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Come On, People

On the path from Victims to Victors
By: Bill Cosby and Alvin
Poussaint, M.D

Submitted by:
Mariel C. Banzuela

Come on, people is all about the black society in the America. The book talks about

the correct parenting styles that will lead each kid to be victors instead of being victims of

the society. It entails how these people change through the help of right parenting.

In today’s time, being a single mom is seen as natural phenomena but we didn’t

see that a child who grows with only mother become rebellious or left behind in our

society. The book believes that mother must give the father a second chance to change

himself. A daughter who didn’t grow up with a father might found a wrong love when time

comes because she does not know what a real man looks like. Same with a son, if he will

grow with a mother only, they might also be like their father who will leave the

responsibility to the mother. Having a complete and healthy family is the vital factor in

raising a responsible child.

Parenting is not only for the parents but also for the community where we belong.

But the community we living is not the same as before, the elderly are being quiet on the

issues that the teenagers like us is suffering. The book encourage us to be strong enough

to voice out that drugs, pre-marital sex, early pregnancy or even juvenile delinquency has

no space for the environment we are living. Also, we must make a difference by stepping

out from the idea that when a great number of people doing something wrong it become

right because wrong will never be right and these bad habits will never stop if there is no

one who is strong enough to break the chains.

Parents even teachers must also consider that they started a child. All of us begin

with childhood stage wherein we are innocent, carefree, playful and the like, so we can
understand them. We must know when physical punishment is needed but we should

keep in mind that spanking or physical punishment is the last option we have in

disciplining our students or the children. Physical punishment never heals any problem of

child misbehavior but rather it increases the bad behavior of a child. A child who is raise

with spanking will develop a fear to someone who beats him but when he is out of the

sight of that person, he tends to bully or beat others because it’s their defense mechanism

so they will never be seen as weak outside their home.

Parents are also responsible in preventing sexual abuse that may arise. At the

young age, mothers and fathers must already discuss the importance of their body and

that they won’t allow anyone to touch their private parts. It may look awkward but we must

do it in a way that will preserve their innocence but aware on the bad things in this world.

We must educate them not only cognitively but also consider other things in life like the

spiritual and mental aspect.

Guardians must also believe that every child has a capability in achieving their

dreams. If these children would not be supported by their parents they will be a victim in

the future. Kids tend to achieve something in school because they feel that it will satisfy

their parents but they don’t see that these achievements are for them so they will have

good future. Kids are really relying on the love and support that their parents give so we

should gave what they need not only on material things but also on the things that cannot

be bought.

Ensure that the kids will attend and finish school because it’s one of the most

important thing in their development. In school, they learn different theories that will
enhance their critical thinking skills and they will experience to socialize that can be used

in their daily lives. School is the cradle of skills that are useful in achieving the place as

victors but still parents must also ensure that their children will have enough experience

outside school.

In this generation, media is everywhere so parent must control their child in using

technologies. Too much technology used will not be good to the child. What they see on

the television may be different on the real situation. Also, don’t let your family supper will

be ruin by television, so ensure that the tv is off when having you and your family is eating.

Eating together is the best time to ask the member of the family how does their day or how

do they feel.

Children success will not only be determined through the achievements on the

school but it also measured by the health they have. A healthy mind and healthy body is a

sign of a success individual because your health will determine how you live. If you have

the money yet you have depression, you will not be consider as successful because you

let your health at risk just to earn money.

As a teacher or parent also you must neglect violence for it will cost you nothing. If

you know a child who enters a wrong path, you must not forget them but rather you must

cheer them up. It is not a sign of support on the bad things they do but rather it is a sign of

believe that they can change themselves. Sometimes these people become even worse

because we label them as someone who can’t change themselves for the better. Let us

not abandon them because there are many opportunities that will lead them in the right

Parents must have good and decent job so their children will see that there is a

living in these jobs and they do not need to be part of gangs who sells drugs in order to

lived. Also, we must ignore having debts because it will be the root of problem in a family

and if that happen, children is the victim. We must not let any of the children in the

community will be a victim of our own mistake.

II. Vocabulary

1. Strained /’strānd/ (Adjective) - feeling or showing the effect of too much

work, use, effort and etc.


 Leila has a strained smile at the ball that made me feel awkward.

 Mila put a strained effort to talk to her stepmother.

2. Heed /hēd/ (Verb) – to pay attention to (advice, a warning or etc.


 If you did not heeded to the details of the event, it might not be

successful at it is.

 Grace please heed to the advice of your mom, so you’ll not end up

being lost

3. Chauvinism /’shō-vƏ-,ni-zƏm/ (Noun) – an attitude that the members of

your own sex, race, country are always better than those of the opposite sex,

race or country


 Some straight people have natural chauvinism that they are better

than the other.

 White Americans has excessive hostility to the black American

resulted to blatant chauvinism.

4. Tumultuous /tů-mƏl-chƏ-wƏs, tyů-, tƏ, -chƏs; -‘mƏlch-wƏs/ (Adjective) –

loud, excited and emotional

 The speaker was given a tumultuous applause.

 The birthday girl was greeted with tumultuous gift.

5. Incarceration /in-‘kär-sƏ-,rāt/ (Verb) – to put (someone) on prison.


 Duterte administration incarcerated almost 5,000 drug users in the


 Berna was incarcerated by the mother of the child she abused.

6. Plebe /’plēb/ (Noun) – a student in the first year at a military or naval school


 Even he was a plebe; he was recognized by the captain.

 Martin is a plebe at the Philippine Military Academy.

7. Affluent /’a-(,)flü-Ənt/ (Adjective) – having an abundance of goods or riches


 Dao Ming family is the most affluent clan in the hotel industry.

 Philippines have affluent raw materials.

8. Stride /’strīd/ (Verb) – to walk with very long steps


 He strode towards a café to buy a coffee.

 Christopher strode across the street.

9. Wallow /’wä-(,)lō/ (Verb) – to spend time experiencing or enjoying something

without making any effort to change your situation, feelings, etc


 The pigs wallow in the mud.

 A child that wallows in money tends to be irresponsible in spending.

10. Shackle /’sha-kƏl/ (Noun) – something that prevents people from acting



 The girl shackle when she heard her mom’s loud voice.

 The drug user shackle by the police officer.

11. Clandestine /klan-‘des-tƏn/ (Adjective) – done in a private place or way


 The couple kisses in a clandestine place.

 Marie hid the ring at a clandestine box.

12. Detriment /’de-trƏ-mƏnt/ (Noun) – something that will cause damage or

injury to something or someone


 The rusting car is a detriment to our travel.

 Arnie found the detriment to their family.

13. The


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