstractness of each element
spaces provide sets of isolated goals without addressing the rela- (concept) and use it to determine the position of the element in
tions among those goals. Although the prior studies recognize a hierarchical map instead of a strict specification of three levels
that goals do not suppress each other (i.e., a user may have multi- of abstraction (i.e., attributes, consequences, and values) (Bagozzi
ple goals) (Bartle, 2003; Yee, 2006), they overlook how they are & Dabholkar, 1994; Capozza, Falvo, Robusto, & Orlando, 2003; Piet-
connected. As a result, the prior studies provide just a set of sepa- ers et al., 1995). This revised method allows researchers to know
rate goals for social cyberspaces. This limit may preclude drawing a the relationships of elements without having to conduct additional
more comprehensive picture of user goals because goals need to be work to classify elements into three levels. One critique of the lad-
explained within a goal structure that includes a hierarchical sys- dering technique is that an answer frequently does not correspond
tem of interrelated goals (Pervin, 1989). Accordingly, this study at- to the question (e.g., a consequence or value answer to the attri-
tempts to clarify a goal structure beyond finding isolated goals by bute question). Studies that employ network theory reduce this
employing a means-end chain analysis. limitation because each element has a level according to its
abstractness without any label (e.g., attribute) in the revised meth-
2.3. User goals and a means-end chain analysis od. On the other hand, instead of in-depth interviews, some studies
use questionnaires: a technique developed by Walker and Olson
A goal is a desired outcome of an action (Locke & Latham, 1990). (1991) (e.g., Botschen & Hemetsberger, 1998; Pieters et al., 1995;
Many researchers argue that goals exist within a hierarchical sys- Voss et al., 2007). The advantage of a questionnaire version is that
tem where a goal is located between its superordinate and subor- respondents themselves decide when they finish the laddering
dinate goals, and furthermore, each goal is a means to achieve its process, which may make respondents feel pressure (Botschen &
superordinate goal (Kruglanski et al., 2002; Newell & Simon, Hemetsberger, 1998). In addition, compared to the in-depth inter-
1972; Pervin, 1989). Means-end chain analysis (MECA) stems from views, a questionnaire version is a cost-effective method for data
the idea of a hierarchical goal system. The analysis posits that collection (Botschen, Thelen, & Pieters, 1999).
product or service attributes represent the means by which con-
sumers achieve benefits and important personal values (i.e., ends)
(Gutman, 1982; Olson & Reynolds, 1983). In other words, MECA 3. Methodology
is an approach for discovering the important meanings that con-
sumers ascribe to a product or service’s attributes (Voss, Gruberb, 3.1. Data gathering
& Szmigin, 2007). The analysis assumes that consumer knowledge
is hierarchically organized by levels of abstraction (Reynolds & The target SVW for this study was There (,
Whitlark, 1995), and focuses on a product or service’s meanings which is a SVW equipped with a 3D environment. The reason
at three levels of abstraction: attributions, consequences, and values. why we chose There was that it is closer to our definition of SVWs
Attributes refer to a product or service’s physical or observable in terms of users’ autonomy (i.e., diverse user activities including
properties: consequences are the benefits attained by the attri- creating and selling virtual objects), and it has recently grown rap-
butes; and values imply highly abstract motivation that guides idly in terms of membership. The number of its registered mem-
usage behavior (Klenosky, 2002). An attribute–consequence–value bers is over one million as of early 2008. In There, a member has
chain is usually expressed by a hierarchical map, which consists of a personal avatar that represents oneself. A member can manipu-
nodes (i.e., attributes, consequences, and values) and relationships late his or her personal avatar’s face, hair, and body and put it into
among them. clothes. Also, a member can create 3D objects (e.g., chair, building,
A means-end chain analysis typically depends on a laddering waterfall) using developer program, and perform virtual tasks with
interview technique, which has been comprehensively used in con- them or sell them to other members. Controlling their personal
sumer research that tries to understand consumers’ preferences to- avatars, members enjoy synchronous chatting at the park or on
ward products or services (e.g., Klenosky, 2002; Reynolds & the beach, dancing at night club, or taking a buggy in There.
Rochon, 2001), and organization research, which elucidates an During two weeks, we solicited Thereians, which There users call
organization’s strategic values and decision-making structures themselves, to participate in the web-based survey. Two ap-
(e.g., Peffers, Gengler, & Tuunanen, 2003; van Rekom, van Riel, & proaches were used to recruit participants. First, we sent group
Wierenga, 2006). For helping respondents elicit lower or higher leaders of a wide diversity of groups messages which requested
levels of abstractions for the concepts, the technique aims to them to distribute our solicitation message which included the
understand the way in which the respondent sees the world (Rey- web-based survey link. Also, we directly recruited participants in
nolds & Gutman, 1988). A laddering procedure typically includes various places (e.g., beaches, parks, sandboxes) of There. We first
three questions: the attribute question (What attribute makes sent longed-in users a message that introduced our survey, and if
the product (or service) attractive to you?), the consequence ques- they wanted to participate in the web-based survey, then we sent
tion (Why is the attribute important or desirable to you?), and the the link. Fifty-four Thereians, which There users call themselves, re-
value question (Why is your response important?). In the first sponded to our web-based survey or a questionnaire-based ladder-
phase, the respondent is asked to supply the attributes of a product ing technique.2 Participation in this study was voluntary. The
that affect his or her consumption decision. The respondent is then participants were heterogeneous in age, gender, and educational
asked to explain what benefits he or she attains owing to the attri- background as seen in Table 2, indicating that There is used by varied
butes. Finally, the respondent is asked to offer the reason why sorts of people. The majority of the participants can be regarded as
those benefits are important to him or her, namely, a justification highly-attached users in that over 60% of the participants logged in
stage. All responses are coded, and then a hierarchical map is final- There daily or several times a week and over half of the participants
ly produced by the level of abstraction, that is, had used There over one year.
attributes ? consequences ? values. The questionnaire consisted of three questions for a laddering
Even though means-end chain studies that employ a laddering analysis and five questions about demographic information. Based
interview technique usually use the traditional way as stated 2
Prior research employing a laddering technique usually has from 40 to 140
above, some studies employ a modified MECA. The main modifica- samples (51 samples in Pieters et al. (1995), 53 samples in Klenosky (2002), 82 in
tion appears to be a way to decide the level of abstraction and a Voss et al. (2007), 133 samples in Bagozzi and Dabholkar (1994)). Thus, based on prior
technique for data collection. Employing network theory (see Scott, research, our number of samples is acceptable.
Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225 221

