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fecal ey ActiFry maz. Priel Rete: atl ed Innovating for your health’s sake ‘ood nutrition means nat only having a varied ond Dolonced diet...but clso taking care to choose healthy food ingredients when cocking. How these are prepared and cooked makes a real difference to their nutritional and sensory values. ‘And because ail food preparation and cooking appliances are not equal, Teefeat has ceveloped a tange of products that ore dedicated to NUTRITION FOR GREATER PLEASURE: ingenious culinary appliances which preserve the nutritional integrity of food and cilow the taste ofthe ingredients to be fully apprecioted Bringing you proof At the forefront of nutritional developments, TFs investing in research and innovation to bring you unique solutions with nutitional advantages that are validated by scientific studies. Informing you \Whenit comes to nutrition, TeAFaa. os always provided practical soltions inthe chen helping you to prepare your meals qui ond enjoybly Every day, pubic tealth zsves and our changing Westies strengthen Teel desire to make the tesics of nutritional good practice avalable to everyone ona daly bast Day after day, the Tefal. Nutritious & Delicious range will help you to ochieve dietary balance without sacrificing culinary pleasure. ve —7J nutamous & DELICIOUS es es eS es ea se: es ea es == Making healthy eating a real pleasure ove all, eating should be a pleasurable experience, involving the sharing of Dare cratrencship totng wal, however cls Inked toheatth and weltbeine. eating plays c key role n the prevention of major diseases such os heart diabetes, some cancers and obesity, and in keeping you and your ‘amily ip good health. Our reason for creating the recipes inthis booklet wasto help ‘you and your family optimise your det while in no way compromising the taste of food or the enjoyment of eating. ee ee one ted ‘a low fot content: a precious aid in the fight against obesity end heart ‘disease. Accompanied by vegetables ond saled, fruits, low fat dairy produce, lean ‘meats, fish and pulses, chips cooked in this way fit perfectly into.a balanced diet for the pleasure of young and old alike. Actiry aso allows you to cook other foods to perfection: vegetables, meats is and fruits, recipe booklet isa colourful collection of tasty and varied dishes cooked ina evolutionery oppliancel The contents have been carefully chosen in order to bing you the maximum sausfoction in terms of taste as wel es nutition. All ofthe reaipes have been carefuly cieated in order to toke account of the nutritional benefits of each ingredient and of its ole as part of a balanced diet. eo of tre ects en rutin ae doe ace oth ih ieS Spruce end ne ped porter atertin to ewer ond eingot or teen cr pea the atonal oration hs ee ea With ActiFry, learning how to prepare balanced meals could not be easier... enjoy tasty dishes with less fat to help keep you healthy. Enjoying your food reyy doy, we need to eat ond crink to satsty ou day energy requrersents end cba the ‘ener nutients out bodies eed A balanced dit should prove: Soffer energy (calories. ats end essential ruven suchcsproten,vaomns and ners «+ A.good bolance of food intake Between the ferent meats 1 Am evenly dstrted supply of energy ond nutens thoughout the doy owere we lien an enviorment where healthy choces are not always the eases hoes, ‘we ely heovdy on processed fods and et onthe go’ muchofthetime. No-one woud suggest tte eat os ou ancestors bd but if we belewe eating for heath s important, then we need to ‘2dopt to ty’ esis and opine eur mtational heath Achieving a healthy balance 1 2 ©)(0)(N) (a) (ur atlorsof rt andvegetables every day Busting with esentl vitamins neal ontonidant ‘tents ond fire they're ovtl part of yout heathy eating plan. ‘axe meas on storchy cibehyctote foods for energy and xe. ote shat ft stoked to heart disease, ond i rot essential inthe cet. atmore