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These are my daily activities.
I get up around five o’clock every morning. Than, I do Subuh praying. Afterwards I do exercises.
At around 7 o’clock, I eat breakfast with my family. I go to my office. I usually arrive at my office
around 8 o’clock.
And I have a recess from 12 to 1 p.m. I go home at 5 p.m. and I usually arrive at home around
6.30 p.m. I always eat my dinner with my family around 7.30 p.m.
Afterwards I watch TV and about 10 p.m. I go to sleep.

These are my activities during the week.

During the week, I work for the company. I play tennis every Saturday. I go shopping with my
family every Sunday. I sometimes visit my parents on Sunday and go on a picnic on Sunday.

Answer the following questions!

What do I do after Subuh praying?
What time do I eat my breakfast?
What do I do after I eat my dinner?
Whom do I eat my dinner with?
What activities do I sometimes do on Sunday?

Tell your daily activities!

I get up around ________________________________________________________________

Tell your activities during the week

During the week I _______________________________________________________________

Sentence pattern

Subject + Infinitive Verb + Object +Adverb

Ex: I study English every night
We play basketball every Sunday.
They write letters to their every month.
You watch TV every morning.

Subject + Infinitive Verb +S, ES, IES + Object +Adverb

EX: Ali sees his doctor every month.
Judith washes her clothes every morning.
Amir studies his lessons every night.

Tennis (n) =_________ football (n) =_________
Volleyball (n) =_________ badminton (n) =_________
Aerobics (n) =_________ sometimes (adv) =_________
Usually (adv) =_________ often (adv) =_________
Seldom (adv) =_________ never (adv) =_________
Exercise (n)/(v) =_________ sports (n) =_________
Sweep (v) =_________ floor (n) =_________
Invite (v) =_________ friend (n) =_________
Shopping (n) =_________ store (n) =_________
Stay (n) =_________ TV program (n) =_________
On (prep) =_________ next to (prep) =_________
Across from (prep) =_________ in front of (prep) =_________
Between (prep) =_________ behind (prep) =_________

Conversational Practice:
Please make a dialog based on the following situation.


Janet is having IELTS test for speaking subject. Tom is a person who is interviewing her. Tom
asks Janet about her daily activities during the week and what she usually does at weekend.
Janet tells activities during the week and what she usually does at weekend.

Make sentences using above vocabularies and sentence patterns give.


Last week I went to Bogor. I visited some friends of mine. We met at mall there. We had a small
reunion. We ate lunch together, saw a movie and had rujak party. I did not expect to spend a
lot of time gathering with my friends, but they insisted me to stay a night there. Well, I could
not refuse their offer. So, I had to stay in Bogor for two days. I had a wonderful time.

Tell your activities last weekend!

Last weekend I _________________________________________________________________

Sentence pattern

Subject + Verb II + Object +Adverb (+)

Did + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Subject + did + not (didn’t) + Verb I + Object + Adverb (-)

Ex: I saw a movie last night (+) Tanti played a game last week (+)
Did you see a movie last night (?) Did she play a game last week (?)
I did not see a movie last night (-) She did not play a game last week (-)

Rindi wrote a latter last month. (+) John visited Surabaya a year ago (-)
Did she write a letter last month (?) Did he visit Surabaya a year ago (?)
She did not write a letter last month (-) He didn’t visit Surabaya a year ago(-)


A trip (n) =___________ a vacation (n) =_________

Housework (n) =___________ a play (n) =_________
A lot of fun (n) =___________ an art exhibition (n) =_________
Spend (v) =___________ relax (v) =_________
Snorkeling (n) =___________ scuba diving (n) =_________
Raft (n) =___________ hiking (n) =_________
An excursion (n) =___________ do (v) =_________
Karate (n) =___________ jogging (n) =_________
A picnic (n) =___________ a countryside (n) =_________
Sailing (n) =___________ hunting (n) =_________
Fishing (n) =___________ water skiing (n) =_________
Climb (v) =___________ mountain (n) =_________
Grow up (v) =___________ move (v) =_________
Used to (v) =___________ graduate (v) =_________
Become (v) =___________ traffic jam (n) =_________
Catch (v) =___________ a train (n) =_________
Build (v) =___________ subway (n) =_________
Pedestrian (n) =___________ improve (v) =_________
Dance club (n) =___________ throw out (v) =_________
Originally (adv) =___________ collect (v) =_________
Newsstand (n) =___________ restroom (n) =_________
Leisure (n) =___________ appearance (n) =_________
Snack (n) =___________ recipe (n) =_________
Chores (n) =___________ neighborhood (n) =_________
Convenient (adj) =___________ safe (adj) =_________

Conversational Practice
Please make a dialog based on the following situation.

Rudy is having an interview for a job. Rita is the interviewer. She checks his English proficiency
by asking what Rudy did last weekend. Rudy tells her what he did last weekend.

Make sentence using above vocabularies and sentence patterns given.


Next week I am going to visit my grandmother in Bandung. I am going to stay there for about a week. I
am also going to visit my cousin there. I am going to go shopping there, too. I am going to visit some
tourist attractions. On the way to go back to Jakarta, I am going to stay I Puncak for two days. I really
hope to have a wonderful time.

My sister doesn’t have any plans for the next weekend. She will stay at home or see a movie. I think she
will help me keep while I am away next weekend because she is a good sister.

Tell your activities next weekend!

Next week I am going to ________________________________________________________________


Sentence pattern

Subject + Will +Infinitive Verb +Object +Adverb

EX: I will call study next Friday.

Ani and Budi will study next Friday.
My parents will buy us souvenir tomorrow.

Turn on (v) =__________ turn off =__________
Turn up (v) =__________ turn down (v) =__________
Retire (v) =__________ rent (v) =__________
Rush hour =__________ hide-and-seek (n) =__________
Fare (n) =__________ Roller blade (n) =__________
Comic (n) =__________ immigrant (n) =__________
Recently (adv) =__________ appetizer (n) =__________
Shrimp (n) =__________ reservation (n) =__________
Vaccination (n) =__________ lie (v) =__________
Lay (n) =__________ quit (v) =__________
Set (v) =__________ fly (v) =__________
Fight (v) =__________ ring (v)/ (n) =__________
Steal (v) =__________ crowded (adj ) =__________
Dangerous (adj) =__________ attractive (adj ) =__________
Popular (adj ) =__________ heavy (adj ) =__________
Scary (adj) =__________ scream (adj) =__________
Airport (n) =__________ take off (v) =__________
Schoolmate (n) =__________ valuable (adj) =__________
Independence (n) =__________ praise (n)/ (adj) =__________
Religion (n) =__________ pick (v) =__________
Depend on (n) =__________ display (v) =__________
Recall (v) =__________ remain (v) =__________
Control (v)/(m) =__________ pretend ( v) =__________
Pass away (v) =___________ wander (v) =___________
Shore (n) =___________ crawl (v) =___________
Wonder (v) =___________ lonesome (adj) =___________
Release (v) =___________ fool (n) =___________
Deny (n) =___________ resist (v) =___________

Conversation practice:
Please make a monolog based on the following situation:


Today is Friday. Ms. Shinta asks her students to tell their activities that they are going to do this
coming weekend. Every student tells his activities for this coming weekend.

Make sentence using above vocabularies and sentence patterns given.


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