Table 2 4.1. Coding

Demographics of participants.

Frequency Percent For analysis, the responses from three probing questions were
Age 18–24 10 18.6 coded. One of the authors coded the data using an open coding pro-
25–34 6 11.1 cedure in which codes were not predetermined but rather emerged
35–44 13 24.1 from the data. This resulted in 45 detailed codes present in the
45–54 11 20.4 data. In cases where the data contained more than one topic, multi-
55 or older 3 5.5
No answer 11 20.4
ple codes were assigned. For example, ‘‘Thereians want to be soci-
able and have fun” was assigned two codes – Social relations and
Gender Male 21 38.9
Female 22 40.7
Fun. A second coder, the other author, independently re-coded
No answer 11 20.4 the data using the set of codes identified by the first coder. The
Education High school 11 20.4
two raters were in agreement on 292 of the 363 codes assigned
Community college 9 16.7 (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.78), indicating an acceptable level of inter-rater
Undergraduate 7 13.0 reliability (Fleiss, 1981). Inter-rater disagreements were then rec-
Graduate 15 27.8 onciled through discussion. Finally, associated codes were grouped
No answer 12 22.2
into 11 topics, as shown in Table 3. This categorization was also
Logging frequency Once a month 3 5.6 verified by the same procedure as the detailed coding procedure
Once a week 4 7.4
(Cohen’s Kappa = 0.91).
Several times a week 12 22.2
Daily 24 44.4
No answer 11 20.4 4.2. Generating a goal structure
Tenure Less than 6 months 7 13.0
6 months to 1 year 6 11.1 Responses to the three questions (the overarching question, the
1 year to 2 years 11 20.4 downward question, and the upward question) generated a
Longer than 2 years 19 35.2 means-end chain, or a ladder of meanings; that is, answers to the
No answer 11 20.4
downward question pertain to a means for answers to the over-
arching question, and likewise answers to the overarching ques-
tion correspond to a means for answers to the upward question.
For instance, if a subject responds Technical features to the down-
on prior laddering research, we made three open questions to ward question; Social relations to the overarching question; and
probe members’ goals for using There: (1) we first placed the over- Amusement to the upward question, two direct linkages are cre-
arching question (What are your main three purposes for using ated: Technical features ? Social relations, and Social rela-
There?); (2) we then asked the downward question (What charac- tions ? Amusement. We can also consider an indirect linkage; for
teristics of There help you achieve each purpose?); (3) and we finally instance, eliciting the linkage of Technical features ? Amusement
asked the upward question (Why is each purpose important to you?). from the linkage of Technical features ? Social relations ? Amuse-
In our procedure, the overarching question corresponds to the con- ment. Ultimately all linkages were summarized in an implication
sequence question of a conventional laddering technique; the matrix which depicts the number of times each topic (code) leads
downward question corresponds to the attribute question; and to each other topic in responses (Klenosky, 2002). As can be seen in
the upward question corresponds to the value question (see Table 4, each topic in the row leads to the other topics in the col-
Fig. 1). As previously stated, because our focus is on the relation- umn. For instance, T5 (Social relations) led to T8 (Escapism) 2 times;
ships of elements rather than of their classification into attributes, T11 (Technical features) led to T10 (Amusement) 5 times.
consequences, and values, we used our own terms rather than Typical means-end chain studies classify responses into attri-
those three labels. Also, based on our pilot study, we ordered the butes, consequences, and values and then produce a hierarchical
three questions. In the pilot study, most of our respondents an- structure of attributes ? purposes ? values. In order to mitigate
swered their consequences or values instead of attributes to the classification errors, the current study employed an alternative
attribute question (the downward question in our study). In this method proposed by Bagozzi and Dabholkar (1994) and Pieters
situation, we had difficulty continuing to probe because they had et al. (1995). Instead of classifying responses into three labels, this
already answered their highly abstractive purposes. For example, approach, which is based on network analysis (Scott, 1991), pro-
when we asked the attribute question (i.e., What characteristic duces a hierarchical structure by comparing the number of times
makes There attractive to you?), many respondents answered just each element is mentioned as the means versus the end. The ap-
fun or meeting new people which corresponded to consequences proach uses out-degrees and in-degrees in order to estimate
or values rather than attributes. Thus, we had to ask the attribute abstractness of each element. Out-degrees of a particular element
question again (i.e., What characteristic of There help you achieve refer to the number of times the element serves as the source or
this purpose?). In order to conduct more effective web survey- origin (means) of linkages with other elements (i.e., the row sum
based laddering procedure, we needed to modify a laddering pro- of the element in an implication matrix), whereas in-degrees of
cedure, and placed the overarching question first. Our procedure, the element indicate the number of times the element serves as
in which an intermediate question (consequence question) is the object or end of linkages with others (i.e., the column sum of
placed first, is also consistent with thought: humans set a goal at the element in an implication matrix) (Pieters et al., 1995).
an intermediate level rather than explicitly pursuing a highly ab- Abstractness of an element is the ratio of in-degrees over in-degrees
stract goal, and then decide operational strategies to attain it (Rif- plus out-degrees of the element, and ranges from 0 to l (Pieters
kin, 1985). et al., 1995). Elements with high abstractness scores are regarded
mainly as ends, while ones with low abstractness scores are
thought of primarily as means. Based on the alternative approach,
4. Results and analysis we created an implication matrix (see Table 4). Additionally, in or-
der for informative analysis, this study calculated centrality of each
The analysis consisted of two stages: (1) coding and (2) gener- element, which represents the degree to which the element has a
ating a goal structure (a hierarchical goal map). central role in the structure (Knoke & Burt, 1982). Centrality is cal-
222 Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225

Fig. 1. Laddering procedure.

