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Lab Manual for the subject

[Subject Code: 3341103]

STUDENT NAME : __________________________________________

ENROL. NO. : __________________________________________

CLASS & BATCH : __________________________________________

ACADEMIC TERM : __________________________________________


This is to certify that


Enrollment No. …............................................. of Diploma in Electronics &

Communication Engineering Branch of Semester – 4 t h has satisfactorily completed

his/her term work in subject name …………………………………...........................

bearing the subject code…..................... as per Gujarat Technological University;

within Laboratory of this College during the academic term from date

…./…./20....... To date …. /…. /20.......



Subject Teacher: Head of the Department:


No. Date Title Sign
1 Demonstration and study of different
types of Optical Fibers.
To Establish analog link using optical
2 fiber cable
To Establish Digital link using optical
3 fiber cable
To measure propagation or attenuation
4 loss in optical fiber.
To Study Bending Loss in fiber optic
5 communication
To Measure The Numerical Aperture
6 (N.A.) Of The Fiber Optic Cable.
Demonstration and study of different
7 types of Optical fiber connectors.
To implement Frequency Modulation
8 technique with fiber optic
To implement Pulse Width Modulation
9 technique with fiber optic
Setting up of Fiber Optics voice link using
10 Intensity Modulation
To Study The Fiber Optic Splicing And
11 Joining.

12 To Study Optical Power Meter (OPM).

Experiment 1
Demonstration and study of different types of fiber cables and connectors.

Optical Fiber Cable

The simplest fiber optic cable consists of two concentric layer of transport materials. The inner
portion known as CORE ,which is used to transport the light, the outer is known as CLADDING. The
refractive index of CLADDING must be less than the refractive index of the core. So core and
cladding are made of the different materials.

Fig.:Optical Fiber Cable

To provide mechanical protection for the cladding an additional plastic layer, the primary
buffer is added. Some constructions of optic fiber have a additional layers of buffer that are then
referred to as secondary buffer. It is very important to note that the whole fiber core cladding and
primary buffer is solid and the light is confined to the core by the TIR due to the difference in the
refractive index of the core compared so that of cladding.

Different Cable Types

Tight structure cables:
These cables generally only contain one fiber. Several layers of components are placed
concentrically around the fiber (see Figure).Size is reduced (near 1 mm ameter, sometimes even less)
and connector performance is easier. On the other hand, the fiber is not isolated from constraints
(compression or stretching).With silica fibers, tight structure uses are limited to short distance “indoor
cabling” (aeronautics, computer systems, in-building cabling, in particular when the fiber-optic cable is
vertical). They are more systematic with plastic fibers.

Structures of optical fiber cables:a) tight structure; b) loose tube structure; c) multi-tube loose structure
Free structure cables:
The classic example of this type of cable is the loose tube, where the fiber is free inside a small
tube with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm (see Figure). It is no longer subject to mechanical compressions
transversally occurring on the tube; this tube must however be reinforced with steel or Kevlar strength
members protecting it from stretching or compression. In general, there is one fiber per tube,
sometimes two or more (their coating can be colored to locate them).
Cables of this type are widely used in manufacturing and information technology, video links
and local networks among other applications. They are also made into multi-fiber cables by combining
tubes, similarly to electric cables, around a central strength member (see Figure). Splitting and
connection of the different fibers are then made easier. A bigger size is the drawback of this structure.
However, this technique has improved and new “microtube” cables, each containing several fibers, are
emerging on the market and enable high capabilities with reduced size, making installation easier.

Compact structure cables:

For long distance networks, or in distribution networks, cables with very large capacity (over
1,000 fibers!) with low size are used. Ribbon structure cables, which is on old technology (it was one
of the first multi-fiber structures developed by Bell in the 1970s), currently dominate the large capacity
cable market. Their principle is to stack polymer ribbons, each containing from 8 to 12 parallel fibers
(see Figure). A stack of ribbons located in a small tube contains approximately 100 fibers and a large
number of tubes can be combined. Mass splicing techniques (simultaneous splicing of all the fibers of
one stripe) have been developed for this type of cable.

