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The purpose of the matrix is to bind the fibers of the reinforcement together so that stresses are
distributed throughout the material. The resin matrix also forms a hard surface that protects the
reinforcement from getting damaged. Polymer matrix materials are two types: thermosets and
thermoplastics. A thermoset matrix is created by an irreversible chemical-curing action of a resin
to form an amorphous mixture. Thermosets have a high-temperature resistance, good resistance
to solvents and high dimensional stability.

Thermoplastics are formed by heating to the process temperature and forming the product into
the desired shape. They have a very high viscosity, making them more difficult to produce.
Thermoplastics have more resistance to cracking and damage from impact as compared to
thermoset composites.

The role of fiber reinforcement is to add strength and stiffness to the combined material.
Reinforcement comes in three forms: particles, continuous fiber and discontinuous fiber. Early
reinforcement materials were straw, hemp and glass. In the 1940s, manufacturers began to
combine carbon and glass fibers with polymer plastics to make a strong composite that could be
used for aircraft hulls.


A significant advantage of polymer composites is their high tensile strength-to-weight ratio.

Composites with polyaramid fibers are five times stronger than steel on a pound-for-pound basis.
The fibers in these composites can be arranged during the manufacturing process in a multi-
directional pattern that spreads stresses throughout the material. However, these materials have a
low compressive strength, meaning they can break easily under sudden, sharp forces. A finished
polymer composite will have a smooth surface, making it useful to reduce aerodynamic drag in

Graph of performance level Stiffness,Strength and Toughness


Polymer composites have excellent resistance to chemical corrosion, scratching, rust and
seawater. These characteristics have led to applications in aircraft hulls, bicycle parts, military
vehicles, trains and boats. Because of their durability to wear, low-cost composites have found
uses in seats, walls and floors in buses and subways.

High specific strength, high specific modulus

The prominent advantages of polymer matrix composite materials are their high specific
strength and high specific modulus. The specific strength is the ratio of strength and density and
the specific modulus is the ratio of modulus and density, and the dimensions or units are both
length. Under the premise of equal weight, they are indices of measuring bearing capacity and
stiffness properties of the material. Such properties are very important for aerospace structural
materials to work in the air or the space. Table 1.1 lists the specific strength and specific
modulus of several common structural materials, in which carbon fiber resin matrix composites
shows higher specific modulus and specific strength. The high specific strength and high specific
modulus of composite materials result from high-performance and low-density of reinforcing
fibers. As a result of relatively low modulus, high density of glass fiber, the specific modulus of
the glass fiber resin matrix composites is slightly lower than metallic materials.

High costs

The cost of making polymer composites and forming them into useful products is the primary
disadvantage. Polymer composites are manufactured by a laborious process known as lay-up that
slows down production rates, making the products less cost-effective for high production
volumes. Advanced polymer composites are likewise expensive to manufacture. These advanced
formulas require more expensive training for labor and more sophisticated environmental and
health considerations.

Polymer composites have continued to develop over the years with less costly manufacturing
processes and better formulations that have even better strength and durability characteristics. As
scientists learn more about the relationships between resins and reinforcement materials, the
applications of polymer composites will continue to find more uses in everyday products.
Stronger and lighter composites will find their way into more economical uses in transportation,
boats and other products that were previously not thought possible.

Composite to metal joining

Metals expand and contract more on variations in temperature as compared to composites. This
may cause an imbalance at joinery and may lead to failure.

Barring for the few disadvantages, composite materials are an almost perfect material for aircraft
and fulfill most of the structural requirements. With further research progress in composite
material damage control, the existing problems could also be controlled.

Damage inspection

Delamination and cracks in composites are mostly internal and hence require complicated
inspection techniques for detection.

Example of damage inspection

Light Weight - Composites are light in weight, compared to most metals. Their lightness is
important in aircraft, where less weight means better fuel efficiency (more miles to the gallon).

Delamination - Since composites are often constructed of different ply layers into a laminate
structure, they can "delaminate" between layers where they are weaker.

Complex Fabrication - The fabrication process is usually labor intensive and complex, which
further increases cost.


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