Table 3
Topics (super-codes) and sub-codes.

Topics Codes
T1. Addiction (removed) Addiction/hooked
T2. Creating Creating virtual objects/decorating own avatar or property/creativity
T3. Educational tool (removed) Educational tool
T4. Escapism Escaping from reality/free from disability
T5. Social relations Social interaction/meeting people/chatting/social events/dating
Finding friendly users
Having time with family or offline friends
Helping people
Worldwide availability/interacting with diverse people
T6. Exploring Exploring/traveling/adventuring/walking around
Lots of places/large scale of the virtual world
T7. Financial Economic freedom/auction system
Financial/running a business/making money
T8. Knowledge acquisition Acquiring new ideas
Doing research
Improving practical skills (programming)
T9. Positive administration (removed) Free membership
Good administration of
Tutorial & class for training how to develop virtual objects
T10. Amusement Fun/enjoyment
Gaming (paintball, spades)
Relaxing/reducing stress
Something to do/goofing off/killing time
T11. Technical features 3D environment/virtual reality/graphic
Human-like avatars’ behavior
Simple operation/easiness of navigation
The map
Voice/IM/Email (communication tools in There)

culated by dividing the ratio of in-degree plus out-degree of a par- were excluded because they had no linkage to satisfy the cutoff
ticular element by the sum of all active cells in the implication ma- criterion.
trix (the sum = 167 in the current study). The hierarchical goal map in Fig. 2 offers a graphical summary
The next step was to generate a hierarchical map according to of the means-end structure pertinent to using a SVW. In the
the information in the implication matrix. In this stage, the impor- map, the topics are placed relative to their abstractness scores.
tant point was determining what linkages were included in a hier- Accordingly, the more abstract a topic, the higher it is located in
archical goal map. Because inclusion of all linkages could decrease the map.
a map’s usefulness and informativeness, we did not embrace all
linkages and decided to employ a cutoff level (Reynolds & Gutman,
1988). Following Bagozzi and Dabholkar’s (1994) method, we built 5. Discussion
Table 5 to choose a cutoff level and finally selected a cutoff of four,
indicating that the included relations are counted at least four A means-end chain analysis played an effective role in clarifying
times. This cutoff level represented 30.0% of the active cells and SVW users’ goal structure. The analysis is summarized in the hier-
64.1% of the active linkages, which corresponds to a measure of archical goal map, which provides a quick and rich understanding
variance (Gengler & Reynolds, 1995). According to the cutoff, T1 of SVW users’ goal structure. The findings show that SVW user
(Addiction), T3 (Positive administration), and T9 (Educational tool) goals are usually overlapped with VC members’ and GVW players’
Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225 223

Table 4
Implication matrix.

Abstractness Centrality Topics T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 Out-degrees

0.000 0.018 T1. Addiction 3 3
0.442 0.257 T2. Creating 3 4 4 5 1 5 2 24
0.800 0.060 T3. Educational tool 2 2
0.731 0.156 T4. Escapism 1 2 4 7
0.532 0.461 T5. Social relations 2 1 7 1 2 1 21 1 36
0.158 0.114 T6. Exploring 2 4 8 2 16
0.250 0.096 T7. Financial 7 2 1 2 12
0.722 0.108 T8. Knowledge acquisition 1 1 2 1 5
0.167 0.072 T9. Positive administration 3 2 3 1 1 10
0.725 0.413 T10. Amusement 1 2 12 1 1 2 19
0.195 0.246 T11. Technical features 3 1 3 18 1 2 5 33
In-degrees 0 19 8 19 41 3 4 13 2 50 8 167

Out-degree: the number of times the element serves as the source or origin (means) of linkages with other elements.
In-degree: the number of times the element serves as the object or end of linkages with others.
Abstractness: (in-degrees)/(in-degrees + out-degrees).
Centrality: (in-degree + out-degree)/the sum of all active cells.