Fig.: Stripe cable

Aerial cables:

These are placed over high voltage lines, in particular in and around “overhead ground cables”
(cables acting as a lightning conductor). They enable electric (or railway) network operators to build
transmission or remote monitoring networks by using their existing infrastructures; the optical fiber is
the only one capable of operating in these conditions. Their high transmission capacities are rented to
telecom operators to be used as transport network. Lighter aerial cables can also be used for subscriber

Submarine cable:

They build the infrastructure of a worldwide communications network with constantly growing
range and capacity, even though this growth is highly cyclical. As with aerial cables, submarine cables
have to go through considerable stress (several dozen tons during the laying of a submarine cable) in
addition to the sea bottom pressure, and their possible repair is difficult and expensive. They must
therefore have considerable mechanical resistance and because of this, they are made up of an optical
core which is generally a tube containing fibers or ribbons, and placed inside a steel cable strand,
protecting it and making it resistant to stress.

In long distance submarine cables, a layer of copper leads repeater remote power feeding
current, of about one amp, the return is ensured by sea. The cable is electrically isolated by
polyethylene, the voltage reaches dozens of kV at the extremities of a trans-oceanic link. The whole
cable only has a diameter of a few cm (see Figure). Cables submerged at medium depth (up to 800 m)
are protected against cut-off risks (anchors, fishing tools) by a layer of steel cables and are “embedded”
(buried in the bottom sand) close to coasts.

Submarine fiber-optic cables
There are particular angles of propagation defined by cone of acceptance, which can be
transmitted down the optical fiber, At these angles, the electromagnetic wave that is the light can set
the number of complete patterns across the fiber. The number of complete patterns called modes
depends on the diameters of the optical fiber core. These are the essentially two different types of fiber
optic transmission schemes in use viz


Single Mode :

As the name suggests the single mode cable is able to the propagate only one mode. This is
used in long distance and/or high speed communication. It is beneficial over the long since it
completely elements a problem known as intermodal dispersion associated with multimode fibers. All
our long distance telephone conversations are now carried by a single mode optic fiber system over the
at least some part of the route.

Multi Mode :

The term multimode means that the diameter of the fiber optic core is large enough to
propagate more than one modes. Because of the multiple modes the pulse that is the transmitted down
the fiber tends to become stretched over distance, this is referred to as dispersion & has effect of
reducing the available of bandwidth.

Step Index Fiber:

In this structure, the core of refraction index n1 is surrounded by a cladding of slightly lower
index n2. These indices are close to 1.5 for silica fibers. This cladding plays an active role in guiding
and is also surrounded by a coating the light bounces off the side and is reflected back in to fibers core.
The problem with this design is that the reflected light must travel a slightly longer distance, than that
which travels down the centre of the fiber, thus limiting of the maximum transmission rate. This design
improve with the graded index fiber.

Graded Index Fiber:

The graded-index fibers were designed specifically for telecommunications in order to

minimize this intermodal dispersion effect without significantly reducing the numerical aperture or the
coupled power. Their core index decreases according to a parabolic-like law from the axis to the core
cladding interface. In this way, the rays follow a sine type path, and those with the longest path go
through lower index mediums, increasing their velocity and making it possible to approximately
equalize propagation delays.

Plastic Fiber:
Plastic fibers enable a large diameter as well as a large numerical aperture, while being flexible
and light; their attenuation is high but regular in the visible spectrum (see Figure 3.2). The most widely
used material is polyethylene methacrylate (PMMA); polystyrene is also used for a large numerical
aperture, but it is not as transparent.

These fibers are widely used in short distance optical applications (lighting, visualization,
display, etc.) in visible light. However, they are increasingly use for short distance data transmission
(up to approximately 100 m), with visible LEDs (mainly red at 670 nm, but green can also be used and
both colors can even be multiplexed), even at very high bitrates (100 Mbit/s). They are in fact very
economical and easy to implement (in particular concerning connectors) for home automation,
automobile, interconnections between computer equipment in a single location, benchmarks where
they transport signals safe from electromagnetic parasites

Other materials

Silica-silicone (pure silica core, silicone cladding) fibers, also called PCS (plastic cladded
silica), can have a large numerical aperture, while maintaining low attenuation and low sensitivity to
radiations. However, they are more rigid and more expensive than plastic fibers, and are harder to use
because of their heterogeneous structure. Their main application is light energy transport (laser beams,
optical power feeding), around 1 μm.


