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365 Days for Health

of the
July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

365 Days for Health
of the
July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
“Kagawaran ng Kalusugan,
Gabay natin kahit saan
Laging gagampanan,ang tungkuling sinumpaan”
- from the DOH Hymn

Secretary Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial

and the DOH Executive Committee (Execom)
Top (L-R): Asec. Myrna C. Cabotaje, Asec. Nestor F. Santiago Jr, Usec. Achilles Gerard C. Bravo, Asec. Elmer G. Punzalan, Usec. Mario C. Villaverde, Usec. Roger P. Tong-An, ARMM-Sec.
Kadil M. Sinolinding Jr, Usec. Herminigildo V. Valle, Asec. Maria Francia M. Laxamana, Usec. Gerardo V. Bayugo, Asec.Enrique A. Tayag, Asec. Abdullah B. Dumama Jr, Asec. Leonita
P. Gorgolon; Bottom (L-R): Asec. Ma. Carolina Vidal-Taiño, Usec Lilibeth C. David, Sec. Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial, Asec. Agnette P. Peralta

Table of Contents

01 02 07
Message of the Secretary Developing a
Strategic Plan for Health
Care for All Life Stages and
Triple Burden of Disease

23 35 41
Access to Functional Financial Freedom through
Service Delivery Networks Universal Health Insurance
Good Governance and
Secretary Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
during the 120th PSG Anniversary
Message of the secretary

“Take care of the poor.” This was the directive of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
upon assumption of office. The Department of Health set out to epitomize the president’s
“malasakit” or compassion for people through the Philippine Health Agenda (PHA). The PHA
is both a strategic vision for the health sector and a plan that is compassionate and inclusive
as exemplified by its slogan, “All for Health towards Health for All.”
Over the past 365 days, the DOH focused its efforts towards ensuring access to
essential health services for the disadvantaged.
We have improved transparency in our offices by adopting the initiatives for Freedom
of Information, and strengthened our fight against corruption through the newly created Task
Force Against Corruption.
The president has shown his support for the health of the people – exemplified by
the 3 Executive Orders he has signed and issued to the country which includes: 1) The
Executive Order on Zero Unmet Need for Family Planning; 2) Executive Order on Smoke
Free Environments; and 3) Executive Order on the Regulation of Fire-Cracker Use. In support
of improving health service delivery throughout the country, the President has also approved
the Philippine Health Facility Development Plan 2017-2022, the medium term investment
plan for the government in rehabilitating, upgrading and constructing new health facilities
across the country which includes 9,604 additional Barangay Health Stations (BHS); 2,289
additional Rural Health Units (RHU) and Urban Health Centers (UHC); 750 Polyclinics;
42,856 additional general hospital beds; and 2 Mega Hospitals to provide almost all types of
specialty services and serve as the ultimate referral center for major island groups outside
Metro Manila.
To ensure that all Filipinos, especially the poor, marginalized, and Geographically Isolated
and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) have access to essential heatlh services, we have rolled
out the TSeKaP campaign. The campaign ensures that every Filipino is seen by a health
professional and is provided information on health and available essential health services to
protect him or her from the triple burden of disease. Since July 2016, around 19 million poor
Filipinos were seen by a health professional.
Despite the risks involved, the DOH deployed at least 289 doctors and 14,486 nurses to
doctorless municipalities nationwide. It is through the heroism of these people, as exemplified
by our dear Doctor to the Barrio Dr. Dreyfuss Perlas who died a heroic death serving the
people of Lanao del Norte, that Filipinos in far flung areas have access to care.
We have worked with PCSO, PhilHealth and DSWD to facilitate access to financial
assistance for the poor who need health care. By the end of the year, all NHTS and poor
patients admitted in government hospitals no longer need to line up at DOH, PCSO,
PhilHealth or DSWD to receive medical financial assistance to be processed already at the
hospital they are admitted in.
I would like to present to you this report that provides a snapshot of the Department’s
daily activities, and highlights how we have worked with different stakeholders in achieving
health for each and every Filipino -“All for Health towards Health for All”.


Secretary of Health

Developing a Strategic Plan for Health
The Department of Health formulated the
Philippine Health Agenda (PHA) 2016-2022
“All for Health towards Health for All” guided
by our commitment to the Sustainable
Development Goals, AmBisyon Natin 2040,
and the 0+10 Socioeconomic Agenda. The
PHA aims to uphold every Filipino’s right
to health and effect a positive change that
is felt by all, particularly the poor. The
Philippine Health Agenda specifies 3 Goals,
3 Guarantees for the Filipino people, and 7
major strategies to achieve these goals and

The Philippine Health Agenda was

developed with inputs from DOH and
sectoral workshops including the Social
Development Initiatives Summit held on
August 17-18, 2016 in Davao City. The PHA
was formally unveiled to health stakeholders Figure 1. AmBisyon 2040, Sustainable Development Goals
and partners on September 15, 2016 at the and Duterete’s 10 Point Socioeconomic Agenda as basis
for the Philippine Health Agenda


Advance Quality, Health Promotion and

Primary Care
Cover All Filipinos Against Health-Related FINANCIAL PROTECTION
Financial RIsk

Harness the Power of Strategic Human

Resources for Development
Invest in e-Health and Data for Decision
Enforce Standards, Accountability and
Transparency UNIVERSAL
Value Clients and Patients, Especially the INSURANCE
Poor, Marginalized and Vulnerable
Elicit Multisectoral and Multistakeholder RESPONSIVENESS

Support for Health

Figure 2. Philippine Health Agenda Framework

National Health Summit on Strengthening
Partnerships to Achieve All for Health
Towards Health for All.

The medium-term plan for socio-economic

development has integrated the Philippine
Health Agenda. The PHA strategies are
included in the chapters of the Philippine
Development Plan 2017-2023 on health
and nutrition, social security, infrastructure
development. The key outcomes that
concretize what PHA means for the Filipinos,
particularly the poor, are defined in the 12
DOH Legacies -“OUR LEGACIES 24/7”.
These are the key achievements that can
be felt by communities and aimed for by the
health sector in 2022. The various meetings
with municipal and city health officers have
surfaced out operational targets for PHA in
the DOH30, which guides local health units
in health actions at the community level to
Figure 3. Sec. Ubial presenting the Philippine Health
achieve health for all. Agenda during the National Health Summit

O Out-of Pocket Expenditures for Health and For Medicines for the Poor Reduced

U Universal Health Insurance Coverage for All Filipinos

R Reverse Trend of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis

L Lowered Malnutrition Rates

E Ensured Blood Adequacy

G Good Data for Decision Making

A Attained Zero Unmet Needs for Modern Family Planning

C Community-Based Rehabilitation Program in All Communities

I ISO Certification of All Government Hospitals

E Expenditures on Health Increased

S Sustained Efforts Towards Zero Open Defecation, Universal Basic Drinking Water and Hand Washing

24/7 24/7 Access to Health Services for All Filipinos

Figure 4. Our 12 Legacies for Health 24/7 for 2022

The PHA has been disseminated for the
guidance of partners and stakeholders
through its publication in the DOH website
and distribution of PHA brochures in all key
health events. Various fora have also been
organized to orient public health managers
on the Philippine Health Agenda, Ambisyon
2040 and other key health strategies through
4 PHA Summits with Municipal Health
Officers and City Health Officers nationwide
to facilitate its implementation at local levels.
Two other PHA Summits are scheduled for
Provincial Health Officers and Chiefs of LGU
Hospitals in August. Figure 6. Secretary Ubial giving her Keynote Address at
the MHO/CHO Summit in Pampanga
The DOH took immediate steps to
issue landmark policies enabling the DOH 30 Things to Do
implementation of the PHA , and to for MHOs and CHOs
collaborate with legislators for the Universal
Health Care Bill. O 1. Health center properly stocked with selected essential medicines
2. PhilHealth accredited health facilities (MCP; NBP; TB-DOTS; and PCB)

U 3. 100% of poor families profiled and monitored

4. 100% of population covered by social health insurance
5. Promote Awareness of HIV/AIDS among the youth
R 6. 100% testing, counselling and treatment for risk population
7. Advocate Increase condom use
8. Decrease malnutrition rate by 2% per year
L 9. Decrease stunting rate by 3% per year
10. 100% of children under 5 years old weighed in all barangay

E 11. 1% of population donating blood

12. Adequate referral system

13. 100% functional electronic medical record
14. FHSIS and surveillance data used in the LIPH
15. No stockouts of FP commodities
A 16. Full range of family planning services offered
17. Decrease in unmet need for modern FP
18. 100% tokhang assessed
C 19. Outpatient and community services available for drug users
20. Referral system for drug users smooth and functional

21. SDN functional
22. QMS in place – SS standards
23. LGU health budget increased
E 24. PhilHealth reimbursement
25. 100% of HHs using safely managed sanitation services
S 26. 100% of HHs using safely managed drinking water services
27. Functional and licensed ambulance
28. All barangay visited by MHO at least 2x a year
29. 100% of the identifed poor provided with annual health check-up
Figure 5. Secretary Ubial visits Committee on Health Chair 30. One member per household trained on Cardiopulmonary
Cong. Angelina Tan working with the team from DOH and Resuscitation (CPR)
PhilHealth on the Universal Health Coverage Bill

Reorganizing the Department of • Office for Health Regulation (OHR) -
Health for the Implementation of the establishes regulatory mechanisms
Philippine Health Agenda to ensure quality, affordable, and
accessible health services and goods
With the signing of the Philippine Health
Agenda in 2016, and the directives of • Office for Health Systems
the President to improve efficiency and Development (OHSD) - spearheads
accountability within national government the development of pilot health
agencies, the DOH was reorganized into programs and those of special
5 clusters, each of which is headed by an concerns that can be integrated to
Undersecretary and Assistant Secretary: strengthen SDNs

• Office of the Secretary (OSEC) - • Office for Administration, Finance,

leads and represents the DOH in and Procurement (OAFP) - leads
the nationwide implementation of the corporate development of the DOH
Philippine Health Agenda and manages investments

• Office for Policy and Health • Office for Field Implementation

Systems (OPHS) - responsible for and Monitoring (OFIM) - oversees
the development of sectoral plans, the consistency of performance
policies, researches, strategies, goals and development of all regions
and targets in accordance with DOH policies,
standards, plans and targets
• Office for Technical Services (OTS)
- leads the development of technical
policies and national public health

LEGEND Office of the Secretary

Attached Agencies
Programs/Divisions PAU




Administrative Special
HFDB Service Services/Concerns
HPCS BOQ Human Rights Unit Procurement
Access Program Geriatric Health
HEMB Administration Facility
National Pharmaceutical
Voluntary Blood Division Division
Services Regional Offices PPP for Health
Program DOH - ARMM
Organ Donation
NNC Hospitals,
Sanitaria and PHIC
POPCOM TRCs Medical Tourism

PNAC Corporate Migrant Health


Figure 7. Functional Clustering of the Department of Health

July 1. DOH conducts Mobile Blood Donation Activities
1 to strengthen awareness and importance of blood
July 2. DOH responds to the needs of populations in
2 Albarka, Tipo-Tipo, & Ungkaya Pukan in Basilan
who were displaced due to armed conflict
3 July 3. DOH participates in the 64th Session of the UN Convention on
the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women

4 July 4. DOH issues AO 2016-0033 re: General Guidelines on the Retention & Distribution of Philippine
Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) Professional Fees as “Pooled Funds” in Government Hospital
July 5. DOH conducts a workshop to update
5 the equipment standards used in HFEP
implementing guidelines
July 6. Consultative Quarterly Meeting on
6 DOH personnel concerns
July 7. DOH conducts a consultative meeting on the Women & Children
7 Protection Program for the formulation of a policy framework &
implementation strategy
July 8. DOH participates in the WHO Joint Meeting
8 on Regulatory Guidance for Multisource
9 July 9. DOH monitors & responds to Typhoon Butchoy

10 July 10. DOH monitors & responds to the oil spill incident in Brgys. Tablac & Camachili,
Matnog, Sorsogon

July 11. DOH conducts healthcare needs assessment of

11 Filipinos in the detention centers in Sabah, Malaysia

12 July 12. The SOH presides over the 2nd regular EXECOM meeting
to discuss policy & operational matters on PHA

13 July 13. DOH conducts a training of trainers on Severe & Acute

Malnutrition Management for Children

14 July 14. DOH conducts a workshop to update the

equipment standards used in HFEP implementing

15 July 15. The SOH holds a dialogue with stakeholders in Tacloban City to identify strategies for
enhancing the SDNs of Region 8
July 16. DOH monitors & responds to the effects
16 of the low pressure area located east of
Southern Luzon
July 17. DOH launches the “Kaligtasang Pangkalusugan sa Kalamidad
17 sa Kamay ng Komunidad” or “5K” strategy in Marikina City to
capacitate LGUs in disaster risk reduction
18 July 18. The SOH presides over the 3rd regular EXECOM meeting that includes
intensifying efforts of DOH-ROs & LGUs in achieving zero unmet need for FP

