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Advantages of Multilingualism

Multilingualism in which include people who speak two or more languages. Most of the
people speak two or more languages. There are many benefits to speak more languages because it
helps us to understand different types of cultures. If a person can understand the language of the
other culture, he can easily understand the traditions and customs of this culture. So there are many
benefits of multilingualism.


According to the Ben Zeev (1977) and Bialystok (1986), that those who speak more than
two languages are better in a position to judge the number of words in a sentence whatever the
sentence might be used for any practical usage. Furthermore, they also view that multilingual are
more capable of deriving meaning from their parent form.


Kosmidis (2006), opines that multilingualism promotes vocabulary storage with the
passage of passing age. The time period of speaking other language enhances vocabulary.

3. Ratte (1968) and Lapkin et al (1990) suggest, that multilingualism demands more concentration.
So more concentration enables the speakers to be trained for not only listening but also sharp and
quick memories.

4. Wolff (2006) proposes, that language learning capacity becomes better on account of highly
developed knowledge of the linguistic and high level of language awareness, for that reason multi-
language learners learn the language in a broader spectrum of learning context.

5. According to the Cook (1999), a multilingual person has more ability to understand the things
because his knowledge is very wide rather than one language speaker. One language speaker has
limited knowledge, and he has no extra knowledge of the other languages.

6. According to the Bialystok, the speakers of Multilanguage’s have sharp perception. The ability
to understand the things very increases of this kind of people rather than monolinguals.

7. Cummins (1981) says, that children learn a foreign language, they can easily understand that
how language work itself, and they have more than the ability to solve the problems of life rather
than the one language speaker, and they have also the ability to manipulated language in their

8. Athanasopoulos (2001), remarks that multi-language speakers pack and categorize each colour
in different ways. For instance, the Japanese use different verb for each colour like garments, hat
and other pieces of the outfit. Similarly, they use two words which denote water. Chinese use
separate words for ach activity for going to the cinema, for theatre and for also a doctor. While in
the Swahili language seem to use welcoming words depending upon gender, age and status of the

9. Cook (2001) suggest that multilingualism has the main advantage of word view for a single
identity. Some language has many words for a single entity, for example, the camel in Arabic has
72 words for each state of a camel.

10. Masciantonio (1977), Andrade et al. (1989) and Saunders (1998) are of the view that as multi-
language learning promotes confidence, so this might help them to excel in achievement in school
set up which might also become the source their higher self-esteem and higher self-concept.

Disadvantages of multilingualism

1. Confusion:

Some multilingual individuals never truly build up control of any language. They cannot
communicate quietly without code exchanging. For example, you cannot miss work.

2. Problems in growing up children:

Growing up with two or more languages has all the advantages one may imagine that more
people to communicate with and more opportunities for success. But the blessing also comes with
some disadvantages. No one knows this better than trilingual Anna Sana-Afzal, daughter to a
Pakistani mother and a French father, and student in the UK. Here she faces many problems that
multilingual children face every day. So at the result children could not grow up normally and
suffer in many diseases.


To conclude we can say that there are many benefits of multilingualism rather than the
disadvantages of the multilingualism. The ratio of the speakers who speak multi-languages
increase day by day. Most people interest to learn and speak Multilanguage’s.

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