(1) State the different frequency bands used in fiber optic communication

(2) Which type of fiber has higher bandwidth among following group
(a) Single mode or multimode ____________________
(b) Step index or graded index ____________________

(3) Define refractive index

Experiment 2
To establish analog link using optical fiber cable
Equipments Required:
1. Fiber optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:
1. Connect the power supply cord to the main power plug & to fiber optic trainer kit.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
3. Make the following connections as shown in figure
a. Connect the 1 KHz sine wave output to emitter l's input.
b. Connect the Fiber Optics cable between emitter output and detectors input.
c. Detector l's output to AC amplifier 1 input.
4. On the board, switch emitter l's driver to analog mode.
5. Switch ON the power supply of trainer and oscilloscope.
6. Observe the input to emitter 1 (TP5) with the output from AC amplifier 1 (TP28) and note that
the two signals are same.

Experiment 3
To Establish Digital link using optical fiber cable
Equipments Required
1.Fiber optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2.Optical Fiber cable
3.Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:

1. Connect the power supply cord to the main the Power Supply to the board.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
3. Make the following connections as shown in figure 2.1.
 Connect the 1 KHz square wave output to emitter l's input.
 Connect the fiber optic cable between emitter output and detectors input.
 Detector 1's output to comparator 1’s input.
 Comparator l's output to AC amplifier l's input
4. On the board, switch emitter 1's driver to digital mode.
5. Switch ON the power supply of trainer and oscilloscope.
6. Monitor both the inputs to comparator 1 (TP13 & 14). Slowly adjust the Comparators bias preset,
until DC Level on the input (TP13) lays mid way between the high and low level of the signal on the
positive input (TP14).
7. Observe the input to emitter 1 (TP 5) with the output from AC amplifier 1 (TP28) and note that the
two signals are same.

Experiment 4
To measure propagation or attenuation loss in optical fiber
Equipments Require:
1. Fiber optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:

1. Connect power supply cord to the main power plug & to trainer ST2502.
2. Make the following connections as shown in figure 7.1.Function generator’s 1 KHz sine wave
output to Input 1 socket of emitter 1 circuit via 4 mm lead.
a) Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter 1 output and detector l's input.
b) Connect detector 1 output to amplifier 1 input socket via 4mm lead.
3. Switch ON the Power Supply of the trainer and oscilloscope.
4. Set the Oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V / Div and adjust 4 - 6 div amplitude by using X 1 probe with
the help of variable pot in function generator block at input 1 of Emitter 1.
5. Observe the output signal from detector TP10 on CRO.
6. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal same as that of transmitted one with the help of gain
adjust potentiometer in AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it V1.
7. Now replace the previous FG cable with 1 m cable without disturbing any previous setting.
8. Measure the amplitude at the receiver side again at output of amplifier 1 socket TP 28. Note this
value end name it V2.
Calculate the propagation (attenuation) loss with the help of following formula.
V1 / V2 = e- α (L1 + L2)
Where α is loss in nepers / meter
1 neper = 8. 686 dB
L 1 = length of shorter cable (0.5 m)
L 2 = Length of longer cable (1 m)
How to measure propagation losses?
1. State the causes for fiber propagation loss
2. State difference between signal loss and signal distortion
Experiment 5
To Study Bending Loss in fiber optic communication
Equipments Required:
1. Fiber Optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Faber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
4. Mandrel
Connection Diagram:
1. Connect power supply cord to the main power plug & to trainer kit .
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 8.1.
a) Function Generator 1 KHz sine wave output to input socket of emitter Circuit via 4 mm lead.
b) Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter output and detectors input.
c) Connect Detector output to amplifier input socket via 4mm lead.
3. Switch ‘On’ the power supply of the trainer and oscilloscope.
4. Set the Oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V/ Div and adjust 4-6 div amplitude by using X 1 probe with
the help of variable pot in function generator Block at input of Emitter.
5. Observe the output signal from detector (TP8) on CRO.
6. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal as that of transmitted one with the help of gain adjusts
potentiometer in AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it V 1 .
7. Wind the fiber optic cable on the mandrel and observe the corresponding AC amplifier output on
CRO, it will be gradually reducing, showing loss due to bends.