19 July 19. The SOH meets the Governor of Iloilo to discuss the provincial health
situation & determine DOH assistance needed in the province
July 20. DOH participates in the Training on the 2016 Revised IRR of
20 the RA 9184 or the Procurement Reform Act to support its
Guarantee 1 ensures that services for both “Zeroing” Unmet Need for the Poor
the well and the sick across all life stages
and the triple burden of disease will be President Duterte signed Executive Order
available to all Filipinos. These services No. 12: “Attaining and Sustaining Zero
should be clear and well-defined to be easily Unmet Need for Modern Family Planning
understood and accessed by the general through the Strict Implementation of the
public. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act, Providing Funds Therefor and
Making Guarantees Explicit for Other Purposes” on January 9, 2017.
This policy supports the goals of the health
The DOH created a Technical Working Group and development sector in attaining the
to make guarantees explicit for individuals demographic dividend by identifying fund
and communities. The TWG defined health sources and mechanisms to accelerate
services for communities or populations and attainment of the target such as mapping
for individuals, and at what level and type of individuals with unmet need, capacity
health facility in the country where specific building and mobilization of local resources,
services should be developed. Services conduct of intensive community-based
were packaged for each of the life stages demand generation, and collaboration with
and diseases targeted for health service the private sector.
provision in the PHA.
The DOH developed Administrative Order
The TWG tackled the identification of different (AO) 2017-0005 “Guidelines in Achieving
services in 6 meetings and in consultations Desired Family Size through Accelerated
with LGU counterparts through 4 Municipal and Sustained Reduction in Unmet Need
Health Officers/City Health Officers Summits. for Modern Family Planning Methods”,
The work will guide the service providers in issued on March 30, 2017 in response to
the LGUs on what minimum services should EO No. 12. This AO provides guidelines for
be provided at the primary level. the health sector and other stakeholders


Pregnant Newborn Infant Child Adolescent Adults Elderly



July 21. DOH conducts the Writeshop on the Finalization of the Survey
21 Tool for Quality Assurance of Public Health Programs to
enhance DOH capacity to ensure the quality of health services
July 22. DOH participates in the 80th Camarines Sur Medical Society
22 Annual Convention to discuss issues affecting healthcare
delivery system & hospital administration
23 July 23. DOH monitors & responds to a vehicular accident
in Brgy. Katidtuan, Kabacan, Cotabato
July 24. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake affecting
24 Antique, Leyte, & Negros Oriental; & the fire in Valenzuela
25 July 25. The SOH attends the 1st State of the
Nation Address of the Administration
July 26. DOH participates in the 25th Technical
26 Advisory Group Meeting on Immunization &
Vaccine- Preventable Diseases in WPR
July 27. The SOH leads the inauguration of the new OB-Gyne Ward of the
27 Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
July 28. DOH, through Regional Office VII , conducts World
28 Hepatitis Day 2016 activities to encourage prevention,
treatment & birth dose vaccination of newborn infants
29 July 29. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the founding
anniversary of the Mariveles Mental Hospital

30 July 30. DOH monitors & responds to a shooting incident in Brgy.

Kibongcog, San Fernando, Bukidnon

July 31. DOH monitors & responds to an explosion incident

31 in Brgy. Poblacion, Imelda, Zamboanga Zibugay
Aug 1. DOH, through NCR Regional Office, conducts a Health
32 Outreach for People Empowerment (HOPE) Caravan to cater
to the health needs of 4Ps members
Aug 2. The SOH presides over the 4th regular EXECOM meeting & approves the
33 adoption of the ECCD Intervention Package, the utilization of community
kitchens, & other matters
34 Aug 3. The SOH leads the consultative meeting on
Substance Use & Abuse

35 Aug 4. DOH, with WHO, conducts a consultative forum for the capacity
assessment mission on substance abuse to develop a strategic
approach to prevent & treat substance abuse
Aug 5. DOH conducts the 1st Northern Luzon Cluster
36 Meeting to discuss the cluster health situation
& determine the health assistance needs
Aug 6. DOH responds to the earthquake in General Santos City; the maritime incident in
37 Concepcion, Iloilo; and the flooding incident in Maguindanao
Aug 7. DOH responds to a low pressure area in
38 Basco, Batanes & a vehicular accident in Brgy.
Tuaca, Basud, Camarines Norte
Aug 8. DOH participates in the 11th ASEAN Senior Officials’
39 Meeting on Health Development in Brunei to present the
ASEAN Health Cluster 3 updates
Aug 9. DOH issues AO 2016-0034 re: New Implementing
40 Guidelines of the Philippine National Formulary
Systems to ensure rational use of medicines
from granting applications for reproductive
Priority strategies in AO 2017-0005: products and supplies and distributing a
hormonal contraceptive (Implanon and
1. Provision of modern family planning Implanon NXT).
2. Conduct of demand generation The DOH and the RPRH National
activities Implementation Team continue their efforts
3. Outreach missions in urban poor on lifting the TRO while undertaking the
communities and Geographically orders of the Supreme Court. A Motion for
Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas Reconsideration has been filed and gained
4. Provision of post-partum family support through a multisectoral petition joined
planning and counseling and services by over 300 thousand women, couples, and
in implementing strategies to accelerate
and sustain reduction in unmet need for Despite some setbacks in the implementation
modern family planning and attainment of of the RPRH Law, the modern Contraceptive
desired family size. Orientation and planning Prevalence Rate (mCPR) rose from 43% in
workshops have been conducted with 2015 to 45% in 2016 or 5.7 million women
members of the Regional Implementation using modern Family Planning methods
Teams, LGUs, hospitals, and private partners in 2016 based on estimations from DOH
to develop a harmonized plan to effectively administrative data.
implement strategies to accelerate and
sustain the reduction in the unmet need Family Planning Commodities
for modern Family Planning (FP) in their Distributed
respective areas.
A total of 2,089,529 Family Planning
To gain the support of the local chief commodities were distributed in the 3rd
executives in the effort and recognize quarter of 2016 while in the 1st quarter of
exemplary initiatives of LGUs in the
implementation of the RPRH Law, the DOH rh goods distributed by doh
launched the Purple Ribbon Award in 2017.
3rd quarter 1st quarter
The Purple Ribbon Award provides
2016 2017
recognition to LGUs that display exceptional
performance in RPRH implementation. Pills (COC) 1,048,896 502,200
Pills (POP) 85,500 86,000
The DOH provided for a mechanism to DMPA (vials) 371,345 220,500
harmonize efforts of different sectors in
IUD (pcs) 121,085
implementing the FP program through the
issuance of Administrative Order No. 2017- Male condoms (pcs) 583,788 341,152
0005 “Guidelines on the Certification of Free
Standing Family Planning Clinics”. This Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
contains the set of standards that ensure the
quality of FP services rendered by partner
CSOs and private healthcare providers.
Partial June 2016

DOH is still able to provide FP commodities
for Filipinos, particularly the poor, amidst the 2016 data as of April 2017
Temporary Restraining Order issued last 2022 Target
June 2015 preventing the DOH and the FDA
Aug 10. The SOH participates in the Mindanao Implementation Review &
Strategic Planning Workshop to strengthen efforts in decreasing
41 maternal & infant deaths
Aug 11. DOH travels to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to
42 extend health services to Overseas Filipinos

Aug 12. DOH monitors the Community Action Planning &

43 Engagement in Pasay City to develop HIV/AIDS prevention
strategies & action plans
44 Aug 13. DOH participates in the AOGIN Congress 2016 to receive the AOGIN
Recognition of Country-Sponsored National HPV Vaccination Program
Aug 14. The SOH leads the Walk for Sight, an advocacy event
45 held in support of Proclamation No. 40, s. 1956 that
declares August as the Sight Saving Month
Aug 15. DOH participates in the Life Sciences Innovation Forum - Regulatory
46 Harmonization Steering Committee meeting to set actions to
harmonize regulations on medical products
Aug 16. DOH monitors the Community Action Planning
47 & Engagement in General Santos City to develop
HIV/AIDS prevention strategies & action plans
Aug 17. The SOH presents the Philippine Health Agenda in
48 the Cabinet Secretary’s Social Health Summit with
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
49 Aug 18. DOH participates in the Annual Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis (PhilCAT) Convention to
discuss global & local updates on the most recent initiative & strategies in Tuberculosis control
Aug 19. DOH participates in the Health Working Group Meeting in
50 Peru to discuss & address health-related threats to trade,
security, & the economy
Aug 20. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the Health
51 Policy Dialogue (HDP) in the APEC SOM3 “Healthy
Migrants towards Healthy Asia Pacific 2020” in Lima, Peru
Aug 21. DOH monitors & responds to the flooding incident
52 in Nueva Ecija; the earthquake in Camarines Sur;
and a tornado incident in Zamboanga City
Aug 22. DOH conducts epidemiologic investigation
53 of acute meningitis-encephalitis cases in
Rosario, Batangas
Aug 23. DOH, through Regional Office V, launches Breastfeeding in
54 Transit to promote breastfeeding & the designating of seats
for nursing mothers in public vehicles & terminals
55 Aug 24. The SOH leads the visit in Cuba to study its healthcare delivery system & gain inputs (i.e.,
use of polyclinics) for the Service Delivery Network model in the Philippines
Aug 25. DOH, through Regional Office V, conducts the TB
56 Caravan for IPs to advocate proactive health-seeking
behaviors to the Agta-Tabangnon Tribal Community
Aug 26. DOH joins the inter-agency repatriation assistance
57 team in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to address the
needs of OFWs stranded in various work camps
58 Aug 27 DOH monitors & responds to an earthquake in Badoc,
Ilocos Norte & those affected by Typhoon “Dindo”

59 Aug 28. DOH monitors & responds to an alleged food

poisoning incident at Bibiclat, Alaiga, Nueva Ecija

60 Aug 29 DOH participates in the Regional Workshop on Achieving

SDGs by Strengthening FCTC in Thailand that promotes the
importance of tobacco control
2017 a total of 1,273,937 FP commodities stakeholders in reducing malnutrition in the
were delivered to local government units. country and led the turnover of the PPAN to
These benefitted a total of 3.36 million FP stakeholders.
users in the country.
Providing Services Across All Life
Figure 8. The
Philippine Plan of
The DOH issued AO 2016-0035 Action for Nutrition
“Guidelines on the Provision of Logo
Quality Antenatal Care in All Birthing
Centers and Health Facilities Providing
Maternity Care Services” to standardize care
for pregnant women in primary care facilities.
As of December 2016, the status of coverage
Multiple capacity building activities on the
for maternal care services is indicated below.
management of Severe Acute Malnutrition
have also been conducted for health
2016 coverage for maternal care services professionals and community health
workers/managers across the country.

89 87 79 86
UNICEF supported the program through
technical assistance for policy development,
% % % % procurement and commodities, and a cost-
Skilled Birth Facility Based Prenatal visits Post-partum
check-ups (at
benefit study showing over USD 4 billion
Attendance Deliveries (at least 4)
least 2) worth of losses in gross domestic product
due to undernutrition.

Percent of Fully Immunized Children

The DOH is also providing recommendations
and support to the Expanded Maternity Leave
Law, which will increase the maternity leave
June 2016
to 180 days and provide working mothers

adequate time to care for themselves and
their newborn infant. December 2016
2022 Target
The National Nutrition Council
(NNC) led the formulation of the The Expanded Program for Immunization
Philippine Plan of Action for Program of the Department of Health
Nutrition (PPAN), along with its member provided free vaccines for infants and children
agencies, UNICEF and private partners. The to protect them from various infections. As
PPAN 2017-2022 is the country’s medium of December 2016, more than 1.9 million
term integrated programme of nutrition children, equivalent to 69% of the target
interventions. It consists of 12 nutrition- population, have been fully immunized.
specific and nutrition-sensitive programs
and 46 projects, and serves as a framework USAID and the Integrated Midwives
for actions for NNC’s member agencies to Association of the Philippines also launched
improve the nutrition and health of Filipinos. the Community Maternal, Neonatal, Child
Health and Nutrition Scale-up Follow-on
The PPAN was launched on May 2017 Project, a PhP 72.7 million three-year grant
in Iloilo, where Secretary Ubial enjoined that aims to develop the clinical, mentoring
Aug 30. The SOH delivers the key message in
61 the 50th Anniversary Symposium of

62 Aug 31. DOH, through Regional Office XII declares

Sarangani Province as filariasis-free
Sep 1. DOH participates in the Incident Command
63 System - Executive Course to establish an ICS for
health emergencies
64 Sep 2. DOH conducts the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosives (CBRNE) Forum
to recognize the roles of different primary response agencies in managing CBRNE events
Sep 3. DOH monitors & responds to the displaced populations
65 due to armed conflict in Sulu; & the explosion incident
in Roxas Night Market, Davao
Sep 4. The SOH visits Fort Magsaysay where
66 the 10,000-bed Mega Drug Treatment &
Rehabilitation Center is being constructed
Sep 5. DOH participates in the National Law Enforcement
67 Interagency Conference on Combating Illicit & Illegal
Online Sales of Medicines
Sep 6. DOH conducts a Strategic Health Communication Workshop for
68 Reproductive Health & Tobacco Control to facilitate the development
of the communication plan for RH & Tobacco control
Sep 7. DOH participates in the 9th Asia Pacific Future Trends
69 Forum that discusses strategies to enhance health
system outcomes & efficiency
Sep 8. DOH participates in the National Orientation on Current
70 Reproductive Health Directions & Issues to discuss strategies
to strengthen the implementation of the RPRH Law
Sep 9. DOH conducts Community Action Planning & Engagement in
71 Davao & Angeles City to foster partnership between MSMs &
transgender women with their local Social Hygiene Clinics
Sep 10. DOH monitors & responds to the
72 earthquake in Naval, Biliran; & a vehicular
accident in Abucay, Bataan
Sep 11 DOH monitors & responds to the displaced population due to armed
73 conflict in Sulu; & those affected by the low pressure area in Surigao del
Sur & Typhoon “Ferdie”
Sep 12. DOH conducts the ICD-10 Training of Coders
74 to ensure accurate coding & classification of
diseases in recording & reporting health statistics
75 Sep 13. The SOH leads the launching of Hopeline, a 24/7
hotline that provides support for people suffering
from anxiety, suicidal thoughts or depression
Sep 14. DOH organizes a TWG to develop the 2nd set of
76 the Graphic Health Warning (GHW) Templates &
Guidelines in compliance to the GHW Law