fish: both white Fi low in fat and ich in eutsens) and oy fic, Am fo a east 0 servings of fsh a week induding one ening of oly fish (samo; mackere:pichards sardines). Wah portion ses epecily fy. eg foadc ond ty tobe ahethy weight ‘cx down on st — eat abel an hep you nike oom 6 ery. Dink erty of water and fds — atleast 6-8 gases every. Stor coh dy with breast “ake time to enjoy your foc st down ct the ible and savour every mouth Balance and variety: the food group approach ‘Storch foods: bread, other cereals and potatoes Eataverety everyday alltyps court towards your 52-day. including eh, frazen,camed fend cred. Fut uceis high n sugar 0 only counts nce a doy. ‘ne portion is approximetely 80g (or 3 tablespoons] vegetables. «bow of solod.a whole rut ‘banana, apple or orange) ortwo ara ones (plums satsumas). ‘Two to three servings each day wil provide essentiolcacium for heathy bones and teeth, some & ond fot soluble tami. Choose lower fat mik, cheese and yogurts for maximum colar, but low started fot intoke Meat, fish and atesnatives Two servings a day are needed to provide protein, ion and other rinerls end vitamins. ‘Choose from: lean red meet, pout, sh, eggs, beans, ents, dhl ruts, tofu and seeds Fatty and sugary foods Cooking cis and sme ft spreads contain essen fats ond fat slube witamins (AD and E) which we need in smell amounts for good health Use sparingly. Many foods in this 'oup however, high in saturated fets and sugar, such as cakes, Bacuts pasties and eavury snacks so lit your itoke and include occasionally in small amounts. Re ee A Keep wel hyércted thoughout the day wih at least 5.8 cps fd very doy. incucing water, het drinks (incucing some tee/otee/ut or herbi tees) and low sugar oF sugar fee cold denis. I youdnk alcoho kep to the senile del rts of no morethan 23 unis of aleol {or women and 3-4 units fr men. The potato: part of your healthy balance tates can be eaten by anyone of any age! Potatoes ar popular mete the UK, ‘cften wrondly bemed fer being fattening. In fct they ore low in ot. Fling and fl of ‘vtornin Cand other ardent rutents. ‘Viewally tre. on avenge jacket potato, exten wih the stn. contales 250 colries, SOg ‘caorycrte, are ames one quarter of dt xe, woman folate and potassium, 0s wel as ver ha your tam BE daly need. “The nein potata skins ts tmportant. itr inprowes gene heath, and helps preven the ‘ld up of hrf toni. Fibre may ao duce the rk af heart eave and some cancer, ‘ond can promot cfeing of fulness, so helping to reduce snacking between meat. As well as providing many essential trace elements, the potato alse contains @ variety of phytochemicals (beneficial plant compounds) known to act as protective antioxidants in the body. These include: ene peepresntieres eee ee eer Which variety of potato should I use? FR get eciy arenereerl yor wretches reoenreerdedic crying nyo’ Aci Inemary supermakets ther is infomation onthe packaging teling you which varieties ae stable fo rating dips. We recommend varieties suchas King Edwerd aed Mats Piet for good resus. [Ai the begining ofthe main cop stazon or whan potatos have been feshly havested they may howe = higher water content. so we ache you cack the chips for «few more minutes Remember that using diferent petro veretis does esultina diferent taste, tere ard Reveut Act deo lows you to prepare fen chips. Ae these oe pre conta in ll ding processing ts net necessary to ad any moe oi Where should I store potatoes? ‘Thebeet pace to :tore potatoe: ined, coo ay capo bataeen 6 and Cay from the igh How should I prepare potatoes for Actifry? ‘To cbuni te bestresuts you mst ensure that the cipsdo rot stick together. Wan this mind wash the whole statocs ad thon eather intechipe ung acharpinfearchipcatterThecipe auld be afacual ‘ze sotat they cl cookat the same tne. ‘Wet the chipped potatoes plenty of cols water nt ure cor inorder fo reowe oo mich ofthe torch poste Dy the ches thought using a highly absorbent