Table 5 distinctive goals, such as Creation, Financial, and Exploring. On the

Statistics for determining a cutoff level. other hand, SVW users have differential goals, or Creation, Finan-
Cutoff Number of Percentage of Number of Percentage of cial, and Knowledge acquisition, from those of GVW players, and
level active cells in active cells at active active linkages do not mention achievement, which is one of GVW players’ goals.
the or above the linkages in the at or above the Accordingly, a SVW can be regarded as a novel cyberspace that al-
implication cutoff level (%) implication cutoff level (%) lows users to engage in activities that are different from traditional
matrix matrix
VCs and GVWs. The specific findings are summarized below:
1 50 100.0 167 100.0
2 33 66.0 150 89.8
 In terms of the topics’ centrality, Social relations (0.413) and
3 19 38.0 122 73.1
4 15 30.0 107 64.1 Amusement (0.416) are predominant, and Creating (0.257) and
5 11 22.0 91 54.5 Technical features (0.246) follow.
6 8 16.0 76 45.5  Amusement, Escapism, and Knowledge acquisition are the most
abstract topics (i.e., high-level purposes), whereas Financial,
Technical feature, and Exploring are the least abstract ones. Creat-
goals; yet they also have unique goals. Compared to VC members, ing and Social relations play an intermediary role in the hierar-
SVW user goals embrace VC members’ goals and further include chical structure (i.e., intermediary purposes).

Fig. 2. Hierarchical goal map for a social virtual worlds.