Sr No No. of Turns Output Voltage

1 NO Bending

Experiment 6
To measure the Numerical Aperture (N.A.) of the fiber optic cable.
Equipments Required:
1. Fiber Optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Numerical Aperture measurement Jig
Connection Diagram:
1. Connect the Power supply cord to mains supply and to the trainer Kit.
2. Connect the frequency generator's 1 KHz sine wave output to input of emitter 1 circuit. Adjust its
amplitude at 5Vpp.
3. Connect one end of fiber cable to the output socket of emitter 1 circuit and the other end to the
numerical aperture measurement jig. Hold the white screen facing the fiber such that its cut face is
perpendicular to the axis of the fiber.
4. Hold the white screen with 3 concentric circles (5, 10 & 15mm diameter) vertically at a suitable
distance to make the red spot from the fiber coincide with 10 mm circle.
5. Record the distance of screen from the fiber end L and note the diameter W of the spot.
Compute the numerical aperture from the formula given below
𝑁𝑁 =
�(4𝐿𝐿2 + 𝑊𝑊 2 )
6. Vary the distance between in screen and fiber optic cable and make it coincide with one of the
concentric circles.
7. Note its distance.
8. Tabulate the various distances and diameter of the circles made on the white screen and computes
the numerical aperture from the formula given above.

Sr No L (mm) W (mm) NA
(1) What is numerical aperture?
(2) Write the formula for numerical aperture?

Experiment 7
Demonstration and study of different types of Optical fiber connectors.


The fiber part of the fiber optic communications system is made up of lengths of optical fiber
they must be connected to each other to provide pathways for the optical signals to get from where
they start where you want them to go. Although the connections with the least loss of the signal are
permanent fusion splices (in which the ends of two glass fibers are melted together), there many
situation in which we do not want a permanent connection .

For example, we might want to connect a television camera to one TV set at one time and
another TV set at another time. It would be very inconvenit to have a permanent connection that you
could not change without physically breaking the connection to one set and installing another
permanent connection to the other. When we want to have a connection that can be changed
conveniently, you use fiber optic connectors.

Common Connector Types

There are quite a few types of connectors on the market this time .we Might still find SMA
connectors older equipment. They come in two styles ( called 905 and 906), but are very rarely used
now a days. Current single fiber connectors include FC (sometimes called FC­PC), SC, and ST types.
One type of dual fiber connector is specified in the FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
documents. Each of these connector types must meet very tight specifications. There are many other
connector types, but these are among the most common.

What Makes a Connector Good ?

To be useful, a connector has to have certain properties. Among the mare the following:

 A connector has to allow as much light to get through as possible.

 A connector has to be rugged.
 A connector should allow the same amount of light through each time it is disconnected and
 A connector should be easy and simple to install.
 A connector should be inexpensive.

It is not easy to meet these requirements. For example, the better the quality of the connector,
the more likely it is that will be expensive. People who design connectors must make compromises to
get the best combination of properties for the least money.

Types of Connector
ST Connector : It is a simplex only, twist-on mechanism. Available in single mode and multimode.
It is the most popular connector for multimode fiber optic LAN applications . It has a long 2.5mm
diameter ferrule made of ceramic (zirconia), stainless alloy or plastic. It mates with a interconnection
adapter and is latched into place by twisting to engage a spring-loaded bayonet socket.

Fig.:ST Connector

FC Connector : It is a simplex only, screw-on mechanism. Available in single mode and multimode.
FC connector also has a 2.5mm ferrule (made of ceramic (zirconia) or stainless alloy) . It is specifically
designed for telecommunication applications and provides non-optical disconnect performance.
Designed with a threaded coupling for durable connections. It has been the most popular single mode
connectors for many years. However it is now gradually being replaced by SC and LC connectors.

Fig.:FC Connector

SC Connector : It is a simplex and duplex, snap-in mechanism. Available in single mode and
multimode. SC was developed by NTT of Japan. It is widely used in single mode applications for its
excellent performance. SC connector is a non-optical disconnect connector with a 2.5mm pre-radiused
zirconia or stainless alloy ferrule. It features a snap-in (push-pull) connection design for quick patching
of cables into rack or wall mounts. Two simplex SC connectors can be clipped together by a reusable
duplex holding clip to create a duplex SC connector.