ean ten towel. The chips mst be perfectly ary Beare putting themin the Acti otherwise they wil nat tur cspy To ceckthey re dy enough patthem with ap chen towel ut afore cooking If there any wetness on the papery them agin ‘ermemter the cootirg time ofthe chips wil vary according tothe weight of chips and the bach of potatoes wed, How should I cut the potatoes? ‘Teste ofa chp fluences hew crunchy ost. The thier your cps, the more crunchy they wil bbe end convey, tke ips willbe softer nade ‘Yeu con cus yur chips t the Fllowrng thickness ceeding to your teste: ‘American syle: 8x ren ‘Thies 10x 16rem ‘Standard: 13 13m (maxsmuen recommended heres) A guide eel) ee UC mld Vin eet se port oy at Tse fay a may curated ‘or polpnsctumated The fatty acd compton of on of “determines fs appearance, action to het and col emperctres ntitiona value and eects “nthe body, Saturated fats: The moe saturcted the fot. the more ty 1s tobe sod at room temperature. For example, ‘coconut oll palm of, ghee and animal Soe (buter, lord. ping awe high scturted fatty cid contents Eating « et rich in soturcted fot hasbeen shown towaise "bad chaste the tood (Low Dest upopotetn o 1 chokesteofwhichican increase nso hea disease. Scruated fat ct extent inthe det Monounsaturated fats: These Fe os witha igh oe ood contert. Monoursetues fatty cis ore patiadaly prevalent in live of rapeseed of and nut ols sich as pramat a, Moncurtirates Hep lower LDL cholera ca helping to maintain a helt heat Replace some saturated ‘at wth moncunsaturted fs and ol for qood health. Polyunsaturated fats: | sroll aroun of polyumaturcted fet exert for good helt, a they provide essen ft acids, which can’t be mode by the body. There ere tuo main typex: OmegeS ond Omege-3.and the distor, balance between the two 5 portent. These fatty aces ae known to lower LOL chcesterl, so offer protection against heart sease However athigh evelsthey can ols lower the “goed” chelestere (High Density Lipoprteinor LDL cholesterol. Omega fas, such as Unoeic ci. re found rainy in sunflower com, safflower and soyaot. ‘These ats frm part of ewe ces ard oe esentl fr heathy vsion and bran development in infarts They ko help maintain aheathy heart and may hel to prevent srokesandhear dase fads. Omege: fats hae an antiinflarratory olin the body and ae often used ta manage ‘heumetoid and other inernmatory forms of erthis. ‘They ore mainly found in cll ih but some vegetable oe contain the ‘erent’ fatty acd, Alpha Unolenic acd, sech os: seed, soya, walnut and rapeseed oi Pik kekeateted Seturate ots palm cecenut of Monoursoture fs Olve and rapeseed and os Smeg 5 8 anfowey, calfower, com end say of ‘Omega 3 fos: rapesee carol, walrut, soya inseed is 1 Gourmet cuisine Mie atin Make real gour ike them! Acie chip re crunchy ‘nd sot nse thanks 10 ou pater techalogies the stering pail whch gently stibutes the itn the not forced at. Choose your Ingredients, of pices herbs ad seasonings..ond let Acti take core of the rest t chips just as you Tre Cae we YOurseif and your cn Only 3% fat 1 spoonful (14m of oil's enough One poor the oof your hice lows yuo rma epsom 1h of pete You conbesur of sing ext the sgh onourt tars to the rdvate pon hs supp ste apptonce “Acortig to you tases and wishes, you may asd an extra spoon of for an even taster rout. Try a variety of different oils for good health You can use any fb, even the rarest ar mast expensive. They add tste and some wil oo provide the essontial ty acide needed for god health. Try anew oil eer ie yes cook! Cook frozen foods too Frarenfoods ore agood alternative totes produce They are practi nd the fering rOCest 2c 2: anata precanative lacking in netents ond taco. * 1h pocatoes ct into chips toa thickness ‘aah of ot ActiFry cooking hints and tips “+ Doct odd sal to chips wee the cps re the pon. Only a salt once the chips ae remored {rom te applence atthe end of cooking. |+ When adding dade ond spicesto Actfy, mir themuithsare