77 Sep 15. The SOH launches the PHA at the National Health Summit in Pasay City with VP
Leni Robredo as keynote speaker & Sen. Riza Hontiveros & Cong. Angelina Tan in attendance

78 Sep 16. DOH Regional Office II conducts the BEmONC training for Midwives
to capacitate health service providers on antenatal to newborn care
Sep 17. DOH participates in the 4th WHO Meeting of Ministry of
79 Health Focal Points for Violence & Injury Prevention (VIP) to
discuss strategies to achieve the SDG targets
Sep 18. DOH & USAID launch a new TB communication
80 campaign to encourage treatment-seeking behavior
among possible cases
and organizational capacities of the Midwives Triple Burden of Disease
Association in developing leaders, trainers,
and mentors in midwifery. Communicable Diseases

More areas have been declared free

The Philippines ranks third highest in
of disease in 2016 and 2017 for
Southeast Asia in terms of adolescent
malaria, filariasis, and rabies,
fertility rate with 57 births per 1,000
increasing the total disease free areas to 34,
girls aged 15-19 years. Legislative measures
36, and 41, respectively.
were introduced in 2016 to help address this
problem, including House Bill 4231 “An Act
incorporating lessons on teenage pregnancy New DISEASE FREE areas IN 2016-2017
prevention and population education in Malaria Free Rabies Free Municipalities
the curriculum of basic education in the Nueva Viscaya Romblon, Romblon
Philippines,” and Senate Resolution No. Mountain Province San Jose, Romblon
169 “A resolution directing the Committee Pan de Azucar, Iloilo
on Education, Arts and Culture to conduct Filariasis Free Monreal, Masbate
an inquiry, in aid of legislation, on the status Misamis Oriental San Jacinto, Masbate
of the implementation of Reproductive Capiz Batuan, Masbate
Health education in schools.” “Sangguniang Sulu San Fernando Masbate
Kabataan (SK) Reform Act of 2015” and
its IRR also provided for the creation of
a Committee for Adolescent Sexual and
DOH programs for the elimination of these
Reproductive Health (ASRH) and the
infectious diseases have continued their
allocation of funds for programs, projects
strategies that include vector control,
and activities including those on ASRH.
mass drug administration, and prompt
management and treatment of cases.
An orientation on the Adolescent Health
Education and Practical Training E-Learning
The National Tuberculosis (TB) Control
Tool Kit was held for social hygiene clinic
Program has formulated the 2017-2022
staff nationwide to improve adolescent
Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan
health care by bridging the communication
Phase 1 and the IRR of RA 10767, which will
gap between the adolescent groups and
serve as the country’s roadmap towards TB
health care professionals.
elimination. The TB program also installed
additional 26 Xpert machine in different
The DOH continues to provide
public health facilities nationwide. This Xpert
vaccines for influenza and pneumonia
machine can detect TB cases and those
to senior citizens. As of November
patients with Rifampicin resistance within 2
2016, 293,808 and 177,419 senior citizens
hours. As of June 2017, 181,526 patients
have been vaccinated against pneumonia
were examined using Xpert machine.
and influenza, respectively. The DOH
has procured PhP 350 million worth of
The WHO and USAID supported the
Pneumococcal vaccines in 2017 to provide
National TB Program through a national TB
vaccine supply for 1 million senior citizens.
Prevalence survey in 2016-2017 with more
than 47,000 people interviewed. USAID
also provided technical assistance and
services in TB prevention and control for
special populations including the elderly, jail
Sep 19. DOH issues AO 2016-0035 re: Guidelines on the
Provision of Quality Antenatal Care in All Birthing
81 Centers & Health Facilities providing Maternity Case
Sep 20. DOH conducts Communication Planning for Priority
82 Health Programs to come up with messages, advocacy
strategies & identify IEC materials for health promotion
Sep 21. DOH organizes a TWG to formulate strategic plans for hospital nursing
83 service administration & revise the existing Assessment Tool & Manual of
Sep 22. DOH submits comments on Granting Civil Service
84 Eligibility to casual & contractual employees who have
rendered a certain number of years of efficient service

85 Sep 23. DOH issues AO 2016-0040 “Revised Policies & Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant TB
Sep 24. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake
incident in Mati, Davao Oriental; a fire incident in
86 Sitio Walang Diyos, Brgy. Lalo, Tayabas City
Sep 25. DOH participates in the 9th World Medical Tourism &
87 Global Healthcare Congress, the largest global event
for building networks on medical tourism
Sep 26. DOH organizes a TWG for the
88 establishment & operationalization of
Service Delivery Networks
Sep 27. DOH participates in the 4th Regional Workshop on
89 Strengthening Leadership & Advocacy for the Prevention &
Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (LeAd-NCD)

90 Sep 28. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the

Kidapawan City Health Summit
Sep 29 DOH participates in the Breastfeeding & Family
Planning (BFFP) Forum that emphasizes the role
91 of BFFP in maternal & child health
Sep 30. DOH participates in the 59th Annual Biological Safety Conference
92 in the US that promotes biosafety & addresses the growing needs
of biosafety professional
93 Oct 1. The SOH launches the Elderly Filipino Week with Walk for Life, a nationwide simultaneous
activity that promotes better health outcomes for all, including senior citizens
Oct 2. The SOH participates in the consultative meeting with
94 LCEs of Misamis Oriental to assess the implementation
of various health programs in the province

95 Oct 3. The SOH participates in the plenary deliberation of the DOH FY

2017 Budget in the House of Representatives

Oct 4. DOH, through CARAGA Regional Office,

96 declares Agusan del Norte as filariasis-free

Oct 5. DOH, through CARAGA Regional Office, conducts a Regional Health Summit and Colloquium to
97 showcase best practices and discuss health issues in the region
Oct 6. DOH with DENR & partners, conducts the Asia Pacific
98 Regional Forum on Environment & Health to address
environmental health issues
99 Oct 7. DOH issues AO 2016-0036 re: Revised Guidelines on the Utilization of the 4% Newborn Screening
Fund by the Department of Health-Regional Offices & ARMM to ensure appropriate utilization
Oct 8. DOH responds to the earthquake in Puerto Galera & Paluan,
100 Oriental Mindoro; a vehicular accident in Brgy. Poblacion,
Batangas; & a fire incident in Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
inmates, and indigenous people, while the accessed through
Global Fund provided support for program phone, mobile,
operations on diagnosis, treatment, and and messaging to
management of patients. avail of motivation,
advice, guidance,
As of April 2017, there are 19,653 People and counseling
Living with HIV (PLHIV) on ART, or a relative services.
9.5% increase compared to 2016. The DOH
is continuously expanding its HIV testing The Sin Tax Law
and treatment facilities across the country to has increased
ensure PLHIVs have access to services. All the government’s
antiretroviral drugs are procured by the DOH r e v e n u e s
provided to PLHIV for FREE. earmarked for
health to more
The National HIV/AIDS/ Sexually than PhP 95 billion in 2017. The DOH has
Transmitted Infections Prevention and conducted studies to monitor the effects
Control Program intends to prevent further of the Sin Tax Law on the consumption of
spread of HIV among at risk key populations tobacco and alcohol, including surveys to
through strengthened delivery of essential determine the prevalence of tobacco and
STI and HIV prevention, treatment, and care alcohol intake, and an evaluation study to
interventions. measure the impact of the Law. These studies
show that the Sin Tax law has decreased the
Non-Communicable Diseases prevalence of tobacco use from around 30%
before 2012 to 23% in 2015 (NNS, 2015),
Graphic Health Warnings law was equivalent to 1.4 million less smokers and
fully implemented starting 60,000 lives saved (Sin Tax Impact Study,
November 2016. The DOH 2016.)
released the templates that tobacco
companies should follow last March 2016, The DOH has been actively
where images or graphical warnings about supporting the passage of House
the harmful use of tobacco are incorporated Bill 292 or the SSB Tax in the 17th
in the front and back packaging of cigarettes. Congress amidst the concern for
Non-compliant companies will be subject to the increasing burden of obesity in the
administrative fines by the Department of country, which stems from the
Trade and Industry. overconsumption of sugar sourced from
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSB). An
Executive Order No. 26 on the “Establishment SSB Policy Study Tour in Mexico was
of Smoke-Free Environments” was signed organized to strengthen the fiscal design of
by President Duterte last May 16, 2017. It the tax and gain insight on policy options to
prohibits smoking in public spaces unless curb SSB consumption. A five-member
in designated smoking areas, bans sales delegation from the DOH accompanied the
to and selling by minors, and restricts Philippine Mission to Mexico - consisting of
advertisements of tobacco products. representatives from the Department of
Finance, WHO, World Bank, and Congress.
The DOH, in partnership with the World
Health Organization, launched Quitline, a The main goal of the DOH during this five-
support service for Filipinos who want to quit day mission was to identify non-tax policy
tobacco use on June 9, 2017. Quitline can be inputs that will feed into a comprehensive
Oct 9. DOH responds to the earthquake in Tubay, Agusan del Norte,
101 San Antonio Zambales, & Calatagan, Batangas; a flooding
incident in Davao City; & a fire incident in Butuan City

102 Oct 10. DOH issues AO 2016-0037 that converted the Mayor Hilarion A Ramiro Sr. Medical
Center from a 150-bed tertiary hospital to a 500-bed medical center

103 Oct 11. The SOH presents & discusses the DOH FY 2017 Budget Proposal
with the Committee on Finance

104 Oct 12. DOH briefs Congress on the agency’s plans,

programs & legislative priorities

105 Oct 13. The SOH joins health professionals from different parts of
the country in the 2nd Public Health Convention on Mental
Oct 14. DOH, JICA & other partners, launch the Collaboration
106 Program for disseminating new Japanese technologies on
the TB Diagnostics Algorithm
107 Oct 15. The SOH leads the inauguration of the
Medicine Building of Batangas Medical Center

108 Oct 16. DOH monitors & responds to the population affected
by Typhoon “Karen”
Oct 17. DOH participates in the discussion with the Committee on HBs
109 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or
gender identity (SOGI) & providing penalties for violations
110 Oct 18. DOH, through Regional Office V, conducts an IP Health Summit as
part of the celebration of the National Indigenous Peoples Month
Oct 19. The SOH participates in the conduct of the WHO
111 Technical Assistance on Enhanced Tobacco
Taxation relative to Article 6 of WHO-FCTC
Oct 20. The SOH presides over the 1st National Staff
112 Meeting in Dumaguete City with the theme of
“Moving PHA forward to attain SDGs, ACHIEVE!”
113 Oct 21. DOH oversees response operations in areas affected by Typhoon Lawin in
Tuguegarao City
Oct 22. DOH monitors and responds to the earthquake in
114 Luzurriaga, Negros Oriental; & a fire incident in Dagat-
Dagatan Compound, Brgy. 14, Caloocan City
115 Oct 23. The SOH visits Tuguegarao City to assess the areas
affected by super typhoon Lawin in Region II

Oct 24. DOH participates in the TWG Meeting for the

116 Operationalization of the Mega Drug Abuse
Treatment & Rehabilitation Center
117 Oct 25. DOH conducts the Mindanao Cluster Orientation on Maternal Death Surveillance &
Response to introduce the Maternal Death Reporting & Review System

118 Oct 26. DOH issues AO 2016-0038 re: Philippine

Health Agenda (PHA)
Oct 27. DOH participates in the Joint Meeting of the Transition
119 Teams relative to the transfer of Luntiang Paraiso
Rehabilitation Center to the DOH
120 Oct 28. DOH issues AO 2016-0039 re: Revised Operational Framework for a
Comprehensive National Mental Health Program that strengthens
promotive, preventive, & treatment services for mental disorders
health strategy for the prevention and control and PDEA) to implement the provisions
of obesity. As such, the DOH delegation of Executive Order no. 4 and address the
identified the following as the priority non- burden of drug use and abuse in our country.
tax policy inputs to complement the SSB Tax The DOH has also developed strategies to
policy: expand the capacity of the health sector in
managing drug abuse patients.
1. Regulatory measures on the
marketing and sale of unhealthy Management of Surrenderers
beverage products, and streamlined
nutrition labeling; Among the surrenderers managed as
2. Information and Advocacy measures inpatients in DATRCs from July 2016 to
in schools and the workplace; and, May 2017, 69% have already completed
3. Direct provision and Incentive-based treatment, while 3% were not able to complete
measures to increase availability and treatment because of various reasons.
affordability of healthier products in
the food system. Through the TSeKaP Program, more than
50,000 individuals have been screened and
Based on key lessons learned from the study counselled as part of Drug Rehabilitation
tour, the Philippine delegation has agreed Services. Other services provided through
to implement the tax and non-tax policy the Tsekap Program are drug testing and
interventions on SSBs as parallel initiatives.

Figure 9. DOH Usec. Mario Villaverde (3rd from right) with

(from left) Alejandra Cervantes (Federal Commission for the
Protection Against Sanitary Risk), Eduardo Navarrete (Dir.
General of Health Promotion of Secretaria de Salud Mexico)
and Usec. Karl Chua (Department of Finance Philippines).

