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YAYASAN PESANTREN AL-HUDA Sheila : That’s alright.

Vina : I hope you enjoy your party.

NSS : 402021230014 NDS : 2002 150 031 NPSN : 20241184 Sheila : Thanks Vina.
- Program Keahlian Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Terakreditasi A) - Program Keahlian Akuntansi (Terakreditasi B) 6. Please make a conversation of invitation!
- Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (Terakreditasi A) - Program Keahlian Adm Perkantoran (Terakreditasi A) 7. Translate the conversation below!
- Program Keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor (Terakreditasi A)
Alamat : Jl. Cipondok (Peuteuyjaya) Jayaratu Telp. (0265) 2553055 Email : Tasikmalaya
Tom : What do you do tonight? Will you join us to go to movie?
Brian : Oh sorry, I have an appointment. I received a dinner invitation by Mr. Paul. He aksed me to come
Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 Tom : No problem. Maybe in the next time.
Brian : Thank you, Tom. I hope so.
Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris
Tingkat/Jurusan : XI TSM A/B/C/D TKJ A/B/C/D RPL and MM 8. Please change to passive sentences!
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 13 Maret 2019 a. We cleaned our house yesterday.
Jam ke / Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 b. Susan was visiting her gradparents in Kalimantan last Sunday.
9. Please change to passive sentences!
a. My grandfather is not building this house in 1945.
b. I have not eaten my lunch in the kitchen.
1. Please fill in the blank below to complete the converstion!
10. Please change to passive sentences!
A: What’s your opinion of smoking?
a. She had answered the questions from Mrs Karunia loudly.
B: ....................................................
b. The lady will not sing your favourite song next week.
A: But do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses?
11. Please change to active sentences!
B: ....................................................
a. The house is cleaned by Rita once a week
A: So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Jakarta?
b. The car was being repaired by Doni yesterday
B: .....................................................
12. Please change to active sentences!
2. Please write expression of asking and giving opinion!
a. The cake will not be always made by my mother.
3. What is your opinion about our school?
b. The book had not been read by Gina last year.
4. Translate the conversation below!
13. Please Arrange this sentences!
A: So, do you think that Jakarta is a great place to live?
a. My – choose – him – to – I – be – husband
B: I believe that, yes. There are so many place to go in Jakarta. But, it’s not easy to travel around the city.
b. My homework – I – beacuse - my teacher – me – punish – forget - to collect
Jakarta is too crowded
14. Translate into english using passive sentences!
A: What do you think about the idea that there are too many people living in Jakarta?
a. Rifki akan menerjemahkan beberapa dokumen minggu depan.
B: I think so. There are a lot of people but it makes the city is always busy and exciting.
b. Mereka mengundang semua teman-teman nya ke pesta ulang tahun nya minggu lalu.
5. Please fill in the blank below to complete the converstion!
15. What are definition and generic structures of analytical exposition?
Vina is very busy doing her English homework, while Sheila, her friend,phones Vina to come to her party.
Sheila : Hello, this is Sheila. May I speak to Vina?
Vina : .............................................................
Sheila : Oh, hi Vina. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house tonight. We’re having a great party.
Vina : .............................................................................

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