allrliqud yeu try sinking ‘them diet rt the pen they wl ust get blown around by the hota yt. “+ Forest resus. use fel hopped garcinsteat of cused gui tool ahetng to te ctrl paddle. ‘+ Pease nate tht trong colored sicesmay sight stain the paddle and patsofthe appar. Ths ‘snormat “+ Hasing nionsin Aci recs they are best thinly iced instead of chopped a they cook better. ‘Separate the onion the sings before adding them tothe pan and ge ther aqui sis that they crementy dstrouted, + With meat en pouty des, stop the appliance and tithe pan once or twice ring coking so ‘thot the fed en op does nt dry aut ache ds thicker evenly. + Prepare venetablesin smal lees ost fy size to ensure they cook through Balanced menus for the week Dietary balance is not achieved in one meal, with careful planning, it happens ‘over the whole week! Risirmportant, therefore to chones 0 verety of different foods every day. Thuy cut recip bok, ‘offs you numerous erigial recipes soreat out over to weeks, s pr of nutty bclanced ments ‘Themes. oe roctcal and simple to produce thanks to Aci. More than cny other meek breckast ploy on exzentil rola in a heathy eating plan. wel penned ‘st meal of the dy rot only restock ou body with energy ard muens after clang night of fsting ings wa sedi the IRethood of racking ond hunger pangs ltr [As part ofa bolanced mena, te erect bolnced trea structure ound four essential elernents cone drink one dairy product, one cereal product and one fut whole juced or stewed, Whateve your preference ty toincide these os the bess of your bralfest. For ou part, we sive to select al of ou rods wth care based onthe Autiboral ques and taste n oder to make tis esse! me fet tasty moment of your dy Lunch and dinner should each contribute approximately 13 ofthe day's etary requirements Aim to Include, a main couse (meat fe accompanied by starchy cxbehydate fous ond vegetables @ choose cr day product anda ut Keep te the pe on page 6 to ache ahaa bance NCC mee Wholegrain cereal Wholegain crea with mikandior wth ik and/or toact ond tone ond | Jpmimannelade _jemimarnalade Freshcriedor ‘rest, ed or owed frat stewed Ft Teakotee Teakefiee cresesoles = Momrarcta oette ‘tomatoes drizled wth rpeceod ot Lunch strawberies and Custy bread rot ‘aif fat cdme Over bated anole wah reine Filet ofseabream Vegetable soup withlemon ice Sausage and san Green ood scssoulet with smashed oteto Di Potato wedaes with Mer —netsand secs | Small pececf cheese one gopes Norra yoghurt sliced pears and chocolate cp otc emt coe need ane on BARE eae Wholegain corel wth rik analoe toot an Jjervinermalade ‘Siig wth cearme ‘saricand chive dip ean ela nh sicedtomatoes Fees frit Low ft fut yogurt Gees lab chop ‘ith mize herb New potatoes over- baked tomatoes ‘cited pinsaaple ‘wth fest igs ad ‘xia honey are ed Whclegin cereal Wholegain corel wen mikand/or wh ei and for fort with test with Jjomimammalede jomiarmalade Fresh diedor ——Fresh,ded or stewed ft owed fat Teakcoftee Tealcftee Sokedjockst potato Pasta wih Tomato vwithtasty tuna ondbasl sauce Nati yoghurt Chenytomatoes with Cupped tes Fresh fut Thaispice chicken Madogoscan beet ‘ondsougetes sth spiced mack wath noodesor “Somtale mses brownrice Smal piece of Frtcumblowsh “seer end gape tur yoghurt, rornage fais: cto’ ad Fresh died ‘stewed rut eile bacon, mushrooms ond Gecnery hole bead Teakcofiee ota wees ith tos and spices saced with Bed sees le Salas Frac ft Gandy geen sgetnble sticky a prowns erred ‘with noodles er frown ree ‘le wedgeswth fmnamon sagt Frit Smoothie ‘Scrambled egy on toosted bagel Galle tomatoce Teatcortee fast chicken | served wan green Det potatoes with sesame 2635 Fritcnumble ard Melon and Perma £99 sd with new pctotoes Leow fet ft yoghurt 8 re nme A Coes (0g a Bet mT See mmm Wrolegan cred Wholegaincerest Whedegin creat Wioleganceesl Wholegaincereal Frat Smoothie Fret. dred or with and lor witymikard ior withkand or with kan or wt mikand fr stewed Fut ‘toast