As of December 2016, there are a total of 46

Reducing Diseases of Globalization
Residential DATRCs licensed by DOH, with
and Rapid Urbanization
a total bed capacity of 6,089. There are also
3 non-residential DATRCs for the outpatient
Strengthening Drug Treatment and
management of patients.
The Fort Magsaysay Mega DATRC, which
President Duterte issued EO No. 4, “Providing
will become the largest DATRC in the country
for the Establishment and Support of Drug
once completed, was inaugurated last
Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers
November 2016. It can accommodate up to
(DATRCs) throughout the Philippines” to
10,000 patients for treatment, rehabilitation,
address the problem of drug abuse. The
and recovery from substance-related issues.
DOH has worked with other agencies (such
It is currently functioning to serve a maximum
of 2,500 inpatients.
Oct 29. DOH monitors & responds to the fire incident
121 on Malvar St., Brgy. 2, Coron, Palawan; Super
Typhoon Lawin; & Undas 2016
122 Oct 30. DOH monitors & responds to the fire
incident in Coron, Palawan; Super Typhoon
Lawin; & Undas 2016
123 Oct 31. DOH participates in the Family Planning 2020 Reference Group meeting that aims
to ensure wider access to FP information, services, & contraceptives by 2020
124 Nov 1. DOH establishes the DOH Call Center
that will respond to frequently asked
questions and complaints
125 Nov 2. DOH issues AO 2016-0010-A on amendment of the “Revised
Guidelines for the Implementation of the Medical Assistance
Fund Program in Government Hospitals Starting 2016”
Nov 3. DOH participates in the 4th Global Symposium on Health
126 Systems Research that aims to discuss the modalities of
innovation, transformation & resilience in health systems
127 Nov 4. The SOH leads the launching of the Graphic Health Warning Law which requires images of
the effects of tobacco exposure on cigarette & tobacco packaging
128 Nov 5 DOH monitors the earthquake in Bislig City, Surigao
del Sur; a vehicular accident in Cebu; & an alleged
food poisoning incident in South Cotabato
129 Nov 6. DOH monitors the earthquake in Masbate City; & a flash
flood incident in Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat

130 Nov 7. DOH & PhilHealth increases the rate for pediatric lymphocytic
leukemia in the Z-benefit package which helps Filipino children
attain survival rates comparable to that of western countries
Nov 8. The SOH participates in the Disaster Risk
131 Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation &
Migration Summit
132 Nov 9. DOH participates in the 14th ASEAN & Japan High Level
Official Meeting on Caring Societies to discuss the DOH
Health & Wellness Program for Older People & PWDs
133 Nov 10. DOH participates in an Inter-Agency Discussion on the Results of the Research Study
on Linking Disaster Risk Reduction to Climate Change Adaptation in the Health Sector
134 Nov 11. DOH conducts data collection for the study on
Assessment of Risk Factors for NCD in Iloilo & Guimaras
135 Nov 12. The SOH leads the groundbreaking ceremony for a
P280 million four-storey facility in Mandaue designed to
withstand a magnitude seven earthquake
136 Nov 13. DOH participates in the Advanced International Training
Course in Transplant Procurement Management
137 Nov 14. DOH briefs Senator Angara on the FY 2017
Budget Proposal
138 Nov 15. DOH leads the celebration for World Diabetes Day where best
practices on addressing diabetes & its complications are shared
139 Nov 16. DOH participates in the Committee discussion on various bills: Poverty
Alleviation Fund, Libreng Pananghalian sa Pampublikong Paaralan, National
School Meal Program
140 Nov 17. The SOH participates in the 9th Project Steering Committee Meeting, National Inter-Agency
Committee Steering & Multi Agency Conference for Culturally-Sensitive Health Care

Training for Health Workers

The DOH has developed training modules

and conducted trainings to build the capacity
of health workers in managing drug users
and abusers. Training modules have been
developed for the following:

1. For Barangay Health Workers and

Paramedics: screening, advocacy,
referral, and brief intervention
2. For Primary care physicians: screening,
assessment, referral, and interventions
3. For physicians accredited by DOH:
Drug Dependency Evaluation
4. Matrix Intensive Outpatient Program
5. Community-based Treatment & Care

378 physicians have been trained for Drug

Dependency Evaluation, and 8 LGUS have
trained staff for Community-based Recovery
Facilities that will serve as recovery clinics
and halfway-homes.
Figure 10. Sec. Ubial with President Duterte during the
Inauguration of the Nueva Ecija Mega-DATRC The European Union and the World Health
Organization provided technical assistance
on the development of policies and programs
doh residential TRCs on drug treatment and rehabilitation. JICA
has also provided a grant for drug treatment
NCR: Region 6: and rehabilitation.
Bicutan, Taguig City Pototan, Iloilo

Region 1: Region 7: Decreasing Injuries due to

Dagupan, Pangasinan Argao, Cebu Fireworks
Region 2: Region 8: Executive Order No. 28 “Providing for
Ilagan, Isabela Dulag, Leyte the Regulation and Control of the Use of
Region 3: Region 10:
Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnic Devices”
Nueva Ecija, Cagayan de Oro was signed by President Duterte on June
Pilar, Bataan 20, 2017. Through this policy, there will be
Region 11: further reductions expected in injuries due to
Region 4A: Davao City fireworks in the future.
Region 5: Surigao City
The DOH conducts regular campaigns,
San Fernando particularly during the period of Christmas
Malinao, Albay and New Year celebrations, to remind
the general public of the risks of using
firecrackers. This year, the theme is “OPLAN:

Nov 18. The SOH participates in the plenary
141 deliberation of the DOH FY 2017
Budget in the Senate of the Philippines

142 Nov 19. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake

in Calayan, Cagayan; & an explosion incident
in Brgy. Singi, Vinzons, Camarines Norte
143 Nov 20. DOH leads the 1st National Family Planning Conference
where good practices & innovations in FP & progress on
the RPRH Law implementation are discussed
144 Nov 21. The SOH participates in the plenary deliberation of the DOH FY
2017 Budget in the Senate of the Philippines
145 Nov 22 DOH reorganizes a TWG for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria as support to the Philippine Country
Coordinating Mechanism which oversees the implementation of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB
& Malaria grants in the country
Nov 23. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the
146 Forum for Mobilizing Community Support for
the Drug Rehabilitation Program
Nov 24. DOH conducts the System & Program Actions based on Data Analysis &
147 Evidence consultation to strengthen the SDNs to complement national
program initiative
148 Nov 25. DOH issues AO 2016-0041 re: National Policy on the
Prevention & Management of Abortion Complications to
address maternal deaths & morbidity due to unsafe abortion
149 Nov 26. The SOH, with Cebu local officials, leads the inauguration of
the second Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory in VSMMC
150 Nov 27. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake in Danglas,
Abra; an explosion incident in Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat; &
to those affected by tropical storm “Marce”
Nov 28. DOH participates in the 8th TEPHINET Bi-Regional
151 Scientific Conference in Cambodia that presents
new research on epidemiology & public health
152 Nov 29. The SOH joins the President in the inauguration of the Fort Magsaysay Mega Drug Abuse
Treatment & Rehabilitation Center that serves the rehabilitation needs of drug users & abusers

153 Nov 30. The SOH attends the groundbreaking ceremony for the Mariano Marcos
Memorial Hospital & Medical Center Talavera Extension

154 Dec 1. DOH with WHO leads the advocacy of promoting sexual
health awareness & ending the stigma on HIV/AIDS in the
World Aids Day Celebration in Quezon City
155 Dec 2. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the
groundbreaking ceremony for the Pediatric Building
of the Bataan General Hospital
Dec 3. DOH monitors & responds to those affected by the armed
156 conflict in Lanao del Sur; the earthquake in Apayao, La Union,
& Ilocos Norte; & the explosion incident in Tuguegarao
157 Dec 4. DOH monitors & responds to the fire incident in Maguindanao & Parañaque City; the
earthquake in Ilocos Norte; & the flooding incident in Zamboanga del Norte
158 Dec 5. The SOH presides over the 9th regular
EXECOM meeting to discuss policy &
operational matters on the PHA
Dec 6. DOH organizes a TWG for the development of Healthy Workplace Toolkit to
159 develop the information & operations manual for the effective implementation
of health workplace initiative to community-based rehabilitation
160 Dec 7. DOH organizes a TWG for the Palliative & Hospice Care
Cancer Component to develop & update existing policies,
guidelines, standards, strategies & plans
Iwas Paputok, Fireworks Display ang Patok! for people suffering from issues such as
Makiisa sa Fireworks Display sa Inyong anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or depression.
Lugar,” promoting the participation in LGU- The National Center for Mental Health
organized fireworks displays rather than provides the trained psychologists and
using fireworks as a household. psychiatrists who will answer the calls,
while Globe sponsors the technology. This
Decreasing the Burden of Mental hotline provides a means to overcome the
social stigma and other barriers that prevent
people from seeking help.

To decrease the burden of mental disorders The DOH has also issued guidelines on the
DOH, WHO, the Natasha Goulbourn inclusion of mental health and psychosocial
Foundation, and Globe Communications support services as part of the Essential
launched HOPELINE on September 13, Health Service Packages in Emergencies
2016. HOPELINE is a 24/7 phone-based and Disasters (AO 2017-0007).
counseling service that provides support

Figure 12. Secretary Ubial delivering the key note address during the 2nd public health convention on
mental health.

Dec 8. DOH organizes a TWG to formulate Strategic Plans
161 for Hospital Finance Service & develop a Manual of
Standards & Guidelines, & Assessment Tool

162 Dec 9. DOH participates in the Provincial Leadership

& Governance Program in La Union

163 Dec 10. DOH monitors & responds to the vehicular

accident in Baguio City, Benguet & along TPLEX

164 Dec 11. DOH monitors & responds to the low

pressure area near Catanduanes
Dec 12. DOH conducts Health Media Forum: Christmas
165 Treats & Threats to disseminate & discuss health
issues during the Christmas season
Dec 13. DOH participates in a meeting on Rehabilitation
166 to formulate strategies removing the barriers to
health care encountered by PWDs

167 Dec 14. The SOH presides over the Core EXECOM meeting where illicit-drug use, & the
epidemics on the Zika virus & HIV/AIDS are declared public health emergencies

168 Dec 15. The SOH delivers the keynote message

during the centennial celebration of the
Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital
169 Dec 16. DOH participates in the Orientation & Year End Performance Review on GAD to better
understand gender & development & incorporate its objective in its activities

170 Dec 17. The SOH participates in the IPHO-

Maguindanao 2016 Year-End Conference
Dec 18. DOH continuously monitors & responds to the
171 flooding incident in the Samar Provinces; & the
7.9 magnitude earthquake in Papua New Guinea
Dec 19. DOH organizes a TWG to Formulate Strategic Plans &
172 Guidelines for Government Pooled Procurement of
Essential Drugs & Medicines in DOH Hospitals
173 Dec 20. DOH launches the Quarantine Services & International Health Surveillance System
(QSIHSS) & the 2012 Revised IRR of the Quarantine Act of 2004
Dec 21. DOH issues AO 2016-0043 re: Guidelines for
174 the Nationwide Implementation of the Dengue
Rapid Diagnostic Test
175 Dec 22. DOH attends the meeting on Pre-disaster Risk Assessment
at Camp Aguinaldo in preparation for Typhoon Nina

176 Dec 23. DOH RO X directed all hospitals to prepare for firecracker
injuries related to Christmas and New Year celebration

177 Dec 24. DOH, through the provincial DOH offices, prepositions
assorted medicines for those affected by Typhoon Nina

178 Dec 25. DOH assigns nurses to Eastern Bicol Medical Center as additional
manpower to provide services to patients affected by typhoon Nina

179 Dec 26. DOH, through Region V Regional Office, joins the interagency area survey in the typhoon-
affected provinces of Catanduanes and Camarines Sur
Dec 27 DOH mobilizes Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
180 teams from National Center for Mental Health and Mariveles
Mental Hospital to provide assistance in Region V
Guarantee 2:
Access to Functional Service Delivery Networks
The DOH aims to make health systems more
responsive to Filipinos, especially the poor,
through the establishment of Service Delivery
Networks (SDNs) of facilities that provide
health services to an identified population. In
preparation, the DOH has conducted various
SDN strengthening initiatives such as
deployment of human resources for health,
upgrading of health facilities, and delivering
services to identified population groups who
have difficulty accessing health services.
Figure 13. Sec Ubial with Usec Villaverde and Asec Tayag
Learning from Cuba meeting with Cuban Ministry of Health Officials

On the directive of President Rodrigo R. 2. Pushing for the exemption of health

Duterte, Sec. Paulyn Jean Ubial led a in LGUs from the personnel cap to
Philippine contingency of health experts from allow local hiring for plantilla positions;
the Department of Health, local government, and by implementing return of service
the academe, and the World Health agreements for medical and allied
Organization to study the health system of medical graduates
Cuba. The Cuban Health System is famous
as one of the best health systems in the 3. Strengthening health promotion,
world. Cuba is not a high-income country learning and development, and
but has health outcomes that are better than education; and transforming health
richer countries. centers to provide more comprehensive
packages of health services (similar to
The 10-person team visited the Ministry Cuba’s policlinics)
of Health Cuba, Latin American School of
Medical Sciences, Central Unit of Medical WHO provided funding assistance and
Cooperation, and several health facilities coordination of the trip to Cuba.
and institutes (including a community mental
health center and family doctor’s clinic). Establishing Service Delivery Networks

Because of the visit, the following key Within the past year, a series of consultations
investments were identified by the DOH for with stakeholders were conducted to develop
implementation in the Philippines: a policy to guide DOH-Regional Offices,
LGUs, and other key players in establishing
1. Exploring new sources of revenue Service Delivery Networks. This policy was
generation (including Sugar-Sweetened cascaded to all the Municipal/City Health
Beverage taxation) and aligning existing Officers nationwide through the four (4)
multiple sources of health funds to batches of MHO/CHO Summit. Although
reduce inefficIent overlaps Inter-Local Health Zones and Programmatic
Service Delivery Networks (i.e., MNCHN,
Dec 28. DOH, through Region VIII Regional Office, deploys
181 rapid assessment teams to the bombing incident at
Hilongos Municipal Plaza, Leyte