Fig.: SC Connector

LC Connector : It is a simplex and duplex – push and latch – 1.25mm ferrule. Available in single
mode and multimode. Externally LC connectors resemble a standard RJ45 telephone jack. Internally
they resemble a miniature version of the SC connector. LC connectors use a 1.25mm ceramic
(zirconia) ferrule instead of the 2.5mm ferrule. LC connectors are licensed by Lucent and incorporate a
push-and-latch design providing pull-proof stability in system rack mounts. Highly favored for single
mode applications.

Fig.:LC Connector

MU Connector : It is a simplex, duplex – snap in, 1.25mm ferrule. MU connectors and adapters were
developed by NTT, and have push-pull mechanism. They are called “mini SC” and are more popular in
Japan. Applications include high-speed data communications, voice networks, telecommunications,
and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). MU connectors are also used in multiple
optical connections and as a self-retentive mechanism in backplane applications.

Fig.:MU Connector
MT-RJ Connector : It is a duplex only, multimode only. (not 1.25mm ferrule, but rather a two-fiber
ferrule design derived from MT). Overall size is about the same as a RJ45 connector. MT-RJ
connector is derived from MT ferrule design. It has a miniature two-fiber ferrule with two guide pins
parallel to the fibers on the outside. The guides pins align ferrules precisely when mating two MT-RJ
connectors. MT-RJ connectors are designed with male-female polarity which means male MT-RJ
connector has two guide pins and female MT-RJ connector has two holes instead. MT-RJ connectors
are used in intrabuilding communication systems. Since they are designed as plugs and jacks, like RJ-
45 telephone connectors, adapters can be used with some designs, but are not required for all.

Fig.:MJ-RJ Connector

SMA 905 and SMA 906 Connector : It is a Simplex only. Multimode only. SMA 905 and 906
connectors make use of threaded connections and are ideal for military applications because of their
low cost multimode coupling. SMA 905 and SMA 906 multimode connectors are available with
stainless alloy or stainless steel ferrules. The stainless alloy ferrule may be drilled from 125um to
1550um to accept various fiber sizes. SMA 906 ferrule has a step, as shown in the following picture,
which requires a half sleeve to be installed when mating a SMA 906 connector with SMA 905 mating

Fig.:SMA 905 and SMA906 Connector

Biconic Connector :It is a Simplex only. Available in single mode and multimode. Biconic
connectors exhibit a cone-shaped ferrule that helps to align the optical fibers at the connection
interface. Their robust design makes biconic connectors well-suited for military fiber optic
applications. Fiber Connections terminates biconic connectors on either single mode or multimode
fiber optic cable. The ferrule can be made with either polymer or metal. Biconic connector’s
applications include LAN and premises networks, data processing systems, medical instrumentation,
remote sensing, telemetry, and cable television.

Fig.:Biconic Connector

D4 Connector: It is a 2.5mm ferrule. Screw-on. Simplex only. D4 connectors are made from a 2.5mm
diameter ceramic (zirconia) ferrule for durability. They have a high-performance threading mounting
system and a keyed body for repeatability and intermateability.