with toost with toast with ‘toast with ‘toast wth Pouchedeggs on Breakfast Jmamane —jan/inamdde _jamfnarmaede jevincmecide — jomfmanciade SRE Giled eases Fresh. dried or ‘Fresh, dried or Fresh, dried or Fresh. dried or ‘Fresh cried or Siete Stedbors Sewcliut stewed wed ft sowed stewed nt aS = Teatcftee rence Teatotee Talcott ‘eakomee Terntosclad _‘Homsclad sandwich Soh Jaret ptt sop Salad aiman Pozo rele set ciaiedwtholve ongunary bead wah boked beans sane wt sald ‘mah mid aod ot and green saad ony ‘Served with tomato gad peanut and fresh rt lowfat fuityoout: arden sold Santa chine Lunch — siceorqucre frst mene ‘ye reese om ot yout Fre ft levcrsam hous pale venblad oppe ‘wth re Feit Vegetatiosoup Lage scr of melon Chien neh ‘Gilad aaah wah Melon Bctedfietof Tukey ith tee nea ‘agnia caps ond sarmon bespen ered om on cane me) tayo tats Seaisae amet ant sont es bios with artic Green beans: {filet served with ‘New potatoes and Tometees end Masdselad —brownsceer nce of mis Fut curble with Dinner —Moedsatea ‘prawns a ong POU Deby vecetaties — castord Seve REWER Fait crumbieond SMa pce immeadiy Chochtemowe Sena ts oom ae dencond gape youost Note ee cof enfin oc a eset 7 cS Peanut ra and bacon chips es es | + 800013141 potatoes Almond chips + 800 g (131418) potatoes 1S Iohtolve ot +1 grouncnet ot © 2 ground almonds + Sattota opto : + 19 gener - es © 4g (1172 02) s0lted peonuts ea 1050017 een bcon ce | Pest pttoesandcat he nt cnx em (/2i83 Vn dp ise ee 1) the ped pte brought the bythe wl ow te = ea ret pote ani en cn en 2 12 ps se “|. the chipped potatoes thoroughly dain, then dry them wall on @ ean tea Moc the alive el groundnut of ane ground clmands in a romekin or al eh Ploce the chips inthe Actifry pan. Dre the ol evenly over the cops Cook Place the chips inthe Acifry pan. Oreze the oi! and ground almond mite eee "evenly over the chips. Cook for 30-35 minutes, until the chips re ceoted ‘Meanwnee, pace the peanuts ara csp ma blender oF food processor an 3) tend ent combi Finely cnuhed (to the consistency of coane 4 Serve immediately, pickled with alk to tart, F ested ee ore sare! 4, Snot pean mitre evenly ove he chips inte Ati. Cock for 0 Fi aasipor adie futher 5 minutes, runt the rips oe cooked. Serve immediately. 195 kcal 81910 236 teal 991143 Proteins 4 g + Carbohydrate: 28 9 eae is oceida ae + Fat 8g + Fiore:2 Fat 105 © Fbre:3g © Seturated ot 1 9 = Sele: trace aac re eae num ® Y LU Cajun-spiced potato wedges = 800g 13/4 1b)smal potatoes let unpeeled +1 Gun seasoning = 3 light oreo © 2 plain our + Salt and feshly ground black pepper. to taste + Chopped fresh fctecf parse, to garesh (option) ‘Gateach potat (leave the shins cn inte 4 or 6 ever wedges, depending on | ther size. Rinse the potato wedges thoroughly, dra, then ry them wean ‘clcon toa tows Pace the potato wedges In @ ge Low Add te Cajun seasoning and 2 Act spoonful of of ond tos to mix unt the potatoes ore well coated 2 Pace the potato wedges inthe Actify pan. then deze the remaining cil evenly over the weeges. Cook fer about 35 minutes or unl the potato vweegee are cooked ‘Add seascning to taste and gamish wth ¢spenting of chopped parsey, f ested. Sen the potato wedges witha Seection of dips Use other het or pice mines such as Gare & Herb, Barbecue orJernaicon Jetkin place ofthe Cojun seasoning. 286 keal 1120710 ~ Protein 6 g = Sctwatedtottg = Fibre kg - Fag © Carbohydrate: 4B > Salt trace i i Sweet potatoes with sesame seeds 200 9 (134) sweet potatoes 2 tgtone ot 2 plain Four 1 toned sesame cil 2 sesame seeds ‘Sal nd feshiy ground black pepper to tote 2S snipped ech chives (optienal) eet the potatoes Cut euch potato cossways io ses about 1 cm (1/2 i) thick Rinse the potato sices thoroughly, din, then dry them wal on @ dean | Pace the potata slices in large bowl. Add the oreo end toss to max uti Pace the potato slices nthe Acury pan, then dra the sescne ol evenly ower the slices. Cook for 25 minutes Srv he sesame seeds