182 Dec 29. DOH records 105 fireworks-related injuries

183 Dec 30. DOH conducts nutrition assessment for the victims of Typhoon Nina in
Catanduanes and Camarines Sur
Dec 31. As of December 2016, DOH managed to facilitate
184 the transplant of 45 solid organs (42 kidneys & 3
liver grafts) from 21 deceased donors in 2016
185 Jan 1. SOH conduct’s Press Conference to announce to the public that the number of firecracker injuries from
December 21, 2016 to January 1, 2017is 60 percent lower than the five-year (2011–2015) average.
Jan 2. SOH discusses with ANC News the alarming
186 increase in newly diagnosed HIV cases daily in
the country
Jan 3. DOH conducts surveillance for fireworks-related
187 injuries, stray bullet, & firecrackers ingestion
victims through the 24 hours APIR Surveillance
188 Jan 4. The SOH leads the groundbreaking ceremony for the modernization project of the
Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital to improve health service delivery
Jan 5. DOH leads the validation of TSeKAP Accomplishments
189 of Regional DOH Offices to evaluate the nationwide
TSeKAP roll out activity
190 Jan 6. DOH conducts MOA signing for the establishment
of the DOH DATRC in Bicutan, Taguig

Jan 7. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake in

191 Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental

192 Jan 8. DOH monitors & responds to a fire incident at Brgy. BF

Homes, Parañaque & the Feast of the Black Nazarene

193 Jan 9. The President signs EO No. 12 “Attaining & Sustaining Zero Unmet Need for
Modern Family Planning through the Strict Implementation of the RPRH Act”
Jan 10. DOH conducts a Year-end PIR & Planning Workshop
194 to assess the status of current Disaster Risk Reduction
Management in Health strategies
195 Jan 11. DOH participates in the 2nd Meeting of ASEAN
Health Cluster 4 to finalize the Cluster 4 Work Plan
Jan 12. The SOH presides over the 2nd DOH National
196 Staff Meeting where strategies & actions for
the PHA are discussed & formulated

197 Jan 13. DOH conducts Environmental & Health Assessment on the
alleged coal ash spill from a power plant in Limay, Bataan.

198 Jan 14. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake in

Balilihan, Bohol & in Bayag Calanasan, Apayao
Jan 15. DOH participates in the Launching of the
199 Philippines’ Chairmanship of ASEAN 2017

Jan 16. DOH issues an amendment to AO 2012-0012 entitled

200 “Rules & Regulations Governing the New Classification of
Hospitals & other Health Facilities
HIV/AIDS, and Blood Services) are already
existing in several LGUs, the challenge is
transforming these structures into system-
wide Service Delivery Networks.

Figure 14. Service Delivery

Networks are Networks
of Facilities that Provides
SERVICE all the Health Needs of a
NETWORKS Defined Population

Construction and Upgrading of

Functional Health Facilities
President Duterte approved the Philippine Figure 15 Sec. Ubial at Ground Breaking Ceremony of
Bataan General Hospital with (from left) Cong. Geraldine
Health Facilities Development Plan 2017 Roman, Governor Albert Garcia, Asec. Leonita Gorgolon,
– 2022 presented by the Sec. Ubial in the and Dr. Glory Baltazar
cabinet last May 2017. The PHFDP is
the medium-term investment plan for the
standards for health facility allocation
government in rehabilitating and upgrading Barangay Health Stations
1 BHS Per Barangay, 1 Nurse or Midwife
current health facilities, and constructing
• Community health profiling • Population Interventions
new health facilities across the country. It • Family Visits • Scheduled Medical Service
provides a guide for government to promote • Diagnostic Screening Visits
rational allocation of investments, and • Health Promotion/
ensure equitable access to health facilities
in the country. Rural/UrbanHealth Units
1 RHU/UHC per 20,000 pop, 1 Doctor per RHU
• Basic consultations/ • TB-DOTS
% of Municipalities/Cities with at least 1 Public Health medical services • Birthing facility
Facility, PhilHealth Accredited for PCB Package • Basic Labs and • Community Based Drug
Diagnostics Rehab
• Animal bite center • Gatekeeping
94% 100% As of
June 2016 2022 Target May 2017
1 Polyclinic per 100,000 pop, 4 Specialists per Polyclinic
% of Municipalities/Cities with at least 1 Public Health • Outpatient Specialty Care
Facility, PhilHealth Accredited for Maternity Package • Infirmaries to be converted to Polyclinics
• Diagnostics, Imaging and Lab Services

85% 100% 90%

June 2016 2022 Target As of Hospitals
May 2017
1:800 Bed to Population Ratio
Staffing Based on Hospital Level
% of Municipalities/Cities with at least 1 Public Health • Level 1: OPD, ER • Level 3: LVL 2 + teaching
Facility, PhilHealth Accredited or TB-DOTS Package Services, IM, OBGYN, & training, dialysis,
Surgery and Pediatrics, 2° physical medicine & rehab
Clinical Lab • Specialty Centers:
80% 100% 86% • Level 2: LVL 1 + specializes in a particular
June 2016 2022 Target As of Departmental Clinical disease or condition
Services, ICU, 3° Clinical
May 2017 Lab

Jan 17. DOH participates in a workshop to develop
guidelines for Community-Based Recovery
201 Homes & models for pilot sites.
Jan 18. DOH organizes a Press Conference on Diet Supplementation for the
202 First 1,000 Days to discuss the positive impacts of nourishment & diet
supplementation of mothers to a child’s physical & mental development
Jan 19. DOH participates in a meeting of the ARCH project working group in Thailand that
203 aims to strengthen ASEAN Regional Capacity on Disaster Health Management

Jan 20. The SOH delivers the keynote message for the Bicol
204 Health Convention 2017 where she introduces the PHA &
its aim of eliminating disparities in health outcomes
Jan 21. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake
205 in Borongan, Eastern Samar; & a fire incident
in Brgy. Labuan, Zamboanga City
Jan 22. DOH monitors & responds to the effects of tail-
206 end of a cold front in Regions VII, VIII, IX, X, XIII, &
NIR; & the Miss Universe 2017 event
Jan 23. DOH, through NCR Regional Office, conducts the Kalinga
207 Para sa Kumakalinga Event to create a database of all BHWs
in NCR & to provide them access to health care
Jan 24. DOH conducts a workshop for TRCs & Regional Offices on the
208 Dangerous Drugs Abuse Prevention & Treatment Program to
discuss effective rehabilitation service delivery
Jan 25. DOH participates in the Annual Meeting of the Advisory Group on Increasing Access to
209 Radiotherapy Technology to ensure that the radiotherapy service requirements are met
Jan 26. DOH conducts a summit on green & safe healthcare facilities
210 to harmonize the concepts of safe & green facilities in the
Philippine healthcare setting
Jan 27 DOH conducts the Philippine Hospital Development
Plan Consultative Meeting to discuss the upgrading
211 & establishment of Regional Specialty Centers
Jan 28. DOH provides technical assistance to St. Scholastica’s College Manila
212 on Information Communication Education Campaign about Lead

Jan 29 DOH monitors & responds to the explosion

213 incident in Brgy. Danapah, Al-Barka, Basilan

Jan 30. DOH issues AO 2017-0001 re: Policy Guidelines on the Standards of
214 Care for Older Persons in All Healthcare Settings to ensure that older
persons receive quality care
215 Jan 31. The SOH leads the inauguration & turnover of
Barangay Health Stations in Atimonan
Feb 1. DOH issues AO 2017-0003 re: Guidelines for the Implementation of the 2017 Medical
Assistance Program in DOH Hospitals & other selected Government Health Facilities to make
216 availing of financial aid easier for poor patients
Feb 2. DOH participates in the Committee discussion on SR Inquiry on
217 the Recently Adopted Scheme of Requiring Filipino Applicants
for Employment in Kuwait to Undergo Medical Exam
Feb 3. The SOH participates in the medical & surgical mission
218 in CARAGA, a DOH activity done in partnership with the
Philippine Nurses Association Metropolitan DC, USA
219 Feb 4. DOH submits position papers to support HB Providing
for a Comprehensive Nuclear Regulatory Framework

220 Feb 5. DOH monitors & responds to the earthquake in

Sibulan, Negros Oriental
The PHFDP aims to upgrade all DOH (Tamang Serbisyo para sa Kalusugan ng
hospitals to be at least level 2 hospitals to Pamilya) program to provide essential health
serve as referral centers in the SDN ,and to services for the poorest 20 million.
convert level 3 hospitals as sub-specialty
service centers in their respective regions. From July 2016 to June 2017, 17 out of the
This will ensure that patients outside Metro 19 regions have already assessed at least
Manila have access to all levels of care, 95% of the targeted poor clients identified
including highly specialized services in their through DSWD’s National Household
respective Service Delivery Networks.The Targeting System.
following are the targets of the PHFDP: Surgical Caravan

• 9,604 additional Barangay Health The Department of Health (DOH) remains

Stations (BHS) will be constructed committed to address the health needs of
while 5,700 existing BHS will be repaired poor Filipinos as it launched the Surgical
Caravan in Lubao, Pampanga. This caravan
• 2,289 Additional Rural Health Units
aims to offer operations, ranging from minor
(RHU) and Urban Health Centers
to major cases, at no cost to indigent patients
(UHC) are targeted to be constructed
in need of surgical procedures.
• Polyclinics which are outpatient multi-
specialty facilities able to provide internal Dubbed as “ToDOH Alaga, May TSeKaP na,
medicine, obstetric and gynecologic, May Operasyon Pa,” the initiative is aimed at
pediatric, and surgical services shall the provision of surgical intervention to those
be established in selected cities and who need them, which was among the early
provinces either through upgrading of commitments of the Duterte administration.
existing RHUs/UHCs to polyclinic or
converting infirmaries to polyclinics
• 42,856 additional general hospital
beds are targeted to be created by
increasing bed capacity of existing DOH
and LGU hospitals.
• At least 2 Mega hospitals will be
developed in Visayas and Mindanao by
upgrading key DOH Medical Centers Figure 16. Sec. Ubial and Execom Members with Pampanga
Gov. Lilia G. Pineda and Cong. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in
• Specialty Centers for at least 17 field the Launching of the Surgical Caravan
of medicines will be established in Improving Cultural Sensitivity
selected DOH hospitals
To better serve IP groups, 3 batches of
TSeKaP: Providing Basic Health Services Culture Sensitivity Orientations for Regional
for the Poor Coordinators and National Government
Agencies Program Managers have been
One of the thrusts of the Philippine Health conducted, in partnership with the National
Agenda is to ensure that Filipinos, especially Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the
those in GIDA areas have access to essential DILG. Support to DOH Regional Offices has
health services. Given the tremendous also been provided to roll out the Culture
disparity in terms of access to health Sensitivity Orientation, organize their
services between the poor and the rich – the Regional Inter-Agency Committee (RIAC),
Department of Health rolled out its TSeKaP and conduct GIDA profiling activities.
221 Feb 6. DOH issues AO 2017-0002 re: Guidelines on the
Certification of Free Standing Family Planning Clinics

222 Feb 7. DOH, through NCR Regional Office, launches the Type ng Bayan program
in Mandaluyong City which is part of the national blood typing initiative
Feb 8. The SOH partners with Rise Against Hunger & the Miss Universe
223 Organization for the First 1,000 Days Advocacy Project that promotes
proper nutrition in pregnancy to prevent low birth weight & birth defects
224 Feb 9. DOH participates in the Committee
discussion on various bills including HB
on Science for Change Program
225 Feb 10. DOH, through CARAGA Regional Office, conducts an inspection to all health
facilities in Surigao City due to a 6.7 magnitude earthquake in the area

226 Feb 11. DOH monitors the 2017 ASEAN Summit Activities

227 Feb 12. DOH monitors & responds to a fire incident in Brgy.
Damayang Lagi, E. Rodriguez Ave., Quezon City

228 Feb 13. The SOH presides over the 3rd Core
EXECOM meeting to discuss policy &
operational matters on PHA
229 Feb 14. DOH conducts OFIM Strategic Planning to harmonize
zonal cluster plans, consult on various issues, & provide
updates in ensuring alignment of plans to the PHA
230 Feb 15. DOH participates in the Committee discussion on SB Health
Promotions Act, & SBs on Barangay Health Workers

Feb 16. DOH launches the Type ng Bayan Project in Pasig

231 City to encourage people to undergo blood
typing for the creation of a donor registry
232 Feb 17. DOH participates in the Round Table
Discussion on Mental Health Bills

233 Feb 18. DOH responds to the affected population of the

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake in Surigao City

234 Feb 19. DOH continuously monitors & responds to the

increasing diarrheal cases in Carnaza, Daanbantayan,
Cebu; & a vehicular accident in Sison, Pangasinan
235 Feb 20. The SOH presides over the 10th regular EXECOM to
create a taskforce for logistics management
Feb 21. DOH participates in the 2nd Global Consultation on Migrant Health in Colombo, Sri
236 Lanka to harmonize the national policies & practices related to migrants health that
requires national & local engagement
237 Feb 22. DOH conducts the 1st Philippine Rare Disease
Symposium to create understanding of the recently
enacted Rare Disease Act of the Philippines
238 Feb 23. DOH participates in the 2nd Global Consultation
on Migrant Health in Switzerland to discuss
the advancement of migrant health issues
239 Feb 24. The SOH turns over ambulances to the
Southern Philippines Medical Center
240 Feb 25. DOH monitors & responds to the vehicular accident in Brgy.
Kalongonan, Pio V. Corpuz, Masbate

