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Trek​, Class 5
Test Paper

Time: 2 hrs Max Marks: 70

A. Fill in the blanks. 15 X 1 = 15

1. The ____________ is at 23 ½° N.

2. The earth moves around the sun at a speed of ...................

3. The earth constantly rotates on its ......................

4. A meridian of longitude joins places that have ...................... at the same time.

5. Twice a year the sun shines directly overhead the ................... during

6. The earth takes ...................... to rotate one degree on its axis.

7. ................... also influences the direction of the flow of ocean currents and the
direction of winds.

8. It takes 365¼ days to make a ................... .

9. The earth is a sphere which is slightly ...................... at the top and at the

10. ____________ are imaginary lines running from north to south.

11. There are ____________ lines of latitudes.

12. This axis is tilted at an angle of 66½° to the plane of the ...................

13. The ...................... is the largest latitude.

14. The prime meridian passes through ____________ near London.

15. The two end points of the axis of the earth are called the ____________ .
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B. Choose the correct answers. 10 X 1 = 10

1. The word equinox means equal ____________ .

a. Day

b. Month

c. Day and night

d. None of the above

2. How many meridians of longitude are there?

a. 180

b. 360

c. 90

d. None of these

3. On 21 March, we have ____________ equinox.

a. Spring

b. Autumnal

c. Winter

d. Summer

4. A leap year has ____________ days.

a. 365

b. 365¼

c. 366

d. None of the above

5. The earth takes ____________ days to revolve around the sun.

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a. 365

b. 365¼

c. 364

d. None of the above

6. Which of these help to calculate time?

a. Longitudes

b. Latitudes

c. Both of these

d. None of these

7. Which of these divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres?

a. Equator

b. Prime meridian

c. North Pole

d. South Pole

8. Which of these meet at the poles?

a. Longitudes

b. Latitudes

c. Equator

d. None of these

9. The fixed path which the earth takes to revolve around the sun is known as
________ .

a. Axis

b. Orbit

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c. Tilt

d. None of the above

10. Which of these do we find towards the end of an atlas?

a. Index

b. Content

c. Both of these

d. None of these

C. Unscramble the letters to form the correct words. 10 X 1 = 10

1. It means main: (RIPME) ____________

2. This means midday: (ERMDIIAN) ____________

3. This is the movement of the earth on its axis: (OTTRIOAN) ____________

4. This means half a sphere: (EMHISHPERE) ____________

5. An imaginary line running from east to west: (AITLTEDU) ____________

6. This is the most important latitude: (QTEOURA) ____________

7. This is the movement of the earth around the sun: (OINTEROVUL)


8. The imaginary line passing through the centre of the earth: (XIAS)

9. It occurs once in 4 years: (LPAE AREY) ____________

10. It is caused by the revolution of the earth: (ESSANO) ____________

D. Write True or False. 20 X 1 = 20

1. The Tropic of Cancer is 23½° N.

2. On 21 March and 23 September the earth experiences equinoxes.

3. As we move to the north or south of the equator parallels of latitude go on

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decreasing in size and finally reduce to a dot at the poles.

4. The two movements of the earth are rotation and revolution.

5. The main effect of revolution is that it causes day and night.

6. Longitudes help us to calculate the time of a place.

7. The two ends of the axis of the earth are called the poles.

8. The longitudes run parallel to each other.

9. Rotation causes seasons.

10. On 21 June the sun is shines directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn.

11. The northern hemisphere experiences winter solstice during June.

12. There are three main seasons.

13. The prime meridian is also called the Great Circle.

14. Equinox means equal day and night.

15. An index shows you the names of places marked on the different pages of the
atlas in alphabetical order.

16. Seasons are caused due to the revolution of the earth around the sun and also
due to the tilt of the earth's axis.

17. The International Date Line is drawn in an irregular manner.

18. The prime meridian is also called the International Date Line.

19. The Tropic of Capricorn is 23½° N.

20. The country that is known as the Land of the Rising Sun is India.

E. Answer the following questions. 15 X 1 = 15

1. What is a grid?

2. Why is the International Line drawn in an irregular manner?

3. How many meridians are there?

4. Differentiate between latitudes and longitudes.

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5. Which are the four main seasons?

6. How are seasons caused?

7. Where are the longitudes furthest apart?

8. What are the spring and autumnal equinoxes?

9. What is the North Pole?

10. What are latitudes and how many of them are there?

11. Why are latitudes also called parallels of latitude?

12. Explain the position of the earth during summer solstice with the help of a

13. What are the two important movements of the earth? Explain.

14. What is the prime meridian?

15. State the importance of the International Date Line.

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