evenly over the potatos inthe Actiry and cook {or 0 further 510 minutes, of until the potato sles are cooled. Add seasoning to taste. Spine over the snipped chives, fdested and save the ota sices with a selection of dis. “Ty snfloner or pumphin seeds in place of sesame seeds 213keat/ 9900) © Protein: 3g © Soturted ft: Fe:29 + Fetes © Corbohydeate: 39 Sete woce RTe(T atmo Cem Pyles 9 Cocktail dip Serves: 6 + Preparation: 5 min 200m (7 Max) reducedcaleie mayonnase = 1/2 wespoon Worcestershte sauce = 4 cme fraiche tootioant = 20 tomatoketchup. plus alte eva _* Few ops of Tabasco sauce optondl) togaenish = Sit and freshly ground black pepper, to + 1 easpoon lemon juice — ) Pace the mayorneive and cere fiche ine bow! ard nic we S) Ade the tomato ketchup, enon juice and Worcestershire sauce and Tabac, fusing. St 10 2) mix wet <>). Seocontatoste with at and pepper Spoon the mite intaa small serving bowl gornich with > asmatlswttot tomato ketchup, ested, ond serve wih cooked potato wedges O Chips. 120k 490k) jmtasts J secmasaanac aig’ 01 Serrated Pee + conajanng =o seg Creamy garlic & chive dip Sere: «Preparation: 10 minute + 150mi(pitick wmedcmamer —~ Zag eon fed chopped = + 23 tablespoons snipped fresh chives, plas +150 (14 pet pan homage rs sees + 2 don pa chad «Sand esl ound Hack pape, tote D))_Pacette souredcream ox cémefaiche and tremage raisin a bow and mix together unt well ssonded. ‘Stein the garke spring onions, snipped chives and seasoning, mibing well Spoon the mite ‘nto @ small serving bowl and gorrish witha sprnking of extia snipped chives. Serve with cocked potato wedges oF chips. ” + Use 12smal shall in ple of spring ortons + Use edeced calorie moyonncite in place of soured cream or fomage fr + Use chopped fesn mexednerdsin pace of chives 125 kal 5170 + Protec 2g + Scwaiedt8g + ‘Fike 01g + Rot 129 + Carbotyeete2g + Sal ace oOuU"e Avocado dip Sens « reparation: YO minstes = sarees — (eae Selden des «6 recede * ‘So end ety round lack pepper. 10 yore — +1 dove gare, crushed (optional) =) Hoke sone and pel he arcs Place he flesh in a bow withthe lemon cee rsh > ur snoctn ond combed Strinthe mayomas. gar sng. speg ones ond sipped ces nd mi wel Season 2) toterte wah zl ond pepper Spo int @ smal ning bow and sere with conte pats wedges oF chips Fora slightly creamer dip, add ite extra rayonnaie. to su your taste, + Usecreme facheinploce of mayonnaise f desired 126 4c 15110 Protons g Seuatedfat3g - Fve 17g + ReT3¢ + Carbohytote:2@ + SctO2g Red pepper dip Serves: 6 + Preparetion: 10 minutes + 1509 (51/2 ex ciemefioxne + 1 teaspoon lemon juice + 2 dove gore, runes = Sat and freshly ground back pepper to = 1 small shall. finely chopped + V2 smaled pepper seeded and ded ‘+ V2-snat green pepper, seeded and diced = Pope, to taste (optional + bate Feely chopped rad and green pepper to garish Place the cme fiche, gu slot. red and green peppess and lemon juice in a blender or food procesot Blend intl ristuelysmonth and well mines ‘Add salt and popper totaxt, together wth alte papa, uring and Blend to mi ‘Spoon the miu into snc serving bowl, garish with extra finely chopped red and green ‘eppersand sene with cooked potato wedges or chips. ‘7k 3999 + Protein 19 + Setuatediot:79 + Fibre:0.20 + Fatt0g + Carbohydrate: 1g + Salt tace 3 Thai-spiced chicken with courgettes 500g (1b 2 0) sides + 2tearpeons corflout boneless chicken beasts cut hens: + 3.99 events 1 dove gc finely chopped 2 gm dey shery 25 am (tin) piece feshroot | > ego sont soy sce ‘ginger, peed end finely ‘chopped + 1 M750 1 sal fresh ed cil. seeded—__SSONING rd finely hopped 1 Saltand fleshy ground blac 2 tyhe tne ot ee ‘ F + 223g(¢a)cmbarboo smal redpeppe ond tna * 22396 c0)ca green pepper, seeded and diced + 259 cropped test 1 courgete, thinly steed ae 7) Pecetbe icin oa. goer and chil the Actry pn, then dade the ‘i cient at th gh Cook fer Bente 2) dene parc ond corgattato the Act and cooker S mines 33) Meanwle. ina sat bow blend he cornflour wth the ale ce then sin the shery, sy sauce. 