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Final idea music video

Song danger keep away by slipknot

This song is a one of the slower songs
By slipknot and give a dark vibe which
Is what we wanted for our music video.

The narrative will follow character that has serious mental problems and
he is thinking about killing someone but has a serious split personality
The charter will have conflicting thoughts of what he want to be like as
a person he doesn’t know if he wants to leave how he feels inside or to
conform to society and bottle it up in side and conduct himself as a
person who is fine and doesn’t have any problems.

The age of our character is around the age of 18 to 19 we have chosen

this age because at that age it is more apparent that people have
conflicting thoughts and trying to think what they are going to do in
their life and what they want to achieve and have a lot more extreme
thoughts on the world as they are working out their view on the world and
people who they believe are bad and don’t belong to be in there life like
our main character that wants to kill his friend that he believes is
better than him and is making him look bad.

We are going to show the two different personality’s of our main

character by switching the camera shots of how he comes off in real life
to other people talking to him and how his view of the situation in his
head and what he believes he wants to do to people and how he feel he can
making himself complete.
I feel like this should help the viewer understand how the main character
feels and how he feels he can better himself and complete his

They way that we are going to show the extreme thoughts in his head we
are going to have him dragging the body of his victim in to a wooded area
to show how strongly he feels about doing this act and will give a bit of
shock factor to the production and a bit of suspense to keep the
production more interesting.

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