Fig.:D4 Connector
Experiment 8
Objective: To implement Frequency Modulation technique with fiber optic
Equipments Required:
1. Fiber optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:
1. Connect the power supply cord to the main power plug & to trainer kit.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
3. Make the following connections as shown in figure 5.1.
a) Connect Function generator 1 KHz sine wave signal to frequency modulator input.
b) Frequency modulator output TP2 to the emitter 1 input at TP5.
c) Connect the optic fiber between the emitter 1 circuit and the detector 1 circuit.
d) Detector 1 output TP10 to comparator 1 input at TP14.
e) Comparator 1 output TP15 to the PLL detector input at TP23.
f) PLL detector output at TP26 to the low pass filter 1 input at TP19
g) Low Pass Filter 1 output TP20 to A C amplifier 1 input at TP27
4. Switch emitter l's driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signal applied to
the drivers input causes the emitter LED to switch quickly between ‘On’ & ‘Off’ states.
5. Turn the 1 KHz preset in the function generator block to fully anticlockwise (Zero amplitude)
6. Switch ON the Power Supply of the trainer and oscilloscope.
7. Monitor the output of the voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) in the frequency modulator block
TP2. Note that the frequency of this digital signal is at present constant, since the modulating 1
KHz sine wave has zero amplitude.
8. Examine the output of detector 1 (TP10 and check that the transmitted digital pulses are
successfully detected at the receiver).
9. With the help of dual trace oscilloscope monitor both inputs to comparator1.
10. Now adjust the bias 1 preset until the bias input at TP13 is halfway between the top and bottom of
the square wave on TP14. You will remember that the function of the comparator is to clean up the
square wave after its transmission through the fiber optic link. The output of comparator 1 drives the
input of the PLL detector which produces a signal whose average level is proportional to the frequency
of the digital stream. This average level is then extracted by low pass filter 1, and amplified by AC
Amplifier1 to produce the original analog signal at the amplifiers output TP28. Examine TP28 and
note that the output voltage is zero. This is expected since there is currently no modulating voltage in
the transmitter.
11. While monitoring the input to the frequency modulator block TP1 and the output from AC
amplifier 1 TP28 turn the 1KHz preset to its fully clockwise maximum amplitude) position. Note that
the modulating 1 KHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary, adjust the amplifiers
gain, adjust 1 preset until the two monitored signal are equal in amplitude.
12. In order to fully understand how this frequency modulation transmitter/ receiver system works,
examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system, using an Oscilloscope.


Experiment 9
Objective: To implement Pulse Width Modulation technique with fiber optic
Equipments Required:
1. Fiber optic trainer kit with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:

1. Connect the power supply cord to the main power plug & to trainer kit.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are set to ‘Off’.
3. Make the following connections as shown in figure 6.1.
a. FG’s 1 KHz sine wave signal to the Pulse width modulator input TP3
b. Pulse width modulator output TP4 to emitter 1 input TP5
c. Connect the optic fiber between the emitter 1 circuit and detector 1 circuit.
d. Detector 1 output TP10 to comparator & input at TP14.
e. Comparator 1 output TP15 to LPF 1 at TP19.
f. LPF 1 output TP20 to A C amplifier 1 input at TP27.
4. Switch emitter 1’s driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signals applied to
the drivers input because the emitter LED to switch quickly between ‘On’ & ‘Off’ states.
5. Turn the 1 KHz preset of function generator block to fully anticlockwise (zero amplitude) position.
6. Switch ON the Power Supply of the trainer and oscilloscope.
7. Monitor the output of the pulse width modulator block TP4. Note that the pulse width of this digital
signal is at present constant, since the modulating 1 KHz sine wave has zero amplitude.
8. Examine the output Detector TP10 and check that the transmitted digital pulse is successfully
detected at the receiver.
9. Monitor both inputs’ comparator 1 TP13 & TP14 and if necessary, slowly adjust the comparator's
bias preset, until the DC Level on the negative input TP13 lies midway between the high and low level
of the signal on the positive input TP14.
10. The average level of comparator l's output is extracted by LPF 1 and then amplified by AC
amplifier which also removes the DC offset. Since, the average level of the comparator output is
proportional to the pulse width, the original analog signal appears at the amplifiers output TP28.
Examine TP28 and note that the output voltage is zero. This is expected since there is currently no
modulating voltage at the transmitter.
11. While monitoring the input to the pulse width modulator block TP3 and the output from AC
amplifier 1 TP28 turn the 1 KHz preset to its fully clockwise(maximum amplitude position). Note that
the modulating 1 KHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary, adjust the amplifiers
gain adjust 1 preset until the two monitored signals are equal in amplitude.
In order to fully understand how this pulse width modulation transmitter/receiver system works,
examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system using an oscilloscope.

Experiment 10
Setting up of Fiber Optics voice link using Intensity Modulation
Equipment’s Required:
1. Fiber optic trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
Connection Diagram:

1. Connect the power supply cord to the main power plug & to trainer kit.
2. Make the following connections as shown in figure.
3. Give microphone output to LED input
4. Connect speaker to the amplifier output


AIM : To Study The Fiber Optic Splicing And Joining .