Deployment of Health Human Resources

To ensure that all Filipinos can seek The DOH also currently deploys the following
consultation from a health professional, the cadres of health workers:
Department of Health has continued with
its human resources for health deployment • 15,896 nurses to Rural Health Units to
program. The DOH regularly deploys assist in providing public health services,
doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, and conduct health education, and assist in
other cadres of health professionals disease surveillance in LGUs
throughout the country with priority to
• 3,852 midwives to ensure that mothers
poor and geographically isolated and
are cared for during pregnancy and are
disadvantaged areas (GIDA). The DOH,
attended to during delivery
through the Doctors to the Barrio Program,
currently deploys 1 doctor to 289 remote • 257 dentists to provide dental health
and doctorless municipalities to manage and services to all provinces
provide public health and primary medical

We honor our fellow health workers who lost their lives while on duty and at a time when there
is a dire need for their services.
Dr. Dreyfuss Bolivar Perlas, Doctor to the Barrios, and Municipal Health Officer of Sapad,
Lanao del Norte was fatally shot by unidentifiable men as he was travelling home from a
medical mission on March 1, 2017. Dr. Perlas death circulated in social media calling for
“Justice for Drey.”
Seven weeks after, another doctor was gunned down. Dr. Shajid “Jaja” Sinolinding, an
Ophthalmologist in Cotabato, was shot dead together with his security escort Mohamed
Esmael on April 18, 2017 in his clinic.
DOH ARMM laments the death of their liason specialist, Mr. Sukarno Sandigan. He applied
for a leave to be with his wife due to give birth. But on the eve of the 4th of July, he received a
call to proceed to Arakan Valley. There he was brutally killed in front of his wife.
For our health workers who save thousands of both Muslims and Christians, we are forever
grateful for sharing their lives with the Filipino people. We will never see them again but we
can make their heroic acts our own by standing up for peace, justice, and opportunity in our
beloved country.
“I see my own improvement as a citizen and a doctor as a contribution to the betterment of the country.
I participate in community work and medical missions and I always feel a sense of accomplishment
when imparting knowledge on the essentials of healthcare and offering solutions that alleviate the
difficulties of the people”
- Dreyfuss Bolivar Perlas, MD, MPM

Feb 26. DOH conducts a study visit to Japan
241 to observe its Drug Treatment &
Rehabilitation Program
Feb 27. DOH creates a Task Force for the provision of healthcare
242 services in Sabah, Malaysia in response to reports of poor
access to healthcare of Filipinos in Sabah
243 Feb 28. DOH issues AO 2017-0004 re: Philippine Health
Agenda 2016-2022 Monitoring & Evaluation System

244 Mar 01. DOH participates in the Committee discussion on SBs on LGU solidarity fund for disaster
response & recovery act providing benefits & incentives to accredited day care workers,
Establishing a cost sharing scheme to provide for a hospital care program in LGUs
245 Mar 02. DOH participates in the Committee discussion on HBs on Philippine
Mineral Resources Act of 2016, Philippine Mineral Resources Executive
Industry Revitalization Act of 2016, People’s Mining Act of 2016
Mar 03. DOH participates in the 4th Nikkei Asian Conference on Communicable
246 Disease in Japan to discuss the elimination of malaria & the effective
treatment of infectious diseases

247 Mar 04. DOH monitors the ASEAN 2017

meetings in Iloilo City

248 Mar 05. DOH monitors & responds to the low

pressure area in Surigao del Sur
Mar 06. DOH participates in the Indian Technical Cooperation
249 International Training Program on Health Security &
Protection of Workers in India
Mar 07. DOH hosts the Multi-Sectoral Collaboration Workshop on Nutrition Security to discuss
250 Ending All Forms of Malnutrition declaration & establishment of the ASEAN Nutrition
Surveillance System
Mar 08. DOH, through Regional Office III, launches the Healthy Women Healthy
251 Economies (HWHE) Initiative that is focused on eliminating gender
discrimination and recognizing participation of women in the society
Mar 09. DOH participates in the 2nd Philippine
252 Cardiovascular Summit in UP Manila to discuss
updates & issues on cardiovascular emergencies
Mar 10. DOH conducts the Competency Development of Regional
253 Offices’ Human Resource Development Unit to capacitate the
RO HR-units in performing HR development functions
254 Mar 11. DOH monitors & responds a fire incident in Brgys. 93 &
151, Capulong, Tondo, Manila

255 Mar 12. DOH monitors & responds to the effects of

a tail-end of a cold front in Regions IX, X,
Mar 13. DOH organizes a TWG to formulate Strategic Plans for
256 Hospital Nutrition & Dietetics Service Management &
review & revise Assessment Tool & Manual of Operations
Mar 14. DOH & Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services, Inc.
257 (PAMAS) launch air ambulance services in Palawan to provide
quick & effective means of transportation for patients
258 Mar 15. DOH, with WHO, submits proposals on HIV, TB,
and Malaria to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
TB, and Malaria
259 Mar 16. DOH leads the conduct of the 3rd Policy Dialogue on UHC & Access to Medicines,
an avenue for the public to discuss issues on healthcare & medicines
260 Mar 17. The SOH presides over the coordination meeting with
Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center

Lowering the Price of Medicines The Drug Price Reference Index (DPRI)
for 2017 was published in October 2016 to
As the new Administration aims to reach the set reference prices on medicines procured
marginalized with social and health services, by public health facilities. New Medicines
the President directed the DOH to promote were included in the Philippine National
generics and lower the prices of medicines Drug Formulary (PNDF). A total of 15 major
to further improve access to Filipinos. applications, 30 minor applications, and
26 requests for exemptions in the PNDF
In response to the president’s directive, the were officially approved while 15 major
DOH conducted the following: 1) Drafted applications, 3 minor applications, and 16
amendments to RA 6675 (Generics Act of requests were rejected. 287 of the currently
1988) to include generics only prescription listed drug products in the formulary are
for both public and private health providers; being recommended for deletion.
2) convened the Drug Price and Access
Advisory Committee (DPAAC) to do drug Addressing Anti-Microbial Resistance and
price reviews and make recommendations Strengthening Regulatory Mechanisms
to the Secretary of Health on the essential for Medicines
medicines subject to Maximum Drug Retail
Price (MDRP); and 3) redesign the Botika The Inter-Agency Committee to Combat
ng Bayan as the Philippine Health Agenda Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR)
Medisina ng Bayan Program to provide convened four times in 2016 to monitor the
essential medicines to patients in public National Action Plan implementation by
health facilities for free. The Medicine the different government agencies and to
Access Program which makes drugs discuss program issues and opportunities
available in government primary healthcare for international engagements and funding.
(PHC) facilities was continued with noted The ICAMR established a partnership with
improvements in drug access based on the the Department of Education to include
drug availability surveys commissioned by the concepts of Anti-Microbial Resistance
the DOH. and Rational Use of Medicines in the K to
12 curriculum. The DOH institutionalized
Mean availability of drugs Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Program
In Government Primary Health Care Facilities in Hospitals. The Antimicrobial Stewardship

Manual of Operations was developed in
In 2010
August 2016 to facilitate the effective and
systematic implementation of the program in
in 2016
all public and private hospitals in the country
In Government Hospitals
to which a total of twenty-nine (29) level

III hospitals were trained. The USAID also
25.8% provided technical assistance to strengthen
FDA quality systems, facilities and equipment
in 2010 in 2016
for central laboratories, and field regulatory
operation offices.
USAID created a toolkit for Harmonized
Monitoring of Drug Distribution Systems for Developing Local Leaders for Health
Infectious Disease Programs, with emphasis
on early warning signals for stockouts, and Health leadership and governance at the
a pharmacovigilance manual of procedures different levels of the health system was
for DOH Public Programs. strengthened with a new Memorandum

Mar 18. DOH monitors the maritime incident near Balahibong Manok Island, Batangas; the
261 earthquake incident in Lanao del Sur; & a fire incident in Recto Ilaya, Manila

262 Mar 19. DOH monitors & responds to the

low pressure area in Surigao del Sur

263 Mar 20. DOH, through Regional Office II, conducts a TSeKAP
Caravan in GIDA Areas to provide health services

264 Mar 21. DOH organizes a TWG to identify Highly Specialized Life-Saving Medical Equipment

265 Mar 22. DOH participates in the 6th International Union Against
Tuberculosis & Lung Disease Conference in Japan

Mar 23. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the MHO/CHO Summit which highlights
266 the directions & strategies to effectively implement the PHA at the local level

Mar 24. The SOH leads the World TB

267 Day Celebration in Quezon
Mar 25. The SOH, together with President Rodrigo Duterte, leads the ground breaking ceremony
268 of the DATRC in Bukidnon that will accommodate the rehabilitation of 500-800 drug
269 Mar 26. DOH monitors & responds to the
earthquake in Kabayan, Benguet

270 Mar 27. The SOH presides over the 11th regular EXECOM
Meeting to discuss policy & operational matters on PHA

Mar 28. DOH reorganizes a TWG

271 on Hospital Matters

272 Mar 29. DOH participates in the 2nd Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety
in Germany to discuss issues & strategies to improve patient safety

273 Mar 30. DOH issues AO 2017-0005 re: Guidelines for Accelerated & Sustained Reduction in Unmet
Need for Modern Family Planning Methods for the achievement of desired family size

274 Mar 31. DOH, through Regional Office II, conducts the Buntis Patrol to create
awareness & increase community involvement in pregnancy tracking

275 Apr 01. DOH monitors & responds to the explosion incident in
Brgy. Poblacion 5, Madsayap, North Cotabato

Apr 02. DOH participates in a meeting & knowledge sharing activity held in
276 Mexico to tackle Tax & Non-Tax measures to address diabetes & obesity

Apr 03. The SOH joins health leaders of LGUs in the MHO/
277 CHO Summit in Davao to discuss the PHA
Apr 04. DOH & Occ. Mindoro PHO, open the 2nd HIV/AIDS Satellite Treatment Center in
278 Mamburao. The treatment center follows the principles of Anonymity, Respect,
Understanding, Guidance & Advocacy (ARUGA)
Apr 05. The SOH, with other government officials, leads the inauguration
279 of the diagnostic center of the Escolastica Romero District
Apr 06. The SOH leads the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cancer
280 Center for Visayas, & the renovation of the Emergency Room
Complex of West Visayas State University Medical Center
of Understanding (MOU) between Zuellig
Family Foundation and the DOH , to
institutionalize the Health Leadership and
Governance Program. The new MOU reflects
the new arrangements that will support the
implementation of PHA. The first cycle of
partnership resulted in the engagement of 16
DOH-ROs, 543 municipalities, 32 provinces,
and 20 cities.

Response to Marawi Siege

The DOH responded to the health needs of

the internally displaced persons (IDP) during Figure 17. Secretary Ubial discussing with DOH personnel
the Marawi Siege. The DSWD estimates strategies on how to address the health needs of IDPs
that 84,351 families or 389,366 individuals The DOH also downloaded around 30
were displaced to neighboring cities and million of financial assistance to Regional
municipalities. The DOH immediately Office X and ARMM. The purpose of the
activated the Incidence Command System fund is to support their operations, as well
where it has delegated Undersecretary as medical assistance funds to provide
Hermigildo Valle as the Incident Commander. free hospitalizations for all IDPs. Twenty-
six referral hospitals were coordinated to
Preparations were done as the influx of provide FREE health services to IDPs. As of
patients may overwhelm existing health June 30, 2017, a total of 1,258 IDPs were
facilities, and the crowding of IDPs in provided medical assistance.
evacuation centers and homes increase the
possibility of outbreaks. The DOH provided The DOH also mobilized its regional offices
PhP 22 million worth of logistics to augment to support the operations on the ground. A
services including the following: total of 26 teams comprising 416 deployed
personnel from DOH regional offices, along
1. PhP 6.3 million for drugs, medicines, and with responders from the DOH central office
vaccines for medical and psychosocial and health partners were deployed on a
services – ensuring that the IDPs have scheduled rotation to attend to the needs
medicines for chronic conditions as well of IDPs as well as relieve Regional Office X
as vaccines to prevent outbreaks of personnel and ARMM in the conduct of their
vaccine preventable diseases operations.
2. PhP 3.8 million for hygiene kits, jerry DOH Responders and Partners
cans, hyposal/aquatabs, and chlorine DOH Execom, Central Office and RO IX, X, XI, XII, XIII | SPMC
| NCMH | NCH | San Lazaro Hospital | NNC | WHO | UNICEF |
for water and sanitation for prevention ICRC | UN OCHA | UNFPA | UNCHR | WFP | World Vision | Save
the Children | Philippine Red Cross | A Single Drop of Water
of diarrheal outbreaks
Other Partners and Volunteers
3. PhP 31 thousand for ready to use Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) | Ateneo de Davao University
therapeutic food, therapeutic milk – COPERS | Psychologist Association of the Philippines |
Community and Family Services, International | Kalimudan
and other nutrition packs to address Foundation, Inc | BIRTHDEN – Mindanao Emergency
malnutrition among IDPS Response Network | MARADECA | MUCAARD, Inc.| RDRRAC/
Mi-HANDS | RMP-NMR, Inc. | RANAO Foundation | Omega
Philippine Emergency Response Mindanao Tripartite | Youth
4. PhP 12 million for other necessities such Core | BalayMindanaw | SAKLAY Foundation | Diocese of
as tents, folding beds, wheelchairs, and Iligan City | Datu Saber Relief Operations | Marawi Crisis
Team | OFW Association Help Desk | Duterte’s Kitchen CDO |
etc. Medical Action Group, Inc.

