Solar System Quick Guide-Tanzania

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1. Shape in Foundation

shape in foundation of frame pole: Would choose location of mouting frame base design and actually
size base station to avoid disadvantage to the solar system and other item of the site.

- Choose locate: Determining the location must meet the following:

o Enough space for mounting frame and panels installation
o The around optical pulses without obscuring the sun object when from morning to night
o Do not get into other item in the station (shelter, station house, fence, antenna, wire,
ground lightning structure, ...)
o Do not set mounting frame too far from the station ( wire from the cabinet position in
space connected to the power cabinet not over 30 meters) to ensure that no voltage loss.
o Priority order to locate (Image for reference in the annex 2): 1. Solar panel system must
roof cover station house (inside the fence) 2. Do not obscured the sun during the day; 3-
If selected inside the station, right at the point positioning antenna do not fill too much
shade; 4. Select a location outside the station, but to consider to avoid theft, distance
electric wire from station to power cabinet in the station.
- Determine solar direction: To ensure that the design capacity of the system, select the user's
request solar panels faces to NORTH, determining the direction by compass, at 2 positions cut
across the middle of the panels, tension ran northbound, then proceed determine 4 pole
foundation position. See Image be low

- Locate the foundation by injecting tension. Close the landmark in positions outside the pit to
ensure that after the excavation was still determined to be a pole center point foundation. Close
landmark strung guaranteed 2 diagonal of the square by four shape to level headed .
2. The test construction materrial

- Cement: by visual examination at the request PC30 label design, manufacturing date (time from
production day put to construction day greater than 60 days).

- Sand: By visually check the uniformity of the county, to ensure no impurities

- Stone: By visually check the uniformity of the rubble through color, size. Ensure air and other

3. Prepare foundation

- Digging foundation to ensure proper geometry and depth required by the design is
600x600x800 mm (length x width x height); width of the bottom of the pit ensuring wider
dimension as designed from 10 to 20 cm, enough to transplant formwork and drainage during

4. Framework

- Formwork must ensure correct geometry, ensuring tight and solid during the concrete pour.

- Measure the size of the foundation formwork, take a pictures, check to make sure.

5. Concrete work

- Hygiene pit, lined cement bags or canvas bottom pineapple, use the 5cm thick millet,
millet bottom steel wrenches
- Mix according grading regulations ensure achievement of concrete, concrete dress
carefully ensure, within the time allowed, the concrete should be void, noted avoid
distorting foundation bolts. Concreting must have steel rod, crowbars to dress hand. Fort
concrete right technique from between around
- Measure the depth before and after finish to test

6. Dismantle of formwork and concrete maintenance

- Avoid chipping concrete and concrete surfaces, smooth concrete, gaining size as
- After pouring concrete to rain, shade and regular moisturizing (from 7- 14 days
maintenance depending on ambient temperature)
- Testing hardened concrete saw conduct dismantling formwork (usually between 2-4 days
depending on the ambient temperature

7. Landfill, space restoration

- Guarantee reimbursed premises clean, repair damaged items (if any) that caused the
construction process
- When concrete-intensity, landfill each class conducted using machine compacted avoid
flooding, erosion

- Foundation bolts and flange link footed passage closed snugly with positioning plate. Not
listed, cushion inserts, ecu or other objects
- Bolts right pole connector fitting properly designed, a sufficient number of bulon and ecu
- The link bar and surface mounted panels must be exactly equal distance in the position
- Check the tightening of bolts with a wrench force.
- Use of plumb or total station to determine the vertical poles
- Installation of the details left to form a mounting frame system :

+ Mounting frame for 21 solar panels system:

+ Mounting frame for 18 solar panels system:
1. General guidelines for solar panels installation

Once completed solar mounting frame, to laying the panels and wiring, the requirements and
procedures as follows :

- Anti-theft security bar mounted to the frame

Anti‐theft security bar 
- Start making panels fitted, set to the correct slides in, pushing them into the hand, so that
the panels adjacent to each other.

- Make the 3 solar panels in serial by one group, and connecting M25 cable to solar cabinet
- Make the MC4 Connector connection wire M25, ensuring contact between the cable and
the connector must be cut, twisted shells lace to tight end, avoid water seepage inside
make contact oxidation process leading to the cord.
- The remainder of the panels cord must be tied neatly in plastic crackers

Junction box 

- Wire M25 consortium 3 solar panel go to the cabinet must to go inside the cable tray
Cable tray 

Solar Cabinet 

2. Solar panel wire connection

- The 3 solar panels in serial by one group, then using M10 play in the match connection in
Solar Cabinets.
- Each Solar Cabinet has 3 pairs of solar combiner poles, the each combiner pair pole for
solar in, solar out to Lightning protection and circuit breaker, all complete with M25
cable to power cabinet.

Solar lightning protection 
Circuit Breaker 

A pair Solar combiner Pole 

- Each pair Solar combiner pole for 3 solar panel consortium installed (total 09 Solar
panels) and connect to Lightning protection and circuit breaker
- Cable from a 3 panels in electric box to the corresponding pairs (line voltage positive (+)
and negative voltage wire (-), are numbered on the line in panels and top wiring in the
connection cabinet order intermediate pairs 1,2,3, ... with tape paper, then add layers on
tape in order to avoid blurred.

3. Electric box installation

- Wiring Lightning protection for each Solar Combiner

- Wiring Connect a circuit at a positive voltage
- The end of the line to start the first bolts must be used to connect reinforcing conformity
- All bolts must be tightened to avoid bad contact
- Earthing wire is pulled from inside the station connected to the Lightning protection
device and pole of solar mounting frame
- Electric Box are installed in the 2 position plinth burn, so pick any leg to pull the cable
shortest into the powercabinet in station.
4. Wire cable from Electric box to power cabinet on station

- Must go in HDPE pipes and sewers located within brick or concrete directly
- The underground must ensure 30cm depth from the surface by reinforcing 0/0
- Construction of the first line before connecting wires to intermediate players play on
- Use wire tipped tape if unused
- Numbered wire pairs (+/-) from Electric box to power cabinet

5. Solar panel system Installation

- For system 18 Solar panels: 18 solar panel made to 2 array, each array have 3
consortium, made by 9 solar panel, and feed to Solar combiner pole. Have one electric
box for this system
- For system 21 Solar panels: Same 18 solar panel, and leftover 3 panels, you must wire as
image below, and need a cross-connect cable, estimate l meter, and feed to Solar
combiner pole. Have two electric box for this system
- Leftover 3 panels will use one pair solar combiner pole.
6. Solar power system with Power cabinet of ZTE wire diagram


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