Kriya - Three Exercises For Energy, Creativity and Prosperity

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Kriya – Three Exercises for Energy, Creativity and Prosperity

1. Energize. Sit in Easy Pose with eyes closed. Bring

the arms out to the sides and raise them until they form a
“V” shape. The fingers are pressing against the mounds of
the palms with the thumbs pointing up. Begin Breath of
Fire for 3 minutes (see “Breathwork” in the Chakrascope
section for a description of “Breath of Fire”). Inhale and
hold the breath. Quickly begin to make fists of the hands,
first with the thumbs
inside the fists, then
outside. Alternate
rapidly as you hold the
breath for 15 seconds.
Then, with the hands in
the original position,
slowly bring the
thumbs together
overhead. Time your
movement so that the
thumbs meet when
you can no longer hold
the breath. Slowly
lower the arms in an
arc around you as you
exhale deeply. Sit for 1
minute, breathing slowly.

This exercise is revitalizing. It enhances charisma and makes you radiant.

2. Creativity. Still sitting in Easy Pose, make hands into

fists and bring them to the sides of the body at chest level
with the elbows pressed back. Extend your chest out. Take
5 deep breaths, then inhale deeply and hold the breath.
With the breath held, begin punching the arms alternately.
Get mad! When you cannot hold the breath any longer,
exhale. Inhale and repeat the powerful punching motion
with the held breath. Exhale. Inhale and repeat 1 more time
for a total of 3 times. Then sit, eyes closed and breathe as
slowly as you can for 2 minutes. Stretch and relax.

This exercise activates the fire in you to spark creativity.

3. Prosperity. Sit in Easy Pose. Keep the spine straight. Look at the
center of your chin through your closed eyes or look at the tip of your
nose through partially closed eyes. Inhale deeply and hold, suspending
the breath while you mentally recite, “I am bountiful, I am blissful, I am
beautiful.” Exhale all the breath out, then, suspend the breath out as
you mentally say, “Excel, excel, fearless.” Practice this for 3 minutes at
a time. Feel free to practice 3, 4, or more times a day for 3 minutes
each time.
This combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation
opens the mental and vibrational doors to prosperity.


Energize exercise is revitalizing. It enhances charisma and makes you

Creativity exercise activates the fire in you to spark creativity
Prosperity exercise combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation opens the mental and
vibrational doors to prosperity.

This combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation opens the mental and vibrational doors
to prosperity.

Comments: These are simple, quick-acting exercises that can make a difference in just three minutes of
practice each. They can be practiced together or individually. This kriya is also a good way to take breaks
during the day from your usual routine to remind yourself of your higher consciousness.

(Source: Kundalini Yoga, by Shakta Kaur Khalsa) - Kriya – Three Exercises for Energy, Creativity and Prosperity with
Siri Shakti

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