224 Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225

 In examining linkages, we have seven findings. First, the main tance of member-generated contents and further regarded them
chain is Technical feature ? Social relations ? Amusement. This as a vital factor in VCs’ success (Filipczak, 1998). However, accord-
chain is 23.3% of all relations in the implication matrix. ing to prior studies, only 10% of members of one popular peer-to-
 Second, Exploring is a source for Social relations and Amusement. peer sharing VC produced 87% of all contents (Adar & Huberman,
 Third, Creating supports the highest abstraction out of three pur- 2000), and 4% of members in an open-source development VC pro-
poses including Amusement, Escapism, and Knowledge acquisition. duced 88% of new codes and 66% of code fixes (Mockus, Fielding, &
 Fourth, Social relations functions as a means for Escapism. Andersen, 2002). Minor devotees produce almost all contents in
 Fifth, Escapism leads Amusement. pre-existing VCs, whereas SVW users consider the behavior for
 Sixth, Amusement has a strong reciprocal feedback loop with producing contents, or Creating, a central goal. Therefore, mem-
Social relations. Both can be a means or an end for each other; ber-generated contents are more prominent in SVWs than in tradi-
in other words, the both are deeply interwoven. tional VCs. Furthermore, transactional systems (e.g., virtual
 Finally, Creating has a reciprocal feedback loop with Financial. currency, virtual market for trading virtual objects) play some sort
of incentive for users’ creating behavior. SVWs’ transactional sys-
The results show that Social relations and Amusement are main tems can encourage users to create contents spontaneously with-
goals for using SVWs from the viewpoint of abstractness and cen- out incentive systems supported by SVW providers. Thus, the
trality, indicating that SVW users have goals that are similar to VC combination of Creating and Financial has a strong self-sustaining
members and GVW players. Social relations correspond to VC mem- function for SVWs. This finding provides current and future SVW
bers’ major goal, and thus we can conclude that a SVW is another providers with managerial insights: advancing a creating tool, rein-
channel for expanding social relations, as are other social cyber- forcing transactional systems, and guaranteeing secure
spaces. Amusement is also mentioned as one of VC members’ main transactions.
goals. In the context of GVWs, Amusement is not explicitly stated as Knowledge acquisition is one of four of VC members’ main goals
a goal (Yee, 2006); it can be considered an intrinsic goal in playing (i.e., information exchange). Knowledge acquisition is, however, not a
GVWs. central goal to SVW users (the second lowest centrality), though it
The most predominant relation is the link of Technical fea- is one of the most abstract goals. Compared to Social relations and
ture ? Social relations ? Amusement. This result indicates that var- Amusement, Knowledge acquisition seems to be considered a minor
ious technical features (e.g., voice chatting, avatar interaction) help goal in SVWs.
users expend social relations, which subsequently lead to amuse-
ment. Ultimately, considering the strong reciprocal feedback rela-
tion of Social relations and Amusement, users tend to aim at 6. Contributions and limitations
enjoyable social relations supported by technical features in SVWs.
Both Social relations and Amusement are also supported by another This study’s contributions are threefold: conceptualizing SVWs,
topic of Exploring, which represents users’ traveling to 3D spatial empirical investigation of a timely topic, and finding a new ap-
places where users come together for dancing or social events. proach towards analyzing user goals for social cyberspaces. First,
Thus, Exploring is directly relevant to social communications. In although SVWs have their own distinctive characteristics that are
addition, traveling to fantastic places (e.g., exotic heaven) or real- different from traditional MMOGs (or GVWs), many studies perti-