Apr 07. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the World Health Day Celebration
281 with the theme of “Depression, Let’s Talk” that aims to increase awareness
on depression & its prevention

282 Apr 08. DOH monitors & responds to the alleged food poisoning cases in Dapitan City; & the alert
for possible paralytic shellfish poisoning in Pangasinan, Masbate, & Bohol
Apr 09. DOH responds to the 6.0 magnitude
283 earthquake in Mabini, Batangas

284 Apr 10. DOH conducts a Press Conference on Mighty Corporation Taxes Due to inform the public
on the detrimental effects of the nonpayment of taxes of the Mighty Corporation

285 Apr 11. The SOH delivers the keynote message in the soft opening
of the Baguio General Hospital Cancer Institute

Apr 12. The SOH leads the inauguration of the Dialysis Clinic & OPD Building in Luis
286 Hora Memorial Regional Hospital as part of the Hospital Development Plan

Apr 13. DOH participates in the inauguration of Corazon Locsin

287 Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital in Bacolod
Apr 14. DOH leads the groundbreaking for the Talisay District Hospital which
288 is being upgraded to become the trauma, rehabilitation, & sports
medicine leader in Visayas
289 Apr 15. DOH monitors & responds to Tropical Depression Crising; & the
6.0 Magnitude earthquake in Lanao del Sur & Batangas

290 Apr 16. DOH monitors & responds to Tropical Depression Crising; &
the 6.0 Magnitude earthquake in Lanao del Sur & Batangas

Apr 17. DOH conducts a training of trainers for Basic Emergency Obstetric &
291 Newborn Care as part of the efforts to decrease maternal mortality
Apr 18. SOH heads the Philippine delegation in the 12th Senior Officials’ Meeting on
292 Health Development in Brunei to discuss ASEAN & SDG initiatives and to revisit
strategic management of ASEAN Health Agenda Post 2015

293 Apr 19. DOH participates in the 2nd Global Partners’ Meeting on Neglected Tropical
Diseases where the 4th WHO NTD Report was launched

294 Apr 20. DOH issues AO 2017-0006 re: Guidelines for the Review & Approval
of the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers

295 Apr 21. The SOH launches the #BackToBAKuna campaign during the
Immunization Week Celebration, a communications campaign that aims
to improve access to routine immunization
Apr 22. DOH monitors & responds to the ASEAN
296 Meetings in Bohol

297 Apr 23. DOH monitors & responds to health needs

during the ASEAN Meetings in Bohol

298 Apr 24. DOH, through Regional Office XI, conducts World Immunization
Week activities to intensify the campaign on immunization

299 Apr 25. DOH, through CAR Regional Office, declares Mountain Province as Malaria-free after having
recorded zero indigenous cases of Malaria in the last five years
Apr 26. DOH, through Regional Office II, conducts the Buntis Summit
300 to increase awareness on health concerns during pregnancy &
to provide services to pregnant women
Guarantee 3:
financial freedom through universal health insurance
Universal health insurance coverage Covering ALL Filipinos through
ensures that all Filipinos will be protected PhilHealth
against health-related financial risk when
accessing different interventions. Guarantee The Philippines’ has already taken the steps
3 essentially has 3 objectives namely: to achieve universal coverage of all Filipinos
by 2022. These include the 1) Mandatory
• To have ALL Filipinos covered in Enrollment of the Formal Sector, 2)
PhilHealth; Premium Subsidies for the Poor and Senior
• To guarantee more essential services; Citizens, creation of 3) Individually Paying
and Program and 4) Point of Care Program.
• To ensure that Filipinos are able to As of December 2016, 91% of Filipinos
access health services either free or or 93,400,861 individuals are covered by
at a predictable cost PhilHealth. 36% of Filipinos are mandatorily
enrolled in the Formal Sector. Fifty five
The DOH created a Technical Working percent (55%) who are either NHTS poor or
Group to define the key actions to advance Senior Citizens are already subsidized by
the strategies of PHA Guarantee 3. The DOH the National Government. However, 8% who
Execom approved the key actions for the 4 are part of the informal sector are still not
major strategies to achieve Guarantee 3 of covered by PhilHealth.
the PHA on June 17, 2017 .

Increase Health Cover Bigger

Financing Share of Bill
Harmonize Fragmented Update costing of case
Fund Pools and remove PCSO MAP rates, Implement Fixed
inefficient duplication of Copayment Schemes
financing(DOH, PHIC, DOH
PCSO, PAGCOR, LGU, etc) Pool of Funds LGU

Cover More
Identify benefits pipeline & institute
Cover All HTA process
Simplify Membership into 2
Categories: Contributory Formal and
Government Subsidized Informal

Figure 18. Major Strategies of the Philippine Health Agenda’s Health Care Financing Strategy

Apr 27. DOH & the National Youth Council holds a preparatory meeting for the Youth Interface with the
301 Leaders to discuss their proposed statement on HIV during the 30th ASEAN Summit

Apr 28. DOH, through Regional Office I, leads the groundbreaking for the La Union Satellite
302 TRC with a key message on transforming the nation to a drug-free Philippines

303 Apr 29. DOH monitors & responds to the 30th ASEAN Summit; the earthquake
in Davao Occidental; & the explosion incident in Davao City

304 Apr 30. DOH monitors & responds to the

explosion incident in Quiapo, Manila

305 May 01. The SOH leads the launching of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition 2017-2022

May 02. DOH organizes a TWG for the establishment of an M&E

Framework of Services Provided at Drug Abuse Treatment &
306 Rehabilitation Centers
May 03. The Notice of Awards for the 1 million doses of Polysaccharide
307 Pneumococcal Polyvalent Vaccine amounting to PhP 350 M is awarded

308 May 04. The SOH urges Filipinos to get screened for hypertension & other
diseases during the World Hypertension Month celebration

309 May 05. The Notice of Awards for the 357,242,500 sachets of
Micronutrient Powder amounting to PhP303M is awarded

310 May 06. DOH monitors & responds to the ASEAN Senior
Officials Meeting (SOM) in Metro Manila
May 07. DOH & JICA conducts a training program on Lifestyle-Related
311 Diseases Prevention to develop competencies & analytical skills in
response to the current country situation & problems
May 08. DOH celebrates 2017 Health Workers’ Day to recognize
312 the important roles & contributions of health workers
May 09. DOH issues an amendment to AO 2016-0035 re: Guidelines on the
313 Provision of Quality Antenatal Care in All Birthing Centers & Health
Facilities Providing Maternity Care Services

314 May 10. DOH participates in the Fair Pricing Forum in the Netherlands to
discuss options for fairer pricing in a sustainable health system

315 May 11. The SOH delivers the key message in the launching
of the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy

May 12. The SOH meets with Barangay Health Workers & visits
316 health facilities at Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat

May 13. DOH monitors & responds to the internally displaced population
317 due to armed conflict in Datu Salibo, Maguindanao

318 May 14. DOH monitors & responds to the internally displaced population due to armed conflict in Datu
Salibo, Maguindanao

319 May 15. DOH, through Regional Office XI, conducts the National Cervical Cancer Consciousness
Month activities which include screening of 1,056 on women in Davao City
May 16. EO No. 26 re: Providing for the establishment of smoke-free environments in public & enclosed spaces,
320 supporting current initiatives to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in the country, was
signed by the President
are cost-effective, ethical, and acceptable
Population covered by PHILHEALTH among other considerations in a Health
Technology Assessment Process.
June 2016 Dec 2016 2022 Target
Drug Detoxification Package

90% 91% 100% As support for the national government’s

campaign to stop drug addiction in the
(92.6M) (93.4 M) country, PhilHealth released a package for
medical detoxification for drug dependents.
To achieve 100% enrollment, one of the The package rate of PhP10,000 can be
strategies for guarantee #3 is to simplify availed once per patient. It covers minimum
Philhealth membership to only 2 types: medical interventions needed for clients to
formal sector and informal sector. This has safely manage acute withdrawal associated
been integrated in the proposed Universal with stopping drug use, specifically
Health Coverage Bill. The formal sector shall amphethamine-type stimulants.
be mandatorily enrolled through premiums
paid for by both the employer and employee, New Packages for All Life Stages
while the informal sector shall be subsidized
by the national government. In November 2016, the innovative benefit
packages for premature and small newborns
In the interim, to cover for the needs of was launched by DOH, PhilHealth, and in
remaining 8%, PhP 3 Billion was allocated partnership with UNICEF, which can be
for the point of service program to cover their availed in selected contracted government
hospital fees in case they are hospitalized and private tertiary health facilities by
as, included in a special provision in the 2017 all PhilHealth members. The package
GAA. Through the Point of Service Program, covers a broad range of interventions from
all Filipinos regardless of membership in management of preterm labour to addressing
PhilHealth will be able to avail of PhilHealth severe complications of prematurity and
benefits upon confinement in any government low birth weight. Examples of these include
hospital. giving antenatal corticosteroids for pregnant
women at risk of giving birth to premature
Covering More Essential Services baby, incentive for maternal transfer to the
nearest referral facility before delivery, Unang
Current health benefits and services are Yakap at birth, Kangaroo Mother Care,
defined in the PHA Guarantee 1. To expand neonatal intensive care and breastfeeding
the essential services covered, the DOH support. On February 15, 2017, UNICEF
is institutionalizing a Health Technology together with PhilHealth launched a
Assessment process approved by the comprehensive health insurance package
Department of Health Executive Committee covering services for 5 million children with
to ensure that the guaranteed health services disabilities nationwide.

Nomination of Shortlisting of Evidence Evidence Appraisal Benefit Decision by

Interventions Interventions Generation & Summary Package SOH/PHIC
Design Board

321 May 17. The SOH presides over the Cuban Model
Technical Group Meeting in Cebu
May 18. DOH issues an amendment to AO 2015-0049 re: Rules & Regulations Governing the
322 Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program Accreditation of Bacteriology Laboratories
in the Philippines for the PhilHealth Reimbursement of Select Antibiotics
323 May 19. DOH conducts a simultaneous CPR demonstration in
observance of the Medical Emergency Services Week

324 May 20. DOH monitors & responds to the flooding incident in
South Cotabato & Sarangani; & the earthquake in Bohol

325 May 21. DOH mobilizes the emergency response teams to assist in the preparation &
response to all eventualities during the ASEAN 2017 meetings & related activities
May 22. DOH participates in the 2017 Global Platform for Disaster
326 Risk Reduction in Mexico to share information and build
partnerships for disaster riskk reduction
May 23. DOH issues AO 2017-0007 re: Guidelines in the Provision of the Essential Health
327 Service Packages in Emergencies & Disasters to ensure that needs of victims of
emergencies & disasters receive adequate health services
328 May 24. DOH joins the OWWA, DSWD, and DFA-OUMWA in the
welcoming of repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers from
the Middle East Countries in the Ninoy Aquino International
329 May 25. DOH with WHO conducts a round table discussion to
provide inputs on impacts of federalism on health
330 May 26. DOH participates in the ASEAN Side Event at the 70th WHA: The Role of Regional Cooperation in
the Regulatory Reforms for NCD Prevention & Control to discuss the role of regional cooperation in
building regulatory & legal frameworks for NCD prevention & control

331 May 27. DOH assures full functionality and operations at Amai Pakpak Medical
Center to respond to health needs during the Marawi crisis

332 May 28. DOH monitors & responds to the armed conflict incident between AFP
& alleged Maute Group in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur

333 May 29. DOH participates in a TWG Meeting on HBs regulating the manufacture,
sale distribution & use of firecrackers & pyrotechnic devices
334 May 30. DOH participates in the EU-PHSRC study tour in Scotland
in support of the Medical Residency Rotation Strategy
335 May 31. DOH with WHO leads the World No Tobacco Day
Celebration to promote plain (standardized) packaging of
tobacco products
Jun 01. DOH issues AO 2017-0008 re: An Act Expanding the Benefits & Privileges
336 of Persons with Disabilities, was issued through to enable PWDs to avail of
medical & health related discounts
337 Jun 02. DOH organizes a National
TWG on Rare Diseases

338 Jun 03. DOH monitors & responds to the armed conflict incident in Marawi
City & the shooting & fire incident in Resorts World Manila
Jun 04. DOH joins the 14th Int’l Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified
339 Organisms in Mexico which aims to advance the standing of biosafety research &
shape the ways in which GM technology is applied & regulated
340 Jun 05. DOH mobilizes emergency response teams in Metro Manila in
relation to the nationwide Public Transport Strike

PhilHealth issued Circular 2016-0019 on medically repatriated overseas Filipinos.
“Coverage of Orphans, Abandoned and Leading signatories were from the Manila
Abused Minors, Out-of-school-youth, and International Airport Authority, Department
Street Children as Sponsored Members,” of Social Welfare and Development,
providing PhilHealth benefits (including Department of Health, Department of
RPRH-related packages) to marginalized Foreign Affairs, Department of Labor and
youth populations. Employment, Department of Interior and
Local Government, and the Philippine
Senior citizens are also automatically Charity Sweepstakes.
enrolled to PhilHealth, where the premiums
are paid through Sin Tax revenues. As of
December 2016, 6,245,583 senior citizens
are PhilHealth members.

