Breaking The Taboo of Seafarer Mental Health

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Breaking the taboo of seafarer mental health

Suicide rates among seafarers experiencing mental health problems have more than tripled since 2014.
How can we support our seafarers before it's too late?

A small chemical tanker is underway between Dumai in Indonesia to Port Qasim, Pakistan. An 18-year-
old Korean cadet is onboard – this is his first ship and he is four weeks into a 10-month contract. That
day, he disappears. The ship spends 48 hours searching the area in which it is thought he may have fallen
overboard. Later, authorities conclude that suicide is a possibility. The disappearance, which happened in
2014, is one of all too many.

Suicide rates among seafarers have more than tripled since 2014, according to figures from the UK P&I
Club. In 2015, suicide was cited as the cause of death in 15.3% of identified mental health cases, having
risen from 4.4.% in 2014, according to the Club's internal claims system.

Between 2001 and 2005, merchant seafarers scored the second highest level of suicides amongst all
professions, after coal miners, according to research published by Swansea University in 2013. Today, the
rate of suicide for international seafarers is triple that of shore workers, according to the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Cadets appear to be the most vulnerable. Of the crew suicides notified to the UK P&I Club in 2015, some
40% of those who died were cadets, although analysis of the Club’s crew illness claims shows that poor
mental health can impact crew of all ages, nationalities and ranks.

“Despite such high suicide rates within the industry, seafarers' mental wellbeing is still seen as a taboo
subject and a poorly discussed issue. Due to machismo cultures, high levels of prejudice and poor mental
health education, crew are not always likely to seek counselling or professional support, and this often
leads to serious consequences,” says Sophia Bullard, director of the UK P&I Club’s crew health

Confidentiality is another factor that prevents seafarers from seeking help, according to Roger Harris,
executive director of the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN). “We know
from contacts on our helpline that one of seafarers’ biggest concerns is job security and confidentiality.
Many refuse to share any identifiable information when they seek help because they’re so afraid of
losing their job or being blacklisted,” he says.

Serious cases of mental health issues are not only traumatic for the individual but the rest of the crew
too, especially in the wake of suicides and violent incidents.

“Life at sea can make seafarers more vulnerable to mental health issues, and being onboard, away from
family and friends for many months, can exacerbate these problems,” explains Roger Harris. “Everyday
stresses that may ordinarily be relieved by confiding in family and friends ashore can escalate at sea
where seafarers may be away from their social and support networks.”
The issues that can affect seafarers’ mental health are complex, so it is perhaps unsurprising that life at
sea can be a culture shock for cadets. Major concerns reported by seafarers are being distant from
family; financial issues, fatigue and long hours along with increasing demands made upon them to fulfil
requirements such as port state inspections and other official visits on board, according to the UK P&I

Research has also highlighted that technology can often be a hindrance, rather than a help, in creating a
comfortable living environment for those working at sea. The advent of onboard Wi-Fi and handheld
devices means that seafarers increasingly spend time alone in their cabins, rather than socialising with
one another. What is more, increased automation on vessels has drastically reduced crew numbers,
giving seafarers fewer people with whom to interact while at sea. Combined, these issues are isolating
and mean that it can be difficult to keep tabs on how each person is doing.

Shipping organisations are now doing their best to talk more about mental health issues and end the
stigma that is attached to them. The UK Club’s Crew Health Programme has been disseminating posters
and reference guides, which include a short self-help checklist, to all the club’s members, shipowners
and operators and at its approved clinics.

But despite all the good work that is ongoing, it remains challenging to raise seafarers’ awareness of the
support services that are available to them. “We work hard to reach as many seafarers as possible but as
a transient group they can be notoriously hard to reach. There are also cultural considerations that can
make support hard,” says Roger.

"Positive steps for the future must include effective education,” says Sophia. "Cadets and younger,
inexperienced crew can be educated on the practicalities of life at sea along with support from other
crew during their time onboard. Schemes such as ‘mentoring’ of crew may be considered if deemed

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