like places (e.g., virtual New Orleans) may provide visitors with nent to SVWs have considered them to belong to one broad single
an experience that produce pleasure. category together with GVWs, or VWs. This study clarifies the no-
Escapism, which implies that users try to get out of their routine tion of SVWs through differentiating them from GVWs, and we
or constrained real-life environments (Hirschman, 1983), is one of hope that our initial conceptualization of SVWs stimulates discus-
the most abstract goals and corresponds to one of GVW players’ sion about what SVWs are, and how different these new cyberspac-
goals. Escapism has a much higher position in the hierarchical goal es are from others. Second, while SVWs have dramatically
map as the end of two intermediary goals (Social relations and Cre- attracted the attention of business mangers, educational practitio-
ating). Some users achieve the Escapism goal by making social rela- ners, and researchers, there is little empirical research on SVW
tions in SVWs. To users with limited social activities (e.g., a users. The study offers preliminary knowledge about SVW users
disabled person, a housewife caring for four children), social inter- by empirical investigation of user goals. Lastly, the study intro-
action in SVWs can be a way to overcome their constraints in the duces a means-end chain analysis which provides a richer under-
real world, which eventually leads to positive feelings or standing of SVW user goals. In prior studies that examined
amusement. individuals’ goals for using social cyberspaces, those goals are sep-
Creating is a goal that distinguishes VC members’ goals from arately listed without any explanation of relations among them. A
GVW players’ goals. Despite the fact that not all SVWs enable their means-end chain analysis used in this study presented the hierar-
users to create virtual objects and even sell them, many SVWs do chical goal map, which consists of separate goals and their rela-
so. This behavioral autonomy is a unique characteristic of SVWs tions, and thus offers a better explanation of SVW user goals.
and is regarded as a central goal (3rd highest centrality). In partic- This study has the following three limitations. First, the study’s
ular, Creating plays an important role of an intermediary goal that samples may be biased in that the study surveyed users during a
supports all three highest purposes in the hierarchical structure. By short term, and chose a convenient sampling method. The other
creating virtual objects, users have fun and improve their practical potential bias with our data is that because the samples voluntarily
skills, such as computer programming. Also, by designing their responded the survey our results may be based on highly-moti-
avatars’ appearances, which may be significantly different from vated users’ responses. Accordingly, the study has a limitation in
their real appearances, or by creating imaginary virtual objects, fully generalizing the findings. Second, the study deals with only
they escape from constraints in real life. one type of SVW which supports 3D interfaces and endows users
Another point is that Creating has a reciprocal feedback loop to create virtual object and sell them. Thus, the findings of the
with the Financial goal. Besides making virtual objects to satisfy study should be re-examined on other SVWs, which have different
their creative needs and imagination, users produce them partially environments, in future research. Furthermore, in order for further
with the intent to sell them in SVWs. Whether their intention is to understanding of SVWs user goals, future research needs to com-
gain self-contentment or do business, their creatures become fun- pare them to user goals for other various social cyberspaces, such
damental contents of SVWs. VC research has stressed the impor- as conventional text-based VCs, social networking services, or
Y. Jung, H. Kang / Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2010) 218–225 225

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