Harmonizing Demands to Cover a

Bigger Share of the Bill

The DOH has been providing financial aid

to indigent and poor patients, through the
Medical Assistance Program. The MAP
provided financial assistance to 945,953
patients from July 2016 to June 30, 2017.
Figure 19. Secretary Ubial Chairs the PhilHealth Board
945,953 patients Meeting
Assisted through the Medical Assistance Program

The DOH released Department PhilHealth has implemented the No Balance

Memorandum 2017-0138 to ensure the quick Billing Policy to ensure that the poor is
response to requests of patients for medical protected from the high cost of healthcare.
financial assistance. The memorandum also Through the NBB, indigents should not pay
emphasizes the role and responsibility of any additional expense when confined in any
hospitals’ social workers in coordinating the government hospital. The implementation
available funds for the benefit of the patient. rate of the NBB policy has increased in 2016
to 63% from 51% in 2015.
The DOH, PCSO, PhilHealth, and DSWD
have agreed on a program to facilitate
access to financial assistance for the poor PhilHealth Coverage and NBB Implementation
who need health care. By the end of the 100% 87% 92% 91%
year, all NHTS and poor patients admitted in 79%
government hospitals no longer need to line 51%

up at DOH, PCSO, PhilHealth or DSWD to 60%

receive medical financial assistance as it will 40% 30%

be processed already at the hospital they are 20%

admitted in. A Joint Circular on the program 0%
will be signed by all agencies. Similarly, 2013 2014 2015 2016

seven (7) government agencies signed a Coverage No Balance Billing

Joint Memorandum Circular on Medical Figure 20. Status of PhilHealth Coverage and No
Repatriation, to harmonize the processes Balance Billing (NBB) implementation
and procedures in providing assistance to
Jun 06. DOH organizes a TWG for refining the PHA
341 Check-Up Campaign

342 Jun 07. The SOH leads the inauguration of the

Isabela Treatment & Rehabilitation Center

343 Jun 08. The SOH participates & provides direction to the Regional
Technical Conference on the Unmet Need Reduction

344 Jun 09. DOH issues Guidelines on the Implementation of the Freedom of
Information Program & Open Data Initiative in the DOH
345 Jun 10. DOH monitors & responds to the low pressure area in Negros
Oriental & the armed conflict incident in Marawi City
Jun 11. DOH monitors & responds to armed conflict incident Marawi City;
346 the high pressure area affecting Visayas; & the 119th Philippine
Independence Day Commemoration

347 Jun 12. The SOH leads the DOH in participating in the 119th Philippine Independence Day
celebration by offering free medical & dental check-ups at the Luneta Park in Manila

348 Jun 13. The SOH leads the MHO/CHO Summit held in
Manila to discuss the implementation of PHA
Jun 14. DOH with WHO leads the World Blood Donor Day to highlight
349 blood transfusion as an essential component in emergencies to
key stakeholders and blood donors
350 Jun 15. DOH deploys Health Emergency Response Team which provided
mental health & psychosocial Support Services in Mindanao

351 Jun 16. DOH responds to the affected population of Marawi Siege in Cagayan De
Oro to assess the situation & address the needs of the affected population

352 Jun 17. The SOH leads the groundbreaking ceremony for the office
building of DOH Regional Office 11

353 Jun 18. DOH monitors & responds to armed conflict

incident in Marawi City

354 Jun 19. The SOH leads the launching of the Quitline which guides &
supports tobacco users who want to quit smoking
355 Jun 20. The SOH, with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, visits the evacuation center in
Iligan City National High School of Fisheries where 229 displaced families from
Marawi City have taken shelter

356 Jun 21. The SOH leads the launching of the Surgical Caravan in Pampanga,
an initiative that provides free surgical procedures for the poor

357 Jun 22. DOH participates in the United Nations Public Service Forum in the Netherlands to discuss
innovative policies for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda operationalization

358 Jun 23. DOH issues AO 2017-0009 re: Guidelines in the Conduct of the Surgical
Caravan “ToDOH Alaga, May TSeKaP na, May Operasyon Pa!”

359 Jun 24. DOH participates in the 81st Annual Convention

of the Camarines Sur Medical Society, Inc.
360 Jun 25. DOH monitors & responds to armed conflict incident in
Marawi City & the earthquake in I locos Sur

Good governance initiatives 5 new iso certified hospitals
Quality Management Systems and Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
the Integrity Management Program
Mindanao Central Sanitarium
The Department of Health (DOH) is committed Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital
to delivering excellent public service and
instituted its Quality Management Systems
Cotabato Sanitarium
(QMS) and the Integrity Management Schistosomiasis Hospital
Program (IMP).

The DOH Central Office and ROs have been which translates to 43% compliance to the
ISO 9001:2008 certified since 2011. An target turn-around time of 5 days.
additional 5 hospitals were ISO certified in
this administration bringing the total of ISO The President directed all agencies on the
certified DOH hospitals to 58. Another 3 a)Streamlining of business processes, b)
hospitals are awaiting their ISO 9001-2008 making frontline services responsive to the
certificate. people’s needs, and c) efficient flow of and
immediate actions on documents.
To ensure that public officials adhere
to standard norms of conduct IMP was The Department of Health and Regional
institutionalized in the central office, and Offices ensured the implementation
subsequently across the whole Bureaucracy. of the Citizen’s Charter and the Public
IMP promotes integrity in the workplace Assistance Complaint Desk with designated
through consistent capture of customer staff to assists or respond to the client’s
feedback and effective management of needs. The Customer Satisfaction Survey
received complaints. Customer satisfaction Implementation was strengthened to comply
surveys (CSS) were conducted at the central not only for ISO standards, but also for
office, regional, and hospital levels. And CSS monitoring of customer satisfaction. “NO
ratings since January 2016 till May this year LUNCH BREAK POLICY” continues to be
fares at 96.5% for Regional Offices, 92% for observed and 24/7 duty schedules of Health
hospitals and 88.5% for the Central Office. Emergency Management System remains.
Within the same timeframe, DOH received
179 complaints including those coursed The DOH Health Facility and Services
through the Contact Center ng Bayan, Regulatory Bureau made some reforms to
Hotline 8888, Presidential Action Center, shorten their processes and transactions,
and the Office of the Secretary. Of these, including the issuance of a DOH-Permit to
110 (61%) have already been resolved. Construct. The many processes in the Food
Complaints include management issues and Drug Administration were reviewed
(65%), negligence (30%), and unprofessional and evaluated for improvement. An action
conduct of officials and employees (5%). plan and implementation strategy was
Most of the complaints are related to abuse developed on how to reduce queuing in all
of power, allegations of corruption, and non– their transactions. Government hospitals/
compliance of some offices with the Citizen’s facilities issued a memorandum that
Charter (e.g. non–compliance with the No directed their staff to comply and change
Noon Break Policy, delayed release of salary, their operating hours to an earlier time,
and slow processing of requests). The turn- increase number of personnel in areas
around time for resolution of complaints with long queues, and activate their online
ranges from one day to almost four months,
Jun 26. DOH deploys emergency response teams to assist & render emergency
361 medical services to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) repatriates

Jun 27. DOH conducts a consultative meeting for the development of policies on the provision of drug
362 abuse treatment & rehabilitation services for special populations

363 Jun 28. DOH signs a JMC with MIAA, DSWD, DFA, DOLE, DILG, & PCSO to integrate services in
the Inter-Agency Medical Repatriation Assistance Package for overseas Filipinos

364 Jun 29. DOH RO4B highlights the full treatment package for indigent patients
through its Medical Assistance Program including aftercare

365 Jun 30. DOH, through Regional Office I, launches Myrna’s

Cafe which is an HIV counseling & testing center

Figure 21. DOH Executive Committee, Directors, DOH Hospital Chiefs, and Development Partners during the 2nd
National Staff Meeting in Baguio City

services. Level 1 Hospitals and selected and Inter-Sectoral Commitments. In this
DOH hospitals harmonized their process event, the Undersecretaries also shared
(i.e., Initial License should be issued within challenges encountered by their Offices and
30 days (with inspection); renewal of license respective plans to address the issues.
within 3-5 days).
Executive Committee Meetings
National Staff Meetings
The Executive Committee, which is the
The National Staff Meeting is a venue highest policy decision-making body of the
for which strategic health policies and Department of Health, convenes at least
operational issues concerning the health once a month to review and deliberate
sector are deliberated. It is participated by health policy issues requiring departmental,
senior officials of the DOH, DOH Hospitals legislative, executive, and judicial actions.
and its attached agencies; and other key From July 6, 2016 to May 2017, a total of 21
players in the health system such as LGUs, EXECOM Meetings have been conducted.
other NGAs, academic partners, donors, There were 168 Agenda Items discussed
and the private sector. The first NSM for the which can be classified under the following
Duterte Administration was held last October categories: Budget (15), Health Care
20-21, 2016 in Dumaguete and was hosted Financing (10), Operational Concerns (36),
by Region VII. With the theme “Moving Drug Rehabilitation (11), Health Regulation
PHA Forward to Attain SDGs, ACHIEVE!”, (11), Governance (16), Information Tech/i-
its sessions revolved around the PHA Health (9), Health Human Resource (18),
Guarantees, discussing the implementing Service Delivery (35), Community Health (2)
guidelines for the different programs, and Health Emergency (5).
introducing new frameworks and sharing
of experiences. Awarding of ISO Awardees There were 11 Execom Resolutions passed
and DOH Retirees was also performed and since July 2016 to May 2017 and these tackle
one session was devoted to updates on urgent health concerns (e.g. Marawi Crisis),
Leadership and Governance. DOH budget proposals, various program
implementation improvements in the area
This was followed by a 2nd NSM conducted in of technical management, procurement
Baguio last January 12-13, 2017 and hosted reforms, and many others.
by the CAR region. Its theme was “PHA: on
the Ground in 2017”. Discussions revolved
around Health and Financing in Federalism

Figure 22. Secretary Ubial meets DOH Chiefs of Hospitals at the DOH National Staff Meeting in Dumaguete City, in
October 2016
Promoting Evidence Based Policy The DOH created the Procurement
Making Coordinating Committee composed of the
Directors of the Services and Bureaus at the
The DOH has partnered with the Philippine CO. The committee meets quarterly to tackle
Council for Health Research and Development the issues and concerns on procurement.
and provided grants to academia and non- Further, Suppliers’ Dialogue is conducted
government organizations to undertake semi-annually to discuss procurement
health policy and systems researches. So concerns.
far, 47 studies have been completed, 23 in
the finalization stages, and 9 are ongoing. With this framework, DOH ensures that
A total of 12 research briefs has also been procurement for goods, civil works, and
circulated to key decision-makers. consulting services acquiesce to the
governing principles of value for money,
The DOH also hosted the 16th National effective competition based on equal
Health Research Forum for Action attended opportunity, transparency, and accountability.
by more than 400 researchers and
policymakers. The theme for this year’s Legislative Liason
forum, “Laying the Foundation for Stronger
Research Translation”, highlighted two The DOH continues to engage the legislative
key elements to promote evidenced-based branch of government (which includes both
decision and policy-making within the health the Senate and House of Representatives)
sector: knowledge translation and mining to enhance strategies in health-related bills
and visualization of data. and safeguard health outcomes of Filipinos
with the submission of 37 position papers
Improving Procurement Processes to both houses of congress. DOH officials
were involved to represent the interests of
As of 30 June 2016, the Department of the health sector in at least 90 meetings and
Health (DOH)-Central Office (CO) awarded committee hearings in both congress and
PhP 13,983,202,889 (82%) of the 2016 senate, including 8 briefings and hearings
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) amounting relative to the 2017 DOH budget.
to PhP 16,950,931,774.
The DOH has worked with congress on
Over the next six months, supplemental the DOH priority legislative agenda and
procurement requests were received shepherded the progress of important
and the updated APP amounted to PhP measures. The DOH continues to monitor
17,240,064,598. The DOH awarded the the progress of health-related measures
remaining procurement projects thus, in both house of congress (429 bills and
closing the year with a favorable 97.9% resolutions have been referred to the house
(16,881,028,700) contracts awarded. of committee on health alone as of June
23, 2017). The Secretary of Health has
To facilitate the immediate implementation also endorsed other key legislations such
of procurement for 2017, the DOH started as the draft bill mandating Generics-only
the procurement activities short of award as prescription and the establishment of the
early as October 2016 pending approval of Drug Price Regulation Board. Round table
the General Appropriation Act. The APP as discussions on mental health and universal
of June 2017 is PhP 16,521,086,265 and health care bills were also conducted.
77% (12,761,366,991) was awarded mid-

Published by the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau – Department of Health
San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003, Philippines


Frances Rose Elgo-Mamaril, MPH Lindsley Jeremiah D. Villarante, RN, MPH Aimee Lorraine C. Capinpuyan
Maria Socorro SD. Santos, MD Andrea Margreth S. Ora-Corachea, RN, MPH Glorey Ann P. Alde
Charl Andrew P. Bautista, MD, MBA Tanya Mara F. Gagalac Nino Cuenco
Gloria Nenita V. Velasco, MD, DipEpi Princess Mhyco L. Esguerra
Rodley Desmond Daniel M. Carza, RN, MPH Bianca Isobel P. Ferido, RND ADVISER
Christian Edward L. Nuevo Judith P. Mariano, RND Usec. Lilibeth C. David, MD, MPH, MPM, CESO III
Hanna Thea F. Cayabyab Josefa Mina B. Nieva
Christine B. Siborboro Jailene Faye C. Rojas, RN DIRECTOR
Kim Jamille P. Velasco, RN Jennilyn S. Ygana, RND Kenneth G. Ronquillo, MD, MPHM, CESO III

Reproduction of this report in full or in part for non-profit purposes may be done without prior permission provided that proper attribution is made to the Department of Health
All for health towards health for all, Achieve!

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