Fiber Optic Splicing

Knowledge of fiber optic splicing methods is vital to any company or fiber optic technician
involved in Telecommunications or LAN and networking projects. Simply put, fiber optic splicing
involves joining two fiber optic cables together. The other, more common, method of joining fibers is
called termination or connectorizationn. Fiber splicing typically results in lower light loss and back
reflection than termination making it the preferred method when the cable runs are too long for a single
length of fiber or when joining two different types of cable together, such as a 48-fiber cable to four 12-
fiber cables. Splicing is also used to restore fiber optic cables when a buried cable is accidentally

There are two methods of fiber optic splicing, fusion splicing & mechanical splicing. If you are
just beginning to splice fiber, you might want to look at your long-term goals in this field in order to
choose which technique best fits you’re economic and performance objectives.

Mechanical Splicing vs. Fusion Splicing

Mechanical Splicing:

Mechanical splices are simply alignment devices, designed to hold the two fiber ends in a
precisely aligned position thus enabling light to pass from one fiber into the other. (Typical loss: 0.3 dB)


Fusion Splicing:

In fusion splicing a machine is used to precisely align the two fiber ends then the glass ends are
"fused" or "welded" together using some type of heat or electric arc. This produces a continuous
connection between the fibers enabling very low loss light transmission. (Typical loss: 0.1 dB)

Fusion Splicing

The typical reason for choosing one method over the other is economics. Mechanical splicing
has a low initial investment but costs more per splice. While the cost per splice for fusion splicing is
lower ,the initial investment is much higher depending on the accuracy and features of the fusion
splicing machine being purchased). The more precise you need the alignment (better alignment results in
lower loss) the more you pay for the machine.

Fusion splicing produces lower loss and less back reflection than mechanical splicing because
the resulting fusion splice points are almost seamless. Fusion splices are used primarily with single
mode fiber where as Mechanical splices work with both single and multimode fiber.

Fusion Splicing Method

As mentioned previously, fusion splicing is a junction of two or more optical fibers that have been
permanently affixed by welding them together by an electronic arc.

Four basic steps to completing a proper fusion splice:

Step 1: Preparing the fiber - Strip the protective coatings, jackets, tubes, strength members, etc.
leaving only the bare fiber showing. The main concern here is cleanliness.

Step 2: Cleave the fiber - Using a good fiber cleaver here is essential to a successful fusion splice. The
cleaved end must be mirror-smooth and perpendicular to the fiber axis to obtain a proper splice. (The
cleaver does not cut the fiber. It merely nicks the fiber and then pulls or flexes it to cause a clean break.
)The goal is to produce a cleaved end that is as perfectly perpendicular as possible. That is why a good
cleaver for fusion splicing can often cost These cleavers can consistently produce a cleave angle of 0.5
degree or less.

Step 3: Fuse the fiber - There are two steps within this step, alignment and heating. Alignment can be
manual or automatic depending on what equipment you have. The higher priced equipment you use, the

more accurate the alignment becomes. Once properly aligned the fusion splice unit then uses an
electrical arc to melt the fibers, permanently welding the two fiber ends together.

Step 4: Protect the fiber - Protecting the fiber from bending and tensile forces will ensure the splice not
break during normal handling. A typical fusion splice has a tensile strength between 0.5 and 1.5 lbs and
will not break during normal handling but it still requires protection from excessive bending and pulling
forces. Using heat shrink tubing, silicone gel and/or mechanical crimp protectors will keep the splice
protected from outside elements and breakage.

Mechanical Splicing Method

Mechanical splicing is an optical junction where the fibers are precisely aligned and held in place by a
self-contained assembly, not a permanent bond. This method aligns the two fiber ends to a common
centerline, aligning their cores so the light can pass from one fiber to another.

Four steps to performing a mechanical splice:

Step 1: Preparing the fiber - Strip the protective coatings, jackets, tubes, strength members, etc.
leaving only the bare fiber showing. The main concern here is cleanliness.

Step 2: Cleave the fiber - The process is identical to the cleaving for fusion splicing but the cleave
precision is not as critical.

Step 3: Mechanically join the fibers - There is no heat used in this method. Simply position the fiber
ends together inside the mechanical splice unit. The index matching gel inside the mechanical splice
apparatus will help couple the light from one fiber end to the other. Older apparatus will have an epoxy
rather than the index matching gel holding the cores together.