7 pice seasoning and salt ond pepe. Ak the comflurmistre cn bamboa shoots tothe Acti. Ste gently Yo mix 4.) Cook fe 73 mutes of unt the chicken 1s cooked and tender. SU in the chopped covlonderand sane with cooled es o agg rode 1+ Ure turiny breast teokin place of chicken + Use Chinese Spice seosoning n place of Thal 7-pce seasoning Good source of fle 314 kcal 1319.0 + Protein: 379 + Saturated fat 2g + Fire dg + Fat 10g + Carbohydrate 18g = “Sat22g Turkey with three peppers ‘+ 3peppers(1 red Tgeenand 1 + 1 teespoon cornflour yelow) seeded and cit into. omy Brpror deed eee 600 g (1B 5 x) tury breast steak cut thi sips (about Vox 3 aw¥2inx1i/4in) & & & & & & e e ‘+ Use chicken or lean potk in place of turkey. + Use standard white) onion of 23 shalots in place of red onion Lewin sotorcted fat. 260 teal 10924) c + Protein 3g + Sotuatedfor tg + Fe 2g + Facag + Carbetyciawe:10g + Salt 02g A I J +112 cider vinegae 2 ignoneat ao Tefouneinyaes ——* Sttintygeond et AR ee eee ie cee ce the peppers inthe Act pon, Ors the of evenly ove the pepper (ook for 5 minutes ‘Ad the onion ond garlic to the Acty ad cook for S mutes. ‘Ac the tury erp to the Acti. Ino smalbow, end the cerflur wth tho por and viregar. Ad ths mtureto the Acury togetes with some seasoning ook for a futher 10-15 minster, or until the turkay ic unged brown and ‘cooked Stop the ActiFry once twice dzing cooking ond tithe mocure using ‘wooden 2pcon er spatul “Sore with boled see or noodes, or boked potatoes and green vegetcbles Sweet and sour pork fillet 199 comfour purewato * Sat and freshly ground Back ‘oct the pork stro pepper to wste 6 tes wine = 6009 (1 5 ox) pork ile o 300 al (12 pit pramctn otk tenderon, ct nto sips 150 mi (1/4 pint} uneweetened * 7 oriors.tinly steed ‘opp juice 2 2 ign ceo 2 red wine vinegar +2 doves atc ney chopped 2 igntccttbrownsugar (OPP 1 tomato puree 1a jug: tow. blend the comfleur with the red wine until spooth, then stir 7) inthe posta, apple jie, vinegar, sug tomato puree and scaring, ‘mixing well Set aside. In a large bow lightly coat the sties oF port with ‘eddivonal comfour Set aside ace the anionsin the Act pan, then izle the cil evenly over the elon. 2.) Cooker 5 minucs. Add the prepared portend gat 1 wsing to the ACUFY cond cook or § minutes, Stir the pok to seperate the pieces then sin the prepared sweet and sour 3) 228 Cookforcfurthe 10 minutes or nt the pon cocked and tender nd the sauce is thickened. Stop the ActFy once during cooking and str the mouse using a wooden spoon or spate. 1») ist the eeoning to tnt ond see wih cooked ice meshed potatoes ‘ond stifred song Geers or cabbage ‘Useleanbeef.lamb or chicken breast in place of pork 465 teal 195449 Prtein:51.6 + Soturted ft: 5.6 + Fibce:1 ¢ Fett? + Corbohydrate: 255 = Sd 14g ea Chilli con carne 1 onion, thinly seed +21 teaspoon hot cult “1 arallred pepper. zeeded.and Powder. oF tose finely Sd + Salt and echly ground black 12 frecheed chiles (depending PePPe-CoUste ontaste seeded ardfinely — * 2 SO ‘omato puree chopped + About 350 mi (12a) hot 1 ight one ot best sect 500g(11b 2ox) leon minced + 100g (thes) can chopped ‘et oko up wth ork tomatoes ‘teaspoon EACH ground cumin + 100 g (140%) can sed kidney ‘ard ground corander beors ered and ree Pace the onion. ed pepper and chiles nthe AtFry pan then drizale the il 77») Skt overt top. Cao fF 5 minutes Ad the minced beet othe Ay breaking up the beef with « fork. Cook for S minutes cr until the meat is cobuedisened al over Mic the ground spices and seasoning withthe tomato pute. then ste this {») mature ino 200 mi (7 2) of the beet stk. Ade the stock mute ard canned teatoas tothe Actifey. Cook fr 25 minutes. Stop the Ate once ‘ortwce dung cookng ona sir the moctre useng awouden spoon orspauk ‘Ad the corned beans ard the remcining 150m 1 pint) hot bee tk ord {3 >)

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