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House Bill No.

Family Plant Bill
“Family plant bill aims that there should be a number of plant
present within the house or lot of every family equal to the
population within the house.”

Section 1: Bill Background

Description: the background of this bill is the uprising problem of this world the increasing temperature
also known as global warming this serves as aide in the said problem. Through this we can manage to lessen
the pollutions upto 20% within urban or rural places.

Section 2: Purpose of the bill

Description: the purpose of the bill is for us to cope with nature. Recent studies showed that while
resident areas are increasing pollution becomes more existent and abundant and this bill can help it not to
resolve but to lessen the effects of global warming and climate change.

Section 3: Bill Scope & Limitations

Description: all the families within the Republic of Philippines should own a plant equivalent to their
population within the house no exceptions no excuses. This bill is effective no matter ones’ social status.
This will be effective immediate when the President signed it

Section 4: Bill Accordance

Description: this bill is according to the House Bill 8728which says that graduating students should plant
at least 10 trees in accordance. It is also according to Department of Environment and National Resources

Section 5: Plant Requirement

Description: the plant should be` at least 3.5 feet and should naturally produce air. Flowers within vases
without their main stem and leaves are not allowed. Artificial plants is also prohibited plant should contain
enough chlorophyll to produce enough air. Leaves should be green and should be leafy. Plants that could
cause harm eg. Too tall, has sharp thorns, can cause irritation is prohibited.

Section 6: Penalty for disobeying

Description: disobeying this bill will result to penalty and thus includes approximately 10,000 pesos. 1 st
offense will be just a warning. 2nd offense will be a fine of 500 pesos third offense will be 1000+1 month
imprisonment fourth will be 5000 pesos with 5 months of imprisonment and 5th offense will be 10,000
pesos with 1 year of imprisonment.

Section 7: Bill effectivity

Description: the effectivity of the bill is unsure so before the president sign it there will be a dry run within
the capital of the country. Knowing how effective it was will determine if the bill is ready to be implemented
within the whole or the bill should undergo re-reading.
Section 8: Bill Efficiency
Description: the bill is efficient and ease for the country men. They are not required to buy a plant they
can manage to grow on their own plant or go to forest to transfer it to pot. There is no expenses. But if you
chose to buy there is no restrictions as long as it reaches the plant requirement.

Section 9: Compliance and Administrators

Description: the bill is administered by DENR together with Local Government Units and Barangay heads
and officers. Strict compliance is needed. DENR together with LGU’s will Form a team to disseminate
information and tackle the importance of the said bill. DENR will also launch a program that will make the
people cooperate such as plant pageant or monthly house beauty contest. The winner could receive prize
money. The budget for this kind of programs and activities are 1.5 Million

Section 10: Bill Miscellaneous

Description: other inquiries related to the bill like inspections, budget and Disseminating problems will be
talked about while the house bill is pending and other sections could be added while reading the proposed


Adriano, John Michael T. ____________________

Aguilar, Nicole Anne R. ____________________

Andapat, Mark Angelo M. ____________________

Anicete, Catherine Mae C. ____________________

Araza, Rhonalyn A. ____________________

Arsua, Alleli R. ____________________

Ayon, Aerol John O. ____________________

Barquilla, Rennalyn N. ____________________

Barrios, Angelica Lyka ____________________

Approved by:

John Michael Angelo M. Reyes, LPT

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