Step 4: Protect the fiber - the completed mechanical splice provides its own protection for the splice.

Fiber Optic Joining:

A process that involves reaction forming has been devised to enable the joining of high-
temperature-resistant structural parts made of SiC-based materials. These materials include SiC-based
ceramics and composites reinforced by fibers that are made of various component materials and are
woven, wound, or otherwise arranged in various configurations. The technique can be used to join
simply shaped parts to make complexly shaped structures, and to repair such parts and structures.
The process begins with the application of a carbonaceous mixture to the joint regions between
parts. The mixture is cured at a temperature between 90 and 110 °C. The joints are then locally
infiltrated with molten silicon or with alloy(s) of silicon and refractory metal(s). The molten silicon or
alloy reacts with the carbon in the joint to form silicon carbide with amounts of silicon and refractory
disilicide phases that can be tailored by choice of the compositions of the reactants. Consequently, the
process results in joints with tailorable microstructures and thus tailorable thermo mechanical properties.
The properties of the joints can be tailored to approximate closely those of the joined parts



AIM: To Study Optical Power Meter.

An optical power meter (OPM) is a device used to measure the power in an optical signal. The
term usually refers to a device for testing average power in fiber optic systems. Other general purpose
light power measuring devices are usually called radiometers, photo meters, laser power meters, light
meters or lux meters.
A typical optical power meter consists of a calibrated sensor, measuring amplifier and display.
The sensor primarily consists of a photodiode selected for the appropriate range of wavelengths and
power levels. On the display unit, the measured optical power and set wavelength is displayed. Power
meters are calibrated using a traceable calibration standard such as a NIST standard.
A traditional optical power meter responds to a broad spectrum of light, however the calibration
is wavelength dependent. This is not normally an issue, since the test wavelength is usually known,
however it has a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the user must set the meter to the correct test wavelength,
and secondly if there are other spurious wavelengths present, then wrong readings will result.

Fig : Optical Power Meter

(1) LCD: The LCD screen display the measurement tested in dB, dBm, mW, uW, nW unit; the selected
wavelength; the current operating situation and so on.

(2) ON/OFF Key: Press the key to turn the unit on/off.

(3) dB Key: To test the power value under certain wavelength.

(4) ZERO Key: Press the key for auto-zero.

(5) “λ” Key: Switch the operating wavelength between 850, 980,1300,1310 and 1550nm.

(6) LIGHT Key: To turn the background light on/off .


 Press the On/Off key for a few seconds to turn on the unit.
 Press the On/Off key for a few seconds to turn off the unit .

Absolute power measurement

 Turn on the Power Meter.

 Press the λ key to switch between the wavelengths. The default wavelength is 1310nm.
 Connect the light to be measured, and then reading will be displayed on the LCD screen,
including Linear and nonlinear value.

Relative power measurement

 Select the wavelength to be measured.

 Under “Absolute power measurement mode”, connect to the light to be tested.
 Press dB key, then current power value is stored as a reference value in dB unit. At the same
time it also display the current absolute power value and current relative value is 0dB.
 Connect to another beam of light to be tested, display the current relative power value and
absolute power value under tested.

Optical fiber loss measurement:

Step 1- Optical Reference Level

 Turn on optical power meter and press the λ key to select the wavelength.
 Turn on optical light source (emitting source) and select the wavelength. Wait for 1-2 minutes
until it stabilize.
 Select a piece of patch cords, which is used to connect with the light source, we call it emitting
patch cords. Cleaning connector of the patch cords. The fiber of the emitting source patch cords
must be the same fiber type as the fiber under test.
 Connect the light source (emitting source) with the Handheld Power Meter through the emitting
source patch cords.

 Handheld Power Meter get the power measurement value. This value should be close to the one
that light source (emitting source) set. If it has wide disparity, please make sure the fiber
connection is clean properly else replace another jumpers.
 Press the dB key; the reading 0.00dB will be displayed on the screen. The tested power values
will be set to the reference value.

Step 2-Optical Loss Measurement

 Keep the emitting source patch cords connection with the light source (emitting source).
 Connect the Handheld Power Meter and light source (emitting source) to the optica fiber link


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